How to drink living and dead water harm. Making living and dead water with your own hands. Dead water properties

"Living" and "dead" water.

Can it be used? Any health remedy can and should be used for your treatment and recovery. This also applies to the so-called "living" and "dead" water.

"Live" and "dead" water is obtained by electrolysis. "Living" water has pronounced alkaline, healing properties, and "dead" - acidic, disinfectant.

Passing electric current through water also changes its internal structure, erasing harmful environmental information. As a result of treatment with electric current, water acquires healing properties.

Depending on the disease, the stage of its development, alkaline - "living" - or acidic - "dead" - water is used. The use of "living" and "dead" water for the treatment of a number of diseases.

Cleansing system with charged water and Malakhov's recipes

It's important to know! In almost all recipes for the use of such charged water, the terms Catholyte (living water) and Anolyte (dead water) are used. It is important to remember their names so that when reading a new recipe, you immediately understand what kind of water we are talking about.

Catholyte and anolyte (living and dead water) are used in the treatment of certain diseases, as well as for their prevention.

Recipes for the use of living and dead water for diseases of the mucous membranes:

  • runny nose - washing every 5 hours with anolyte (adults), for children - instill 1 drop no more than 3 times a day. The course of application is 3 days.
  • gastritis, ulcers and inflammation of the gastric mucosa - use catholyte half a glass before meals 20 minutes up to 5 times during the day (adults), children - half a glass 2 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

The course of admission is 5 days. Catholyte has a slightly alkaline environment, which is why it reduces acidity in the stomach, thereby reducing inflammation and healing the mucous membrane.

  • diathesis or inflammation of the oral mucosa - rinsing the mouth with catholyte and compresses from it for 5-7 minutes. The duration of the procedure is 5 days, 6 times a day.

G.D. Lysenko

Treatment of living and dead water

Poor health since childhood forced me to use medicines. The grandmother with whom I lived did not recognize pharmacy pharmacology. Apparently, she also gave me faith in the limitless possibilities of traditional medicine, in the recipes of a natural pharmacy. I firmly decided to strengthen my health, temper myself, and became a regular military man.


The order of the procedures, the results

Prostate adenoma

Every month for 20 days, half an hour before meals, take 150 g of "live" and "dead" water (every other day). Then another 5 days to drink "living" water. It is advisable to additionally take “dead” water at night.
- Lying in the bath, do a perineal massage of the striae of the shower.
- Do a finger massage through the perineum, very carefully.
- Enema from warm "living" water, 200 g.
- At night, put a compress on the perineum from "living" water, after washing with soap and moistening the perineum with "dead" water, allowing it to dry.
- When setting up a compress, insert a candle from peeled raw potatoes into the anus, after soaking it in “living” water.
- As a massage - cycling.
- Sunbathing.
- Useful regular sex life, but during intercourse do not regulate ejaculation.
- Eat more garlic, onions, herbs.
After 3-4 months, mucus is released, the tumor is not felt. For the purpose of prevention, this course should be repeated periodically.
Atherosclerosis Drink “dead” and “living” water 2-3 days a month half an hour before meals, 150 g each. Apply a compress from “living” water to the cervical spine. In food, include more fresh cabbage, vegetable oil. After eating every half an hour drink 30 g of unboiled water. Eat 2-3 cloves of garlic daily. Headaches in the first month decrease, and then completely disappear.

Obliterating atherosclerosis of arteries of the lower extremities

Do everything as with cracked heels and hands, plus half an hour before meals, take “dead” water of 100 g each. This disease is accompanied by the fact that the soles of the feet dry out, and then the skin thickens due to the death of living cells, then it cracks. If veins are visible, then you can put a compress on these places or at least moisten them with “dead” water, let it dry and moisten with “living” water. Self-massage is also necessary. Heals in 6-10 days.
Swelling of the legs (Do not treat without consulting a doctor. This may be the active phase of heart rheumatism). Half an hour before meals, drink 150 g of “dead” water, on the second day drink “living” water. Moisten the sore spots of the legs with "dead" water, and when dry - with "live" water. You can also put a compress on the night. Compress on the lower back. Dissolve salt in water 1:10. Soak a towel in this solution and put on the lower back. Once the towel is hot, dampen again. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times.
Phlebeurysm Apply a compress: wash swollen areas with “dead” water, then moisten gauze with “living” water, apply to these areas and cover with cellophane, insulate and fix. Drink half a glass of “dead” water once, and then after 1-2 hours take half a glass of “living” water every 4 hours (only four times a day). Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days. On the third day, the veins are not noticeable.
Diabetes mellitus, pancreatic diseases Drink “live” water constantly half an hour before meals, 150 g each. Drink unboiled water, you can settle for 6 days on flint, every half hour, 30 g.
Gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, gastritis Drink "dead" and "living" water half an hour before meals, 150 g each (every other day). And every half hour, drink 30 g of unboiled water, settled for 6 days on flint, or fresh cabbage juice, as well as linden tea with honey. The course of treatment is 10 days. Repeat monthly until recovery.
Heartburn Drink 0.5 glass of “live” water. Heartburn should stop. If there is no result, then you need to drink “dead” water.
Constipation Drink on an empty stomach 100 g of cold “living” water. If constipation is chronic, then take daily. You can put an enema of warm "living" water.
Helminthiasis (worms) Cleansing enema "dead", then an hour later "living water. Drink during the day "dead" water, 150 g every half hour. The condition may not be important. Then, during the day, drink “living” water, 150 g half an hour before meals. If after two days there is no complete recovery, then repeat the course.
Hemorrhoids, anal fissures 1-2 days in the evening, wash cracks, knots with “dead” water, and then moisten tampons made with a candle (possible from potatoes), moisten with “live” water, insert into the anus. Heals in 2-3 days.
Diarrhea Drink half a glass of "dead" water. If diarrhea does not stop within half an hour, repeat the procedure. Abdominal pain disappears after 10-15 minutes.
Osteocondritis of the spine Drink a day of “dead” and a day of “living” water every other day half an hour before meals, 150 g each. Apply a compress to the sore spot using “dead” water. Massage required. The course of treatment is 10 days.
Exchange polyarthritis with joint pain Within 10 days, 3 times a day before meals, drink half a glass of "dead" water. At night, apply a compress with “dead” water to sore spots. Drink 150 g of “live” water after meals. Improvement comes on the first day.
Rheumatoid arthritis Half an hour before meals every other day, drink 150 grams of "live" and "dead" water. Put a compress with the water you drink on the lumbar region, including the coccyx.

Purulent wounds

Wash the wound first with "dead" water, after 3-5 minutes - with "live". Then during the day 5-6 times rinse only with “living” water. The wound dries up immediately and heals within two days.

Inflammatory processes, closed wounds, boils, acne, barley

For two days, put a warm compress on the sore spot. Before applying the compress, moisten the inflamed area with “dead” water and allow to dry. At night, take a quarter glass of “dead” water. Boils (if not on the face) pierce, squeeze out. Heals in 2-3 days.


For three days, rinse the throat and nasopharynx three times with “dead” water. After each rinse, take a quarter cup of “live” water. Be sure to rinse your mouth and throat before and after eating.


Apply a compress of warm “dead” water on the neck and drink 0.5 cups of “dead” water 4 times a day before meals. At night, wipe the soles with vegetable oil, put on warm socks.


Drink 150 g of “dead” water 3 times a day half an hour before meals. During the day, rinse the nasopharynx 8 times with “dead” water, drink 0.5 cups of “live” water at night. Relief comes within a day.


If there are bubbles, they need to be pierced, and then moisten the affected areas 4-5 times with “dead” water, and after 20-25 minutes with “living” water and in the following days, moisten the areas 7-8 times in the same way. Affected areas heal quickly, without changes in cover.

Toothache, damage to tooth enamel

Rinse the mouth several times a day with “dead” water for 8-10 minutes. The pain disappears immediately.

Gum disease (periodontal disease)

Rinse mouth and throat with “dead” water for 10-15 minutes 6 times a day, and then with “live” water. After the procedure, take orally 50 grams of “living” water. Improvement occurs within three days.

Bronchial asthma

Drink "living" water, heated to 36 degrees, after eating 100 g each. Do inhalation of "living" water with soda. Sanitation of the nasopharynx with "dead" and then "live" water after meals, every hour. Apply mustard plaster to the chest area and to the feet. A hot foot bath is recommended (as a distraction). Health improves already on the 2nd day. The course of treatment is 5 days. Repeat every month.

Cut, puncture

Rinse the wound with "dead" water. Apply a compress with "living" water. It will heal in 1-2 days.

Ringworm, eczema

Within 10 minutes. Moisten the affected areas with “dead” water 4-5 times. Moisten with “living” water after 20-25 minutes. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times daily. Drink half an hour before meals 100 g of "living" water. After 5 days, if traces remain on the skin, take a 10-day break and repeat.


Rinse the nasopharynx, nasal cavity and mouth with "dead" water for 1-2 minutes, then with "live" water for 3-5 minutes 3-4 times a day. Lotions from “dead” water for rashes and swelling. Rash and swelling disappear.

Acute stomatitis

Rinse with "dead" water for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with "live" water for 2-3 minutes. Periodically repeat the procedure for three days.

Recurrent bronchitis

The same procedures are recommended as for bronchial asthma. Repeat 3-4 times within an hour. Health improves already on the 2nd day. The course of treatment is 5 days. Repeat every month.

To improve well-being and normalize the functioning of organs

In the morning and evening after eating, rinse your mouth with "dead" water and drink 100 g of "live" water.


Drink once 0.5 glass of "dead" water. The headache soon stops.
Cracked heels, hands Wash feet and hands with warm soapy water and let dry. Moisten with “dead” water and let dry. Put a compress of "living" water at night, in the morning scrape off white plaque from your feet and grease with sunflower oil, let it soak. After 3-4 days, the heel will be healthy. Thoroughly disinfect shoes, indoor slippers.
Foot odor Wash your feet with warm water, wipe dry, then moisten with “dead” water, and after 10 minutes - “live”. Wipe the shoes inside with a swab moistened with “dead” water and dry. Wash socks, moisten with “dead” water and dry. For prevention, you can wet your socks after washing (or new ones) with “dead” water and dry them.
Facial hygiene In the morning and evening, after washing, the face is wiped first with “dead”, then “living” water. Do the same after shaving. The skin becomes smooth, acne disappears.


Moisten the face, neck, hands, other parts of the body in the morning and evening with “dead” water.

Washing head

Rinse your hair with “live” water with a small addition of shampoo. Rinse with "dead" water.

Plant growth stimulation

Soak the seeds from 40 minutes to two hours in "living" water. Water the plants with "living" water 1-2 times a week. It can also be soaked in a mixture of "dead" and "living" water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:4.

Preservation of fruits

Spray the fruits with "dead" water for four minutes, put in a container. Store at a temperature of 5-16 degrees.
First of all, I ask you to take into account that neither living nor dead water cures individual diseases. It heals the entire body as a whole. After all, “dead” water dissolves and removes salts, toxins, and any infection from the body. And “live” normalizes acidity, pressure and metabolism. Given the anatomical structure of a person, I think that the main thing in the body is the musculoskeletal system, and in it the spine. Based on this, I suggest a 2-month course of treatment.

    1st month. 10 days to drink "live" and "dead" water every other day, 150 g half an hour before meals;

    at night, put a compress for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region (the place of the compress: at the top - from the half of the neck, at the bottom - along the lower level of the shoulder blades, along the width - the shoulder joints). Moisten a cotton (linen) rag with the water that you drink on this day;

    20 days to drink only "living" water.

    2nd month. 10 days also treat sciatica (place of compress: above - from the shoulder blades, below - turn on the coccyx, in width - hip joints);

    20 days to drink "living" water.

In the first month, chest organs and atherosclerosis are cured. In the second - the organs of the genitourinary system, the gastrointestinal tract.

You have completed your treatment. Now you can take care of the prevention of diseases. Experience shows that this is no less important. Every day in the morning, half an hour before breakfast, you should drink 100 g of “dead” water. Thoroughly rinse the nasopharynx. After breakfast, rinse your mouth with “dead” water, then hold “dead” water in your mouth for 15-20 minutes. Drink 150 g of “live” water half an hour before lunch and dinner. If you wake up at night, it is useful to drink 100 g of “dead” water. The use of “living” and “dead” water on yourself and other people made it possible to compile a table of treatment procedures for various diseases. I was convinced in practice that this miracle water can replace many medicines.


The experience of treatment convinced me of the need for preliminary preparation. I want to pay attention to the state of mind, the emotions of the patient himself and the one who heals, helps him. I recalled the lines from one letter: “It’s like a hostess - if she cooks food in a good mood, then the food will benefit, and if she is in a bad mood, with negative emotions, don’t expect good, here you can’t do without illness.”

When drinking water or doing another procedure, always relax, becoming sensitive and permeable. Mentally accompany the action of water, procedures in your body. Only then will the treatment be beneficial. If all this is done on the go, without emotions, then everything will be in vain. I explain to the patient in the first conversation before treatment:

The cause of illness or non-recovery is the absence of psychic energy. She needs to be stocked. How to do this is discussed further;

We will treat not only the disease, but the body as a whole;

Health depends on the psyche, skin, nutrition;

It is very important not to allow immoral thoughts, when they appear, turn to God with a prayer for forgiveness.


1st day. In the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, drink 50 grams of “live” water. Every day drink 100 grams of any juice (lemon, apple, carrot, beetroot, cabbage). Eat a few cloves of garlic and half an onion daily. Three times a day, take 0.25 aspirin tablets after meals. Eat 10-15 grams of nuts daily (peanuts, walnuts). Dinner: 100 grams of cottage cheese or cheese. An hour later, drink 50 grams of “live” water.

2nd day. If you feel good, repeat everything as on the first day. If you feel weak, have breakfast in the morning like this: pour 3 tablespoons of ground cereal an hour before meals with warm water, but not higher than 57 degrees. An hour later, the porridge is ready. Don't have lunch or dinner.

The following days are like the second.

My treatment usually consists of 10 sessions. In addition to water, massage is applied for 1.5-2 hours from head to toes. Of course, I take into account the state of health.


Reading the letters, once again I am convinced that the majority of those who want to be cured rely solely on water. She is truly omnipotent. But I want to show with just one example how to treat psoriasis.

    Drink 100 g of “live” water 30 minutes before meals.

    Nettle bath 10-15 minutes once a week, 4 times in total.

    if in the upper part of the body - the 2nd-4th vertebrae of the thoracic region;

    if in the lower part of the body - 4-11th lumbar vertebrae;

    directly at the site of injury.

    At night, massage the feet, then wipe them with vegetable oil, put on warm socks.

    Sunbathing, dousing with salt water if there is no sea water.

    A compress to the site of the lesion from a spoonful of birch tar (I myself do it along the way when I prepare activated charcoal from birch), three tablespoons of fish oil. Mix everything thoroughly and spread on a cloth.

    Food: germinated wheat, alfalfa. More cabbage, carrots, yeast, drink sunflower oil. Limit the consumption of sweets, animal products, alcohol.


The Gospel says: when Jesus Christ was crucified, then on the second day Mary and Magdala brought to him LIVING water for healing... So, even then there was miraculous water? Yes, there is such water in nature. The first time she visits is Epiphany, January 19, from 0:00 to 3:00. But this is “dead” water. It should be collected, preferably from a source, in a glass dish. This water has the ability to kill everything in the body that interferes with it.

For the second time in a year, water has healing power on the Kupala night from June 6 to 7, also from 0 to 3 hours. Dial from the source into a glass dish. This is "living" water. When you get sick, drink "dead" water, you will feel weak, but then drink "living" water - and you will feel better.

On the night of Ivan Kupala and the fire has a cleansing power. Many diseases disappear, especially gynecological ones. You need to jump over the fire three times if you take part in this folk festival.


Try to lead an active lifestyle! Believe me, this is the main medicine for achieving positive results in treatment. A bedridden patient must move all the time. Move the whole body - arms, legs, fingers, eyes. If you can roll over, then this is already happiness. Turn over more often in bed. And if you can sit, then it’s a sin not to move, and you have to try to get up or at least crawl. Yes, yes, crawl, because this is movement. You are already able to do many exercises.

A person who gets up at least a little on his feet should feel healthy. Always try to have some kind of incentive to move. Even a bedridden patient can find something to do: cut something, embroider. Do not feel sorry for yourself, look for every opportunity to be active.

Retirees, sick people, if you can go out, collect medicinal herbs. You can do this not only for yourself, but also for other people. And the more you do good deeds, the healthier you will feel. Don't try to make money from herbs. Strive to promote them more.

It is very important to be happy more often. Rejoice in your movement, your smallest successes, the lived hour, the day. Rejoice in the success of others. Don't judge anyone and don't envy anyone. Find an opportunity to enjoy the diversity of people's characters.

Going out into nature, do not disdain and do not be afraid to eat leaves or flowers of dandelion, plantain. Make salads out of them, especially nettles and other greens. Try to exclude meat products from food, rid yourself of tobacco and alcohol, try to be calm - and healing will come to you.

I kindly ask all who will be treated using my brochure to report the results to me at:

231800 Grodno region, Slonim, st. Dovatora, 8a, apt. 46.
Lysenko Georgy Dmitrievich.

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Living and Dead Water

Kratov. Reference book on folk and alternative medicine

At the beginning of 1981, the author * of the device for preparing "living" and "dead" water fell ill with inflammation of the kidneys and prostate adenoma, as a result of which he was admitted to the urological department of the Stavropol Medical Institute. Been in this office for over a month. When he was offered an adenoma operation, he refused and was discharged. While still ill, for 3 days he completed the device for obtaining "living" and "dead" water, about which an article by V. M. Latyshev was published in the journal "Inventor and Rationalizer" for 1981 - 2 under the heading " Unexpected water", and an interview was published by special correspondent Yu. Yegorov with academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR Vakhidov under the heading "Activated water is promising".

He conducted the first test of the received water on a wound on his son's hand that had not healed for more than 6 months. The test of treatment performed exceeded all expectations: the wound on the son's arm healed on the second day. He himself began to drink "living" water 0.5 cups before meals 3 times a day and felt cheerful. Adenoma of the pancreas disappeared within a week, sciatica and swelling of the legs disappeared.

For greater persuasiveness, after a week of taking "living" water, he underwent an examination at the clinic with all the tests, in which not a single disease was detected, and his pressure returned to normal. One day his neighbor scalded her hand with boiling water, a 3rd degree burn. For treatment, she used the "living" and "dead" water he received, and the burn disappeared in 2 days.

The son of his friend, engineer Goncharov, had festering gums for 6 months, and an abscess formed in his throat. The use of various methods of treatment did not give the desired result. For treatment, he recommended water: 6 times a day, rinse the throat and gums with “dead” water, and then take a glass of “living” water inside. As a result, the boy fully recovered within 3 days.

The author examined more than 600 people with various diseases, and all of them got better when treated with activated water. Below is a description of a device that allows you to get "live" (alkaline) and "dead" (acidic) water of any strength. The test of water in the laboratory of the Stavropol Vodokanal ("live" - ​​a fortress of 11.4 units and "dead" - 4.21 units) showed that the fortress decreased by hundredths of a unit over the month, and the temperature does not affect the decrease in water activity .

Tests of activated water by the author on himself and on family members and many people enabled the author to draw up a practical table of treatment procedures for a number of diseases, determine the duration of treatment and trace the course and nature of recovery.

The use of "living" and "dead" water for the treatment of a number of diseases

Name of the disease

The order of the procedures


Adenoma present. glands

Within 5 days 4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals, take 0.5 cups of "F" - water After 3-4 days, mucus is released, there is no desire to urinate often, on the 8th day the tumor disappears
For 3 days 5 times a day after meals, gargle with "M" water and after each rinse drink 0.25 cups of "F" water The temperature decreases on the first day, on the 3rd day the disease stops

Pain in the joints of the arms and legs

3 times a day before meals, take 0.5 cup "M" of water for 2 days Pain stops on day 1

Inflammation of the liver

For 4 days a day, take 4 times 0.5 cups of water. Moreover, on the 1st day - only "M", and the next - "F" water.

Inflammatory processes, closed abscesses, boils

For 2 days, apply a compress moistened with warm "M" water to the inflamed area Healing occurs within 2 days


For 1-2 days in the morning, wash the cracks with "M" water, and then apply tampons with "G" water, changing them as they dry Bleeding stops, cracks heal within 2-3 days


During the day, take 2 times 0.5 cup "M" of water Pressure normalizes


During the day, 2 times take 0.5 cups of "F" water Pressure normalizes

festering wounds

Rinse the wound with “M” water, and after 3-5 minutes moisten with “F” water, then moisten only “F” with water 5-6 times a day Healing occurs within 5-6 days


Drink 0.5 glass of "M" water The pain goes away in 30-50 minutes.
Rinse your nose and mouth with “M” water 8 times during the day, and drink 0.5 cups of “F” water at night During the day, the flu disappears

Foot odor

Wash your feet with warm water, wipe dry, moisten with "M" water, and after 10 minutes with "G" water and let dry Bad smell will disappear


Rinse the mouth with "M" water for 5-10 minutes. Pain disappears
Drink 0.5 glass of "F" water Heartburn stops
Within 2 days, drink 4 times a day after meals, 0.5 cups of "F" water The cough stops
Heat "M" and "F" water to 37-40ºС and douche "M" with water at night, and after 15-20 minutes. douche "F" with water. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days. After one procedure, colpitis disappears

Facial hygiene

In the morning and evening, after washing, wipe the face, downloaded "M" with water, then "F" with water Dandruff, acne disappears, the face becomes softer

Ringworm, eczema

Moisten the affected area with "M" water for 3-5 days and allow to dry, then moisten "G" with water 5-6 times a day. (In the morning, moisten "M", and after 10-15 minutes "F" with water and another 5-6 times "F" during the day) Heals in 3-5 days

hair wash

Wash your hair with shampoo, wipe it off, moisten your hair with "M" water, and after 3 minutes with "F" water Dandruff disappears, hair becomes softer
In the presence of dropsy bubbles, they must be pierced, moisten the affected area with "M" water, and after 5 minutes "G" with water. Then during the day 7-8 times moisten "F" with water. Procedures to carry out 2-3 days Burns heal in 2-3 days

swollen hands

Within 3 days, take water 4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals: 1st day - "M" of water, 0.5 cups; 2nd day - 0.75 cup "M" of water, 3rd day - 0.5 cup "F" of water Swelling subsides, no pain
Drink 0.5 cup "M" of water, if diarrhea does not stop within an hour, repeat the procedure Abdominal pain stops after 20-30 minutes

Cut, prick, tear

Rinse wound "M" with water and bandage The wound heals within 1-2 days

Neck cold

Make a compress on the neck, soaked in warm "M" water, and drink 4 times a day, 0.5 cups before meals Colds go away within 1-2 days


During the day, 3 times before meals, drink 3/4 cup "F" of water The pain disappears within a day, sometimes after 20-40 minutes.

Varicose veins, bleeding from torn knots

Rinse the swollen and bleeding parts of the body with "M" water, then moisten a piece of gauze "G" with water and apply to the swollen parts of the veins. Inside, take 0.5 cups of "M" water, and after 2-3 hours start taking 0.5 cups of "F" water at intervals of 4 hours 4 times a day. Repeat the procedure within 2-3 days

Sterilization and disinfection

Any objects, vegetables, fruits are moistened or wiped with a swab dipped in "M" water

Removal of dead skin from feet

Soak your feet in soapy water, wash them in warm water, then, without wiping, wet your feet in warm "M" water, rubbing areas with growths, remove dead skin, wash your feet in warm water, wipe dry

Improving well-being, normalization of the body

In the morning and evening, after eating, rinse your mouth with "M" water and drink 0.5 cups of "F" water with an alkalinity of 6-7 units.

"Zh" - Living water. "M" - Dead water

Note: when ingesting only "F" water, thirst arises, it must be quenched with compote or acidified tea. The interval between the receptions of "M" and "F" water must be at least 2 hours

Sketch. - A device for obtaining "living" and "dead" water. Electrode - 2 pcs. stainless steel 0.8x40x160 mm. Capacity - 1 liter. Time - 3-8 minutes.

A liter jar is taken, 2 stainless steel electrodes, the distance between them is 40 mm, they do not reach the bottom; stainless steel size 40x160x0.8 mm.

The process of preparing water lasts 3-8 minutes, depending on the required strength. After cooking, disconnect the plug from the mains and remove the device, quickly pull out the bag and pour the "M" water into another dish.

Living water (alkaline) (-) - Dead water (acidic) (+). "Live" and "dead" water - life without diseases!

Almost every one of us was read fairy tales in childhood, and we remember well the stories about “living” and “dead” water. Secretly, every child dreamed of finding out where these magical liquids come from in order to collect at least a few drops and use them in their lives when needed. But it is not for nothing that people say “The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”, because “living” and “dead” water actually exist.

From the school bench, we know the formula of water - H2O. However, modern research has shown that water has a much more complex structure, which, if desired, can be changed using electrolysis.

Why is “living” water so important to our body?

What is the difference between ionized water and plain water?

Two parameters: pH and redox potential (redox potential).

What does the pH value show?

Almost 80% of the foods we eat are acid-forming. And it's not about how they taste. It's just that when they are broken down in the body, more acids are formed than alkalis (bases).

What is this or that product - acid or alkali, determines the pH.

  1. Alkalis have a pH above 7.
  2. Acids have a pH below 7.
  3. Neutral products have pH=7.

Acid-forming foods: beef, pork, lamb and chicken meat, sausages, white flour products, sugar, coffee, black tea, all alcoholic beverages, pasteurized juices, fish and seafood, cottage cheese, cheese, nuts and seeds, cereals, bread, buns and cakes, ice cream, eggs, lemonade, Coca-Cola, etc.

But what about alkaline-forming foods?

There are not so many of them: fruits (with the exception of canned ones), vegetables, greens, natural yogurt, milk, soy, potatoes.

What about the drinks we drink? What drinks dominate in our diet: acidic or alkaline?

the pH of some drinks. Comparative data.

Please note that most juices, mineral water, coffee, that is, all the drinks we consume daily, have an acidic pH.

Since our blood has a pH in the range of 7, 35 -7, 45, it is very important for a person to drink water with an alkaline pH every day.

Such water has a healing effect and resists the oxidation of the body and diseases that are accompanied by oxidation. After all, almost all diseases have one cause - too oxidized body.

For example: When acidic wastes accumulate around the pancreas, and there are not enough alkaline calcium ions to neutralize them, a person develops diabetes.

What does the redox potential parameter (redox potential) show?

The redox potential (ORP) indicates whether a product is an oxidant or an antioxidant.

If any product, for example, water, is saturated with electrons and is ready to donate them, then it is an antioxidant. ORP is measured in millivolts using special devices: redox testers. The water that people drink has long ceased to be potable. We drink, as a rule, tap water, bottled water with a positive ORP (+200) - (+400MB). Large positive values ​​of hundreds of MV mean that such water not only “does not want” to give up electrons, but also takes them when it enters the body. This process contributes to the formation of free radicals and is the cause of many serious diseases - cancer, diabetes, hypertension, heart attack, etc.

On the contrary, negative ORP values ​​mean that, getting into our body, such water itself gives up electrons.

Water with negative ORP values ​​and alkaline pH has pronounced healing properties and is recommended for daily use. Activated water is actively used in Japan, Austria, USA, Germany, India, Israel.

It is not surprising that in Japan such water is actively promoted by the public health system, because "living" water can easily save a person from many diseases. Regular intake normalizes digestion, improves the functioning of internal organs. At the same time, such water does not "load" the body with additional chemicals, which is often the case with pills and synthetic drugs. The use of water, the acid-base balance of which is in harmony with the fluids inside the body, is an excellent prevention for most modern diseases. The ancient Slavs knew very well that natural sources help to increase life expectancy, so they actively searched for “living” water. Today it can be obtained at home.

You can cook "live" and "dead" not only in specialized laboratories, but also in your own kitchen. The water activator "Iva-1" is already known to many who are engaged in treatment with the help of "fabulous" water. Its manufacturers LLC "INKOMK" were awarded the Silver medal in 2004 and the Bronze medal in 2005 by the International Salon of Innovations and Investments.

Using the water activator is quite simple, the developers made sure that the process of liquid electrolysis became as accessible as possible for the masses. "Iva-1" has a built-in timer that allows you to turn off the power of the device after the end of the activation process, and the owners will be notified about the readiness of water for drinking using an audible signal. The use of unique water-insoluble electrodes makes it possible to obtain a liquid without impurities. Iva-1 is a multifunctional device that allows you to both engage in healing the body and purify water from heavy metals at home.


(Assoc. Prof. Petras Sibilskis)

1. Abscesses (abscesses)

Treat an immature abscess with warm dead water and apply a compress from dead water to it. If the abscess breaks or is punctured, wash it with dead water and apply a bandage. 25 minutes before meals and at night drink 0.5 cups of live water.

When the site of the abscess is finally cleared, its healing can be accelerated by compresses from living water (it can also be moistened through a bandage).

If pus is again noticed during dressing, then it is necessary to treat again with dead water.

2. Prostate adenoma

One cycle of treatment is 1 month. The whole month you need to drink living water 4 times a day (1 hour before meals and at night) in this order:

from 1 to 5 days - 250 ml each,

from 6 to 10 days - 300 ml each,

the remaining days - 350 ml each.

Sexual intercourse should not be stopped.

If the patient's pressure is high or noticeably increased from taking a large amount of live water, then 1-1.5 hours after taking live water, you should drink 0.5-1 glass of dead water and lie down, and do not increase the dose of live water.

In the process of treatment, perineal massage is useful, at night you can make a compress from living water on the perineum, after wiping that place with dead water. Treatment is facilitated by enemas with warm living water, as well as gauze candles soaked in living water. Enema volume 200 grams, exposure 20 min. As always, first you need to do a cleansing enema.

Treatment should be subject to a strict diet (vegetable and dairy products), alcoholic beverages should be excluded. After 5-6 days, the urge to urinate often disappears or becomes less frequent, the swelling decreases. In some patients, particles of black or red color are released along with swords, pain is felt. In the process of treatment, general well-being, appetite, and digestion improve.

3. Allergy, allergic dermatitis

For three days in a row after eating, rinse the nose (drawing water into it), mouth and throat with dead water.

After each rinse, drink 0.5 cups of live water. Rashes, pimples, tumors should be moistened with dead water 5-6 times a day.

The illness goes away in 2-3 days. In addition, you need to find and eliminate the cause of the allergy.

4. Angina (chronic tonsillitis)

For three days 5-6 times a day and be sure to gargle with warm dead water after each meal. If there is a runny nose, rinse the nasopharynx with it. After each rinse, drink a third of a glass of live water. The temperature decreases on the first day, the disease disappears in 2-3 days. For some, within a day.

5. Arthritis, deforming arthrosis

First of all, you should avoid overloading the joints. Within a month, 30 minutes before meals, drink 250 ml of living water (0.5 cup). Apply compresses of warm (40-45 °C) dead water to sore spots every 3-4 hours for 25 minutes. If there is no discomfort, the compress can be kept for up to 45 minutes - 1 hour. After removing the compress, give the joints rest for 1 hour.

After 2-3 days, the pain may worsen, the joints may swell. Then the pain recedes, lightness in the joints is felt. The duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks. In order to prevent such procedures should be repeated 2-3 times a year, without waiting for the next exacerbation.

6. Atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities

Wash your feet with warm soapy water, wipe dry, then moisten with warm dead water and leave to dry without wiping. At night, make a compress of living water on your feet, and in the morning wipe off the whitened and softened skin and lubricate those places with vegetable oil. In the process of treatment, half an hour before meals, drink 0.5 cups of live water. It is useful to do a foot massage. If prominent veins are visible, then those places should be moistened with dead water or compresses should be applied to them, after which they should be moistened with living water. Treatment lasts 6-10 days and longer. During this time, cracks heal, the skin on the soles is renewed, and overall well-being improves.

7. Insomnia (increased irritability)

At night, drink 0.5 cups of dead water. If it does not help, then within 3-4 days and before meals, drink 0.5 cups of dead water. Avoid spicy, fatty foods and alcohol.

8. Sore throat (cold throat)

If the throat is sore, it is painful to swallow saliva, (for example, at night), you need to start gargling with warm, dead water. Rinse 1-2 min. After 1-2 hours, repeat the rinse (it is better not to wait until the morning). If the treatment is started on time, the sore throat disappears quickly, for example, by morning.

9. Pain in the joints of the arms, legs (salt deposits)

Three to four days 30 minutes before meals, drink 0.5-1 glass of dead water. Moisten sore spots with warm dead water, rub it into the skin. At night, make compresses with dead water.

The effectiveness of treatment increases regular gymnastics, for example, rotational movements of aching joints. Treatment can be continued for a longer time.

Usually, pain decreases, blood pressure decreases along the way, sleep improves, and nerves calm down.

10. Bronchial asthma, bronchitis

Rinse your mouth, throat and nose with dead water at room temperature for three to four days after eating, that is, to neutralize the allergens that cause asthma attacks and cough. After each rinse, to facilitate coughing, drink 0.5 cups of live water. Coughing is facilitated, well-being improves. Treatment can be continued.

11. Brucellosis

Since people are infected with this disease from animals, hygiene rules must be observed on farms and in rooms for animals. After feeding, watering, milking, you need to wash your hands with dead water or ordinary soap and water.

In case of illness, before eating, drink 0.5 cups of dead water.

12. Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis)

Treatment cycle 4 days. The first day 4 times (20-30 minutes before meals and at night) drink 0.5 cups of dead water. The remaining 3 days in the same order to drink living water. If the pain persists, see a doctor.

13. Inflammation of the colon (colitis)

The first day, it is advisable not to eat anything. During the day, you need to drink 0.5 cups of dead water 3-4 times.

With a tendency to diarrhea after 30 minutes. after eating, drink 200 ml of dead water;

With a tendency to constipation, drink 200 ml of live water in 20 minutes. before eating.

It is useful to do microclysters with living water for a month every other day. Volume 250-500 ml, exposure 7-10 minutes. (In the beginning, the usual cleansing enema is done). Usually the disease goes away in 1-2 days. Itching disappears, pain in the abdomen, flatulence, nausea disappear, stools are ordered.

14. Hair loss with oily seborrhea (increased function of the sebaceous glands)

After washing your hair with soap or shampoo, you need to rub dead water into the scalp in this way: on one side of the head, make a parting in the hair with a comb and a cotton swab moistened with dead water, wipe the scalp well; then make the next parting and wipe further until the entire scalp is treated. Then a dead water compress is made on the entire head, covering it with plastic wrap and a towel. Exposure 15-20 min. Temperature 40C. Compresses do 1 time in 3-4 days. Course 6-8 compresses.

The itching is removed, the inflammation of the skin is gradually eliminated, the greasiness of the hair is reduced. People prone to hypertension should control their blood pressure.

15. Hair loss with dry seborrhea (decreased function of the sebaceous glands)

For three weeks, 2 times a week, rub burdock oil into the scalp according to the above (p. 14) method (burdock oil replenishes the missing oiliness of the skin). 2 hours after rubbing the oil, rub the living water in the same way. Once in 3-4 days, make a compress of living water.

16. Gastritis

In chronic gastritis, spicy foods, especially smoked meats and spicy seasonings, should be excluded. Gastritis is treated with living water according to the following method:

With a tendency to constipation, drink 200 ml of living water for 15-20 minutes. before meals;

With a tendency to diarrhea, drink 200 ml of live water 1-1.5 hours before meals.

The duration of treatment is 5-6 days. Pain, heartburn disappear, stool normalizes.

17. Hemorrhoids, anal fissures

Treatment should begin after going to the toilet. At the beginning, wash cracks, knots with warm water and soap, wipe dry and treat with dead water. After 5-10 min. moisten these places with live water or make tampons. Renew tampons as they dry. So continue until the next visit to the toilet, after which the procedure is repeated again.

In addition, the first 10 days, 1 hour before meals, you should drink 300 ml of live water. With the resumption of constipation, drink 200 ml in the same order for another 2-3 days.

It is useful to make microclysters (30-40 ml each) with dead water, keeping the solution in the rectum for as long as possible (at least 15-20 minutes). Do the enemas carefully, be sure to lubricate the syringe tip with petroleum jelly. You can keep the enema lying on your back, putting a small pillow under the pelvis. You can enter into the rectum to a depth of 3-4 cm and a gauze swab moistened with dead water.

Bleeding stops, stools are gradually regulated, sores, cracks heal in 3-4 days. In the course of treatment, spicy foods, smoked meats, and strong alcoholic beverages should be avoided.

18. Herpes (cold)

Before treatment, rinse your mouth and nose with dead water, drink 0.5 cups of dead water.

Remove the vial with the contents of herpes with a cotton swab moistened with warm dead water.

Further, during the day 7-8 times for 3-4 minutes. apply a swab with dead water to the affected area. The duration of treatment is 3-4 days. You can not break the bubble, but apply a swab with dead water to it.

19. Facial hygiene

In the morning and evening, after washing 2-3 times with a break of 1-2 minutes, moisten the face, neck, hands with live water and allow to dry without wiping. (Men are advised to do this after shaving, instead of using cologne or lotion.) Apply a compress of living water to wrinkled places and hold for 15-20 minutes. If the skin is dry, first it should be washed with dead water, then the indicated

procedures. Several times a week, you can additionally wipe your face with this solution: 0.5 tablespoon of table salt and 0.5 teaspoon of vinegar, dissolved in 0.5 liters of living water.

The skin becomes softer, irritation disappears. Wrinkles gradually decrease or disappear.

20. Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums)

This disease is caused by bacteria or viruses, poor-quality fillings, crowns, plaque on the teeth, so, first of all, you need to follow the rules of oral hygiene, brush your teeth regularly and properly. After each meal, you need several times for 1-2 minutes. rinse teeth and mouth with dead water. Rinse with live water for the last time to neutralize the effect of acid on tooth enamel. It is useful to periodically massage the gums.

The bleeding of the gums decreases and stops, the stones gradually dissolve, the unpleasant odor disappears.

21. Worms (helminthiasis)

In the morning, after emptying, make a cleansing enema, after which - an enema with dead water.

The next day, in the same order, drink living water to restore energy.

If after two days the disease has not passed, the treatment should be repeated. The first day of well-being can be simple. It is improved by taking living water.

22. Purulent and postoperative wounds, trophic chronic ulcers, fistulas, abscesses.

After opening the purulent cavity and removing necrotic tissues, using a medical pear, treat the wound with warm dead water (2-3 minutes), then apply a swab dipped in dead water for a day. The bandage can be changed 2 times a day.

From the second day, the wound is treated with live water, in the same way: first, it is washed with a pear (3-5 minutes), then a tampon is placed on the wound and a sterile bandage moistened with live water is applied.

For 3-5 days, you can not leave a tampon in the wound, it is enough to bandage it and moisten it through a bandage with live water. For the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals, drink 200 ml of live water.

Within a day, the amount of pus and necrotic tissues in the wound decreases, and the putrefactive odor disappears. Healing of large wounds noticeably begins in 2-3 days. Old trophic ulcers heal longer.

23. Headache

If the head hurts from a bruise, concussion, then it must be moistened with living water.

If the head hurts due to high blood pressure, it is recommended to first moisten the affected part of the head with dead water and drink 0.5 cups of dead water.

If the head hurts due to low blood pressure, then drink 0.5 cups of live water.

It's good to lie down quietly. The pain usually goes away within an hour or less.

24. Fungus

Before treatment, the affected areas should be washed with hot water and soap and wiped dry.

If the nails are affected by the fungus, then they need to be held in hot water, then cut, cleaned. At the first stage of treatment, apply a four-layer lotion with dead water to the affected surface, moistening it periodically after 1-1.5 hours and repeat the procedure 6-8 times a day.

The duration of treatment is 5-6 days.

At the final stage for 30 min. a three-layer napkin moistened with living water is applied to better restore the skin.

When treating toenail fungus, it is convenient to make a foot bath and soak the feet in hot dead water for 30-35 minutes. (Water must be warmed up before activation!) In addition, during the entire treatment process, you should drink 30 minutes beforehand. before meals, 200-250 ml of live water.

Periodically, 6-8 times a day, rinse your nose, mouth and throat with slightly warm dead water.

At night, drink a glass of living water.

Influenza passes within 1-2 days, its consequences are facilitated.

26. Dysentery

The first day there is nothing. During the day, drink 0.5 cups of dead water 3-4 times.

It is useful to make an ordinary cleansing enema and after it - an enema from dead water, if possible, it must be maintained for at least 5-10 minutes. Usually dysentery stops within a day, its symptoms disappear after 3-4 hours.

27. Diathesis

Moisten all rashes, swelling with dead water and allow to dry. Then make compresses of living water on those places and hold for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.

In addition, you need to revise the child's menu and exclude foods that cause diathesis, give less milk, butter, more fresh vegetables, fruits, preferably environmentally friendly.

Try to avoid chemical drugs, use them only when it is objectively necessary. Diathesis usually disappears in 2-3 days.

It is useful to check if indoor flowers, down pillows, pets cause diathesis.

28. Disinfection

Dead water is an excellent disinfectant, therefore, when rinsing the mouth, throat, washing the nose, microbes, toxins, allergens are destroyed. When washing hands, face, skin is disinfected.

By wiping furniture, dishes, floors, etc. with this water, these surfaces are reliably disinfected.

One treatment is usually sufficient for disinfection.

29. Dermatitis (allergic)

First of all, you need to eliminate the causes that cause allergic dermatitis (contact with herbs, dust, chemicals, odors). Moisten rashes, swelling only with dead water. After eating, it is useful to rinse the mouth, throat and nose with dead water (as in the treatment of allergies)

The illness goes away in 3-4 days.

30. Dermatomycosis (fungal skin diseases)

Wash affected areas with warm soapy water and dry. Then moisten these places with dead water at room temperature 6-7 times a day.

The duration of treatment is 4-5 days. If required, treatment can be continued.

31. Foot odor

Wash feet with warm soapy water, wipe dry, then moisten with dead water and allow to dry without wiping. After 8-10 min. moisten the feet with living water and also allow to dry without wiping. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days, then once a week for prevention. The unpleasant smell disappears, the skin is cleansed, the skin on the heels softens.

Drink 0.5-1 glass of live water. It is useful to make an enema of warm living water in the following composition: 0.5 liters of warm boiled water and 250 ml of living water. Hold the enema for at least 5 minutes. To cleanse the intestines, enemas can be repeated after 1 hour, trying to keep water in the intestines longer.

You should think about whether you eat right?

33. Toothache

Rinse the mouth with warm dead water for 10-20 minutes. If necessary, repeat rinsing. Rinse for the last time with live water to neutralize the action of acid on tooth enamel. The pain usually goes away fairly quickly.

34. Heartburn

Before eating, drink 0.5 cups of live water (reduce acidity, stimulate digestion)

35. Cough

After eating during the day, drink 0.5 cups of live water.

36. Colpitis (vaginitis)

Douche the vagina with warm (38°C) ionized water in this order: first with dead water;

after 8-10 min. - living water.

Douching with living water is repeated several times. It's best to do this before bed. The course of treatment is 5 days. On the second day, itching disappears, discharge normalizes.

37. Conjunctivitis (barley)

Rinse affected areas, eyes with warm, dead water of low concentration, and after 3-5 minutes. - living water. Apply a compress of warm living water to the barley. Repeat the procedures 4-6 times a day. At night it is useful to drink 0.5 glass of live water. The eye is cleared, the inflammation goes away.

Barley disappears in 2-3 days.

38. Wrinkle Correction

See item 19 - Facial hygiene.

39. Laryngitis

It is treated like a sore throat: gargling with warm, dead water (see item 4).

In addition, one should try not to overload the throat, vocal cords with loud and long speech, avoid strong alcoholic drinks, coarse food, etc.

40. Mastitis

Treatment according to the scheme for the treatment of abscess (p. 1.) In severe cases - according to the scheme for the treatment of purulent wounds (p. 22)

41. Runny nose

Rinse the nose 2-3 times, gradually drawing dead water into it. For children, drop dead water into the nose with a pipette. During the day, you can repeat the procedure several times. The usual runny nose passes quickly, in 10-20 minutes.

Carefully treat burned areas with dead water. After 4-5 minutes, moisten them with live water and continue to moisten only with it. Do not burst bubbles. If the blisters are punctured or burst and pus appears, then again it is necessary to start treatment with dead water, then continue treatment with living water. Living water can be poured directly onto the bandage so as not to injure the wound. Burns heal in 3-5 days, faster than traditional treatments.

43. Swelling of hands and feet

Three days, 4 times a day for 30 minutes. drink ionized water before meals and at night:

the first day, 0.5 cups of dead water;

the second day, ¾ cup of dead water;

The third day - 0.5 cups of live water.

44. Osteochondrosis

One day in 30 min. before meals, drink 0.5 cups of dead water. The second day in the same order to drink living water. Make compresses from dead water on the sore spot. The course of treatment is 10 days. Beneficial massage of the spine. Beware of colds, do not make sudden movements, do not lift weights.

With warm (40°C) dead water, carefully rinse the auditory canal, then absorb the remaining water with a cotton swab (dry the canal). After that, make a compress with warm dead water on the sore ear. Discharge and pus wipe with dead water. Avoid colds, do not blow your nose, but treat a runny nose.

In case of complications, consult a doctor.

46. ​​Panaritiums

The first two days for 10-15 minutes. soak fingers in warm (35-40 ° C) dead water, then wipe dry and make lotions on the affected surfaces with dead water. After opening the abscess (usually on the second day) and treatment with dead water, make lotions with living water.

Starting from the third day of treatment, after the specified procedure in 10-15 minutes. make a bath with warm living water. Cracks and ulcers heal quickly, inflammatory processes on the nail roller pass, an outflow of purulent contents is created. Living water accelerates healing. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

47. Periodontitis

Rinse your mouth for 3-5 minutes. dead water, then massage the gums (with a soft toothbrush or fingers, moving from top to bottom for the upper jaw and from bottom to top for the bottom), then 2 minutes. rinse your mouth with boiled water. In conclusion, within 3-5 minutes. rinse your mouth with live water. In addition, during the treatment for 20-30 minutes. before meals, drink 0.5 cups of live water.

Dead water disinfects the oral cavity, gums, eliminates bad smell, inflammatory processes. Living water speeds up the healing process. The course of treatment is 10-15 days.

First of all, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, try to avoid constipation, treat hemorrhoids, diarrhea in a timely manner, do not use newspapers in the toilet (printing ink is harmful), etc. For treatment, after emptying, rinse the anus with warm water and soap, then treat cracks, knots with warm dead water, make an enema from warm dead water and try to keep it for 10-15 minutes. In the presence of discharge, pus, the enema should be repeated.

In conclusion, you need to make an enema of warm living water. After all, moisten all knots, cracks with living water. Drink 0.5 glass of live water at night. Treatment lasts 4-5 days, sometimes longer.

49. Bone fractures

With closed fractures, cracks within 20-25 days after the application of gypsum, drink 200-250 ml of live water after meals.

In case of open fractures, bruises, treat wounds with dead water, apply a sterile napkin moistened with dead water on it. Starting from the second day, the wound is irrigated with living water for 3-4 minutes, then it is bandaged with sterile material.

For the treatment of bruises, local hemorrhages, lotions of living water are made within 4-5 days, keeping them for 40-45 minutes. Useful diet high in calcium, protein, phosphorus and vitamin D (meat, fish, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs)

50. Chronic pyelonephritis

During the first 5 days in 20 minutes. before meals, drink 200 ml of living water; from the fifth to the tenth day - drink 250 ml, and from the tenth to the thirtieth day - 300 ml each.

Follow a diet (avoid spicy, bitter dishes, marinades, alcohol). With exacerbations, antibiotic therapy is necessary (prescribed by a doctor). The course of treatment (month) can be repeated 2-5 times a year.

51. High blood pressure

In the morning and evening before meals, drink 0.5 cups of dead water. If the pressure does not decrease, drink 3 times a day. It is often enough to drink 0.5 cups and lie down.

52. Low blood pressure

In the morning and evening before meals, drink 0.5 cups of live water. If necessary, living water can be drunk three times, as well as longer, for example, 1-2 weeks, then take a week break.

It is useful to control your pressure and clarify the dose of living water taken.

The pressure rises, energy, vigor increases, appetite improves.

53. Polyarthritis

One treatment cycle 9 days:

The first 3 days should be 30 minutes. before meals, drink 0.5 cups of dead water;

The fourth day is a break;

The fifth day before meals and at night drink 0.5 cups of live water;

The sixth day - again a break;

The last three days (7th, 8th, 9th) again drink dead water, as in the first days.

If the disease is chronic, compresses should be made on sore spots from warm dead water or rubbed into the skin. Pain in the joints passes, the body is cleansed. If necessary, the treatment should be repeated.

54. Sexual weakness

In the morning and at night, periodically drink 0.5-1 glass of live water - use its stimulating, tonic effect. Before sexual intercourse, try not to think about a possible failure.

Drink 0.5 glass of dead water. If diarrhea does not stop within an hour, drink another 0.5 cup. Refrain from food. The diarrhea usually stops within an hour.

56. Cuts, abrasions, scratches

Rinse the wound with dead water, wait until it dries, then apply a swab to it, abundantly moistened with living water. Continue treatment with live water. If pus appears, treat the wound again with dead water and continue treatment with living water.

57. Bed sores

Gently wash bedsores with warm dead water, let dry, then moisten with warm living water. After bandaging, you can moisten through a bandage. When pus appears, the procedure is repeated, starting with dead water (as in the treatment of purulent wounds).

The patient is advised to lie on linen sheets. Place a bag of flax seeds under the bedsores (so that the wound “breathes” better). With this method of treatment, bedsores heal faster than with traditional chemical medicines. One cycle of treatment is 6 days.

58. Prevention of acute respiratory infections, colds during epidemics.

Periodically, 3-4 times a week, and if necessary, every day, in the morning and evening (when coming home from work), rinse your nose, mouth and throat with dead water. After 20-30 min. drink 0.5 glass of live water.

After contact with infectious patients, visits to clinics, hospitals, public places, do this procedure additionally. At home, it is advisable to wash your hands and wash your face with dead water. Vivacity appears, working capacity increases, microbes, bacteria die, it is possible to avoid the disease.

For 20-30 min. before meals, drink 125-200 ml of live water as a metabolic stimulant.

Wash with dead water, then for 10-15 minutes. apply compresses of living water.

The water temperature is around 35°C.

60. Psoriasis (scaly)

Before treatment, you need to wash well with soap, steam the affected areas with the maximum tolerable temperature or make a hot compress so that the scales and damaged skin soften. After that, moisten the affected areas with warm dead water, and after 5-8 minutes moisten with living water.

Further, for 6 days in a row, these places should be moistened only with living water and this should be done more often, 6-8 times a day. No bathing, steaming is no longer needed. In addition, the first 3 days 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes. before meals, you need to drink 200-250 ml of dead water, and the next 3 days - the same amount of living water.

After the first cycle, it is recommended to take a week break, after the treatment continues again. In some people, during treatment, the affected skin becomes very dry, cracked and sore. In such cases, it is recommended to moisten it several times with dead water (weaken the effect of living water).

After 4-5 days, the affected areas are cleared, clean, pinkish areas of the skin appear. Gradually, the lichen disappears. Most often, 3-4 treatment cycles are enough.

A significant proportion of patients are cured.

In the process of treatment, you should avoid spicy foods, especially smoked meats, alcohol, do not smoke, try not to be nervous.

61. Radiculitis, rheumatism

Two days, 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals, drink 200 ml of live water. It is good to rub warm dead water into the sore spot or make a compress out of it.

62. Skin irritation (eg after shaving)

Rinse face several times (moisten irritated areas) with live water and let dry without wiping. If there are cuts, apply to them for 5-10 minutes. swabs soaked in living water.

A little sore skin, but heals quickly.

63. Tears in the skin on the heels of the feet

The treatment is the same as for foot odor (see paragraph 31). After the procedure, it is additionally recommended to lubricate the heels, tears, cracks with vegetable oil and let it soak. While the skin is wet, soft, you can rub it with a pumice stone to remove dead skin. Tears, cracks heal in 2-3 days, the skin becomes elastic.

64. Dilated veins

Wash the places of vein expansion and bleeding places or wipe them well with dead water several times, then for 15-20 minutes. apply compresses from living water to them and drink 0.5 cups of dead water. Repeat these procedures until a tangible result appears.

65. Salmonelliosis

For prevention purposes, eat only well-cooked or fried meat, carry out veterinary control of meat, do not drink raw milk, especially from untested cows. In case of illness, rinse the stomach with warm dead water, eat nothing for the first day, periodically drink 0.5 cups of dead water every 2-3 hours.

Additionally, you can make an enema of warm dead water (50-100 ml) and keep it for 10-15 minutes. Starting from the third day of treatment, 30 min. before meals, drink 0.5 cups of live water. Salmonella die, the disease disappears in 3-4 days. If this method does not help, you should consult a doctor.

66. Diabetes

Always drink 1 glass of live water before meals. And during the day, drink 1.5-2 liters of alkaline water.

67. Seborrhea of ​​the face (pimples)

Treatment is similar to that set out in paragraph 19 (Facial hygiene). In the morning and evening, wash your face with hot water and soap, wipe your face and moisten with warm dead water. Moisten pimples as often as possible. Juvenile acne is treated in the same way.

When the skin is cleansed, you can wash (wipe it) with living water. This is especially helpful for dry skin.

68. Stomatitis

After each meal 3-5 minutes. rinse the mouth with dead water. On the affected mucous membrane of the mouth for 5 minutes. apply cotton swabs with dead water. After that, rinse the mouth with boiled water and rinse well with living water for the last time.

When the wounds begin to heal, it is enough to rinse your mouth after eating only with warm living water. If necessary, do also applications with living water.

Exclude smoking, spicy food, alcoholic beverages. Dead water disinfects the oral cavity, and living water contributes to the rapid healing of sores.

69. Chronic tonsillitis

The first two days after eating for 3-5 minutes. gargle with warm dead water.

Starting from the third day, rinse only with warm living water. Treatment lasts 4-5 days.

In addition, from the first day of the disease, it is necessary to wash the lacunae of the tonsils with warm, dead water. On the third day, wash them with warm living water. It is convenient to rinse with a medical syringe without a needle. When washing, water can be swallowed.

Additionally: beware of colds, speak more quietly. It is useful to take vitamins C and B groups, multivitamins. Avoid spicy, rough foods.

70. Acne

Periodically moisten the skin with dead water or make lotions. Wash with cosmetic soap. Useful in 20 min. before eating, drink 0.5 cups of live water, and also adjust the menu. In addition, see item 19 - Facial hygiene and item 60 - Acne.

71. Removal of dead skin from the soles of the feet

Steam your legs for 30-40 minutes. in hot soapy water, wipe, then hold them for 10-15 minutes. in warm dead water. After that, use your fingers or a pumice stone to wipe off the layer of softened dead skin. After washing, wash (hold) the feet in warm living water and allow to dry without wiping. (Methodology, as in the elimination of foot odor, the treatment of cracks)

72. Improve blood circulation

If there is a sufficient amount of living water, baths from this water are recommended or after taking a regular bath or shower, dousing with living water. After dousing, allow to dry without wiping.

If there is not enough living water, you can add 1 share of living water to 5 parts of ordinary water.

73. Feel better

Periodically 1-2 times a week, rinse the nose, mouth and throat with dead water, then drink 0.5 cups of live water. It is best to do this after breakfast and after dinner (at night). Such a procedure must be done after contact with patients, during an influenza epidemic, etc. Energy, cheerfulness are added, working capacity improves, microbes and bacteria die.

74. Improved digestion

When stopping the work of the stomach, for example, when overeating or when mixing incompatible foods (for example, bread with potatoes and meat), drink one glass of live water. Usually after 15-20 minutes. stomach starts working

75. Hair care

Once a week, wash your hair with live water with soap or shampoo, then rinse well with live water and leave to dry without wiping. If it is necessary to disinfect the scalp, it can be shed once with dead water, wait 5-8 minutes, then rinse with live water and leave to dry.

The scalp is cleansed, the hair becomes soft, silky, dandruff disappears.

76. Skin care

Regularly wipe the skin or wash with dead water with the recommended concentration (for women, pH = 5.5). The skin becomes clean, soft and elastic.

77. Furunculosis

Wash the affected area with hot water and soap, then disinfect with warm dead water and allow to dry. Further, compresses from dead water should be applied to the boils, changing them 4-5 times a day or more often. After 2-3 days, the wounds are washed with live water to speed up healing. In the process of treatment, you need to drink 0.5 cups of live water 3 times a day before meals, and in the presence of diabetes - after meals.

Usually boils heal in 3-4 days. Side effects are not observed.

In patients with diabetes, the amount of sugar in the blood is normalized.

78. Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder)

Four days in a row in 30 minutes. before meals, drink 0.5 cups of ionized water in the following sequence: before breakfast - dead water; before lunch and before dinner - living water.

79. Cystitis

3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals, drink 250-300 ml of live water. Last appointment - no later than 18 hours. Exclude pickles, spices, spicy seasonings from the menu. Take antibiotics as directed by your doctor. If cystitis is accompanied by stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, then it is better to drink living water after 20 minutes. after meal.

Useful also within 7-10 min. take a hot bath, then do a microclyster with warm living water.

In a hospital setting, the doctor can wash the bladder several times, first with warm dead water, then with warm living water. A good outflow of urine is provided, pus, mucus, and salt residues are well washed out, and the activity of the smooth muscle of the bladder improves.

80. Eczema

Before starting treatment, steam the affected areas (make a hot compress), then moisten with dead water and allow to dry. Then, for a week or longer, moisten with living water 4-6 times a day. At night, drink 0.5 glass of live water. Usually the affected areas heal in 5-6 days, sometimes faster.

81. Cervical erosion

Douche at night or do vaginal baths with warm (38 ° C) dead water. After a day or two, do the same procedure with warm fresh living water. After a 7-10 minute bath in the vagina, you can leave a tampon soaked in living water for several hours. The duration of treatment with live water is 3-4 days. If necessary - up to 10 days. It is advisable to repeat the procedures 2-3 times a day.

Usually, after 2-4 procedures with dead water, itching disappears, signs of inflammation disappear, the swelling of the vaginal tissues decreases, and the discharge becomes transparent.

82. Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum with increased acidity

Within 5-7 days, 1 hour before meals, drink 0.5-1 glass (depending on blood pressure) of live water (in case of heartburn, drink after meals). After that, take a week break and, despite the fact that the pain has disappeared, repeat the course of treatment 1-2 more times until the ulcers are completely healed. (Usually it needs 11-17 days)

In the process of treatment, follow a diet, avoid spicy, rough food, raw smoked meat, do not

Healing with living and dead water is mentioned in Russian legends and fairy tales. This is not invented as it may seem, water really exists, it has healing properties.

Dead and living water in modern medicine, this term refers to the liquid obtained as a result of electrolysis. The process consists in the fact that 2 electrodes are placed in the liquid, through which current passes. Near the positively charged electrode, a liquid with high acidity is obtained - healing dead water, and next to the negative electrode - alkaline, which is called living water. Both liquids are sterile, there are no microbes in them, they die when the current passes.

There is one thing - living and dead water does not retain its beneficial properties for long, and the cooking process is also quite complicated.

There are settings that help you do this at home, but their use is not always safe. In order for the process to proceed correctly, it is necessary to monitor many factors - temperature, current strength, composition of the liquid. An equally important role is played by the material from which the electrodes are made.

Anolyte - dead water application

Dead water at home is a clear yellowish liquid with a sour, astringent taste and sour aroma. Dead water retains its properties for about 15 days, if it is tightly closed, put in a cool place.

  • destroys fungi, bacteria;
  • helps with allergies;
  • is an antiviral agent;
  • relieves itching, swelling;
  • dries;
  • treats various inflammations of the oral cavity;
  • helps with nervous disorders, insomnia;
  • relieves joint pain;
  • slows down metabolic processes;
  • disinfects no worse than iodine or brilliant green;
  • excellent antiseptic;
  • prevents stagnation of blood.

Catholyte - living water medicinal properties

Do-it-yourself living water is a bluish, alkaline solution. You can use no more than two days, and then if stored tightly closed, in a darkened room.

  • increases the body's defenses;
  • excellent antioxidant;
  • restores the intestinal mucosa;
  • useful for the stomach;
  • well heals wounds;
  • improves hair structure;
  • relieves dandruff;
  • smoothes wrinkles

Living dead water application

Improvement in overall well-being: first, dead water is needed, it is rinsed with a throat. After the procedure, living water. Drink half a glass.

Allergy, herpes: dead water is needed - the throat, mouth, nasal passages are rinsed with a healing liquid, if there is a rash, they are moistened several times a day with liquid. After the procedure, living water - 100 ml. Treatment is carried out at least three times a day.

Hypertension, headaches: dead water helps - twice 1/2 cup for several days.

Hypotension: with this disease, living water is useful. It is enough to drink twice a day to feel relief.

Gastritis: helps to get rid of the disease living water. Drink half a glass before meals for a week.

Angina: rinse your mouth with dead water, then drink living water - 50g. Four days or more are treated.

Living water for constipation: drink 2 glasses with breaks throughout the day

Dead water for diarrhea: useful for diarrhea, you need to drink about two glasses in two hours. Use until the symptoms disappear, sometimes once is enough.

Gastric and duodenal ulcer: an hour before meals live water 100 ml for 5 days. The treatment is repeated until the problem is eliminated with a break of 7 days.

Colpitis: heat both types of water to 40 degrees. First douche with dead water, then after 20 minutes use living water for douching.

Living water for heartburn: you can get rid of heartburn if you drink living water - 100 ml at a time before meals.

Flu: Rinse your mouth with dead water 8 times a day, drink 100 ml of live water in the evening

Joint pain: will disappear if you take several sips of dead water before eating.

Pain with sciatica: healing living water - three times before meals 3/4 cup.

Phlebeurysm: dead water for washing problem areas, then live water compresses from it on inflamed areas. Procedures are well combined with ingestion. First, they drink half a glass of dead water, then two hours later, the same amount of living water. The treatment lasts four days. The procedure is repeated with an interval of 4 hours.

Prostate adenoma: useful living water - several courses of treatment. A week before meals drink living water 100 ml. If the treatment is correct, the swelling begins to disappear by the beginning of the next week, mucus will be released, the desire to go to the toilet often will disappear. The temperature decreases on the third day, the pain recedes.

Inflammation of the liver: the course lasts four days. The first day they use dead water. Only four doses of half a glass per day. The rest of the days are treated with living water. Take 100 ml up to four times a day.

Haemorrhoids: swabs moistened with living water, then rinsing with dead water.

Skin diseases: eczema, lichen pass very quickly if you apply dead water in the morning, wash your face with living water after a few minutes. It is also useful in the morning to apply dead water to the problem area, let it dry. Then they are treated with living water. Apply at least 4 times a day.

Closed abscesses, boils: treats warm dead water. A compress is made from it several times a day.

Purulent wounds, burns, cuts: at the beginning, the wound is treated with dead water. Let dry naturally. Further, only living water is used.

Vaginitis, cervical erosion: douching with dead water, then living water. A tampon with live water after douching is left overnight.

Bad smell from feet: feet are washed and dried. Then they are poured with dead water, allowed to dry, poured with living water and also allowed to dry.

Rejuvenation: is an indispensable rejuvenator. They wash themselves first with dead water, then with living water, then wait for the natural drying of the skin. It is useful for men to relieve irritation after shaving with live and dead water.

Dead and living water for hair: use after washing, just moisten the head, allow to dry. Start with dead water.

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