Human eye color: psychology. What does eye color say about a person? Characteristics of a person by eye color. Eye color and personality. Brown, blue, green, gray, dark blue eyes - a characteristic of the owners and the meaning in women

There are the most brown-eyed people in the world. This eye color is especially common in Asia, Southern Europe and Oceania, South America and Africa. In Russia, the number of brown-eyed people began to increase sharply in the middle of the 20th century.

Origin and varieties

Brown eyes are inherent in people living in warm corners of the planet. And it has to do with genetics. Brown color is formed with a high content of melatonin in the iris of the eye from the outer layer. Due to the high concentration of this substance, the layer absorbs low and high frequency light, creating brown eyes.

The first ancestors of modern man, according to scientists, had dark shades of eyes. This is largely due to the fact that they lived in warm climatic zones. The abundance of sunlight formed brown shades of the iris. A large amount of melatonin protects the eyes from the strong effects of ultraviolet rays. Brown is the color of the eyes of the ancestors, the very first and ancient.

All other eye colors appeared later, due to mutations. There is a version of scientists that the first mutation occurred in a person living by the sea. From him began a race of light-eyed people. People with light shades of brown eyes began to appear due to the mixing of genes for brown-eyed and light-eyed people. Intermediate brown shades are also a consequence of mutations.

Brown eyes have many shades from the lightest to rich dark, almost black. Varieties of brown eyes:

  • dark brown;
  • brown;
  • light brown;
  • olive (walnut, marsh);
  • amber;
  • yellow.

Olive or swamp eyes combine shades of brown and green. They look different depending on the lighting. In bright daylight, the lamps appear brown-green, in soft light the lamps appear light brown, and in the rays of the bright sun they sparkle with gold and green hues. The color of olive eyes is heterogeneous, but always with an admixture of hazel.

The amber eye color also belongs to the mixed type, it is distinguished by a rich, uniform brown-yellow color. Amber eyes have a golden or greenish tint in bright light.

Yellow eye color is one of the shades of brown. This is a very rare shade.

It is formed when the pigment lipofuscin is pale in the iris. Sometimes light yellow shades of the eyes signal problems with the kidneys.

Symbolism and characteristics

Brown eyes have a meaning associated with the energy of nature. It is the color of the earth and tranquility, warmth and comfort.

Brown shades symbolize:

  • reliability;
  • stability;
  • devotion;
  • stability;
  • fertility;
  • comfort;
  • safety.

Brown eyes mean sensuality and connection with nature, solitude and tranquility. All shades of this color are endowed with the symbolism of the material world, animal instincts. Brown has a calming effect. This explains the fact that it is easier for brown-eyed people to trust and tell their problems and worries.

People with brown eyes are distinguished by strong energy, which they are able to share. But with its lack, they become energy vampires and need a source of nourishment. This source is often the owners of light eyes.

Impulsiveness and emotionality are always inherent in those who have brown shades of eyes. They are easy to "hurt" and piss off. They also forgive quickly. For the brown-eyed, the end justifies the means. They are able to take risks if it is necessary to achieve the goal.

Traits inherent in the character of people with brown eyes:

  • practicality;
  • authority;
  • jealousy;
  • amorousness;
  • vulnerability;
  • temperament;
  • sociability.

Owners of dark eyes can fall in love at first sight, and just as quickly cool off in relation to their partner. They are very demanding in relationships and often unrestrained in their presentations.

Personalities with olive and amber eyes are distinguished by a contradictory nature. These are diplomats with philosophical inclinations. They are characterized by perseverance on the way to the goal. If someone ignores their requests, they will do their best to ensure that their interests are taken into account. In a calm state, they are dreamers and philosophers. Very rarely fall into a state of causeless depression.

Women and men

Women with brown eyes have strength and self-confidence. Their personal life will develop successfully only with a strong partner. Weak men are not able to withstand the temperament and pressure of a brown-eyed woman, they will simply be overwhelmed by her energy. Girls with this eye color can repeatedly marry until they meet a perfect man in all the parameters they set.

Distinctive features of women with brown eye shades:

  • resourcefulness;
  • purposefulness.

They rarely compromise, although they give the impression of soft and "cozy". They always have their own principles, which they do not change under any circumstances. Brown-eyed beauties often achieve success in sports and other areas where perseverance and patience are needed.

Men with brown eyes are workaholics striving for the heights of success. They are responsible in their work and can achieve great success.

Usually leaders have this eye color. But even in the position of a subordinate, a brown-eyed man will strive for promotion and financial stability. In personal relationships, the owners of dark eyes are very emotional and demanding, sometimes authoritarian. They are not able to forgive betrayals and betrayals, they require women to give their full dedication. They themselves can change, and they openly admit it. They have a very delicate connection with their mother, attachment to which lasts a lifetime.

Eyes almost always reflect emotions and thoughts, even if the opponent carefully hides them. To understand what is on his mind, it is worth paying close attention to his eyes. Many things can also be informed by the colors of a person's eyes. To date, geneticists have not yet been able to establish a direct link between the color of the iris and the disposition of a particular individual. But such sciences as practical psychology, astrology and the aforementioned physiognomy say that the color of the iris can be used to distinguish common character traits that are inherent in a person to a greater or lesser extent.

Eye color and personality

In order to be able to "read" the interlocutor by the color of the iris, you just need to correctly determine the shade and color of the eyes. There are several general rules.

  1. The more intense and richer the pigmentation of the eyes, the more activity and strength is manifested in a person. These are bright energetic people who are usually leaders in any area of ​​life.
  2. Light eyes indicate a romantic, vulnerable nature that knows how to show compassion and kindness to others.
  3. Warm shades of the iris indicate that such a person is very gentle and dreamy.
  4. The cold color of the eyes testifies to the complex, "prickly" nature of its owner.
  5. A creative personality is given out by a bright colored iris.

Let's find out in more detail what personality traits can be determined by eye color.

What does eye color mean in humans?


Such eyes speak of a kind, sensitive character and complaisant disposition. Such people are dreamers and romantics. They have a well-developed imagination and fantasy. There are many writers, inventors, actors and businessmen among the blue-eyed. Some coldness and detachment is compensated by conscientiousness, generosity and purposefulness.


These cold shades give a person determination, great ambitions, firmness and determination. Here the mind is perfectly combined with intuition, flexibility of thinking and spirituality. People with this shade of eyes are completely self-sufficient, they do not need praise, do not like flattery and can support in a difficult situation.


Grey-eyed are born workaholics, they are reliable, hardy, practical, stable and patient and inquisitive. Such a person is unpretentious in everyday life, unhurried, calm and friendly in communication. Many of them are businessmen, politicians and scientists.


Such eyes speak of sensuality, charm, emotionality and sentimentality. Blue-eyed people are distinguished by innate fearlessness, they are avid debaters, they always seek justice. Capable of decisive action, they can be a "gray" cardinal, carrying out carefully thought-out plans.


A “witchy” shade is observed in hardy, hardworking and assertive people, who are distinguished by strictness, correctness and accuracy. These are excellent organizers, who, however, do not strive for leadership. They are conscientious, but proud, demanding of themselves and others.


The life of these people is filled with deep meaning, wisdom, friendships. They are trusting, complaisant, shy, modest and friendly. In this life, they rely only on themselves, but they themselves are happy to help others. Inner strength and kindness, the ability for rational analysis and the logic of events are common traits of such people.


Nature endowed the brown-eyed with intelligence, beauty, energy and passion. They know how to make a good impression of themselves, sometimes they can be capricious and demanding. A rich inner world and persistent love of life are common features of the brown-eyed.


Passionate magnetic natures. They say about such people "He has a fatal look." These are strong-willed strong people, impulsive and domineering by nature. Sexuality, enterprise, initiative, excitement and fearlessness of the black-eyed noticeably distinguishes them from the crowd. Sometimes they experience aggression, but quickly forgive insults. The desire for leadership, warmth and charm allows such people to quickly achieve their goals and success.

Why does a person's eye color change?

Many babies who are born with blue eyes can drastically change their eye color by the age of six months. This is due to an increase in the number of melanocytes in the iris. In older people, the iris may turn pale and fade due to sclerotic pathologies.
Darkening of the color of the iris can be associated with inflammation and various eye problems. Color changes can be caused by a malfunction of the nervous and endocrine systems. There is such a phenomenon as "chameleon eyes", which is not considered a pathology. Such eyes can change the color and saturation of pigmentation depending on the time of day, lighting and changes in external conditions.

The color of a person's eyes is one of the main features that is as individual as fingerprints. According to psychologists and life observations, there is a direct relationship between a person’s disposition and a shade of the iris that determines the nature of the individual.

While meeting a person, probably, everyone would like to know what to expect from such people or how to properly behave with them in order to achieve what they want. It should be borne in mind that not only actions, but also facial expressions, as well as gestures, can tell a lot about a particular person. Probably, many have heard such an old expression as "The eyes are the mirror of the soul", but few people thought about whether this is true or not. Just by looking into the eyes of a person, you can understand and see a lot about him, of course, if you know exactly how to look correctly.

How to determine the influence of eye color on a person's character?

Eye color is given to a person from birth and can change at the moment when we ourselves change. Today, you can easily and quickly change the color of the eyes with the help of contact lenses, but there are many cases when the natural color of the eyes changes. As a rule, such a phenomenon is directly related to changes that affect the mental state and mores.

Scientists have concluded that the more intense and brighter the color of the eyes is, the more human passions will manifest, filling with energy and taking an active life position. Therefore, the lighter the shade of the eyes, the more romantic and tender the human soul.

The intensity and brightness of the color in the iris indicates precisely the creative beginning of the individual. Gentle natures are characterized by warm shades of eyes, and cold ones speak of a firm and persistent character.

Black eyes

The owners of black eyes are characterized by such traits as impulsiveness, energy and initiative. For such people, it is simply vital to constantly be in the center of everyone's attention. These personalities always become the real soul of the company, and exemplary employees at work.

Black-eyed people are optimists, while they are very responsible and reliable, but at the same time they are still mysterious and rather secretive, which makes it very difficult for them to open their souls even to close friends.

If serious difficulties or problems arise, they can show strong aggression and irritability, at the same time they are not able to harbor a grudge for too long and quickly forget it.

The owners of black eyes are always confident in themselves and their own abilities, while they are characterized by fearlessness and non-standard thinking, but they can be very amorous. Such people have a very hot temperament, sensitivity and sexuality, which is hard to resist for the opposite sex.

Such people always know what to do to please others, they can radiate warmth and charm, they like to be in the center of all events. Black-eyed individuals are very selective in people, at the same time they remain demanding of others, as well as of themselves. Such individuals cannot sit in one place for too long, because they are very enterprising and reckless, they always want to be the first in everything, which they constantly prove in practice.

Brown eyes

The owners of this eye color are very temperamental and energetic, it is very easy for these personalities to flirt, and quite often intrigues become their faithful companion for life.

Brown-eyed people love to be in the center of attention always and everywhere, because their life is not just one big play, but a real one-man show, where others act as scenery.

Brown-eyed people do not just love, but are in dire need of constant praise, because they want to hear every day how unforgettable, beautiful, bright and amazing they are. If there is no praise in the lives of people with brown eyes, they begin to feel very uncomfortable.

Often such people crave power, while they are very enterprising, reckless and can be aggressive if they do not get what they want in a timely manner. Despite the fact that these personalities are too touchy, they also quickly leave behind all grievances.

People who are close to brown-eyed people cannot get rid of the unpleasant feeling that they constantly live on a powder keg, because they simply do not know what to expect from them.

Owners of brown eyes amaze those around them with their attractiveness, sociability, wit and sensuality. The darker the shade of the eyes, the more pronounced all of the above character traits.

Light brown eyes

People with light brown eyes are more theorists than practitioners, while they are quite passive, lazy, very touchy, impressionable, and sometimes closed.

These individuals are very hardworking pragmatists who constantly strive for isolation, while they do not tolerate advice and guidance. Owners of light brown eyes love to reflect on the essence of being. Quite often, their propensity for laziness is so high that it exceeds all limits.

But, despite their laziness and passivity, these people have a truly unique ability to easily and quickly complete even the most complex tasks, showing incredible productivity, at the same time they practically do not bother.

From the outside, it may seem that people with light brown eyes are very soft and supple, but they like to do everything the way they want and almost never agree with the opinions of others.

Yellow eyes

Very rarely there are people with such an unusual eye color as yellow. These individuals have really special talents, they are very charming and artistic, cunning and inventive, so I can quite easily find a way out of almost any situation.

Yellow-eyed people are always good and loyal friends, and not a single obstacle can stop them if a loved one is in trouble and needs their help. But such personalities are often very insidious and mysterious, so they can become dangerous opponents.

These people will never accept a situation in which someone will impose their own rules. They do not control emotions well, they perfectly feel insincerity, lies and falsity in the words of the interlocutor. Men with yellow eyes become brave defenders and faithful comrades for their chosen ones.

Tiger yellow eyes

This is the rarest human eye color, which can also be called snake. Personalities with this shade of eyes have a sharp and extraordinary mind, they are very unpredictable and original.

It is believed that people with this particular eye color have a well-developed intuition, so it is very difficult to confuse them. Such individuals are their own masters, while being very wary of strangers.

Thanks to their excellent artistry and natural flexibility, they quite easily and simply get out of any unpleasant situations and conflicts, but they do not put their own person at risk at all. Such people are very vindictive and vengeful, therefore they become extremely dangerous enemies.

Green eyes

As a rule, the owners of green eyes are very assertive and purposeful individuals, but sometimes these qualities develop into banal obstinacy. It is very difficult to predict in advance how these individuals will behave in a given situation, because they like to try on new roles every day, which brings them unforgettable pleasure.

Green-eyed people have a well-developed intuition, while it is very important for them to be firmly convinced that all their actions will lead to a visible effect and will not be in vain.

Such individuals perceive their opinion as correct, the thoughts of loved ones take an honorable second place, but what everyone else thinks does not bother them at all. At the same time, green-eyed people strongly dislike to enter into open confrontations and always try to bypass delicate situations when they may find themselves in an uncomfortable position. As a rule, such individuals will not take any action at all until they carefully calculate each step.

Gray-green eyes

People with gray-green eyes always have their own opinion on everything that happens around them. They have outstanding intuition, which is why they feel quite confident in any situation.

These individuals are very determined and patient pragmatists, conscientious and hardworking. People with gray-green eyes are loyal and gentle with their soul mates, while they can spend all their energy on finding a chosen one, but they choose only once and for all. If you need to solve some serious and important issue, they will show firmness and rigidity, at the same time they know how to listen well.

Grey-green-blue eyes

People with such an unusual and interesting eye color have a completely different attitude to love. These personalities talk a lot about romance and dreams, while their main distinguishing feature is strong egoism and whims. At the same time, the owners of this eye color are endowed with cruelty and coldness.

Grey eyes

The owners of this shade of eyes are very reasonable, conscientious, inquisitive and thoughtful, in almost all their actions they are guided by practicality and always stand firmly on the ground with both feet.

These individuals almost never rush anywhere, at the same time they are rarely late. They are very secretive, do not like to put their problems on public display, try not to show feelings in public.

People with gray eyes prefer cold calculation, so they almost never rely on their own intuition. If a question has to be solved, especially when intelligence is needed for this, no one is better than gray-eyed people to cope with the task.

They have a restrained and dry character, which can cause certain difficulties associated with the emotional sphere. Gray-eyed people try to find inspiration in their close environment and become completely happy if there is a person nearby who can fill them with vivid emotions. Very faithful in love, they rarely cheat on their chosen ones.

Blue eyes

People with blue eyes are able to show strong feelings. If they fall in love, they rush into love without much thought, not paying any attention to the advice or prohibitions of relatives. However, if they do not like someone, they will hate just as quickly and strongly. But these personalities are rarely limited only to the manifestation of negative emotions, since they very easily move on to decisive hostilities.

Blue-eyed people love to enter into disputes and conflicts, because they get indescribable pleasure from the process itself, since it is very important for them to prove to everyone around them that they are right and aware of any issue.

Disputes and conflicts are the element of blue-eyed personalities, while in them they are subjective, because in the first place they will be guided only by their own antipathies and sympathies, but not by common sense.

Blue eyes

The owners of blue eyes are very dreamy and romantic, emotional and sensual. If such people lack emotions in life, they will quickly and easily come up with them on their own.

Excessive sentimentality is clearly visible in the character of such people, but this does not at all prevent them from starting numerous intrigues and novels. It is because of this that it is very difficult for blue-eyed individuals to meet true love in their lives.

They are very vulnerable and sensitive, quickly offended, they can lose their temper with lightning speed, so it will be difficult for loved ones to atone for their guilt before them. Such individuals can, even many years later, accurately reproduce the words and intonation that offended them.

The mood of blue-eyed people changes quite often, due to the fact that they are prone to strong feelings, they can succumb to depression, even if there are absolutely no good reasons for this.

Such individuals may possess not only diverse, but also unexpected talents. The main distinguishing feature of blue-eyed people is that they are able to adapt almost instantly to absolutely any conditions.

This is a very rare shade of eyes that is not a specific color, as this is a unique feature of a particular person. Such individuals can change the shade of their eyes for a variety of reasons - for example, depending on their own mood, circumstances or environment. There are practically no clear boundaries here.

Owners of such an interesting eye color are prone to sudden mood swings, as well as variability in their own desires. The fact is that each shade will make some specific adjustments to the personality traits.

People with chameleon eyes are able to easily and quickly merge into a variety of life circumstances, simply adapt to new conditions, with little or no discomfort. These individuals are very consistent in their actions, love organization in everything, however, despite this, they most often act impulsively and spontaneously, which makes them completely unpredictable.

For more on how eye color affects character, see here:

Brown eyes are among the most common on Earth. It is formed due to the large amount of melatonin in the iris. Reflected light produces a brown tint because the iris absorbs both high and low frequency light. Previously (many centuries ago), all the people of the planet had dark eyes, but then, for unknown reasons, people with eyes of other colors appeared on Earth. It is estimated that there are eight primary colors of the iris today.

What does brown eye color mean and why are there so many more brown-eyed people on the planet?

Brown eyes are found among the inhabitants of the planet more often than others. Brown-eyed people predominate in southern countries: in Asia, Africa, America and EU countries. Only the Scandinavian and Baltic countries are an exception: there people are usually fair-haired and their eyes, respectively, are blue in most of them.

The brown-eyed color of the eyes performs a certain function: the hotter the sun shines, the darker the eyes of people. Brown or brown eyes protect people from the scorching sun.

How, then, to explain that virtually all residents of the cold Far North are owners of brown eyes? This is due to the fact that brown eyes protect their owners from shiny snow, because many people with bright eyes are uncomfortable looking at snowy whiteness.

Brown-eyed people are under the influence of Venus and the Sun. The sun rewarded them with an ardent and passionate nature, and Venus with sensuality and amorousness. However, having quickly flared up to their object, brown-eyed people are also able to quickly become disillusioned. The dark brown color of the eyes predetermines the ability of their owners to communicate easily, but they mostly speak themselves, since the listeners from them are “ungrateful”.

Kare green and light brown eyes

Kare green eye color gives its owners reliability. You can safely trust such a person in everything, and people also remain sincerely grateful to him, trying to provide support.

People with green eyes do not always realize what their real purpose is, and working only because of money is not an occupation for them. The need for frequent job changes does not stop them - thanks to the ability to quickly adapt to a new (sometimes unpredictable) environment.

People with light brown eyes are honest and polite. They are often truthful to their own detriment. Light brown eyes are characteristic of gifted and romantic people:

  • they write poetry;
  • sing without even having vocal abilities;
  • are engaged in a dance studio, but do not aspire to become a dancer.

All this is done only for the soul, since the owners of light brown eyes do not at all want to become famous or become famous.

What color goes best with brown eyes?

So, what color should women with brown eyes choose? They should not wear clothes of inconspicuous colors. Brown-eyed women are best suited for warm tones that match the palette of natural colors.

  1. Golden shades (yellow leaves, dark gold, beige, golden) are most suitable for brown-eyed women, successfully shading the skin.
  2. All shades of green: pea, khaki, olive, dark turquoise, are ideal for brown eyes. But blue-green notes are better not to use.
  3. The orange color makes the skin of the owners of brown eyes literally glow. The same applies to mustard tones.
  4. As a rule, pink color does not suit brown-eyed women, but if you add a little apricot or salmon shades, it can turn out just great.
  5. Brown-eyed girls are not recommended to choose the classic blue color. But on the other hand, shades of blue in combination with reddish impurities will suit brown-eyed beauties very well. Purple, blackberry, plum shades seem to be made for girls with brown eyes.
  6. But the combination of black and white is best avoided. An exception can only be an official meeting. If you need to combine a light top with a dark bottom, it is better to focus on chocolate colors and shades of light cream.

What color suits brown eyes when choosing cosmetics?

As for the choice of cosmetics for brown-eyed girls, compared to the owners of light or green eyes, they have great advantages:

  • dark eyes - mysterious and expressive;
  • as a rule, owners of brown eyes have dark and fluffy eyelashes;
  • do not spend a lot of time on makeup - just enough to emphasize the natural beauty.

For daytime makeup, dark-eyed girls can not use shadows at all - just even out the tone of the face and slightly tint the cilia. Moreover, the minimum amount of cosmetics in the daytime indicates good taste.

When choosing shadows, I would like to advise “flowing” shades: lilac, blue, golden. And also shades of sand, beige, flesh and green colors are great for brown eyes. But it is better to exclude too dark shadows.

Tip: light shadows are best applied under the eyebrows and on the inner corners of the eyes, and dark shadows are best applied on the outer corners of the eyes.

Brown eyes in guys means that they should choose colors for clothes, guided not only by the features of the figure, but also by the color of their hair. The business suit should be black or dark gray, and it is better to wear a blue shirt. Try not to abuse the black color - combine it with turquoise or pink shades, bringing a drop of freshness to a formal suit.

For bold, young men, stylists advise choosing bright blue and purple shades. But you can’t mix yellow and pink colors, especially for business meetings - this combination is associated with a clown outfit.

As a rule, owners of brown eyes are distinguished by an interesting appearance, so do not be afraid of experiments - emphasize your individuality with bright, saturated colors!

Incredible Facts

As you know, the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and they always tell the truth.

The first thing we notice is eye color, and eye color is a genetic feature that is determined by the amount of melanin in the eyes. The color of the eyes of the iris is the result of the scattering of light through it.

Read also:50 fun facts about eyes

Interestingly, eye color is influenced by the same genes that form the frontal lobes of the brain, and therefore people with the same eye color show similar behavior.

Many experts also believe that since the eyes are closely related to the brain, they also affect our personality.

Blue eyes

You have great inner and physical strength, although this may not be so obvious to others. What's more, people don't see who you really are and may judge you negatively before they get to know you better. Perhaps others may see you as weak, shy, or insecure.

The study found that blue-eyed children are fearful of new things and less open to others.

Also, many consider the owners of blue eyes ambitious and selfish.

Studies have shown that women with light eyes are more comfortable with the stress and pain of childbirth than women with dark eyes.

In fact, blue-eyed people are honest, straightforward, very observant, always ready to support others in difficult situations.

Grey eyes

Gray eyes are a rare eye color but are actually a variation of blue eyes. If you have dark gray eyes, then your eyes are a shade of blue, but with more melanin, and if light gray, then you have less melanin.

If you are the owner dark gray eyes, you are either a very balanced person, or your personality can be called dual. Perhaps you are experiencing an internal struggle, or you are different for different people. This can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on how well you control your own emotions.

If you are the owner light gray eyes you may have to work harder to get what you want. You want to be taken seriously and remain defensive. Although it takes time to break through your walls, you care deeply for those who have.

Olive/hazel eyes

Olive eye color is difficult to describe, as it has a mixed color, reminiscent of walnut, green-brown or marsh.

Such eyes can change color from green to brown, for example, have a green tint closer to the pupil, and then turn brown around the perimeter of the iris.

From a young age, such people are different from others and unique. They are often independent, confident and spontaneous. The amount of melanin in the eyes varies from person to person, so it can be difficult to understand their personality, although they are often balanced natures.

They are sensitive, secretive, have great stamina. They can also take risks at the right time and love a challenge.

Brown eyes

The owners of brown eyes are pleasant, determined and confident people. As a rule, they are very loyal, respectful of others, and have a gentle nature, although they cannot exactly be called submissive.

Studies have shown that brown-eyed people sleep an average of two hours less than light-eyed people, and they have a harder time waking up in the morning than others.

Brown-eyed people are very down to earth, they are reliable, kind, they love to make friends, and they do it without difficulty due to their charming nature.

Green eyes

If you are the owner of green eyes, then you are lucky. This is a very rare eye color and others perceive you as mysterious, sexy and attractive.

People with green eyes have a balance of melanin, which makes them pleasant and leading, like the owners of brown eyes, but at the same time, strong and cautious, like the owners of blue eyes.

People with green eyes have an aura of mystery and quiet self-sufficiency. They can be unpredictable, jealous, but it is difficult to piss them off. They are original, creative natures and able to work in a stressful situation.

Black/dark brown eyes

People whose brown eyes are so dark that they appear black have one of the rarest eye colors. Therefore, they are often perceived as mysterious and secretive.

Studies have shown that people with dark eyes tend to drink less than those with light eyes and are generally better at target sports like tennis.

People with dark brown eyes have inner strength and are natural leaders. They are very passionate and sensual and love life.

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