What to do if a dog has otitis - symptoms and treatment at home. Dangerous otitis media in dogs: do's and don'ts

Domestic dog breeders often face such a problem when a pet often shakes its head. It's okay if it's the result of dirt or dust getting into the ears, but it's much worse if ear infections are the cause. Otitis in a dog - how to treat at home, what are the symptoms and causes, you can see the photo below.

What is otitis?

Otitis is a fairly common disease among pets. This disease is an inflammation of the external auditory canal, veterinarians daily face such a problem in animals. It is possible to detect fungal otitis in dogs at home, but self-medication is not recommended. The specialist must carry out a complete examination of the animal before prescribing him a specific treatment.

Symptoms of the disease

As mentioned above, detecting otitis media at home is not so difficult, for this it will be enough just to look in the dog's ear. In the event that otitis media is allergic, allergic redness will be clearly visible on the ear canal. And in the auricles, transparent discharge can be observed. Actually, therefore, the ear of the animal will constantly hurt.

Let's move on to the main symptoms characteristic of this disease:

  • the main symptom is the pet's anxiety - the dog will behave unnaturally, all the time looking for a new place;
  • if you try to examine the ear of the animal, this can be problematic, because the dog will start to whine plaintively, it will be very painful for him;
  • one of the main symptoms is that the animal will constantly shake its head;
  • also with otitis media, dogs often walk with their heads tilted to the left or right, this symptom indicates the manifestation of otitis media in a particular ear;
  • another symptom is the appearance of an unconventional smell in the ear area;
  • otitis causes the need to scratch the ears on household items; a tumor can form on the shell inside the ear, especially if there is a lot of sulfur in the ear;
  • a symptom of purulent otitis is purulent discharge that falls out when the pet shakes its ears.

Any otitis, be it purulent or malassezion, will be accompanied by the presence of dirt in the ears. One way or another, the breeder must understand that the first priority is to remove dirt that does not allow the penetration and action of the medicinal substance. Therefore, treatment with drops is carried out strictly after high-quality cleaning of the ear from sulfur and accumulated exudate.

Causes of the disease

To know how to cure a dog, you should understand the reasons why animals show this disease.

There are several reasons, all of them are discussed below:

How to treat disease in domestic dogs?

What to do and how to treat the disease in a pet? The main methods of treatment of this disease are given below. The choice of drops or antibiotics for treatment is necessary depending on what type of disease is observed in the dog. In any case, before treating a dog, you should consult with a specialist (the author of the video is Lina Vet's advice from a veterinarian).

So here are the treatments:


As for prevention, every dog ​​breeder should carry it out. If the pet's fur is too long, then in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears it must be constantly cut. In no case can the passage itself be damaged, so this should be done as carefully as possible.

From time to time, remove the wax, make sure that an unpleasant smell does not come from the dog's ears. It's also best to keep moisture out. Passages should be treated with solutions specially designed for this. After processing, the ears must be wiped dry.

In any case, if you notice the appearance of any symptoms, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Otherwise, the consequences can be sad.

Video "All about the diagnosis and treatment of otitis media"

How to properly diagnose and treat an ailment - find out from the video (the author of the video is the Veterinary Encyclopedia).

Any infection can cause otitis media in dogs, so it is ubiquitous. The disease of the external and internal sections of the hearing aid affects large pets and small puppies, animals with ears of various shapes. It is advisable for responsible dog breeders to carefully familiarize themselves with the causes of this unpleasant ailment.

Otitis in dogs - symptoms

Veterinarians are constantly faced with a variety of inflammatory processes in the hearing aid, causing suffering to our pets. Signs of otitis in dogs are easy for experienced owners to detect. Hearing loss, itching and headaches immediately manifest themselves in an unpleasant way, forcing the animals to change their behavior. Careful observation and examination of the head quickly helps to detect an infection at an early stage.

How does otitis media present in dogs?

  • Animals shake their heads strangely and often.
  • The skin in the sore spot becomes bumpy with thickenings.
  • Pets react painfully to a simple touch on the head.
  • As a result of a visual inspection, the dog breeder may detect incomprehensible discharge.
  • With otitis in dogs, our four-legged friends often itch, tilt their heads unusually.
  • When you press the ear, squelching sounds are heard.
  • There are strong scratches on the head.
  • The ears of a puppy with otitis media are hot.
  • The disease leads to exhaustion, loss, makes the dog irritable.
  • With otitis in dogs, it is visually easy to notice the redness of the ears.
  • Often there is an increase in the lymph nodes under the jaw.
  • There are signs of pain when opening the mouth.

The causes of this disease are diverse and common, it is difficult to insure and prevent one hundred percent otitis media in dogs. Some breeds are more susceptible to this infection than others. These include animals with long or heavily furred ears, pets with large folds on the head. A small enumeration of the main factors that lead to inflammation of the ear canals will help to understand this unpleasant problem.

Common factors that cause otitis media in dogs include:

  • Pet infection.
  • The presence of a tumor.
  • The structure of the ear canals and head facilitates the spread of infection.
  • Infection of the auricle with fungi or pathogens.
  • Incorrect or rare cleaning of wool and.
  • A foreign body clogged the auricle.
  • lead to the ingress of moisture into the ear canal.
  • An allergic reaction of the body of animals, provoking scratching of the skin.
  • Weakened immunity.

Types of otitis media in dogs

Having found signs of this disease, you need to carefully examine the animal in a gentle way, to find out the main cause of this problem. It is advisable to carefully study both ears. Sometimes external symptoms indicate the defeat of one passage, but often a latent inflammation begins in the second shell. Depending on the type of otitis media in dogs, its symptoms and treatment may vary. There are inflammation of the middle and inner ear, there are several external forms of this disease. All types of otitis require immediate timely treatment.

Otitis in dogs of a purulent form is easily detected by a foul-smelling oily secret. This process is caused by microorganisms or fungi that can ulcerate the mucous membrane and eardrum. Chlorhexidine, povidone-iodine antiseptic, acetic acid, peroxide, and other medicinal solutions are suitable for therapy. The affected areas are treated with effective means, when the disease passes into the middle ear, potent drugs are used - antibiotics, fungicides, ointments and creams of the glucocorticoid group.

Allergic otitis media in dogs

It is advisable to carefully study the living conditions of the pet, to eliminate the possibility of contact with the irritant. The sore ear should be washed with antiseptics, removing pus from the passage. In case of complications, the veterinarian can prescribe specific therapy in addition to drops, lotions and ointments, if dangerous microorganisms have settled in the places of scratching at the time of the examination.

This otitis refers to skin diseases that can be detected on the mucous membrane with the appearance and increased spread of malassezia pachydermatis fungi in the body. Under normal conditions, microorganisms manifest themselves weakly, in order for inflammation of the inner ear in dogs or the outer shell of the shell to reach critical values, special favorable conditions or weakened immunity are necessary.

In the worst cases, malasseziosis is complicated by the appearance of pathogenic microflora, the development of a bacterial infection, so it must be treated immediately. If a fungus is found in a microscope, then it is expelled with chlorhexidine, sulfur, miconazole. The skin is treated with special shampoos with a therapeutic effect. The skin is treated with ointments twice a day, the treatment lasts a long time, often up to several weeks.

For a disease of this genus, a special name was coined - otomycosis. It can be an independent problem or appear as a complication of bacterial infections, tick bites, and allergic reactions of the body. Scratching provokes otomycosis, which leads to wounds and abrasions that violate the integrity of the skin. Often they affect animals that have previously suffered from severe infections, four-legged friends with a weakened immune system.

This disease is caused not by a fungus, but by infections in the form of streptococci, staphylococci involved in pathogenesis. They are well affected by neomycin, chloramphenicol, in especially acute cases and relapses, gentamicin is used. Organisms of the Pseudomonas group are eliminated by polymyxin B, glucocorticoids. If chronic otitis in dogs is not treatable, then strong agents are used - sulfadiazine, chlorhexidine, ceftiofur, Tris-EDTA paired with gentamicin.

The second name of this disease is warty otitis media. This is a skin form of the disease that causes special formations in the ears of the animal. Warts significantly narrow the ear canal, eventually blocking the canal completely. In this case, it is not possible to effectively clean the passages of sulfur, remove pus, which complicates the disease. In the initial stage, ear inflammation in a dog is treated with drops and powders, removing deposits. In difficult cases, the growths are removed by excising a part of the auditory canal, preventing unwanted changes in the cartilage tissue.

Treatment of otitis media in dogs

Serious forms of inflammation of the ear canal are eliminated under the supervision of veterinarians, but when a specialist cannot be found quickly, you have to use the means available at home. If you find otitis in a dog, then you can try to find it in your medicine cabinet. Simple manipulations and some common human medicines help in cases where the disease is in the early stages.

  • First aid for a dog with otitis:
  • Gauze swabs with chlorhexidine or miramistim are suitable for treating the auricle.
  • To remove sulfur, use hygienic lotions sold in pet stores.
  • If the ear is tightly clogged, then with the help of saline, careful douching is performed.
  • The crust and pus are removed with swabs dipped in boiled water.
  • Then ear medicines are dripped into the passage - Anandin Plus, Sofradex, Otinum.
  • Finish the procedure with a light massage of the auricle, repeat the treatment 2 times a day.

A variety of human antibiotics for otitis in dogs are often used, but it is advisable to prescribe them on the advice of a specialist. Ampicillin is given to animals an hour before a meal or a couple of hours after a meal. The dosage must be observed exactly so as not to harm the animals. Dogs are prescribed this antibiotic at a dose of 20-40 mg orally or 10-20 mg / kg intramuscularly per 1 kg of body weight with a frequency of 8 hours a day, the course of treatment is 5 days.

This tool is suitable for topical use, it dissolves easily in alcohol and is used to destroy many microorganisms. It is prescribed in cases where the disease has passed into the middle and inner ear, and the recommended drops in the dog's ears do not help with inflammation. A swab is impregnated with a 10% solution and put into the auditory canal for half an hour. With external otitis, applications are made from dimexide. Wipes soaked in a light solution are applied to the auricle.

An antibiotic is prescribed for the treatment of advanced otitis media. It is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, observing the dosage of 1 ml per 10 kg of the pet's weight. It is necessary to observe a four-legged patient, in case of undesirable reactions, stop taking amoxicillin and change the drug. This medicine for otitis in dogs is prescribed for diseases of the middle ear to destroy pathogenic bacteria.

Levomekol is supplied in the form of ointments, the active ingredient in it is levomycetin, which kills up to 20 types of pathogens. Such preparations for the treatment of otitis in dogs are excellent in the early stages. The ointment enters the ear canal with a swab, which is left for 10 minutes in the diseased ear, where it is absorbed into the skin. Leaving the animal unattended during the procedure is undesirable. Levomikol treatment is repeated 2 times a day.

Otitis in dogs is a fairly common occurrence and experienced owners know firsthand about it.

Otitis media is called inflammation of the ear, causing discomfort and severe pain. It occurs both in humans and in animals, and in the latter an order of magnitude more often. Despite the prevalence, this is a rather serious disease that requires high-quality and timely treatment.

Causes of otitis media in dogs

There can be many reasons, but these are the most common.

ear mite

Fungal otitis media in dogs

Pathogenic bacteria and fungi may be present in the body of a dog, but they can cause a disease only with reduced immunity or hypothermia, that is, a dog, in simple terms, can be “blown away”.

Allergic otitis media in dogs

Otitis occurs with food allergies - an unbalanced diet, poor quality food and the abuse of sweets. With hormonal imbalances, such as thyroid disorders or long-term use of hormones. At the same time, a large amount of earwax is released - a breeding ground for bacteria.

Trauma or foreign body

During a walk, sand, insects or plant seeds can get into the dog's ear. These factors can cause trauma to the auricle and, as a result, inflammation. After a fight, ear injuries are not uncommon, which, in turn, can become inflamed without proper care.

Otitis media symptoms in dogs

Since otitis media is an insidious and dangerous disease, each owner must observe the behavior of his dog in order to take all necessary measures in time. As a rule, inflammatory processes are accompanied by vivid symptoms and a sharp change in behavior. Usually, if the animal is worried about something, it starts to touch, scratch and lick the sore spot. This becomes a good clue to determine what exactly the dog is suffering from.

Otitis or inflammation of the ear is of two types.

Otitis externa in dogs

It affects the area from the ear canal to the eardrum. With such a disease, the pet begins to scratch its ears, roll its head on the floor and rub against foreign objects. In addition, purulent and serous discharge with a characteristic odor appear.

Otitis externa in dogs

It starts when the infection gets behind the eardrum. Inflammation can take place with and without purulent discharge. The dog begins to shake his head, stumble, spin in circles and lose his sense of balance.

If the cause lies in allergies, then along with the ears, the skin on the abdomen and paws can be affected. The dog in this case experiences severe itching.

With all types of otitis, the dog becomes lethargic, eats poorly and reacts painfully to touching the head, and the temperature often rises. The inside of the ear is red, swollen, and hot to the touch. A discharge with a characteristic unpleasant odor may appear from the ear.

If symptoms appear, you should immediately go to the doctor. It would not be superfluous to remember what the dog ate, whether walks were made in cold weather, how long ago ear mites were prevented. All this will help in the diagnosis.

Treatment of otitis media in dogs

Inflammatory processes in the ears are a very serious disease and only a doctor should treat it. The owner is required to contact a specialist as soon as possible, a timely diagnosis is a guarantee of recovery.

To prescribe effective treatment, the veterinarian first examines and takes a swab from the ear. The doctor examines the smear under a microscope. Using different staining methods, the doctor can determine the presence of bacteria in the smear, or fungal spores or ear mites. For a more detailed study of the problem, the doctor may prescribe a clinical (general) blood test. Then, depending on the cause of otitis, the dog is prescribed drugs and procedures. Depending on the severity of the disease, the dog may stay in the hospital or go home and be treated on an outpatient basis.

As a rule, external processing of the auricle is carried out from visible outflows. How to treat otitis in a dog is prescribed by a veterinarian, as a rule, treatment consists in the use of local remedies for treating the auricle (otitis media drops for a dog) and systemic drugs (for example, antibiotics).

When diagnosed with allergic otitis, the doctor selects a therapeutic diet and prescribes systemic drugs to reduce the allergic reaction. In some cases, it is necessary to donate blood for allergens.

If an ear mite has been found and the owner has several pets, all animals must be treated.

Why is otitis media dangerous in dogs?

Otitis is not a deadly disease, but it is still better to start treating it as soon as possible. You can get help at any vet. With timely treatment, ear inflammation resolves quite quickly, but like any inflammation, it can lead to complications. So, otitis externa can become chronic and regularly torment the dog. In addition, purulent inflammation can go into the nasal cavity and other neighboring organs, causing meningitis, rhinitis, inflammation of the eyes and other diseases. Then the pet will have a particularly hard time. In some cases, otitis media causes changes in the ear cartilage, narrowing of the auditory canal. In this case, surgical intervention is necessary. If the disease is started, the dog may lose his hearing.

Disease prevention

Permanent otitis, as mentioned above, can lead to rather sad consequences.

Owners of dogs with floppy ears should be especially vigilant. Due to this form, ventilation deteriorates and creates all the conditions for the development of infection. Eastern European Shepherds are also at risk. These dogs have an ear canal that is too wide for dirt to easily get into. Dogs with excessive folds are also susceptible to frequent otitis media. It happens that the skin and cartilage grow and prevent air from entering the ear. This problem is solved by plastic surgery.

It is very important not only to contact the veterinarian in time, but to apply preventive measures. So, it is necessary to ensure that water does not get into the ears, to clean the ear passages from sulfur, dust in time, to cut off too thick wool. This should be done very gently so as not to injure the dog. In wet, cold and windy weather, a dog with chronic otitis should wear a cap.

Very often, dogs become infected with ear mites from cats, so it is important to avoid contact with stray animals.

If a dog has suffered otitis at least once, it will not be superfluous to show it to the veterinarian once a year, while observing all the recommendations.

In conclusion, it should be said that in any situation you should not panic. If you notice changes in your animal's behavior, contact a specialist. Tell us in as much detail as possible when it all started, what the dog eats, whether there are other animals at home. Based on your story, the doctor will offer the necessary studies and develop a treatment regimen. Following the recommendations of a specialist, you will get healthy, cheerful animals in a short time.

When we hear the word “ear”, we are accustomed to actually representing only its outer part. But the ear is a whole system, disorders in which can lead to destabilization of the whole organism. This is also true for dogs. Dog ears require regular and thorough care. The dog's ear canal is divided into horizontal and vertical (see the photo below), which makes it difficult for debris and dirt to escape. Earwax, dead skin, and other debris feed bacteria and fungi that live in the ear canal. If you overfeed, the microorganisms will multiply rapidly, leading to an ear infection.

The most common ear infection is otitis externa. Inflammation of the external auditory and ear canal is called otitis externa. Otitis externa is the most common manifestation of allergy in dogs. Among them, breeds with hanging ears should be highlighted. In them, the flow of air to the outer ear is limited, creating a warm, humid environment, ideal for the development of various microorganisms.

Symptoms of ear problems

Usually, it is not difficult to notice the symptoms of otitis media, ear infections, because they touch the outer ear, and also cause unbearable discomfort to your pet. Among all, we highlight the main ones:

  1. scratches on the head or ears;
  2. Constant shaking of the head;
  3. Bad smell;
  4. Excess earwax;
  5. Pus or other discharge from the ears;
  6. Redness and inflammation in the ears;
  7. Hair loss, possibly scabs around the ears;
  8. Pain around the ears;
  9. Changes in dog behavior.

Causes of ear disease

The most common cause of inflammation of the outer ear is allergies. Ear problems are often the first sign of an allergic reaction. With allergies, the environment in the ear changes and bacteria and yeast begin to develop. It is quite difficult to treat allergic otitis media, because in such cases, treatment of otitis media alone will not give a positive result, the symptoms will return again and again. Allergic otitis begins to be treated with the elimination of allergy manifestations.

As mentioned above, ear infections also lead to various ear disorders. Under normal conditions, a dog's ears are full of microorganisms - many types of bacteria and yeasts (fungi). Any changes in the state of the body can lead to an increase in their number and a decrease in the body's resistance to them. The most common fungus that lives in the ear canals and on the skin of a dog is yeast or malasseziapachydermatis (see photo of this fungus under a microscope below). When conditions are favorable for growth, this fungus causes itching and irritation, and is often accompanied by bacterial infections, which may even include antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

A yeast infection usually has a brown waxy exudate and a foul odor, while a bacterial infection also has a foul odor but a more yellow exudate. Thus, the so-called acute purulent otitis media develops. The type of infection is determined by examining ear exudate under a microscope. Bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics, and fungal infections are treated with fungicides.

Foreign bodies can also be the cause of ear disease. Small particles of plants, debris, clinging to our clothes and dog hair can also get into the ear canal. Their presence causes irritation, your pet begins to scratch itself, and before you notice any problems, the dog has already injured and inflamed ear canal. Checking your dog's ears regularly will minimize the risk of foreign bodies getting into the ear canal.

Ear injuries should be singled out separately as a cause of diseases. As mentioned above, their dog can inflict himself, increasing inflammation and adding additional infections.

Various hormonal disruptions can contribute to the deterioration of the health of the skin, including the ears, which can also cause inflammation.

There are also other causes of ear disease, including rare hereditary diseases in some dog breeds, as well as cancerous tumors or melanoma.

Diagnosis and treatment of otitis media

Before treating the ears, it is necessary to establish the correct diagnosis. Of course, only a veterinarian will help to do this. Therefore, at the first symptoms of otitis, do not rush to buy the first medicines that come across.

In the early stages, the treatment of otitis media begins with professional cleaning of the ears, in the future they can be treated at home. With a slight inflammation, disinfection and washing of the outer ear are used.

Allergic otitis media is usually treated with daily ear cleaning along with medications and fatty acid supplements.

A complete examination of the ear will only be done by a doctor. To do this, veterinarians use an otoscope (see the photo below). This helps to identify foreign bodies and examine the ears in hard-to-reach places. In some cases, it is necessary to rinse the ear canal as a soothing agent in order to clearly see the eardrum, first of all, if there are mechanical damages on it.

If otitis externa is secondary to another cause, you will need to undergo a series of tests to find it. Among them may be:

  • Blood analysis;
  • Food tests - to detect food allergies;
  • Determining if your dog has a flea allergy;
  • Tests for skin diseases, including fungal infections of the skin, etc.

When a primary disease is detected, the veterinarian also prescribes symptomatic treatment, in our case, this is the treatment of otitis media.

Don't underestimate ear infections. Some of them, in difficult cases, can bring your pet to the operating table, as well as make a hostage of medications for the rest of his life.

Ear cleaning

As mentioned above, the structure of the dog's ear makes it somewhat difficult for dirt to get out. The photo shows that the earwax, the debris that got into the ears, needs to rise up the vertical part of the ear canal. And for any ear disease, cleaning is the first step you should take. The goal of cleaning is to remove any by-products of the infection that lead to further irritation and discomfort, as well as the development of an infection. With otitis media, you need to clean your ears daily to prevent the accumulation of dirt and keep the infection under control.

The cleaning procedure can be divided into several stages:

  1. Before cleaning the ears, lightly massage the base of the ears for 20-30 seconds. This will soften and release the dirt that has accumulated inside.
  2. Liquids can be used to clean the ears: disinfectants, emollients, etc. Gently wipe the ears with a cotton swab or cotton swab, repeat the procedure until the ears are clean.
  3. Have your dog shake his head to remove any remaining liquid.
  4. Gently wipe the area around your ear with a towel.

Depending on the condition of your dog's ears, your veterinarian may recommend cleaning up to 2 times a day. When cleaning the ear, do not try to go deep into the ear canal. You can only do harm by pushing dirt inside.

In some cases, due to pain, the dog's ears can only be cleaned with anesthesia. It often also happens that the dog does not like the cleaning procedure. Try to talk to him while brushing and of course don't forget about treats as a reward for good behavior.

After cleaning the ear, allow time for it to dry. In the future, medications can be applied to clean ears, usually ear drops or ointments, which must be instilled 1-2 times a day for 1-2 weeks.

Prevention of canine otitis media

The key to ear health is, as always, prevention and proper care. Ears need to be cleaned every week. A little wax in a dog's ear is normal. If your pet loves to swim, has droopy ears, or has had ear problems in the past, more frequent cleanings should be done.

If the hair around the ears can create good conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms, you can fix it from time to time and still ventilate the ear canals in this way.

Remember that if you see any symptoms of otitis media, do not delay contacting your doctor. If your dog has a ruptured or weakened eardrum, some ear cleaners and medications can be even more harmful.

Otitis media in dogs is a fairly common inflammatory disease. In our material, we will talk in detail about the causes, symptoms and treatment of otitis media in dogs at home. This disease is registered quite often. Especially if the pet has high standing ears that are placed against the wind. Ear inflammation is very dangerous because it can go to the brain. And this will lead to serious complications, up to the death of the pet.

There can be many causes of otitis media in dogs, here are some of them:

Otitis in dogs is purulent, exudative and catarrhal, acute and chronic. Most often, ear otitis affects animals with very wide or narrowed ear canals.

The cause of the disease may not be hidden in the ears at all. Otitis often occurs due to low immunity, exhaustion, constant hypothermia, hormonal surges, bad teeth.

General views

Otitis externa is the mildest type of ailment. With it, the part of the ear becomes inflamed, ending with the eardrum, and the hearing aid itself is not harmed. The disease is easily cured if the cause is correctly diagnosed and the therapy is not delayed.

Otitis media in dogs is considered the most common. With it, the disease affects the part of the ear in which the auditory ossicles are located, and can provoke deterioration and even loss of hearing.

Otitis media is rare and dangerous. If the dog is not urgently treated, it is likely to become deaf, and if meningitis develops, it may die.

Views by Category

Each type of otitis media in dogs is preceded by some cause. Many infections can provoke the onset of the disease.

Serous discharge in itself does not bring anything good, but if pus begins to appear in the ears, then this is an alarming symptom.

Traumatic otitis.

Allergic otitis.

It is harmful because it is quite difficult to diagnose. It is not easy to determine the allergen that caused the reaction, but the inflammation of the ear tissues, at the same time, is regularly repeated. Most often, the disease is provoked by food or care products, it can also be a reaction to dust or bacteria.

Symptoms of otitis media in dogs

How to recognize otitis in a dog? The symptoms of otitis media are the same for both dogs and humans. Just a person can say what and how it hurts. But you will have to guess about the pet's malaise. But the clinical signs are quite "bright". It's hard not to notice them. So, the most obvious symptoms of otitis in a dog:

  • A sick mustache tilts its head towards the inflamed ear.
  • Often he tries to squeeze it.
  • It scratches the ear affected by otitis media.
  • Shaking his head, whining, worried.
  • Often the body temperature rises. Yes, and the sick ear is much hotter than the body itself and the surrounding healthy tissues.
  • In difficult cases, if you sniff, an unpleasant odor comes out of the ear.
  • The auricle (inner side) turns red, swells. In the ear canal, discharge or crusts of pus are visible.

If you touch the patient's ear, the pet will start to whine. It will hurt him a lot. Hearing will be broken. Your four-legged friend will react worse to commands, maybe even stop responding.

Treatment of otitis media in dogs

How to cure otitis media in dogs? This matter is not easy. First of all, you need to show the animal to the veterinarian - you should not self-medicate. Let otitis media in dogs and cats be identical to “human”, but this does not mean that you can purchase and use drugs in a pharmacy without consulting a veterinarian. A few rules for the treatment of otitis media in dogs:

  • First, the veterinarian must confirm that the pet does indeed have otitis media.
  • Secondly, he must be sure that the cause is not an allergy or infection. Indeed, in this case, treatment with just drops will give only a temporary positive result. As long as the root cause exists, the symptoms will recur.
  • Thirdly, you do not know what dosage is suitable for your mustache. And is there an allergic reaction?
  • In addition to drops, injections of intramuscular antibiotics may be required. The diet changes (often a poorly balanced “menu” is a predisposing factor in the development of otitis media), and vitamin therapy also begins.

In addition, before dripping drops, the ear must be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. Would you risk doing it yourself, without experience, without damaging the inner ear? If you make a mistake, you can not only deprive the animal of hearing, but also cause wild pain to the pet, and also lead to inflammation from the ear moving to the brain.

Still, it is better to visit a veterinary clinic, where a specialist will prescribe treatment, clean your pet's ear.

Quite often, after visiting the clinic, the treatment of otitis in a dog continues at home. Therefore, at the first session, the veterinarian shows the methods for properly cleaning the ear canals from secretions so that the pet does not feel pain, and teaches how to treat the ears with an antiseptic. Upon completion of the examination of the pet, the doctor can prescribe the right medicine for the first time.

You can now see the current price of drugs for the treatment of otitis and buy them right here:

As soon as the tests are ready, indicating the type of otitis that bothers the dog, a full-fledged therapy will begin.

If it turns out that the culprit is fungal otitis, the veterinarian will suggest an ointment or drops based on antifungal agents, such as:

  • Nystatin;
  • Miconazole;
  • Ketoconazole;
  • Clotrimazole and others.

As an aid aimed at cleaning the ears, complex preparations are used. Among them are:

  1. Oridermil;
  2. Nitrofungin;
  3. Anandin plus and others.

Most of the fungi that cause otitis in a dog live permanently on the pet's skin without harming it. Therefore, they can only be called pathogenic. In this situation, the task of the doctor is to find out the reasons for the activation of the fungus:

  • infections;
  • loss of immunity;
  • individual sensitivity, etc.

For the treatment of allergic otitis media, antihistamines and glucocorticoids such as Anauran, Sofradex are used. The first goal in treatment is to relieve itching, swelling, and inflammation. The next stage of treatment is the search for an allergen. After all, as mentioned above, the only way to permanently rid the animal of allergens.

If the disease provoked the appearance of polyps, tumors - they are removed surgically.

Purulent otitis in a dog begins to be treated with cleaning. First of all, the ear canal is released from the exudate. This procedure should be trusted only by a specialist. If the pus is pressing against the inside of the eardrum, the doctor will need to make an incision to clean out the cavity. With this type of otitis media, the dog is always prescribed antibiotics, but before the appointment, the pet is checked for compatibility with the chosen medication.


To carry out the correct prevention of otitis media in dogs, it is first necessary to regularly inspect the ears, if necessary, gently clean them with cotton swabs. Not with chopsticks, as you would like. The animal may twitch (due to pain or an unaccustomed sensation), and as a result, you will damage the eardrum.

Many owners consider themselves professionals at cleaning with cotton swabs. What they don't realize, however, is that more dirt, wax, and bacteria, respectively, are "pushed" into the ear. As a result, a cork is formed. Bacteria from such conditions simply go crazy with joy and begin to multiply at a frantic rate, which leads to inflammation. And then the owners are surprised: “How is it? I cleaned my ears, and here is otitis.

If you see that dirt has accumulated in the auricle, then a cotton swab dipped in warm boiled water (squeeze the cotton wool, the water should not get inside the ear!) Briefly apply to the contaminated area. Let the selection soften a little. Now carefully wipe the second, clean and dry, with a cotton swab towards the outer edge of the sink, remove dirt. Just take your time. Do not press hard, otherwise damage the cartilage of the ears (especially in young individuals, because the ears are just getting their shape).

Protect the animal from hypothermia, winds or drafts. Lop-eared try to "ventilate" at least several times a week: carefully lift the ear, let "fresh" air get in (just don't blow!).

Monitor your pet's condition. vaccinate on time. Watch your diet. In any suspicious case, contact your veterinarian. It would be nice to find a “family veterinarian” for yourself, so that if something happens, you can immediately contact him.

Do you have any questions? You can ask them to our site staff veterinarian in the comments box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

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