What is the basal temperature if there is no pregnancy. Self-interpretation of basal temperature charts

Basal body temperature (BT)- the lowest temperature reached after a long rest. This indicator is recommended to be measured by all women planning a pregnancy, since it is a method for calculating favorable days for trying to conceive a baby.

Basal temperature during pregnancy helps to monitor the course of the childbearing period. Its changes can indirectly judge complications - ectopic implantation of an embryo or a miscarriage that has begun. Also, the basal temperature helps to diagnose the onset of pregnancy before the delay.

Basal temperature before pregnancy

The average duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days. Approximately 12-14 days from the beginning of the last menstruation, ovulation occurs - the release of the female germ cell from the ovary. From this moment, within 3 days, conception becomes possible. With a shorter cycle, it can be observed on days 8-12. With a long cycle, the exit of the germ cell occurs on the 16-18th day, sometimes even later. Some women experience 2 or more ovulations between two periods.

To determine ovulation, you can use or special tests. However, the first method may have low reliability, since in all women the days favorable for fertilization correspond to different days of the cycle. Using an ovulation test is quite accurate, but quite expensive.

BBT measurement is a free and effective way to calculate ovulation. From the beginning of the cycle, the indicator is 36.5-36.8 degrees. BT depends on the activity of progesterone - the more it is in the blood, the higher the rate. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the amount of the hormone is minimal. The low temperature supports the process of maturation of the female germ cell in the ovary.

A day before the release of the female germ cell from the ovary, BT can drop sharply by several tenths of a degree, the next day it rises to 37.1-37.3. With ovulation, a new organ appears - the corpus luteum, which synthesizes progesterone. It is the increase in the amount of the hormone that raises BT to the named values.

By calculating BBT, a woman can prevent pregnancy. However, this method of protection is not highly effective, since spermatozoa retain their fertilizing capacity for 7 days after intercourse. For reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy, the calculation of BT should be combined with other methods of protection.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy?

Basal temperature before delay

Measurement of basal temperature to determine pregnancy is one of the methods for calculating the onset of conception. However, its reliability depends entirely on how correctly the procedure was carried out. If all conditions are met, the measurement of basal temperature will report pregnancy before the delay of menstruation.

In the absence of pregnancy, the corpus luteum synthesizes progesterone for 7-10 days, then it dies off, and the amount of the hormone gradually decreases. Therefore, some time after ovulation, the basal temperature becomes several tenths of a degree lower, amounting to about 36.9-37.0 degrees Celsius. After the onset of menstrual bleeding, these numbers again take values ​​of about 36.7 degrees Celsius.

If pregnancy has occurred, the corpus luteum does not die, but continues to synthesize progesterone, which supports gestation. BT in this case does not fall, and sometimes even becomes higher by one tenth of a degree, amounting to 37.1-37.4.

By measuring BT, one can judge the success of IVF. During in vitro fertilization, a woman is stimulated by progesterone, which increases the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the indicator above 37.1 degrees. With a successful course of the procedure, BT will be in the range characteristic of physiological pregnancy.

The basal temperature in early pregnancy is 37.1-37.4 and can serve as a method for determining the onset of conception and monitoring the process of bearing a child.

Basal body temperature after delay

The onset of the delay corresponds to the 5th week of pregnancy. When the expectant mother does not have an hCG test at hand, she can use the method for determining BT. If its figures are 37.1-37.4 degrees, with a high probability one should judge the onset of conception. When BBT is less than 37.0-36.9, pregnancy is unlikely.

Progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining BT, continues to be actively synthesized by the corpus luteum in the 1st trimester. Therefore, its normal values ​​​​up to 11-12 weeks of gestational age exceed 37.0 degrees.

As the second trimester begins, the corpus luteum begins to gradually decrease in size and produces less progesterone. That is why BT, which is 36.8-36.9 degrees at 16-18 weeks of gestation, is a variant of the norm. From the middle of the 2nd trimester, the corpus luteum does not function, which reduces the amount of the hormone, so the measurement of the indicator has no predictive value from the 20th week.

Table of BT values ​​in the absence of pregnancy

cycle day

day 7 - ovulation

Ovulation - 3 days after ovulation

4th day after ovulation - 2-4 days before menstruation

2-4 days before menstruation - 1 day of a new menstrual cycle

Table of BT values ​​during pregnancy

cycle day

7th day - ovulation

fertilization day

Fertilization day - 4th day after fertilization

Implantation (7th day after conception)

8-10 days after conception

11 days after conception - the end of the 1st trimester of pregnancy

End of first trimester - middle of second trimester

Mid-second trimester - childbirth

Rules for measuring basal temperature

Basal temperature in pregnant women can serve as a reliable sign of its normal course only if it is measured correctly. Failure to comply with the rules described below may cause inconsistencies with real numbers and unreasonable worries for the expectant mother. For the correct measurement of basal temperature, you should:
  • spend it after waking up, without making movements in bed;
  • measurements should be taken at about the same time every day;
  • the duration of sleep before measurement should be more than 6 hours;
  • the thermometer must be inserted into the anus by 20 millimeters;
  • the duration of the measurement must be at least 4 minutes.
The slightest physical activity, sexual intercourse at night before the measurement can cause an increase in blood circulation in the small pelvis, due to which the thermometer will show overestimated values. Also some drugs and infectious diseases provoke an increase in basal temperature. In the evening, there is a physiological rise in the indicator, so even after a long day's sleep, the figures obtained will not correspond to reality.

To track ovulation and monitor the course of pregnancy, a woman can keep a graph of basal temperature. The expectant mother should take a large piece of paper lined in a cage and draw two lines perpendicular to each other.

On the vertical line of the future mother, it is proposed to mark the temperature with an interval of one tenth of a degree, starting from 36.0 and ending with 38.0. Horizontally, a woman needs to arrange the days of the menstrual cycle, starting from the very first.

Next, the woman should note the daily measurements of basal temperature, putting a dot at the intersection of the day of the menstrual cycle and the value obtained. Then the expectant mother needs to connect the dots, thanks to which she will receive a line graph. For a more thorough control of the woman it is recommended to sign the symptoms that could provoke an increase in basal temperature- stress, infectious disease, diarrhea, sexual intercourse, etc.

When pregnancy occurs, an implantation drop can be observed on the chart on the 21st day of the cycle (with a menstrual cycle length of 28 days). From 21 to 24 days there will be a slight rise. From the 25th day of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature will take on a linear form, slight fluctuations of one to two tenths of a degree are possible.

Reasons for a decrease or increase

1. Endometritis.

With this disease, before menstruation, there is a slight drop in basal temperature, as it should be normal. However, on the 3rd-4th day of the cycle, the indicator is more than 37.0 degrees (normally, it should decrease by about 36.5 degrees).

2. Inflammatory process.

Most often, a strong increase in basal temperature above 37.4 degrees indicates an infection. Inflammation can occur in any organ, however, pathologies of the reproductive system (, chlamydia, etc.) have the greatest impact on the indicator.

3. Ectopic pregnancy.

Not always this pathology can be detected by measuring basal temperature. But sometimes, due to the addition of the inflammatory process, there is a rise in the indicator above 37.4 degrees. Up to this point, the basal temperature is normal, since the corpus luteum produces progesterone as in normal pregnancy.

4. The threat of interruption.

Pregnancy with a low basal body temperature of less than 37.0 degrees may indicate progesterone deficiency. With poor functioning of the corpus luteum, there is a constant threat. This condition is often accompanied by pulling or cramping pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, sometimes bleeding is added to them.

5. Frozen pregnancy.

Due to the presence of chromosomal abnormalities or the action of other adverse factors, the embryo may die and not leave the uterine cavity. The basal temperature during a missed pregnancy will be below 37.0-36.9 degrees, since the corpus luteum stops synthesizing progesterone. Usually, intrauterine death is accompanied by other symptoms: a sharp disappearance of toxicosis, a decrease in the mammary glands.

With the help of measuring basal temperature, you can plan favorable days before conception, find out about pregnancy before a delay and control the course of the first trimester. However, this method is not 100% reliable, since there are many factors that affect the correctness of the results.

For the reliability of the results of BT the expectant mother must strictly follow all the rules of measurement. She should remember that even a banal cold or increased physical activity on the eve of calculations can provoke incorrect indicators. Also, the use of low-quality thermometers leads to unreliable results.

The basal temperature in a particular expectant mother may not fit into the above-mentioned norms. In this case, a woman should observe the dynamics of changes in indicators. If during ovulation the basal temperature did not reach 36.5 degrees, it is likely that after conception it will not exceed 37.0. Such results are rare, but they do not indicate complications.

All women are advised to monitor the basal temperature to detect its sharp jump in one direction or another. Any violations in the basal temperature chart do not always indicate the development of pathology. But with a sharp drop or increase in the indicators of the expectant mother, it is recommended to consult a doctor for additional research. Sometimes regular measurements of basal temperature help to diagnose complications such as an ectopic or miscarriage in time.

Probably every woman is familiar with the method of measuring basal indicators, but most of them know exactly what this method of measuring temperature is. With the help of such measurements, it is possible to determine good days for fertilization and calculate the onset of conception. The basal temperature in the early stages of pregnancy has certain indicators, which makes it possible to determine the completed conception before the menstrual delay. How to determine pregnancy by basal temperature, and what basal temperature during pregnancy is considered normal - we will consider below.

Determination of pregnancy by basal temperature is likely provided that the patient will mark the measurements for about four months. Only under such conditions can one adequately assess the characteristic changes in basal temperature during pregnancy. Such a diagnosis is carried out not under the arm, as many are accustomed to doing since childhood, but rectally, that is, by inserting a thermometer into the anus. That's what basal temperature is. It is necessary to determine the results according to certain rules, only then it will be possible to avoid possible errors in the results.

Why take such measurements? With their help, you can determine the ovulatory date. During the cycle, temperature indicators change, in accordance with a certain pattern. At first, it decreases, and by the onset of the ovulatory period, it begins to rise. If you keep the appropriate graphs of basal temperature, then you can determine the most favorable day for fertilization. Usually for this patient and use this technique.

How to measure BBT correctly

During the day, temperature indicators under the influence of food intake and stress, physical exertion and psycho-emotional experiences are constantly changing. Therefore, the most correct BT will be the measurement indicator taken in the morning, when the body has not yet got out of bed and is in a state of complete rest, and external factors have not yet had time to exert their influence. How to measure basal temperature correctly so that the results are true?

If you started taking measurements with a mercury thermometer, then you need to continue to take measurements with this thermometer. It is impossible to switch to electronic devices, because the results may be distorted.

How to make a basal chart

The main rule for the correct establishment of results, so that during pregnancy the schedule of rectal measurements is reliable, is the immediate entry of the results. It is better to have a special notebook and enter the results of all measurements into it. The leaflet must be drawn on plates, which must contain data on the date of measurement and basal indicators. In addition, it is imperative to indicate if the basal temperature measurement was carried out under unusual conditions, for example, there were factors that could somehow affect the reliability of the measurements.

Such factors include overwork and strong feelings, painful colds or flu conditions, taking medications and climate changes, drinking alcohol or measuring indicators out of time. When the cycle ends, you can start plotting. Every day on a piece of paper in the appropriate cells you marked the points, now it's time to connect them. Horizontal indicators should indicate the day of the cycle, and vertical ones show the temperature. You will get a kind of curve of rectal measurements. The graph will show that on certain days of the cycle the temperature rises or falls.

Each cycle has its own schedule. If you follow all the rules, then the patient will immediately understand that my schedule is normal or different from previous cycles. Using this technique, it is easy to determine the temperature discrepancy. On a properly constructed graph, two distinct phases can be seen before and after the ovulatory period. They clearly show the follicular phase, and the ovulatory fall, sharp jumps and premenstrual fall.

Basal indicators during gestation

A fertilized egg needs certain conditions in order for it to successfully implant in the uterus. Similar conditions are created by the body of a pregnant woman through the progesterone hormone, which begins an active increased production immediately after fertilization. Therefore, the basal temperature in early pregnancy is at elevated levels. With the help of progesterone, the uterine endometrium prepares for the reception and implantation of the fetal egg, and then for the normal development of the placenta and membranes.

The basal temperature during pregnancy at its different stages can change, which is determined by the characteristics of a particular organism. It even normally can rise to 38-degree indicators. But it is better to double-check the course of pregnancy with an obstetrician-gynecologist if the pregnant woman notices that my schedule has deviated somewhat.

How BT changes during the day

The basal temperature during pregnancy in the early stages must necessarily be measured at the same morning time, when the body of the pregnant woman has had enough rest, there have not yet been any factors. BT indicators during pregnancy during the day can rise above 37.3 ° C, but you should not look for any threat in this. During these hours, temperature readings can change hourly after meals, baths, household chores, and even watching a TV series.

It makes no sense to carry out rectal measurements during pregnancy in the evening, because the body has accumulated a lot of impressions, experiences, etc. during the day. Therefore, the results will be increased. It will be impossible to understand why they got up, due to illness or ordinary fatigue. What should be the basal temperature during pregnancy? Gynecologists warn patients that BT at the beginning of pregnancy in the evening hours will be slightly higher than expected, by about a degree.

But how to measure basal temperature during pregnancy in order to avoid incorrect results. It is necessary to carry out all measurements in the morning, before getting up, as well as to determine ovulation. Graph of basal temperature during pregnancy, why is it? Such measurements are carried out to determine whether intrauterine development of the fetus is normal.

Features of basal indicators in pregnant women

In order to know for sure that gestation is proceeding normally, it will be useful to know what the basal temperature is during pregnancy. At the beginning of the cycle, in the process of bladder maturation, estrogen is actively produced, which keeps the temperature at about 36.2-36.5 degrees, which is typical for 1 half of the cycle. This indicator can normally deviate somewhat, but still it never exceeds 37 degrees, otherwise there is a possibility of hormonal imbalance or inflammatory damage.

What is the rectal temperature during ovulation? Just before the cell exits, the indicators drop by 0.4 degrees, and when the egg gets out, the temperature rises sharply by 0.5-0.6 ° C. In the second phase of the cycle, progesterone is produced, which is necessary for the normal development of pregnancy. Normally, the temperature results will be about 37-37.4 ° C. If conception happened, then the basal temperature at the onset of pregnancy is about 37 degrees. Approximately this indicator (+0.3 degrees) is observed in mom until the onset of childbirth.

If the threat of interruption

Maintaining a pregnant schedule of basal temperature will allow you to detect conception even before the delay and identify deviations during gestation. Normally, the basal temperature in pregnant women is elevated, but if it falls below the 37-degree mark, then there is a risk that the woman has an ectopic, missed abortion, or a miscarriage is imminent.

Therefore, it is so important to monitor these indicators, especially in the first week. By the way, with an ectopic location of the fetus, rectal indicators may be normal, therefore, with a delay, it is recommended to undergo mandatory ultrasound diagnostics to determine the position of the ovum. But do deviations from the norm always indicate a pathological pregnancy? Not always, but in order to exclude it, unusual pregnant schedules must necessarily cause an additional examination and consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Definition of conception by BT

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy? Such a method of determining works only if the ovulatory period necessarily occurred in the cycle. It’s just that sometimes with a variety of ailments and colds, rectal indicators can stay at elevated levels for a long time, and menstrual bleeding may not appear for several cycles.

What should be the basal temperature after fertilization? After implantation retraction, when the egg is implanted into the endometrial layer, the temperature results increase and do not fall below the 37-degree mark throughout the entire gestation. Therefore, if the basal chart seemed to be divided into 3 phases, when after ovulation, after about a week and a half, there was a one-day decline, and then a steady increase in indicators was observed, then there are chances that the woman is pregnant.

If indicators are low

Sometimes it happens that the basal results for a short time stay below the indicated norms, that is, less than the 37-degree mark. Such a deviation may indicate the development of various complications of gestation. Therefore, such signs should be the reason for contacting a specialist. It is recommended to make the necessary measurements again, if there are no changes in the results, and the temperature is also lowered, then it is worth measuring it again after a few hours. Sometimes the onset of a recession occurs due to a change in well-being. But if such a decline is observed for several days, then you need to be examined.

If a progesterone deficiency is revealed during laboratory diagnostics, then the patient is hospitalized, as a rule, doctors cannot save the pregnancy. Decreased rates often indicate a frozen state of the fetus when it stops developing. This condition is accompanied by a pathological decrease in the progesterone level, since the functions of the corpus luteum cease.

But not always when the fetus freezes, a decrease in temperature occurs, at times it remains at an elevated level, which can make it difficult to diagnose abnormalities until the patient undergoes an ultrasound examination.

Elevated basal body temperature

If the indicators are increased in the early stages of gestation, then there is a risk of developing a serious inflammatory process due to the ectopic location of the fetal egg, bleeding and infection, as well as decomposition of embryonic tissues during a missed pregnancy. If there are signs of excessive hyperthermia, measurements must be taken again. How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy was described above.

If the indicators remain elevated (exceed the 38-degree mark), then it is necessary that specialists accurately determine the causes of hyperthermia and take the necessary measures to preserve the fetus, if possible. If such a rise occurred only once, then fears would be superfluous, since, most likely, some external factor became the cause, from nerves to the wrong food.

With the help of the basal chart, girls can determine the periods favorable for conception, and then confirm the fertilization that has occurred. The normal temperature for pregnant women is 37-37.5 ° C. In case of deviation from the norm, a gynecological consultation is necessary.

Basal temperature is the body temperature at rest, when you can calculate the state of the gonads and the system as a whole. It shows the lowest temperatures that are observed only at rest. This helps many women understand what phase she is in. Correct measurements and a schedule during the cycle help determine the period of ovulation, when you can conceive a child or, conversely, have unprotected sex without consequences.

There are three consecutive phases of the menstrual cycle:

  1. Follicular.
  2. Ovulation.
  3. Luteal.

At each stage, a different level of hormones is noted, which is displayed on the basal temperature. To get accurate data, it is necessary to make accurate measurements in the rectum, vaginally or.

Measurement rules

The main measurement rules, which are noted on the site site, are noted as follows:

  1. Do a temperature measurement after waking up no more than 30-60 minutes later.
  2. The duration of sleep before measurements should be at least 3 hours. A shorter rest period can skew performance.
  3. Take measurements at the same time.
  4. Measure the temperature in the supine position, do not sit down.

If you measure the temperature later, you can make a mistake. Records should make notes at what time the measurements were taken. Every hour the temperature rises by 0.1 degrees.

The same thermometer should be used throughout the cycle in order to obtain more accurate data. It is better to use a digital thermometer that makes a sound when the measurement is completed. However, when using a mercury thermometer, keep it for 5 minutes. At the same time, it is not advisable to rise or move sharply.

It is better to take measurements throughout the month, including monthly days, in order to make a schedule.

BT chart

The basal temperature (BT) graph is drawn from the beginning of the last period to the start of a new period, and then a new one is drawn. The dividing line is the period of ovulation, when the egg is released from the ovary. She divides the stages into before and after. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle - on days 12-16.

The average cycle time is 28 days. This is the period from the beginning of the bleeding of the previous menstruation to the first day of bleeding of the next. In some cases, this period is extended to 35 days. Sometimes the last point in the BT chart is 21 days.

What does the BT chart show?

  1. Ovulation days, which allows you to determine when to conceive.
  2. Causes of infertility that only a doctor can identify.
  3. Causes of delay or alleged menstrual flow.
  4. To identify sexual diseases, for example, endometritis.

First phase

The follicular first phase is also called hypothermic, while the luteal is called hyperthermic. By the names it becomes clear that in the first period the body temperature is slightly lower, and in the second - increased. In the follicular phase, a follicle is formed in which the egg matures. Estrogen is produced by the ovaries. The normal temperature during this period is up to 37 ° C. This is favorable for pregnancy.

Elevated temperatures during this period become the reasons why conception does not occur. If in the first phase the temperature is kept at around 37 degrees, and the basal temperature on the 17th day reaches 37.5 degrees, then insemination becomes problematic, even if the sperm has entered the female reproductive system.

Second phase

Ovulation is difficult to detect. In the second phase, the temperature decreases, and the next day it rises by 0.4-0.5°C. She stays like this until her monthly period. On average, the second phase lasts 14 days.

A decrease in basal temperature during implantation indicates the activation of estrogen, hormones that affect the temperature inside the reproductive system. This decrease occurs for several hours, and then rises again.

The duration of the luteal phase can be short - 10-12 days, which indicates its insufficiency and inability to bear the fetus. A longer phase may indicate the occurrence of a cyst in the corpus luteum or the onset of pregnancy. Only a doctor can decipher the data.

Ovulation occurs somewhere in the middle of the cycle. Sometimes it may not happen at all. Its presence is indicated by an increase in temperature.

Indicators in the first phase

In the first phase, estrogens prevail, which control the temperature of the reproductive system. Normal indicators are 36.2-36.5 ° C. If during this period the temperature rises to 36.5-36.8 ° C, then this indicates an insufficient level of estrogen. In this case, gynecologists prescribe hormone therapy.

If the increase in temperature during the follicular period occurred within one day, then you should not worry. No pathologies can occur during such a period. Deviations should not be judged by a single indicator, but by the entire schedule, which is drawn up repeatedly.

Indicators in the second phase

The second phase can also be marked by high temperatures. This is indicative of an estrogen deficiency. After the release of the egg from the follicle, the temperature rises to 37 ° C or more, which prevents conception. The mark of 36.8 degrees is very rare.

Rectal measurements exceed those in the first phase by 0.4 degrees. This is considered normal. Less significant differences indicate the presence of problems that should be addressed.

Every woman's body is unique. It doesn't have to meet exact criteria. Sometimes a high or low temperature is a feature, not a disease. Measurement methods should also be taken into account. Differences of 0.2 degrees are quite normal.

Impact factors

It is necessary to take into account the factors influencing the BT indicators. They are:

  • Drinking alcohol.
  • Sexual intercourse before dawn or at night.
  • Inflammation in the legs.
  • Stress.
  • Various diseases.
  • Sleep with a heating pad under an electric blanket.

These factors should be noted in your notebook, where the BT schedule is kept. Gynecologists advise taking daily measurements for at least 3 months, which will help to reveal more accurate data and features.

If a woman wants to more accurately determine the day of ovulation, then she should take daily measurements and put them in a notebook for six months, or better, a year. In this case, you should refuse to take hormonal drugs and the contraceptive spiral. Only the use of a condom is allowed.

Rising temperature as an indicator of pregnancy

All manipulations are done for the sake of conception. A rising temperature may be an indicator that pregnancy has begun. This becomes clear when there is a high temperature from the moment of ovulation until the onset of menstruation (when they should go). It rises to a mark of 37 ° C or more degrees and does not subside. This indicator becomes unambiguous if such a high temperature is noted in the period before the onset of menstruation and their delay.

In the second phase, BBT can also be high in the absence of pregnancy. It rises to the level of 37 degrees and above and holds. Its decrease occurs the day before the onset of menstruation. Accordingly, if there is a delay, and BT is high, then we can talk about pregnancy. Therefore, one should focus not only on pregnancy tests, but also on internal temperature indicators.

Gynecologists recommend waiting for a delay so that breast disease and high fever before menstruation are not misleading. These factors are normal before normal menstruation. However, a delay in combination with such symptoms may already indicate the onset of pregnancy.

Temperature change in other processes

You should listen to your body. A situation may arise when a change in temperature indicates other processes, for example, a miscarriage. In this case, menstruation is scanty, and BBT is high. You should take a pregnancy test and visit a gynecologist.

An increase in basal temperature on day 22 and the absence of a fall before or on the first day of menstruation may be an individual feature or indicate inflammatory processes in the body.

If BBT falls on day 25, then this indicates an upcoming menstruation. Everything in a woman's body is normal.


Basal temperature, of course, can help a woman determine the days of ovulation and even find out in advance that she is pregnant, but such indicators are not always unambiguous. The prognosis largely depends on a combination of many factors, and not just body temperature at rest.

It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism. You can find out about them if you keep a BT schedule for several months. According to the indicators, it will become clear what is inherent in a particular female body in each phase and before menstruation. Also, you should not prematurely rejoice in pregnancy if BBT is high before the onset of menstruation.

Various factors affect a woman's body. The seasonality of the year should be taken into account, which also affects the state of general health. After taking measurements for six months or a year, you can draw some conclusions. It is better to review the schedule with a gynecologist who takes into account many factors. This will help either to conceive a child, or to get rid of female problems that prevent pregnancy.

Ovulation is a key event in a woman's menstrual cycle. If you accurately determine the day when it occurs, it is possible not only to plan conception, but also to slightly influence the sex of the unborn baby.

To get information about when the egg leaves the ovary, various methods allow: ultrasound of the ovaries or determining the concentration of sex hormones several times during the cycle. But the simplest and free method that every woman is able to carry out at home has been and remains the conduct of basal thermometry. A careful analysis of how the basal temperature changes daily will make it possible to study the work of the ovaries, to understand whether ovulation occurs or not, to determine pregnancy before the test can show it.

The essence of the method of basal thermometry

The key role in the management of the female body is played by sex hormones: progesterone and estrogen, prolactin, gonadotropic hormones of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The balance between them is reflected in many processes, including body temperature, which is called basal.

Basal temperature is the lowest temperature indicator, indicating the actual temperature of the internal organs. It is determined immediately after rest (usually after a night's sleep), before the start of any physical activity that will create a measurement error. For its establishment, only departments that have communication with body cavities are suitable. These are the vagina (it is connected with the uterus), the rectum (it is directly connected with the large intestines) and the oral cavity, which passes into the oropharynx.

The hormones estrogen and progesterone set the level of the basal rate. They "dictate" what basal temperature a woman should have during ovulation.

The normal amount of estrogen in itself does not affect the temperature. The task of this hormone is to prevent progesterone from affecting the thermoregulatory center located in the hypothalamus (this is the area associated with the brain).

In the first half of the cycle, estrogen dominates. It keeps your basal body temperature from rising above 37°C. During the period of ovulation, when an increased amount of estrogen first enters the bloodstream, there is a decrease in the temperature index by about 0.3 ° C. When the egg leaves the follicle, and in its place a corpus luteum appears, producing progesterone, the thermometer shows 37 ° C or more. At the same time, the graph of basal thermometry becomes similar to a bird with open wings, whose beak symbolizes the day of ovulation.

Further, when the corpus luteum dies (if conception has not occurred) and the amount of progesterone decreases, the temperature drops. During menstruation, the indicator stays at 37 ° C, then decreases and everything repeats again.

If pregnancy occurs, more and more progesterone is normally produced, so the temperature does not decrease, as before menstruation, but, on the contrary, increases.

What will determine the day of ovulation

Knowing on what day the oocyte leaves the follicle, a woman can:

  • plan pregnancy: after 3-4 months of scheduling, you can practice sexual intercourse not “approximately”, counting 14 days from the expected start of the next menstruation, but knowing exactly the day of ovulation;
  • plan the gender of the unborn baby (the method is not 100%). If you want a boy to be born, then it is better to plan sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation (basal temperature decreases on this day and vaginal leucorrhoea acquires the color and texture of raw chicken protein). If the dream is to give birth to a girl, it is better to have sex 2-3 days before the expected ovulation;
  • knowing when ovulation occurs, you can, on the contrary, avoid conception, since a few days before it, the day the egg is released and the day after are the most “dangerous” days;
  • the graph will show if there are hormonal problems, inflammation of the reproductive organs or lack of ovulation (), which is why conception does not occur.

In addition, drawing a graph of basal thermometry in some cases will allow you to determine pregnancy without buying a test. And if you continue to lead it for the first time after conception, you can see the threat of miscarriage in time and take the necessary measures.

How to properly conduct basal thermometry

It is very important to know how to correctly measure basal temperature to determine ovulation. After all, a woman's body is extremely sensitive to minimal changes in external conditions, and the units of measurement in which the graph is kept are tenths of a degree (it is here that a fluctuation of 0.1-0.05 ° C can be important).

Here are the basic rules, under which the temperature graph will become as informative as possible:

  1. Measurements are taken either in the rectum (optimal), or vaginally, or in the mouth (this requires a special thermometer).
  2. The thermometer should be inserted 2-3 cm and lie down quietly, taking measurements, for 5 minutes.
  3. Before taking measurements, sit down, spin, get up, walk, eat. Even shaking the thermometer can give false readings.
  4. Choose a good quality thermometer (preferably a mercury one) that will take your temperature daily for 3-4 months.
  5. Put on a table (shelf) near the bed, which you can reach in the morning without getting up, 3 things: a thermometer, a notebook and a pen. Even if you start keeping your schedule on a computer - in online or offline programs, it is best to read the thermometer readings and immediately write it down with the number.
  6. Take measurements every morning at the same time. Plus or minus 30 minutes.
  7. Be sure to sleep for at least 6 hours before taking measurements. If you got up at night, take measurements later so that 6 hours have passed.
  8. Thermometry should be taken at 5-7 am, even if you can sleep until noon. This is due to the daily biorhythms of the hormones of the adrenal glands and the hypothalamus, which affect the basal temperature.
  9. The accuracy of measurements is affected by travel, alcohol intake, physical activity, sexual intercourse. Therefore, try to avoid these situations as much as possible during the basal thermometry, but if they happen, mark them on the chart. And if you get sick and a fever develops, all measurements for the next 2 weeks will be completely uninformative.

When to start measuring basal temperature?

From the very first day, menstruation, that is, from the first day of the cycle.

How to schedule?

You can do this on paper in a box by drawing 2 lines: on the horizontal line (along the abscissa) mark the day of the month, draw the vertical (y-axis) so that each cell indicates 0.1 ° C. Every morning, put a dot at the intersection of the thermometry indicator and the desired date, connect the dots together. You don't need to take your temperature in the evening. Under the horizontal line, leave a space where you will take daily notes about highlights and events that have occurred that could affect the indicators. On top of the measurement results, from day 6 to day 12, draw a horizontal line. It is called covering and serves for the convenience of deciphering the graph by a gynecologist.

We also suggest using the ready-made template of the basal temperature chart below by saving it to your computer and printing it out. To do this, hover over the image and use the right-click menu to save the image.

Note! If you are taking birth control, you do not need to take a thermometer. These drugs specifically disable ovulation, which makes them contraceptives.

Read also about other methods for determining ovulation in ours.

What the basal temperature graph looks like during ovulation (that is, during a normal ovulatory cycle):

  • in the first three days of menstruation, the temperature is about 37 ° C;
  • by the end of the monthly temperature indicators fall, amounting to 36.4-36.6 ° C;
  • further, within 1-1.5 weeks (depending on the length of the cycle), thermometry shows the same numbers - 36.4-36.6 ° C (it can be lower or higher, depending on the metabolic processes in the body). It should not be the same every day, but fluctuate a little (that is, not a straight line is drawn, but zigzags). The 6 values ​​connected by an overlapping line should be followed by three days when the temperature is 0.1°C higher or higher, and on one of these days it is higher than 0.2°C. Then after 1-2 days you can wait for ovulation;
  • just before ovulation, the thermometer shows the basal temperature lower by 0.5-0.6 ° C, after which it rises sharply;
  • during ovulation, the basal temperature is in the range of 36.4-37 ° C (according to other sources - above 37 ° C). It should be 0.25-0.5 (on average, 0.3 ° C) higher than at the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
  • what should be the basal temperature after ovulation depends on whether conception has occurred or not. If pregnancy does not occur, the numbers decrease gradually, totaling approximately 0.3°C. The highest temperature is observed on the 8-9th day after the release of a mature oocyte. Just on this day, the implantation of the fertilized oocyte into the inner uterine membrane occurs.

Between the average figures of the two halves of the cycle - before and after ovulation - the temperature difference should be 0.4-0.8 ° C.

How long does basal body temperature last after ovulation?

Before the onset of menstruation. Usually it is 14-16 days. If 16-17 days have already passed, and the temperature is still above 37 ° C, this most likely indicates the onset of pregnancy. During this period, you can do a test (the main thing is that 10-12 days have already passed after ovulation), you can determine hCG in the blood. Ultrasound and examination by a gynecologist are still uninformative.

These are indicators of the norm of basal temperature during ovulation, as well as before and after it. But not always the menstrual cycle looks so perfect. Usually, the numbers and the type of curve raises many questions among women.

High numbers in the first phase of the cycle

If, after menstruation, the figures of basal thermometry are above 37 ° C, this indicates an insufficient amount of estrogen in the blood. In this case, an anovulatory cycle is usually observed. And if you subtract 14 days from the next menstruation, that is, look at phase 2 (otherwise it is not visualized), then there are sharp jumps in temperature indicators, without their gradual increase.

The syndrome is accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms: hot flashes, headaches, heart rhythm disturbances, increased sweating. This type of temperature curve, together with the determination of low levels of estrogen in the blood, requires the doctor to prescribe drugs - synthetic estrogens.

Progesterone and estrogen-progesterone deficiency

If after ovulation the basal temperature does not rise, this indicates progesterone deficiency. This situation is a common cause of endocrine infertility. And if conception does occur, then there is a danger of an early miscarriage, until the placenta is formed and takes over the function of producing progesterone.

The insufficient work of the corpus luteum (a gland formed at the site of the opened follicle) is indicated by a decrease in temperature indicators already 2-10 days after ovulation. If the length of the 1st phase of the cycle can still vary, then the second phase should be the same and average 14 days.

Progesterone deficiency can also be assumed when the numbers rise to only 0.3 ° C.

If you already have a low basal temperature for 2-3 cycles after ovulation, contact your gynecologist with this schedule. He will tell you on which days of the cycle you need to donate blood to determine progesterone and other hormones in it, and based on this analysis, he will prescribe treatment. Usually, the administration of synthetic progesterones is effective, and as a result, the woman is able to become pregnant and bear the child.

Estrogen-progesterone deficiency

This condition, when the ovaries do not produce sufficient amounts of both hormones, is indicated by a temperature graph that does not have significant fluctuations (there are large areas with straight lines, not zigzags). This condition is also indicated by an increase in temperature indicators of only 0.3 ° C after ovulation.

Anovulatory cycle

If it is already day 16 of the menstrual cycle, and there is no characteristic decrease, and then an increase in temperature, most likely, there was no ovulation. The older the woman, the more such cycles she has.

Based on the foregoing, basal thermometry is a simple and budgetary method for determining the optimal days for conception, as well as the reasons why pregnancy may not occur. It requires only 5-10 minutes of time in the morning. Whatever indicators you see in yourself, this is not a reason for panic or self-treatment. Contact the gynecologist with your schedules for several cycles, and you will be assigned a diagnosis and treatment.

Ovulation is a process that takes place in the body of a healthy woman, which is associated with the release of an egg into the fallopian tube for further fertilization. Knowing when you ovulate can help you plan your pregnancy or prevent unwanted conception. There are several methods for determining it, but the most accessible and simple is the measurement of basal body temperature.

What's this?

Basal body temperature (BBT) is an indicator that is measured in a state of complete rest, in the anus, immediately after waking up in the morning. It is a reflection of the hormonal background of a woman and allows you to identify problems in the work of the sex glands. However, more often BTT is used to determine the days favorable for conception.

Many gynecologists advise women to keep their own basal temperature chart. Especially for those who are planning to replenish the family. The schedule of basal temperature during ovulation has its own characteristics. It allows you to calculate the most suitable day for getting pregnant. The basal temperature directly depends on the hormonal processes in the woman's body.

and its phases

Created for procreation, therefore, all the processes occurring in it are aimed at ensuring conception and preparing the body for pregnancy and childbirth. The menstrual cycle has three consecutive phases: follicular, ovulatory and luteal.

The first phase begins with menstrual bleeding, then the formation of a follicle in the ovary and the formation of a new endometrium. Its duration can suggest a graph of basal temperature. Its normal duration is 1-3 weeks. In this phase, the follicle-stimulating hormone and estrogen play a role. It ends with the maturation of the follicle.

The second phase is ovulation itself. The walls of the follicle rupture, and the egg passes through the fallopian tube towards the sperm. The phase lasts about 2 days. If fertilization occurs, then the embryo attaches to the endometrium, if not, the egg dies. On a normal day, ovulation is at its lowest level for the entire cycle.

In the third phase, the production of progesterone begins. It is produced by the corpus luteum, which formed at the site of the ruptured follicle. The basal temperature after ovulation changes upwards - by 0.4-0.6 ° C. During this period, the female body prepares for bearing and preserving the fetus. If conception does not occur, then the concentration of female sex hormones decreases, and the circle closes, the follicular phase begins. Its duration is normal for all women is about 2 weeks.

Why do temperature fluctuations occur?

The measurement of basal temperature during ovulation as a method characterizing hormonal changes in a woman's body was proposed in 1953 by the scientist Marshall. And now approved by WHO as an official method for detecting fertility. Its basis is a regular change in the concentration of progesterone in the blood. This hormone affects the thermoregulatory center in the brain, which causes a local increase in temperature in the organs and tissues of the small pelvis. That is why a sharp increase in temperature in the anal region occurs in the luteal phase.

Thus, ovulation divides the menstrual cycle into two parts: in the first, the average temperature is approximately 36.6-36.8 ° C. Then it drops by 0.2-0.3 ° C for 2 days, and then rises to 37-37.3 degrees and stays at this level almost until the end of the cycle. A normal basal temperature chart during ovulation is called biphasic.

Measuring your BBT can help you pinpoint a fertile day with high accuracy. According to statistics, it is known that the highest probability of getting pregnant will fall on the day before and after the temperature rise - 30% each. 2 days before the jump - 21%, 2 days after - 15%. Pregnancy can occur with a 2% chance if fertilization occurs 3 or 4 days before the temperature rises.

What is this method used for?

If you constantly draw up a graph of basal temperature, the norm and pathology begin to be traced literally after 2-3 cycles. The resulting curves can answer many questions. Therefore, gynecologists strongly recommend this method to solve the following problems:

  • Determination of a favorable day for conception.
  • Early diagnosis of pregnancy.
  • As a method of contraception.
  • Identification of malfunctions in the work of the sex glands.

Basically, basal temperature is measured to calculate the day the ovulatory phase of the cycle begins. This is the easiest and cheapest way. It is very easy to determine ovulation by basal temperature if you take measurements regularly and follow all the rules.

Correct measurement is the key to the effectiveness of the method

In order for the results of the method to be true, it is necessary to follow all the instructions when measuring BBT, because it is very important that the basal temperature chart during ovulation includes only accurate and reliable data. There is a set of basic rules:

  • Temperature measurement is carried out daily at the same time (optimally - 7.00-7.30) in the rectum.
  • You must sleep for at least 3 hours before the procedure.
  • If a woman needed to get out of bed before the measurement time, then the readings should be taken before taking a vertical position.
  • The thermometer must first be prepared and placed near the bed. Shake it off before bed.
  • You can measure the temperature only in a horizontal position, lying motionless on your side.
  • During the cycle, you can not change the thermometer.
  • It is better to enter readings in the graph immediately after the measurement.

For measurements, both a digital and a mercury thermometer are suitable. But an infrared thermometer is absolutely not intended for this method, since it has a high probability of an error in the results. Since the basal temperature before ovulation and on the day it starts differ by only 0.2-0.3 ° C, such a thermometer may not show this difference. An electronic thermometer gives large errors if you do not follow the instructions for its use. The most accurate readings can be obtained using a mercury thermometer, but it requires special care when handling.

When the received indicators may be incorrect

It must be remembered that the basal temperature during ovulation, the norm of which is individual for each woman, can fluctuate depending on the influence of various factors. Often, external influences on the body lead to the fact that BBT indicators are highly distorted and have no informative value. These factors include:

  • Flights, transfers, business trips.
  • Stress.
  • Excessive intake of alcohol.
  • Taking psychotropic and hormonal drugs.
  • Inflammatory processes in the body, fever.
  • Increased physical activity.
  • Short sleep.
  • Failure to follow measurement instructions.
  • Sexual intercourse a few hours before the measurement.

If something from the above list happened, then you should not trust the measurements. And the day on which there was a violation can be ignored in the construction of the schedule.

How to plot a basal temperature chart

To build a graph of basal temperature, it is necessary to take measurements every day and make notes in a specially designated notebook. The graph is the intersection of two lines at a right angle. The vertical axis contains data on temperature, for example, from 35.7 to 37.3 ° C, and on the horizontal axis are the days of the menstrual cycle. Each cell corresponds to 0.1 °C and 1 day. After making the measurement, you need to find the day of the cycle on the graph, mentally draw a line up and put a dot in front of the desired temperature. At the end of the cycle, all points of the graph are connected, the resulting curve is an objective display of hormonal changes in the female body.

In the chart, you should indicate the current date and build a column for special notes. In order for the data to be sufficiently complete, you can describe your state of health, the symptoms that appear, or situations that could be reflected in a change in basal temperature.

If it is not very clear to a woman how to draw up a schedule of basal temperature, then a gynecologist from the antenatal clinic will definitely explain how to do this, and also help to decipher the data received.

Now there are many programs with which you can create an electronic schedule that will always be at hand. In this case, the woman just needs to enter the temperature. The program will do the rest.

Chart decoding

In this method of determining fertility, it is important not only to build, but also to decipher the basal temperature graphs. The norm for each woman is individual. However, there is an approximate view of the graph, which should be obtained if the gonads are working properly. To analyze the resulting curve, you need to build the following elements: overlapping line, ovulation line, duration of the second phase.

The overlapping (middle) line is built over 6 points of the follicular cycle without taking into account the first 5 days and days when the indicators deviated greatly due to external factors. This element has no meaning. But it is necessary for clarity.

The basal body temperature decreases on the day of ovulation, so in order to determine the day for a successful conception, you need to find successive points that are under the overlapping line. In this case, the temperature values ​​of 2 out of 3 points should differ by at least 0.1 °C from the midline, and at least 1 of them should have a difference of 0.2 °C with it. The next day after that, you can observe a jump of the point up by 0.3-0.4 degrees. In this place, you need to draw an ovulation line. If there are difficulties with this method, then you can use the "finger" rule to plot. To do this, it is necessary to exclude all points that differ by 0.2 degrees from the previous or subsequent indicator. And based on the resulting schedule, build an ovulation line.

The basal temperature after ovulation in the anus should be kept above 37 ° C for 2 weeks. Deviations in the duration of the second phase or a small jump in temperature indicate ovarian dysfunction or low productivity of the corpus luteum. If 2 cycles in a row the duration of the second phase does not exceed 10 days, then it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, since this is the main sign of progesterone deficiency of the luteal phase.

The basal temperature chart during ovulation should also correspond to the norm for such a parameter as the temperature difference between the follicular and luteal phases. This indicator should be equal to more than 0.4 ° C.

What does the schedule look like in the presence of ovulation and pathologies

The normal ovulatory schedule consists of two phases. In the first one, an average temperature of 36.5-36.8 °C can be observed for 1-3 weeks, then a drop by 0.2-0.3 °C and a sharp rise to 37 °C and above. In this case, the second part of the schedule should be no shorter than 12-16 days, and before the onset of bleeding, there is a slight decrease in temperature. Graphically it looks like this:

You should also give examples of basal temperature charts in which pathology is traced. The curve in this case will differ from the norm in various ways. If there is, then the temperature jump will be no more than 0.2-0.3 ° C. This condition is fraught with infertility, therefore, it requires an appeal to specialists.

If the second phase on the graph is shorter than 10 days, then this is a clear sign of progesterone deficiency. Usually, there is no decrease in temperature before the onset of menstrual bleeding. In this case, pregnancy is possible, but under the threat of interruption.

If there is a lack of estrogen in a woman's body, then the schedule will be chaotic, strikingly different from the norm. It may also be due to the influence of external factors (flights, excessive alcohol intake, inflammation, etc.).

When the curve does not have sharp jumps in temperature and is a monotonous graph, then this is called This happens in healthy women, but not more than 1-2 times a year. If this is repeated from cycle to cycle, then this may be a sign of infertility.

If, after the second phase, there is no decrease in temperature, then most likely the woman is pregnant.

Deciphering the basal temperature charts, examples of which are presented above, require specialist knowledge. Therefore, you should not independently draw conclusions, diagnose yourself and prescribe treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The advantages of the method are its absolute availability, simplicity and complete absence of costs. When the basal temperature chart during ovulation is maintained by a woman regularly, this makes it possible to determine the days of ovulation, recognize early pregnancy in time or detect hormonal abnormalities and consult a gynecologist.

However, there are also downsides to the method. This method is not very accurate due to the individual characteristics of each organism. Here are its main disadvantages:

  • It does not make it possible to predict when the ovulatory phase will come.
  • Does not give accurate information about when ovulation occurred.
  • It does not guarantee, even in the presence of a normal two-phase schedule, that ovulation really took place.
  • Cannot give specific information about the quantitative content of progesterone in the blood.
  • Does not provide data on the normal functioning of the corpus luteum.

In order to know exactly how informative the method is, it is necessary in the first couple of cycles to take blood tests for female hormones and do an ultrasound scan. If the data of the graph and research coincide, then the woman can easily keep a graph of basal temperature. The norm and deviations displayed on the curve, in this case, will correspond to reality.

This method is convenient, simple and does not require financial costs. If you follow all the rules exactly and know how to decipher the basal temperature chart, then finding out the day of ovulation and planning conception is very easy. However, if there are any deviations from the norm, it is worth contacting a specialist to prevent the development of pathological processes.

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