Becoming a breakup Gebo 4 Isa. Destruction of relationships with runes. Runic brawl “Bullfight” from Insolate

Runic symbols have an equally strong effect on the creation and destruction of a couple. If the operator intends to interfere in other people's lives, he uses Relationship Ice from runes: they destroy sexual and emotional attachment. Gradually, the lovers move away, find relationships on the side - the couple completely breaks up.

The work of runes to cool relationships

The runic symbol is aimed at energetic impact. It is not capable of destroying the physical body, but creates powerful mental and psychic blocks. As a result, a person is healthy on the outside and sick on the inside. Each runic formula, especially in love magic, affects feelings, experiences, and emotions.

How runes cool relationships:

  • first they cool down the ardor - the former passion goes away forever;
  • without sexual release, lovers pay attention to any everyday problems;
  • over time, disputes flare up, and lovers do not come to a common decision;
  • partners are not ready to compromise;
  • a person feels lonely in a couple, he does not want to share his experiences;
  • lovers destroy each other.

A powerful start to a falling out lasts until the moment the lovers decide to separate. Immediately after the breakup, they feel relief and a surge of strength. If the partners get back together, the negative experience will be repeated. A falling out affects the quality of memories: partners do not remember good moments together.

Ice Relationship Formula

Ice of relationships is one of the most powerful runic formulas for a long quarrel between lovers. Becoming ensures a quarrel with a break in relations. Partners are not ready to make concessions and it is easier for them to break up than to fight for happiness. The strong formula affects both men and women at once. They make a mutual decision to end their painful relationship.

Only 2 runes are involved in the bet. Isa is provided in the formula in triple quantity at once. The symbol plays an important role in destroying the foundation of the relationship. Everything that united the lovers will become unimportant, insignificant. People will become fixated on what divides them. Partners under the influence of the Isa rune will begin to look for flaws in each other.

The main quarrel against the background of total dissatisfaction with each other is ensured by the Gebo rune. The symbol cools feelings and dulls affection. The runic formula brings death to love, takes it away from partners. A blade of ice cuts the lover's heart and does not allow it to recover.

A doomed relationship cannot be saved. Even if the lovers try to find a compromise, new difficulties will force them to abandon the senseless undertaking. Relationship ice lasts for a long time until it is deactivated by the operator.

Powerful brawl

The quarrel with runes acts gradually so that the lovers do not suspect external interference. Becoming a quarrel allows you to destroy any warm relationship, be it friendship or fleeting love.

Partners lose contact, they no longer hear or see each other. Runes of discord distort the perception of reality - it seems to lovers that their problems are insurmountable, that they are eternal.

Rassorka uses 4 runes.

  1. Soulu. The symbol is an image of lightning. He destroys everything that gets in his way. The cameraman directs Soula like lightning into the relationship. Gradually they crumble like a destroyed building. The destruction process is irreversible.
  2. Isa. The sign in the runic formula is presented twice. It symbolizes the cooling of feelings. Tenderness and trepidation immediately disappear in a relationship. Yesterday's lovers become real enemies. It is difficult for them to get along in a common territory. Isa consolidates the negative influence of stav.
  3. Hagalaz is another destructive rune. It gives people anger and makes them accumulate negativity on their partner. Hagalaz forces you to hide negative emotions and then take them out on a loved one - quarrels become more severe, and it is more difficult to move on from them.
  4. Raido. The rune ensures the divergence of the common road. People connected by strong feelings no longer see life together. They are confused and disappointed. Raido creates doubts in the hearts of lovers, and external circumstances, ensured by the action of previous ancient symbols, are a clear confirmation that feelings have died, and there is no point in saving them. Raido consolidates the effect of the stave.

For relationships, a runic quarrel is worse than death. The lovers are tired of each other, they are frightened by faded feelings.

The rassorka does not have to be fed, which is a significant advantage for the operator.

If the destruction of relationships with runes was successful, they destroy it with words of gratitude, but even such actions do not affect the final result. The relationship cannot be returned after the action of the stav.

Cross on a happy life together

The cross on the rails ensures the collapse of the relationship - becoming owned by the famous runologist Dmitry Voronov. The runic formula ensures a quarrel, no matter how the lovers try to maintain the relationship. Their opinions will be met with hostility - constant swearing will lead to separation.

A cross on the rails gives a quick effect. Becoming works from the first day of activation and separates lovers in a short period of time. Externally, the runic formula resembles another becoming - Ice of relationships. It consists of additional signs Isa and Hagalaz.

In the center of the bet on inevitable separation is the Gebo rune. In the formula, it reveals the most negative aspects - weakens protection, makes lovers vulnerable. From Gebo comes Hagalaz, and from her comes Isa. Runes enhance previous symbols, making them powerful and fast-acting. Activation occurs using the standard method.

The fast-acting Paw of Discord is used to quickly destroy relationships. The runic formula affects one of the partners. A person in love independently creates problems for the relationship. He initiates the separation. The runes choose the person with the weakest protection, with minimal protection of the mental body.

5 runes ensure the systematic destruction of relationships.

  1. Teyvaz in an inverted position. The rune ensures constant cooling of relationships. Lovers grow apart every day. All unifying events, hobbies, and outlooks on life disappear in their lives.
  2. Nautiz. The rune is a compulsion. It makes you look at your partner not in the best light. Nautiz breaks even the strongest ties.
  3. Ansuz in an inverted position. The rune in this form acts on the essence of love - on mutual understanding. Partners lose tolerance for each other. Ansuz creates new reasons for scandals. The quarrels do not stop, but only become more frequent.
  4. Laguz. The symbol blocks pleasant memories. Due to constant quarrels, lovers try to find solace in them, but the memories are distorted, they are colored negative. Laguz strengthens the power of the remaining runes.
  5. Inverted Algiz. The rune symbolizes deception, misleading a partner. The victim is trying to find a way out of a difficult situation, but the only thing she succeeds in is alienating her loved one even further. Lies, tricks, manipulations - all this on the part of the partner is revealed thanks to Algiz. Cheating becomes the reason for separation.

Becoming a Collapse does not allow the lovers to get back together, so they separate forever.

Application options

There are certain rules in love runic magic. The energy of the runes must be directed and act only on the target. For this reason, the formulas are applied either to a photograph of lovers, or the photograph is used during the ritual.

To destroy relationships, especially strong couples, they use durable materials - wood or stones. Each detail of the stav is applied with a pencil, pen or carving. The finished material is spoken and activated.

Activation methods

Staves, so that the couple has no chance of reunification, are activated by a reservation or natural disaster. The standard method is to pour water over the formula or burn it with fire. To establish the Coldness of a bed or relationship, use the elements of earth. The best option is to use a handful of soil from the cemetery.

A reservation, like a photo, helps direct the work of runic magic. First, the operator turns to the runes, calling on their power. After this, the clause outlines the task - the main goal of the runic formula. At the end, the reservation consists of gratitude to the runes: the operator respectfully completes the ritual, hoping for a quick positive result.

To permanently destroy a love or friendship relationship, many use a lapel with runes. A runic quarrel is placed not only on a man and a woman in love, it can break off partnerships, friendships, and family relationships. Many leave aside the moral part of the issue, and because of unclaimed love or for the sake of retribution with the help of runes, they break up families, ruin relationships between loved ones, and even make a reservation for the death of an enemy or rival. Runic spells are very powerful and removing them is not easy, and sometimes even impossible.

What runes are used?

A cross on the rails of relationships is placed with the help of runes, and although various runic formulas are used to destroy love, friendship or family relationships, the meaning of their activation is the same - to break an existing connection, to separate people connected by specific bonds in opposite directions, to ensure the complete collapse of existing relationships without any hope for a future connection. The action of runes leads to frequent quarrels, negative elements, and misunderstandings. Out of the blue, scandals and conflicts arise, and existing contact is broken irrevocably.

Most rituals use the same runes, which include one direction - to break, destroy, separate. The strongest are considered:

  • Algiz. Brings destruction and collapse to relationships.
  • Raido. Generates coldness, disgust and alienation.
  • Gebo. The main symbol of human relationships, a slander against it gives rise to quick separation.
  • Nautis. It is characterized by forced separation and breakdown of any contacts.
  • Fehu. Characterized by constant quarrels, nonsense, hatred and disgust.
  • Mill. It erects an invisible wall, separates the couple, and forces them to separate.

How are rates applied?

With the help of specially selected symbols, you can destroy a married couple.

Runes work in different directions. This could be a slander against a rival, a runic spell against oneself in front of annoying fans, a conspiracy to destroy a love or married couple, to cool feelings between friends, or magical love spells on an unloving person. In order for the runes to act in the right direction, you need to know how to use them correctly, what formulas to use, how to carry out ceremonies and rituals. Most often, those who decide to use runes turn for help to runologists who know everything about runes, but often those who dare arm themselves with the necessary information and use their knowledge to get what they want on their own, without the help of outsiders.

Bindings or cooling with runes is carried out on personal belongings or objects, such as:

  • a photograph of a couple who need to quarrel;
  • clothes belonging to one of the lovers;
  • an item from the couple's home;
  • personal accessory of a specific person (handkerchief, pendant, ring).

A runic slander is applied in two ways: partially, which involves removing the chill over time, and entirely - an irrevocable act, which even experienced runologists cannot remove.

Formulas and rituals

Becoming “Universal”

Anyone can master this formula, since it is very simple to implement and works exactly on target.

It is also called “Lightning”. The easiest to use runic lapel, which is aimed at destroying romantic, friendly and family relationships. The following runes work in the formula:

  • Double Isa. It introduces chills, alienation, misunderstandings into relationships and strengthens the existing relationship.
  • Hagalaz. Destroyer of everything positive.
  • Soulu. Acts with lightning speed, burns love, friendship and loyalty.
  • Raido. Directs partners to opposite sides of the life path.

"Relationship Ice"

The name of the station speaks for itself. The formula includes only 4 runes, but they act quickly and irrevocably. The breakdown was compiled by the famous runologist Dmitry Voron and includes the following signs:

  • Gebo. Symbolizes relationships that are being broken.
  • Triple Isa. Three signs activate the chill that has arisen between partners, quickly turning it into ice.

"Arrow of Rupture"

The effect of this formula begins with the fact that people quarrel among themselves over some everyday trifles.

Runologists claim that the effect of the stav goes very unnoticed. Cooling is directed at a rival or competitor. The lovers grow cold towards each other. Their separation begins with small household rubbish. Frequent unfounded nagging pushes the couple towards mutual indifference and alienation. Parting seems to go without saying, and the partners go in different directions with a feeling of relief, not even aware of the intervention of third parties. Formula:

  • Nautiz. Forced break.
  • Kenaz. Removes sexual attraction from relationships.
  • Uruz. Reduces libido.
  • Hagalaz. Unites all negatives, pushing towards a break.
  • Vunyo. Helps take the pleasure out of spending time together.
  • Ansus inverted. Provocateur of conflicts, instigator of litter.

"The Collapse of Relationships"

A strong runic bet on the divorce of a married couple, relationships between lovers or relationships where there is a love triangle. The formula leads to a complete cooling of feelings between partners, who in a short time get tired of constant scandals, swearing, conflicts and go in different directions, leaving behind a complete collapse of the relationship. Runes:

This formula will quickly make people’s relationships unbearable, which will lead to their separation.

  • Double Hagalaz. Aimed at separation.
  • Two Isa. They bring coldness and alienation into relationships.
  • Teyvaz upside down. Activates and strengthens the misunderstanding that has arisen.
  • Double Fehu. Brings regular conflicts into the house, removes the sense of duty to the family or another partner.

Sometimes we really want two certain people to stop communicating with each other, end the relationship, or have a fight. Moreover, we can talk not only about a love union, which we want to break up due to falling in love with one of the partners, but also about friendship, relationships between colleagues or relatives. Although, to be honest, formulas for discord in the love area are the most popular. Leaving aside the moral background of the question, let's talk about how you can forcibly break the connection between people, and the runic quarrel will help us in this forever.

What is a runic quarrel and how does it work?

Despite the fact that completely different runes can be used in such formulas, the principle of the ligature for a quarrel will always be the same. Ancient magical symbols change the character of people or the circumstances in which they find themselves, send a spell over them, and instead of treating each other well, these people begin to quarrel with each other, make scandals, and in most cases stop communicating altogether. We can say that a runic quarrel is a wall between people that grows suddenly, out of the blue.

Rules for applying, slandering and activating bets for discord

In order not to repeat the same thing ten times when describing each stav, we will immediately talk about the general rules for working with these runic formulas. It is best to apply them to a joint photo of those people whom we want to separate on different paths. We discuss it individually or in its entirety (depending on your desire or the advice of the author of the formula). We activate in the way that we consider most suitable.

Runic becoming "Lightning"

This simple runic formation is a quarrel between friends, lovers, and relatives. Used as a universal one.

Working runes

  • - this is lightning that burns love or friendly affection
  • Two Isa - cold, alienation of partners, as well as a “fixer” of a position
  • Hagalaz - responsible for destruction, destruction of relationships
  • - takes people down different paths

A simple rune quarrel “Ice of relationships” from D. Raven

This runic quarrel from runologist Dmitry Voron works very effectively, although there are only four working runes in it, three of which are repeated.

  • Gebo is a symbol of relationships that we want to destroy
  • Three Isa - ice that freezes all the good feelings people have for each other

Runic formula “Arrow of rupture” from Vitoria

The runic discord “Arrow of Rupture,” according to the author (runologist Vitoria), acts very softly and imperceptibly, i.e. lovers begin to experience cooling towards each other not instantly and immediately, but gradually, which will allow them not to notice outside interference in the relationship. It’s better to talk about it verbally, making sure to focus not just on quarrels, but on the breakup of the couple.

Runes involved in the formula

  • Hagalaz destroys relationships between people
  • forces people to break up
  • The opposite destroys the joy of lovers communicating with each other
  • Mirror reduces their mutual sexual attraction
  • lowers the libido level of both partners
  • An inverted Ansuz destroys mutual understanding and provokes scandals
  • Isa blocks the exit, does not allow people to get out of the situation without breaking off relations

Runic becoming “Collapse of relationships” from forest Fairy

This runic formation is a quarrel between a husband and a mistress, or between legal spouses (if it is the third party of the love triangle who does it). The author is a runologist with the nickname forest Fairy. Under the influence of runes, constant quarrels and scandals begin to occur in the couple, the lovers’ feelings cool down and, as a result, the relationship falls apart.

Working runes

  • Two Hagalaz - destroy relationships
  • Two Isa - freeze, cool people’s feelings for each other
  • Two Fehus make quarrels constant
  • Inverted - responsible for constant cooling of feelings

Runic formula “Cross of Relationships” from D. Raven

Another work from a runologist named Dmitry Voron. This runic becoming is a quarrel under any circumstances. It is impossible to predict in advance exactly how the runes will act, since when they are used, the relationship will destroy itself. But the fact that the result will be quick is for sure. The author promises the couple's separation just two weeks after. The formula is reminiscent of the above “Relationship Ice”, but one is removed from it and Hagalaz is added. First you need to draw the central part of the and Hagalaz, then draw two Isa along the edges of the ligature. Fully discussed.

Formula “Quarrels, swearing, dirt” from Insolate

Icelandic runes of the black series

  • Úr, causing mutual irritation in partners when they see each other
  • Ýr, provoking constant scandals and disagreements
  • Æsingur, causing people to hate each other

When making slander, we mention the names of people and pronounce the general effect of the formula (irritation, scandals, disagreements, disgust).

Runic brawl “Bullfight” from Insolate

Another runic fight from the same author. Under its influence, relationships collapse, and the showdown becomes not only stormy, but also public - people begin to quarrel not only in private, but also in front of relatives, friends, and acquaintances. Such a “show” simply could not be called anything other than “Bullfight”. Stav was created to quarrel between work colleagues, but, according to practicing runologists, it also works on married couples.

Icelandic black series

  • Úr - makes people look like a pair of wild, angry bulls
  • Ýr - is responsible for the “circle” of quarrels, disagreements and scandals, provides a “permanent basis” for showdowns
  • Hagall - blocks partners' way out of the situation, thereby preventing them from avoiding scandals
  • Æsingur - causes all the dirt (disgust, desire to make trouble, call names, insult each other), undermines the moral foundations of people
  • Stunginn Kaun - awakens all the vices in people, reveals their negative sides, and sometimes even forces them to give up

Runic becoming “Wall between people” from Anvar

The runic fight “Wall between people” operates on a slightly different principle than the previous formulas. He forces the “experimental subjects” not to vigorously sort things out, but to silently hate each other, not trust - and gradually their communication is reduced to nothing. Under the influence of runes, a special psychological block is created between people.

Symbols included in ligature

  • Two means two people whom we want to quarrel
  • Stan - wall, stone, barrier between them
  • (inside the Stan rune) - mistrust, gossip, deception and other things that come between people

We apply it to the photo where people are standing nearby - Mannaz on their heads, and Stan with Ansuz turned on - in the middle.

Here we have such an impressive list of rune quarrels. I don’t think there’s any need to talk about the consequences for the operator performing the ritual - any violent intervention in someone else’s life, and even more so destructive, leads to a powerful kickback - but, however, this does not stop everyone. So proceed entirely at your own risk.

Inspiration received here:


It won't be long before the wishing gardens grow.
The Cross fell on the rails of relationships*
On the scorched land of hope.

And bitter experience, traces of partings -
An ardent opponent of future dates.
On the scorched land of hope
The gardens of desires will not grow soon

* The picture shows a card from runic fortune-telling - here the Cross means a break in relationships

Note (from the humanitarian dictionary):
TRIOLET (French triolet - triple) - a solid poetic form, which is an 8-verse with 2 rhymes, in which the 1st and 2nd verses are repeated as the 7th and 8th and, in addition, 1- the 1st verse is also repeated as the 4th; after the 2nd and 4th verses in the “correct” triolet there should be a pause (dot). Classic triolet diagram: AB.AA.ABAB


Ha-ha-ha!))) You can and SHOULD follow the laws of versification!
Only very gifted people with excellent hearing and an ideal sense of rhythm write poetry intuitively, without drawing a diagram...)) But there are few of them.☺
Thank you, Yuri!
With gratitude -

I agree with you, Alexandrovna. I was once fond of monumental art, and I remember that sweet devastation when you finish some kind of carved panel. It was as if he had given birth (funny to hear). Now I feel it when my clumsy verse is born. I don’t know anything about schemes, and I don’t consider myself gifted, I just feel satisfied. I think there are a lot of them here.

The portal provides authors with the opportunity to freely publish their literary works on the Internet on the basis of a user agreement. All copyrights to works belong to the authors and are protected by law. Reproduction of works is possible only with the consent of its author, which you can contact on his author’s page. Authors bear responsibility for the texts of works independently on the basis

Despite the fact that the site administration is not a supporter of negative magical interference in the lives of other people, it is always very difficult to bypass the runic becoming “Rassorka”. Still, situations are different: someone’s husband was taken away, someone loves a person very much, and someone simply sees from the outside that one partner negatively influences the other, and therefore wants to separate people, because someone then from the pair - his friend or relative. Therefore, we will not touch upon moral issues - you can decide for yourself how ethical such manipulations are.

What is a runic quarrel and how does it work?

In fact, any runic quarrel is a combination of magical symbols, which, with a certain reservation, negatively affects the relationship of two people, ultimately leading to their separation. And this will not necessarily be a love relationship: quarrels are often made against friends, work colleagues, and relatives. Everything essentially depends on the will and desire of the operator. When activating such formulas, it is definitely worth considering that interference in someone else’s fate may be followed by a certain retribution, but it is difficult to say what it will be expressed in. It could be health problems, loss of luck or money, or something else. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you do not use spreaders unless absolutely necessary.

General rules for using stretching stakes

Working with formulas for discord is no different from using ordinary rune staves. Here, perhaps, the main thing is to get a joint photograph of the people you want to separate, since runes are applied in most cases to it. If you haven’t found such a photo anywhere, you can take two photos of each person separately, and then glue them side by side to put symbols between them. But the first option, of course, is still preferable.

After application, we make a reservation - it is better to draw it up in advance. The clause includes all the nuances of the action of the runes included in the ligature (one by one) or describes the general task of the stave. The second option is more convenient and more suitable for beginners, who may accidentally “say too much,” as a result of which they will get a completely different result.

The next stage is activation in any way. If the author does not indicate a specific method, then choose the one with which you are used to working. Some people prefer a ritual with four elements, while others prefer just one, or even “start” the work of the formula with breathing. Here, as they say, who is closer to what. After the runes complete their effect, they become destroyed by fire along with the photograph. Just don't forget to thank the runes for their help!

Becoming “Arrow of the gap” from Vitoria

The runic stave “Arrow of rupture” is aimed at irrevocably destroying the relationship between two people. Under its influence, constant quarrels, conflicts, misunderstandings begin between partners, the joy from mutual communication disappears, attraction to each other decreases, and as a result, the only way out for lovers is a break. The author recommends making a reservation in writing.

Active symbols:

  • Stylized Hagalaz - destroys relationships
  • Nautiz - forces people to disperse
  • Reverse Vunyo - symbolizes the loss of joy from communicating with each other
  • Mirror rune - eliminates the sexual desire of partners, makes intimate life boring and unsatisfying
  • Inverted Uruz - reduces potency, libido
  • Reverse Ansuz - responsible for loss of mutual understanding, provokes scandals
  • Two - block the situation, make it so that a way out of it is possible only through a break

Destruction of relationships based on common interests from Anwar and Kuka

This runic pattern is a quarrel between friends, lovers, and business partners. The main thing is that the people you want to separate along different paths are united by some common interests, a common cause. It could even be a married couple of businessmen. Be sure to include specifics in your clause that suit your individual situation.

Working runes:

- destroys relationships
Gebo - a partnership that is destroyed by Hagalaz
Isa - “breaks in half”
Ansuz - provokes misunderstanding, due to which people stop hearing each other
Kenaz - burns mutual interest of partners
Yera - loops the action of the stave
Fehu - incites conflicts on material grounds

Secondary ones, directed at each other, symbolize mutual aggression, and the Raido runes separate people’s roads in different directions

Powerful becoming “Tekken” from Mo Flying

As the name implies, this work by the master Mo Flying is a runic brawl before a fight. This formula has one feature - it removes protection, if any, on partners. In general, ligature has established itself as a really fast and reliable way to quarrel people forever.

  • Two combinations of inverted Algiz and Nautiz - remove protection from one and the second partner, respectively
  • Ansuz is reversed from the center - it forces people to constantly quarrel, conflict, be at enmity, and also regularly lie to each other. By the way, this lie will definitely come to light, so we can consider this an additional “bonus”
  • Hagalaz - brutally destroys communication, powerfully destroys relationships to the point of complete collapse

If you are looking for a runic quarrel forever, pay attention to this formula.

Becoming “Like ships at sea” from Black Bonpo

This work is a runic quarrel between husband and mistress, friends, partners. They say that it was even tested on a couple with non-traditional sexual orientation, and it worked perfectly.

Working symbols:

  • Two Mannaz - two people who must separate
  • Gebo - their relationship
  • Hagalaz - destruction, blocking energy exchange between partners, interruption of all communication channels
  • - brings disharmony into relationships, makes people intolerant of each other, provokes discord, the inability to conduct a normal dialogue
  • Turisaz - pushes people together like two bulls, awakens in them such negative qualities as the desire to compete, lie, take revenge, cheat, betray
  • Teyvaz - aggression, misunderstanding, path to separation
  • Nautiz - forcing partners to separate
  • Raido - paths that diverge in different directions

“Relationship Wake” by orobas

And finally, let’s give one more example - this is a runic fight under any circumstances from a runologist with the nickname orobas. Everything is quite simple here: there are two people - he and she (two Mannaz runes). Isa pierces them, freezing them, slowing down the development of the connection (inverted Evaz). Four Hagalaz destroy relationships (Gebo), the Odal-Uruz combination sows disagreements, quarrels, and conflicts, and the mirror Vunyo destroys all the joy from mutual communication. At the same time, inside the formula you can also notice the secondary Nautiz and Teyvaz - they speed up the process, make it forced and bring what you have planned to the desired result.

Of course, there are many other runic quarrels, but it is simply impossible to list them all in one article.

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