The process of communion. What is communion? How to dress for confession

The first inhabitants of the Earth, the ancestors Adam and Eve, lived in Paradise, not knowing the need for anything. According to the conviction of the evil Serpent, they tasted the forbidden fruit - they sinned and were expelled to Earth. Modern man succumbs to other temptations, like Adam and Eve, and through his actions becomes ineligible for Paradise. It is never too late to ask God for forgiveness, while in earthly life you must have a firm desire not to sin - to confess and take communion. What communion is in the church and how it is performed requires clarification, because not everyone knows about it.

What does it mean to take communion in church?

Awareness of one's own sinfulness entails a desire to repent, that is, to admit a wrong action and the intention not to commit such a thing in the future. To ask for forgiveness for sins committed is to confess, and to reunite with him in soul - to take communion in church, to feel like a part of God’s great grace. Communion is prepared from bread and wine, which are the blood and flesh of the Lord Jesus Christ.

How does communion work?

The main condition for receiving communion is confession with the priest, spiritual rebirth, in which a person admits the mistakes he has made and sincerely asks for forgiveness not from the priest, but from God himself. During church services, bread and wine are invisibly transformed into church communion. Taking communion is a Sacrament, through which a person becomes an heir to the kingdom of God, an inhabitant of paradise.

What is the sacrament for?

For a believer, the sacrament gives relief from bad thoughts, helps to fight the attacks of evil in everyday affairs, serves as spiritual reinforcement, and leads to internal spiritual rebirth. The unequivocal answer regarding thinking about whether it is necessary to take communion is yes. The human soul is the creation of the Lord, his spiritual child. Every person, coming to an earthly parent, rejoices if he has not seen him for a long time, and every soul rejoices when coming to God - the heavenly father, through this ritual.

On what days can you take communion in church?

It is taken on days when the Divine Service is held in the church. A person decides how often he can receive communion on his own. The Church recommends that at every fast, and there are 4 fasts, you come to confession and receive communion, preferably annually. If a person has not come to church for a long time - has not received communion, and the soul requires repentance, there is no need to be afraid of condemnation from the priest, it is better to come to confession right away.

How to properly take communion in church?

It is customary to follow the rules indicating. After confession, the priest gives his blessing to receive Holy Communion, which is celebrated on the same day. At the liturgy, after the Lord’s Prayer, the communicants approach the steps leading to the altar and wait for the priest to take out the Chalice. It is not appropriate to be baptized in front of the cup; you must listen carefully to the prayer.

At such a moment, there is no need to fuss, create a crowd - slowly approach the communion, letting children and the elderly pass first. In front of the Holy Chalice, fold your arms over your chest, say your name, open your mouth and swallow a piece, kiss the edge of the bowl, then go to the table with warm tea and prosphora, wash down the communion. After such actions, it is allowed to kiss icons and talk. It is prohibited to receive communion twice on the same day.

How to prepare for communion?

Preparation for the communion of an adult is to fast, make peace with enemies, not harbor feelings of hatred or malice, realize sinful offenses, regret what was done wrong, abstain from bodily pleasures for several days, perform repentant prayers, confess. The decision to give communion to seriously ill people is made by the priest without special preparation.

People who are in mortal danger, if they do not have the opportunity to prepare to receive the Holy Sacraments, are not deprived of the opportunity to receive communion. Church-baptized children under 7 years of age are allowed to receive communion without confession or fasting. After the Sacrament of Baptism, infants can receive communion very often; they are given a small particle - a drop in the guise of Blood.

Fasting before Communion

Before communion, it is customary to fast, to abstain from eating meat, dairy, and fish products for 3-7 days, unless this period includes the same fast established by the church for everyone, for example, Christmas or Great Lent. Deciding whether one can receive communion if one has not fasted due to the physical state of a person’s health must be done only on the advice of a clergyman. The exception to the rule is children under seven years of age and people whose health does not allow them to adhere to such a nutritional system.

The answer to the question whether it is possible for a repentant person to receive communion without confession is no. The priest listens to the sins of the repentant not out of curiosity, he is a mediator who testifies to God that the person repented, came to church, regretted, and expressed a desire to start life over a new leaf. The priest who confesses the person makes a decision on admission to communion and gives a blessing based on specific rules, and not personal motives.

Prayers before communion

On the day preceding communion, from the evening until the reception of the Sacraments, they refuse to eat and drink water, do not smoke cigarettes, and do not allow intimate relationships. You should first read - appeals to God, in which he expresses his sinfulness in words and asks for forgiveness. Before confessing, they read the prayers of repentance called canons:

  • canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ;
  • prayer canon to the Most Holy Theotokos;
  • canon to the Guardian Angel;
  • following to Holy Communion.

It is difficult to read the prayers prescribed before communion in one evening; it is permissible to divide the reading of the rules into 2-3 days. The Canon for Communion (Rule for Communion) is read the night before, after which there are prayers for the coming sleep. Prayers before Communion (Rule for Communion) are read in the morning on the day of Communion, after morning prayers.

Is it possible to receive communion during menstruation?

You cannot take church communion if a woman is menstruating. For Orthodox Christians, communion is a holiday of spiritual triumph; it is customary to prepare for it in advance, and not to put off the possibility of repentance until later. Coming to the temple, a person leads his soul to a living source - by receiving communion he renews his spiritual strength, and through a healed soul, bodily weaknesses are cured.

Communion is one of the most important and significant rites in Christianity. At this moment there is unity with Jesus Christ - the Son of God. Preparing for the sacrament is a difficult process that takes a long time. For a believer making first communion, it is important to know how communion takes place in church, what needs to be done before and after the ceremony. This is necessary not only in order to avoid mistakes, but also to gain awareness of the future union with Christ.

What is a participle

Jesus Christ performed the first sacrament of communion, dividing bread and wine among his disciples. He commanded his followers to repeat this. The ritual was first performed at the Last Supper, shortly before the crucifixion of the Son of God.

Before the ceremony, the Divine Liturgy is performed, also called the Eucharist, which translated from Greek means “thanksgiving.” Preparation for the rite of communion must necessarily include the memory of this great ancient event. This will allow you to experience the mystery deeply and touch your soul and mind.

Communion frequency

How often should you take communion? Accepting the sacrament is a purely individual matter; you cannot force yourself to do it just because the ritual seems necessary. It is very important to take communion according to the call of your heart. If in doubt, it is better to talk to the Holy Father. Priests advise proceeding to the sacrament only in case of complete internal readiness.

Orthodox Christians, in whose hearts love and faith for God live, are allowed to perform the ritual without any restrictions. If there are doubts in your heart, then you can take communion no more than once a week or once a month. As a last resort, during the periods of each major post. The main thing is regularity.

Ancient literature indicates that it is good to perform communion daily on weekdays and weekends, but performing the ritual 4 times a week (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday) also brings benefits.

The only day when communion is obligatory is Maundy Thursday. This is a manifestation of respect for the ancient tradition that stands at the origins.

Some priests argue that taking communion too often is wrong. In truth, according to the laws of the canon, this opinion is incorrect. However, you need to see and feel the person well in order to understand whether he needs to perform this action or not.

Communion should not happen by inertia. Therefore, when it is performed frequently, a Christian must constantly be ready to accept the Gifts and maintain the right attitude. Few are capable of this. Especially considering the training that must take place on a regular basis. It is not so easy to keep all the fasts, constantly confess and pray. The priest sees what kind of life a layman leads; this cannot be hidden.

Prayer rule for Communion

Home prayer is of great importance in preparing for communion. In the Orthodox prayer book there is a sequence that is involved in sacred rites. It is read on the eve of the Sacrament.

The preparation includes not only prayer read at home, but also church prayers. Immediately before the ceremony, you must attend a service. Also you need to read three canons: the Mother of God and the Guardian Angel.

This preparation will allow you to consciously approach confession and communion and feel the value of the Sacrament.

Necessity of fasting

Fasting is a mandatory and indisputable condition before communion.

Christians who regularly observe single-day and multi-day fasts should only perform liturgical fasting. This means that you cannot eat or drink from midnight before the ceremony. The fast continues immediately until the moment of the Sacrament.

Parishioners who have recently joined the church and are not observing any fasts are required to undergo a three-day or seven-day fast. The duration of abstinence must be set by the priest. Such points need to be discussed in church; you should not be afraid to ask questions.

Internal state before the Eucharist

You need to fully realize your sins before communion. What needs to be done besides this? To prevent sins from multiplying, you should abstain from entertainment. Husband and wife must avoid close physical contact one day before communion and on the day of communion.

You need to pay attention to the birth of your thoughts and control them. There should be no anger, envy, or condemnation.

Personal time is best spent alone, studying the Holy Scriptures and the lives of saints, or in prayer.

The most important thing for accepting the Holy Gifts is repentance. A layman must absolutely sincerely repent of his sinful acts. This is what all the preparation is for. Fasting, reading the Bible, prayer are ways to achieve the desired state.

Actions before confession

Confession before the ceremony is very important. You must ask the priest of the church in which the Sacrament will take place about this.

Preparing for the rites of communion and confession is a process of examining one’s behavior and thoughts, getting rid of sinful actions. Everything that has been noticed and consciously needs to be confessed. But you shouldn’t just list your sins like a list. The main thing is to be sincere. Otherwise, why was such serious preparation carried out?

It is worth understanding that the priest is just an intermediary between God and people. You should speak without hesitation. Everything said will remain only between the person, the priest and the Lord. This is necessary in order to feel freedom in life and achieve purity.

Day of Reception of the Holy Gifts

On the day of the Sacrament, certain rules must be followed. You can only accept gifts on an empty stomach. A person who smokes must abstain from his habit until the body and blood of Christ are received.

During the removal of the Chalice, you need to approach the altar. If children come, you should let them go first; they always receive communion first.

There is no need to cross yourself near the chalice, you need to bow with your arms crossed over your chest. Before accepting the Gifts, you need to say your Christian name, and then immediately taste them.

Actions after communion

You should also know what needs to be done after the sacred rite has been completed. You need to kiss the edge of the Cup and go to the table to eat a piece. There is no need to rush to leave the church, you still need to kiss the altar cross in the hands of the priest. More prayers of gratitude are read in the church, which also need to be listened to. If you are extremely short of time, you can read prayers at home. But this must be done.

Communion of children and the sick

There are the following points regarding the communion of children and sick people:

  • Children under seven years of age do not need to undergo preparation (confession, fasting, prayer, repentance).
  • Infants who have been baptized receive communion on the same day or during the next liturgy.
  • Seriously ill people may also not prepare, however, if possible, it is worth going to confession. If the patient is unable to do this, the priest must say the phrase “I believe, Lord, and I confess.” Then immediately take communion.
  • Those people who are temporarily excommunicated from communion, but are in a state of death or in a state of danger, are not denied sacred rites. But in case of recovery, the ban will come into force again.

Not all people can accept the gifts of Christ. Who can't do this:

  • Those who did not come to confession (except for small children and seriously ill people);
  • Parishioners who are prohibited from receiving the Holy Sacraments;
  • Insane, if they blaspheme while in a fit. If they do not have such an inclination, they are allowed to receive communion, but not every day;
  • Spouses who had intimate contact shortly before the Sacrament;
  • Women who are currently menstruating.

In order not to forget anything, you should read the memo compiled on the basis of all of the above:

About what behavior should be in church during communion:

  1. Arrive at the liturgy on time.
  2. When the Royal Doors open, cross yourself, then fold your hands crosswise. Approach the Chalice and move away from it in the same way.
  3. You need to approach from the right, and the left side should be free. Do not push other parishioners.
  4. Observe the order of communion: bishop, presbyters, deacons, subdeacons, readers, children, adults.
  5. Women are not allowed to come to the temple with lipstick.
  6. Before accepting the Sacred Gifts, you must say your name given at baptism.
  7. There is no need to be baptized in front of the Chalice.
  8. If the Holy Gifts will be placed in two or more bowls, only one of them must be chosen. Communion more than once a day is a sin.
  9. If prayers of thanks were not heard in church, you need to read them at home.

Preparing for communion is a very serious sequence. All advice must be strictly followed in order to be ready to receive the Sacred Gifts. Prayer is needed for awareness, fasting for bodily cleansing, and confession for spiritual cleansing.

Meaningful preparation will help you discern the deep meaning of the Sacrament. This is truly contact with God, after which the life of a believer changes. But it should be remembered that those who have recently embarked on the path of religion will not be able to take communion and radically correct everything at once. This is natural, because sins accumulate over the years, and you also need to get rid of them consistently. Communion is the first step on this difficult path.

Orthodox Christians treat church sacraments with special trepidation and respect. And if some of them are more understandable, not everyone knows such communion in church.

Under this concept lies a sacred act, thanks to which Divine grace descends on a person. It cannot be seen with the eyes, but it can be felt with all the heart.

There are seven main sacraments: marriage, priesthood, confirmation, baptism, repentance and communion. Jesus Christ told the world about the last three of them. What is communion in church, how and why is it done. This is one of the most revered sacred rites. It also has a second name – Eucharist, which means “thanksgiving”.

During its execution, the transformation of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ occurs. Participants receive these sacred gifts of purification by participating in the sacrament.

The fact is that the church considers not only the material essence of a person, but to a greater extent its spiritual component. And just as the flesh needs food to maintain physical life, so the soul needs spiritual food.

The procedure for conducting the sacrament of communion was inherited by priests from ancient times, when the birth of the Church of Christ took place.

All actions are performed exactly as it was at the last supper of Christ with his apostles. Then Jesus Christ himself, breaking bread, blessed his disciples. Wine was taken from a common bowl, dipping pieces of bread into it.

Note! Thanks to tasting divine gifts, a person is cleansed of passions, receives peace and harmony with the external and internal world.


What does the Eucharist give to a believer, and why is it necessary for an Orthodox Christian. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifice that the Savior made in the name of every person. His body was nailed to the cross and his blood was shed so that every sinner could gain eternal life.

According to Orthodox doctrine, when the Day of Judgment comes, those who have undergone the ritual of communion after the resurrection will be able to reunite with God.

Sin is inevitable on earth, and just as contaminated blood requires renewal, so the soul suffers if it does not receive strength for restoration. And the believer finds it through thanksgiving.

Everyone who receives the blood and body of Christ is cured of passions, finds peace and joy of life. He will take a conscious step towards purification, improvement and salvation of the soul. This is the meaning of the sacrament.


A true Christian life is not led by the one who attends church on holidays and gives alms, but by the one who tries to live by faith and keep the commandments that were given by Christ. This is the only way to fulfill the will of God. But faith in which there is no love is dead and cannot serve as a road to eternal life.

People wonder how often communion is needed in church. The answer will be ambiguous; different demands were made in different eras. At the dawn of Christianity, believers received communion daily, and those who missed the sacrament three times were considered to have “fallen away” from the church and were excluded from the community.

Over time, the tradition has changed, and now the clergy do not insist on the same frequency. But it is recommended to take communion at least once a year. In Tsarist Russia, parishioners received thanksgiving before fasting, for example, on the day when they celebrated their name day.

You can participate in the sacrament on the twelve feasts celebrated by the church. But the most correct advice would be this: take communion at the behest of your soul. This should not be a clear schedule, but an internal spiritual message. Otherwise, the sacrament loses its main value and meaning for a person.

Before undergoing the sacrament, careful preparation is required: reading the sequence and canons, observing fasting. Without sincere faith, without effort and achievement, it is impossible to receive salvation.

During the sacrament, you must take a submissive pose, crossing your arms in front of you on your chest and bowing your head, approach the clergyman, and say your name. Having received the gifts, one must kiss the cup with the Holy Gifts and peacefully step aside, giving way to the next communicant.

Having received the prosphora and water, called “warmth” in the church, you need to drink it and eat a piece of the prosphora.

It is important to be extremely careful not to catch the cup, so it is better not to cross yourself while being close to it. After communion, you should not rush to leave the temple. You must wait until the end of the service. When the priest finishes his sermon from the pulpit, come up and kiss the cross. After this you can leave the temple.

Important! Throughout the day, you should try to maintain peace of mind and avoid quarrels and conflicts. Spend time praying or reading the Bible in a quiet environment.

The Church teaches that confession and communion help cleanse the soul, lighten it, filling it with healing power and grace. A person becomes more sensitive to bad deeds, realizes the boundary between good and evil, strengthens in true faith and finds the strength to resist temptation.

Another question that worries parishioners is who can receive communion. Any person who has received holy baptism has the right to participate in the sacrament.

Moreover, this is highly desirable and even obligatory for a Christian, but it cannot be approached without preliminary preparation of soul and body. The ritual is preceded by prayer, fasting and confession of one’s sins.

Interesting! What is: when and how to pray correctly.

Set of rules

The Eucharist, like other church sacraments, has its own laws. So, in order to undergo repentance, you need to listen to your soul and come to church when it asks.

Preparing for communion in church is not only about following the instructions, but about prayer, sincere faith and a special mental attitude.

Rules to follow:

  1. It is important to be in awe of the upcoming event.
  2. Understand the meaning of the sacrament itself.
  3. Sincerely believe in God and his son.
  4. Feel peace and forgiveness.

This must be known and followed.


The culmination of the Divine Liturgy is communion; preparation for it requires time and effort. During the main church service, believers turn to God with gratitude for saving humanity from sin.

Before or after the liturgy, a general confession takes place, provided for those who repented individually no later than a month ago.

It is important to know! You cannot begin communion without confessing your sins. An exception is provided for children under 7 years of age, but parents must prepare for them.

In order for repentance of sins to proceed correctly, it is necessary to think about your actions in advance and correlate them with the commandments of Christ. It is important to try to forgive everyone and not hold evil in your heart.

  1. Prayer canon to the Blessed Virgin Mary
  2. Canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ.
  3. Canon to the Guardian Angel.

At midnight, stop eating. With the permission of the priest, an exception may be made for pregnant, nursing women, children and the severely weakened.

First Communion

Only church members have the right to take part in church sacraments. The first time a child becomes a participant in this ritual is immediately after baptism has been performed.

The clergy teach that after receiving communion in church, the baby receives the protection of a Guardian Angel who will accompany him throughout his life.

It is recommended that the children be accompanied by their biological parents and those who will become their godfathers and godmothers. Some of them will bring the child to the Chalice, some will help calm him down if he bursts into tears or is capricious.

You can learn about what the first joining to God is like from special literature, which talks about what needs to be prepared.

If the child is not yet three years old, then he is allowed to relax the fast and eat in the morning, but so that this happens no later than thirty minutes before participating in the sacrament.

It is important that the little person feels good and calm. To do this, you need to avoid noisy games and other entertainment that can overstimulate the nervous system. It is necessary to ensure that the clothes the child wears are convenient and comfortable, and nothing bothers him.

You don’t have to buy expensive outfits for your first communion in church and wear fancy hairstyles. What is important here is something completely different. In addition, expensive suits can cause envy among poor families, so parents should be wise and dress their child cleanly, but not pompously.

The clergy will explain how infants receive communion and what is necessary for this. The child is held on the right hand, holding it so that he cannot accidentally knock over the Thicket or push the priest.

If for some reason it was not possible to take communion immediately after baptism, it is better to do it as soon as possible, as soon as the opportunity arises.

There have been cases more than once when a sick child, having received thanksgiving, began to feel much better and soon completely recovered.

The Eucharist is a step that leads to real Christian life, so it is not surprising that church ministers recommend participating in it every Sunday.

When should first communion take place? A child begins to confess at about 8 years of age. But age is not the main guideline; the main indicator that a son or daughter is ready for this is that they begin to consciously commit bad acts.

Having noticed this, parents should prepare the child for a year with the help of a spiritual mentor to fulfill God’s Commandments and repentance.

How to fast

It is always necessary to observe a liturgical fast before communion, which involves abstaining from food and water for 24 hours. You can ask the priest what to eat and drink on such days. It should be lean food.

But fasting is not only about introducing food restrictions. It is necessary to get a mental mood, and this can only be done by consciously avoiding entertainment events, watching entertainment and music shows.

Both the body and soul of a person should strive for purity. Even married couples should avoid physical intimacy the day before communion. This must be done consciously.

And if a certain relaxation in food is introduced for the sick and children, then strict fasting begins exactly at midnight. In the morning you should go to the temple on an empty stomach, and those who suffer from the sin of smoking should abstain from this addiction for a while.

Preparation procedure:

  1. For exactly three days it is necessary to refrain from various delights and give preference to modest food: dishes from cereals, vegetables, fish, nuts and fruits are allowed.
  2. Alcohol, meat, milk and eggs are prohibited.
  3. Try not to get into conflicts and not to swear.
  4. In your thoughts, strive for good, driving away envy, anger, and resentment.
  5. Refrain from any kind of entertainment.
  6. Keep your body strict, avoiding pleasures, watching entertainment programs and reading romance novels.
  7. Keep the commandments of Christ, make peace with those with whom you are in quarrel.

Now it is much easier for believers to abstain from food. Modern manufacturers offer a sufficient range of lean products, which in terms of taste are in no way inferior to real ones.

The table lists what you can eat during Lent before communion itself:

Useful video: Preparing for Communion

Let's sum it up

There are no age restrictions for receiving the holy gifts. The doors of the church are always open to those who want to let God into their body and gain unity with him.

Communion should not be scary, and preparation for it should take place with the blessing of the priest. And if you have never had to take part in this sacrament before, you should not be afraid of something new. Trust the Lord, and with his help everything will work out.

But it is unworthy for those who begin Sacrament of Communion brings more condemnation: For whoever eats and drinks unworthily eats and drinks condemnation for himself, without considering the Body of the Lord ().

4 . Myrrh is used to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation and is currently consecrated during the Liturgy immediately after the presentation of the Gifts on Maundy Thursday.

5 . The Sacrament of the Priesthood is also performed at certain moments during the Liturgy.

In addition, in one way or another, such sacred rites as the consecration of the temple, the consecration of the antimension, the Epiphany consecration of water, and tonsure into monasticism are timed to coincide with the Liturgy or are included in its composition. The funeral service for the deceased is also usually preceded by the funeral Liturgy.

The nature of the Church itself is eucharistic, since it is the Body of Christ, and Eucharist- There is Sacrament of Communion Body of Christ. Therefore, without Eucharist there is no Church, but also Eucharist unthinkable outside the Church.

The Church as a society of Christians united by a common faith cannot be reduced only to an administrative framework. All members of the Body of Christ, that is, the Church, receive real life only through union with Christ in Sacrament of Communion His Flesh and Blood. “You cannot only belong to the Church or be listed in it, you must live in it (that is, by it). We must actively, realistically, concretely participate in the life of the Church, that is, in the life of the mystical Body of Christ. One must be a living part of this Body. You must be a participant, that is, a partaker of this Body” (Yu. F. Samarin).

In the one Orthodox Church there is one Eucharist, but, at the same time, with the large number of Local Churches, with the diversity of the many tribes and peoples included in them, a huge number of different types of Eucharistic prayers, or anaphoras, have historically taken shape. Unity of the Church and Eucharist does not require complete identity in the liturgical rite; options, local features are not only possible, but also important, as a manifestation of the conciliar nature of the Church.

Theological science has classified all this diversity and all options into several groups (liturgical surnames) and studied the origin and history of their development.

History of the establishment of the Sacrament of Communion

Eucharist received its beginning in the days preceding the Savior’s Calvary Sacrifice, shortly before His Crucifixion. First Sacrament of the Eucharist was performed by Jesus Christ himself in the Upper Room of Zion, where the Last Supper of the Lord took place with the disciples-apostles. The root of the Liturgy is the repetition of this supper, about which Christ said: do this in remembrance of Me(). You can get an idea of ​​what the original order of the Liturgy was like by examining the rituals of the Jewish Easter Supper, since outwardly the Last Supper was almost identical to it.

Jewish Passover Supper

The custom of the Old Testament law, reflected in the Pentateuch of Moses, required the supper to be celebrated while standing (), but by the time of Christ it was already traditional to recline at supper. The proposed sequence of celebrating the Easter supper is given according to the presentation of Archimandrite Cyprian (Kern). It describes the order of prayers, rituals and meals approximately as follows.

1 . The first bowl mixed with water was consumed. The head of the family said the Kiddush prayer ( euro consecration). Thanksgiving over wine and thanksgiving for the holiday were read. In the Mishnah the following thanksgivings were given:

a) blessing over wine: “Blessed are You, O Lord our God, King of the universe, Who created the fruit of the vine...”;

b) over bread: “Blessed are You, O Lord our God, King of the universe, Who brings forth bread from the earth...”;

c) blessing of the holiday: “Blessed... is He who chose us from all nations, and exalted us above all languages, and sanctified us with His commandments...”.

2 . Hands were washed (washing was performed three times and at different moments).

3 . The head of the family dipped bitter herbs in the salt in which he was charoseth- a seasoning made from almonds, nuts, figs and sweet fruits - and served them to other members of the family.

4 . He broke one of the unleavened bread (the middle one of the three), half of which he put aside until the end of the supper; this half was called afigomon. The dish of unleavened bread was raised with the words: “This is the bread of affliction that our fathers ate in the land of Egypt.” After raising the bread, the head of the family placed both hands on the bread.

5 . The second cup was being filled. The younger family member asked how this night was different from other nights.

6 . The head of the family said kagadu- told the story of slavery and the exodus from Egypt.

7 . The second cup was raised with the words: “We must thank, praise, glorify...”. Then the bowl fell and rose again.

8 . The first part was sung Gallela(Psalms 112 (verse 1) to 113 (verse 8)).

9 . We drank the second cup.

10 . They washed their hands.

11 . They had a festive meal: the head of the family served it to members of unleavened bread, bitter herbs dipped in charoset, and the Passover lamb.

12 . The remainder was divided afigomona.

13 . They drank the third cup with post-meal prayer.

14 . They sang the second part of Hallel (Psalms 115–118).

15 . The fourth cup was filled.

16 . If desired, a fifth bowl was added with the singing of Psalm 135.

It was at the Last Supper, celebrated in compliance with the order of the Jewish Passover Supper, that it was established The Sacrament of the Eucharist: And while they were eating, Jesus took the Bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to them and said: Take, eat; this is My Body. And he took the cup and gave thanks, and gave it to them: and they all drank from it. And he said to them, “This is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many.” Truly I say to you, I will no longer drink of the fruit of the vine until the day when I drink new wine in the kingdom of God. ().

This happened at the onset of the Jewish Passover holiday. on the first day of unleavened bread() in the Zion Upper Room, where the Savior, in the presence of his disciples, installed the Most Holy Sacrament. But even before this event, the apostles of Christ heard from the lips of the Teacher hidden testimonies about Sacrament His Body and Blood: Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you will not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For My Flesh is truly food, and My Blood is truly drink. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood abides in Me, and I in him ().

First Eucharist

The Eucharist was originally celebrated as follows.

3 . The disciples, having received Bread from the Lord, ate It.

4 . The Savior took the Cup of wine and, according to the apostolic tradition, dissolved it with water.

5 . Having given thanks to His Father, Christ said to the disciples: " Drink of it, all of you: this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins" .

6 . And everyone drank from it ().

The question of how the Teacher and disciples were positioned at the Last Supper is not discussed by the evangelists. But some conclusions about this can be drawn based on the context. You just need to keep a few facts in mind.

1 . The pattern according to which the tables were arranged for the supper was a “triclinium” - three tables standing in the shape of a horseshoe.

2 . In the time of Christ, it was necessary to recline at the table (on a special bed) on the left elbow in order to have the right hand free; in addition, the gospel parable (See:

11) indicates that the Jews observed the custom of occupying places in a certain sequence.

3 . It was only possible to leave before the end of the evening without disturbing anyone from certain places, since in most other places the students reclined “at the back of each other’s heads.”

4 . All the evangelists testify that Judas left freely, without waiting for the end of the supper, after the Lord gave him a piece of bread dipped in salt.

Based on these facts, it is natural to assume that those closest to Christ should have been His most beloved disciples and Judas. The Gospel texts do not contradict the version that three reclined closest to the Savior: John, Peter and Judas the Traitor.

Archimandrite Cyprian (Kern) writes on this occasion: “The most authoritative and historically correct Lagrange for us suggests this: John is at the right hand of the Lord, Peter most likely is at the right hand of John, Judas is close to the Lord, at the head of another row of reclining disciples, and so, so that he could easily leave without disturbing anyone. Lagrange considers all assumptions about other places simply idle and futile.”

During the apostolic times Eucharist remained a supper, although the ritual of the Easter supper was not performed for it, but its simpler forms were used: Saturday or even ordinary. In this form, commission Eucharist carried out approximately until the middle of the 2nd century. There is evidence of this in Pliny’s letter to Trajan (between 111–113) about the Bithynian Christians.

After the Day of Pentecost, the new Christians continued constantly in the teaching of the Apostles, in fellowship and the breaking of bread and in prayers ().

History has preserved for us the presentation of an ancient ritual Eucharist, which is given in the 9th and 10th chapters of the “Teachings of the Twelve Apostles” (Didache). In the 14th chapter of this monument I – early II centuries general instructions are given about Eucharist: “On the Lord’s day, that is, Sunday, gather together, break bread and give thanks, having first confessed your sins, so that your sacrifice may be pure. Let anyone who has a misunderstanding with his brother not come together with you until they are reconciled, so that your sacrifice is not desecrated. For the Lord said about her: in every place and at every time offer Me a pure sacrifice, for I am a great King, and My name is praised among the nations.” There is also this instruction: “Let no one eat or drink from your Eucharist, but only those baptized in the Name of the Lord, for the Lord said about this: do not give holy things to dogs.”

Just as there were various thanksgivings in the Hebrew Mishnah, so were they in the rite Eucharist.

1 . Above the bowl: We bless You for the holy Vine of David, Your servant, Which You showed to us through Your Servant Jesus. Glory to you forever.

2 . Over bread: We bless You for the life and knowledge that You have revealed to us through Your Servant Jesus. Glory to you forever. Just as this bread was scattered over the hills and was gathered into one, so may Your Church be gathered from the ends of the earth into Your Kingdom. For Yours is the glory and power through Jesus Christ forever.

3 . After celebrating the Eucharist: We bless You, Holy Father, for Your Holy Name, which You have instilled in our hearts, and also for the knowledge, faith and immortality that You have revealed to us through Your Son. Glory to you forever. You, Lord, Almighty, created everything for the sake of Your Name, gave people food and drink, and to us, through Your Son, You gave spiritual food and drink, and eternal life. We bless You for everything, especially because You are Almighty. Glory to you forever. Remember, O Lord, Yours, to deliver her from all evil and perfect her in Your love, gather her, sanctified (by You) from the four winds into Your Kingdom, which You have prepared for her. For Yours is the power and glory forever. May grace come and pass away from this world. Hosanna to the God of David. He who is holy, let him come, and he who is not, let him repent. Maran afa (Our Lord is coming). Amen. Let the prophets give thanks as much as they want.

TO 150–155 years refers to a detailed description of the order of the Liturgy, which is given in the Apology of the Holy Martyr Justin the Philosopher (2nd century). The texts that have reached us set out the order Eucharist in connection with the Sacrament of Baptism and the celebration of the Lord's Day (Sunday). On Sunday, the Liturgy was performed as follows: “On the so-called day of the sun we have a gathering in one place of all those living in cities and villages; at the same time, the memorial notes of the apostles or the writings of the prophets are read, as much as time allows. Then, when the reader stops, the primate, through words, gives instructions and exhortations to imitate the good things he has heard. Then we all get up and say prayers.

When we finish the prayer, then bread, wine and water are brought, and the primate also offers prayers and thanksgivings as much as he can, and the people confirm, saying: Amen. Then follows the distribution to everyone and the communion of the Gifts, over which thanksgiving is performed, and to those not present they are sent through the deacons. Meanwhile, those who are sufficient and willing, each according to his own free will, give what they want, and what is collected is collected by the primate, and he has care for orphans and widows, for all those in need due to illness or for other reasons, for those in prison, for strangers who have come from afar , - generally cares for all those in need.

On the day of the sun we hold a meeting in this way, in general, because this is the first day on which God, having changed darkness and matter, created the world, and our Savior, on the same day, rose from the dead, since He was crucified on the eve of the day of Kronos ; and after Kronos’ day, since this day is the day of the sun, He appeared to His apostles and disciples and taught them what we have now presented for your discretion.”

Thus, the Eucharistic meeting on Sunday, according to the testimony of Saint Justin, consisted

3) prayers;

4) communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

On Eucharist, the rite of which included the Sacrament of Baptism, there was no reading of Scripture and no sermon.

The word "Collection" from approximately the middle of the 2nd century for several centuries was used as a name Eucharist. This is what he calls the “Sacrament of Assembly and Communion” Eucharist Dionysius the Areopagite in his book “On the Church Hierarchy” (late 5th – early 6th centuries). However, Eucharist the first times of Christianity were called by a variety of terms, such as: the Lord's Supper, the Breaking of Bread, the Offering, the Invocation, the Supper, the Lord's Table, the Liturgy (Greek common cause), Anaphora (Greek ascension), Agape (Greek love), Synaxis (Greek meeting), etc.

After Pentecost, the number of those joining the Church completely coincided with the number of new participants in the Eucharistic Assembly. To be in the Church meant to participate in Eucharist.

Remnants of the ancient Lord's Supper were widespread in the Alexandria ecclesiastical district in the IV-V centuries. According to the testimony of Socrates Scholasticus (5th century), “Egyptians partake of the Holy Mysteries differently than Christians usually do: after they are full and eat all kinds of food, they partake in the evening, when the Offering is made.”

In other African Churches the Lord's Supper is The Sacrament of the Eucharist was performed only on Maundy Thursday. Eucharist on this day it was performed in the evening, and they received communion after having already eaten. Nowadays in the Orthodox Church, a reminder of the ancient Christian Lord's Supper is the rite of raising the Panagia, when the Mother of God prosphora is distributed. Now this rite is performed only in monasteries.

According to Rule 50 of the Council of Carthage Communion should only be on an empty stomach. In the Ancient Church they communed separately the Body of Christ, which the priest gave to the communicant in hands folded crosswise, and the Holy Blood, which was taught by deacons from a common Chalice.

This practice existed even during the time of the Trullo (“Fifth-Sixth”) Council of 691. When they began to commune with both the Body and Blood of Christ is unknown. 23rd rule of the VI Ecumenical Council prohibits charging for Communion.

Following the example given by the Lord Jesus Christ at the Last Supper, Communion in the ancient Church it was performed after the breaking of the Eucharistic bread. Among the Greeks, the breaking of bread into four parts immediately followed the consecration of the Body and Blood of Christ; in other Churches this was done before the distribution of the Holy Gifts to those receiving communion.

In some other places in the East, bread was broken twice: into three parts after the consecration of the Gifts; and each of these three - into small parts in front Communion. The Mozarabs divided the bread into nine parts, each of which symbolized one of the events in the life of Jesus Christ.

We approached Communion in strict order: first the bishop, followed by the presbyters, deacons, the rest of the clergy, ascetics; then women - deaconesses, virgins and widows; then the children and everyone else present at the Liturgy.

In the Apostolic Decrees there is evidence that the Bishop himself distributed the Gifts, but in the time of Justin Martyr (that is, in the 2nd century), the bishop only consecrated the Gifts, and the deacons distributed them.

Subsequently, there was a practice of distributing Holy Bread by bishops and priests, and deacons served the Chalice of Wine to the communicants. Sometimes deacons, with the permission of the bishop, taught the Holy Sacrament to the laity under the supervision of the clergy.

At different times and in different Local Churches the order Communions clergy and laity differed in some details.

1 . In Spain and among the Greeks, only priests and deacons received communion at the altar; other clergy communed on the choir, and the laity on the pulpit.

2 . In Gaul, laymen and even women received communion in the choir.

3 . The laity received communion standing or kneeling; elders - standing, but standing in front of Communion bow to the ground

4 . The women received the Body of Christ in a special white cloth, after which they placed it in their mouths. According to the rule of the Council of Auxerre, a woman was forbidden to take the Body of Christ with her bare hand.

5 . In the first centuries, the Holy Blood was sucked from the Chalice using a special gold or silver tube. However, there is an assumption that Communion The Holy Blood could be administered directly from the large Chalice given by the deacon.

6 . Until the 4th century, due to the persecution of Christians, the faithful committed Sacraments in the catacombs and after Participles they took home the remaining particles of the Holy Bread, with which they themselves received communion at home when they needed it (Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Cyprian of Carthage testified to this). Saint Basil the Great wrote that in his time “in Alexandria and in Egypt in general, everyone, even a layman, has a vessel (koinonia) specifically for home Participles, and takes communion whenever he wants.”

7 . In case of illness or other circumstances that prevented communion in church, a deacon, or a lower cleric, and sometimes even a layman would bring the Holy Gifts to the sick person at home. The faithful, according to the testimony of Gregory the Great, could take them with them on a journey. Clergy and laity carried the Holy Gifts in a clean towel (oraria) or in a bag hung over the neck on a ribbon, and sometimes in a gold, silver or clay cup.

8 . The 43rd rule of the Council of Carthage (397) prescribes Communion before eating, and the 6th rule of the Macon Council (585) determined to excommunicate those elders who violate this rule.

Orders of the Divine Liturgy

Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist is celebrated at the Liturgy of the Faithful - the third part of the Divine Liturgy - thus being its most important component. From the first years of Christianity, different Local Churches (and even within the same Church) began to formulate different rites of the Liturgy. There were Persian, Egyptian, Syrian, Western and many other rites, within which differences were also observed. There were more than sixty Syrian officials alone. But such diversity is not evidence of a difference in religious doctrine. Being united in essence, they differed only in details, details that form the form of a specific rank.

The most significant were the ancient successions, which served as the basis for the Liturgies of Saints Basil the Great and John Chrysostom.

1 . Clement's Liturgy (its order is found in Book VIII of the Apostolic Constitutions).

2 . Liturgy of the Holy Apostle James, brother of the Lord according to the flesh (performed in the Jerusalem and Antioch Churches).

3 . Liturgy of the Apostle and Evangelist Mark (performed in the Egyptian Churches).

In the 1st-2nd centuries, the rites of numerous Liturgies were not recorded in writing and were transmitted orally. But from the moment of the appearance of heresies, a need arose for written recording and, moreover, unification of the successions of various ranks.

This mission was carried out by Saints Basil the Great (c. 330–379) and John Chrysostom (c. 347 – September 14, 407), who gained fame as teachers of the Church. They compiled harmonious orders of Liturgies, now called by their names, in which the Divine service was set out in strict sequence and harmony of its parts. According to some interpreters, one of the goals in compiling these sequences was to reduce the Liturgy to the apostolic rite, while preserving its main content. By the 6th century, the Liturgies of Saints Basil the Great and John Chrysostom were celebrated throughout the Orthodox East.

But the modern rites of the holy liturgies are very different from the original ones. The process of such changes is natural and covers all aspects of the life of the Church. In particular, all parts of the rank preceding the small entrance are of late origin; The Trisagion was not added until 438–439; the entrance is borrowed from the Liturgy of the Apostle James; Cherubim songs (“Like the Cherubim” and “Thy Supper”) were introduced in 565–578, etc.

In some Local Churches, on the day of remembrance of the Holy Apostle James (October 23), a Liturgy in his name is celebrated. The fact that her rite has been preserved to this day is extremely important for us, because it is a monument to the liturgical activity of all the apostles who had the closest communion with Saint James.

In the Orthodox Church there is another rite of the Liturgy - the Presanctified Gifts. Its appearance is associated with the observance of the fast commanded by the Lord for all His followers. The 49th rule of the Laodacian Council prescribes not to celebrate the full Divine Liturgy on the days of the Holy Pentecost. Thus, during Lent, Christians are, as it were, subjected to penance, and they cannot take Communion as often as they do on ordinary days.

The Presanctified Liturgy is of apostolic origin. Here is what Saint Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, wrote about this: “some said that she was James, called the brother of the Lord, others said that she was Peter, the chief apostle, others said differently.”

For the Alexandrian Church, the following of the Presanctified Liturgy was compiled by the Apostle and Evangelist Mark. In the oldest handwritten monuments, the rite of the Presanctified Liturgy contained there is inscribed with the name of the Apostle James. In the 4th century, Saint Basil the Great reworked this rite, on the one hand, shortening it, and on the other, introducing his prayers into it. And this rite was already reworked for the western part of the Orthodox Church by Saint Gregory Dvoeslov, Pope of Rome. Having revised this rite and translated it into Latin, Saint Gregory introduced it into widespread use in the West. The deep respect for the works of Gregory Dvoeslov became the reason that his name was fixed in the title of the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.

Time of the Liturgy

The Liturgy can be celebrated daily, except for some days specifically specified by the Charter.

There is no liturgy in the following days.

1 . On Wednesday and Friday of Cheese Week.

2 . On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of the weeks of Great Lent.

3 . On Great Friday, if this day does not coincide with the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos on March 25 (April 7, according to the New Style), when the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom begins.

4 . On the Friday preceding the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and the Epiphany, if the holidays themselves fall on Sunday or Monday.

According to custom, the Eucharistic offering begins in the morning. According to the ancient rule, this was supposed to be done at the third (ninth according to modern calculation) hour, but the Liturgy can begin either earlier or later than the specified time. The only strict rule is that it cannot be completed before dawn or after noon. An exception to this rule is a few days of the church year when the Liturgy is celebrated “porana” (that is, at night) or is combined with the evening service, which begins around 11 pm. This happens:

1) on the day of Holy Easter;

2) on the days of Holy Pentecost, when the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is celebrated;

3) on the eve of the Nativity of Christ;

4) on the day of the eve of Epiphany;

5) on Holy Saturday;

6) on the day of Pentecost.

The Liturgy must be celebrated on all Sundays and holidays, as well as on Wednesdays and Fridays of Great Lent (Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts).

Place of the Divine Liturgy

The place where the Liturgy is celebrated is the church consecrated by the bishop in accordance with the Canons. The Liturgy cannot be celebrated in a church desecrated by murder, suicide, shedding of blood, or invasion by pagans or heretics. With the special blessing of the bishop, the Liturgy can be celebrated on a consecrated antimension in a residential building or other suitable premises, as well as in the open air.

Only one Liturgy can be celebrated on one Altar (in one chapel) on one day. This is explained by the fact that the Sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ is one for all times until the end of the century. A priest cannot perform two Liturgies a day. Also, he cannot participate in the cathedral service of the second Liturgy.

Eucharistic fast

A person who wishes to receive communion must first observe the so-called Eucharistic fast. Currently, that part of it that relates to physical fasting is abstinence from fasting food (meat, milk, animal butter, eggs, fish) for several days (from three to seven). The less often a person receives communion, the longer the physical fast should be, and vice versa. Family and social circumstances, such as living in a non-church family or heavy physical work, can be a reason for weakening the fast. In addition to qualitative restrictions in food, you should also reduce the amount you eat, and also avoid visiting the theater, watching entertaining films and programs, listening to secular music, and other worldly pleasures.

The day before sacraments, starting from 12 o'clock at night, you need to completely give up food, drinking and smoking (for those who suffer from this bad habit) until the time Participles. If possible, the day before Communions you need to attend the evening service; before the Liturgy (the evening before or in the morning before it is celebrated) - read the rule contained in any Orthodox prayer book Communion. Morning of the day Participles You should come to the temple in advance, before the start of the service. Before Communion you need to confess either in the evening or immediately before the Divine Liturgy.

Preparing for the Holy Communion must make peace with everyone and protect himself from anger and irritation, condemnation and all sorts of obscene thoughts, as well as empty talk. When preparing for Communion, it is useful to remember the advice of the righteous John of Kronstadt: “Some put all their well-being and correctness before God in reading all the prescribed prayers, not paying attention to the readiness of the heart for God - to their internal correction; for example, many read the rule for Communion this way. Meanwhile, here, first of all, we must look at the correction of our life and the readiness of the heart to receive the Holy Mysteries. If your heart has become right in your womb, by the grace of God, if it is ready to meet the Bridegroom, then thank God, although you did not have time to read all the prayers. The Kingdom of God is not in word, but in power()".

Some church rules for teaching the Holy Mysteries to believers

1 . Neither a clergyman nor a layman should under any circumstances receive communion twice on the same day.

2 . Deacons do not have the right to administer communion to believers under any circumstances.

3 . The 58th rule of the VI Ecumenical Council reads: “Let none of those in the ranks of the laity teach themselves the Divine Mysteries; Anyone who dares to do anything like that, as if he were acting contrary to the order, shall be excommunicated from church communion for one week, admonished not to philosophize any more than it is appropriate to philosophize.”

4 . Until the age of seven, infants receive communion without the preparation required for adults. If the baby is so small that he cannot receive a particle of the Body of the Lord, he is given communion under one form - Blood. This rule is the reason for another rule: infants are not given communion at the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, when the Chalice contains wine that has not been transformed into the Blood of Christ.

5 . An infant baptized by a layman “for fear of death” can receive Holy Communion only after Confirmation performed by an Orthodox priest.

6 . To Communion The baby has swallowed the Holy Mysteries; it is necessary to bring him to the Chalice on his right hand and face up, and in this position give him communion. Parents need to carefully monitor that the baby swallows the Gifts!

7 . It is impossible to give communion to sick children under seven years of age at home, since the rite Communions sick reserve Gifts are not applicable to children of the specified age.

8 . The mentally ill should receive communion under two forms - the Body and Blood of Christ, since the church rules do not indicate the opposite.

9 . Spouses who had marital communication during the fast, as well as women during the period of purification to Communion not allowed.

10 . The participants must approach the Holy Chalice ceremoniously and in deep humility, repeating after the priest the prayers he says: “I believe, Lord...”, “Thy Mystical Supper...” and “Let not the court.”

11 . Before you begin to take the Chalice, you must make one prostration to the Lord Jesus Christ, who is present right there in the Holy Mysteries, and after that fold your arms crosswise on your chest so that your right hand is on top of your left.

12 . Having accepted the Holy Mysteries, you need to immediately swallow them and, after the deacon wipes his mouth with a cloth, kiss the lower edge of the Holy Chalice, like the side of Christ, from which Blood and water flowed (you don’t need to kiss the priest’s hand!).

13 . Stepping back a little from the Chalice after Participles, you need to bow, but not to the ground, for the sake of the received Holy Mysteries, and then wash down the Gifts with warmth.

14 . If in the church at the end of the service they do not read prayers of thanks “according to the Holy Communion“or if you were unable to listen to them, then when you come home, you must first read these prayers.

15 . In a day Participles It is not customary to make prostrations, except for those cases when they are necessarily prescribed by the Charter: during Great Lent when reading the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian; before the Shroud of Christ on Holy Saturday and during kneeling prayers on the day of the Holy Trinity.

Substance of the Sacrament

Substance Sacraments of the Eucharist is wheat leavened (that is, not unleavened, but cooked with yeast) bread and red grape wine. We find the basis for this in the New Testament, where in the description of the Last Supper the Greek word “artos” (leavened bread) is used. If we were talking about unleavened bread, the text would include the word “azimon” (unleavened bread).

Communion of the laity

An ancient custom of bringing bread and wine to the temple for the celebration Sacraments of the Sacraments gave the first part of the Liturgy the name “proskomedia”, which, as already noted, means “offering” in Greek. Currently, five loaves of bread, called liturgical prosphora, are used to perform proskomedia. Unlike small prosphoras, used for taking out particles for the living and the dead at proskomedia, liturgical ones are large in size. Externally, the prosphora should be round-shaped and two-part in commemoration of the two natures in the Lord Jesus Christ - Divine and human. On the top of the Lamb's prosphora there is a cross, and on its sides there is an inscription:

IS. HS. (Jesus Christ)

NI. CA. (The winner (wins)).

The remaining prosphora may contain images of the Mother of God and saints. Baking of prosphora is carried out in a special room (prosphora) by clergy specially appointed for this purpose.

Red grape wine, consumed in Sacrament, is connected at the proskomedia with clean water in memory of the Blood and water that flowed from the Savior’s perforated rib.

How often should you take communion?

This question received different resolutions in different eras of the Church. For example, early Christian practice meant Communion believers either at every Liturgy, or four times a week, or every Sunday. And in the 19th century, the children of the Russian Church received communion for the most part once a year, during Great Lent. At this historical moment, there is no single, established point of view on the identified problem.

One of the main reasons declared by opponents of frequent Communions, is that modern man is “not worthy” to begin such a Great gift without lengthy preparation. The flaw in this point of view is revealed in their confidence that a person can become “worthy” of God on his own, and the main factor contributing to this is the amount of time allotted for such preparation.

Brief charter-scheme of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Proskomedia(performed in the altar).

Liturgy of the Catechumens

The curtain of the Royal Doors opens.

Each altar and temple.

Deacon:“Bless, lord.”

Priest:"Blessed is the Kingdom..."

Deacon – Great Litany: “Let us pray to the Lord in peace...”

The priest reads secret prayer:“Lord our God, whose power is...”

Exclamation:“As befits You...”

Chorus – first antiphon (verses of Psalm 102): “Bless the Lord, my soul.”


The priest is reading t secret prayer: “Lord our God...”

Exclamation:“Like Your power...”

Choir– second antiphon (verses of Psalm 145): “Praise, O my soul, the Lord.”, “Only Begotten Son...”.

The priest reads secret prayer:“This is also common...”

Deacon– small litany: “Let us pray again and again in peace to the Lord.”

Exclamation:“For He is Good and Lover of Humanity...”

Choir– third antiphon: Blessed.

The Royal Doors open.

Small entrance (with the Gospel).

The priest reads the entrance prayer(secret): “Sovereign Lord, our God...”.

Choir– entrance: “Come, let us worship and fall before Christ. Save us, Son of God...”

Troparion and kontakion.

Exclamation:“For Thou art Holy, our God...”

Choir– Trisagion: “Holy God...”

Reader or Deacon: Prokeimenon.

Reader or Deacon: Reading of the Apostle.

Each day.


The priest reads secret prayer before the Gospel: “Shine in the hearts...”.

Deacon: Reading the Gospel.

Deacon– a strict litany: “Recite everything...”.

The priest reads secret prayer diligent prayer.

Exclamation:“For He is Merciful and Lover of Humanity...”

[Deacon– funeral litany: “Have mercy on us, O God...” The priest reads a prayer:"God of spirits..."

Exclamation:“For You are the Resurrection...”]

The Royal Doors are closing.

Deacon – Litany about the catechumens: “Pray for the catechumens...”.

The priest reads a prayer about the catechumens: “Yes, and they are glorified with us...”.

Deacon:“Elites of the catechumen, come out...”

Liturgy of the Faithful

Deacon – Litany: “Faithful little ones, packs and packs...” The priest reads secret prayer faithful (first). Exclamation:“As befits You...”

Deacon – Small litany: “Packs and packs...”

The priest reads secret prayer faithful (second). Exclamation:“As if under Thy power...”

The Royal Doors open.

Chorus:"Like Cherubim..." (priest reads secret prayer: “No one is worthy...”).

Great entrance.

Commemoration of His Holiness the Patriarch, the diocesan bishop and all Orthodox Christians.

Closing of the Royal Doors and the Curtain.

Chorus:“For the sake of the Tsar we will raise everyone...”

Deacon – Litany: “Let us fulfill our prayer...” The priest reads secret prayer offerings. Exclamation:“By the bounty of the Only Begotten Son...” Priest:"Peace to all".

Deacon:“Let us love each other...”

Chorus:"Father and Son and Holy Spirit...".

Deacon:“Doors, doors, let us sing of wisdom.” The curtain is opened.

Deacon – to the priest: “Break, Vladyka, the Holy Bread.”

The priest breaks the Holy Bread into four parts, quietly saying: “The Lamb of God is fragmented and divided...”

Deacon – to the priest: “Fulfill, lord, the holy Chalice.”

The priest, taking a particle with the inscription IS, lowers it into the Chalice:"Filling of the Holy Spirit."


AND, taking the ladle with heat (hot water), gives it to the priest with the words: “Bless the warmth, lord.”

Priest:“Blessed is the warmth of Thy saints...”

The deacon pours warmth into the Chalice in a cross shape:“Warmth of faith, fill with the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After that the priest takes a piece of the Holy Lamb with the inscription XC and divides it into particles according to the number of clergy receiving communion. After the sacred rites and prayers determined by the Charter, all priests who served the Liturgy receive communion.

Communion of the laity

Deacon (and priest) going out with the Gifts to Solea, proclaims:“Proceed with the fear of God and faith!”

Chorus:“Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord. Lord, appear to us."

The priest reads a prayer before Communion: “I believe, Lord, and I confess...”

Chorus:“Receive the Body of Christ, taste the Immortal Source.”

After Communions lay people the priest enters the altar and after performing sacred rites on the Throne turns his face to the worshipers and, blessing them, proclaims:“Save, O God, Thy people and bless Thy inheritance.”

Chorus:“We see the true Light...”

The last apparition of the Holy Gifts is coming

The priest takes the chalice and quietly speaks:“Blessed is our...”

And then, turning to face the people with the Holy Chalice, says out loud:“Always, now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

After that the priest carries the Holy Chalice to the altar, quiet saying:“Ascend to heaven, O God...”

And performs the statutory sacred rites with the remaining Gifts.

Chorus:"Amen. Let our lips be filled..."

Litany of thanksgiving and prayer behind the pulpit

Deacon, standing in the usual place of salt, recites the litany:“Forgive me, I accept the Divine, Holy, Most Pure, Immortal, Heavenly and Life-Giving...”

Chorus:"Lord have mercy".

Deacon:“Intercede, save, have mercy and preserve us, O God, by Your grace.”

Chorus:"Lord have mercy".

Deacon:“Having asked for the whole day, we will commit ourselves, and each other, and our whole life to Christ God.”

Chorus:"To you, Lord."

Priest:“For You are our Sanctification...”


Priest:“We will go out in peace.”

Choir: “About the name of the Lord.”

Deacon:“Let us pray to the Lord.”

Chorus:"Lord have mercy".

Priest at that time goes down behind the pulpit(at the bottom of the salt) and reads the prayer behind the pulpit:“Bless those who bless Thee, O Lord, and sanctify those who trust in Thee.”

Chorus:"Amen. Blessed be the name of the Lord from now on and forever.” (three times) and the 33rd Psalm.

Consumption of the Holy Gifts

A priest and a deacon enter the altar through the Royal Doors and after the sacred rites and prayers prescribed by the Charter deacon consumes remaining after Communion of the laity Holy Gifts.


The priest blesses the worshipers, standing in the Royal Doors facing them: “The blessing of the Lord is upon you...”.


Priest:“Glory to Thee, Christ God, our Hope, glory to Thee.”

Chorus:“Glory, even now. Lord, have mercy (three times). Bless."

Priest:“Christ, our true one, rose from the dead, through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother, the glorious and all-praised apostle saints, like our holy father

John, Archbishop of Constantinople, Chrysostom, and the saint (temple and day), and all the saints, will have mercy and save us, as he is Good and Lover of Mankind or Basil the Great; particles are taken out of the fourth prosphora in memory of the living; from the fifth - in memory of the dead) and an unlimited number of simple prosphoras, from which particles are taken for the living and deceased, indicated in the notes submitted by believers for commemoration.

The pulpit is read by the priest at the end of the Liturgy. In this case, the priest stands facing the altar behind the pulpit (as viewed from the altar). The prayer behind the pulpit as part of the Liturgy has been known since the 8th century. It contains, in an abbreviated form, the petitions of all the litanies (about the Church, priests, laity, etc.) that were read during the Divine Liturgy.

Anaphora (Greek anafero - ascension) is the main part of the Liturgy, during which the Translation of the Holy Gifts is performed. It is also called the Eucharistic Canon, the Eucharistic Prayer. It begins with the exclamation “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”

John Chrysostom

Those who are prepared should refuse fast food three days before, i.e. observe fasting, and after twelve at night do not take it or drink it at all. Also abstain from marital relations. Women should not cross the threshold during their periods. Follow these simple rules, and in this way you will achieve physical cleansing. In order for your soul to be ready to perform this sacred act, try not to commit any unseemly acts for three days, do not swear, do not use foul language or kiss anyone. To keep your thoughts pure, sincerely forgive all your enemies and make peace with those with whom you are in a quarrel. Participle often called “the communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.” Therefore, communion is very important for every Christian believer. However, the frequency of this ritual depends on the spiritual state of the person. If you decide to go through the process of communion for the first time, contact the priest with whom you are going to confess. He will “assess” the degree of higher church participation and tell you about the timing and methods of preparation for communion. Church service is performed only on Sundays and holidays. Of course, these are not secular days, but those days that are determined by. The sacrament of communion is celebrated during the morning Divine Liturgy. If you really feel the need for confession and further communion, on the eve of this event, attend the evening service, and at home read three canons: the canon of repentance, the canons of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Guardian Angel. Before going to church, read the canon “Following to Holy Communion.” Of course, if you do not have church literature, you can skip this “step” of preparation for the sacrament of communion. But without confession you will not be allowed to take part in the rite of communion, because according to Orthodox customs this is a great sin. Children under seven years of age, who according to church canons are considered infants at this age, are allowed to receive communion without confession. You can also undergo the rite of communion without confession if you were baptized no more than a week ago. The rite itself looks like this: during the service, a cup is brought out with small pieces of the consecrated and wine diluted with water. There are prayers over it, calling on the holy spirit of Jesus Christ. Orthodox Christians fold their hands on their chests and take turns approaching the cup. Having given their baptismal name, they receive the holy gifts, swallow them, wipe their mouths with a prepared towel and kiss the cup. After tasting the “flesh and blood of Christ,” the believer receives the blessing of the clergyman, kisses his hand and moves away, giving way to others who wish. At the end of the service, you should approach the cross again and kiss it.

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