A ritual for a person to write you a message. How to cause fear in the interlocutor and guaranteed to win in any negotiations

Before we begin, we want to point out that none of these methods is suitable for harming a person or in any way hurting his dignity. In our compilation, we decided to tell you about effective ways to make other people your friends or just push you to the decision you need.

But if you want to win over the interlocutor seriously and for a long time, you can try to do the following:

1. Ask for a favor

We are talking about an effect known as the Benjamin Franklin effect. Once Franklin needed to win the favor of a man who did not like him very much. Then Franklin politely asked the man to lend him a rare book and, having received what he wanted, thanked him even more politely. Previously, this man avoided even talking to him, but after this incident, they became friends.

This story is repeated over and over again. The bottom line is that someone who once did you a favor is more willing to do it again compared to the person who owes you something. The explanation is simple - a person decides that since you ask him for something, then, if necessary, respond to his request, so he must do the same as you.

2. Demand more

This technique is called the "door to the forehead." You need to ask a person to do more than you really want from him. You can also ask to do something ridiculous. Most likely he will refuse. Soon after, boldly ask for what you wanted from the very beginning - the person will feel uncomfortable because they refused you the first time, and if you now ask for something reasonable, will feel obligated to help.

3. Call the person by their first name

The famous American psychologist Dale Carnegie believes that calling a person by name is incredibly important. A proper name for any person is the most pleasant combination of sounds. It is an essential part of life, therefore its pronunciation, as it were, confirms for a person the fact of his own existence. And this, in turn, makes you feel positive emotions in relation to the one who pronounces the name.

In the same way, the use of a title, social status, or the form of address itself affects. If you behave in a certain way, then you will be treated that way. For example, if you call a person your friend, he will soon feel friendly feelings towards you. And if you want to work for someone, call him the boss.

4. Flatter

At first glance, the tactics are obvious, but there are some caveats. If your flattery doesn't seem sincere, it will do more harm than good. Researchers have found that people tend to seek cognitive balance by making sure their thoughts and feelings always align. So if you flatter people with high self-esteem and the flattery sounds sincere, they will like you because it confirms their own thoughts. But flattering people with low self-esteem can lead to negative feelings because your words contradict their opinion of themselves. Of course, this does not mean that such people should be humiliated - this way you will definitely not win their sympathy.

5. Reflect

Reflection is also known as mimicry. Many people use this method naturally, without even thinking about what they are doing: they automatically copy someone else's behavior, speech patterns, and even gestures. But this technique can be used quite consciously.

People tend to treat better those who are like them. No less curious is the fact that if during a recent conversation someone “reflected” a person’s behavior, then this person will be more pleasant to communicate with other people for some time, even if they had nothing to do with that conversation. The reason, most likely, is the same as in the case of addressing by name - the behavior of the interlocutor confirms the very fact of the existence of the individual.

6. Take advantage of your opponent's fatigue

When a person gets tired, he becomes more receptive to other people's words, whether it be a request or a statement. The reason is that fatigue affects not only the body, but also reduces the level of mental energy. When you ask a tired person for a favor, you will probably get a response like “OK, I’ll do it tomorrow” - because at the moment the person doesn’t want to solve any more problems. But the next day, a person, most likely, will fulfill the promise - people, as a rule, try to keep their word, because otherwise they get psychological discomfort.

7. Offer something you'd be embarrassed to refuse.

This is the reverse of point number two. Instead of making a big request right away, try starting small. If a person helped you with something insignificant, he will be more willing to fulfill a more important request.

Scientists have tested this method in relation to marketing. They began campaigning for people to express support for the environment and the conservation of the rainforest. Pretty easy request, right? When people fulfilled the required, they were asked to buy food - all the proceeds will be directed to the conservation of these same forests, of course. Most people have done that too.

However, be careful: do not ask for one thing first, and then immediately completely different. It is much more effective to wait a day or two.

8. Learn to listen

Telling someone that they are wrong is not the best way to win over a person. The effect is likely to be the opposite. There is another way to express disagreement and not make an enemy. For example, listen to what your interlocutor says, and try to understand how he feels and why. Then you will find something in common in your seemingly opposite opinions and you can use this to explain your position. Express your consent first - so the person will be more attentive to your subsequent words.

9. Repeat after the interlocutor

One of the most effective ways to win over a person and show that you really understand him is to paraphrase what he says. Say the same thing in your own words. This technique is also known as reflective listening. This is what psychotherapists often do - people tell them more about themselves, and an almost friendly relationship is built between the doctor and the patient.

This technique is easy to use when talking with friends. Formulate the phrase they just said as a question - this way you show that you listened carefully and understood the person, and he will be more comfortable with you. He will also listen to you more because you have already made it clear that you care about him.

10. Nod

When people nod while listening to something, it usually means that they agree with the speaker. And it is natural for a person to assume that when someone nods when talking to him, this also means agreement. This is the same effect of mimicry. So nod throughout the conversation with a person - later this will help you convince the interlocutor that you are right.

There are work colleagues with whom it is impossible to get along in the same office. They interfere with you, create a bunch of unpleasant situations, so why not get rid of them forever? Now you will learn how to make a person fired from work - conspiracies for this have existed for a long time.

Quarrels in the work team undermine our health, but you can quickly get rid of a harmful employee. Remove the enemy with an occult rite. So do many sorcerers with secret knowledge. We will start by identifying the one who is "hooking up" you.

Before applying the conspiracy to dismiss, you need to determine the target for the strike. There is a special rite to calculate the enemy. Procedure:

  1. Find the nearest Christian holiday on the calendar.
  2. In the evening (on the eve of the holiday), read the plot to identify the enemy.
  3. Go to bed.
  4. Look closely at your visions this night - they will be prophetic.

The image of an ill-wisher can flash sporadically, so be extremely careful. Don't fire someone from a job without a good reason. The one you dreamed about will later have to be punished. Conspiracy text:

“I look around the rows, looking for a bad worker. I see Saint Samson, I call on him to open my eyes, to send a prophetic dream. I want to see the one who plots me. The Holy Trinity will show the way, and I will be able to remove the accursed adversary. Give me an enemy, Christ, I will give you eternal praise. Amen".

Types of magical rituals associated with dismissal

There are many rituals associated with the dismissal of someone who interferes with your work in peace. Some cast spells on salt, others on paper. In the second case, you will have to stock up on a black pen and a white sheet. Action algorithm:

  1. Openly quarrel with the enemy (hook him harder, let him throw out his rage).
  2. In the middle of an argument, turn around abruptly and leave the office.
  3. Mentally cast a spell (“I stand in front of an empty place, fie three times on you”).
  4. Go to your workplace, sit down at the table, put a blank sheet in front of you.
  5. Sketch out your enemy and cross out his image with a cross.
  6. Now start sketching the picture angrily, repeating the main part of the spell three times.
  7. Go to the toilet with a sheet, tear up the paper and flush it down the toilet.
  8. As you do this, say, "From now on, your place is here."

After reading the plot, a colleague will begin to make irreparable mistakes. Watch for his missteps, point them out to superiors. Conspiracy text:

“Get out of here, find a new job. Leave this job to me, don't you dare think about it again. Amen".

Rite with land taken at the crossroads

To perform this rite, go late in the evening to the intersection, which has not yet had time to asphalt. Gather some land there, whisper a spell: "I take the land without ambition for the sake of justice." Now go home (it is forbidden to communicate with passers-by or look back). Further procedure:

  1. Wait for the waning moon.
  2. Spread a black cloth on the kitchen table.
  3. Pour the collected earth on the matter.
  4. Draw three inverted crosses with a ritual knife (right on the ground).
  5. Read the second part of the spell.
  6. Write information about the enemy on a piece of paper (name, surname, place of work, etc.).
  7. Burn the information paper.

To fire your opponent with a guarantee, mix the ashes with the charmed earth. If there is a photograph of the enemy in the arsenal, we remove the paper and set the photo on fire. The text of the second plot:

“Dark forces, otherworldly spirits, fall on my adversary (colleague's name), let him want to quit. Torment him, frighten him, force me to make a decision that is beneficial to me. Live from this world and from this world. Days and nights do not feel sorry for him until he goes to write a statement. My word is strong."

poppy and salt

There is a solution on how to make a person quit his job - a conspiracy to salt. Take a package of salt and poppy seeds, select three handfuls of each substance, place in a bowl. Mix everything with a knife, orienting counterclockwise. After that, you need to bend over the container and say the spell seven times. The rite is going on with a flawed moon - this is an important point.

The charmed mixture must be dragged into your opponent's office and scattered in four corners. Throw grains on the threshold, in the drawers of the desk, on the bookshelves. The rest of the mixture is scattered on the opposite side of the office. Conspiracy text:

“I overcome thresholds and barriers, I penetrate you like a black snake. I bring quarrels, sorrows and the collapse of all plans. Salt will be your grief, poppy - combustible tears. I knead the trouble, I mix it, I send it to the servant of God (the name is called). So that you are kicked out of work, and good people do not shake hands. I close my mouth to the lock, I throw the key into the blue ocean. No one can interrupt my plans. Let it be so".

Ritual with a black candle

For witchcraft, you will need an empty jar, a white sheet, nettle with vinegar, black woolen thread, and a pen. The rod in the pen must be black. You also need to stock up on a black (not church) candle. Procedure:

  1. Write the name of the enemy collaborator seven times on a piece of paper.
  2. Draw crosswise (also 7 times) the phrase "go away."
  3. Sprinkle a handful of dried nettle on a leaf.
  4. Make a bundle and fasten it with woolen thread.
  5. Place the bundle in a jar, fill with vinegar.
  6. Screw the jar with a lid, place a black candle on top.
  7. Say the plot many times (the candle must burn out completely).

Spell text: “Blaze, my candle, drive away evil people from me, drive my enemy away. Let him bypass my life. Let him leave this place forever and never return. Amen".

Dismissing by photo

This rite, like the previous ones, belongs to the sphere of black magic. Therefore, get down to business when the usual means of struggle have been exhausted. You will need:

Photo dismissal is a rite that belongs to the sphere of black magic.

  • scissors;
  • photo of an angry colleague;
  • water;
  • threads;
  • thick white candle.

Pass a burning candle over the picture (this is done three times counterclockwise). Cut two threads from the spool, put them in a cross over the photo. Arm yourself with a ritual knife, draw an imaginary cross three times over the image of the enemy. Say a spell:

“In your face (the name of the employee) I drive with a candle, I seal it with a cross and a knife. You don’t go around here anymore, don’t plot intrigues, don’t interfere with me. Goodbye forever, leave this job, leave me alone. Amen".

How to get rid of the boss

The most difficult situation is when your manager needs to be kicked out of the office. In reality, this is difficult to do, but here dark magic comes to the rescue. Go to the crossroads of paths (the nearest park will do) and get some land there. Taking three handfuls, go home and after sunset proceed to the ritual itself. Here's what needs to be done:

  1. Pour the earth onto a black cloth (a similar ritual was described above).
  2. Draw inverted crosses with a ritual knife.
  3. Burn the picture of the boss.
  4. Mix the ash with the soil.
  5. Read the conspiracy.

Magical text: “Horse and foot people wander through forest crossroads, they don’t know the way, they stray and get lost. So my boss (name), let him go astray, start making mistakes. You will leave the service, you will not be able to avoid losses. The road to work is disgusting, you want to step over the threshold. I close your way back, I seal it with crosses. Amen".

Every person wants to be loved by everyone around him, but how to make all people love you fell in love and respected, not everyone knows. There are many methods and ways, but in the end, the problem for most remains unresolved. After all, no one can be forced love yourself, you can only change yourself for the better, then you will be loved.

Psychologists in this article will tell you about how to make you love all the people around, friends and relatives. Since love is a powerful force, if it is used correctly and in the right direction. And not to satisfy their needs and selfishness.

Why should people love you?

Think about this question for the time you need and write down on a piece of paper all the points for which people should love and respect you. Write sincerely, do not deceive yourself. This will allow you to understand why many people love you or not. You can start looking in yourself and develop what you and others will like, and then love will come into your life. If you have nothing to write, then this is the main reason why you are not loved.

Love yourself

If you cannot love yourself, then how can other people love you? fall in love? Remember how you treat yourself is how people will treat you. If you are not comfortable with yourself, lonely and you hate yourself, then people will treat you in the same way, since they are a reflection of your inner world.

Change your thoughts and attitude towards yourself, then people will change as well. If you have problems, solve them at the level of thoughts, because otherwise the problem cannot be solved and it will appear again and again until you still think of finding its root within yourself. Find out: because life with friends, in a group or team, is much more fun and exciting than loneliness, which, by the way, is sometimes necessary for awareness.

Love your neighbor as yourself

Many people think that this saying means that you need to love yourself and become selfish so that people love you. This is not entirely true, and this statement of the wisest people has a completely different meaning. The essence of our life is to unite all together into a single energy - a soul that exists. Egoism does not allow us to do this, and until people begin to unite together and be in love each other, then nothing will happen, there will be no changes.

To love your neighbor means to change your mind about the world and people and begin, through your thoughts and emotions, to wish good to people and love them. When your thoughts are filled with hatred and selfishness, then no one can love you, what you give is what you get.

Do what you love

Remember, no matter what you do or don't do, there will always be someone who will criticize and humiliate you. It makes no sense to be offended and angry at such people, since nature has bestowed such properties on them. All you need to do is find yourself in life, your purpose, your mission, work, hobbies, your favorite thing. Live the way you want, don't be afraid to be criticized. Criticism is the result of not sitting still, but acting.

To do so to make people love you just ignore their opinions and keep working on yourself and your life. Adjusting to the opinions of others, you will not achieve anything in life. But do not harm people, remember that you need to love your neighbor as yourself, and not harm or adapt to everyone.

Do good to people, help them

All people need is help, not necessarily monetary. Even if you are not told words of gratitude, continue to help people. It's just that some are brought up to say thank you, while others are not. Some were born with the properties of villains and murderers, while others were born with the property of kindness and love for others. We are all different and this suggests that we are all one, because, having united together, into one soul, we will see what power we have and what possibilities we have, the possibilities are revealed. Help all people, because by giving something to another person, you will receive it a hundredfold. Find out: since life is not eternal and it is necessary to live not only consciously, but also in harmony of peace and joy.

Why do you think people don't like you

Many want, but they do not understand and cannot realize that there are those who love them. Our thoughts are directed to the fact that we are not loved, although the world is not as you imagine. Try to take it and change your thoughts, directing them to what everyone loves you and respect and trace the result. What we constantly think about is what is realized. Negative thoughts will only create a negative life and problems, positive and confident thoughts will create a happy and successful life.

psycho- olog. en

For many centuries, there has been a desire to defeat the disease, to attract good luck, love and financial well-being. Thanks to these desires, various conspiracies appeared to help remove damage and attract all the desired benefits. At all times, the healers who used these methods provided all kinds of help to people, and were respected by them. But there is a category of conspiracies that are not used by everyone and in rare cases. One of them is a conspiracy to kill a person, which is the most powerful and terrible rite.

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Important information

Few people know that incorrectly induced damage to death, or incorrect removal of it by a white magician, will lead to sad consequences for the one who dared to take this step. Episodes of easy damage to death do not exist, this is a powerful impact that is negative in nature, and entails very significant consequences, and even death.

Each person can independently establish a diagnosis and recognize whether this damage has been directed at him, according to the following signs - the occurrence of sensations of impending misfortune, bad dreams accompanied by nightmares, deterioration in well-being. Such an enumeration can be endless, but if a death plot was used against you from a photograph, then you yourself will feel it, you will notice situations that happen to you that cannot be explained logically.

There are a lot of methods for inducing damage of this nature, many use church candles in very large quantities for this (the church often refuses to sell more than three candles).

Voodoo magic is often used (the use of a chrysalis similar to the image of a person who is going to induce negative energy flows with the help of needles). Many magicians are able to damage a person using his photograph or some of his personal belongings.

Another, very old method that was used to induce damage to death is a “lining”, it was made for very expensive things. In addition, there is a conspiracy to kill the enemy, which can be used by people who have no experience in black magic, but it should be taken exactly as written.

Attention: All the conspiracies described below can be dangerous for the conspirator himself, so be sure to do everything as described, without any initiative. Be sure to take a clean notebook and write out the conspiracy you need, memorize it and then burn the entire notebook.

Conspiracy to kill a person

The plot is read only on the full moon and in the period from 2 to 4 in the morning. Pour water into a basin, about half way, and set it so that you can see the full reflection of the moon. Take a new knife (they shouldn't have cut anything before) and, stirring the water counterclockwise, say the plot 3 times. After that, it is advisable to pour water under the fence of the person on whom the conspiracy was read.

Run water to (name) at an inopportune hour - run when the month shines brightly, when its strength is running out. Run at an inopportune hour, but replace all his juices with water. A full month will help us and make (name) sleep soundly.

Conspiracy to death from a photograph

For this ritual, everything is the same, only a black-and-white photograph of the person being spoken to is thrown into a basin of water, and this water is then poured out at a deserted intersection.

Black magic

Since the most ancient times, there has been an ongoing struggle between people for money, power, the desire to be the first and above their opponent, or the struggle for the heart of a handsome guy or a beautiful girl. Very often people decide that it will be possible to quickly correct the situation during magical intervention, a death plot seems to be the ideal way out of any problem caused by a specific person. In this case, it is recommended to initially understand all the consequences of such interference in the fate of another living being, and this section will be about this. After that, we will move on to some practical advice if you still decide to cross this line that God does not allow.

Caution to readers

be careful

The appeal is conducted directly to the magic of death, the most black and mysterious among all the magical powers that are available in our world to a mere mortal. Such love spells should be dealt with very carefully, and only if you understand in detail all the possible consequences, and have tried a lot of other ways. Sometimes a simple suggestion works, changing a person's karma, and the strength of such an effect is much weaker. Deadly magic, on the other hand, necessarily entails a ransom and retribution, which you can regret very much in the future, even if this person one day does not appear in your life.

There are a lot of special books that describe a large number of magical rituals, but many readers simply forget what a huge sin they take on just one simple attempt to commit such an atrocity. That's right, even if the victim ruined your whole life, even if you are driven by the desire for the strongest revenge, only the Lord God is free to take someone's life and send this person to Hell, but no one else, and certainly not a mere mortal, whom we all we are with you. In any case, you must have fully realized the full responsibility for any actions performed using deadly dark magic, and warning is the primary key to the correct ritual.

When there is any doubt, drop the whole idea and turn to an experienced magician who has already been tested and is familiar to you, because in this case the result will be much better than if you performed the conspiracy on your own. He will not act instantly either, because black magic and a conspiracy to death are the result of the activities of dark forces that need time to hear your requests, and then decide whether to help, or is it better not to do anything. So, it's time to begin the practical implementation of your plan, you have already received a warning, and you probably managed to carefully re-read it several times, from beginning to end.

How to send death to a person?

How to do it

Very often, photography is used for such a conspiracy, since this piece of paper, from the point of view of magical powers, perfectly conveys all the sensations and emotions that come from a person who is about to commit such an atrocity. For a conspiracy to kill a person to work, you need to perform all the actions in detail, accurately recreate in your mind the final result of the work of such a conspiracy, and remember the responsibility that you take on. Responsibility concerns the moral canons of our society, the legislative acts of the criminal code of the country. So, we pick up a photograph of a person we hate.

In addition, voice communication with the victim is used, several candles are used, and you will also need to visit the cemetery, on the very full moon. We take a photo and two church candles with us to the cemetery, we should take the cheapest and most ordinary ones. We light candles in the cemetery, carefully speak

"I will soon return what I took from you"

after which you leave a photo of the victim and both candles on any grave. Then you need to dial the victim's phone number, and then bring it to the photo of the deceased. It is best to call from a phone whose number cannot be in the memory of a person if you are calling a mobile phone.

“With mighty and extraterrestrial forces, I appeal to the name of the Spirit of Death, I appeal to the Soul (the name of the person who is depicted in the photo of the grave next to which you are). Take to you the one whose voice you will hear from the other end of the tube. Call him to your grave, extract life from this body, suppress his will! Carry out my will right now, so be it!

When “Hello” is heard from the tube, it should be facing exactly the place where the photograph is located. When a person hangs up, you put yours down too, he doesn’t need to answer anything!

After that, it remains for us to carefully extinguish the candles by any means, visualize the image of the enemy, and then go to the crossroads, having previously taken magical dust with us, pouring it out of our hands directly onto the road, saying

"This is for you!"

then go home and go to bed. If all the above actions are correct, damage and a conspiracy to death will certainly work exactly the way you want it, only the causes of a person’s death can be very different, from accidental to natural. Most often, an accident occurs, which cannot be prevented. From this moment on, a great sin will lie on you, but since the ransom has been made, you should not feel any consequences, at least until the moment when what was planned does not happen in real life.

Actions after the conspiracy

What to do after

It is strictly forbidden to communicate with the victim, it is advisable not to see her at all, and not to contact in any way. Also, you should not talk with strangers about the ceremony you performed, because the dark forces do not like it when a person breaks his promise of silence and not to tell anyone, carefully follow all the instructions until the moment when the plan comes true. The most important thing is to wait and be patient. Death will not come for the victim immediately, sometimes several months pass from the moment of the ritual. If a person’s health deteriorates sharply, you can consider this the beginning of a conspiracy, and in the future it will inevitably lead to death.

Is it possible to magically protect against the conspiracy that you have imposed on a person? When there is knowledge in this area, then a person will certainly impose the strongest magical protection on himself, in this case he will have to act much more decisively, you will need to find other ways, or wait longer. If there was no effect at all, do not try to repeat the ritual in a month, wait at least a year until you try again. It is best to consult a professional magician, for sure he can easily point out to you a number of mistakes during the conspiracy that you made. It’s bad to joke with dark magic, so it’s better not to make mistakes at all. And remember - magical intervention with such a conspiracy turns out to be the strongest among all, it reaches a peak in taking energy from the magician, so think many times before dooming someone to death.

A conspiracy to an enemy who offended, ruined life not only for you, but also for others, harming everyone and sowing tears, misfortune and grief has been quite popular since ancient times. A conspiracy to death, reading at home is quite difficult and dangerous, but possible with proper preparation. Of course, all such rituals from the category of black magic do not pass easily and for nothing for the one who does nasty things and for the one who wants to punish.

Words, in this case, acquire unheard-of power and cast down your enemy. Death may not come immediately, but circle around for a long time, exhausting strength, draining the soul. A person will not be able to immediately understand the reason for what is happening. But retribution comes eventually. Serious illnesses, terrible circumstances flock to a person and, like a funnel of water, suck him in with his head.

Strong conspiracies to death: how to read them correctly? What are the consequences for you?

It's important to think twice

You must always remember that only the Lord can take a person's life. A conspiracy to death and its consequences, for the customer in the first place, are inevitable! These are black conspiracies. But if you decide to take this step, have good reasons and know there is no way back and you will bear responsibility for your actions, without confessing to anyone, until the end of your life. In the most difficult and unfair cases, responsibility also passes to the children and grandchildren of subsequent generations.

If you have already read the plot, then various troubles can happen to the enemy:

  • finds a terrible incurable or debilitating disease from nowhere
  • begins a streak of failures in all matters and undertakings
  • problems in personal life become an insurmountable obstacle

The sins of the offender will play on your side. They, like feet of clay, will not be able to hold him for long, and he will lose his balance and fall into the pit. Many troubles and nasty things to other people will dig a grave for himself.

How to prepare and read correctly?

There are several things that you can read a plot of photos, blood, dolls, etc. Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. Manipulation with a particle of the body of the enemy. What you can get, they take to work: a lock of hair, nails, blood ... All this is said by conspiracies, curses, they call on dark forces for help. They ask to destroy the body and soul, to lime or destroy it altogether.
  2. Frequently used "puppet slander". They have been tested for centuries and everyone knows about them. Make a doll with your own hands and name it after your worst enemy and hater. Wax, cloth, clay - everything will go as a material for making a mannequin. Inside the doll they roll what they managed to get from the one who should be punished. Many believe that this is the most powerful conspiracy to kill the enemy. It is believed that everything that you do with the doll will feel, writhe in pain and die the one whose name the mannequin is named. Including an old woman with a scythe will approach him, which is what you were thinking about. Stick needles into all parts, break arms, legs, burn or drown her in water.
  3. Conspiracy to death with the help of cemetery land.

    Everything is simple here: bring a handful of earth from the cemetery, read one of the conspiracies on it and take it to the offender's house.

  4. Photography for magicians and healers has long been not just a reproduced image. Looking at it, you can tell a lot about a person. But there is also an opportunity to send a photo to a person. Some conspiracies to death from photographs are carried out in this way. The face in the photograph retains a part of the energy essence, which can be negatively influenced and sent a wish and impulse of death.

Conspiracy text:

For any of these things, read the black conspiracy: the Our Father prayer backwards and

Conspiracies in the cemetery

In the coffin of a deceased person, discreetly place a photograph of your enemy or any of his personal items. Whisper three times:

“Crossing the threshold, crawling out like an evil viper, I close my mouth and eyes to my enemy”

In the cemetery, you can find a grave with the same name as your offender. Unbeknownst to others, bury the photo face down in the ground. Light a candle on the grave and say:

“I’m riding a horse to the pan. Pan stands on a hill, and whom he meets, he takes out his eyes, closes me from enemies.

And here is a plot that is read at midnight, by candlelight, looking into the night (out the window):

“I bind my hands, I bind my legs, I deprive my muscles and strength, I deprive my mind and vision.

Head without thoughts, body without bones.

I send 13 passions"

After performing the ritual, try not to see each other in any way, meet, solve joint affairs and problems. Never tell even close people about the ritual being performed. Don't expect the denouement to come right in the next few days. Most likely, she will come a few months later and in a completely unexpected guise. Even a slight deterioration in affairs or his well-being will be a signal for you that the conspiracy has taken place and has begun to act. It happens that the ritual did not produce any consequences. Perhaps there is a powerful defense on the dirty trick, and a person with unique abilities can overcome it.

Carrying out the ritual requires a lot of effort and excitement. Everyone can make a mistake. If this happens, contact a practicing magician. He will help you in this situation.

Use black magic only in emergencies. Try to do everything accurately and without repetition


If you have any questions or need help in the current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

A conspiracy to die is a strong impact on a person’s energy, on his ethereal, astral and mental body. Such a conspiracy and black magic can lead to irreparable results, serious troubles begin for a charmed person, adverse events occur, circumstances converge in the most unfavorable way. All this psychologically puts a lot of pressure on a person, grafting to psychological or physical death.

It's important to think twice

It is important to think several times before deciding to turn to black magic. This is an appeal to the mysterious magical powers of death, it can oppose the conspirator, playing a cruel joke with him. According to ancient beliefs, foundations, only the Lord God has the right to take the life of someone. And if a person does this for another person, unpleasant consequences are possible. In any case, resort to dark magic only when you are ready to bear responsibility for your actions and the death of a person.

Here is what can await you if you decide to send this dark conspiracy to someone:

  • Lack of the desired result (if your intentions are not justified);
  • The occurrence of a severe illness in the conspirator or an exacerbation of an existing one;
  • The beginning of a losing streak, serious problems in his personal life.

Peculiarity! The only way to avoid any consequences and achieve the desired result is through sins. The sins of the one you want to die. If he did a lot of bad things in life, not only to you, if he truly deserves it - only then everything will work out with minimal losses for you.

How to implement?

There are several ways to implement the idea:

  1. Rituals with biomaterials. For such rituals, hair, nails, urine, blood of the person you are going to send death are used. Conspiracies are read on the extracted materials, cursing a person to death with the help of powerful dark energy on a real part of the human body and soul.
  1. Puppet magic. The method consists in the fact that the conspirator makes a special doll, causing damage to it. The material used is wax, cloth, sometimes clay. Hair, nails, sometimes drops of blood are placed inside. The doll is named after the victim, and according to the theory of similarity, the same thing will happen to the charmed person as with the doll of the same name. Including death.

For example: if you stick a needle into the doll's head, the person will feel a headache, if it is in the heart, the heart will hurt. Do pain rituals every day for nine or thirteen days, after which you can do the last stage. To kill a person, a rag or wax doll is burned, a clay doll is drowned in river water.

  1. Conspiracy to death from a photograph. According to magicians and witches related to black magic, a photo is not just a piece of paper. This is a powerful energy transmitter through which anyone can be sent, including a deadly impulse.

An example of a magical plot from a photo: take a few cheap and simple candles, a photo and go to the cemetery. The best time for the ritual: full moon, midnight. Light candles near any grave, look at the photo while reading the plot. Words can go from the heart to the enemy, or find special texts for greater effect. Put the photo and candles on the grave.

In addition, you can use the following method. Hold your mobile phone to the photograph on the grave and dial the victim's number. Preliminarily call on the deceased to call to you the one who picks up the phone, pull the life out of his body and out of his voice:

“With mighty and extraterrestrial forces, I appeal to the name of the Spirit of Death, I appeal to the Soul (the name of the person who is depicted in the photo of the grave next to which you are). Take to you the one whose voice you will hear from the other end of the tube. Call him to your grave, extract life from this body, suppress his will! Carry out my will right now, so be it!”

When the one to whom you wish death picks up the phone and says: "Hello" - he is doomed. After this ritual, burn the photo.

Another example of a conspiracy from a photo. Take a photo of the hated person and go to the cemetery. Find the grave of a person with the same name, who did not die of natural causes. Bury a photo of the enemy in the ground, saying: “I bury you alive, I bury you. You are in pain, suffer, go blind and deaf, lose your strength. No one will find a picture in this grave, and your soul will soon go to hell. When reading a magical curse, experience all the anger and hatred for the person you wish to die.

And in addition, here is a plot that is read at midnight, in front of a mirror and by candlelight:

“How I now want death (name) and with what hatred for him (her) I call on the forces of darkness in order to calm him down forever and ever, so the black raven greedily pecks out his (her) eyes. My reflection, my double, visit (name) with mortal horror in his (her) dreams. Let it be so"

What happens after the ritual is performed?

It is strictly forbidden after the action to see this person, talk on the phone and contact in any other way. You shouldn't even talk about what you've been talking about with other people.

Black magic will not work immediately. Sometimes you have to wait months for the result, so you should be patient and wait. The dark forces do not reproduce everything at your command, at first a person's health may simply deteriorate. This can be considered the beginning of the end.

If the result does not appear in any way for a long time, there may be several reasons for this:

  1. The person on whom you cast a black conspiracy is protected. He has protection from any spells and curses, perhaps he is well enlightened in this area. If this is the case, it is better to turn to professionals for help.
  2. You made a mistake while performing the ritual. They said the wrong words or there was not enough negative energy. In this case, it is also better to turn to a professional magician so that he analyzes everything and points out the errors to you. In any case, do not repeat the ritual after a month. At least a year must pass.

Black magic in action

Think several times if you really want the other person to die. After all, a conspiracy to death is a serious matter with dire consequences. If you are confident in your actions, try to do everything as accurately and correctly as possible.

Sometimes it is so important to know what your dear and beloved person, being far away, thinks of you. It is worth thinking about how to make a person miss you and think about you. It is almost impossible to make someone bored, but you can try to make sure that you stay in his thoughts for a long time, while not causing a feeling of irritation.

How to make someone bored

Before you make a person miss you, you need to disappear for some time from his life. If you are around all the time, then it is likely that no one will miss you. Of course, voluntarily leaving a loved one is not at all easy.

But only in this way will he have enough time and space for him to realize your absence and how much you are dear to him. Only then will he realize how much he needs you.

To make a person miss you and think about you, be busy all the time, or just pretend to be if it's really not. The next time you talk to your partner, do not immediately give a direct answer to the question of what you are currently doing.

Just laugh it off, tell some funny story that happened to you recently. In this way, you will simultaneously show that you are an easy and cheerful person and demonstrate the richness of your life. Then your chosen one will have no choice but to recognize you as an interesting person and want to spend more time with you.

If you want to make a person miss you and think about you, during the date ask questions about some pleasant memories that bind you together. For example, ask: “Do you remember the last time we were on the beach, you built a beautiful sand castle?”. But devoting the whole evening to memories is also not worth it. Only by periodically reminding you of pleasant moments together, you make a person think about how much everything unites you.

If you live separately from each other, then it would be nice to forget some trinket with him: an earring, a comb or a CD. This will be a good way to make him remember you more often. Every time he stumbles upon this thing at home, he will involuntarily think of you. The most important thing is that the thing you have strategically forgotten does not need to be urgently returned. It doesn't have to be a wallet, keys, or cell phone.

Perhaps the most effective way to make a person miss you is to be the soul of the company. It should always be fun and easy with you around. If you're having a great time with your partner and don't fight over little things, he'll miss you anyway if you're not around.

How to make a person miss and think about you

Quite often, girls find themselves in such a situation: they get acquainted with a young man, the girl immediately likes him, but whether he liked her is not clear. And then this girl thinks - how to make him think about her and want to get to know her better? It’s embarrassing to impose, and the guy, well, just as luck would have it, does not respond to hints and, as it were, “random” looks. And what to do in this situation to make a person miss you and think about you?

Just don't get upset, don't lose heart. It is likely that the young man simply did not single you out from the rest of his acquaintances. So you need to think about how to attract his attention to yourself and be better remembered.

Keep in mind - everything unexpected and unusual is best remembered. If you dress the same way as the rest of his acquaintances, behave in much the same way, it is very unlikely that you will immediately be able to attract his attention like that. If you want to make a person miss and think about you, try to be more original, both in clothes and in demeanor. But do not rush to extremes, because your goal is to attract, and not shock the guy.

Remember the saying “Like attracts like”? Find out more about the person you like so much. What is his character, what is he interested in? If you have some common interests or hobbies with him - fine, then there is a chance that he will be interested in you. It is important at the right time to casually start a conversation about what he likes. This will start a conversation, and the further development of events depends on you. Try to behave in such a way that he wants to continue the conversation.

In special cases, it is worth asking a girlfriend or friend for help if they communicate with him. A light hint like “You should take a closer look at this girl” can make a guy become interested in your person. Let them praise you in front of him for something. This may also be of interest. After all, it’s not just that they say “From the side you know better”. He is very likely to listen to the opinion about you and either take your word for it or want to personally check whether you are as good as they say.

To make a person miss and think about you, do not be too persistent! Remember, men are not particularly fond of not only impregnable young ladies, but also too obsessive girls. How to make a person remember you ? Give him time to get bored without your presence.

How to make a person get bored and come to you

It is impossible to force a young man to do something against his will. Although the representatives of the stronger sex are no less flirtatious than women, therefore, in this case, it will not be about how to break the will of a loved one, but about how to push him to develop relationships. And for starters, make me bored and come to you.

1) Try to understand the situation: do you really need this young man, that for his sake you are ready to go to a number of small tricks. Try to understand if he needs you too. Never call or write to him for this purpose. If he calls or writes to you himself, do not start to sort things out before he himself starts a conversation about them.

2) To understand how a young man feels about you, try to remember how vividly he paid attention to your words and actions when you were together. If he was silent and indifferent, then you already need to draw conclusions that are very disappointing for your relationship, although here you can make allowances for shyness or insecurity. But know that in love, as in business, very large discounts can lead to ruin.

3) When he speaks on duty phrases, this does not mean that he is indifferent to you. Firstly, your relationship can last for quite a long time, and they just need to diversify. Secondly, a man is most likely constantly busy with work, and all his ideas revolve around a career or any obligations, even on vacation.

Workaholism is curable, and its relapses are not directly related to love. Thirdly, including when he looked at the women he met with you and did not notice what you were doing or saying at the moment, this only speaks of some inconstancy of male nature, and not entirely about his indifference to to you. In the end, maybe he just compared you with random passers-by, and for sure the comparison was only in your direction.

4) If, on the basis of such an analysis, you have concluded that your relationship has a future, then proceed to direct measures that will force him to come to you. Go to a beauty salon and a hairdresser. A fresh hairstyle and a fresh complexion of a friend will certainly please the beloved man, and the transformation will no doubt benefit you.

5) If you want to make a person miss and think about you and come to you, call him and invite him to visit. Although you can just invite a guy to a romantic dinner without writing fairy tales about a car or a computer. If he happily agreed, then this means that you will have the opportunity to surprise him with at least culinary talent.

If such talents are not observed, you can order food in a restaurant. Do not persuade him to come and do not show your displeasure if he refuses you. This means that he is not yet ready for a relationship or he really does not have free time. We hope that our advice has helped you answer the question: "how to make a person get bored and come."

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