Why do you dream about a mouse with a long tail? Mice interpretation of the dream book. Muslim dream book Why do you dream about a Cat?

Seeing mice in a dream is not very good, but a lot depends on how close they were to you, how many there were, what kind they were and how you felt about their appearance in the dream.

If you dreamed of mice and you were afraid of them, the negative meaning of the dream will worsen.

Seeing a lot of mice, dreaming of an invasion of these rodents - you can foresee an increase in prices for food and essentials.

I dreamed of a lot of mice in bed - one of you (meaning a married or romantic couple) has a secret from a loved one, and he has not yet decided whether to reveal it.

Dead mice are dreamed of as a harbinger of family quarrels.

But if you dreamed of a lot of dead mice, an epidemic may occur.

Killing mice yourself, crushing them with your feet is a favorable dream, you can put an end to gossip.

I dream of small mice, a mouse nest - the crop may die.

One small black mouse in a dream is a sign of weakness and illness.

I dreamed of a small white mouse - the first, still small, seed of envy towards a friend, relative or other close person will be sown in the soul of a sleeping person.

If you dream of a big white mouse, you will be haunted by the feeling that you are not being treated fairly.

Red little mice appear in a dream because someone is starting to envy you. It is quite possible that from this envy the legs of hatred and even sabotage will grow.

A mouse bite in a dream means slight discomfort.

But if a white mouse bites, this may portend an unhappy marriage for an unmarried girl.

A mouse attacks and bites your legs - the meaning of such a dream depends on the detailed circumstances of the plot, but in most cases this indicates that they are deliberately harming you and preventing you from making a career.

Catching mice in a dream is a good sign, indicating that you will show intelligence at the right moment, but only if you managed to catch the mouse.

If in your dream the mouse runs away, in reality you will not be able to understand the important hint.

Feeding mice is a sign of erroneous behavior.

If in a dream you happened to stroke a mouse, then in reality it is possible that you will not recognize a dangerous person and trust him in important matters.

Eating mice in a dream means a serious illness.

I dreamed of a dead man with mice in his hands - this is a hint, make at least a small supply of what you need.

You dream of a talking mouse as a sign that they want to talk to you, but through someone.

If a talking mouse in a dream caused anxiety or fear, then in reality someone else’s words will be incorrectly conveyed to you. And this may have a bad effect on the course of your affairs.

Why do you dream about a mouse, Vanga’s dream book

In dreams, a field mouse symbolizes a timid, quiet, but very nosy person.

If you dreamed of a mouse according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Seeing mice in the house means minor troubles in everyday life.

If you happen to kill a mouse with some heavy object, then in reality you may exceed self-defense measures.

A mouse bite symbolizes illness.

If a mouse bites without bleeding, the ill health will be temporary and will not lead to permanent disability.

A white mouse bites and you see blood at the site of the bite - you will go to bed for a long time.

Catching mice in a dream, catching a mouse - after such a vision, your yesterday’s experiences will end in complete calm.

If a young woman catches a mouse with a rag or headdress, she will soon become pregnant.

If the mouse runs away, all your sorrows will remain in place.

Keeping a mouse with you or feeding it in a dream is a sign that you will be able to benefit from your own problems. It may be trivial, but you will still remain in the black.

A large black mouse portends very unpleasant, even cruel news.

If you dream of a dead mouse, you will avoid some kind of misfortune.

If you dreamed of a dead mouse on Tuesday night, something in your house will become unusable due to your own oversight.

If you dreamed that a mouse bit you, your loved one will deceive you.

Why do you dream about a mouse - esoteric dream book

If you dreamed about white mice, they will talk about you behind your back.

If you dream of a lot of mice, a mouse nest, the conversations will be very persistent and far from harmless, and if they were not white mice, but gray ones, you may even become depressed because of all this.

If you dreamed that a mouse was running on the ceiling, trouble would come from where you least expected it.

Killing a mouse means profit.

A mouse bites you in a dream - you will get sick.

If you had a chance to catch a mouse in a dream, make a profitable deal if it failed to escape from you.

If a young girl caught a big white mouse in a dream, she can wait for matchmakers.

But if at the same time a white mouse bites her, the marriage will not be happy.

A dream in which you are forced to move to a new place of residence because of mice suggests that troubles will simply fall on your head and haunt you. Think, maybe you can understand the reason.

Why do mice dream, Longo’s dream book

A white mouse dreams of envy and corruption. It’s even worse if you see a mouse’s tail separately from the animal in your dream.

Killing a mouse or crushing it in a dream means getting rid of an envious person.

Getting mice out of the house has the same meaning.

If you dreamed of a mouse hole - you will go to visit a person who considers you his enemy.

If you saw mouse feces in a dream, your supplies will become unusable.

Why do mice dream - modern dream book

Dead mice or baby mice dream of getting rid of enemies and people who are simply unpleasant to you.

I dreamed about a tame mouse - you have a secret enemy.

For a woman to give birth to a mouse in a dream is an indication that she is wasting energy and time on an unworthy partner.

If a mouse bites you, the dream means illness, most likely infectious.

Since ancient times, people, and especially women, have been afraid of rodents. These small animals have never enjoyed the love and respect of people. Therefore, most dream books, especially old ones, interpret the appearance of rodents in a dream as a sign of trouble.

Is it really worth preparing for something bad if you dreamed of a mouse - gray, white, black, red or bat? What does it mean to see them in a dream - one or many, dead or alive? Dream books provide interpretations of such dreams, telling what can await a person.

What do mice and rats dream about?

According to the dream book rodents portend petty intrigues, troubles at work and in personal life. People say that when you see a mouse, you need to prepare for difficulties and problems. Something bad may come from friends or unpleasant surprises may happen at work. But if she managed to be killed, then the situation will be resolved well.

  • Gray rat should serve as a warning to a person about many enemies who will cause anxiety and unnecessary trouble.
  • For lovers such a dream should be understood as a warning about rivals who are ready to go to great lengths to achieve their goal.
  • If successful catch a rodent, then this promises some useful gift, surprise.
  • If sleeping I raced for a long time after his victim and eventually caught her, then we must expect the satisfaction of some of his needs (for example, sexual, physiological, financial, etc.).
  • Had a good time run around? Get ready for pleasant acquaintances and plans for the future.
  • If she jumps on you, then this is a sign of a huge scandal that awaits in the near future.

Why do you dream about a bat in a dream?

Volatile is another symbol that can come to a person at a moment of rest. Dream books also give interpretations of such dreams. This the dream says about secret thoughts, dark thoughts, confusion.

Traditionally, this frightening animal speaks of dark, decadent thoughts. At the same time, the bat has a direct connection with the occult, the world of the unknown, and magic.

  • If dreaming the flying vampire who got tangled in my hair or sat on her head, this means that there is an elderly woman in life who greatly influences the sleeping person.
  • If her managed to kill her, then this speaks of victory over one’s own fears; problems and troubles will certainly recede. Such a dream is considered favorable, and usually after it comes relief and inner peace.
  • White bat according to the dream book does not bode well, but rather signals difficulties, danger and even death.
  1. In the traditional interpretation she is the messenger of death.
  2. In the modern version dream books say that what I saw was not a sign of physical, but of spiritual decline. It may be that you will have to experience spiritual death and be reborn.

Why do small mice dream?

Little mice see in a dream - problems in the family, everyday troubles.
The rodent is clearly an unfavorable image. Such dreams usually appear at those moments when a lot of negativity has accumulated in life.

Why does a woman dream of mice?

  • For what does a woman dream about a mouse? This dream speaks of secret ill-wishers.
  • If will see it on his dress, then this is a big scandal.
  • When dreamed about it not big, but small vole, then in the near future a woman may discover the name of a friend who is spreading gossip about her.

White and black mouse meaning

Dreaming of a white mouse to toothache, fuss, troubles. According to other interpretations, such a dream portends joy and favorable changes.

Lots of white rodents promise joy, happiness, pleasant chores. Vanga claimed that many white rodents promised a favorable combination of circumstances.

Black- promises troubles, although they can be small and insignificant.

Why do you dream about a little gray mouse?

If you dream small gray manyaccording to Vanga's dream book— we must prepare for difficult times that will come very soon.

After waking up, you should take a closer look at your immediate surroundings, perhaps someone is harboring a grudge or evil. It’s better to sort things out now so as not to run into serious problems very soon.

Seeing a rat in a dream

  • If you dream about rats- there is little good in this.
  • If you see her, she bit a young guy or girl on the hand, then this should be interpreted as a quick meeting with your soulmate.
  • It will be a good sign rat crawling on a sleeping person, which promises romantic experiences that can develop into a strong union.
  • It will be a bad omen attempts to catch up with the animal. This is a warning about danger, but dream books cannot tell where to expect it.
  • But at beat the rodent– is also a good sign, as this promises victory in business, resolution of even the most difficult difficulties.

Mice are dead and dead interpretation

You can dream about dead mice, alive or dead.

Dead rodents- not the most pleasant sight that can disturb sleep. The interpretation of this symbol may indicate a traitor who is very nearby.

Seeing a lot of mice means

See in large numbers the interpretation in the dream book warns of future problems. This dream usually comes with the onset of difficult times.

The dream can be a warning to manage money carefully and save a little.

Why do mice and cats dream together?

The cat is chasing a mouse- This is a sign of unfavorable news. The owner of the vision can be surrounded by enemies on both sides.

Cat and mice portend dangers, and in double quantities.

It's good if the cat will catch its prey.

Find out from the online dream book what the Mouse is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you dream about a mouse in a dream?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why does the Mouse dream and what does it mean:

If you dreamed of mice, this means happiness, joy, and successful overcoming of obstacles. Seeing white mice is a particularly auspicious symbol. Catching a mouse and running after it means matchmaking and good plans for the future. Catching a mouse means that you will experience satisfaction from passion and take revenge on the traitor. There is a mouse - to the need to be more careful, danger is possible; to kill a mouse - to sadness.

If you saw bats in a dream, this is a very bad dream - to sadness, bad news, trouble, a thief in the house. To see a bat flying means to rejoice at the failures of your sworn enemy. Killing a bat means recovery from a dangerous disease, deliverance from mortal danger.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Mouse in a dream?

This dream foreshadows domestic troubles and insincerity of friends. Things will go downhill.

If you kill a mouse in a dream, then in reality you will defeat your ill-wishers. Allowing her to escape means fighting with dubious results.

A dream about a mouse warns a girl about secret ill-wishers. Perhaps they are planning a deception. If she sees a mouse on her dress, this is a sign of an upcoming scandal in which she will be involved.

For a woman, this dream promises a very skillful and dexterous enemy.

Idiomatic dream book

Why do you dream about a mouse?

“Mouse fuss” - small, trivial matters, vanity; “poor as a church mouse”; “quiet as a mouse” (very inconspicuous). “gnaws like a mouse” - concern, obsessive, restless feeling. “white mouse” - an expression of surprise; weirdness. “mouse” is a gentle term of endearment; something relatively harmless.

Children's dream book

Symbol meaning:

Mouse - Some minor trouble will happen, you will get into trouble or become a laughing stock; if the mouse’s tail is too long, it means that you simply have problems with your computer, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Great dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does the Mouse dream?

A mouse in a dream foreshadows domestic troubles and insincerity of friends; an unforeseen course of your affairs is possible. Killing a mouse in a dream means victory over ill-wishers. Allowing her to escape is a harbinger of a struggle with varying success. A mouse seen in a dream warns a young woman that she has secret ill-wishers and about possible deception on their part. If she sees a mouse on her dress, this is a sign of an upcoming scandal in which she will play a major role.

Maly Velesov dream book


Mouse - Mockery, enemy, illness, hunger, trouble, losses through relatives; catch - a girl will be born; mice - there will be hunger; flying - troubles, hidden enemies, a thief in a hut, death; a cat catches mice - troubles due to evil tongues.

Universal dream book for the whole family


Mouse - A small animal that can crawl everywhere; depending on the real attitude towards them in life, it can mean either a minor nuisance or a sentimental attitude towards someone.

Gypsy dream book

Why do you dream about the Mouse according to gypsy traditions?

Mouse - Seeing means a sly mockery from a vicious woman; a bat does not bode well and generally means secretive enemies.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about the Mouse

It symbolizes ingenuity, dexterity and at the same time weakness. Folk signs and sayings are associated with mice, which could have contributed to the appearance of the image of a mouse in your dream: “The mouse overcomes - before hunger; mice get out of the house - before a fire”, “Eat what a mouse has bitten, its teeth will get stronger”, “If a mouse gets into your bosom, then there will be big trouble”, “Mice will gnaw clothes (dress) - to death”, “Do not name, caressing , kittens become little mice: the mother will gnaw them to death.”

The bat is the personification of night and blindness. But according to some folk beliefs, a bat can also be a harbinger of good luck, hope and even happiness. So your subconscious, sending you the image of a mouse in a dream, could be based on a variety of events that happened in your life, in one way or another connected with folklore motifs. Watching a mouse running away from a cat in a dream is a sign that you will happily avoid danger.

Feeding a mouse in a dream - a dream indicates that you should be more tolerant of the people around you, even though you see that they are weaker than you. There will definitely come a time when you will need the help of these people, so don't act arrogant with them at this time.

Setting a trap in a dream to catch a mouse is evidence that in real life you are a very enterprising, resourceful person who can find a way out of even the most difficult situation. If you dreamed that you killed a mouse or caught it in a mousetrap, then such a dream means that you have a very difficult task ahead of you, from which you can emerge victorious only thanks to your courage. Seeing a large number of mice in a dream means a happy release from problems.

To see a bat in a dream - a dream tells you that in real life you need to learn to adapt to all circumstances, so you can easily avoid any danger. Watching a bat fly in a dream is a sign that your old hopes are destined to come true. Perhaps such a dream indicates that your affairs, despite all the forecasts, will end successfully.

Seeing an injured bat in a dream is evidence that you should be careful at night. You may be in danger of being robbed. If you dreamed of a bat hunting for insects, such a dream portends great happiness. Maybe you have a profitable business ahead of you that will bring you considerable material profit and the respect of the people around you, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family

If the mouse gets close to your feet, it’s time to go shopping, prices may soon rise. If the mouse is sleeping, everything is fine with the children, both with their health and with their communication with peers. If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, it is a sign that you are carefully hiding something from a loved one, but be careful, it is better if he finds out your secret from you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Mouse - Secret enemy, foe; loss through loved ones, acquaintances, as the dream book - predictor reports.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Mouse from your dream

Mouse - Secret ill-wisher; old unresolved obsessive problem, thought, feeling; white – fidelity in unnecessary relationships; mechanical, electronic - creative ideas; in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Ancient French dream book

Why do you dream about a mouse, interpretation:

Mice in a dream warn you of treachery on the part of a loved one.

Islamic dream book

Why do you dream about a mouse?

Mouse - If someone sees that a mouse has eaten food or something else in his house, this means a shortening of life, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book


Mouse – Hidden Enemy

Azar's Dream Book

Why did the Mouse dream according to spiritual sources?

Mouse - Enemy, secretive, invisible, unfamiliar.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of a Mouse

To danger. You should be as careful as possible and not make acquaintances with people you are unsure of or wary of. The energy of a good person is usually pure; you do not need to “filter” your emotions towards a well-charged person. But if you experience discomfort when communicating with someone, it means that this person has a not entirely healthy biofield and may try to influence you in some way. Catching a mouse or seeing a mouse caught in a mousetrap - a dream means either profit, or receiving a gift, or a successful acquisition for the home.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why does the Mouse dream:

Seeing hordes of mice in a dream means war, pestilence, famine. Seeing a dead mouse in a dream means experiencing financial difficulties. If in a dream you were attacked by a flock of bats, then in reality you will encounter terrible evil. A dream in which you hand feed a bat means that you need to show patience and restraint if you want to prevent dangerous events.

Esoteric dream book

Mystery of sleep:

Mouse - A little nonsense, a stupid situation. Catching a mouse in search of entertainment will put you in a stupid position, this is how the dream book interprets your dream.

Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

Mouse in the ancient sense

If someone sees that a mouse has eaten food or anything else in his house, this will shorten his life.

Mouse (bat) – Symbolizes invisible danger or intuition that knows secrets. Bats in motion are bad news, someone's evil force. Sleeping bats - your intuition will increase and help you understand the situation, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing a Mouse, how to unravel the symbolism

Bat mouse - your business will turn out to be dubious and unreliable. So you shouldn’t risk your good name for the sake of an adventure. The least that can happen is that you end up in debt. Or it could even lead to a run-in with the law. It's not worth the risk. If you dreamed of a lot of mice flying around you and trying to attack, you will be “harassed” from all sides, both at work and at home. And the best thing you can do is not pay attention to the complaints.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did the Mouse dream?

Dreaming of black mice symbolizes your enemies. If you saw gray mice clearly, in daylight, and could control their actions, the machinations of your enemies will not cause you serious damage. However, dreams of mice, and especially bats, in the twilight of the night are a harbinger of serious troubles that will be caused to you by enemies hiding under the guise of friends.

A particularly dashing sign is the white mouse. In almost all cases, this animal brings with it the imminent inevitable death of someone close to them. But don't be too scared. This is just a dream and it is not intended to upset you, but to warn and prevent bad events.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the Mouse's dream book

  • You will doubt some of your actions in reality. To avoid sharply negative consequences, in the next 2-3 weeks do not enter into adventures, do not take risks and do not bet too large sums.
  • The subconscious is especially eloquently trying to reach you if in a dream you saw a flock of bats circling above your head. You are afraid that you will have problems on all fronts - at work, at home, among friends. Avoid dubious transactions to avoid getting involved in large and bad debts.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about a mouse?

  • [For people in love, dreams of bats predict the imminent appearance of a rival or rival who will do her best to oppose the union with their loved one. The best thing you can do is not to pay attention to the schemers - this will lead to the fact that they will soon become bored and leave you behind.
  • If you dreamed of ordinary mice, do not worry about your relationship with your partner. The dream is a harbinger of a stable and calm marital relationship.

Some people keep mice as their favorite pets, while others are horrified by the sight of them. Why do you dream about mice? Here's what different dream books tell us about it.

Russian folk dream book

The interpretation of the appearance of a mouse in a dream can be different - it all depends on exactly how you feel about this animal.

When you see a mouse in a dream, in reality there is a risk of minor troubles and the manifestation of sad feelings towards someone.

Modern dream book

A mouse seen in a dream may indicate that you have some kind of enemy who does not give himself away.

You contemplated a mouse in a dream - expect in reality happiness, joy, luck when overcoming an obstacle course.

A very favorable symbol is a white mouse in a dream.

When you tried to catch an animal, there will be excellent forecasts for the future and successful matchmaking.

In a dream, you managed to catch a mouse - you will be able to take revenge on the person who cheated on you, or you will experience satisfaction from passionate feelings.

Eating a mouse means that you need to behave with caution, since the likelihood of a dangerous situation is high.

For centuries, mice have always been close to humans, but they were regarded by them exclusively as harmful rodents that caused damage to the household. Today, these tailed creatures can also be found as pets, causing affection in both children and adults. What if we dreamed about these little rodents at night? We invite you to figure out together how the most popular modern dream books interpret such dreams.

Mice: dream bookGustav Miller

This source interprets the appearance of this rodent in a dream as a sign of impending troubles at home and the dishonesty of your friends. Killing a mouse is seen as a victory awaiting you over all enemies and ill-wishers. If the mouse runs away from you, then the outcome of the upcoming fight is almost impossible to predict. A mouse sitting on a young woman's clothes promises a scandal in which she will play the main role.

Mice: dream bookfrom A to Z"

Mice scurrying around your house portends the imminent wedding of one of your relatives or close friends. A killed mouse promises sad and sad events in the family. Rodents that climb onto the kitchen table and eat the numerous foods and dishes on it promise you prosperity and well-being. The white mouse symbolizes the strength of family ties. The squeaking of mice or their fussing in the dark warns of the risk of being robbed. If you dream that there are a lot of these tailed rodents in your basement, then you are in danger of protracted financial difficulties. A biting mouse symbolizes revenge and betrayal of a loved one. Installing a mousetrap in a dream means that you will be able to find out in advance about the plans and intrigues of your enemies and will have time to take action in time.

Mice: dream bookfor lovers

Such a dream prophesies constant quarrels and disagreements with a lover. If a young woman sees such a dream, then perhaps she has a hidden envious person who is trying with all his might to harm her and do everything possible to break off her relationship with her lover.

Mice: dream bookWhite magician

The dream of a small tailed rodent warns the dreamer of the danger that threatens him. It is necessary to exercise maximum caution and try to avoid meeting and communicating with dubious and unpleasant people. If in a dream you caught a mouse or saw this animal caught in a mousetrap, then unexpected profit or an expensive gift awaits you.

English dream book: why do mice dream?

This source interprets mice in a dream as a warning about the possible interference in your life of ill-wishers and slanderers, who can seriously harm your business and even lead you to bankruptcy and poverty. Such a dream also predicts an unsuccessful marriage and wayward and disobedient children.

Why do you dream of mice: gypsy dream book

The interpretation of dreams in which mice play a major role comes down to minor troubles and minor problems awaiting the dreamer. If in a dream you were afraid of this small rodent, then in reality some incident will plunge you into a feeling of confusion. A caught mouse reflects your inability to stand up for yourself, which constantly ruins your life.

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