Magic force. What are the magical powers? What are the magical powers?

Many people associate magical abilities with something unreal, fabulous, and fictitious. Yes, many films have been made about magicians and many books have been written. But do not forget that people with magical abilities also exist in real life. True, not everyone believes in their existence, considering it simply a hoax. Science is also skeptical about magic. She calls many of their magical abilities pseudoscientific delusions. However, as for each person individually, he is free to think as he sees fit.

If we understand the concept of “magical abilities,” we learn that this is a penchant for magic. It appeared in primitive society. For example, our ancestors, the Slavs, being pagans, believed in magic and practiced it. But magic, in itself, includes a whole set of different skills and abilities. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth discussing what kind of magical abilities there are.

Firstly, all magic can be divided into two large areas - black and white. According to this division, the magician commits either evil or good with the help of his skills. There may even be some kind of confrontation between black and white magicians. By the way, according to some sources, there are also gray magicians. They practice predominantly white magic, but do not hesitate to resort to black magic.

White magic: uses only pure (positive or neutral) energy, pursues only good goals.

Black magic: uses dark forces (negative energy), pursues evil goals (casting a curse, damage, love spell). That is, in any case, when using black magic, one of the people (or several, for example, in the case of a family curse) will be harmed. The latter can fluctuate significantly in its strength and size. Black magic always carries danger: not only for the one on whom the ritual is performed, but also for the magician himself.

Secondly, there are certain types of magical abilities:

But we should not forget that a conspiracy can also have a positive connotation. For example, if we are talking about a conspiracy for recovery, to protect a person or his family, property. In this case, they resort to the help of magical powers with good intentions.

To perform such rituals, the magician often uses the person’s personal belongings (or, for example, hair), to whom the power is directed. In addition, potions, enchanted water (or other drinks), ointments (if we are talking about someone’s illness) and other necessary “conductors” of magical energy may be involved.

Of course, there are also completely fictitious magical abilities, described only in books and other fruits of human creativity. These include turning a person into an animal or another person, reducing or increasing the size of a person or objects, “freezing” a person, setting objects on fire from a distance, and many others.

Human biofield. Aura. Impossible abilities. Beyond comprehension.

There are only two possibilities to acquire special witchcraft powers - either to be born with them, or to try to develop them in yourself. At the same time, the second method may not be inferior to the first in terms of the final result, and sometimes even surpass it. There are many examples where a person with bright natural abilities is not at all aware of them and, only having begun to develop them, finds new opportunities and strengths in himself. Let us note that everyone has abilities, but for some they are on the surface, while for others they are deeply hidden. Therefore, for some it is very easy to look into themselves and immediately get the desired answer, while for others it takes time and great perseverance. However, in any case, without trying, you will never know your secret sides and hidden capabilities. Once you start moving and searching, you are unlikely to remain the same.

By performing various witchcraft actions, you will use the energy of the four elements of nature: Water, Fire, Earth and Air. You will need to control these energy drinks with the help of your Imagination, Faith and Will. It is these three aspects - Faith in yourself and your actions, Imagination, which creates real pictures of possible events, and Will, the energetic direction of your thoughts - that constitutes the basis of spiritual influence on the astral and real world. To these three principles of witchcraft reality, it is necessary to add the fourth constant of magic - Mystery, capable of arousing Faith, strengthening Will and giving birth to hidden images of our Imagination. Therefore, the first thing you need to start with is to learn to master all aspects of your mind and learn how to perceive energy from the space around you.

Sorcerer's Will

One of the most effective methods for developing Witchcraft Will is concentration. Place a candle in front of you. Give her a flame. Surround yourself with silence, comfort and tranquility. Focus your attention on the candle flame. Look only at the flame, do not take your eyes off it for a second. Think only about this fiery substance. Become completely indifferent to everything else. Don't get distracted and don't blink. Try to extend this exercise as long as possible. Repeat it as often as possible, and very soon you will notice how easy it will be for you to concentrate your attention on other objects and circumstances.

This kind of concentration should become your daily practice. It is not at all necessary to set aside a specific time for it. As soon as you have the opportunity, focus your attention on any stationary object: on a pencil lying in front of you, on a point drawn on paper, etc. Imagine that at the moment this object is the most important thing in your life right now. the whole world, that the entire universe is concentrated in it. This object should become the only object in real space for you. Nothing can distract you from contemplating its appearance and feeling its inner essence.

Next, proceed to concentrating your Will and attention on moving objects. Watch, without taking your eyes off, the movement of the second hand of the clock. Focus on the person passing by you. It is not necessary for your concentration to last too long. Ultimately, you must learn to quickly turn your attention on and off.

During the day you may have many opportunities to train your Will and attention. Try reading a book with extraneous sounds, trying not to be distracted by them at all and clearly understand what you read. Try drawing a circle with one hand and a square with the other. Do this without the participation of your will, and if you don’t succeed, make a strong-willed decision to “be sure to do this” and be sure to achieve this decision.

The same applies to your actions and deeds that you do not want to do, but which are necessary. Carry them out with the help of a volitional decision, and you will definitely notice a surge of special power, a special type of energy that gives you a new sensation, a desire to do something else and use this secret power.

Try to evoke certain emotions in yourself through an effort of will. Feel joy, fun, excitement, anger, rage and delight. Create different moods and sensations for yourself. All this will be necessary for your witchcraft, when, wanting to attract and win over those around you, you will need to experience the same feelings that you want to evoke in other people.

By an effort of will, force yourself to see an object that is not near you now. For example, the flame of a candle or a person you know. And your Will will become part of your Imagination, capable of transporting you to another magical time and dimension.

The magical power of natural elements

The physical world consists of four elements: Water, Earth, Fire and Air. Their combination gives us all the variety of things and objects that surround us. Each of these elements of nature has its own energy and strength necessary to change physical and astral space. Aspects of these four elements are also present in our soul, energetically nourish it, have a constant influence on the formation of our character and can be the reason for more or less of our success in life. Having found the presence of these elements in yourself, having understood the correct ways of using them, you gain the opportunity to control your own forces and the forces of all nature.

Of course, all the influences of various elements of nature are very diverse and individual. Thus, the element of Fire is responsible for our conscious will, Air is responsible for our thinking and creativity, Water is responsible for the sphere of feelings, and Earth shapes actions and actions.

Thus, if in your work you cannot do without the thinking of the intellect or you simply want to increase your ability for mental work, then use the power of Air. If you want deep and lasting feelings for you, then you will need a Water ritual. If you feel a special need for money and feel the ability to achieve great results with your own work, turn to the influence of the earthly element. If your goal is to shine like a bright star, to constantly have strong emotions and feelings next to you, then the power of Fire should become your main traveling companion. By taking advantage of the equal protection of all four elements, you can count on maximum success in all your affairs, feelings and relationships.

In all cases of perception of energy and magical power from spatial elements, be sure to imagine that you yourself become the substance with which your communication occurs. For the duration of your ritual, you yourself must become a fiery flame, a surface of water, an earthly stronghold or an air current. You must feel that you have all the qualities that are the basis of this element or element of nature. For Fire it is absorption and passion, for Water it is softness, penetration and ductility, for Air it is endless movement, and for Earth it is hardness and fertility.

Try to take energy and strength from all elements in equal quantities so that they are equally sufficient. Do this initially, but in the future you can give greater preference to the power of those elements in which you feel the greatest need.

Witchcraft magical power is not at all determined by its quantity. Only its qualities - flexibility, permeability and mobility - are its main characteristics. And these qualities precisely come from correct and harmonious communication with nature and its main aspects. Some people need more Fire, for others the air element is the main source of their vitality and inspiration. There are “people of the earth”, “people of the seas and oceans”. For others, the power of the forest and mighty trees is necessary for their life and witchcraft incarnations. But in any case, even having preferences, we must not forget that witchcraft power is the work of four elements. And only the full use of all natural phenomena can bring real success to witchcraft transformations.

The magical power of the air element

Go outside when a storm begins, the wind rises, when the entire air element prepares a serious test for those who are not afraid to resist its rapid movement. Stand facing the wind, breathe it in deeply. Feel how all his power becomes your power. Feel that you have the power to control this element.

If you stay at home, turn on the fan or just your imagination. Close your eyes and imagine the movement of air, first a light, barely perceptible breeze. Then his strength begins to grow and develop. Gradually it takes the form of an impulse, a hidden power capable of crushing everything in its path. Then you notice that all the hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons and storms have ended up in the confined space of your room. But, despite their power and strength, they do not bring trouble or danger to you. On the contrary, they appear to you as a single creative force, in whose power is the development and solution of issues, the movement and connection of time and space. Say it loud enough so that your words are in tune with the gusts of wind:

Lord of the winds
Ruler of the endless sky,
Guardian of the heights, be my protection.
Grant me flexibility and insight, thought and insight.
Give me the strength and power to conquer the unconquered
and fulfill the unfulfilled.

Feel how your words conquer the storm, direct the wind in the direction you need and make you part of the powerful element. Imagine what could be useful and necessary for you in the image of the air element. Basically, the element of Air represents thought, thinking, intelligence and new knowledge. This element is responsible for the presence in our spiritual, astral plane of those qualities that are necessary for all matters of the intellectual plane. Memory and learning, development of intuitive thinking, ability to various sciences and all types of art, creativity, dexterity, cunning, analytical mind and hobbies - all this is included in the competence of the air element. That is, where your intellect is able to attract attention to you or lead the situation to the resolution you need, the use of the energy of the air element is most effective.

The wizard does not live by knowledge and the strength of the wizard does not lie in his wisdom. It's all about the magical power that the wizard has. For great miracles, for great magic, the wizard must have sufficient magical power. The more magical power a wizard has, the more powerful he is and the greater the miracles he is able to perform. And vice versa.

Where can I get magic power? Where to get it from?

The wizard takes his magical power from himself. Only in himself does the wizard have the magical power he needs. There are no other sources. Only in himself, and not in other people, can a wizard take magical power. Magic power cannot be transferred to another. Magic power cannot be taken from another.

Magical power is stored in the human spirit. The death of the body cannot deprive a wizard of his magical powers. The only thing a wizard can accumulate is his magical power.

Magic power is not wasted on trifles. As a rule, wizards are very smart people, and smart people always foresee the consequences of any of their actions. And, before fulfilling someone’s desire, the wizard will consider all their possible consequences.

What is the difference between a wizard and an ordinary person? First of all, because the wizard has very little vitality in himself. , or the power of life, and magical power are far from the same thing. Magical power makes it possible to fulfill any desires of other people. Whereas the power of life helps a person to achieve fame, wealth and power.

The more life force a person has, the more he can achieve fame, power and wealth. But the more vitality a person has, the less magical power he has.

Many people mistakenly believe that the power of life allows a person to live long. Nothing like this. The power of life allows you to achieve power, achieve wealth and fame, but has nothing to do with life expectancy.

The power of life has something in common with magical power. The similarities are as follows. And the power of life, like magical power, must be in sufficient quantity if you set yourself a big goal in the form of power, wealth or fame. And just like magical power, the only source of life force for a person is himself. Only from himself can a person draw the vital forces he needs.

Life force, like magical power, is stored in the spirit of a person and does not disappear with the death of the body. The only thing a person can accumulate is the power of life. The power of life cannot be transferred to another person, just as it is impossible to take it from another.

controls time, space and energy, ignoring all laws of physics. The more magical power a wizard has, the more time, energy and space are subordinate to him. But the more time, energy and space are subordinate to him, the less able he is to achieve power, fame and wealth.

Is it possible that a person has both vital and magical powers in equal measure? Is it possible to be a powerful wizard and at the same time be a powerful ruler, rich and famous? This is only possible in science fiction novels.

And the hero of a fantasy work who combines these two forces will be very dangerous for others. The desire for power, wealth and fame should not be supported by the absolute capabilities that exist for someone capable of managing time, space and energy.

This is the first article on the topic of the search for Power: what does Magical Power depend on, what influences its development, what it means to be a Magician and the four Magical Gates through which all Mages and Witches pass.

Force- this is (let’s say) that component of the world that allows you to achieve what you want, assert your will, act, self-realize, and protect yourself.

In a person’s life, it manifests itself in different ways and has many aspects, for example, human potential, Power of Spirit, charm, charisma, energy, sexuality, physical potential, money, the power of words and beliefs and, of course, Magical Power.

Magic force- this is the cherished dream of many people, because thanks to this power, according to these same people (mostly ordinary people who have superficial knowledge about this, and indeed about everything), more specifically - thanks to the possession of Magic Power, a person can acquire power, wealth , power over everything and everyone. But for such people, Magical Power is like a mirage in the desert - it seems to be here, just stretch out your hand, but no, it disappears like a haze, filling the mind with disappointment and self-doubt.

The world is harmonious and does not allow unprepared people to possess Magical Power. There is a special fuse that controls this process. But more on that later. Now let’s talk about this: what can ordinary people do if Magic Power is for the elite? How can they manage their lives, realize themselves and assert their will?

Even without possessing Magic Power, a person is capable of much. He MAY have control over other aspects of the Force. Why is it important to pay attention to the word “may”? Because a person has possibilities, not a given. It is up to the individual to take advantage of these opportunities and to what extent. Yes, it often happens that along the path of life there are difficulties that can instill fear, doubt, remorse, resentment or guilt in the heart. And this greatly undermines human strength, depriving a person of peace. And that means integrity. But, if we remember that Heaven sends only those trials that a person can overcome, we will understand: difficulties are those tasks, by solving which we become stronger. And fear, doubt, repentance, resentment and guilt are those vessels that store power until a person returns it again.

And so, when a person finds courage and looks fear in the eye, forgives and asks for forgiveness, when he lets go of unrealistic dreams and realizes goals, then he regains his lost integrity and gains strength. But no longer in the form of a potentially existing one, but in the form of true human strength, which allows him to build his own little world.

The litmus test for testing a person's strength is his skill keep your word and the ability to implement your plans . The faster his plans and goals are realized in a person’s life, the stronger his will, the stronger the person.

And one more thing about human strength: when you develop one specific aspect of it, others develop simultaneously. For example, with the development of physical strength, the will becomes stronger. And with the development of the ability to earn money, charm and ability to persuade improve.

Ideally, when a person has “pumped up” all the available “human” aspects of the Force, if he is worthy of it, the possibilities of acquiring Magical Power open up before him. But again, these are only possibilities. Whether he uses them or not depends on his desire and the will of Fate. Not everyone is allowed on the magical path, and those chosen ones who are nevertheless admitted do not all go through to the end. At least in one lifetime.

But when setting out on the path of magic, one should remember the most important qualities that a magician must develop in himself. These are the aspects of human strength that we touched on above. A magician is not just a creature with a Power many times greater than that of a human. A magician is a creature endowed with a responsibility a thousand times greater than that of a human. The world needs a magician not in order to satisfy its needs, but in order to fulfill his great service - to maintain order.

This is what Mages are for. Why is the ideal situation for coming into Magic to be mastery of all aspects of power available to a person? Because otherwise it is much more difficult to get through the safety mechanism that separates a person from the Magic Power. These are the so-called Magic Gates:

Fear, Illusion, Power and Death.

Magic Gate Once at this point, a person clearly feels all the accumulated fears. From the smallest to the deepest and most terrible. Everything begins to come true, and the more a person begins to run away from fears, the more and faster they are realized in his life. To pass through this gate, you need to look this fear in the eye, you need to become stronger than it. This way, part of the power, imprisoned by fears, is released, and the person is allowed to move on.

Second gate - Illusion. These gates are insidious; passing through them you can become infected with the idea that all the necessary knowledge has already been obtained. And that a person already has an understanding of all processes and phenomena. Illusion gives resin wings and man, like Icarus once, flies to the heights. But then the wings disappear, the illusion dissipates, and the person flies even more rapidly towards his death. To overcome illusion, it is important to listen to your teacher, continue to study, strengthen your will and develop humility.

The third gate is Strength.

This is where the Magic Power itself comes into play. She “pollinates” a person, and he already feels that he has turned into a magician. Not just any, but the coolest. He begins to compare himself with other magicians, to take on those tasks that in reality are still “too tough for him.” He begins to abuse the Force to satisfy his own, sometimes not at all noble, needs. Passing these gates is similar to how a child is accelerated in a children's car, and then released to see if he will turn over or be able to go further. Power watches, observes, tempts and rejoices at mistakes. You can go through these gates if you only remember why a person took the path of Magic, working with hidden desires, freeing himself from guilt and resentment, and gaining integrity. Then there will be no need to prove anything to anyone, then the Force will simply flow through and allow you to pass on.

The passage of each and every person takes place individually in time and complexity. But those who have already worked through the human aspects of strength pass through it easier and faster. The hardest thing is for those who are unprepared. There are hundreds, and maybe even thousands, who “called themselves milk mushrooms” (declaring themselves Magi), then tried to escape. Most often, they are overwhelmed by the gates of fear, and they begin to frantically avoid everything related to magic, convincing both themselves and those around them that there is no magic.

Having passed all of the four gates and acquired Magical Power, new challenges open up for the magician. He passes through these gates again and again in a new capacity and with new knowledge. So the magician is constantly forced to work on himself and improve. This is the way of the Magician. But, despite all the complexity and responsibility of this path, being a Magician is great happiness.

Very few people know that a person not only consists of a physical body, but also has energy fields and structures. This is possible for the reason that in operation each cell works on energy and in the process of its work a small energy field is formed, but there are tens of millions of cells and in total they generate some tangible field, and such an energy field forms an energy center. And it turns out that such a field is an indicator of the power and quality of work of organs inside the body. Such an energy center is now commonly called Chakra. Each energy center performs a specific function for the body. There are 7 main centers.


This is possible for the reason that in operation each cell works on energy and produces a small energy charge, but there are tens of millions of cells and in total they generate some tangible field, and such an energy field forms an energy center. And it turns out that such a field is an indicator of the power and quality of work of organs inside the body. Such an energy center is now commonly called Chakra. Each energy center performs a specific function for the body. There are 7 main Chakras. They perform energy functions.

Energy functions of the chakras (Briefly)

The energetic capabilities of the chakras in terms of the energies on which they work. (I recommend writing it down)
7 purple chakra is responsible for connecting to higher layers of information and space. ;
6 blue chakra, is responsible for receiving, processing and displaying information from any range of space, for seeing the path of movement; ;
5 blue chakra, is responsible for the transmission of energy in the sound wave, for expression and creativity; ;
4 green chakra, is responsible for the accumulation and direction of human vital forces, the accumulator of human vital energy; ;
3 yellow chakra, is responsible for a person’s energetic and psychological resistance to external influences; ;
2 orange chakra, is responsible for a person’s desires, aspirations and goals; ;
1 red chakra, is responsible for the physical condition of the entire body. .

This is a simple scheme, but very functional and deep, it is very easy to expand.

What are abilities

Abilities are the development of a person’s energy centers above 75%, and the ability to direct free energy to perform certain tasks that depend on the capabilities of the chakra.

Healing chakra

Fourth chakra is responsible for the accumulation of a person’s vital energy, and it is with the help of this energy, through special healing channels that come from the chakra in the palm of the hand, with the help of the power of awareness, the healer can release energy into space and do work to heal other people and energy forms.

The healer heals with energy. The main energy of the fourth chakra is the energy of life and action.

Creative chakra

Fifth chakra is responsible for a person’s self-expression and his ability to communicate. The more powerful this chakra and the higher the awareness, the more energy a person can put into his words. A prayer read by a person will cleanse to the very depths of the soul. A very strong skill to develop. Most people don't develop it at all.

Vision Chakra

Sixth chakra is responsible for receiving information from space and displaying it. This is a kind of superlocator and the more energy it contains and the higher the control of the mind, the more a person will receive information from greater depths and long distances. Let me remind you that for the perception of information there is a whole set of systems, the chakra is only a super radar.

Types of magical abilities

There are three types of abilities:

  • First view- this is the ability to receive information through information channels and display it in a certain way. It includes clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience (empathy), clairhearing, clairvoyance, clairsmell.
  • Second type- this is the ability of action, it includes the power of words.
  • Third type- These are interaction abilities. This includes healing.

Any other skills are a combination of basic skills or narrow ranges of ability work.

Heart of Abilities

The heart of abilities is its chakra, the main field that generates the body, the maximum power and makes it possible to demonstrate abilities.

Thus, if the level of energy in the Chakra decreases or negativity appears in it, the possibilities will be significantly weakened.

If there is a “breakdown” in the Chakra, then the quality of the results from the abilities will also drop significantly.

Therefore, maintaining the chakras at full size and maximum power comes to the fore in development.

"Fuel" for abilities

The main “fuel” for the operation of any of the abilities is. You can read about energy separately. Energy is most easily perceived as human emotions. The more positive emotions, the more energy a person has, and he will get better results. And vice versa, if a person has lost all his energy, he simply has no emotions, and his results will not only be 0, but negative.

Therefore, the first thing you need to develop any of your abilities and have a good life is to maintain a high level of energy in your body.

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