The method of forming an adverb in the present. Outline of the lesson in the Russian language (Grade 7) on the topic: Ways of forming adverbs

In their meaning, use and formation, adverbs are comparable with other words in the language. First of all, the correlation of adverbs with other parts of speech indicates their origin and method of formation.

Adverbs are correlative with names, pronouns and verbs. Replenishing at the expense of other parts of speech, adverbs do not lose their semantic connection with them.

Examples: to the ground, to one side, above, home, in the summer - correlative with nouns, keep in touch with the meaning of objectivity. / twice, twice, five, three, two - correlative with numerals, retain connection with the meaning of the number. / warmly, beautifully, boldly, highly - correlative with adjectives, retain connection with the meaning of the attribute. / in my opinion, in your opinion - correlative with pronouns. / looking, reluctantly, joking, lying - correlative with verbs, retain connection with the meaning of the action.

The process of formation of adverbs is long, and therefore adverbs do not coincide in time of formation.

As the most archaic group of pronominal adverbs stands out, they have lost their living connection with pronouns in the modern language and have lost their morphological divisibility: here, there, where, then, when, how, so.

In modern language, adverbs are formed in various ways.

The most typical of them are the following:

1) Separation of one of the nominal forms from the inflection system with simultaneous rethinking of it on the basis of the new function of the word: in summer, winter, during the day, in the evening - frozen forms of the instrumental case that are used with the verb.

2) The merging of prepositions with different parts of speech with a simultaneous rethinking of case forms and their transformation (together with prepositions) into separate words: sideways, above, downwards, secretly, scattered, white, twice.

3) Repetition of the word: a) with the addition of the preposition-prefix na- to the form of the adverb: dry-dry, firmly-firmly, soon-hurriedly;

b) there may be an addition of different case forms of the same word:

long ago, black-black, fool fool;

c) there may be a repetition of synonymous forms: fit-for-health, topsy-turvy, unexpectedly;

4) Rethinking the participles by losing the aspectual-temporal and pledge meanings: sitting, lying, immediately, reluctantly, jokingly;

5) Suffix formation of adverbs: wide, melodious, friendly, threatening, twice, thrice.

Adverbs formed from nouns. Among adverbs formed from nouns, non-prepositional and prepositional adverbs stand out.

Unsolicited. This is the most productive group, which is a frozen form of the instrumental singular: step, run, head over heels, furtively.

These forms may differ from nouns with an accent:

Top (adverb) - top (noun).

Krugo'm (adverb) - round (noun)

Adverbs now, today, are immediately formed by combining demonstrative pronouns with accusative and genitive forms of a noun.

Prepositional formations are frozen combinations of various prepositions and forms of indirect cases of nouns.

Example: - prepositions WITH, FROM, TO, FROM, WITHOUT, FROM UNDER, FROM - FOR + the genitive form: from the side, from time immemorial, forever, from birth, without refusal, from below, from abroad;

Prepositions K, PO + dative form: down, in a row, sideways, behind;

Prepositions IN, ON, FOR, UNDER, PRO, ON, O, THROUGH + accusative form: sideways, in appearance, under the force, on the ground, in reserve, on top, too much;

Prepositions FOR, UNDER, WITH + instrumental form: married, at hand, with coolness;

Prepositions B, ON + prepositional form: below, above, in reality

The same prepositions + plural forms: shattered, in the legs, in the hearts.

2) Adverbs formed from numerals. They are relatively few.

From quantitative are formed:

a) with the help of the suffix -zhdy: twice, four times, three times;

b) the frozen form of instrumental case: five, six;

c) the numeral is one in the prepositional case + on-: alone;

From ordinal: genitive and accusative forms + prefixes:

for the first time; at first;

From collective:

a) forms of the accusative case + prefixes in-, on-: twice, in two, in three;

b) the archaic form of the prepositional case + c-: together, three.

c) genitive case forms + prefix na-: for two, for three.

3) Adverbs formed from adjectives and participles. This is the most productive group:

From quality adjectives with the help of suffixes -o, -e: bad, cold, sincere, it seems, easy;

From relative adjectives with the help of suffixes -n- + -o, -e and by simultaneously adding the prefix po-: minute, second, hundred;

From relative adjectives with the help of suffixes –н- + -о, -е, but without the prefix in-: piecework, hourly;

From relative adjectives to –sky, -sky. –ic with the help of the suffix –i (it can be both with the simultaneous addition of the prefix po-, and without the addition of the prefix po-): in German, in Greek, in swine, heroically, fraternally, ironically;

From possessive adjectives into -i with the help of the suffix -i and the prefix in -: like a woman, like a human, like a hare;

From indirect cases of full and short forms of adjectives by adding various prepositions-prefixes: forever, white, light, alive, red-hot, scattered, at random;

From adjectivized real participles of the present tense with the help of the suffix -e: menacingly, defiantly, imploringly;

From passive past participles with the suffix -o:

excited, organized, cohesive.

4) Adverbs formed from verbs. Adverbs of verbal formation represent a relatively small group. They usually come from adjectives. These adverbs can be divided into three groups:

a) adverbs with suffixes -а(-я): reluctantly, lying, sitting, not joking, silently, ahead of time, casually.

Some of these adverbs differ from gerunds in the place of stress: not although (adverb) - not although (germanial); silently (adverb) - silently (germ).

b) adverbs with suffixes -uchi (-yuchi): effortlessly, clover, skillfully;

c) adverbs na –mya in combination with single-root verbs: the roar roars, the swarm swarms, the rain pours.

Such adverbs are used to enhance the meanings of verbs: Tears poured down on the napkin that covered it (G.).

Adverbs are almost never formed from the personal forms of the verb and the infinitive. The exception is the adverb almost (the form of the imperative mood of the verb to honor) and slightly (the lost indefinite form of the verb chuti - to know).

5) Adverbs formed from pronouns.

Adverbs of pronominal origin include:

Adverbs of ancient origin, which in the modern language have lost living connections with pronominal words: where, where, where, when, how, sometimes, everywhere;

Adverbs that etymologically go back to the indirect cases of the pronouns the one that, but have not lost their living derivational connections with them: because, why, for nothing, for nothing, for nothing, why;

Adverbs formed from possessive pronouns in the dative case with the prefix in-: in my opinion, in your opinion, in your opinion.

1. Prefixal(from adverbs): long → not long as → something-how.

2. suffixal: from

- nouns: winter → winter oh ,

- adjectives: good → good about ,

- numerals: three → three waiting ,

- adverbs: good → good enk oh how → how- someday .

3. prefix-suffix: from

- adjectives: new → on-new omu ,

- nouns: top → in top at ,

- numerals: two → in two eat ,

- verbs: catch up→ in catch up ku ,

- adverbs: long→ on duty at .

Addition with suffix: past + walk → mime about move ohm.


1. Didactic materials. Section "Adverb" (Source).

2. Adverb as a part of speech (Source).

3. Adverb as a part of speech (Source).

4. Parts of speech in Russian (Source).


Exercises No. 199, 202, 205. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. – M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

Task number 1. Write the text, insert the missing adverbs, as well as the missing letters. Capital letters indicate the beginning of sentences.

The song began ______, as if she was born somewhere in heaven. ______ the melody broke, the soul became ______ and ______, and the eyes - ______ from the approaching tears. Now ______ breathed steppe air, now ______ clouds were thickening, then light clouds moved ______ to the song, and this made ______ and ______ sing. ______ the song entered into the soul, the eyes opened wide ______, ______, ______ like ______ in childhood. The melody rose ______, ______, carried away ______, and there was no end or beginning for it ...

Reference words:unexpectedly, melodiously, lightly and well, hotly, freshly, ominously, in time, again and again, Willy-nilly, in a new way, in a free way, exactly like a long time ago, up, up, into the distance.

Read the resulting text again. Which version (original or restored) is more picturesque, bright, figurative? Underline in adverbs "difficult" places for spelling.

In this lesson, a detailed plan for the morphological analysis of adverbs is proposed, examples of the analysis of adverbs of various types are given.

Plan of morphological analysis of the adverb

I. Part of speech ( adverb). General grammatical meaning ( denotes a sign of an action, a sign of a sign or a sign of an object). The question that the adverb answers in this sentence.

II. Morphological features.

Permanent morphological features:

1. The category of the adverb

– by function ( significant or pronoun);

– by value – definitive ( mode of action, measure and degree) or adverbial ( place, time, reason, purpose).

2. Immutability.

Variable morphological features ( for attributive adverbs of mode in -o and -e): degree of comparison ( comparative or superlative).

III. The syntactic role of an adverb in a sentence ( what part of the sentence is the adverb - circumstance, definition or predicate).

Sample 1.Guys go fast.

I. Fast- adverb; sign of action. Go (how?) fast.

II. Adverb fast

III. Guys go fast(circumstance).

Sample 2. The best Sasha Vetrov, a student of class 7 "A", coped with the task.

I. The best(initial form - Good) - adverb; sign of action. Managed (how?) Best of all.

II. Adverb Good- significant; definitive, mode of action; immutable.

Adverb Good used in the superlative form the best).

III. The student of class 7 "A" Sasha Vetrov coped best with the task(circumstance).

Plan for the morphological analysis of the predicative adverb

Some scientists name words denoting the state of the subject or the environment and performing the function of a predicate in an impersonal sentence (for example: cold, windy, ashamed),predicative adverbs. The term indicates a distinctive feature of such words - the function of a predicate (predicate) in a sentence. Morphological analysis of adverbs of this type is carried out according to the usual scheme.

Morphological analysis of predicative adverbs

I. Part of speech ( adverb). Total value ( state of the subject or environment). The question that the adverb answers ( what is it?).

II. Morphological features (permanent):

1. The category of the adverb is predicative.

2. Immutability.

III. syntactic role ( predicate).

A number of scientists highlight words like cold, windy, shameful into a separate part of speech status category. If we adhere to this point of view, the scheme of morphological analysis of such words should look like this:

Plan for morphological analysis of the state category

II. Morphological trait (permanent): immutability.

III. Syntactic role: predicate.


1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. – 13th ed. – M.: Bustard, 2009.

2. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. – 34th ed. – M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

3. Russian language. Practice. 7th grade. Ed. S.N. Pimenova - 19th ed. – M.: Bustard, 2012.

4. Lvova S.I., Lvov V.V. Russian language. 7th grade. In 3 hours - 8th ed. – M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.

Lesson Objectivesbe able to select synonyms for adverbs, work on the lexical meaning of the word;



Ways of forming adverbs.

Lesson Objectives : introduce the ways of forming adverbs; check the knowledge about the semantic groups of adverbs obtained in the previous lesson; to work with vocabulary words; atbe able to select synonyms for adverbs, work on the lexical meaning of the word;

be able to form adverbs from adjectives.


1 . Organizing time

2. Checking knowledge. Testing

1 Find the adverb of the manner of action:

A) free b) always;

B) recently d) in the morning.

  1. Find the adverb of time;

a) slightly b) there

c) in the evening; d) hardly.

  1. Find the adverb of place:

a) how much; b) high;

c) why; d) slightly.

  1. Find the reason adverb:

a) a lot; b) amazing;

c) from evil; d) hand to hand.

  1. Find the target adverb:

and there; b) a little

c) instantly; d) in vain.

  1. Find the adverb of measure:

a) a lot; b) by chance;

c) somehow; d) long.

  1. Find a demonstrative adverb:

a) Turkish b) now;

c) there d) absolutely.

  1. Find an indefinite adverb:

a) somewhere b) nowhere

c) there; d) why.

  1. Find the interrogative adverb:

a) nowhere b) where;

c) somewhere d) then.

  1. Find the negative adverb:

a) unbearable; b) nowhere

c) nobody d) none.

  1. A story about the word in a glimpse (individual task according to exercise 201).
  • How a word is formed briefly?
  • How the word is formed back home?

(He points to his home. The adverb arose as a result of the fusion into one word of the phrasein your own way in your villages home.)

  • Orally make up sentences with these words.
  • Write down the words briefly and go back to the dictionaries.
  1. Learning new material

Words are written on the blackboard and students write them in their notebooks.Hot, in the old way, in my opinion, on loan, somewhere, something, firstly, in Russian, simply, at first, slowly, up.

  • Prove that we have adverbs.
  • With what help are they formed (highlight the parts of the words from which the adverbs are formed)?
  • What parts of speech are these words derived from?
  • In what ways?

Writing on the board and in notebooks

Adverbs are formed from independent parts of speech in a prefixed, suffixal and prefixed-suffixal way.


nouns trot trot

(The horse was trotting)

adjectives friendly in a friendly way

numerals two, third twice, third

gerunds joke i'm joking

(Joking and laughing. Mom said this jokingly) pronouns your way

5. Fixing

Exercise 1. Write down phrases as dictated by the teacher. Perform morphemic analysis of words that are spelled the same way.

The girl is beautiful; spoke beautifully. The act is thought out; acted thoughtfully. The girl is frank; answered very frankly. The sea is serene; slept peacefully. The solution is useless; participation is useless. The dress is beautiful; dress nice.

Exercise 2. Cards with the exercise in front of the students. Write down phrases, determine from which parts of speech and with what help these adverbs are formed.

Start over; breathe a sigh of relief; answer clearly; autumn cold; speaks wonderfully; it is dangerous to climb; did it your way; said

Thrice; wiped clean; came together; first met; look askance; read recently; howled like a bear; lives close, still works.

Exercise 3. Choose synonyms for these adverbs. Indicate how the words you have chosen are formed.

Boldly (fearlessly), not bad (good), in vain (useless), humbly (resignedly), not far, (close), suddenly (unexpectedly), quickly (instantly), fragmentary (incoherently), sometimes (occasionally), forever (forever) .

3 da n e 4. Write down the words from dictation. Explain the meaning of these adjectives and form adverbs from them. Which one is recorded- | the words you are talking about is not an adjective? Why?

Preliminary(before something) supposed (permitting the possibility of something), enterprising (energetic, resourceful)representative(prominent, impressive)warning(previously taken measures not allowing anything),disparaging(filled with an arrogant - contemptuous attitude),attractive(positive)privileged(preferential).

- Explain the meaning of the phrasebe in privileged| position.

6. Summing up the lesson

How are adverbs formed and from what parts of speech?

7. Homework

Write a short essay (10 sentences) about the first snowfall, using as many adverbs as possible in the text.

    Lesson type : combined


    During the classes:

    1. Organizing time:


    Psychological mood;

    1. Linguistic workout.
    1. Knowledge update.
    1. (did.material):

    What does the adverb mean?

    Required Answer Only Yes or no.

    1. An adverb is an independent part of speech. (Yes)

    2. Adverb is a service part of speech. (no)

    Who? what? which? what to do? (No)

    Where? where? when? where? why? why? as? (Yes)

    (collective check)

    1. :


    (In the morning- when? - adverb of time; everywhere- where? - adverb of place).

    (collective check)

    1. Speech development .

    (Student answers)

    Multi-level tasks:

______ (whenwherehow?) and blinds the eyes. _____ ( where?) you can see the forest. _____ ( when?) nature is resting.

Reference words:

Level 2: complete phrases with appropriate adverbs, make and write sentences with them.

The sun is shining ( how?), snowflakes are falling ( how?), (when?) to ski, ( where?) float in the sky, ( where?) traces are visible.

3rd level:

The game "The Fourth Extra"

(self-test by key)

  1. Fizminutka

left, right, up, down.

  1. Learning new material.
  1. . Oral class survey:

(prefix, suffix)

a) attachments ( prefixal);

b) suffix ( suffixal);


  1. Studying the textbook material (buzzing reading) given start:

Formation of adverbs


WAYS of education:

  • prefixal
  • suffixal
  • prefixed-suffixal
  • foundation
  • addition of synonyms
  1. Filling the table with examples

cowardly (the adverb is formed from the adjective cowardly in a suffix way)

Hastily (the adverb is formed from the adjective hot ).

  1. Anchoring.
  1. ex. 237 p. 111.

  • Close at hand
  • In the middle of nowhere - far away
  • Like snow on your head - unexpectedly
  • Live soul to soul - amicably, peacefully
  • Lick your fingers - delicious

  1. . (orally)
  1. Reflection.
  1. Homework: par. 30, read the rule, ex. 230, 239
  1. Lesson summary, assessment.

View document content
"Summary of the lesson of the Russian language "Formation of adverbs" in grade 7"

Topic: Formation of adverbs

Goals :

    know the ways and models of the formation of adverbs in the Russian language; be able to determine the method of formation of adverbs;

    develop the skills of morphemic parsing of words;

    develop spelling vigilance, culture of speech of students;

    educate interest in the word and the Russian language in general.

Lesson type : combined

Equipment : didactic materials, spelling dictionary, etymological dictionary, interactive board.

During the classes:

    Organizing time:


Checking the readiness of the class for the lesson;

Psychological mood;

Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    Linguistic workout.

Scanword "Adverb". Find adverbs "hidden" in the cells.

    Knowledge update.

    Work on theoretical issues (did.material):

What part of speech is an adverb?

What does the adverb mean?

What questions does it answer?

What part of the word is missing from the adverb? Why?

What part of the sentence is an adverb?

(mutual verification in the form of an interview)

For a poorly performing student - punch cards with “yes” or “no” answers:

Required Answer Only Yes or no.

1. An adverb is an independent part of speech. (Yes)

2. Adverb is a service part of speech. (no)

3. The adverb changes by gender, number, case, tense. (no)

4. The adverb has no ending. (Yes)

5. Adverb answers questions who? what? which? what to do? ( No)

6. Adverb answers questions (Yes)

(collective check)

    Parsing a sentence :

And in the morning, sparkling and shimmering in the sun, a snow-white blanket of winter lay everywhere.

Recording a sentence under dictation, self-determination of the members of the sentence, followed by verification (1 student at the blackboard).


Explain punctuation marks. (The adverbial phrase is always separated by commas)

Find adverbs, determine their rank by meaning. (In the morning - when? - adverb of time;everywhere - where? - adverb of place).

Find an artistic definition, i.e. epithet. What does this expression mean? (Snow-white blanket = snow)

(collective check)

    Speech development .

Making sentences with adverbs. Selection of suitable adverbs.

What associations do you have with the word "snow"? (Student answers)

Multi-level tasks:

______ (when?) the long-awaited winter has come. _____ ( where?) is fluffy snow. The sun is shining ______ ( how?) and blinds the eyes. _____ ( where?) you can see the forest. _____ ( when?) nature is resting.

Reference words: finally, everywhere, brightly, far away, in winter.

2nd level: complete the phrases with adverbs that are suitable in meaning, compose and write sentences with them.

The sun is shining ( how?), snowflakes are falling ( how?), (when?) to ski, ( where?) float in the sky, ( where?) traces are visible.

3rd level:

Compose a text about winter from 5-6 sentences using adverbs of different meanings.

(control by the teacher of students' statements)

    Repetition of the spelling of adverbs.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

1. Left ..., white ..., naked ..., from afar ....

2. Jump ..., marry ..., back ..., backhand ....

3. Kishmya (swarming), (in) the second, (some) where, (a long time ago).

Which word is missing in each row? Explain why?

(self-test by key)


Perform movements of the eyes, shoulder joint, torso, depicting them in adverbs left, right, up, down.

    Learning new material.

    Repetition of information on word formation . Oral class survey:

What parts of the morpheme (parts of the word) stand out in words? (prefix, root, suffix, ending, word stem)

Which of them are used to form new words? (prefix, suffix)

Name the way of forming new words with the help of:

a) attachments ( prefixal);

b) suffix ( suffixal);

c) prefixes and suffixes together ( prefixed-suffixal);

What parts of speech can adverbs be formed from? (from significant parts of speech)

Reporting the topic of the lesson, writing in notebooks

    Studying the textbook material (buzzing reading) drawing up a reference schema-table given start:

Formation of adverbs

FROM WHAT: (from adjectives, nouns, verbs, numerals, pronouns, adverbs themselves)

WAYS of education:





    addition of synonyms

    Filling the table with examples . Training exercise 228 page 108.

Determine from which part of speech the adverb is formed, in what way.

(explanatory letter, chain execution)

Cowardly (adverb formed from the adjective cowardly in a suffix way)

In the heat of the moment (an adverb formed from an adjective hot prefixed-suffixal way).


    Textbook work. Commented letter ex. 237 p. 111.

Write the sentences by inserting the missing adverbs. Determine how adverbs are formed.

(self-execution with subsequent verification)

    Working with phraseological units . Replace the expression with an adverb. Name the method of education.

    Close at hand

    In the middle of nowhere - far away

    Like snow on your head - unexpectedly

    Live soul to soul - amicably, peacefully

    Lick your fingers - delicious

    Working slipshod - carelessly

    Vocabulary and spelling work.

Write the adverbs in a notebook, place the stresses:

Down to the ground, down the drain, wide open, yesterday, today, tomorrow, unbearable, on the alert, gradually, to smithereens, out.

    The development of speech. Work on the etymology of words . (orally)

Introductory reading of dictionary entries on the origin of words


What new did we learn in the lesson?

What ways of forming adverbs in Russian have we learned?

How should a word be formed?

What did you find most interesting in the lesson?

What did you do best?

    Lesson summary, assessment.

Let's repeat the theme "Adverb"

What part of speech is an adverb?

What does the adverb mean?

What questions does it answer?

What part of the word is missing from the adverb? Why?

What part of the sentence is an adverb?

Let's repeat the theme "Adverb"

What part of speech is an adverb?

What does the adverb mean?

What questions does it answer?

What part of the word is missing from the adverb? Why?

What part of the sentence is an adverb?

Let's repeat the theme "Adverb"

What part of speech is an adverb?

What does the adverb mean?

What questions does it answer?

What part of the word is missing from the adverb? Why?

What part of the sentence is an adverb?

Let's repeat the theme "Adverb"

What part of speech is an adverb?

What does the adverb mean?

What questions does it answer?

What part of the word is missing from the adverb? Why?

What part of the sentence is an adverb?

Let's repeat the theme "Adverb"

What part of speech is an adverb?

What does the adverb mean?

What questions does it answer?

What part of the word is missing from the adverb? Why?

What part of the sentence is an adverb?

Let's repeat the theme "Adverb"

Required Answer Only Yes or no.

1. Adverb is an independent part of speech ____

2. An adverb is a service part of speech._____

3. The adverb changes by gender, number, case, tense _____

4. The adverb has no ending. _____

5. Adverb answers questions who? what? which? what to do? _____

6. Adverb answers questions where? where? when? where? why? why? as? _____


______ (when?) the long-awaited winter has come. _____ ( where?) is fluffy snow. The sun is shining ______ ( how?) and blinds the eyes. _____ ( where?) you can see the forest. _____ ( when?) nature is resting.

Reference words: finally, everywhere, brightly, far away, in winter.


______ (when?) the long-awaited winter has come. _____ ( where?) is fluffy snow. The sun is shining ______ ( how?) and blinds the eyes. _____ ( where?) you can see the forest. _____ ( when?) nature is resting.

Reference words: finally, everywhere, brightly, far away, in winter.


3rd level:

Compose a text about winter from 5-6 sentences using adverbs of different meanings.


2nd level:

The sun is shining ( how?), snowflakes are falling ( how?), (when?) to ski, ( where?) float in the sky, ( where?) traces are visible.


2nd level: complete the phrases with adverbs that are suitable in meaning, compose and write sentences with them.

The sun is shining ( how?), snowflakes are falling ( how?), (when?) to ski, ( where?) float in the sky, ( where?) traces are visible.


2nd level: complete the phrases with adverbs that are suitable in meaning, compose and write sentences with them.

The sun is shining ( how?), snowflakes are falling ( how?), (when?) to ski, ( where?) float in the sky, ( where?) traces are visible.


3rd level:

Compose a text about winter from 5-6 sentences using adverbs of different meanings.


3rd level:

Compose a text about winter from 5-6 sentences using adverbs of different meanings.


3rd level:

Compose a text about winter from 5-6 sentences using adverbs of different meanings.


2nd level: complete the phrases with adverbs that are suitable in meaning, compose and write sentences with them.

The sun is shining ( how?), snowflakes are falling ( how?), (when?) to ski, ( where?) float in the sky, ( where?) traces are visible.


2nd level: complete the phrases with adverbs that are suitable in meaning, compose and write sentences with them.

The sun is shining ( how?), snowflakes are falling ( how?), (when?) to ski, ( where?) float in the sky, ( where?) traces are visible.


In the good old days, when there were no ballpoint pens yet, but they wrote with goose pens and ink, the work of scribes was very painstaking and very responsible. The ink dried for quite a long time, the texts they copied were most often canonical (for example, the Bible, and there the copy had to exactly match the original text ...), so one wrong move - and the ink was smeared on the sheet (that is, smeared) .

Also, the word "smear", that is, "erase what is written" was used by gamblers in the 19th century. Smearing meant erasing chalked data while gambling at cards or destroying debt records. The expression "to go down the drain" means "to deteriorate, to be destroyed."

In the Proto-Slavic language there was a neuter word "tlo", which meant "foundation, earth, soil." Now this word is not in the Russian language, but it has been preserved in related languages ​​- Ukrainian, Serbian, Bulgarian. In Russian there is an adverb down to the ground, which was formed by merging the preposition before with one of the case forms of the noun blight. This word means "to the very foundation" and, by the way, it is used with only one verb - to burn to the ground.

What is a stitch? Stitch - this word in the Slavic language meant "hook, door hinge", open the door stitch - that is, open it to its full extent. Similar words are also preserved in Croatian, Ukrainian and Polish.

Word today formed from the expression "this day, this day" - this day, the one that has come. Previously, words were written separately. In modern Russian, they are perceived as one whole word.

The word "yesterday" is Slavic in origin, it has been used in Russian since the 11th century and means "before today." It is derived from the word evening", which meant " darkness", or " fading". From the genitive case of the word - "evenings" - the word developed yesterday,as if “last evening”, “on the eve of today” (in the Ukrainian language there is a wordyesterday with the same meaning)

It arose as a result of the merger of the preposition on and the noun that disappeared from the language check, meaning "guard", "protection". Literally be alert means to be on guard.

It was formed by the fusion of the combination not into power, where power is the disappeared word in the meaning of "strength, ability, opportunity."

A very interesting word. TOMORROW means "the day after today". The modern form of this word is used in Russian, Bulgarian and Ukrainian. It developed from the Old Slavonic word in the morning . ancient form in the morning arose from a combination of the preposition per and noun. morning in the genitive. This combination expressed the meaning of time - “in the morning, early”, “what follows after the morning” or “the next day”.

With a word morning also related noun. h breakfast (formerly morning) -"morning meal"

The original Russian word, formed by the fusion of the preposition NA with the noun RUZHA, which disappeared from the language, where ruzha meant "appearance, appearance", this word is still known in dialects.


In Old Russian, the noun chatter used in the meaning of "shard", "shard". The words “rattle”, “crush” also came from this noun. From the word "bounce" in the plural with the preposition "in" an adverb was formed to smithereens.

Formed by adding the preposition from under with the genitive case of the singular noun will and literally meant "from under the will, against the will."

Scanword "Adverb". Find "hidden" adverbs in the cells






































































To identify the adverb on this basis, you need to remember the following classification. There are circumstantial and definitive adverbs. The first group includes words denoting:

Mode of action: "to live truly" or "to do just that";
- the measure and degree of something: “a little to think” or “sit down three times”;
- the time of some action: "see you later" and "he came in the morning";
- place: "fight" or "shop to the right";
- the reason for something: "to say hastily" or "the enemy willy-nilly";
- goal: "to do on purpose" or "to do it intentionally."

In the second group of adverbs:
- quality (“scary”, “fast” or “brutal”);
- (“little”, “little” or “twice”);
- method and mode of action ("backward", "gallop" or "swim");
- comparisons and likenings ("like a peasant", "as before" or "in a friendly way");
- aggregates ("together", "" or "nationwide").

At the same time, qualitative and significant adverbs formed from similar adjectives can be determined by separate parts of the word.

For qualitative, the comparative degree is formed using the suffixes “-ey”, “-she” and “-e”: “do a better job”, “pay less”, as well as with the help of a certain auxiliary word that is combined with the original form of the adverb: “ more powerful" or "more vile". Excellent - with the help of the suffixes "-eysh" and "-aysh" ("lowest" or "humbly ask"); by analytical combination of the word with the original form (“the most terrible”), as well as by combination with the word “all” (“best of all”).

With significant things, everything is somewhat simpler. Adverbs should name a sign, but not point to it. For example, "howl like a wolf."

Detection of adverbs by the method of formation

There are three main methods and one more additional.

Main ways:
- suffixal is characterized by formation from the original adjective - for example, "slowly" from "slow" or "friendly" and "";
- prefixed-suffixal - for example, "full" and "full", as well as "dry" and "dry";
- prefix - “bad” and “not bad”, as well as “from where” and “from nowhere”.

An additional way of forming an adverb is an addition of various types:
- the addition of whole words - "barely and barely" and "barely";
- addition with the element "half-" - for example, the words "half-sitting", "half-standing" or "reclining";
- addition using suffixes or prefixes together with suffixes - from “past” and “walk” it is formed “in passing”, and from “strength” and prefixes the word “

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