Famous people born on December 21

Fate: To people born on this day, the planets give a lot of talent, determination and strong character. They are endowed with determination and ambition. These individuals differ from others in their strong and categorical views on life. A certain amount of authority and despoticism towards others allows them to manifest themselves in the most unexpected situations, when urgent and decisive measures are needed. People born on December 18 are able to overcome any obstacles to fulfill their plans and usually achieve a high financial and social position. They make famous scientists and talented politicians.

Birthday secret: People born on December 18th are individuals with a special worldview. They are endowed with a strong and rational character, strong morally and physically, ready to take risks and win. They are very indifferent to material well-being and money, actively help everyone in trouble, donate large sums to various institutions, and, if there is no money, help with their work and advice.

These natures often develop grandiose plans and make bold decisions. They know how to control the situation and never miss even the smallest details when implementing projects. People born on December 18 are bright personalities who amaze others with their achievements and global scale. They are not deterred by failures; they view them as learning experiences and move forward with purpose. Individuals born on December 18 never stop halfway; they do not have unfinished or abandoned work, processes or other undertakings. They consider failure to fulfill their promises to be dishonest and shameful. In matters of love and family, those born on this date are also responsible and principled. This approach to personal relationships is often one-sided and often leads to a break.

In the family, such individuals often dominate and suppress their marriage partner. Often focusing only on their problems, they do not see what is going on in the souls of loved ones and friends. Their own world and head are filled mainly with colossal ideas and options for solving them. They strive for freedom and direct all their powerful energy to the implementation of plans. People born on December 18th are good parents. However, they must understand that children should not only be raised, but also given a little independence.

Sometimes, among people born on this date, there are those who do not have sufficient knowledge to decide on their large-scale plans, but pride does not allow them to understand this. They need to compare their strengths and direct energy towards achieving more achievable goals, to determine the area in which the potential given by nature will manifest itself more clearly. Obviously, everyone born on this date of the month needs an incentive to implement their projects and achieve success: a faithful, loving and understanding partner. These people are extremely in need of warmth, sensitivity and participation.

Health: People born on December 18 should avoid excessive physical labor and nervous tension. They must understand that constant rush jobs at work, domestic scandals, lack of fresh air, and lack of sleep can lead them to a nervous breakdown and other diseases of the body. People born on December 18 are most susceptible to mental and emotional exhaustion. To avoid such health problems, you should clearly plan your daily routine and set more precise priorities. In the lives of individuals associated with this date of birth, close relationships with family and faithful helpers will be important moments. They need to periodically undergo medical diagnostics of their organs and visit a psychotherapist or psychologist on time during periods of emotional fatigue. Periodically, proper rest, proper nutrition and daily exercise can relieve any tension and stress.

Advice: Relax more often with pleasant people and friends. Remove the mask of arrogance and be simpler. Be more attentive to your loved ones and family.

December 19th

Fate: Fate gives natures born on this day the opportunity to create their own lives on their own. Endowed with a strong, courageous and sincere character, they extremely love freedom, hate lies, and look at everything with optimism. They form their own views, are used to trusting people, but intuitively sense the slightest pitfalls. Naturally intelligent, but sometimes extremely impatient and restless, these people can lose control of themselves if the result of their work does not live up to expectations. Often, lack of self-control of character distances them from success, which less talented partners take advantage of. People born on December 19 must cultivate patience and willpower, since without these qualities they will not be able to achieve success in life. Using their talents and mental abilities, they always know how to earn money.

Birthday secret: People born on December 19 differ from other individuals in their active life position, which is expressed in ideological adherence to principles and upholding their opinions, the inseparability of word and deed. Often entering into a discussion, they argue heatedly and do not find a common language with their opponents. People born on this day do not know how to put on a mask of pretense and hypocrisy; they are principled in any situation. They masterfully overcome any difficulties, which earns the genuine admiration of others. These individuals radiate optimism in any situation; hope always lives in their souls. The ability to remain “yourself”, to have your own criteria and value system, makes people born on December 19 extraordinary individuals in society. Their generosity is manifested towards others in everything: in thoughts, in actions, in time.

These natures are enterprising, and having failed, they take up the matter with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. In any task they show maximum energy and never waste time. They do not tolerate coercion or power over themselves. Defeat may bring them suffering, but it will never break their fighting spirit. The positive thinking of these people helps them not only win, but move towards success, which, as it seems to everyone around them, is predetermined for these individuals by fate itself. However, in the lives of individuals born on December 16, the greatest battle takes place in their soul with their inner voice. Some people born on this day may be subject to bouts of depression or apathy due to emotional or physical stress. This depletes their body and energy, suppresses spiritual strength. Other individuals, on the contrary, show excessive emotionality and aggression, impulsiveness and inappropriate actions. Such negative manifestations in behavior are a sign that speaks of complexes buried deep in their subconscious.

Spilling out your negative emotions on your family and others causes protest, resentment and resistance from people. Often relatives and friends of natures who were born on a given date become irritated and indignant at their lack of concentration and absent-mindedness. However, the originality of these individuals, their strong natural aspirations, attracts different categories of people to them, including young people, who consider relationships with such persons extremely interesting, romantic or prestigious for themselves. People born on December 19th are very fond of the company of people with whom they can communicate at ease. The high communication skills of these individuals allow them to conduct a conversation on any topic. In communication, they usually occupy a dominant position. In case of a quarrel, these people never hold a grudge for long. Sometimes irony and ridicule creep into relationships with them. A distinctive feature of these people is the expression of complete seriousness on their faces even in moments of jokes. They love to please others and put a lot of effort into this.

Health: People born on December 19 are often accompanied by periodic nervous breakdowns caused by psychological problems associated with restlessness and impatience of character and behavior. Loss of strength and depression often plague less powerful people. Decisive and strong people with an active life position are usually not threatened by this. Individuals born on December 19 should avoid self-medication, as this approach to health can only increase depression. Only competent help and support from doctors will relieve these individuals from illness and painful condition. It is very important for these people to abstain from drinking alcohol and drugs throughout their lives, as they have a high chance of becoming dependent on these addictions. To maintain their nervous system in a healthy tone, people born on this date should get more and more complete rest, walk and breathe fresh air, do physical exercise, sports, yoga and watch their diet. For them, a very important factor in their well-being will be a harmonious relationship with their marriage partner and friendship with true friends.

Advice: Be patient and don't get discouraged by failures. Cultivate willpower in yourself. Communicate more with pleasant people and don’t lock yourself away. Be more sociable and collected. Look for compromises. Smile and laugh more!

20th of December

21 December

Fate: Those born on December 21 are very expansive, romantic, but unsure of their abilities and themselves. Excessive suspiciousness and fixation on their shortcomings sometimes provoke depression and self-pity in them. Low self-esteem, as a rule, gives rise to fear of making mistakes, indecision and inability to quickly respond to a situation. They need to be able to define realistic goals for themselves and strive to achieve them, no matter what. Only confidence and determination help overcome difficulties. To become resilient and prosperous, they should look at the difficulties that arise as small exercises and tests to train their strength.

Birthday secret: People born on December 21 are endowed with the unique ability and ability to use their power of silence for the right purposes. The silence they exhibit in some situations serves as a powerful communication tool for those around them. The ability to remain silent when required is an art and a rare character trait. With the help of their self-control, people born on December 21 can achieve greater results in negotiations and dialogues than emotional speakers. Arguments and bickering are useless with these individuals. It often seems to others that behind the silence of people born on this day hides an invisible and unpredictable force that can break out at any moment and crush everything in its path. Therefore, they communicate with them with great delicacy, fearing to provoke sudden aggression in these individuals.

“Silent people” born on December 21, thus, often achieve their goals and calmly control the process of bringing them to life. Unfortunately, the lack of communication and uncertainty of individuals who appeared on this day can cause problems when communicating not only with colleagues, friends, but also with people close to them. The “closed” soul of these individuals often contributes to the emergence of omissions, which in turn causes feelings of distrust, hostility and suspicion towards them. That is why people born on December 21 are often left alone. These natures do not like to dedicate anyone to their personal life. As a rule, the inner world, their innermost thoughts and fantasies are inaccessible, but they actively form the external side of their lives, making a selection of friends based on their personal sympathies and criteria.

They have a burning desire to control people. However, individuals born on December 21 are extremely romantic in nature, they are capable of very strong and deep feelings, touching and tender relationships with loved ones. These natures usually naturally have good physical strength and strong energy. They love to play with small children and love animals. Individuals born on December 21 are able, through non-verbal communication with people, and thanks to their developed intuition, to create the impression of themselves as a strong and confident person. They are often guided in life by the principle: “Whoever is not with me is against me!” People born on this date need to learn to forgive their offenders and try to be tolerant of others. To achieve spiritual growth, they must exercise their ability to love selflessly without fear of rejection; become more confident and decisive, clearer and more “transparent”. People born on this date need to remember that their excessive desire to be the best can lead to feelings of envy, aggression and hostility, which can destroy and destroy them.

Health: People born on December 21 often struggle with stress that is directly related to their activities and frequent sharp statements about them. Sometimes, with unfulfilled desires, they may be visited by depression or melancholy. Often, due to accumulated resentment and anger, they have outbursts of aggression and anger. This category of people needs sexual expression and admiration for them. They should choose a partner who could give them not only their care and love, but also complete physiological satisfaction. The diet for people born on December 21 should be gentle and ideally balanced. A lack of vitamins and microelements causes problems with skin, hair and teeth. To avoid excess weight, they should reduce the consumption of all sweets, especially baked goods, and also limit fatty and high-calorie foods in their diet. It is also necessary to strictly control the consumption of alcoholic beverages and psychotropic medications. Physical education or sports will help strengthen the whole body and help cope with any emotional or stressful situations. Activities that are especially useful for them are: running, swimming, aerobics, yoga, or horseback riding.

Advice: You should learn to be more diplomatic in relationships. Learn to be more confident in your actions. Cast aside doubts and trust people more often. Don’t lock yourself in your own world, communicate more and enjoy life. Don't try to be better in everything: this can only harm you and revive envy. Don't demand too much from people.

December 21 is a mystical date on which individuals were always born, during whose life and after their death they were necessarily classified as either geniuses or villains. What is the difference between them? Skeptics say: winners are considered geniuses, losers are considered villains.

In any case, no one is indifferent to them even decades and centuries after death: they are either still admired or despised, so colorful and unusual for contemporaries were these personalities in our history.

Who was born on the mystical day of December 21 and whether these people have anything in common: Joseph Stalin and Marshals Konstantin Rokossovsky and Pyotr Koshevoy, Giovanni Boccaccio, analysts of the "" and "" sections of the investor magazine "Stock Leader" looked into it.

Who was born on the mystical day of December 21 and do these people have anything in common?

Joseph Stalin(9 (21) December 1879 - 1953). Mysteries begin from the very moment he was born. First of all,
- the true date of birth of Joseph Dzhugashvili is not known to anyone. She is hiding purely for magical purposes.
- question: who is his father. Either a Russian employee from the Arkhangelsk artel, where Ekaterina Georgievna, Joseph’s mother, worked at that time in Gori. Either - N.M. Przhevalsky, who was in love with the beautiful Catherine, who worked as a maid in the house of the famous traveler.
- according to third sources, the gypsy recommends that he hide his real date of birth. After all, this is an ancient secret of how to confuse enemies when they set out to unravel the fate and secrets of personality through astrology. From that time on, Joseph began to indicate a new date in all documents - December 21 - the mystical day of the winter solstice.

It is possible that Stalin possessed unusual magical skills and powers. Thus, in the work “Rose of the World”, Andreev Daniil narrates that the leader went to bed only in the morning, pursuing the goal of achieving hokhkha - a state of trance that allows you to see the astral world in all its multi-level forms. Indeed, Stalin worked a lot, to say at least that he read about five hundred book pages a day.

No one really knows what happened and, alas, no one will ever know. As a result, any comparison of Stalin with Vladimir Putin, or the Russian opposition (Alexei Navalny, Garry Kasparov, Boris Nemtsov, etc.) always ends in one thing - the complete victory of Stalin’s supporters.

Mikhail Nikolozovich Saakashvili(born December 21, 1967). For
- some are a national hero - the leader of the peaceful Rose Revolution of 2004.
- for other Georgians - a loser who allowed an actual collapse with secession and (republics not recognized either by Georgia or by most countries of the world, including, etc.)
- a political adventurer, ready for the sake of the United States to push his people into a war against Russia - the opinion of the majority of politicians in modern Russia (Saakashvili is persona non grata in the Russian Federation).

Head of state of Georgia from January 2004 to November 2007, and from January 20, 2008, chairman of the United National Movement faction, one of the leaders of the “Rose Revolution”, as a result of which Eduard Shevardnadze was removed from power.

Georgian diplomat and politician, leader of the Georgian opposition political organization “Alliance for Georgia” /since February 2009/ and the “Ours - Free Democrats” faction /since July 2009/, previously served as Ambassador of Georgia to the United Nations since September 11 2006 to December 4, 2008. From February 2009 - to the President of Georgia - Mikheil Saakashvili.

Konstantin Rokossovsky(born December 21, 1896 - 1968). Marshal of the Soviet Union /1944/, Marshal of Poland /1949/. Commanded the 1945 Victory Parade.
He is twice Hero of the Soviet Union /1944, 1945/. According to a number of historians, he is the most outstanding commander of the Great Patriotic War, who was unfairly relegated to the background in the shadow of Konev, Zhukov, Vasilevsky, Malinovsky and other marshals of the Soviet Union.

The leader only called him and Marshal Boris Shaposhnikov by their first names and patronymics.

Pyotr Koshevoy (December 8 (21), 1904 - 1976), Marshal of the Soviet Union, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (May 16, 1944, April 19, 1945), whose name is almost forgotten today. Reason: Pyotr Koshevoy was the only commander of the district (Kyiv), ready to support the then leader of the USSR N. Khrushchev in October 1964 during the Kremlin conspiracy led by L. Brezhnev (the only Marshal whom the conspirators did not dare approach). According to a number of historians, it was this reason that became the reason for Koshevoy’s burial in 1976 at the Novodevichy cemetery, and not at the Kremlin wall, like all the Marshals of the Soviet Union before him. (the first of the USSR marshals).

According to Marshal Bagramyan, Koshevoy is his most talented subordinate, “military number one,” who never pursued a career and was proud of the fact that he was the only Marshal who never served in Moscow. Commander of the troops of the Siberian Military District (1957-1960), then the Kyiv Military District (1960-1965).

Giovanni Boccaccio- famous Italian writer, poet. Giovanni Boccaccio is the author of a number of mythological and historical works in Latin. The main work that immortalized his name was his famous “Decameron,” which is an overly daring creation even seven centuries after it was written. About which other writer, after 7 centuries, can they write something similar?

Giovanni Boccaccio died on December 21, 1375 in Certaldo at the age of approximately sixty-two years

Vsevolod Vishnevsky- Bolshevik, hero of the civil war, who became a famous writer and playwright of the Stalinist era of the USSR, his plays “The First Horse,” “We are from Kronstadt,” “Optimistic Tragedy” (1933) were included in the school curriculum:
- persecutor of Mikhail Bulgakov and Mikhail Zoshchenko. It was Vsevolod Vishnevsky who became the character “Mstislav Lavrovich” in the novel “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov;
- defender of Mandelstam (supported him with money in exile in conditions when everyone abandoned him), being the editor of the magazine "Znamya" he began publishing poems by the disgraced Anna Akhmatova and the writer Moscow does not believe in tears " / 1979 / etc. For communication in 1945 with the American diplomat Jackson Tate was repressed /1946-1955/, from whom in 1946 she gave birth to a daughter, Victoria, who subsequently moved to her father in America in 1976.

On December 11, 1981, after 2 p.m., Zoya Fedorova was shot in the back of the head in her own 3-room apartment. The murder has not been solved to date.
Among his probable motives is the artist’s alleged involvement in secret KGB operations (there were rumors of involvement in the KGB murder), as well as her connection with the so-called “diamond mafia,” which consisted mainly of close relatives and Soviet high-ranking officials.

Jane Fonda was born on December 21, 1937 - the most titled American actress, the founder of aerobics, winner of 2 Oscars (Klute, Julia) and 5 more Oscar nominations, 11 (!) Golden Globes ", 6 nominations for a BAFTA award, 2 EMMY awards, etc.

On this day, dozens more famous people were born: writer Yuri Belyaev and Russian show business star Anfisa Chekhova, Nobel Prize laureate geneticist Meller and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin (the only Deputy Prime Minister in Russian history who is not a foreign minister who owns 6 foreign languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Ukrainian and Czech), opera singer Ivan Kozlovsky and physicist Routh Brown (founder of the theory of Brownian motion) and many other famous people.

Is it a coincidence?

The editorial board of the "Russian news" department of the "Stock Leader" magazine, together with experts from the Masterforex-V Academy, are conducting a survey in the Investor Discussion Club: is the date of these people related to each other?
- yes, these are great people, for some they are geniuses, for others they are villains;
- these are random coincidences.

December 17, 2012 20:29

The day of the great mystery.

December 21st celebrity birthday- politician Joseph Stalin, actress Julie Delpy, actor Samuel Jackson, football coach Vladimir Gutsaev

Personality of Sagittarius born on December 21st- On December 21, people are born who know how to use silence for their own purposes. Their main weapon is the language of the soul, with the help of which they state their demands in such a way that it is impossible to refuse them.

By suddenly falling silent at turning points in a conversation, people whose birthday is December 21 achieve a much greater impact on their interlocutors than if they continued talking, trying to prove something. It may seem to others that behind their silence there is some sinister force that can break out at any moment, so those born on the Day of the Great Mystery are usually treated with caution, for fear of provoking a volcanic eruption. Unfortunately, the feeling of insecurity that arises when interacting with these people can easily spread to their friends, which contributes to tension in the relationship and sometimes leads to a complete breakup. That is why those born on December 21 often have difficulty maintaining friendly feelings and go through life, leaving a trail of broken hearts in their wake.

People whose birthday is December 21, as a rule, prefer not to talk about themselves and do not like to answer questions regarding their personal life. They are extremely secretive in everything that concerns their fantasies and inner life, but are nevertheless able to persistently and powerfully project their fantasies onto the world around them, thus shaping their environment. Their desire and ability to manage people is very great. Most people around them prefer to communicate with them exactly as they wish, mainly in order not to piss them off and not give them a reason to show their worst side. Despite all this, those born on December 21 are capable of touchingly warm relationships with those they love.

What kind of people are whose zodiac sign is December 21? Both men and women born on this day usually have great physical strength and good control of their body both when moving and at rest. Additionally, they are fond of small children and/or animals; this love is sometimes even capable of temporarily overshadowing their adult affairs and interests. By the way, it is in such relationships that those born on December 21 could find wide scope for expressing their highly developed intuition and ability for non-verbal communication.

“He who is not with me is against me” - this phrase is too often the principle of action for all those born on December 21st. They should learn to forgive and be more tolerant of others, and also begin to use their ability to love tenderly in life. For effective spiritual growth, they should get rid of the fear of being rejected, avoid suspiciousness and indecision in actions, and cool down their immoderate desire to be the subject of admiration.

Advice for Sagittarians born on December 21- Become more open - less secrets! Trust others. Don't build internal barriers. Your fantasies can be dangerous. Don't be overly demanding of others.

People born on December 21 are distinguished by their impulsiveness and emotionality. They are contradictory personalities with difficult characters. In this article we will try to answer the question of people born on December 21: “Which zodiac sign is dominant on this day of the calendar?”

Characteristics of Sagittarius

The zodiac sign Sagittarius belongs to the fire signs, which are characterized by extravagance, variability and logical thinking.

Representatives of this sign are sociable, cheerful and sociable people. They are always ready to break away from their “familiar place” and go to conquer unknown distances.

Sagittarians have certain character traits: goodwill, cheerfulness, straightforwardness, honesty and sincerity. These people are also distinguished by their determination, courage and strong character. Sometimes representatives of this sign can show harshness and tactlessness, but you should not hold a grudge against them, because Sagittarians do this without malicious intentions.

Sagittarians are capable of experiencing strong unrest because of their position in society. They always strive to make only a good impression, and are endowed with the ability to teach and mentor others.

Representatives of this zodiac sign (Sagittarius) know how to defend their rights and earn respect in society.

Sagittarius Woman

Representatives of the fair sex, born under the sign of Sagittarius, are endowed with straightforwardness, friendliness and openness. They have an easy-going and cheerful character, so they never lack communication.

These women are rarely visited by sadness and bad mood; from the outside it may seem that problems always pass them by. Sagittarius women always know what they want from life; thanks to their inexhaustible optimism, they can achieve any goal without much difficulty.

Female representatives born under the sign of Sagittarius can easily convince any interlocutor and impose their opinion on him. They are full of energy, always on the move, and strive to help even strangers. As a result of this behavior, women of this sign may experience conflict situations in relationships with loved ones. Social life for Sagittarius women can sometimes come to the fore.

Sagittarius man

Men born under the sign of Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) are usually liked by the fairer sex, and by everyone around them. They are romantic, laid-back and sincere people.

Communicating with these men is quite interesting; they can reveal their own fantasies and ideas, and captivate you with their philosophical reasoning. Representatives of the Sagittarius sign are distinguished by their emotionality, mobility and activity, and willingly take on new things.

A passion for adventure and conquering the unknown leads to the appearance of various hobbies in the lives of Sagittarius men. These representatives of the stronger sex tend to embellish all their activities, this motivates them to actively move forward to new achievements in life.

December 21 (zodiac sign: characteristics)

On this day in December, strong-willed people are born who are able to direct their energy in the right direction, pursuing the realization of their goal. Sagittarians born on this day have the amazing secret of using silence to their advantage.

By abruptly stopping the conversation at certain moments, they are able to achieve a stunning effect on their interlocutors. It sometimes seems to those around them that behind their silence there lurks an incomprehensible force, ready to spill out at any moment. In some cases, this perception of people celebrating their birthday on December 21 (zodiac sign - Sagittarius) can lead to tension in business and personal relationships.

As a result, Sagittarians born on this winter day can go through life breaking the hearts of numerous fans.

Representatives of the male and female sexes who were born on December 21 are distinguished by their physical strength and ability to perfectly control their body. They are especially affectionate towards small children and animals.

Health of Sagittarius born on this day

People born on December 21 are often subject to stress associated with their activities and caustic remarks from others. Often, due to accumulated negative emotions, they can lose their temper, becoming aggressive individuals.

Sagittarius born on this day are advised to pay close attention to their diet. It must be balanced and contain all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the body. To avoid extra pounds, these people should limit the inclusion of foods high in fat and calories, as well as sweets, in their diet.

Those born on December 21 (the zodiac on this day is preparing to move into the constellation Capricorn) must keep the consumption of alcohol-based drinks and medications that have a psychotropic effect under strict control. They can benefit from sports and moderate physical activity.


Men and women born on December 21 have a real chance to succeed in scientific and any other work. But in order to succeed in the profession, these people should choose a field of activity in which work will bring them pleasure.

If Sagittarians born on December 21 (the day when Sagittarius borders on Capricorn) do not like work, in spiritual terms, despite material rewards, fatigue and dissatisfaction may be their constant companions in life. This circumstance can make these people lazy and inert, and also lead them to degradation. Work under compulsion and only for earnings is not suitable for individuals born on this winter day.

Affairs on the love front

Love for those individuals who were born on December 21 seems to be a field of endless battle. Only they usually fight for them, and not themselves. Due to their special attractiveness, these people always have many fans.

The fact that someone is trying to gain their sympathy, needs them and constantly thinks about them helps people born on December 21st to increase their self-esteem. When the time comes to make a choice, it sometimes confuses them. It is especially difficult for representatives of the fairer sex.

Birthday girls of this day tend to rely more on reason than on feelings, and this is not always correct when choosing a soul mate. In each applicant, over time, they can find significant shortcomings and experience disappointment. Women born on this day should not rush things, and true love will definitely come to them.

Distinctive features of birthday people on December 21

Males born on this winter day are progressive, decent people who easily adapt. These men can sometimes show persistence and even aggressiveness; no obstacles on the way to their goal can stop them.

Relationships with men born on December 21 are filled with brightness and emotionality, but they are difficult to bind with any obligations. Representatives of the fair sex who are in love with them, in order to keep the men of their dreams, should be wise and inventive individuals.

Women born on December 21 are distinguished by truthfulness, spontaneity and fearlessness. In relationships with the opposite sex, they do not tolerate the leading position of men. The hearts of such women can be won by charismatic representatives of the stronger sex, who can make a worthy match for them.

People celebrating their birthday on December 21 (the Sagittarius sign gives them special power) would do well to pacify their desire to be leaders in all areas of life and become more patient with the people around them. They need to learn to fight their fears and suspiciousness, overcome internal barriers, and then all the dreams of these bright personalities can come true.

On this page you will learn about the significant dates of the winter day of December 21, what famous people were born on this December day, what events took place, we will also talk about folk signs and Orthodox holidays of this day, public holidays of different countries from all over the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events have taken place over the centuries, each of them was remembered for something, December 21 was no exception, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays of famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. You and I should always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and social development.

The twentieth day of December left its indelible mark on history; events and memorable dates, as well as those who were born on this autumn day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the twentieth winter day of December, December 21, what events and memorable dates it was marked and remembered for, who was born, folk signs characterizing the day and much more that you should know about, it’s just interesting to know.

Who was born on December 21 (twenty-first)

Emmanuel Macron (French: Emmanuel Macron). Born December 21, 1977 in Amiens. French banker and politician. In 2014-2016, Minister of Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs. French presidential candidate in the 2017 elections. President of France since 2017.

Olga Alexandrovna Aroseva. Born on December 21, 1925 in Moscow - died on October 13, 2013 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1984).

Anfisa Chekhova (real name Alexandra Aleksandrovna Korchunova). Born on December 21, 1977 in Moscow. Russian TV presenter, singer and actress.

Konstantin Konstantinovich (Ksaverevich) Rokossovsky (Polish: Konstanty Rokossowski; December 9, 1896, Warsaw, Kingdom of Poland, Russian Empire - August 3, 1968, Moscow, USSR) - Soviet and Polish military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1944), Marshal of Poland (1949) . Commanded the Victory Parade. One of the greatest commanders of World War II. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1944, 1945).

Jean Baptiste Racine (French Jean-Baptiste Racine, December 21, 1639 - April 21, 1699) - French playwright, one of the three outstanding playwrights of France in the 17th century, along with Corneille and Moliere, author of the tragedies "Andromache", "Britannicus", "Iphigenia" ", "Phaedra".

Frank Vincent Zappa (December 21, 1940 – December 4, 1993) was an American composer, singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, songwriter, experimental musician, and sound and film director.

Charlie Cox (12/21/1982 [London]) - British theater and film actor;

Mikheil Saakashvili (12/21/1967 [Tbilisi]) - 2nd President of Georgia, Governor of Odessa;

Alessandro Dell'Acqua (12/21/1962 [Naples]) - fashion designer;

Alexander Kharchikov (12/21/1949) - songwriter and performer of original songs;

Mira Koltsova (12/21/1938 [Moscow]) - People's Artist of the USSR, artistic director and chief choreographer of the State Academic Choreographic Ensemble "Beryozka";

Jane Fonda (December 21, 1937 [New York]) - American film actress;

Phil Donahue (12/21/1935 [Cleveland]) - formerly popular TV presenter and media personality;

Zoya Fedorova (December 21, 1909 [St. Petersburg] - December 10, 1981 [Moscow]) - Soviet film actress;

Grigory Yeghiazaryan (12/21/1908 [v. Bloor] - 11/04/1988 [Yerevan]) - Armenian Soviet composer, People's Artist of the USSR;

Mikhail Kedrov (December 21, 1893 [Moscow] - March 22, 1972 [Moscow]) - Russian Soviet theater director, actor, teacher;

Hermann Joseph Möller (12/21/1890 [New York] - 04/05/1967 [Indianapolis]) - American geneticist, student of Thomas Hunt Morgan, Nobel Prize laureate in physiology or medicine (1946);

Evgraf Osipov (12/21/1841 [Bugulma] - 1904 [Moscow]) - Russian doctor, one of the founders of zemstvo medicine and sanitary statistics;

Benjamin Disraeli (21.12.1804 [London] - 19.04.1881 [London]) - Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1868 and 1874-80, leader of the Conservative Party, writer;

Robert Brown (12/21/1773 [Montrose] - 06/10/1858 [London]) - Scottish botanist who discovered the random movement of tiny particles in a liquid or gas under the influence of impacts from environmental molecules, which was called "Brownian motion";

Gottlob Totleben (12/21/1715 - 03/20/1773) - Russian general, famous for the occupation of Berlin in October 1760;

Jack Rackham (12/21/1682 [London] - 11/17/1720 [Jamaica]) was a famous pirate of the early 18th century.

Dates December 21

Turkmenistan celebrates the Day of Remembrance of Turkmenbashi, the first President Saparmurat Niyazov

The islands of Sao Tome and Principe celebrate Sao Tome Day

In the Netherlands, Finland and Guatemala they celebrate St. Thomas Day

According to the folk calendar, this is Anfisa Rukodelnits A

Christians celebrate the memory of Anfisa of Rome on this day. The girl suffered in the 5th century for Christianity.

Anfisa was originally the wife of a Roman dignitary and professed Christianity. One fine day, the mayor’s wife invited Anfisa to accept Arian baptism.

At that time, Arianism denied the unity of God and Jesus. Anfisa refused and, following the woman’s slander, was burned at the stake.

On this day:

in 1192, the great Richard the Lionheart was captured by Duke Leopold

in 1375, Giovanni Boccaccio, Italian writer, author of the unforgettable work "The Decameron" died

Radium was discovered by the Curies in 1898

in 1899 the first issue of the magazine "Ogonyok" was published in Russia

In 1913, the New York World newspaper published the first crossword puzzle in history, to the delight of readers, its author turned out to be journalist Arthur Wynne

In 1937, Disney's first full-length animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, was released.

American writer Francis Scott Fitzgerald, author of The Great Gatsby, died in 1940.

in 1958, the writer Lion Feuchtwanger, who wrote novels about the life of “Goya” and “The Jew Suess”, died

in 1991, instead of the USSR, the Commonwealth of Independent States arose in the post-Soviet space

in 1993, Ivan Kozlovsky, a lyric tenor who knew how to perfectly perform love songs, died

in 2007, 9 new EU members were admitted to the Schengen agreement on a visa-free regime - the Baltic states, countries of Eastern Europe and Malta

In 2012, the record holder for views on the YouTube channel was the video of the Korean artist PSY - Gangnam Style.

Events of December 21

Plans for the Crusade created conflicts between Richard the Lionheart and Duke Leopold V of Austria. They could not decide who would lead the campaign, as well as divide the island of Cyprus into spheres of influence. In the midst of the battles between the crusaders and the Egyptian army, Leopold V and King Philip II Augustus of France left the camp and returned home.

Richard continued the fighting, but was unable to recapture Christian shrines from the Muslims. The peace concluded in 1192 with the Gentiles forced him to recognize his ally Conrad of Montferrat as the king of Jerusalem, which was considered Christian. Subsequently, Leopold V captured Richard himself and asked for a huge ransom for him. Huge compensation was collected and paid, and Lionheart was released.

December 21, 1610 - murder of the impostor False Dmitry II, pretender to the Russian throne

Before the first impostor False Dmitry 1 had time to die in the Polish-Lithuanian state, False Dmitry 2 appears, whose real name and origin are unknown. 3,000 people united around him, and the army defeated the troops of the legitimate ruler Vasily Shuisky.

The composition of the army was motley and varied - adventurers, Ukrainian Cossacks, South Russian nobles, the remnants of Ivan Bolotnikov's army. A year later, they were joined by 7,000 Poles and Cossacks, then the Tatar troops of Khan Uraz-Magomet and Prince Peter Urusov, who converted to Christianity.

False Dmitry 2 was never able to take Moscow; his baton was picked up by the King of Poland, Sigismund III. The cause of False Dmitry's death was the feud with Uraz-Mohammed. By order of False Dmitry, the khan was executed. In response, Pyotr Urusov hacked the impostor to death with a saber.

This exciting game was invented by physical education teacher James Naismith. The original 13 points of the rules are still in effect today. Interestingly, the training ball was thrown into empty boxes, but one day, not finding any boxes, the watchman brought baskets of peaches. They were attached to a balcony a little more than 3 meters high.

After some time, the baskets were replaced by rings with nets. Soon, national teams and federations began to be actively created, and the rules of basketball were officially approved. In 1923, the first tournament among women's teams was held.

The large St. Petersburg publisher S. Propper was publishing the newspaper Birzhevye Vedomosti at that time. The Ogonyok magazine became a supplement to the newspaper and existed in this capacity for three years. It then became an independent publication. Photo reports took up a third of the magazine, and its total size was 8 pages.

During the revolutionary events and the Civil War there was a break in the work of the magazine, but already in the USSR its circulation increased to half a million copies. During the years of perestroika, the editorial office was headed by Vitaly Korotich. This time became the most significant for Ogonyok. Recently, the format of the magazine has been closer to the most popular Western magazines, but also preserves the traditions of bygone times.

December 21, 1991 - formation of the CIS, signing of a corresponding statement by the presidents of five countries

This happened in Turkmenistan at a meeting of the presidents of Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. All countries agreed to cooperate on equal terms, all states were recognized as the founders of the CIS. The goals and principles of the CIS were set out a little later in the decisions of the Alma-Ata Conference.

11 states have already participated in it. Coordinating institutions must function on a parity basis; the commonwealth itself is not a state. Unified control over nuclear weapons was maintained. The Union of CIS States was never able to function at full strength.

Signs December 21 - day of Potapia, Anfisa

The church honored the memory of Anfisa of Rome, who suffered for her faith during the persecution organized against Christians in the 5th century. The legend says that she was baptized by Ambrose of Milan, whose memory is honored on December 20. One day, the mayor’s wife invited Anfisa to accept Arian baptism, which believed that Jesus and God the Father did not exist. Naturally, Anfisa refused to do this, for which she was burned at the stake.

On December 21, girls usually did needlework. This was convenient, first of all, because the snow made it light in the room, and it was possible to do work until evening. They said that you must spin alone on December 21st.

If privacy was not possible, then you could first perform a special ritual against damage. Young needlewomen could twist a silk thread around their wrist to avoid pricking their finger with a needle. This ritual, according to popular beliefs, protected against hiccups and yawning.

The embroidery itself also had magical powers, and therefore various words and symbols were often encrypted in it. Traditional embroidery also includes images of birds and animals, which is also associated with folk beliefs and attempts to protect against the evil eye. The girls spun because they needed to prepare a dowry for the wedding.

Holes in clothing, which were placed on the hem, sleeves, and collar, also served as protection - it was believed that then the demons would not reach the person. Diamonds were often embroidered on ritual clothing, as these were symbols of fertility, which could also mean earth, woman, or plants. Ancestors believed in signs that such an ornament would bring happiness to the house.

As for colors, red and white shades were popular, symbolizing blood and light, respectively. Also, holiness, purity, and innocence were associated with white color.

Folk signs on December 21

Quiet and frosty day - winter will be soft and snowy

If a person was born on the day of Potapia, December 21, then he will be taciturn and friendly. He is recommended to wear agate as a talisman

Snowfall portends a rainy summer

Tits have been chirping since the morning - a sign that frost will strike at night. If on December 21st birds are hiding under the roof, there will be a blizzard.

We hope you were interested in reading the material on this page and were satisfied with what you read? Agree, it is useful to know the history of events and dates, as well as which famous people were born today, on the twenty-first December day of winter, December 21, what mark this person left with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world.

We are also confident that the folk signs of this day helped you understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with their help, you can check in practice the reliability and truthfulness of folk signs.

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Why is December 21st interesting and significant in world history, science, sports, culture, politics?

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What national day is December 21st according to the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with December 21st? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

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