How to make compote from cherries and apricots. Compote for the winter from apricots and cherries. How to make cherry compote without sterilization

Compote of apricots and cherries combines both sweetness and sourness, which neutralizes the taste of the drink. This preservation is prepared very quickly using the double-pouring method, but all berries and fruits must be fresh and just picked from the branches. If you are late with preparation by one day and leave the food in the refrigerator, then it is already necessary to peel it from the seeds, otherwise the compote may become cloudy and ferment.

If you like unusual flavors, then when pouring the compote for the first time, add a few sprigs of mint to it, which you remove during the second pour.


1. Rinse the apricots thoroughly in water, washing off the top fleecy layer on their surface. Divide into halves and remove the seeds. Pour the halves into a washed jar. Wash the cherries and also add them to the jar with the apricots.

2. Boil water and pour it into a container, placing a knife or spatula under it so that it does not burst due to temperature changes. Cover with a tin lid and leave for 10 minutes.

5. Pour boiling water into the container a second time. Try not to add a little to the sides so that the liquid does not spill out during canning.

6. Cover the jar with a tin lid, scalded with boiling water, and seal it with a preservation key or simply screw the lid on. To be sure of the strength of the seal, turn it upside down or on its side and listen to see if any air is escaping. If necessary, we will roll it over.

7. Then we will move our preparation to the pantry or cellar and store it for about 1 year - preserved food with pits cannot be stored longer than this period, but as usual it will be opened in six months, when winter comes and you really want to enjoy the aromatic compote of apricots and cherries.

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Hello everyone, my culinary friends.

Today I canned compote for the winter from cherries, sweet cherries and apricots.

My recipe is quick and the compotes are very tasty.

I can it in three-liter jars.

First, I thoroughly rinse the jars with warm water, baking soda, or dishwashing detergent. I turn them upside down so that only the water runs out, and that’s it. I don't sterilize jars! I only boil the lids.

And I begin to put the washed berries into jars. Approximately 150g of cherries and cherries and 100g of apricot per 1 jar.

Maybe a little more, but not much. We need compote, not fruit. Apricots cut into pieces. In total there was 400 g of fruit in the jar. Next, I pour 200 g of sugar and 1 teaspoon of citric acid into each container.

And I put it aside. I bring the water to a boil in a kettle and immediately pour it into a jar of berries. I fill it to the very top, cover it with a lid and roll it up with a key.

And I put the finished jars of compote on the table and cover them with a warm blanket. And so, I put all the cans there. Then I cover it with a warm blanket and leave it to warm up until the next morning. So the jars with a guarantee will remain in the apartment all summer. We don’t have a basement, and all the preservation is stored in the apartment, in the pantry. And I have no surprises. It was because of my youth that my jars exploded when I was just learning how to can.

The next morning, I take the jars out from under the blanket, still warm, and give it some time to cool completely.

Then I put it in the pantry for storage. Even better, if you have a basement, then you can not wrap the finished jars of compote in a blanket, but immediately send them to the basement. In total, I rolled 12 cans of compote, and it took me a little over an hour. And one jar takes 15 minutes, and then only with boiling water. Convenient and fast. And the compotes are very tasty and rich. Everything is done in moderation, according to taste, both sugar and acid.

The recipe is excellent and has been proven for many, many years. I indicated the cost and weight of the products for 1 three-liter jar.

I wish everyone to try and enjoy this wonderful drink.

See you again!

Cooking time: PT00H15M 15 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 20 rub.

Cherry and apricot compote perfectly combines the soft and sweet apricot aroma with a fragrant cherry note. For cooking, it is better to choose dense, slightly unripe fruits that can retain their shape after double pouring with boiling syrup.

Canning without sterilization implies special requirements for the processing of fruits and glass containers. The fleecy skin of apricots must be thoroughly cleaned with a soft brush, their seeds and all stalks must be removed. The jar should not be filled more than a third full.

The infused drink takes on an amazing burgundy color. A pinch of cinnamon turns it into a delicious dessert drink.


You will need for a 1 liter jar:

  • 3-4 apricots
  • 150 g cherries
  • 150 g granulated sugar
  • 700-800 ml hot water


1. Rinse the apricots thoroughly in water, washing off the top fleecy layer on their surface. Divide into halves and remove the seeds. Pour the halves into a washed jar. Wash the cherries and also add them to the jar with the apricots.

2. Boil water and pour it into a container, placing a knife or spatula under it so that it does not burst due to temperature changes. Cover with a tin lid and leave for 10 minutes.

3. Then replace the lid with a drain lid and pour the water back into the pan. Boil it again for the second pour.

4. While the water is heating up, add granulated sugar to the steamed fruits and berries in the jar. Optionally, a little cinnamon or vanilla.

5. Pour boiling water into the container a second time. Try not to add a little to the sides so that the liquid does not spill out during canning.

When they contain not one component, but at least two. Now, when the apricot season is in full swing, and there are plenty of cherries, I’m finishing the compote from this pair. It turns out an apricot compote for the winter with cherries, just wonderful, I didn’t even expect that cherries and apricots could “make friends” so successfully: both the taste and the color of the compote are all good!

In the winter season, I am sure that such apricot and cherry compote will enjoy well-deserved popularity among both children and adults.

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:

  • 150 g apricots;
  • 100 g cherries;
  • 140 g sugar;
  • 700 ml water.

How to prepare apricot compote for the winter with cherries:

We choose apricots and cherries for compote. Quite serious requirements are placed on them: they must be ripe, but at the same time not overripe, sufficiently dense, beautiful, without any stains or damage to the skin. Wash the cherries and apricots separately, being careful not to damage their integrity.

We prepare the jars: sterilize them in the way that is most convenient for you: over steam or in the oven. Immediately place apricots and cherries in jars.

Prepare sugar syrup. Pour the required amount of water into the pan (based on the number of filled jars) and bring to a boil. Add sugar and bring to a boil. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved and boil over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Fill the jars with apricots and cherries with boiling syrup and immediately cover with lids.

We are preparing a pan for sterilization - it should be large and wide enough. We cover its bottom with a napkin and place the filled jars there. Pour hot water, not reaching 2-3 cm from the hangers of the jars. Over high heat, bring the water in the pan to a boil, then reduce the heat slightly (to avoid too much boiling) and sterilize for 20 minutes.

Then carefully remove the jars and roll up the lids. We turn the jars over onto the lids and wait until the apricot compote for the winter with cherries has completely cooled. After this, the jars can be stored until winter, at room temperature (but in a dark place so that the fruit does not change color).

Such compotes can be sealed in jars of any size. You just need to count the required amount of sugar (it’s quite simple) and sterilize for a different time (0.5-liter jars - 12 minutes, 2-liter jars - 25 minutes, and 3-liter jars - 30 minutes). As for the concentration, with the same amount of sugar and fruit as indicated in the ingredients for a 1-liter jar, you get a compote that does not need to be diluted with water - it is not too sweet or too rich.

Step-by-step recipes for preparing compote for the winter from apricots and cherries with mint and spices

2018-08-10 Rida Khasanova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


24 gr.

96 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for compote for the winter from apricots and cherries

Compote recipes are an opportunity to prepare a lot of dessert drinks for the whole family for the winter. In a general sense, their preparation does not take long and the recipe usually contains the simplest ingredients - fruits, berries, sugar. If desired, spices or seasonings can be added, the ingredients are combined and mixed.

Pieces of fruit and berries are placed in sterilized jars and filled with sugar syrup. All this is additionally sterilized (depending on the recipe) and hermetically sealed for storage. That's the whole cooking process - in a general sense.


  • 1.5 kg of apricots (weight of fruit without seeds);
  • 500 gr. cherries;
  • 400 gr. Sahara;
  • 2 tsp. citric acid.

Step-by-step recipe for compote for the winter from apricots and cherries

Rinse fruits and berries. Remove the seeds. To do this, cut each fruit and open it.

Fill sterilized jars two-thirds full with the fruit and berry mixture.

Pour boiling water over it. Cover with lids. After a couple of minutes, pour the liquid using the perforated lid into an enamel pan.

Add sugar and citric acid to the water. Boil the mixture. Pour back into jars. They should be filled up to their shoulders. Seal tightly with lids. Repeated sterilization is no longer necessary, since fruits and berries are poured with boiling water twice. To cool, place the jars on the lids, and then store them in the basement or other cool place.

The classic cooking recipe can be slightly modified. For example, take not apricots and cherries, but peaches and cherries. Even if there was a good harvest of cherry plums or plums, they can also be added to the recipe. The products are similar and the recipe will not change at all with such a substitution.

Option 2: Quick recipe for compote for the winter from apricots and cherries

Apricot and cherry compotes are prepared with or without pits. The method with seeds is faster, use it if you don’t have much time for cooking.


  • 500 gr. fruits and berries;
  • 250 ml water;
  • 150 gr. Sahara.

How to quickly prepare compote for the winter from apricots and cherries

Select the optimal number of apricots and cherries, but so that their total weight is exactly half a kilo. Rinse thoroughly, do not remove the seeds. But use a toothpick or a match to prick all the fruits and berries. This way they will not burst during sterilization.

Place the apricots and cherries tightly in a sterilized jar (the recipe calls for 1 liter jar).

Prepare sugar syrup. Mix water and sand. Bring to a boil. Pour into a jar. They should be filled up to the hangers. Cover with a lid.

Sterilize the jar in low-boiling water for 12 minutes. After this, seal the jar and leave to cool. The compote is kept cool. Due to the fact that the recipe is designed for a liter jar, you can prepare as much of the drink as you like. Simply multiply the amount of each ingredient by the number of jars you need to fill with compote.

The taste of the drink with apricot kernels is bitter-almond. This drink cannot be stored for a long time, as the taste intensifies over time. Therefore, it is not recommended to store the drink for more than 6-7 months. It is important to choose ripe fruits for the recipe with dense pulp, without damage or signs of rotting. If you have slightly unripe fruits with greenish spots on hand, you can also use them. In the finished drink they will acquire a uniform yellowish tint. This way the compote will turn out tasty, without bitterness.

Option 3: Compote for the winter from apricots and cherries in their own juice

There is another very good recipe - fruit compote with berries in its own juice. It turns out to be an incredibly tasty dessert, you can eat the pieces and drink the juice and pulp. In addition, this is an excellent option for layering and filling homemade sponge cakes. Soak the cakes with thick juice and lay out the apricot pieces. Cover everything with any cream and the cake is ready!


  • 1 kg of apricots;
  • 1 kg cherries;
  • 800 gr. granulated sugar.

How to cook

Take care of fruits and berries. Rinse them thoroughly in running water, remove sticks and leaves. Lay out to dry. Then pit the apricots and cherries. If there are special devices for this, it will be faster. But you can remove the seeds manually.

Place the fruits and berries in an enamel pan, sprinkling them with sugar in layers. This way the pieces will give more juice. Leave covered for several hours at room temperature. If the kitchen is not hot, you can leave the mixture for 7-12 hours.

While you prepare the jars and lids, sterilize them in boiling water or in the oven. Place fruits and berries with sugar juice in jars - up to the shoulders. Cover with still hot lids.

This is followed by mandatory sterilization. Place a cotton cloth in a wide pan and place the jars on it. Fill with hot water. Boil it. Keep the jars in low-boiling water for exactly 10 minutes for 0.5 liter jars, and 15 minutes for 1 liter. If the compote is prepared in a three-liter jar, it takes about 35-40 minutes.

Then carefully remove the jars and seal them tightly with lids. Leave to cool naturally at room temperature, then put in a cool place. This compote will be perfectly stored for up to 1.5-2 years.

When preparing this drink, you can use ground spices. About half a dessert spoon is enough. Cinnamon, anise, ginger, star anise will do. You can combine different spices to suit your taste, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Option 4: Winter compote of apricots and cherries with mint

Dried mint is used as an addition to fruits and berries in this recipe. It makes the compote very aromatic. If you have oregano, you can use it.


  • 1 kg of apricots;
  • 100 gr. cherries;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 250 gr. Sahara;
  • 1 teaspoon dried mint (or oregano).

Step by step recipe

Prepare the drink filler. Sort the fruits and berries, rinse and dry. Place in a two-liter jar or two liter jars. If you take two jars, try to distribute the food evenly between them.

In an enamel saucepan, prepare a sweet syrup from water, sugar and dried mint. Mix these three components and boil. Pour into jars. Cover with lids.

Sterilize in low-boiling water. Be sure to place a soft cloth under the jars to prevent the glass from bursting. For a two-liter jar, 19-20 minutes of sterilization is enough, and for liter jars - 12-15 minutes.

Then remove the jars with tongs and seal the lids tightly. And when cool, remove for storage. To prepare for the winter, be sure to choose iron lids. It is convenient to use screw ones; select jars that match them.

Option 5: Spicy compote for the winter from apricots and cherries

This recipe will take a little longer than others. In it, the skin is removed from the apricots and the seeds are pulled out. Without seeds, the compote acquires a more delicate taste and aroma, and is also stored longer.


  • 500 gr. fruit;
  • the same amount of cherries;
  • 250-300 gr. Sahara;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 1 clove inflorescence.

How to cook

Sort and rinse fruits and berries. Remove the pits from the cherries. Do not pour out the juice that flows from the berries. Use it in this recipe or save it for making fruit drinks.

Pour boiling water over the apricots in an iron sieve. Then cool in cold water. Remove the skin by hand. It can be removed without boiling water. Then simply cut off the skin with a sharp knife. Remove the seeds from the fruit.

Fill two liter jars with fruits and berries. Spread evenly.

Mix sugar and water in a separate saucepan. Add cloves. Boil it. Remove the inflorescence, otherwise the aroma of the spice will be too strong.

Pour syrup over fruits in jars. Immediately cover with sterilized lids.

Additional sterilization is mandatory, since the recipe does not use any preservatives. Place a piece of soft cloth in a wide-bottomed pan. Place the jars on it. Fill with hot water. As soon as it boils, count the time - 10-12 minutes. Then remove the jars and close the lids tightly. The compote is ready for the winter.

The drink turns out concentrated. To consume it, it is recommended to dilute it slightly with cool boiled water or use ice cubes.

Bon appetit!

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