Tarot card Nine of Swords - meaning, interpretation and layouts in fortune telling. Nine of Swords in Tarot: card meaning

Straight position

The Nine of Swords speaks of adversity, anxiety, panic, as well as feelings of guilt (including in combination with Justice). This card is associated with problems, the cause or consequence of which is a feeling of powerlessness, failure, etc. In such a situation, a person cannot be blamed for groundless fears or worries. However, it should also be understood that not all problems and causes for concern described by the Nine of Swords are as significant as they seem. So, the leitmotif when interpreting this Arcanum should be as follows: there is a problem, but it is already “with one foot” in the past, moreover, it is not capable of greatly ruining a person’s life; in addition, it means the end of a dark (and often quite long) period of life and entry into a bright, favorable period of existence.

The Nine of Swords, which fell together with the Priestess, denotes bad premonitions that sit firmly in the subconscious, and it is not possible to get rid of them at the moment. And with the Hierophant, this card indicates that the source of unpleasant sensations is a feeling of shame for an action or behavior.

Inverted position

In its inverted form, the Nine of Swords demonstrates that soon there will be nothing to worry about, that the light at the end of the tunnel is becoming clearer and brighter. An important aspect of such an Arcana is that the person is gradually acquiring significance in his own eyes and has begun to learn to dream again.

However, it would be a significant mistake to consider the inverted Nine of Swords to be an exclusively positive card. At the stage for which it has fallen, it is too early to talk about complete peace of mind; on the contrary, it is necessary to stipulate that the problems still require their logical conclusion, a control shot, if you like. And therefore, among the integral, obligatory interpretations of such a Nine, one should name hard work and the possibility of loss; a person may face slander, the need to limit himself to certain limits, etc. Or, for example, it could be ongoing (often without any reason) nightmares, which are symbolized by the inverted Nine of Swords paired with the Chariot. In addition, in combination with the Hermit, such an Arcanum indicates that a person remains depressed and joyless due to the lack of loved ones who could (or would like) to support him.

Love and relationships

Straight position

For personal relationships, the Nine of Swords indicates heartlessness, cruelty associated with the emotional sphere, and fear of losing a loved one. This card symbolizes extremes in feelings, when a person instantly moves from love to hatred and vice versa. Anyone who often receives such an Arcanum in a relationship scenario probably lives in a state of anxiety about the future, and perhaps even experiences shock from certain moments in the behavior of his partner. And in this case, we can talk about the thirst for revenge, when one person is not only unable or simply does not want to forgive another, but also hatches plans on how to annoy him in return.

It should be noted that the complexity of the relationships reflected by the Nine of Swords is not as significant as it seems to the one to whom the fortune is told. This Arcanum rather points to hell in the heart or head of such a person than to real existing problems. And in order to understand the true essence of the situation, it is advisable to carefully consider the surrounding cards of the layout. So, in combination with Strength, the Nine of Swords will tell you that a person has simply lost heart and does not want to think sensibly; and with the Court - that the fortuneteller fears inevitable retribution in the future for his current (or past) not always kind attitude towards his partner.

Inverted position

The inverted Nine of Swords seems to be reassuring: there are still problems in relationships, the state of mind of the fortuneteller is still far from ideal, but the hour is already approaching when everything will get better. That is, a person may still be dependent on stress syndrome, he may still be worried about quarrels or slander; but he will very soon get rid of all this negativity. At the same time, in combination with the World, such a card states that the right conclusions will definitely be drawn from the current situation. With the Sun, she encourages you to be guided in your words and actions by kindness, for it is goodness that will ultimately triumph. And together with the Star, the inverted Nine of Swords gives every reason to hope that the present pain in the future will become only a memory, which one day will cease to bother us at all.


Straight position

For business and profession scenarios, such an Arcanum is characterized as a feeling of discomfort that arises in the workplace or in a work team, as a state of panic, as time pressure. The Nine of Swords can fall to a person who hates his job, or to someone who is very unsure of himself, his talents and, in general, his own suitability for his position (in particular, in combination with the Wheel of Fortune). However, this map is not at all an indicator of the futility of this work as such.

If such a card describes a person as a worker, then we have to talk about a pessimist, incapable of coping with extreme tasks, not sociable, and perhaps even dishonest.

On the other hand, as an interpretation of the personality of the leader, the Nine of Swords will tell you that you are dealing with an oppressor who does not take into account the feelings of his subordinates, who loves it when his employees stay at work overtime. This interpretation is especially true if the Emperor is paired with Nine.

Inverted position

When reversed, the Nine of Swords is interpreted as anger at people you encounter at work or in connection with business matters. Or we may be talking about an ill-wisher who has a destructive influence on the affairs of the fortuneteller, but the latter does not yet know about it (among other things, this is true if the Moon appears nearby in the scenario). Since in this case we are dealing with the Nine of Swords, this means that the situation can be corrected, but it is advisable not to prolong the problem (for example, this state of affairs is relevant in the combination of such a card with the Empress). And one more thing - it’s worth involving an assistant or an influential person in this, if, of course, the fortuneteller has one. It makes sense to take this advice from the inverted Nine of Swords, since it may feel like there is no need for this and it is quite possible to cope with troubles alone.

The general meanings of the inverted Arcana for career scenarios are: expectation of change, the emergence of new hopes, lack of absolute faith in one’s own strengths (although this does not mean at all that a person considers himself a complete incompetent or amateur).

You seem to be somewhat suspicious, and tend to see things in a darker light than they really are. It's time to get rid of this characteristic of your character, because it harms you more than necessary. However, this should not force you to change your mind so much that you act without regard to intuition and common sense.

The Tarot deck contains joyful or calm cards, some evoke fear, others reflect a state of despair. The latter includes the Nine of Swords. Even the image on the map encourages sad thoughts; it literally radiates a state of depression. Let's look at the meaning of the Nine of Swords of the Tarot, as it is interpreted in layouts.

Description and essence of the lasso

The card shows a woman in bed. She covered her face with her hands and with her entire appearance conveys deep despair to the viewer. The Nine of Swords is a card of depression. You need to understand that this state is transitional. Everything in the world develops in a spiral. Achievement is the loss of aspiration towards a goal. She is already in her hands, therefore, the interest is gone, destroyed. A person is looking for a new meaning in life. And this is a difficult process. Its emotional component is described in the Swords Tarot deck. The premonition of danger - the figure eight - turns into an understanding of the destructiveness of the current period. Its essence is reflected by the Nine of Swords (Tarot). A person comes to understand the futility of past aspirations, the inspiration that previously gave strength leaves him. This is a card of despair and depression. Often she shows the pangs of a bad conscience. The Nine of Swords is not only about moral suffering. It is associated with real diseases of the body. ended, he has no strength to resist life’s circumstances. In a broader sense, the lasso symbolizes a situation of a tough choice between holiness and blasphemy. This is a painful process that drags a person into a fog of unbelief and uncertainty. The supports that previously supported them have broken, we need to look for new ones, but where exactly is unclear. This is how, by the way, he feels sick: it seems to him that the illness will never end, that it will devour his body forever, until his death. There is no one who can help get rid of this suffering.

Reverse Nine of Swords Tarot: meaning

An inverted card carries an even more negative meaning. It is a harbinger that a person will not withstand the burden of circumstances and will take the side of universal evil. The result will be the terrible 9 of Swords inverted - this is a betrayal committed due to forced circumstances, the inability to continue to be true to one’s principles. A person refuses everything that his parents and educators instilled in him; he will inevitably fall to the moral bottom. If the lasso often appears in readings, it means that someone from the environment or the fortuneteller himself is prone to antisocial actions and seeks to come under the protection of dark forces. This person does not understand the power of shrines, and is not ready to endure the slightest hardship for the sake of a clear conscience. The Nine of Swords (reversed) in a relationship indicates too much difference in the worldview of the partners. This may be a consequence of growing up in different environments or mental belonging to two opposite, non-intersecting worlds. The Arcanum should be taken as advice in any position. You are or will soon find yourself in a very difficult situation. You will have to make the decision yourself, no one will tell you. And those who try to help will not be trustworthy. And the entire future fate depends on the decision made. Under the influence of the 9 Swords, the most terrible, shameful acts and even crimes are committed.

Philosophy of layouts

Such a heavy lasso “spoils” any combination of cards. The Nine of Swords in any position indicates that a period of spiritual rebirth is coming. All people face this experience. The essence of our life is development. But it is never smooth. Behind the rise and success are hard work, intense thinking, spiritual quest and the right decisions. It's easy to stumble on this road. And it's not just about obstacles. Next to you are people who have their own view of things. We interact with them, argue or agree, quarrel and make peace. This pushes for new achievements of the spirit, reflection, and changes in worldview. We set goals and achieve what we want. With receiving comes devastation and rethinking. This is a period of energy decline and the search for a new goal. It is insidious in that a person ceases to value what previously seemed important, but it is already in his hands. Doubt creeps into the soul that he acted correctly, followed by rejection of previous authorities. Our nine is the torment of the soul, often reflected in the physical body. These are the fears of the night just before dawn. In life they have a specific practical implementation, each with their own.

Interpretation of love alignment

The appearance of Swords is unfavorable when wondering about relationships. This suit speaks of some kind of tension, a problem. Cups are responsible for feelings, and conflicts, wars, and strict rationalism are brought into the layouts by Swords (Tarot). Our lasso plays a destructive role in relationships. And only the depth of the conflict, but not its presence, depends on the position of the map. If the lasso falls in the “past” position, it means that the crisis as a whole has been overcome, but still affects the situation. It feels bad when the Queen of Swords appears nearby. This is a sign of influence on a relationship by a woman who is cunning, insidious, selfish and aggressive. Simply, your love has become the object of envy of an active witch. This is exactly what you can call a person who meddles in other people's affairs, trying to destroy the happiness of other people. Next to the prosperous arcana, the nine of swords card softens a little. It does not show the suffering of the soul, but a specific physical ailment. In the female scenario, this may be banal menstruation, but only if our lasso falls in an upright position. Inverted portends a more serious illness, which will force you to put things off and put you to bed. And we should not forget that all conflicts, scandals, breaks, and related proceedings are shown by Swords. In Tarot, the meaning of each suit is strictly defined. Swords are considered the strongest, they impose their meanings even on the major arcana.

Interpretation of the business situation

If the Nine of Swords comes up during fortune telling, get ready for problems. They won’t necessarily turn out to be insoluble, but they will make you worry. The essence of the conflict, and we are talking specifically about disagreements with other people, is judged by the neighboring arcana. For example, an inverted Queen of Swords with a Nine in the same position speaks of the betrayal of a woman whom you trusted unconditionally. The king in the same combination foreshadows the injustice of the authorities or the inspection body. When the question concerns negotiations or concluding a contract, give up hope for a favorable outcome. The meeting will be postponed due to illness of one of the partners. If there are unfavorable major arcana nearby, you will have to refuse a lucrative offer; if there are positive cards, everything will soon get better, you will be able to find a common point of view. The described nine indicates the presence of a conflict. It is important to understand this; the accompanying cards speak about the essence of the situation. For example, the Moon with Swords speaks of deception. Moreover, they decided to rob the fortuneteller, taking advantage of his trust. The enemy should be looked for nearby, this is a close person. The Tower with the Nine of Swords foreshadows the complete destruction of plans, for a business person - bankruptcy, loss of a significant part of property. If the Jester appears next to the described lasso, you will reproach yourself for listening to the flatterer and rejecting the offer of a decent person.

Impact on health

It’s really bad if our lasso appears when the question concerns the state of the body. For a sick person, it foretells a worsening of the disease, for a healthy person - its appearance. You can forget about an active lifestyle for a long time. The condition of the body will not allow you to work normally or enjoy communicating with friends and loved ones. In addition, our lasso indicates more serious, underlying causes of the disease. If the Tower, Moon, or Judgment are nearby, we are talking about karmic problems, the Devil is about an excessive desire for pleasure, the Hanged Man is about destructive self-restraints. A reversed card indicates the inability to solve the problem on your own. In this situation, you need to contact a specialist. And the sooner help comes, the weaker the negative consequences will be. The Nine of Swords of the Tarot, the combination of which with other arcana tends to enhance negativity, is favorable in the scenario for the likelihood of a favorable outcome of surgical intervention. It foreshadows the recovery period after surgery. That is, this is a conscious dive to the bottom of despair in order to remove the nest of the disease.

Card of the day

The described lasso projects depression and despair onto all aspects of a person’s life. But there are situations when it can be called not only positive, but not as severe as in combinations with others. This happens when only 9 Swords are rolled. The card of the day is exactly such a situation. Our lasso is enhanced by the energy of the cards that appear nearby. When it appears in “splendid isolation,” it can be perceived as an ordinary nuisance, and not a terrible grief. Nine of the Swords suit indicates that the day will be cloudy and joyless. As a rule, it foreshadows a minor illness, the beginning of menstruation for a woman, for example. Reversed indicates physical or moral suffering. But they will not be global and will quickly end. In general, the day will pass, as they say, and thank God! Don't expect significant events from him. It is likely that during this day you will break a heel or cut a finger, have a runny nose or a toothache. The problem will be solved quickly, but, to put it mildly, it will not bring pleasure. It is not advisable to plan important things on such a day. Postpone them for another, more favorable time. If you are going to make a public speech or participate in a mass event, take a talisman with you. Nine sometimes indicates “evil eyes” directed in your direction. Inverted, it speaks of pangs of conscience.

Combination with the Major Arcana

In layouts, the cards are interconnected. They give rise to unique energies and indicate the subtleties and nuances of the situation. The Nine of Swords with other cards conveys the following meanings:

  • with the Jester - problems for the younger generation;
  • with the Magician - the inability to accomplish what was planned;
  • with the High Priestess - unconscious torment, deep-seated anxieties;
  • with the Empress - a threat to women's health;
  • with the Emperor there is a cruel man nearby;
  • with the Hierophant - shame;
  • with Lovers - sleepless nights;
  • with the Chariot - constant nightmares;
  • with Strength - loss of spirit;
  • with the Hermit - lack of support in a difficult situation;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - unsteady ground underfoot;
  • with Death there is trouble;
  • with the Star - hope;
  • with the Sun - the triumph of justice;
  • with the World - a way out of the crisis.

If our lasso is inverted, then all favorable predictions should be postponed in time. That is, if hope appears, it will not be soon, a way out will be found later than desired, and so on. The Nine of Swords does not deny the positive meaning of the major arcana, but rather mutes emotions. This means that the joy will not be as sincere, the achievement will not bring pleasure, the impression of success will be spoiled by unpleasantness.

The philosophy of Tarot is that everything that happens leads to development. There is nothing useless in the world. What we perceive negatively, with suffering and tears, pushes us to rethink the past, change behavior, and search for other ways. Pain is just a stage in the ascent to happiness. Our nine is a harbinger that despair is finite. It cannot last until death. Hope for light should not leave you even in the darkest night. A little time will pass and the sun will peek over the horizon. Despair forces you to be stronger, suffering leads to the appearance of kindness in your soul. And the terrible torment that we persistently endure makes us perceive moments of joy much brighter and appreciate them more. Nine recommends not concentrating on your experiences and not turning away from the world. Try to find a rational grain in your fears. For example, betrayal hurts the heart, but it forces you to take a closer look at those you trust and to abandon people who are not worthy of trust. They will leave, the space will be cleared of negativity, right? In their place will come sincere friends who are able to love you as you are. Even death is a harbinger of new life. But our lasso does not talk about such global changes. It reflects the suffering of the soul striving for divine harmony.


People who are just beginning to understand the intricacies of the Tarot are surprised why our lasso speaks of both mental and physical pain. It is difficult at first to differentiate and determine what the harbinger is in a given situation. In fact, it is the same pain. Nine indicates a conflict between the ego and the inner “I.” It develops progressively if not eliminated. At the first stage, dissatisfaction appears and becomes chronic. Surely you have come across people who constantly grumble, swear, and are dissatisfied with everything. This is already the second stage of the conflict - the soul is taken over by negativity in the broadest sense. If you do not work on it, then the disagreement between the ego and soul deepens. At this stage, physical illness manifests itself. The description is schematic. It happens that the process takes years to develop, or it can happen quickly. For example, they were offended by their loved one, and in the evening they fell into bed with a sore throat. Get better, analyze your condition on this day. Surely you will find all the stages of conflict development. But let's get back to our sheep. The Nine of Swords in the “past” position says that the conflict described is nearing completion. If it turns out to be the result of the situation, the test is still ahead. It can be prevented by engaging in spiritual practices. Trouble will still happen, but you will get through it easily without bothering yourself. You know, some people never get sick, never shed tears, don’t wake up sweating in horror, and the like. Their brains are constantly working, analyzing what is happening and their place in situations. This, of course, is difficult, but energy is not wasted on the “emptiness”, which is negative experiences and suffering. But when doing fortune telling, they don’t get the Nine of Swords. They do not have such energies in their aura, which is what we wish for you. Good luck!

From the point of view of the intersection of Tarot and astrology, the Nine of Swords points to the Moon or Saturn as a symbol of depression, feelings of guilt and preoccupation with numerous problems. The name of this card says it all - Lord of Cruelty and Despair.

The Earth corresponds to it in the Elements.

The most general meaning of the 9 of swords is fears and bad feelings, but the problem is that they are completely justified. This is where a bad card appears, and remorse also comes. The central image of this lasso is sleepless nights due to depression, in a state of preoccupation. The arcan does not indicate the exact source: it could be one’s own torment of conscience, or a vivid premonition of danger or a loss too painful for a person. The Nine of Swords does not talk about the reasons and does not highlight specifics, but demonstrates exactly the existing state in its entirety.

Nine of Swords: the meaning of the straight card

In its immediate position, this Tarot lasso indicates that there is a feeling of hopelessness, fear of the coming of the future. It can also mean love that does not bring peace, numerous disappointments and suffering. From the point of view of the events symbolized by the lasso, this is a bad feeling or prophetic dreams, also more often about something negative, but not necessarily. It may indicate damage to the Questioner, and also clearly indicates that the person really has something to fear.

In matters of business and work, the matter is facing the possibility of real bankruptcy, and the company is awaiting liquidation. There are very justified threats from competitors, both in words and in action. Psychological attacks and pressure are carried out. There is despondency here and the attitude that the boss, the work, and even the atmosphere at work itself is heavily depressing. There may be fear of the task that has been set, fatigue from the workload, or increased risk associated with the work. This may also be a manifestation of a bad conscience from a mistake made and hidden, the discovery of which the Questioner now fears.

From the point of view of health, this is a situation when a person has been given either an extremely dangerous or fatal diagnosis. This is also the night that awaits before a serious and difficult operation.

In love, the Nine of Swords indicates premonitions that there is only long-term loneliness ahead. This meaning is especially emphasized by the presence of the Hermit lasso nearby in the layout. There is a fear of losing a loved one. Often such a lasso can warn that the current situation in a relationship is the threshold to a very serious type of breakup. If next to this card there is another one, which is characterized by the activity of events, this should absolutely be interpreted as a future loss.

But it is also the fear of being “thrown out” by a partner or not accepted by the other gender at all. It can also be an expression of the herd for the fact that the partner managed to find out something that the Questioner tried with all his might to hide, and now may fall in the eyes of his loved one. Another, personal, meaning of the Nine of Swords is a person with increased sensitivity, something like a medium or psychic, clairvoyant, etc. This lasso, in response to a direct question, answers a clear “Yes” and warns of a period of various suspicions and foreboding.

Nine of Swords: the meaning of the reversed card

In the reversed position, the card clearly demonstrates the presence of danger due to illness or as a result of violence, in the sphere of feelings - assumptions with a dubious basis. In this position, the lasso indicates that those premonitions and negative thoughts, fears that overwhelm the Questioner are exaggerated or fictitious and there is no reality behind them. Suspicions and doubts are generated by the subconscious activity of himself and are not a response to real external events.

However, there is a temptation to believe your own fears, perceiving them as a hint from intuition. However, inverted, there is no intuition here, only empty subconscious worries. In the event sphere, the meaning of the Nine of Swords in the tarot is suspicions, but false ones, immersion in negativism, bad emotions and strange fantasies, some mania of the one being asked about.

In relation to business, this Tarot lasso speaks of readiness to surrender without a fight, a complete lack of money as such. In terms of health, there are exaggerated and inadequate fears for one’s own condition, the presence of phobias that need to be treated on their own. If the Moon is nearby, this indicates a manic-depressive state. In love, pathological fear of a loved one or a very close person manifests itself.

Advice from the map.

Important advice - you need to listen to your dreams, because some misfortunes are possible. The best advice for the reverse position of the lasso is to simply stop being afraid. Moreover, by succumbing to fears, a person can cause their realization.

The main meaning of the 9 Swords Tarot card is fears and experiences, however, if we consider its detailed interpretation, we can find out that the card is fraught with a more multifaceted prediction.

In the article:

The meaning of the 9 of Swords Tarot card in a broad sense

The 9 Swords Tarot card indicates that the fortuneteller’s life has turned into a nightmare. In his understanding, now the usual way of life is collapsing and falling into the abyss. The fear and number of current problems are so great that it would seem that there is no point in living.

However, the swords drawn on the map do not touch a person. The problems are not as big as you might think, and they do not directly affect you. You worry too much about problems that have no obvious relation to you, but you have enough worries of your own. Don’t worry and go about your daily activities, don’t think about imaginary problems, and your condition will return to normal. You shouldn’t burden yourself with other people’s problems, especially regardless of your ability to cope with them.

The Nine of Swords Tarot can also indicate residual experiences after serious difficulties. Bad mood and pessimism in this case can be perfectly treated with everyday activities, work, and creativity. But more often this card indicates preoccupation with imaginary problems, and also expresses despair, doubt, and hopelessness. Sometimes she talks about the shame that gnaws at the questioner from the inside. It will have to be recognized and overcome.

The meaning of the 9 of Swords Tarot also concerns insomnia. It is she who is depicted on this map. This may include pangs of conscience that keep you awake, as well as anticipation of the consequences of a certain action, anxiety for your own life or the life of a loved one, or anxiety before performing a difficult or dangerous task. In addition, the card can mean nightmares and sleep-related problems.

Turning over this card suggests that troubles will not end instantly, however, the end of a bad period in life has already appeared on the horizon. The future promises hope and an end to problems, as well as good news.

Nine Swords Tarot - meaning for fortune telling for business and work

There are many options for the meaning of the Nine of Swords Tarot when divining for work, business and affairs, but they do not contradict the main meaning of this card. It can mean despondency and oppression by the team or boss. Work does not bring you pleasure; perhaps you made a mistake when choosing a specialty or workplace.

In addition, the card may mean overwork after high loads or fear of not being able to cope with the task. When fortune telling about studies, this can be expressed as jitters before an exam or admission, fear of public speaking or other matters that will have to be faced in the near future.

There is a possibility that the questioner has made a serious mistake or acted dishonestly in the past. Now the awareness of this fact, the expectation of consequences and attempts to find out whether the misconduct was discovered or went undetected, do not allow him to sleep peacefully at night.

Nine of Swords Tarot - meaning in relationships

The meaning in relationships of the 9 Swords Tarot is fear of separation. This card can also reveal concerns about the life and health of the spouse - both justified and far-fetched by the questioner. You are afraid of losing your loved one. Perhaps you have done something that could greatly disappoint him, and now you are terrified that he will find out about it, and the consequences will be serious.

The meaning in a relationship of the Nine of the Swords Tarot suit, if this card falls to a single person, means depression due to loneliness, a desire to find a couple and at the same time the inability to believe that it is quite possible to improve your personal life.

Reversed card speaks of good news related to your personal life or a loved one.

Nine of Swords Tarot - people and places

Upright The Nine of Swords means a person who is in a depressed, anxious state. He has someone to worry about, but these worries may well turn out to be far-fetched. This person may suffer from insomnia. There is a possibility that he is ill, perhaps currently preparing for surgery. Often the Nine of Swords signifies bachelors, virgins, monks and clergy, as well as hermits. This may also be the enemy of the fortuneteller.

Inverted position This card suggests that you are dealing with someone who has experienced grief or a truly terrible situation in life. He is sad, but has hopes for a good future. Perhaps this person suffers from chronic insomnia. It is unreliable and a bad influence on what you ask the tarot cards about.

Sometimes during fortune telling there is a goal to find out a certain place, and this is quite realistic. The Nine of Swords in such fortune telling will mean a church, monastery or other sanctuary associated with any religion.

Nine of Swords + Ace of Swords and other combinations of this card with others

One of the most unpleasant combinations in the Tarot is the Nine of Swords and. It means betrayal and tears, disappointment and the inability to put aside suffering. In combination with this card, it promises divorce and life alone, sleepless nights thinking about how to live after a breakup.

Several combinations of the Nine of Swords with other cards promise problems. So, for example, this card foreshadows difficulties that will grow like a snowball. The Five of Wands near the Nine of Swords promises not only problems, but also enmity. The Six of Wands near this card guarantees defeat for the fortuneteller.

There are also combinations that can specify the fears of the questioner. For example, the Page of Wands or the Jester says that fears are associated with a child, the Queen of Wands - the questioner is worried about a woman, the King of Wands - about a man. Arcanum Lovers says that experiences are associated with a quarrel with a loved one and a relationship with him.

In general, despite the fact that the Nine of Swords cannot be called a positive card, the forecast may not be so gloomy. Despite the difficulty of the fortuneteller's current position, his problems may turn out to be much less than it seemed at first.

The Nine of Swords rarely poses a literal threat, but the psychological state it describes is so difficult and unpleasant that it is not without reason that it is considered one of the most unfavorable cards that can appear in a reading. This is an uncontrollable wave of anxiety, melancholy, fear, guilt, horror of life that surges in the unconscious. A kind of internal torture chamber (it is no coincidence that it is defined by Banzhaf and Akron as the “spirit of the inquisition”). This Arcanum, appearing in the layout, indicates that the questioner is suffering in one way or another (surrounding cards can give a hint) and some kind of misfortune oppresses him.

Ancient interpreters contain information that the card indicates the presence of irreconcilable enemies in the questioner. But it happens that a person is such an enemy to himself with his habit of hiding his head in the sand from the problems that frighten him that fate does not require external enemies.

This card suggests that something is greatly disturbing the questioner, perhaps depriving him of peace and sleep. In the worst case, he is currently undergoing a real test of losses and it seems to him that the whole world is against him, and fate has set itself the goal of destroying him. This image of sleepless nights corresponds to a state of deep anxiety and depression. There may be a bad conscience that prevents you from falling asleep, or a feeling of some kind of danger to life, for example, illness or bereavement.

The card depicts night terrors, when we lie awake, tormented by our thoughts, and wait for dawn. However, she does not tell us what exactly depresses us: a feeling of guilt or shame that drives sleep away, a feeling of self-doubt in the face of a difficult test, a powerless experience of failure, or some real danger that threatens our life. It shows only despair, melancholy, preoccupation, a sudden nightmare awakening, a sleepless night, an atmosphere of darkness and suffering. In any case, the card says that the person has something to think about, and this “what” upsets and frightens him. Perhaps he knows what to do, but he considers active actions too painful.

The “circle of torment” described by the Nine of Swords reflects pain, fatigue and an urgent desire to change everything for the better. Usually a person is not able to withstand this torture for a long time and finds a way to end it (the next card is the Ten of Swords). This card is similar to the Ten of Swords in the sense that it foreshadows the near end of the “dark streak”. However, it happens that the Nine of Swords indicates “residual phenomena” from past or even imaginary problems rather than the problems themselves.

“Hostile whirlwinds howl above us, dark forces oppress us viciously.” Severe anxiety (including at night), a depressed state, thinking about problems, painful thoughts about work, fears about the future, doubts, uncertainty, remorse. Anxiety, powerlessness, fear of failure, complete loss. Concentration of negative thoughts, like a nightmare.

It is a “sleep of the mind” that produces monsters, gnawing anxiety, primitive fantasies of brutal violence or shameful defeat. In general - an all-consuming, panicky fear of something, an uncontrollable fear - of some test, work, exams, sex... reality. Readiness to desperately give up in the face of all this, the position of an ostrich. Any call of reality forces you to plunge into the abyss of fear. A person suffers, imagining the worst that can happen. Life has become a nightmare, this card says. The whole world is heading into the abyss. The fears and worries are so great that it seems that life is no longer worth living.

Extreme despair. Exhaustion. Sometimes this card is marked by the loss of loved ones, the awareness of grief and the lack of resources at the moment to deal with it.

In the Tarot, perhaps, there are no Arcana other than this that would emphasize the state of shame and guilt, and this is worth paying attention to. This is self-flagellation, various forms of self-punishment. Generally speaking, the Nine of Swords person loves to feel like a victim of circumstances and revels in self-pity without noticing it. Fear of the unfolding events of life is usually caused by a very strong concentration on oneself. In the end, according to this map, we are afraid not just of some events, but of what will happen to us. Sometimes the card describes an unmarried person, whose life this circumstance clearly does not decorate.

the card has a different meaning than the ordinary one, and this is well described in ancient manuals.

In the upright position it symbolizes a temple, monastery, sanctuary, cult and attitude towards it, as well as virginity, purity, holiness, unearthly purity.

We found the following description of the Arcan symbolism: “The card shows a woman sitting on a bed and covering her face with her hands: having woken up, she suddenly realized what was happening. Her insight is mournful. But nine swords above her head point forward - to the future. In addition, the nightmare is most likely imaginary: none of the swords touches the figure depicted on the card. On her bedspread are symbols of the planets and signs of the Zodiac that control the invisible life processes of the world organism. The mind, which has dismantled the world into parts and comprehended the fate of the past and the present, is given the ability to comprehend the predestination of the future.”

Having started reading this description, I want to repeat the words from “The Da Vinci Code” - So dark is con of man! - only about the opposite visual deception than that discussed in this film. “Well, where do you see the woman here? What tells you that this is a woman?” In fact, Waite's character is asexual. He is wearing a long shirt, hiding the shape of his body, and we do not see any secondary sexual characteristics here. The concentration of negative thoughts and the immersion of consciousness in a gloomy primitive state is what is most essential. Crowley writes: “This is a world of unconscious primal instincts, psychopathy and fanaticism.”

The Nine of Swords resonates with the sign of Sagittarius and its rulers, Jupiter and Neptune. Moreover, Jupiter gives this card religiosity, while Neptune can give this religiosity the most frenzied forms and brings fear, uncertainty, apprehension, a desire to move away from reality, the inability to survive contact with reality, misunderstanding, hopelessness, suffering. Frantic “Victory or Death!”, no compromises. A monk who lives in anticipation of a miracle or sign appearing to him is another example of a subject of the Nine of Swords. It can also contribute to a radical change in worldview.

Sharp and sudden social ups and downs (an idol for an hour), changes in social status are also a typical situation for the Nine of Swords. This card means a change in everyday environment, moving, and separation in the broad sense of the word (not only with people and objects, but also with ideas). A monk, taking monastic vows into a monastery, dies to the world. The Nine of Swords can also be known as the highest power of liberation. Wake up suddenly and suddenly be horrified by the situation, realizing it to the end (“look around and shudder soberly”). At such a moment, enormous power is released, impersonal and merciless. Depression is an internal reckoning. This card corresponds to a serious cheap crisis and challenge. In the biblical sense, this is the experience of being abandoned by God.

The second decanate of Gemini, ruled by Mars, expresses the idea of ​​actively including one's own will in the rational analysis of the world. The mind, pushing opposites together, harshly dissects the unknown into pieces, in order to then re-create the world from the pieces, comparing them with each other and establishing logical connections. This decade develops mental acuity and poses questions head-on. Mars suggests judging things from a personal position and speaking boldly about everything, but, on the other hand, the mental dissection of the living organism of the world replaces the original integrity (even with a perfect, but dead scheme), so this decade has the name “Cruelty.”

This is the cruelty of a cold mind towards the feeling body. In the end, feeling turns out to be right, and reason is wrong because an attentive soul can always quietly and imperceptibly destroy those barriers with which a furious mind is waging a protracted and bloody war. And yet, representatives of this decade tend to emphasize the omnipotence of the mind. By dealing with the shortcomings of the present, the mind makes a connection between the past and the future.

Light and Shadow (advice and caution)

Advice: the main medicine is contact with reality, steps towards correcting it, gradually bringing clarity to it. "The sleep of reason gives birth to monsters." Give up the ostrich policy, don’t torture yourself with inactivity. Do what you must and come what may. However, dignified positive behavior, sound responsible actions taken decisively and firmly are the key to liberation. We just have to try to weather this storm. The Nine of Swords, falling to a person who is in a relatively serene state, without obvious clouds on the horizon, may hint that somewhere and in some way he should still worry in advance, think about whether a radical correction of the situation is required somewhere, at least for preventive purposes.

Warning: refrain from dubious matters, do not rush to make decisions - things will have a negative development and you will have to regret what you have done for a long time. Card trap: thinking too much about problems that are not directly related to us. Meanwhile, there are urgent matters that require attention, and they need to be addressed, then the condition will stabilize.

The Nine of Swords is a sign that the questioner has not been able to cope with doubts and negative emotions (their reflection is the Eight of Swords) and is now reaping the fruits of his own indecision. It happens that work has turned into torture and a person hates it with all his soul, and the thought of the next working day deprives him of sleep.

Professional failures. Collections. In business, this card predicts failure and defeat. In combination with positive cards - at least severe stress on the path to success or (rarely) “depression of achievement.” This card responds to a state of panic and time pressure, when a person does not have time to do everything by the due date. This is a fear of control, inspections, audits, certifications and public speaking. Often this is a card of extreme mobilization to overcome work problems, when strict rationality, a suicidal attitude towards “one’s own song”, sleepless nights, “no sleep, no rest for the tormented soul” are required.

This card is marked by encounters with envy, injustice or mobbing, but also hysterics in the workplace, inappropriate behavior, and a generally uncomfortable asthma atmosphere.

Professionally, this card corresponds to specialists who work with mental anguish - psychologists, priests.

Map of melancholy and worries associated with money. Finance sings romances, and some especially heartbreaking ones. Traditional meanings: loss of property, business failure, bankruptcy, debt, blackmail. Deferred payments. Deception in money matters.

At the level of love relationships, the Nine of Swords can give excessive concern about a loved one when love takes on hysterical, annoying forms. Hysteria is generally associated with this card. Neptune means not only blind, unconditional, fanatical faith, but also distrust, suspicion, doubts, sometimes taking a manic form. One of the ancient meanings of the card, along with monasticism, is “heartless passion”, which does not stop, for example, at revenge and causing harm, “love and hatred at the same time.” Crowley writes about an atmosphere poisoned by danger.

More often it is poisoning with suffering, which can be associated both with the presence of a relationship and with its absence. Traditionally, the Nine of Swords is considered a card of lonely people. But it also likes to fall out on those for whom marriage has turned into martyrdom, constant suppression, a “torture chamber.” This card is extremely sensitive to mental suffering and is a significator of the “humiliated and insulted.”

The Nine of Swords quite accurately describes crying into the pillow after marital quarrels and generally causing pain. However, she also loves obsessives - those who are ready to literally follow on the heels of the object of their passion, creating for themselves an idol and a fetish from a living person. The Nine of Swords is capable of standing guard at the entrance, hanging on a drainpipe, accessing a mobile phone and email, and all this on the basis of a desperate “I love you, I can’t.” A person suffers himself and torments another, perhaps subconsciously trying to make him just as unhappy and gain reciprocity at least in this way. This card is also associated with tyranny and violence in relationships; it can be characterized by unceremoniousness and rudeness, but at the heart of it all is a panicky fear of losing.

Inability to forgive something, such as cheating.

Psychogenic impotence caused by fear of not being up to par or resentment.

Traditionally, the Nine of Swords is a strong indicator of loneliness, seclusion, solitude (almost more than the Hermit), a bachelor life, which does not bring any pleasure to the questioner. The card also often means pain caused by the partner’s insensitivity, a state of abandonment and misunderstanding.

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