How to cook the most tender veal medallions? How to prepare delicious juicy medallions: instructions for use Veal medallion

Beef medallions can be ordered in the best restaurants in Bishkek. Maybe you've even tried making them at home. But, most likely, it turned out not as tasty and juicy as in the restaurant. This is because you don't know how to cook them.

At least, personally, I realized that the problem was with me. Although, before the master class with chef Roman Dubnitsky, I thought that I needed some special products. I would like to note that under the guidance of the master we produced excellent medallions. I’ve already prepared them at home - and everything turned out just fine. So it works.

Roman Dubnitsky is a graduate of the most prestigious school Le Cordon Bleu - a kind of Cambridge and Harvard in cooking. For six years he worked under the supervision of the renowned chef Roland Passot at the Michelin-starred restaurant La Folie (San Francisco, California). Received invaluable management lessons in the team of chef Alain Dukas, whose name has become a global brand. With him, Roman is participating in the opening of restaurants at the W hotel of the Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide chain.

In Kazakhstan, he worked as a brand chef for the AB restaurant chain with Askar Baytasov, and launched 15 different projects. Since 2015, he has periodically worked on television; since the beginning of 2017, he has been a permanent presenter and chef in the culinary program “Kitchen Magic”. Since its opening in September 2012, he has been conducting various master classes and private events at the Compote culinary studio (Almaty).

The closed master class was organized by Herbalife at the Cook Story culinary studio.

So, today we will prepare beef medallions with baked vegetables and tomato sauce. Note that these three dishes can be prepared separately. Medallions can be served with any side dish. Baked vegetables will be delicious not only with meat, but also with chicken, fish, or just like that.

Well, the sauce... We'll talk about the sauce separately.

Beef medallions

We will need:

  1. beef tenderloin bon fillet (whole)
  2. pepper
  3. olive oil - 3-4 tablespoons
  4. cotton twine.

Step 1. Choose meat.

We take the bon fillet tenderloin - this is the posterior lumbar part of the carcass. During the life of the animal, this muscle tissue receives almost no physical activity, therefore it is the most tender and tasty.

“You can’t buy such meat in any meat department, because this is the most valuable part of the carcass. Therefore, come to the market, see who has the best meat, and order bon fillet. In general, girls, meat and husband must be chosen according to the same rules : if you like it, only then take it. Otherwise, you grabbed what’s left, or you still need to take something,” says Roman Dubnitsky.

Roman said another great thing that we know but is always nice to hear:

“They sell excellent meat in Kyrgyzstan. I like your meat better than in Kazakhstan.”

Please note that this dish requires fresh meat and cannot be frozen.

Step 2. Prepare the meat.

This step is the most important. Our task is to free our future medallions from films, veins and everything that will not be chewed.

To do this, place the tenderloin on the board in front of you and cut off the hanging parts (the so-called tongues and ears).

We hold the knife with the blade raised at a slight angle.

We pull the cut part with the non-working hand parallel to the table.

Now we cut a piece across the grain, 3-3.5 centimeters long. You will get 7-9 medallions from one piece of tenderloin.

Step 3. Shape the meat.

To prevent the medallions from losing their shape during processing, they must be tied tightly against the grain with twine, as if you were girdling meat. You can tie it in two knots or in a bow. The ends of the twine should not be very long, but there is also no need to try to cut them as short as possible.

Step 4. Salt and pepper.

The meat does not need any spices. Just salt and pepper. We take the most ordinary salt. Roman advises in this case to take non-iodized one, otherwise a metallic taste will appear. It’s better to salt with your hand rather than with a salt shaker, so the salt will spread more evenly. In this case, the hand should be 30 centimeters higher than the piece of meat (this is also necessary for uniform salting). But you can only pepper from a mill - otherwise the aroma of the spice will disappear.

Step 5. Fry the meat

Place a dry frying pan on the fire and heat it up. Then add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. Warm up the oil. Now we fry our medallions on all sides. Turn over using tongs. On each side we hold for 20-30 seconds. In order for the meat to cook evenly, you will need about seven turns (five around the circumference, top and bottom).

This is a very important process, it is needed to “seal” the meat and prevent the juice from leaking out. The juiciness of our dish depends on this process. The main thing here is sound and color. The meat laid out in a frying pan (you can fry several pieces at once) should sizzle pleasantly. A fried piece of meat is a delight to the eye.

Step 6. Bake the meat.

Now the meat needs to be cooked. Place it from the frying pan on the grill, remove the twine and place it in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 7-12 minutes (depending on the thickness of the medallion and the degree of desired roasting).

Don't forget to place a baking tray under the wire rack. If there is a convection mode, it is better to turn it on.

That's it, the meat is ready.

Baked vegetables

Bell pepper (it’s better to take multi-colored ones) - 3 pieces

Eggplants - 3 pieces

Red onion - one medium head

Garlic - 3-4 cloves

Zucchini - 2 pieces

Basil - half a bunch or a bunch

Cilantro or other greens to taste - half a bunch or a bunch

Thyme (aka our thyme) - two or three sprigs

Salt, olive oil, sugar

Step 1. Wash and peel the vegetables.

Well, I think there’s no need to explain anything to anyone. Wash as usual. We clean the pepper from seeds. There is no need to soak the eggplants.

“It’s some kind of myth that unsoaked eggplants are bitter,” said Roman. “Normal, properly cooked eggplants will not taste bitter. Regular washing and removing the stem is enough.”

Zucchini does not need to be peeled. You can use regular green pepper, but multi-colored ones will make the dish more beautiful. It's the same with onions. In addition, red onions are more delicate.

Step 2. Cut the vegetables.

Cut the eggplants and peppers into bars 4 centimeters long and 2 centimeters wide.

Cut the onion into 8 parts.

Chop the garlic.

Cut the zucchini into thin slices using a special vegetable peeler.

Step 3. Add spices.

Place the prepared vegetables on a baking sheet and add thyme leaves.


We will need:

Herbalife Tomato Basil Soup - 1 tbsp. spoon per serving

Let's repeat it again. The sauce can be anything. But traditionally, tomato sauce is served with meat and vegetables. You can make it yourself from tomatoes, onions, spices, passing it all through a meat grinder and evaporating excess moisture over fire. You can buy ready-made ketchup (but it must contain vinegar, which will drown out the taste of the meat). Or you can use an excellent sauce made from Herbalife tomato soup with basil.

Step one. Prepare the sauce.

Prepare the sauce according to the instructions on the package. We added a little more water to make it a sauce rather than a soup.

Step 2. Let's try it.

The beauty of this particular sauce is that you don’t have to mess around. After all, the meat and vegetables are ready. And the sauce needs to be made very quickly. But still try the sauce before serving: you may want to add some spices.

Place vegetables, zucchini, medallion on a plate and pour sauce over it. Before serving, add fresh herbs, chopped as usual.

If you are a true meat gourmet who cannot live a day without meat dishes, then be sure to prepare yourself juicy and rosy beef medallions with a side dish of green peas. This popular French dish can be ordered at any restaurant, but it is much easier to make it at home and with the degree of frying that suits your taste.

Classic medallions are created mainly from beef or veal. Veal meat is much more tender and does not need to be pre-beaten. To do this, purchase fresh beef pulp, preferably neck, and first clean it of veins and films that can curl the meat during heat treatment. Then cut it into medallions about 1.5 cm wide, as in the photo below. It is from such preparations that the famous dish is prepared. Better yet, take the tenderloin.

Recipe information

Cuisine: French.

Cooking method: frying.

Total cooking time: 20 minutes.

Number of servings: 2 .


  • beef medallion - 2 pcs.
  • green peas – 200 g
  • salt - to taste
  • seasoning - to taste
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp.

Meat medallions are a French delicacy that are small, round-shaped chops usually made from beef, veal, pork, turkey or chicken. Medallions are served in the best restaurants in the world, but they can also be prepared at home. Fragrant tender medallions, fried in a frying pan or baked in the oven, go perfectly with vegetables, potatoes and fluffy rice. Let's talk about how to properly prepare medallions.

High-quality cutting for delicate medallions

When choosing meat, give preference to fresh meat from young animals or fresh chilled products that can be bought in farm stores. However, you can also prepare delicious chops from frozen meat if it has not been re-frozen, which often happens during transportation and storage of products.

Good pork should be light pink, with white fat, beef should be bright pink or red, without films or streaks, while beef fat can have not only a white, but also a creamy tint. For medallions, it is advisable to take tenderloin, and if you are buying chicken, then tender chicken fillet is more suitable. Be sure to check the elasticity of the meat by pressing on it with your finger - if the flesh quickly regains its shape, it means the meat is fresh. The surface of the meat may be damp, but not wet, otherwise this means that the piece was defrosted before sale. The smell should be pleasant, not sour and without a smell; by the way, when buying a frozen product, pay attention to the color - meat that is too dark has most likely been frozen several times.

Shape, thickness and texture of meat

If you use tender tenderloin to make medallions, there is no need to think about how to cut out round pieces, as long as the thickness of the pieces is no more than 1.5 cm. Since the tenderloin is a fixed muscle, there are no films or other inedible parts in it, This meat is very tender and soft. It is not necessary to beat the tenderloin, but if you beat it, the medallions will turn out even more tender and will melt in your mouth. You should beat it evenly on both sides, covering the piece of meat with cling film so that the pieces do not scatter around the kitchen. The degree of beating depends on the toughness of the meat; ideally it should acquire the texture of a soufflé.

If you are using meat other than tenderloin, choose cuts without connective tissue or remove all veins. Cut the meat crosswise, not along the grain, otherwise chewing it will be problematic. Carefully cut out the medallions or make it even simpler - chop the meat into small cubes to make almost minced meat, then form into round cutlets. In general, minced meat medallions are very popular and tasty because they always turn out soft and juicy.

Marinade for juicy medallions

If you marinate the chopped meat at least an hour or two before frying, it will be even softer and juicier. The simplest marinade is any vegetable oil with spices, grated onion and garlic, but you can simply cover the medallions with lemon slices and onion rings. It is recommended to sprinkle dry meat not intended for chops with dry mustard and leave for a while - such medallions will remain juicy, since the mustard retains the juice inside the meat and does not allow it to leak out.

Very tasty, which, after beating, are poured with soy sauce, orange or lemon juice, sprinkled with spices and aromatic herbs, rubbed with chopped garlic and ginger. Sour citrus juices soften even tough meat, and ginger and garlic have a preservative effect; in addition, ginger prevents the formation of carcinogenic substances during frying. At the end of marinating, the meat can be poured with dry wine or champagne for tenderness and piquant taste.

Roasting and sauce selection

Medallions are fried on both sides, but not for very long, so that they do not become dry - it is better to do this in vegetable or ghee. The best option is to bake the meat in foil, where it will cook in its own juices, which will make the medallions especially juicy, tasty and healthy. Medallions are also stewed or cooked in a slow cooker. If you have time, you can complicate the recipe by preparing medallions in batter, for example, from cheese, mixing beaten eggs, grated cheese and flour for the batter. Dip pieces of meat into this mixture and fry in a frying pan; it’s very simple, quick and original. Another way to prepare medallions is after quick frying, place the pieces of meat in the oven for 20–30 minutes at a temperature of 180 °C.

You can serve any sauce for this dish: vegetable, mushroom, cheese, garlic, cream, honey mustard, tomato, fruit and berry. Pomegranate sauce, guacamole, bechamel, satsivi, tkemali, adjika go well with meat - with them the medallions will acquire a unique flavor!

Five secrets of delicious medallions

Secret 1. Experienced chefs advise not to salt the medallions before cooking and not to add salt to the marinade, since thanks to salt the meat immediately releases juice and after frying it turns out dry. Salt the meat only after it has formed a golden brown crust, and it will always be juicy!

Secret 2. Medallions fried in breading are very tasty; they use breadcrumbs, ground nuts or sesame seeds, corn, chickpeas, rice, whole grain wheat or rye flour, corn and potato starch.

Secret 3. Never fry wet medallions or you won't get a golden brown crust. Meat removed from the marinade should be blotted with a paper towel and only then fried or baked.

Secret 4. If you do dry out the meat, prepare any creamy, milk or sour cream sauce, pour it over the medallions and place in the oven for 20 minutes at 120°C. The meat will become softer, more tender and much juicier.

Secret 5. This method preserves meat juice, and the medallions turn out to melt in your mouth. The readiness of the meat is checked with a wooden skewer: if clear juice comes out, the medallions are ready!

Juicy beef medallions with spicy sauce

This recipe will be of interest to anyone who loves meat with sweet and sour sauce; in this case, apple and cherry are used for gravy. Make medallions out of three pieces of beef tenderloin, lightly pound them to tenderize them and rub them with a mixture of barbecue spices. Let the meat soak in the aroma of the seasonings and fry the medallions on both sides in vegetable oil until cooked and golden brown. Fry pieces of apples along with the meat; one large apple is enough for this amount of beef.

Place the prepared ones on a dish, and pour 60 g of pitted cherries into the same frying pan, pour in 70–100 ml of dry red wine and cook, stirring, until the sauce thickens. At the very end, salt it and season with black and red pepper, and then decorate the medallions with the cooled sauce and sprigs of fresh herbs. Beef chops with fruit sauce are also suitable for a holiday table; they cook quickly and always turn out tasty if you use tender beef tenderloin for medallions.

How to make delicious turkey medallions

Despite the fact that turkey is a lean type of meat, it can also be used to make soft and juicy medallions if the turkey is well beaten and marinated before cooking.

For the marinade in 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, add chopped garlic clove, ½ tsp. ground black pepper and salt (or without it), a quarter cup of grated Parmesan and 1 tbsp. l. a mixture of any dried herbs, such as basil, thyme and marjoram.

Make medallions from 0.5 kg of fresh turkey, soak them in the marinade and put them in the refrigerator for half an hour. Bake the medallions in the oven for 20 minutes at 180°C, turning them once, until golden brown. Serve medallions with berry sauce, for which remove 200 g of sour berries from the stems, mix with the juice and zest of one orange, ½ tsp. grated ginger, a glass of water and any spices such as pepper, cardamom, nutmeg and cloves. Cook the sauce for about 5 minutes, and then combine it with 1 tbsp. l. sugar and cook for another 15 minutes. If you are preparing a dish for adults, you can add 1 tbsp to the gravy. l. cognac - it will add piquancy and an unusual aroma to the sauce. Also, ready-made medallions can be baked in the oven for 5–8 minutes under a cap of pineapple ring and grated cheese.

Let the finished medallions rest a little under foil for 5 minutes, and then serve with sauce and fresh berries.

Pork medallions with bacon

This dish turns out very tasty and aromatic; for it you will need a piece of pork weighing 1 kg, cleaned of films and veins. Slice the medallions across the grain of the meat, season them with salt and pepper, and then wrap them in bacon slices. In this case, you don’t have to be afraid to add salt before frying, since the pork won’t become dry, and thanks to the bacon, the meat will be very juicy. For flavor, wrap fragrant sage leaves between the meat and bacon. Bake the medallions on a baking sheet for 40 minutes in an oven preheated to 210°C.

At this time, prepare a sauce from 2 red onions, fried in vegetable oil, then add the pork trimmings left after forming the medallions and fry them for 5 minutes. Pour half a glass of meat broth and 15% fat sour cream into the sauce, bring it to a boil and cook for another 15 minutes.

You can endlessly experiment with medallions using a variety of marinades, breadings and sauces. You will never get tired of this dish, and if you cook it from beef, veal or turkey in the oven or in foil, it will fit into any diet. Delight your family with healthy delicacies more often!

Juicy veal medallions- This is a French dish that consists of neat, round-shaped pieces of meat, fried in a pan or baked in the oven. The finished dish is complemented with side dishes and sauce. In expensive restaurants, the preparation of meat medallions involves complex techniques: sous vide or flambé. But you don't need to master these techniques to make delicious meat medallions. We will suggest basic recipes for veal medallions and reveal the secrets of juicy meat.

Cooking juicy veal medallions at home

Veal medallions are prepared from the loin parts of the carcass that are least exposed to stress during the life of the bull. Of course, preference is given to beef tenderloin. The meat from the under-ridge part is lean, but very tender, and does not require softening or marinating. Before preparing veal medallions, the tenderloin must be thoroughly cleaned. If this is not done, the films and connective tissues will shrink under the influence of temperature and “squeeze” the juice out of the meat. If this is your first time deciding, find out how to properly peel it and cut it into steaks in this one.
Juicy veal medallions are prepared from other loin parts: neck, shoulder and rump. Try to choose meat without veins or membranes, otherwise you will have to work on stripping it. Choose aged - it is softer and more tender due to the natural fermentation of muscle fibers.
There is no need to marinate the tenderloin medallions, but if you are using tougher beef, we recommend preparing a marinade for the veal medallions.
The basic marinade for beef steaks is a mixture of fresh spices and olive oil. For a spicy kick, add pressed garlic or grated ginger root. Balsamic vinegar, soy sauce and fruit acids soften meat well. However, try to marinate the medallions for no more than 2 hours. Before frying, blot them thoroughly with a napkin: if the surface of the meat is dry, a crust will form on it faster. Read detailed recipes for delicious marinades for meat.
Cooking veal medallions step by step
Prepare tenderloin or any other veal fillet. Remove all membranes, veins and connective tissue from the meat. Blot from moisture and cut into portions at least 2 cm thick. You should not do less - there is a risk of drying out the tender ones.
Marinate the meat as desired, leaving it at room temperature. If you plan to put it in the refrigerator, be sure to remove it back 40 minutes before you start cooking. You cannot fry cold beef medallions in a frying pan.
Use a non-stick pan. A grill pan will also work. In the first case, heat a spoonful of oil in a frying pan. You can use a mixture of different oils. For example, olive and cream or olive and sesame. If you are cooking medallions on a grill pan, brush each piece of meat with oil.
The good thing about this recipe for cooking medallions in a frying pan is that the meat cooks very quickly. The beef is first fried until crusty, and then placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for another 10-20 minutes.
Remember: the juiciest veal medallions are cooked to medium rare.
5. Before serving medallions, give them 5 minutes to “rest” - the finished dish will be more juicy.
How to cook medallions deliciously: chefs' tips
— cut the meat correctly: try tying the tenderloin with culinary thread, making equal indentations. Using these indentations it will be easier to cut medallions of the same thickness;
- so that they keep their shape and do not deform during frying, secure each of them with a thread or a foil ring;
- butter added to freshly prepared medallions will give them a creamy aftertaste.

Veal medallions in cream sauce

Beef medallions are usually served with sauce. We offer you a recipe for juicy medallions in a frying pan with a delicate sauce. Prepare and properly cut the fillets into medallions. Season them with salt and pepper and place in a hot frying pan. Cook for 3 minutes on each side, turning carefully with tongs. Be sure to “seal” the meat on the sides. Transfer the finished ones to a plate, leaving to rest under foil.
In the same pan, fry finely chopped shallots and pressed garlic. Add cream, reduce heat and heat until thick. Season the finished cream sauce with ground white pepper and salt. Pour it over the finished juicy veal medallions and serve with mashed potatoes or risotto.

Veal medallions with mushroom sauce

Fry the beef for medallions, seasoned with salt and pepper, in portions in a preheated frying pan until crisp. As soon as the last piece of meat is fried, reduce the heat and add butter and finely chopped onion to the pan. Next add mushrooms and garlic. Cook until nicely crusted, then pour in the heavy cream and add the bay leaf. Boil for a couple of minutes until thickened and season the mushroom sauce to taste. Return the veal medallions to the pan and heat in the sauce for another 5 minutes. Serve the dish hot.

Bacon Wrapped Beef Medallions Recipe

Beef medallions will turn out juicier if you wrap each one with a slice of bacon, tying it with thread. Fry the meat until crusty, and then put it in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Do not remove the bacon. It will saturate the meat with juice and give it a piquant, smoky taste.
Before serving the finished medallions, the bacon slices are removed along with the string and seasoned with coarse salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.
We recommend this recipe for meat medallions if you are preparing them from the shoulder or neck. As a rule, meat from alternative parts of the carcass has a more pronounced flavor. It will be complemented by bacon, as well as wine or cognac-based sauce. Read the recipe for this.

Veal medallions recipe with herbs

Do you want your medallions to be not only juicy, but also aromatic? Add fresh rosemary or thyme. Do it this way: “cover” each medallion with a sprig of rosemary and thyme. Secure with a thread and fry first over high heat until crusty. Reducing the heat, add a generous dollop of butter and a few cloves of garlic to the pan. Continue frying the meat, pouring hot oil over it. Cook for 8-10 minutes, then transfer the juicy and fragrant medallions to presentation plates, discarding the herbs. Prepared according to the same recipe. Read our detailed recipe for steak with herbs in a frying pan.

veal (tenderloin) - about 700g; for the sauce: lemon (juice) - 1 pc.; cognac - 100 ml; soy sauce - 3 tbsp. l. (taste); honey (or sugar) - 2 tbsp. l. Rinse the tenderloin, dry it with a napkin, cut off all the films, then cut into medallions 1-1.5 cm thick. For the sauce, mix all the ingredients listed in the recipe in a small saucepan (heavy, with a thick bottom and walls) and cook over low heat until the sauce

Yes, yes, I made a mistake - the sauce is really orange. And it is red because there were only blood oranges on hand. True, this did not affect the taste. The dish turned out simply wonderful and, most importantly, quickly. Since pork tenderloin is a tender and capricious product, it is fried for a short time over high heat. To forestall questions, I will say: yes, in 2-3 minutes on each side it is fried until done. Ingredients: 1 pork tenderloin (about 500 g) 3-4 oranges lemon 1 clove

Enlarge You will need: pork (carbonate) - 400g; cheese (preferably cheddar) - 50g; walnuts (ground) - 2 tbsp. l.; vegetable oil - 1.2 tbsp. l.; salt, ground black pepper - to taste; sour cream - 1 tbsp. l. Cut the carbonate across the grain into medallions - round slices 1-1.5 cm thick. Beat each medallion a little, then fry in a hot, oiled frying pan for 2 minutes on each side. When turning over

You will need: pork (carbonate) - 400g; cheese (preferably cheddar) - 50g; walnuts (ground) - 2 tbsp. l.; vegetable oil - 1.2 tbsp. l.; salt, ground black pepper - to taste; sour cream - 1 tbsp. l. Cut the carbonate across the grain into medallions - round slices 1-1.5 cm thick. Beat each medallion a little, then fry in a hot, oiled frying pan for 2 minutes on each side. When turning, add salt and

interesting and tasty recipe Ingredients for the recipe: 300 g veal meat 60 g mushrooms 1 large onion 1/2 bell pepper 1/2 tsp. Provençal herbs bunch of parsley 2 - 3 cloves garlic 1 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs zest of one lemon 1 tsp. mustard 150 ml broth vegetable oil for cooking 1 large zucchini pepper salt Cooking recipe: Fry the onions and peppers in a frying pan, having first finely chopped them. Add mushrooms, salt, pepper, Provençal herbs, parsley. Fry everything together a little more. Place the filling on a plate, add

Enlarge You will need: veal (pulp) - 700g; fresh mushrooms (champignons) - 300g; walnuts - 80g; sweet red pepper - 1 pc.; onion - 1 pc.; egg - 2 pcs.; salt, ground black pepper - to taste; butter for frying; breadcrumbs - 1 tbsp. l. Cut the veal into pieces, pass through a meat grinder twice or grind in a food processor. Wash the mushrooms, select 7-10 medium-sized mushrooms and set aside

Our dear guests!

It's no secret that we all love to eat well, and one of our favorite dishes is Veal medallions with cognac sauce. Therefore, many people, especially our beloved women, sooner or later wonder: . A simple recipe was written especially for you, which briefly and clearly explains how to cook Veal Medallions with cognac sauce at home. Here all the recipes are written in simple, understandable words, so even the most inexperienced cook can easily prepare Veal medallions with cognac sauce. For this purpose, special recipes have been created with detailed photographs and step-by-step descriptions of the preparation steps. By following the written recipe, you can easily prepare this delicious dish and feel its beneficial properties and impeccable taste. If you, dear readers, after viewing this material still do not understand, how to cook veal medallions with cognac sauce, then we suggest you look at our other recipes.

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