Tips for caring for a cat after surgery. Proper care of a cat after spaying surgery. Cat's paw swollen after surgery

In a good veterinary clinic with competent doctors, you will never be given a cat after surgery without removing it from anesthesia. A few hours after the operation are the most difficult for both the animal itself and the person who cares for him. The cat will not just sleep, she may write under herself, she may begin to vomit, her temperature will drop below normal, and other unforeseen consequences may also occur. After 1-2 hours, she will wake up - and it will become even more difficult: the cat will try to walk, but there will be problems with orientation, as a result, she will start to stagger, fall, try to jump somewhere, etc. At this time, the animal needs special care and the possibility of urgent help from a veterinarian.

That is why good clinics will never give the cat to the owner in a state of anesthesia, but will tell him to come in a few hours and give him a more or less coordinated animal, which was given an antibiotic and painkiller, and also put on a blanket that protects the seam.

The cat, after being taken out of anesthesia by the doctors, will also be a little inadequate in movements, but she will be able to drink, eat and go to the toilet on her own.

If the cat was given away in a state of anesthesia

Not all clinics are so professional and of high quality as to give the animal to the owner after overexposure. As a result, the owner receives an immobilized body in his hands, which can be registered at any moment or choke in his own vomit. If you are planning to sterilize, try to find out in advance in what form they plan to give you a pet. If possible, refuse the services of a clinic that is going to do it this way. But if there is no choice, you will have to cope on your own.

In this case, after the end of the operation, it is advisable to stay in the clinic for about another half an hour to make sure that bleeding has not opened from the suture.

Do not take a cat or a cat home in any case by public transport, it is better to call a taxi or ask someone to give you a ride.

The animal must be placed in a spacious carrier with a hard floor, but not on its back or stomach, but on its side so that it does not choke in case of vomiting. It is better to lay an absorbent diaper under the cat in case urine suddenly comes out. And if it's cold outside, cover your pet with something warm.

Arriving home, put the cat on the floor, on a pre-prepared blanket or towel. You can put an absorbent pad on top of the towel. After this, the pet needs to be covered with something warm, because. under anesthesia, the body temperature drops - and the animal can get sick. Place a bowl of water near the rookery.

Under anesthesia in cats, the eyes remain open, so they need to be instilled with a solution specially purchased for this: then the mucous membrane will not dry out. This should be done every 20-30 minutes until the animal wakes up.

Anesthetized cats won't close their eyes

The cat's mouth will also dry out, so the mouth should be moistened with a wet sponge from the outside and give water drop by drop from a pipette if the cat has already woken up.

When the cat comes to his senses, he will begin to behave inappropriately. This happens differently for everyone: someone can rush around the apartment and jump wherever possible, someone can start biting ... Your task is to follow the cat on its heels and prevent it from doing dangerous actions.

This video shows a cat recovering from anesthesia. The owner is misbehaving: he is filming this on camera instead of preventing the cat from making dangerous movements.

A little hack. After the cat has woken up and started walking, it may show violent behavior, it can jump and run. But the cat is vulnerable: it easily crashes into objects and falls from a height onto its back. At this time, it is advisable to limit her stay in the apartment: put her in a carrier, let her sit there until she becomes adequate. And this will happen in 2-3 hours.

Painkillers and antibiotics after surgery

We answer the numerous question of readers about whether injections are needed after cat sterilization.

The first 2-3 days after the operation, the cats are injected with painkillers. You can do it yourself, or you can go to the clinic. Human drugs are contraindicated. The dosage is prescribed by the veterinarian, your task is to follow his instructions.

Usually, on the third or fourth day, the animal is removed from the painkiller, as a result of which it suddenly begins to feel discomfort in the suture area - and its health deteriorates. At this time, the cat tries to lie down and sleep, eats little, becomes lethargic. These are normal symptoms. Signs of severe pain are aggression, complete immobility of the animal, greatly dilated pupils, screams and groans. If you observe such a picture, you need to call the veterinarian and decide on further actions.

In order to prevent the development of inflammatory processes, the first 2-4 days after the operation, cats are also injected with antibiotics.

Temperature in a cat after surgery

Fever is the body's natural response to injury. At this time, the cat will have a dry and warm nose. If the temperature persists for more than five days after the operation, you need to contact the veterinarian: it is possible that the animal develops a pathological inflammatory process.

Seam processing

Each clinic has its own method of suturing. If there was a laparoscopic operation, then, most likely, suture treatment will not be needed. There are options after laparotomy. In any case, you must follow your veterinarian's instructions as only he knows what stitch he put.

If the seam needs to be treated, then usually an aqueous solution of miramistin or chlorhexidine is applied to it daily, which can be bought at any pharmacy. It is also sometimes recommended to lubricate the place with an antibiotic - Levomekol ointment. It is necessary to process the seam from the second day after the operation until the 7-10th day.

Before processing the seam, the blanket is removed only from the hind legs. It is better not to remove it completely, because it can be difficult to tie the cat back.

Cat appetite after surgery

If the cat was taken out of anesthesia by doctors and given to you under anesthesia, then the pet may show interest in food immediately upon arrival home. However, in some cases (this will depend on the type of surgery, suture, and medication) the veterinarian will recommend not feeding the animal for up to 24 hours after surgery. Ask your doctor about this.

If the cat has a poor appetite in the first days after the operation, this is also normal. You don’t need to force her to eat: the main thing is to drink water. But if the cat refuses food for more than two days, you need to contact the veterinarian.

As for the quality of food, during this period it is very important that the cat's stool is soft, without constipation. Otherwise, it will strain, which will cause pain due to the stitches. Therefore, almost all meat meals should include porridge: then the stool will be soft - and there will be no need for straining.

In addition, it is very useful to give fermented milk products to a cat during this period: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt, but in no case milk - cats puff up from it, and excess gases of the operated abdominal cavity are not needed.

Constipation after surgery

Despite proper nutrition, after surgery, the cat may experience constipation for 2-4 days. Make sure that the pet goes to the toilet for the most part at least 1 time in 2 days. If you see that the second day is already ending, and the tray is empty, it is better to give the pet vaseline oil: pour it into the mouth through a syringe at the rate of 5 ml per 5 kg of weight. It is absolutely harmless, but it helps to go to the toilet. The effect must be achieved by giving Vaseline every 8 hours until the cat poops.

It happens that the cat refuses to write. In this case, it is recommended to put a Microlax microclyster for children, which immediately causes both urination and defecation. Microclysters should be injected into the ass, in no case should the medicine be given by mouth.

In addition, feline lactobacilli can be added to cat food, which will help to cope with dysbacteriosis caused by antibiotics.

Cat has bleeding stitches after spaying

It happens that a cat bleeds after surgery. This is normal, although ideally it should not be. Therefore, if you see that the seam is oozing, you need to call the veterinarian to prescribe treatment. Normally, on the fifth day, the seam should be completely dry. You can check this by lifting the blanket.

Cat's paw swollen after surgery

In order to inject various drugs into the blood of a cat, veterinarians put catheters on her paws. Through them, in particular, premedication and anesthesia are administered. Sometimes the catheter is not removed immediately after the operation, but is done the next day, so that in which case the animal can be quickly injected directly into the blood with the desired drug.

After the catheter is removed, you will notice that the cat's paw is swollen. This is a reaction to the ligation that holds the catheter. After a few hours, the swelling should go away. If it persists for more than a day, see a doctor.

It looks like a catheter on a cat and a paw after a catheter

Is it possible for a cat to run after the operation and not wear a blanket?

After laparoscopy (when not a large seam is made, but small cuts), it is not necessary to put on a blanket: only small holes-seams are visible on the cat. After a laparotomy (when there is a large incision), a blanket must be put on the cat. Cats after removal of the testicles do not wear anything. She will walk in this blanket for 10-14 days.

The blanket is good because it hinders the movements of the cat and does not allow it to run and jump strongly, if it suddenly seemed that it was healthy under painkillers. Although, as practice shows, when jumping, even high ones, the seams do not diverge if they are performed with high quality. The main purpose of the blanket is to prevent the cat from getting to the seam and pulling out the threads, and also from licking the seam.

Many owners feel sorry for the cat, they say, the blanket prevents her from living. And on the fifth or sixth day after the operation, it seems that the blanket is no longer needed, because the cat is already active and behaves as if nothing had happened. As a result, some owners decide to remove the blanket or replace it with a sleeve from an old sweater, in which holes are made for paws. Under no circumstances should this be done! The blanket, we repeat, is needed not to hold the seam, but to protect it from cat interference. As soon as the blanket is removed from the cat, she begins to seriously deal with the seam and most often ends up on the operating table again. Only this time, the seam will no longer be able to heal so easily: now the cat will have to walk in a blanket for 2 months. Do you need it for the sake of false momentary pity that the cat is uncomfortable?

It has been tested on the experience of hundreds of cat owners: the blanket stays on the cat for 10-14 days without any problems and is never removed. That is, if you have not been assigned suture treatment, you should not touch the blanket at all.

It looks like a cat in the ass

Intimate hygiene of a cat in a blanket

After the operation, the cat may have another problem: she does not reach her genitals and anus with her tongue to wash them. It may seem that the blanket is to blame. In fact, if it is tied correctly, not too tight, and the size is right, then it's not a blanket. The problem is that the seam pulls: it is he who does not allow the pet to be flexible. He stops pulling after 5-7 days: and then the cat will be able to wash even in a blanket.

For the period until she is able to do it herself, you can take care of hygiene yourself. Every time after the toilet, inspect the organs: if dirt is stuck on the anus, it is enough to take a cotton pad, moisten it with water or vegetable oil and wipe the ass. The labia can simply be blotted with a fresh clean disc without anything, but very gently, do not rub. And it is better not to touch it if there is no visible contamination. If they are, then a cotton pad dipped in water will do. But hygiene should be like that of women: in popular terms, you can only wipe in the direction from pussy to priest, not vice versa.

Spayed cat won't drink water

If your cat refuses to drink water after the operation, this is very bad. She needs water now. Therefore, you can very carefully, without pressure, inject water with a syringe without a needle, putting it between your teeth (cats have empty spaces there). If it's really bad, ask your veterinarian to put on a dehydration drip - it gives excellent results.

Removal of stitches

There are self-absorbable sutures that do not need to be removed. If your cat has these, the veterinarian will warn about it. But more often, the external sutures should be removed 10-14 days after the operation. This is done very simply and quickly, within 10 minutes, but the procedure must be performed by a professional. To do this, you need to either call the veterinarian at home, or go to the clinic.

The area where the suture was placed may remain swollen for a few more days - this is normal. It is most often not necessary to process it yourself (if there are no complications). After the suture is removed, the veterinarian should apply a layer of medical glue (most often a silvery spray) to act as a protection and antiseptic.

This video contains expert advice on caring for a cat after spaying.

The author of the article, Ekaterina Yugosh, is the editor of the Murkotiki website, a journalist and a felinologist instructor (a specialist who studies cats). She received her felinological education according to the WCF system (World Cat Federation, World Cat Federation). Specializes in Scottish and British breeds. Her area of ​​interest also includes feline nutrition and animal psychology.


Animal care before and after surgery

This article is dedicated to the care of animals before and especially after surgery, as this care requires a lot of effort and responsibility. Some of the information on animal care is applicable in other situations.

Most surgeries are performed under general anesthesia. Indeed, the use of anesthetics is associated with certain risks, and surgery is equally painful for humans and for animals. But if you call on common sense for help, all this turns out to be not so scary. Pet surgery has already reached certain heights, but there is always the risk of being under general anesthesia.

Anesthesia should be administered on an empty stomach. This reduces the risk of nausea during anesthesia sleep. Before the operation, the doctor may suggest that your animal undergo a complete examination, especially carefully examine the condition of the heart and lungs. In doubtful cases, you need to do a blood test to check the functioning of the kidneys and liver. In many cases, most animals, especially young and clinically healthy ones, do not need this. In most cases, such studies concern animals at risk (old, with concomitant chronic diseases). If any violations are found, it is necessary to reconsider the method of conducting anesthesia so as not to harm the body.

Most anesthetics reduce or eliminate the feeling of pain during surgery, but some interventions are still very painful, especially abdominal and bone. There is no need to try to reduce the dose of painkillers after the operation - you are unlikely to wait for the animal to ask for the medicine itself - many of them endure suffering stoically. Follow the doctor's instructions for giving drugs! In general, animals recover from surgery faster than humans. They recover faster because they do not know human postoperative anxieties and experiences. However, the pain should not be completely removed. Pain to some extent helps the sick body fight the disease. Unpleasant sensations after the operation are not so harmful, they make the patient lie still, preventing postoperative complications.

Successful recovery requires proper care before and after surgery.

Often dogs and cats are bad patients for surgeons because, unlike humans, they are not aware of this event, and in the postoperative period they will not follow those recommendations that people always strive to follow with great diligence in order to avoid postoperative complications. Some individuals have low pain sensitivity, therefore, in the first two to three days after the operation, they feel normal.

Before the operation , if it is not an emergency, then you have time to prepare everything for the reception of the animal after the operation. In the first one or two days, it is necessary to look after the operated animal, not only because of its poor health, but also because of the possibility of complications when recovering from anesthesia, self-injury and removal of sutures.

Preoperative fasting . The veterinarian should warn you about the need for a 6 - 12 - 24 hour fast before surgery. This is necessary in order not to cause shock or vomiting in the animal when it is under anesthesia, or to facilitate the work of the surgeon during surgery on the abdominal organs. If you have violated these instructions, it is better to postpone the operation. In some cases - when using a very mild degree of anesthesia for the operation (sedation, immobilization), and when using certain drugs, this requirement is optional, but you must warn the doctor! And he will decide on the admissibility of the operation.

Be sure to tell the veterinarian how the animal tolerates anesthesia (if it was used before), especially if there were problems.

If your pet is taking any medications, ask your veterinarian if they need to be discontinued.

If any changes have occurred in the animal's condition (vomiting, diarrhea, etc.) or there are other problems, be sure to inform the doctor about this. If the animal is not vaccinated, which we consider unacceptable, then inform the doctor about this: perhaps the doctor will advise you to vaccinate the animal first, and only after a certain time (at least two weeks after the last injection of the vaccine) return to the issue of surgical intervention (of course, this applies to cases planned operations), in case of your refusal to vaccinate or urgent/emergency cases, we recommend that you administer the serum against infectious diseases to the animal, as the risk of infection in the animal in the postoperative period and in contact with other animals on the street and in the clinic increases dramatically.

On the day of the operation. This is a crucial period and requires the owner to be attentive, punctual and calm. Pay attention to the following points:

1. Don't be late for your surgery.

2. Provide a phone number where you can be reached during the day or during the operation, or at the end of it if you are not present at the clinic.

3. Remember that all hair will be shaved from the surgical field. Therefore, if you want to exhibit your animal soon, please let us know. But remember that the health of the animal should come first for you.

4. The animal may be given a preliminary injection of special drugs to reduce the side effects of anesthesia and possible complications (so-called premedication) or to correct the animal's condition, and you will be asked to wait until the drug takes effect.

During the preparation of the animal for the operation, please do not show your excitement, nervousness, anxiety, avoid fuss - remember that the animal feels you and is influenced by your mood! In addition, it interferes with the doctor, distracting him and not allowing him to fully concentrate on his task.

After operation carefully listen to all the doctor's comments about the course of the operation and its result, as well as detailed instructions for further care, treatment, maintenance (including physical activity) and feeding (giving water, food, dietary moments). Ask when there will be improvement in a condition that requires a second appointment, find out the date of removal of sutures (the cost of removing sutures and postoperative examination should be included in the cost of the operation. Specify this). Clarify any questions you don't understand right away! If necessary, in case of difficulties, complications at home, do not hesitate to consult a doctor by phone. Do not make any independent decisions and actions if they have not been discussed and agreed with the doctor.

The time required for animals to recover from general anesthesia is individual for each of the individuals (from half an hour to several hours). They should be observed until they are fully conscious and begin to walk without difficulty (if there are no pathologies that restrict movement).

They are to be kept under observation until they are fully conscious.

Transportation. Pay attention to the following points:

The car should be warm but well ventilated.

Transport the animal in a special container.

To prevent hypothermia and postoperative shock, keep the animal on a warm bed and cover it with a blanket (towel, diaper).

Remember that being in a familiar environment, the animal may fall asleep deeply.

Postoperative care. Includes the following:

1. Make your pet a comfortable bed in a warm, quiet and dry place. In no case do not use elevated places in order to avoid the fall of the animal! Use baby oilcloth or absorbent diapers because there may be involuntary urination during sleep after surgery.

Trembling is possible when exiting anesthesia, in this case it is recommended to give a few drops of Corvalol (Valocordin) with water inside, but check with the doctor for the admissibility of this and the dose.

2. In some cases (with the threat of vomiting), if the veterinarian did not say otherwise, after the operation, after a few hours (after complete recovery from anesthesia), it is advisable to give a glucose solution in small amounts every 1-2 hours (1 tbsp. 0.5 l of water or 5-10% ready solution), clean water or an electrolyte solution prescribed by a veterinarian. In other cases, for example, during castration / sterilization, the animal’s access to water is not limited initially, but it is better to limit access to water for 4-5 hours due to possible post-anesthesia vomiting.

3. It is advisable not to feed the animal for the first 6-8 hours after the operation, and the first portions of food should be significantly reduced in volume to minimize the possibility of vomiting, which often happens after anesthesia. Every three to four hours, give a small amount of easily digestible food (the composition of the diet, the therapeutic diet is discussed by the doctor!), Unless, of course, the veterinarian has forbidden, feed little, but often.

Perhaps, the doctor will advise you for the postoperative period to use the supplement of energy vitamin paste in the dose according to the instructions for a faster restoration of the animal's appetite and strength.

4. Monitor bowel movements (stool) and urination for the first 24 to 48 hours after surgery. If your pet has stool or urine retention, contact your veterinarian. Be prepared to assist the animal in defecation and urination after surgery by supporting him.

5. Treatment of stitches is carried out daily (1 or 2 times a day) until they are removed, the date of which will be determined by the doctor (from 8 to 12 days). The preparation or preparations for the treatment of the seam will be selected by your doctor.

6. Do not forget about the hygienic treatment of the nose / nostrils, muzzle, teeth, eye area with special lotions, boiled water and / or chamomile decoction or other means recommended by your doctor.

7. After castration / sterilization of cats when feeding them with industrial feed in 2-3 weeks. after surgery in adults or upon reaching the age of 1 year in kittens, it is possible to transfer the animal to super-premium class food for sterilized (castrated) animals with the prevention of urolithiasis. Given the possible rapid weight gain in castrated animals, it is necessary to monitor the weight/fatness of the animal through the optimal dosing of the daily portion of food. Try to increase the animal's mobility by constantly playing with it. We recommend monitoring the dynamics of weight, and, if necessary, adjust the diet.

postoperative monitoring.

There are a number of situations that should be reported to the veterinarian immediately:

1. Deep fainting. Heavy labored breathing.

2. Cold paw pads, pale lips and gums.

3. Within 24 hours after the operation, the animal cannot fully regain consciousness and begin to move.

Within 24 - 48 hours after the operation, the animal cannot control the movements of the limbs.

4. Constant belching and vomiting, the stomach does not hold even a small amount of water (one or two vomiting is possible during the first hours after the operation when coming out of anesthesia, so the animal should not be fed and watered at this time).

5. Stool with blood.

6. Severe swelling and redness of the surgical wound, an unpleasant odor. The same applies to visible parts of the body (limbs) below the places of bandaging, plaster casts, installed peripheral venous catheters.

8. Seizures.

9. Allergic reactions (rashes and blisters), swelling of the mouth, muzzle and throat.

10. Removal of sutures by the animals themselves.

11. Intense bleeding from the surgical wound.

Medications. Before leaving the veterinarian, make sure that all the names and doses on the prescription sheet are clear to you, and that the appropriate medication containers given to you are signed/labeled (antiemetics, antibiotics, etc. or the name of the drug). You can enter the names of the drugs, their doses and the frequency of administration in your notebook / notebook, this may be useful to you later (that is, make a list of drugs indicating the dose and time of administration that is understandable to you and convenient for you).

If the veterinarian poured tablets / powders into a bag, then if necessary, pour them into a clean, dry bottle and stick a label with the name of the medicine and dosage.

If you have multiple pets, remember which medicines you give to whom.

Water consumption control. After the operation, often the animals can be dehydrated, they are very thirsty, but a large amount of water can cause vomiting. Remove all water containers from the room where the animal is located. Give the liquid at first dosed, in small portions (of course, if there is a need for this and the doctor does not prescribe otherwise). If vomiting does not appear after two hours, then the amount of water can be increased, and in the future the animal can drink as much as it wants. In some cases, there may be no restrictions on water consumption.

If the dog cannot raise its head, water can be given from a syringe without a needle.

Bandages.If the animal has a bandaged limb, the bandage must be kept clean at all times, even when the animal goes outside. To do this, put a plastic bag on top and strengthen it with adhesive tape. When the dog returns home, immediately remove the bag and put it away. Elastic bandages can be dangerous for animals, so you should never reinforce the bag with such a bandage, but in some cases and only on the recommendation of a doctor, they can be used. Make sure the bandage does not get wet. If a catheter is installed on the peripheral veins of an animal (usually it is paws), then monitor the skin around the catheter, and in case of redness, swelling, pain, leakage, bleeding, immediately inform the doctor. It is important not to allow the animal to "interest" in this place, and to ensure that the catheter is securely bandaged or, if necessary, secured with additional plaster over the bandage (but not tight!).

It is necessary to draw your attention to the postoperative care for cats after acute urinary retention with urolithiasis, which had a urinary catheter placed for several days. Such animals must wear a protective collar! Diapers for cats (or newborns, size according to the weight of the animal, with a hole cut out for the tail) must be changed after each flushing of the catheter. It is necessary to flush the catheter until a clear solution comes out of it (the flushing technique will be shown to you by a doctor). A single dose of about 10-20 ml of solution for one injection, several times, the total volume of the solution is from 50 to 300 ml (depending on the transparency of the washing solution after removing it from the bladder). The composition of the solution (100 ml): warm boiled water or any sterile saline solution (sodium chloride, Ringer) - 80 ml + 1% solution of Dioxidine (Pharmoxidine) - 20 ml. In other cases, the doctor may prescribe other solutions for washing (Furacilin, Rivanol, Actenisept). In some cases, after washing with this solution, the doctor will recommend that you inject 5-10 ml of KotErvin into the bladder through the catheter for 30-40 minutes (after the administration of the drug, close the catheter with a plug, after the specified time has elapsed, it is MANDATORY to open the catheter for free outflow of urine). The catheter is usually removed after 3-4 days. It is imperative for the owner to monitor urination (when wearing a diaper, he should become heavier from the urine entering it), and in the absence of such or inadequate urine output, you should immediately consult a doctor!

seams. If the sutures are applied correctly, then most animals tolerate them normally. The doctor will give you recommendations for their treatment.

If the animal starts to worry about the seams, then put a bandage on the front paw to divert attention. Wear a protective collar to protect your sutures, but check with your veterinarian before doing so. With a collar, the animal cannot reach any part of the body with its teeth, but it is important to ensure that the animal does not have difficulties when feeding and drinking water (periodic removal of the collar for feeding and drinking the animal under your control or the correct installation of a bowl with water and food, shallow, small in diameter that does not interfere with the consumption of their contents, and / and on a stand). Postoperative blankets, “boots” are often used to protect the seams. Some animals are irreconcilable to any new "attributes" on their bodies, so make sure that they do not take them off, do not chew them; often the animal needs some time to get used to the protective devices, so be patient and in no case try to lead the animal by removing the blanket or collar before the time prescribed by the doctor, and even removing the protective device for a short time may contribute to self-injury to the animal surgical wound and sutures, followed by the occurrence of complications in this area.

The terrible word "anesthesia" scares loving owners sometimes more than the operation itself. Horror stories from the USSR about liver failure, respiratory arrest, and are still alive in our memory. Sometimes the owners even refuse the operation with the words: “What if the cat does not come to its senses after anesthesia?”. To reduce the level of anxiety and avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to know in advance how long anesthesia lasts in cats, how to help your pet during this period, and for what symptoms you should contact your veterinarian.

Until 1994, “heavy” drugs were used for general anesthesia, later equated to narcotic drugs. Then complications after anesthesia in cats and dogs occurred in one out of ten cases, and this is a very high rate. Modern drugs have a milder effect on the body, do not inhibit liver function and are completely eliminated from the body in a short time. The main thing is not to save on the health of the pet, since it is sometimes quite difficult to get a cat out of anesthesia after using cheap drugs. Fortunately, every year fewer doctors use outdated drugs, and there is almost no chance of encountering such “savings” in a private clinic.

What is anesthetic risk?

No matter how experienced the surgeon and anesthesiologist, there is always the possibility of complications up to death. Anesthesia for cats is a serious burden primarily on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Minimizing anesthetic risks is the task of the veterinarian, who is obliged to individualize the standard scheme, taking into account the characteristics of a particular cat. In many cases, the severe condition of the cat after anesthesia is a consequence of the use of drugs "at random", without studying the condition of the mustachioed patient. To avoid problems, it is important to contact only competent specialists with an excellent reputation.

How to prepare a pet for general anesthesia?

How long a cat recovers from anesthesia, how quickly it returns to a full life, and how high the risk of complications is, largely depends on the thoroughness of the preoperative examination of the pet.

First of all, you need to visit a therapist who will measure the pulse, pressure and temperature of the cat, examine it completely, feel the tummy and examine the oral cavity. To prevent the cat from being on the surgeon's table again after anesthesia, an ultrasound examination is performed to reveal hidden pathologies of the internal organs. It is mandatory to donate blood and urine (clinical analysis). If possible, it is better to immediately donate blood for biochemistry, since anesthesia for cats is a kind of trigger mechanism for sluggish diseases, which this analysis will reveal. It is advisable to conduct an ECHO of the heart, or at least visit a cardiologist, since an ordinary therapist is not always qualified to accurately assess the state of the cardiovascular system.

Read also: The cat has a strong bad breath: causes and treatment

How does the cat feel during the operation?

General anesthesia is not only a “sleep”, but also a complete loss of sensation. Veterinarians use whole schemes using a number of drugs, as a cat sometimes comes out of anesthesia right on the operating table. This is extremely rare, but it is vital that at this point the cat does not feel pain and its muscle tone is weakened. Therefore, you should not worry - during the operation, the pet will feel absolutely nothing, even if it wakes up from "sleep" for a while.

Hospital or home setting?

Veterinarians recommend leaving pets in the hospital for at least twelve hours. The main plus: a professional knows how to get a cat out of anesthesia if complications from the respiratory or cardiovascular systems suddenly arise.

Being under the supervision of doctors, the cat will certainly receive qualified assistance in time, if necessary. In addition, impressionable owners in this way will save the nervous system from shocks (both their own and cats). Often, the behavior of a cat after anesthesia seems inadequate, abnormal, painful and requiring immediate intervention. Some owners, relying on intuition, begin to "help" the cat without going to the veterinarian, which leads to disastrous consequences.

How long will the pet "sleep"?

How long anesthesia lasts in cats and how quickly the pet will fully recover depends on many factors. First of all, this is the type of drug and the method of introduction into narcotic sleep. Short-acting drugs allow you to quickly achieve the state required for the operation, and in the shortest possible time cease to affect the body. They are used in cases where a simple manipulation is required (castration, removal of tartar, tooth extraction, trimming of claws in aggressive animals, etc.). Modern gas anesthesia for cats allows you to control the condition of the pet during the operation and in a short time to bring the mustachioed patient to his senses. As a rule, the pet wakes up in the doctor's office or on the way home. Deeper anesthesia lasts from two to eight hours (largely depends on the dosage and the individual reaction of the body).

When leaving the clinic, do not forget to ask the veterinarian about how long the cat recovers from anesthesia in case of normal tolerance of the administered drug. Since the terms vary considerably, this point should be clarified in order to notice possible complications in time.

First watch

The first day of the postoperative period is considered critical, during which the owner must monitor the condition of the cat. Arriving home, you need to lay your pet on the floor in a quiet place, away from radiators and drafts. Do not put a sleeping cat on the bed, it can fall and hurt itself.

The typical behavior of a cat after anesthesia is a cocktail of mixed negative emotions. Gradually coming to his senses, the cat looks deeply unhappy, all the time trying to leave somewhere, staggering, holding his head with difficulty, crashing into walls, unable to get into the doorway. It is painful and scary to watch, it hurts the heart with pity, but it is important to pull yourself together and realize that all this is the norm. Until muscle tone is restored, you need to hold your pet, preventing her from wandering around the apartment or jumping on furniture: affection, quiet conversations and light strokes will certainly help, unless the pet shows aggression.

Sudden aggression in a cat after anesthesia is also the norm. The pet is disoriented, the paws do not obey her, it is difficult to concentrate, calculate the distance, it is difficult to assess the situation as a whole. The cat is frightened, tries to climb higher or hide deep under the bed, and the owner not only does not allow her to retire, but also constantly climbs with a thermometer, feels her nose, ears, and imposes herself in every possible way. How can you not get angry? To reduce emotional pressure, you should close the curtains, ask your family to be quieter and once again not to approach the cat, watching her actions from the side.

food and water

It is possible to feed the pet only when all the external signs of drug sleep completely disappear (staggering, convulsive swallowing, uncertain movements, etc.). Sometimes a cat after anesthesia does not drink or eat for more than a day, experiencing stress and physical discomfort. There is no need to rush with feeding - a day of fasting will not harm the pet. You should start with semi-liquid light food at room temperature. But you need to give water:

  • after waking up, pipette a few drops to moisten the mucous membranes. Every half hour until the cat can hold its head;
  • while stiffness in movements is noticeable, every hour a teaspoon or even less, in small portions per cheek, better from a syringe without a needle.

It is important not to leave bowls of water, mugs of tea and other sources of moisture near the cat, as the impaired swallowing reflex does not allow her to drink normally: the cat may choke, or even fall asleep, falling face down into a bowl of water.

In a pet’s illness, there are often no particular threats to life if help is provided on time and in a qualified manner. Unfortunately, some ailments cannot be stopped only with medication, cats have to undergo surgery. In addition, every responsible owner will not allow spontaneous breeding of animals, which is why so many cats go through the process of sterilization or castration. Postoperative care contains many nuances, but the main question is how to properly feed a cat after surgery.

Let's start with safety precautions, which must be followed regardless of the circumstances. Whether your cat is retiring from brushing her teeth or rehabilitating from an abdominal surgery, she will experience intoxication until she fully recovers from anesthesia.

All drugs for anesthesia are, roughly speaking, drugs that lead to muscle relaxation, a temporary cessation of the sensitivity of certain areas of the brain. Often, under the influence of anesthesia, the cat hallucinates, sees pictures, hears sounds or feels something that is not there. All these oddities can move the pet to unexpected actions. Unfortunately, many owners have learned from their own experience that a cat can cause serious injury to itself after anesthesia.

To avoid the obvious risks, do the following:

  • Do not leave your cat unattended until she is completely out of anesthesia! It is necessary! If you need to leave for a short time, the pet must be closed in the carrier. To make it more convenient, while the cat is sleeping, do not take it out of the carrier, but simply remove the lid.
  • Place the carrier with the cat on the floor so that the pet does not fall. Falling from a height is dangerous because the cat strains from the impact and the seams can open.
  • Close all windows and vents - yes, some cats are very briskly "landing" from the windows of multi-storey buildings, if something seemed to them.
  • Immediately after the operation, put an Elizabethan collar or blanket on the cat (as recommended by the doctor). You may not notice how the cat woke up, and in the experience of the owners it is known that the sharp teeth of cats remove stitches in seconds.

Note! Even if the cat has undergone a standard, simple operation, all sterility measures must be observed during the rehabilitation period!

After the castration of the cat, make sure that he does not remove the collar, and the tray filler is clean. After spaying your cat, stock up on a few blankets so you can change them as needed.

On the first day after the operation, the cat will not be able to regulate its temperature, so it is important to keep it warm. Make sure the carrier is not in a draft. If the paws feel cool, use a heating pad. Woolen fabric or special thermal blankets help to keep body heat. If the cat constantly loses temperature, it is placed on a heating pad with a temperature of 38–39.5 °, covered with a light piece of wool and foil.

Important! While the cat is sleeping, it must be turned from one side to the other every 1.5-2 hours, this stimulates blood circulation and reduces the risk of edema.

Please note that the residual effect of anesthesia can last a day or more. Delayed intoxication also happens, especially if the cat has liver problems or. You need to be on duty over the pet for at least a day, so you need to ask someone for help in advance. The cat will sleep, but not deeply, she will hear most of the sounds, so it is important not to fuss. Even if you are worried, speak in a confident tone and remain as calm as possible. You need to understand that the cat is hurt and scared, and your confidence will support it. If the pet tries to raise its head or stand up, immediately indicate your presence with your voice. Perhaps the cat does not want to go anywhere, and her attempts to move are associated with a feeling of loneliness and fear.

Important! If the animal has a large seam on the body, for example, after surgery to remove a tumor, strictly follow the doctor's instructions for changing bandages. A stale dressing threatens to infect the wound and lead to itching, which encourages the cat to make unnecessary movements.

About a day after the operation, you will face a very important question - what to feed and whether it is possible to feed the ward. Please note that if the veterinarian has indicated that you cannot feed the cat, this recommendation must be strictly followed. For example, after bowel surgery, even a small amount of food will cause damage to the suture or inflammation. Hunger weakens the body, therefore, to maintain it, the cat is given droppers with vitamin complexes and buffer solutions.

First hours after surgery

The diet of a cat needs to be thought out in advance, if you have never encountered the rehabilitation of animals after operations, it is better to consult a veterinarian. Don't worry if the cat refuses to eat or has a very poor appetite. After operations over it is important to stop.

Have you ever been under anesthesia? If yes, then you will surely remember that terrible feeling of dry mouth, so strong that the only thing you can think of is water. Unfortunately, there is no saliva in the mouth. This is postoperative dehydration, it always develops to a greater or lesser extent. A cat experiences very similar feelings, so prepare clean water, a pipette and a spoon in advance. Perhaps the pet will have enough strength to lick from a spoon, if not, the mouth should be moistened with a pipette or finger. It is important not to fill in a lot of water, but simply moisten it so that the cat can swallow without discomfort.

Note! If the cat has just woken up and is trying to walk, it is best to support it with a towel or light handkerchief.

It is quite natural that the pet's legs will tangle and it will fall. Move the tray closer to the carrier in advance, if the cat is conscious, even in a state of intoxication, it will endure, but will not go to the toilet under itself.

Feeding and rehabilitation of a cat after surgery - important to know

The standard ban on feeding lasts 6 hours, but during this period of time the pet is unlikely to agree to eat. Water should be offered at least drop by drop. It will be good if the cat agrees to drink sweet water or rehydron. In the first case, you will help the body a little with carbohydrates, in the second, reduce dehydration. Please note that rehydron is salty and you want to drink from it.

Certain restrictions on water intake exist only after the removal of a stone from the bladder. In this case, the volume of fluid consumed per day should not exceed 50 ml or the rate established by the veterinarian. Be attentive to the condition of the catheter, which is always installed after such interventions.

8 hours after surgery cats can be offered low-fat broth. If the pet refuses, do not insist. Keep in mind that your attempts to feed your pet may be in vain for up to 30 hours - this is normal. Another point that may alert you is the refusal of a cat from water. Some diseases, such as pyometra, lead to increased thirst. If, after the removal of the uterus, the cat began to drink less - this is normal, provided that she receives her daily norm of liquid - water, broth, solutions introduced using droppers.

Depending on the appointments of the veterinarian, you need to strictly adhere to the diet and feeding schedule. Today there is a very convenient, optimal alternative to the painstaking selection of a diet - industrial feed for animal rehabilitation. Products are produced in liquid form, packaged in sachets or tubes. The food is squeezed out onto a spoon or finger so that it is convenient for the cat to lick. The product has a very strong, attractive aroma that encourages the cat to eat. By the way, liquid food is the only alternative for cats that have undergone jaw surgery.

On a natural diet, the cat's appetite must be provoked and encouraged. The best appetite stimulant is the smell. You can try to eat with a cat, all animals feel the desire to eat when they see someone else eating. For each piece eaten, even if it is small, generously praise the cat, gently stroke it, and express your joy as clearly as possible. Emotional stimulation is very important for a pet recovering from surgery.

Important! Do not use spices and salt to stimulate your cat's appetite. If you suspect that food refusal is due to its unimpressive odor, it is best to mix the food with a commercial cat food for rehabilitation.

In the normal state, the cat does not need additional sources of calories; when recovering from surgery, the situation is completely different. The exit from anesthesia is associated with intoxication, which disrupts metabolic processes and the synthesis of useful substances. The cat does not need to be fed porridge, sugar and bread, but it is necessary to increase the calorie content of the diet.

You can do this with:

  • Rice, buckwheat.
  • Hard unsalted cheese.
  • Homemade calcined cottage cheese.
  • Fish broth.
  • Baby food in jars (meat).
  • Special additives for animals.

Note! A cat that has undergone extensive surgery is almost always given a glucose drip. Contraindications are available in animals with a diseased liver.

Proper feeding is chosen literally theoretically, but not all healthy foods are absorbed by the cat after the operation. Closely monitor the condition of the pet after feeding. Check the condition of the mucous membranes, skin, coat. Make sure your cat goes to the toilet. If your pet develops diarrhea, see a doctor immediately, as spasms can damage the stitches. If everything goes well, after a few days you will notice that the coat began to look healthier.

Almost always, after operations, the cat is prescribed therapy. Of course, it is more convenient to give injections, but this is not always appropriate. For example, a small kitten simply has nowhere to inject 3-4 injections at once. If rehabilitation is delayed, you will literally have to pierce the entire withers and muscles. To avoid increased injury, some drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets or syrups. All drugs that enter the stomach and intestines can affect digestion, and most often negatively. Even if the veterinarian has not told you about it, ask about how to give your pet probiotics, they will not harm in any way.

Important! Strictly follow the course of treatment, even if the cat has become noticeably better, especially with antibiotics.

Keep your doctor's phone number handy at all times. Even if the cat takes food and water, looks cheerful, see a doctor if:

  • The temperature has risen or fallen.
  • The stitches began to bleed or the skin around them changed color to red, purple, scarlet, dark blue, green, black.
  • The cat is eating, but has not gone to the toilet for more than 20 hours. With dietary nutrition, there may be a delay in stool, but not urination.
  • Vomiting that haunts the cat for more than a day after the operation. During the exit from intoxication, vomiting is quite expected, but not after.

While recovering from surgery, your cat may develop temporary allergies or intolerances to certain substances. Most often, an acute reaction is observed to drugs. If you notice alarming symptoms, stop using the drug immediately and consult a doctor.

After the operation, cats should not be fed dry food, although it is obvious, but some owners make this mistake. On a natural diet, protein should remain the basis of the diet (as in a healthy cat), but it must be reinforced with carbohydrates. What to do if the cat refuses new foods? There are several ways out - add a little sugar to the water or make droppers with glucose. By the way, an injectable glucose solution can be offered as a drink, the effect is slightly lower, but it is.

Important nuances that everyone needs to remember are:

  • Fractional feeding - less, but more often.
  • Easy digestion - it will be very good if during the rehabilitation of cats it will be transferred to a diet of foods that are quickly and almost completely absorbed.
  • Smell - food should smell delicious.
  • Freshness - we cook natural food only for one day, especially for broths.
  • Food temperature – food should be warm, so it is better absorbed and smells stronger.

Important! Never force a cat to eat, even if it seems to you that she has not eaten well.

When the pet began to eat from a bowl, the meal time should not be stretched, 10–20 minutes is enough for the cat to eat as much as it wants.

Even such a simple procedure as castration is a surgical intervention in the body. Like any living being after an operation, a certain period of time is needed for recovery.

The date of the operation should be planned so that the pet is not left alone for at least a day. It is during this period that the care and support of the owners is more than ever necessary for him.

And now the operation is done. The cat is under anesthesia. Depending on anesthesia and the physiological characteristics of the animal, it can come out of anesthesia from half an hour to 12 hours. Sometimes patients wake up on the way home, and sometimes after half a day. The presence of the owner is simply necessary.

The cat can come out of anesthesia for up to half a day

Immediately after the operation, the ward must be laid on something soft so that he is not injured in an unconscious state.

While he sleeps, you should constantly check his condition: touch his nose, paws, tickle his ears. If the cat reacts to touch, then everything is in order and he just needs more time.

In order not to stiffen the muscles, it is advisable to carefully turn the cat from one side to the other. Waking up after anesthesia, he will already feel weakness in the muscles, dizziness and nausea. Possible loss of orientation. His behavior may seem inappropriate: from drunken staggering and poking at walls to excited jumps and jumps. Don't be scared, it's normal. The main thing is to make sure that he does not get hurt and does not harm himself.

It is better to put the tray in the room where the cat will be without filler. Be sure to wash the tray after each use.

Video of how a cat recovers from anesthesia after castration

When the cat woke up

Both the cat's body and his psyche suffered stress. It is important to listen carefully and possibly write down all the doctor's recommendations.. But it is impossible to predict the reaction of an individual.

In any case, the animal will be thirsty. As soon as it wakes up, in order to ease the torment, it is necessary to pour water into the mouth with a pipette or a teaspoon.

You can’t drink your pet, because he still can’t swallow. Hide the water so that the cat cannot get to it.

After castration, the cat should not be allowed to drink on its own.

After anesthesia, there is a violation of appetite. Even the most favorite food will not be to the patient's taste. No need to try to force feed, it will not bring any benefit.

Only when the cat has finally come to his senses, shows normal signs of life and reacts accordingly, you can give light food.

This is puree or food soaked in water. .

After castration, the cat needs special food

After anesthesia, cats need to regularly instill eyes

Wound care and treatment

On the second day the cat comes to his senses. The care of the owner remains the treatment of wounds during the week and, of course, affection and care. The pet needs to recover from the stress, and without the help of loving owners it is difficult.

The cat does not need to be forbidden to lick the wounds, by doing this he helps himself faster than medicines. The only contraindication for licking is infection. An infected cat should.

Infected cats should not lick wounds

Different individuals tolerate the effects of surgical implantation in their body in different ways, so do not worry if your pet does not have the same reaction as other people said. Everything is individual. Only puffiness should cause alarm - eyelids, lips, tongue; and heavy breathing; discoloration of the mucous membranes - very pale or bright red. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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