Examination by a proctologist for women - how does it happen? Preparation for inspection. Making an appointment with a proctologist Appointment with a proctologist

Proctologist is a doctor who treats and diagnoses diseases of the posterior perineum, hemorrhoids, colon (including colon and rectum), anal microfissures and polyps.

The science of proctology itself is developing rapidly today; patients are treated based on conservative and surgical techniques.

The main symptoms that indicate the presence of proctological diseases are:

  • pain and burning in the anal area;
  • purulent or bloody discharge from the anus;
  • formation of hardenings in the anus;
  • sensation of a foreign object in the rectum;
  • persistent constipation or diarrhea;
  • bloating;
  • incontinence of feces and gases.

Such diseases occur over a long period without symptoms, and begin to cause concern at the advanced stage, which is already difficult to treat. It is very important to undergo regular medical examination by a proctologist and not delay the visit until the intestines are completely disrupted, otherwise bleeding may occur or rectal nodes will begin to fall out, which cause severe pain.

Consultation with a proctologist is necessary

  • pregnant women, women who have given birth, or those who are just planning to become pregnant;
  • leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • who have undergone hemorrhoidal surgery;
  • who has a hereditary predisposition to colorectal cancer;
  • suffering from obesity.

How to prepare for an appointment with a proctologist

A visit to a proctologist requires some preparation. On the eve of the upcoming examination, the doctor prescribes cleansing agents, enemas, carminatives, as well as a special diet to exclude gas-forming foods. Such preparation is mandatory for planned colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy. You need to have a diaper and thick napkins with you.

During the appointment, the doctor collects information about the patient’s complaints, asks about the presence of bad habits, his lifestyle, the specifics of his diet, and symptoms of the disease. Then he conducts a primary medical examination, palpating the abdomen and palpating the rectum.

What tests can a proctologist prescribe:

  • contrast radiography of the intestine
  • anoscopy
  • irrigoscopy
  • Ultrasound, biopsy
  • DNA test for predisposition to cancer
  • blood tests
  • coprogram

In case of identified pathologies, individual therapy is selected for each patient.

Proctology treatment

The best proctologists can identify proctological disorders at an early stage and immediately prescribe treatment. Experienced Moscow proctologists use innovative technologies and the most modern treatment methods, namely:

  • laser surgery;
  • surgery using radio waves;
  • non-surgical disarterization of hemorrhoids.

Based on the diagnostic results, the proctologist diagnoses the patient and prescribes therapeutic treatment or surgery.

What diseases do proctologists treat?

  • haemorrhoids;
  • anal microcracks;
  • depressions on the coccyx;
  • coccygeal atheroma;
  • inflammation of the fatty tissue around the intestine (paraproctitis);
  • perirectal abscess;
  • polyps in the posterior canal;
  • tumors on the rectum with cell collection for oncological research;
  • genital warts;
  • insufficiency of the anal ring muscle.

How to call a proctologist at home

Perhaps my review will be useful and motivating for someone.

I only go to the doctors when absolutely necessary. I heard about the ViTerra clinic in Belyaevo from friends several years ago, and it so happened that I ended up here with my problem. Which I not only don’t regret, but am extremely grateful to the circumstances and fate that I ended up here in the end. From a wonderful and very sensitive doctor - Gleb Valerievich Zhitnikov.

Words cannot express how scary a visit to the proctologist initially seemed to me. I was afraid to even imagine how the examination would go, how to talk about my problem and, most importantly, how it could be solved without surgical intervention (which I’m terribly afraid of!!!)

Gleb Valerievich greeted me with a warm smile and an encouraging look. All the fears troubling me within a few minutes after the start of treatment faded into the background, my knees stopped trembling treacherously... The doctor joked to the point and encouraged me all the time, asked me to briefly describe the problem that had arisen and asked questions about my usual way of life. During this short time of communication, I involuntarily gained confidence in the doctor, who asked the most loyal questions and even at times seemed to be no less embarrassed than I was. As a result of the examination, it turned out that I (fortunately!!!) will not need surgery and then I will just need to undergo a course of drug treatment, after which everything will go well.

I am writing a review 2 weeks after my appointment. I strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations, and today everything is just fine with me! From the past problem with which I went to the clinic, now only memories remain!

I would like to sincerely thank Gleb Valerievich for dedicating his life to the medical profession. Because now each of us has the opportunity to receive competent and qualified advice from a specialist who thoroughly understands his business. From the first minutes I felt sincere sympathy and boundless respect for this doctor.

Everything is absolutely to the point and somehow very kind and humane. This attitude of a doctor towards his patient is worth a lot. These are the doctors you want to go to again; you can safely entrust your health problems to them and receive valuable recommendations on how to avoid this in the future. Yes, the services of paid specialists are now by no means cheap. But this is completely our conscious choice. When you go to a doctor whose competence you are absolutely sure of, I think it’s not at all a pity to pay him for his work and the time he spent solving your problem.

In reviews of Gleb Valerievich, someone already wrote that he is “a doctor from God.” And I 100% agree with these words and with the fact that this doctor is a true professional, a very experienced and competent specialist, who takes his work with great responsibility. Of course, I will recommend this doctor to all my friends when the opportunity arises. I would like to sincerely wish only the best to this wonderful doctor!

Yes, and one more thing... Don’t be afraid to turn to specialists with your problems - everything may not be as scary as you initially think. And timely and CORRECT treatment will help to avoid serious consequences, and even without surgery!!!

- A grateful patient about clinic No. 1 ViTerra Belyaevo and proctologist, surgeon G.V. Zhitnikov.

Gleb Valerievich is a doctor to whom you can safely entrust your most delicate problems. The one who will listen carefully and encourage you with a kind, open smile. Will give practical advice and valuable recommendations. A wonderful specialist who knows his business inside and out. A simple and unusually charming person in communication, capable of inspiring optimism and faith in an excellent result. Therefore, if someone is looking for a good, highly professional and sociable doctor who understands the issues of surgery, proctology and mammology - without hesitation, make an appointment with Gleb Valerievich Zhitnikov! It will not only relieve you of all troubling health problems, but will also instill in you confidence in the future and a focus on a speedy recovery!!! Thank you, Gleb Valerievich!

- Patient I. of clinic No. 1 ViTerra Belyaevo about proctologist, surgeon G.V. Zhitnikov.

Many thanks to ViTerra gastroenterologists and proctologists! Excellent gastroscopy: I am a very complex patient, I suffer from bronchial asthma. Gastroscopy was done without anesthesia, very gently and did not cause severe pain. Thanks a lot!!!

- Dziraeva I.V. O

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the surgeons and proctologists of clinic No. 1 ViTerra Belyaevo. They quickly and professionally solved my long-standing problem.

In general, the clinic has very attentive and friendly staff.

- Patient S. o doctors of the proctology department of clinic No. 1 ViTerra Belyaevo

Many thanks to the proctologists of the ViTerra Belyaevo clinic. They did HAL-RAR for me, everything went quickly and painlessly! I rested at home for one day and went to work! Nothing worries me now.

- Patient T.o doctors of the proctology department of clinic No. 1 ViTerra Belyaevo

I express my sincere gratitude to the proctological surgeons of the ViTerra clinic in Belyaevo! They did not perform an operation on me; they said that they would treat and manage my sore conservatively. For 3 months nothing bothers me or hurts! I see the doctor once a month, I am very pleased with the result!

- Patient E. o doctors of the proctology department of clinic No. 1 ViTerra Belyaevo

Thanks to the proctologists of clinic No. 1 ViTerra Belyaevo! A very good team of doctors - real professionals in their field. They examined me very quickly and performed surgery the next day. Everything went quickly and without pain. The next day I'm already at work! Thank you!

- Patient S. o doctors of the proctology department of clinic No. 1 ViTerra Belyaevo

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the proctologists of clinic No. 1 Viterra Belyaevo for their professional treatment and humane approach to my delicate disease. I am a driver, and now I go to work with joy, and neither pain nor discomfort bothers me! Thank you!

- Grateful patient N.o doctors of the proctology department of clinic No. 1 ViTerra Belyaevo

Proctologist is a doctor who treats and diagnoses diseases of the posterior perineum, hemorrhoids, colon (including colon and rectum), anal microfissures and polyps.

The science of proctology itself is developing rapidly today; patients are treated based on conservative and surgical techniques.

The main symptoms that indicate the presence of proctological diseases are:

  • pain and burning in the anal area;
  • purulent or bloody discharge from the anus;
  • formation of hardenings in the anus;
  • sensation of a foreign object in the rectum;
  • persistent constipation or diarrhea;
  • bloating;
  • incontinence of feces and gases.

Such diseases occur over a long period without symptoms, and begin to cause concern at the advanced stage, which is already difficult to treat. It is very important to undergo regular medical examination by a proctologist and not delay the visit until the intestines are completely disrupted, otherwise bleeding may occur or rectal nodes will begin to fall out, which cause severe pain.

Consultation with a proctologist is necessary

  • pregnant women, women who have given birth, or those who are just planning to become pregnant;
  • leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • who have undergone hemorrhoidal surgery;
  • who has a hereditary predisposition to colorectal cancer;
  • suffering from obesity.

How to prepare for an appointment with a proctologist

A visit to a proctologist requires some preparation. On the eve of the upcoming examination, the doctor prescribes cleansing agents, enemas, carminatives, as well as a special diet to exclude gas-forming foods. Such preparation is mandatory for planned colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy. You need to have a diaper and thick napkins with you.

During the appointment, the doctor collects information about the patient’s complaints, asks about the presence of bad habits, his lifestyle, the specifics of his diet, and symptoms of the disease. Then he conducts a primary medical examination, palpating the abdomen and palpating the rectum.

What tests can a proctologist prescribe:

  • contrast radiography of the intestine
  • anoscopy
  • irrigoscopy
  • Ultrasound, biopsy
  • DNA test for predisposition to cancer
  • blood tests
  • coprogram

In case of identified pathologies, individual therapy is selected for each patient.

Proctology treatment

The best proctologists can identify proctological disorders at an early stage and immediately prescribe treatment. Experienced Moscow proctologists use innovative technologies and the most modern treatment methods, namely:

  • laser surgery;
  • surgery using radio waves;
  • non-surgical disarterization of hemorrhoids.

Based on the diagnostic results, the proctologist diagnoses the patient and prescribes therapeutic treatment or surgery.

What diseases do proctologists treat?

  • haemorrhoids;
  • anal microcracks;
  • depressions on the coccyx;
  • coccygeal atheroma;
  • inflammation of the fatty tissue around the intestine (paraproctitis);
  • perirectal abscess;
  • polyps in the posterior canal;
  • tumors on the rectum with cell collection for oncological research;
  • genital warts;
  • insufficiency of the anal ring muscle.

How to call a proctologist at home

    Initial appointment with a coloproctologist

    2000 ₽

    Repeated appointment with a coloproctologist

    1400 ₽

    Appointment with a proctologist KMN, doctor of the highest category, primary, outpatient

    2200 ₽

Diseases of the rectum require high-quality diagnosis and comprehensive treatment!

Proctology is a branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the rectum and colon. Specialists in this field study functional and organic lesions of the anal canal in men, women and children. Depending on the anatomical characteristics of the patient, modern medicine distinguishes proctology for adults (men and women) and pediatric proctology for children.

The proctology clinic in Moscow will help solve your problem.

Possessing knowledge in related fields of medicine - gynecology, urology, andrology, oncology - the specialists of the private clinic provide high-quality medical care.

  • They diagnose diseases based on patient complaints, examination and hardware examination using modern equipment.
  • Laboratory testing of biological materials is prescribed.
  • Conservative and surgical treatment of proctological diseases is carried out.

Using modern methods of instrumental diagnosis of proctological diseases, clinic specialists establish the exact cause of discomfort in the delicate area. To examine the rectum, the methods of anoscopy, colonoscopy, and sigmoidoscopy are used.

To obtain a complete picture of the disease, blood, feces, and histological material are examined. A biopsy of rectal tissue is performed under the supervision of a rectal sensor. Based on it, a laboratory study of cells is carried out for benign and malignant tumors of the rectum. The use of ultrasonic sensors allows the specialist to act as accurately as possible when collecting tissue.

For what symptoms should you contact a proctologist?

If any symptoms related to proctology appear, it is recommended to contact our private clinic as soon as possible for consultation with a specialist. The competence of specialists includes problems in the structure and functioning of the rectum:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • constipation or fecal incontinence;
  • proctitis and paraproctitis;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • anal fissures;
  • polyps, papillomas and condylomas.

The reason for making an appointment with a proctologist should be any sign of the onset of a rectal disease: pain during bowel movements, spotting after visiting the toilet, the sensation of a foreign body in the anal canal, difficulties with bowel movements and other specific signs of proctological diseases.

How is the treatment carried out?

Depending on the diagnosis, the proctology department at our hospital in Moscow provides conservative and surgical treatment for the causes of rectal diseases. Experts prescribe traditional drug treatment for hemorrhoids using suppositories and ointments. If there are indications, operations on the rectum are performed: laser coagulation, electrocoagulation of the blood vessels of the mucosa along the dentate line of the anal canal, ligation and excision of hemorrhoids using the Longo method.

The use of modern treatment methods provides excellent results for the patient:

  • rapid recovery after intervention;
  • minimizing complications and relapses of the disease;
  • minimizing painful manifestations and blood loss during surgical treatment;
  • guarantee of complete recovery.

Contact the proctology clinic in Moscow with any problems!

Here they will help you solve it without fear, pain or embarrassment.

Don't put off visiting your doctor!

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