Appointment of amoxiclav. Original instructions for use of amoxiclav in tablets and suspensions

Amoxiclav is an antibiotic of the penicillin group, intended for the treatment of infectious diseases.

Release form and composition

The following forms of Amoxiclav are made:

  • Tablets 375 or 625 mg containing 250 or 500 mg of amoxicillin and 125 mg of clavulonic acid, respectively. In bottles of 15 pieces;
  • Powder for suspension containing 125 mg of amoxicillin and 31.25 mg of clavulonic acid;
  • Lyophilized powder for injection in 600 or 1200 mg vials containing 500 or 1000 mg of amoxicillin and 100 or 200 mg of clavulonic acid, respectively.

Indications for use Amoxiclav

According to the instructions, Amoxiclav is indicated for the treatment of infections:

  • Respiratory tract (chronic or acute sinusitis, pharyngeal abscess, pneumonia, otitis media, tonsillopharyngitis, bronchitis);
  • Biliary tract (cholecystitis, cholangitis);
  • urinary tract (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis);
  • Connective and bone tissues;
  • Gynecological (salpingitis, endometritis, septic abortion);
  • Skin and soft tissues (wound infection, phlegmon, bites);
  • Odontogenic;
  • Sexual (gonorrhea, chancroid).


According to the instructions, Amoxiclav should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to the active or auxiliary components of the drug (it is fraught with impaired liver function and the development of cholestatic jaundice).

When using Amoxiclav, care should be taken when:

  • Allergies to cephalosporins;
  • Pseudomembranous colitis;
  • Insufficient liver function;
  • Pronounced impaired renal function.

An erythematous rash may occur in patients with lymphocytic leukemia and mononucleosis who have previously taken ampicillin. In this case, it is advisable to cancel the use of Amoxiclav.

Method of application and dosage of Amoxiclav

The method of taking Amoxiclav depends on the weight and age of the patient, the severity of the disease, the condition of the liver and kidneys.

Amoxiclav tablets should be taken immediately before meals. The course of treatment lasts an average of 1-2 weeks. Medication dosage:

  • Children under 12 years old - 40 mg per kg of body weight per day;
  • Children over 12 years of age and adults - 375 mg every 8 hours or 625 mg every 12 hours.

In the treatment of severe infections, 625 mg every 8 hours is allowed. It should be noted that the drug forms differ in the proportions of active substances, so you should not replace a 625 mg tablet with two 375 mg tablets.

Amoxiclav powder for the preparation of a suspension is used to treat children from birth to 3 months. Dosing is carried out using the included measuring spoon or pipette. The standard dosage of the powder is 30 mg per kg of body weight twice a day.

For children older than three months, the powder is prescribed at a dose of 20 mg per kg of body weight. If the infections are severe - 40 mg per kg of body weight.

Amoxiclav injections are prescribed intravenously. The dosage for children over 12 years of age and adults is 1200 mg every 8 hours. For children from 3 months to 12 years of age, the dosage of Amoxiclav is 30 mg per kg of body weight every 8 hours. In severe cases of the disease, Amoxiclav can be used every 6 hours. For newborns and premature babies, Amoxiclav injections are prescribed at a dose of 30 mg per kg of body weight every 12 hours.

Side effects of Amoxiclav

Side effects from the use of Amoxiclav, as a rule, are mild and pass quickly. According to the instructions, Amoxiclav can cause the following side reactions:

  • Digestive system: diarrhea, nausea, dyspepsia, vomiting, anorexia, flatulence, glossitis, gastritis, stomatitis, enterocolitis, pseudomembranous colitis;
  • Dermatological reactions: skin rash, urticaria, angioedema, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis;
  • Blood system: agranulocytosis, eosinophilia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia;
  • Nervous system: headache, anxiety, agitation, dizziness, insomnia, inappropriate behavior, confusion, hyperactivity, convulsions;
  • Urinary system: hematuria, interstitial nephritis;
  • Hepatobiliary disorders: an increase in the parameters of liver function tests, including an increase in the activity of alkaline phosphatase, ALT, AST, serum bilirubin levels;
  • Other phenomena: fever, vulvovaginal candidiasis, oral candidiasis.

special instructions

It is advisable not to use Amoxiclav during pregnancy. The exception is cases where the potential benefit from its use outweighs the likely risks to the fetus. Taking the drug during pregnancy increases the chance of necrotizing colitis in newborns.

If it is necessary to use the drug in patients with kidney disease, the content of creatinine in the urine should be checked. In case of liver diseases during the period of therapy with Amoxiclav, its function should be monitored.

With severe violations of kidney function, the dose of the drug should be selected individually, it is possible to increase the interval between doses or administration of the drug. 4.88 Rating: 4.9 - 26 votes

Latin name: Amoksiklav
ATX code: J01CR02
Active substance: amoxicillin and
clavulanic acid
Manufacturer: Sandoz, Austria
Pharmacy leave condition: On prescription

Amoxiclav has a broad antibacterial effect on the human body. The good thing is that it can be taken not only by adults, but also by children.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of infections that are accompanied by the active development of a bacterial lesion. These include:

  1. Throat, nose, ear infections
  2. Genitourinary system lesions
  3. Diseases of the lungs and bronchi
  4. Gynecological infections
  5. Infection of bones and connective tissues
  6. Infections of organs, muscles and skin
  7. Biliary tract lesions
  8. Odontogenic lesions.

Medicinal properties

The antibiotic after entering the gastrointestinal tract begins to be actively absorbed. Tablets are allowed to drink regardless of meals, as they do not affect the digestibility of food. The highest concentration of the active substance is observed in the blood an hour after its use. Further, the drug spreads through the organs, tissues and begins to affect the pathogenic microflora. The drug has the ability to penetrate into breast milk. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys. The elimination half-life from the human body is one and a half hours.

Amoxiclav 250/500/625/875 and 125mg tablets

Average price: 300 rubles

The former contains amoxicillin 250 mg and 125 mg and clavulanic acid.

1 tablet 500 mg and 125 mg contains amoxicillin 500 mg and clavulanic acid 125 mg.

1 tablet of amoxiclav 875 mg contains 875 mg of amoxicillin and 125 mg of clavulanic acid.

Tablets 250 and 125 are available in packs of 15. They have an elongated shape and white color. Each capsule has an imprint with the inscription 250/125; sheathed.

Tablets of 500 and 125 mg or 875 and 125 mg, 10 or 14 pieces per pack. The color of the tablets is white, the shape is oval and convex on both sides. Available in 500/125 and 875/125 respectively.

Dosage and administration

Adults and children from 12 years old take 4 times a day one capsule 250/125 mg or 500/125 mg 2 times a day. If there are severe complications, then 500/125 mg or 875/125 mg capsules should be taken 4 times a day. Tablets are taken from 5 to 14 days, depending on the doctor's prescription.

You can also use 250 and 125 mg (one capsule) 4 times a day or 500 and 125 mg 2 times a day, respectively, for at least five days. With kidney disease, you can drink 500 and 125 mg, respectively, every 12 hours. In the most advanced situation of renal failure, it should be taken no more than once a day.

Amoxiclav Quiktab

Amoxiclav quicktab 500 and 875 mg contains components similar to amoxiclav 625 and 1000.

The price ranges from 360 to 470 rubles

Amoxiclav quicktab 500 and 125 mg and 875 and 125 mg has a dispersed form, 10 pieces per pack. The color of the capsule is white, it is oval in shape and convex on both sides. There are prints with the designation of the number of main components 500/125 and 875/125, respectively.

Dosage and administration

Dissolves in 100-200 ml of water before use. The resulting solution is well shaken. The dosage for adults and children from 12 years old is 500 and 125 mg 2-3 times a day. In extremely severe manifestations of the disease, the dosage of amoxiclav quiktab is 875 and 125 mg 2 times a day. Therapy should not last more than 14 days.

Powder for suspensions Amoxiclav

The cost is about 300 rubles.

The powder from which the suspension is made contains the main components of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.

A children's antibiotic, produced in the form of a powder and from which a suspension is prepared, is packaged in vials. 100 ml of suspension can be prepared from the contents of the vial. The dry undiluted mixture has a whitish-yellow color. When diluted, the suspension is homogeneous, almost white with a slight yellow tint.

Dosage and administration

Giving an antibiotic should be based on weight. To dilute the dry mixture, you need to pour about 80-90 ml of water into the bottle. Before giving the suspension in dissolved form, it should be shaken well each time.

Powder for infusion Amoxiclav

Average price: 300 rubles

As in other forms of release, the powder for infusion contains amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.

Powder for infusion is sold in vials. One vial contains 500 and 100 mg of the drug. Also available in 1.2 g bottles (1000 and 200). One package contains 5 bottles. The color of the powder is white, uniform.

Dosage and administration

The form for infusion is diluted in water for injection. To do this, 10 ml of water is needed for 600 mg of the drug, and 20 ml of liquid is required to dilute 1200 mg, respectively. The solution must not be frozen before use. The drug is administered slowly, at least three minutes. Intravenous infusion lasts at least half an hour.

To prevent the formation of purulent complications after surgery, before anesthesia, 1.2 grams of the drug should be administered or an antibiotic should be taken in the postoperative period.

Amoxiclav for children

Babies up to three months of age are prescribed 30 mg of the drug and a kilogram of weight per day. The dose is distributed evenly into two parts and is administered at the same time interval. After three months of life, the daily dosage is 25 mg per kilo of weight. With infectious lesions of moderate severity, a child can be given an antibiotic at the rate of 20 mg per kilo of body weight, 3 times a day. In severe cases, the dosage is 45 mg per kilo of weight, divided into 2 doses per day.


It is contraindicated to drink: with a recent liver disease or cholestatic jaundice, lymphocytic leukemia, the presence of an allergy to drugs.

Not issued to children under 12 years of age.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is used only if the potential benefit of therapy outweighs the potential harm to the fetus. You should not drink the remedy in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the second and third trimesters, it should be taken carefully, the dosage is selected with strict accuracy. Do not drink amoxicillin during breastfeeding, or you should temporarily stop breastfeeding if you need to take the drug.

Precautionary measures

It should be used with caution in renal and hepatic insufficiency. The upper daily limit for the use of clavulanic acid for adults is 600 mg and 10 mg per kilogram of body weight (child); amoxicillin for adults - 6 g, and a child can be given no more than 45 mg per kilogram of weight.

Cross-drug interactions

Glucosamines, carriers, antacids and aminoglycosides slow down the absorption of drugs. Vitamin C, on the contrary, accelerates absorption. Drugs that remove excess fluid, allopurine, phenylbutazone, calcium secretion blockers increase the content of the drug in the blood. The simultaneous use of anticoagulants and drugs is not recommended. The substance increases the toxic effects of methotrexate on the body.

Do not use drugs together with teturam and its analogues. The antagonist of the active substance is rifampicin. It is not advisable to take them together. The effectiveness of the antibiotic will decrease when used simultaneously with tetracycline and sulfanilamide. Probenecid will slow down the excretion of drugs from the body and increase its content in the blood. Also, the drug is able to reduce the effectiveness of combined oral contraceptives, at the time of administration, an additional barrier method of contraception is required.

Side effects

Allergy: swelling, itching, urticaria, rash. Less commonly - anaphylactic shock, pustulosis, dermatitis, vasculitis.

NS: migraine, dizziness. Less often - sleep disturbance, hyperactivity, anxiety and convulsions.

Urogenital system: crystalluria, nephritis, thrush.

Usually in normal dosages, such phenomena rarely occur.


In case of an overdose, stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea are possible. In more severe cases, seizures appear.

Terms and conditions of storage

Stored at room temperature in a dry place out of the reach of children. Shelf life is 2 years from the date of manufacture indicated on the package.



Mustafa Nevzat Ilach Sanai A.S., Türkiye
Price: 260 rubles per package

The active substance is ampicillin and sulbactam. Ampiside is an effective antibacterial agent. Fights pathogenic microorganisms, helps in the complex treatment of infectious diseases.


  • Inexpensive
  • Effective.


  • Need a prescription
  • It is undesirable to take during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.


OJSC Sintez, Russia
Price: 220 rubles per pack

The main active ingredients are ampicillin and oxacillin. The drug is available in the form of capsules. One package contains 20 pieces. Refers to antibacterial drugs. It is used for the treatment of infectious diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms.


  • Quite effective
  • Inexpensive.


  • Not to be used during pregnancy and while breastfeeding
  • Has many side effects.

Oxamp sodium

OJSC Sintez, Russia
Price: 15-20 rubles

An antibacterial agent that is available in injectable form: a small ampoule containing a white powder. It should be dissolved in liquid for injection. Suitable for the treatment of many infectious diseases, where there are complications in the form of bacterial lesions.


  • The tool is quite effective.
  • It is very cheap.


  • A large number of side effects
  • Cannot be used during lactation and pregnancy.


GlaxoSmithKline plc, UK
Price: 370-400 rubles

Produced in a cardboard box, in blisters are white oblong capsules. The medicine is especially effective for bacterial lesions of staphylococcus, streptococcus and pneumococcus. Suitable for bacterial complications in the development of infectious lesions. It has antibacterial and bactericidal effects on the body.


  • Effective
  • Accessible
  • No prescription needed.


  • Many side effects
  • Contraindicated in breastfeeding and pregnancy.

You can learn more about the comparison of Augmentin and Amoxiclav

What is the drug "Amoxiclav"? What does this remedy help with? You will learn the answers to these and other questions from the materials of this article. We will tell you about how much this medicine costs, in what form it is produced and whether it can be combined with alcohol.

Composition, form and packaging

The drug "Amoxiclav" (1000 mg) contains such active substances as the potassium salt of clavulanic acid and is currently available in the following forms:

  • film-coated tablets;
  • powder for preparation of suspensions;
  • lyophilized powder for injection.

Tablets "Amoxiclav" (1000 mg) are packed in aluminum blisters and cardboard boxes, respectively.

Powder for suspension can be purchased in dark glass bottles. Also included is a measuring spoon.

As for the injection form, it is available in 1.2 and 0.6 g vials, which are placed in cardboard boxes.

Pharmacological features

How does the drug "Amoxiclav" work? Instructions, reviews report that the combination of clavulanic acid and amoxicillin is unique in its kind.

Amoxicillin kills bacteria by binding to their surface receptors. However, most microorganisms have learned to destroy this antibiotic substance through the enzyme beta-lactamase. The activity of this enzyme can reduce Due to this effect, the suspension, injection solution and tablets "Amoxiclav" (1000 mg) are used to treat many infectious diseases.

Properties of the drug

What properties do antibiotics have? "Amoxiclav" (1000 mg) kills even those strains of bacteria that have already shown resistance to amoxicillin.

The drug under consideration has a pronounced bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect on all types of echinococci, streptococci and listeria (except for methicillin-resistant strains). Gram-negative bacteria such as Brucella, Bordetella, Gardnerella, Salmonella, Klebsiella, Proteus, Moraxella, Clostridium, Shigella and others are also sensitive to this drug.


Can Amoxiclav (1000 mg) be taken with food? Regardless of food, this medication is well absorbed from the intestines. Its highest concentration is reached after 60 minutes. It has a high rate and volume of distribution in the body (in the tonsils, lungs, synovial and pleural fluids, adipose and muscle tissues, prostate gland, middle ear and sinuses).

In breast milk, this drug enters in small quantities.

Amoxicillin is partially destroyed in the body, and clavulanic acid is extensively metabolized.

The drug is excreted through the kidneys, as well as the lungs and intestines. Its half-life is 90 minutes.

The drug "Amoxiclav": what helps?

The antibiotic in question is prescribed for the treatment of various infectious diseases:

  • respiratory tract (for example, chronic or acute sinusitis), inflammation of the middle ear, pharyngeal abscess, tonsillopharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, and others;
  • gynecological infections (septic abortion, endometritis, salpingitis, etc.);
  • urinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, etc.);
  • bone infections;
  • odontogenic infections, in which the pathogen enters the human body through cavities in the teeth;
  • genital infections (gonorrhea, chancroid);
  • connective tissue infections;
  • inflammation of the biliary tract (for example, cholecystitis, cholangitis);
  • infections of the skin, as well as soft tissues (phlegmon, bites, wound infection).

Contraindications for use

Does the antibiotic "Amoxiclav" have contraindications? Treatment with this remedy is not carried out with impaired liver function and jaundice (cholestatic), as well as with hypersensitivity to the substances of the drug or to all penicillins.

This drug is prescribed with extreme caution in the presence of allergy to cephalosporins, insufficiency of liver function, pseudomembranous colitis and severe renal dysfunction.

Patients with lymphocytic leukemia or mononucleosis who have been prescribed ampicillin may develop an erythematous rash. With such a reaction, the antibiotic should be discontinued.

The drug "Amoxiclav": doses and methods of application

The drug "Amoxiclav" can be administered to patients in different ways. The method of its use depends on the weight and age of the patient, the condition of the liver and kidneys, as well as the severity of the infection.

The most optimal time to use this medicine is when you start eating. The duration of therapy with this drug is 6-14 days. It is forbidden to use the medication for longer than the specified period.

For children under 12 years of age, an antibiotic is prescribed at the rate of 40 mg per kg of body weight per day. Adolescents weighing more than 40 kg are given the drug in the same dosage as adults.

For adults, 375 mg tablets are prescribed every eight hours, and a 625 mg drug every 12 hours. In severe infections, the patient is recommended to take the medication at a dose of 625 mg (every eight hours) or 1000 mg (every 12 hours).

Doctors emphasize that Amoxiclav tablets may differ in the number of active ingredients. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that it is forbidden to replace a dose of 625 mg with two doses of 375 mg.

For the treatment of odontogenic infections, the following scheme is used: the drug at a dosage of 375 mg is prescribed every eight hours, and at a dose of 625 mg every 12.

If you need to take medicine for patients with kidney disease, then be sure to take into account the content of creatinine in the urine. In people with liver pathologies, constant monitoring of its work should be carried out.

How should Amoxiclav be given to young children? Suspension, the price of which is not very high, is prescribed for babies up to 3 months. The dose of this medicine is determined using a measuring spoon or pipette. For every kg of a child's weight, 30 mg of amoxicillin should be given. The medication should be taken twice a day.

For children older than 3 months with moderate and mild disease, the drug is prescribed at the rate of 20 mg per kg of weight.

How is Amoxiclav used for severe infections? Suspension (the price of the drug will be indicated below) is prescribed for children in the amount of 40 mg per kg of weight. The same dose is used to treat deep infections (for example, inflammation of the middle ear, bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, etc.).

The maximum daily dose of amoxicillin for children is 45 mg / kg, and for adults - 6 grams. As for clavulanic acid, it can be taken per day no more than 10 mg / kg for children and 600 mg for adults.

Side effects

As a rule, the drug "Amoxiclav" is well tolerated. Although in some cases, side effects occur in the elderly and those patients who take the medication for a long time.

Most often, adverse reactions occur during or after completion of therapy. Although sometimes their development is observed after a few weeks after treatment:

  • diarrhea, flatulence, nausea, glossitis, vomiting, pseudomembranous colitis, dyspepsia, stomatitis, discoloration of the tongue, gastritis, enterocolitis;
  • anemia (hemolytic), agranulocytosis, eosinophilia, a decrease in the number of platelets and leukocytes;
  • dizziness, headaches, inappropriate behavior, agitation, insomnia, hyperactivity, convulsions;
  • an increase in liver function tests, an asymptomatic increase in the activity of AST, alkaline phosphatase and ALT, as well as the level of bilirubin in the blood;
  • rash, erythema multiforme, urticaria, angioedema, Stevens-Johnson syndrome,;
  • blood in urine, interstitial nephritis;
  • oral candidiasis, fever, candidal vaginitis (with prolonged use of the drug).

Compatibility with other drugs

It is undesirable to combine "Amoxiclav" and means of indirect anticoagulants, as this may contribute to an increase

The medication in question enhances the toxicity of Metatrexate.

The interaction of allopurinol and Amoxiclav causes the risk of exanthema.

It is forbidden to prescribe the drug together with macrolides or tetracyclines, as well as with sulfonamides due to a decrease in its effectiveness.

Do not combine rifampicin and amoxicillin, as these are antagonist drugs. Their joint reception weakens the antibacterial effect of both.

Taking the medication in question reduces the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.

It should also be noted that the drug "Amoxiclav" (1000) and alcohol are prohibited from combining due to the possible increase in adverse reactions.

Price, synonyms and analogues

Synonyms of this drug are: Clavocin, Augmentin and Moxiclav. As for analogues, they include:

  • "Amocomb",
  • "Ecoclave",
  • "Arlet",
  • "Flemoklav",
  • "Bactoclav",
  • "Toromentin"
  • "Klamosar",
  • "Rapiclav",
  • "Verklav",
  • "ranclave"
  • "Medoklav",
  • "Panklav",
  • "Liklav".

How much does the antibiotic "Amoxiclav" cost? Its price depends on the form of release. Tablets (1000 mg) can be purchased for 480 rubles, suspension - for 280, and lyophilized powder for injection - for 180.

Active substance:

Amoxicillin* + Clavulanic acid* (Clavulanic acid*) (Amoxicillin* + Clavulanic acid*)

Dosage form and composition: Film-coated tablets 1 tab. active substances (core): amoxicillin (as trihydrate) 250 mg clavulanic acid (as potassium salt) 125 mg Excipients: colloidal silicon dioxide - 5.4 mg; crospovidone - 27.4 mg; croscarmellose sodium - 27.4 mg; magnesium stearate - 12 mg; talc - 13.4 mg; MCC - up to 650 mg film sheath: hypromellose - 14.378 mg; ethylcellulose 0.702 mg; polysorbate 80 - 0.78 mg; triethyl citrate - 0.793 mg; titanium dioxide - 7.605 mg; talc 1.742 mg Film-coated tablets 1 tab. active substances (core): amoxicillin (as trihydrate) 500 mg clavulanic acid (as potassium salt) 125 mg Excipients: colloidal silicon dioxide - 9 mg, crospovidone - 45 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 35 mg, magnesium stearate - 20 mg, MCC - up to 1060 mg film sheath: hypromellose - 17.696 mg, ethylcellulose - 0.864 mg, polysorbate 80 - 0.96 mg, triethyl citrate - 0.976 mg, titanium dioxide - 9.36 mg, talc - 2.144 mg active substances (core): amoxicillin (as trihydrate) 875 mg clavulanic acid (as potassium salt) 125 mg Excipients: colloidal silicon dioxide - 12 mg; crospovidone - 61 mg; croscarmellose sodium - 47 mg; magnesium stearate - 17.22 mg; MCC - up to 1435 mg film sheath: hypromellose - 23.226 mg; ethylcellulose - 1.134 mg; polysorbate 80 - 1.26 mg; triethyl citrate - 1.28 mg; titanium dioxide - 12.286 mg; talc 2.814 mg Powder for suspension for oral administration 5 ml suspension active substances: amoxicillin (as trihydrate) 125 mg clavulanic acid (as potassium salt) 31.25 mg 4:1 ratio Excipients: citric acid (anhydrous) - 2.167 mg; sodium citrate (anhydrous) - 8.335 mg; sodium benzoate - 2.085 mg; MCC and carmellose sodium - 28.1 mg; xanthan gum - 10 mg; colloidal silicon dioxide - 16.667 mg; silicon dioxide - 0.217 g; sodium saccharinate - 5.5 mg; mannitol - 1250 mg; strawberry flavor - 15 mg Powder for oral suspension 5 ml suspension active substances: amoxicillin (as trihydrate) 250 mg clavulanic acid (as potassium salt) 62.5 mg 4:1 ratio Excipients: citric acid (anhydrous) - 2.167 mg; sodium citrate (anhydrous) - 8.335 mg; sodium benzoate - 2.085 mg; MCC and carmellose sodium - 28.1 mg; xanthan gum - 10 mg; colloidal silicon dioxide - 16.667 mg; silicon dioxide - 0.217 g; sodium saccharinate - 5.5 mg; mannitol - 1250 mg; wild cherry flavor - 4 mg Powder for suspension for oral administration 5 ml suspension active substances: amoxicillin (as trihydrate) 400 mg clavulanic acid (as potassium salt) 57 mg 7:1 ratio Excipients: citric acid (anhydrous) - 2.694 mg; sodium citrate (anhydrous); - 8.335 mg; MCC and carmellose sodium - 28.1 mg; xanthan gum - 10 mg; colloidal silicon dioxide - 16.667 mg; silicon dioxide - 0.217 g; sodium saccharinate - 5.5 mg; mannitol - 1250 mg; wild cherry flavor - 4 mg; lemon flavor - 4 mg

Infections caused by susceptible strains of microorganisms:

  • upper respiratory tract and ENT organs (including acute and chronic sinusitis, acute and chronic otitis media, pharyngeal abscess, tonsillitis, pharyngitis);
  • lower respiratory tract (including acute bronchitis with bacterial superinfection, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia);
  • urinary tract;
  • in gynecology;
  • skin and soft tissues, including human and animal bites;
  • bone and connective tissue;
  • biliary tract (cholecystitis, cholangitis);
  • odontogenic.
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • a history of hypersensitivity to penicillins, cephalosporins and other beta-lactam antibiotics;
  • cholestatic jaundice and / or other abnormal liver function caused by taking amoxicillin / clavulanic acid in history;
  • infectious mononucleosis and lymphocytic leukemia.

Carefully: history of pseudomembranous colitis, gastrointestinal diseases, liver failure, severe renal dysfunction, pregnancy, lactation, simultaneous use with anticoagulants.

Use during pregnancy and lactation:

During pregnancy and lactation, Amoxiclav® is used only if the intended benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus and child.

Side effects:

From the digestive system: loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, gastritis, stomatitis, glossitis, black "hairy" tongue, darkening of tooth enamel, hemorrhagic colitis (may also develop after therapy), enterocolitis, pseudomembranous colitis, abnormal liver function, increased activity ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase and / or plasma bilirubin levels, liver failure (more often in the elderly, men, with long-term therapy), cholestatic jaundice, hepatitis.

Allergic reactions: pruritus, urticaria, erythematous rashes, erythema multiforme, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, allergic vasculitis, exfoliative dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis, a syndrome similar to serum sickness, toxic epidermal necrolysis.

From the hematopoietic and lymphatic systems: reversible leukopenia (including neutropenia), thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, reversible increase in PT (when used together with anticoagulants), reversible increase in bleeding time, eosinophilia, pancytopenia, thrombocytosis, agranulocytosis.

From the side of the central nervous system: dizziness, headache, convulsions (may occur in patients with impaired renal function when taking high doses of the drug), hyperactivity. Feelings of anxiety, insomnia, behavioral changes, agitation.

From the urinary system: interstitial nephritis, crystalluria, hematuria.

Others: candidiasis and other types of superinfection.


There are no reports of death or life-threatening side effects due to an overdose of the drug.

Symptoms: in most cases - disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting), anxiety, insomnia, dizziness are also possible, in isolated cases - convulsive seizures.

Treatment: in case of overdose, the patient should be under the supervision of a physician, treatment is symptomatic.

In the case of a recent intake (less than 4 hours) of the drug, it is necessary to perform a gastric lavage and prescribe activated charcoal to reduce absorption. Amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium is removed by hemodialysis.

Dosage and administration:

Film-coated tablets

inside. The dosage regimen is set individually, depending on the age, body weight, kidney function of the patient, as well as the severity of the infection.

Children under 12

The dose is prescribed depending on age and body weight. The recommended dosing regimen is 40 mg / kg / day in 3 divided doses.

Children weighing 40 kg or more should be given the same doses as adults. For children aged ≤6 years, Amoxiclav® suspension is more preferable.

Adults and children over 12 years of age (or >40 kg body weight)

The usual dose in the case of mild and moderate infection is 1 table. 250+125 mg every 8 hours or 1 tab. 500 + 125 mg every 12 hours, in case of severe infection and respiratory tract infections - 1 table. 500+125 mg every 8 hours or 1 tab. 875+125 mg every 12 hours

Since the tablets of the combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid 250 + 125 mg and 500 + 125 mg each contain the same amount of clavulanic acid - 125 mg, then 2 tables. 250 + 125 mg are not equivalent to 1 table. 500+125 mg.

Dosage for odontogenic infections

1 tab. 250+125 mg every 8 hours or 1 tab. 500+125 mg every 12 hours for 5 days.

Patients with impaired renal function

  • adults and children over 12 years of age (or ≥40 kg body weight) (Table 1)

Table 1

Creatinine clearance Dosing regimen of the drug Amoxiclav®> 30 ml / min Dose adjustment is not required 10-30 ml / min 1 tab. 50+125 mg 2 times a day or 1 tab. 250+125 mg (for mild and moderate infection) 2 times a day<10 мл/мин1 табл. 500+125 мг 1 раз в сутки или 1 табл. 250+125 мг (при легком и среднетяжелом течении инфекции) 1 раз в суткиГемодиализ1 табл. 500+125 мг или 2 табл. 250+125 мг каждые 24 ч + 1 табл. 500+125 мг или 2 табл. 250+125 мг во время проведения диализа и в конце сеанса диализа (ввиду снижения сывороточных концентраций амоксициллина и клавулановой кислоты)

  • with anuria, the interval between dosing should be increased to 48 hours or more;
  • 875+125 mg tablets should only be used in patients with Cl creatinine >30 ml/min.

Patients with impaired liver function

Amoxiclav® should be taken with caution. It is necessary to conduct regular monitoring of liver function.

Powder for suspension for oral administration


Daily dose of suspensions 125+31.25 mg/5 ml and 250+62.5 mg/5 ml(to facilitate correct dosing, each package of suspensions 125+31.25mg/5ml and 250+62.5mg/5ml contains a dosing pipette graduated to 5ml with a division scale of 0.1ml or a dosing spoon with a capacity of 5ml, with ring marks in the cavity at 2.5 and 5 ml)

Newborns and children up to 3 months- 30 mg / kg (for amoxicillin) per day, divided into 2 doses (every 12 hours).

Dosing of the drug Amoxiclav® with a dosing pipette - calculation of single doses for the treatment of infections in newborns and children under 3 months (Table 2).

table 2

Body weight, kg 22,22,42,62,833,23,43,63,844,24,44,64.8 Suspension 312.5 ml (2 times a day)

Children over 3 months- from 20 mg/kg for mild and moderate infections to 40 mg/kg for severe infections and infections of the lower respiratory tract, otitis media, sinusitis (according to amoxicillin) per day, divided into 3 doses (every 8 hours).

Dosing of the drug Amoxiclav® with a dosing pipette - calculation of single doses for the treatment of mild and moderate infections in children older than 3 months (at the rate of 20 mg / kg / day (for amoxicillin) (Table 3).

Table 3

Body weight, kSuspension 156.25, ml (3 times a day) 5, ml (3 times a day) Body weight, kg23 Suspension 156.25, ml (3 times a day) 6,16,46,76,97,27,57,788,38,58,89,19,39,69,910,110.4 Suspension 312.5, ml (3 times a day) 3.13, 23,33,53,63,73,944,14,34,44,54,74,84,95,15,2

Dosing of the drug Amoxiclav with a dosing pipette - calculation of single doses for the treatment of severe infections in children older than 3 months (at the rate of 40 mg / kg / day (according to amoxicillin) (Table 4).

Table 4

Body weight, kSuspension 156.25, ml (3 times a day) ml (3 times a day )1,31,61,92,12,42,72,93,23,53,744,34,54,85,15,35,65.9 Body weight, kg23 Suspension 156.25, ml (3 times a day)12,312,813,313,914,414,915 ,51616,517,117,618,118,719,219,720,320.8 Suspension 312.5, ml (3 times a day)6,16,46,76,97,27,57,788,38,58,89,19,39,69,910,110.4

Dosing of the drug Amoxiclav with a dosing spoon (in the absence of a dosing pipette) - the recommended doses of suspensions depending on the body weight of the child and the severity of the infection (Table 5).

Table 5

Body weight, kg Age (approximately) Mild/moderate course Severe course × 2.5 ml (½ scoop)3 × 1.25 ml3 × 3.75 ml3 × 2 ml10–121–2 years3 × 3.75 ml3 × 2 ml3 × 6.25 ml3 × 3 ml12–152–4 years3 × 5 ml (1 scoop) 3 × 2.5 ml (½ scoop) 3 × 7.5 ml (1½ scoop) 3 × 3.75 ml 15–204–6 years 3 × 6.25 ml 3 × 3 ml 3 × 9.5 ml3 × 5 ml (1 spoon) 20–306–10 years 3 × 8.75 ml 3 × 4.5 ml-3 × 7 ml 30–4010–12 years-3 × 6.5 ml-3 × 9.5 ml≥40≥ 12 years oldAmoxiclav® tablets

Daily dose of suspension 400+57 mg/5 ml. The dose is calculated per 1 kg of body weight, depending on the severity of the infection - from 25 mg/kg for mild and moderate infections to 45 mg/kg for severe infections, infections of the lower respiratory tract, otitis media, sinusitis (in terms of amoxicillin) per day, divided into 2 doses.

To facilitate correct dosing, a dosing pipette is inserted into each package of suspension 400 + 57 mg / 5 ml, graduated simultaneously into 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ml and into 4 equal parts.

Suspension 400 + 57 mg / 5 ml is used in children older than 3 months.

Table 6

Body weight, kg Age (approximately) Severe course Moderately severe 5–103–12 months 2 × 2.5 ml 2 × 1.25 ml 10–151–2 years 2 × 3.75 ml 2 × 2.5 ml 15–202–4 years 2 × 5 ml 2 × 3.75 ml 20–304–6 years 2 × 7.5 ml2 × 5 ml 30–406–10 years 2 × 10 ml2 × 6.5 ml

Accurate daily doses are calculated based on the child's body weight, not age.

The maximum daily dose of amoxicillin is 6 g for adults and 45 mg/kg for children.

The maximum daily dose of clavulanic acid (in the form of potassium salt) is 600 mg for adults and 10 mg/kg for children.

In patients with impaired renal function, the dose should be adjusted based on the maximum recommended dose of amoxicillin.

Patients with Cl creatinine> 30 ml / min do not require any dose adjustment.

Adults and children weighing over 40 kg

Patients with Cl creatinine 10-30 ml / min - 500/125 mg 2 times a day.

Children weighing less than 40 kg

For hemodialysis, the recommended dose is 15/3.75 mg/kg once a day. Before hemodialysis - 15 / 3.75 mg / kg. To restore the appropriate concentrations of the drug in the blood, it is necessary to take another dose of 15 / 3.75 mg / kg after hemodialysis.

The course of treatment is 5-14 days. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the attending physician. Treatment should not continue for more than 14 days without a second medical examination.

Suspension preparation instructions

Powder for suspension 125+31.25 mg/5ml- shake the vial vigorously, add 86 ml of water in two doses (up to the mark), each time shaking well until the powder is completely dissolved.

Powder for suspension 250+62.5mg/5ml- shake the bottle vigorously, add 85 ml of water in two doses (up to the mark), shaking well each time until the powder is completely dissolved.

Powder for suspension 400+57mg/5ml- Shake the vial vigorously, add water in two doses (up to the mark) in the amount indicated on the label and given in Table 7, shaking well each time until the powder is completely dissolved.

Table 7

The volume of the finished suspension, ml The required amount of water, ml 3529.550427059140118

Shake vigorously before use!

Part tablets 250 mg/125 mg includes active components amoxicillin (trihydrate form) and clavulanic acid (a form of potassium salt). Tablets also contain auxiliary components: MCC sodium croscarmellose.

Tablets Amoxiclav 2X 625 mg and 1000 mg contain the active ingredients amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, as well as additional components: anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, flavors, , iron oxide yellow, talc, hydrogenated castor oil, silicified MCC.

As part of tablets Amoxiclav Quiktab 500 mg and 875 mg contains the active ingredients amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, as well as additional components: anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, flavors, aspartame, yellow iron oxide, talc, hydrogenated castor oil, silicified MCC.

As part of powder from which Amoxiclav suspension is prepared, also contains amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, and also contains sodium citrate, MCC, sodium benzoate, mannitol, sodium saccharin as inactive components.

As part of powder for infusion Amoxiclav IV contains amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.

Release form

The drug is produced in the form of tablets. Amoxiclav 250 mg/125 mg- coated tablets, the package contains 15 pcs.

Amoxiclav 2X(500 mg / 125 mg; 875 mg / 125 mg) - coated tablets, the package may contain 10 or 14 pcs.

Amoxiclav Quiktab(500 mg / 125 mg; 875 mg / 125 mg) is available as dispersed tablets, in the package - 10 such tablets.

Also, the product is produced in the form of a powder, from which a suspension is made, the bottle contains a powder for preparing 100 ml of the product.

A powder is also produced, from which a solution is made, which is administered intravenously. The bottle contains 600 mg of the product (amoxicillin 500 mg, clavulanic acid 100 mg), 1.2 g bottles are also available (amoxicillin 1000 mg, clavulanic acid 200 mg), the package contains 5 vials.

pharmachologic effect

The abstract provides information that Amoxiclav (INN Amoksiklav) is a means of a wide range of effects. Group of antibiotics: broad-spectrum penicillins. The composition of the drug contains amoxicillin (semi-synthetic penicillin) and clavulanic acid (β-lactamase inhibitor). The presence of clavulanic acid in the preparation ensures the resistance of amoxicillin to the action of β-lactamases, which are produced by microorganisms.

The structure of clavulanic acid is similar to beta-lactam antibiotics, this substance also has an antibacterial effect. Amoxiclav is active against strains that show sensitivity to amoxicillin. This is a row Gram-positive bacteria , aerobic Gram-negative bacteria , Gram-positive and Gram-negative anaerobes .

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

As Vidal informs the medicine guide, after oral administration, both substances are actively absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the absorption of the components is not affected by food intake, so it does not matter how you take it - before or after meals. The highest concentration is observed one hour after the drug has been taken. Both active ingredients of the drug are distributed in fluids and tissues. Amoxicillin also enters the liver, synovial fluid, prostate, palatine tonsils, gallbladder, muscle tissue, saliva, and bronchial secretions.

If the membranes of the brain are not inflamed, both active substances do not penetrate through the BBB. At the same time, active components penetrate the placental barrier, their traces are determined in breast milk. They bind to blood proteins to a small extent.

In the body, amoxicillin undergoes partial, clavulanic acid is metabolized intensively. It is excreted from the body through the kidneys, small particles of active substances are excreted by the intestines and lungs. The half-life of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid is 1-1.5 hours.

Indications for use Amoxiclav

Amoxiclav is prescribed for diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature, which develop as a result of the influence of microorganisms sensitive to this drug. Such indications for the use of this drug are determined:

  • infections of the ENT organs, as well as infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract ( , pharyngeal abscess, , , tonsillitis);
  • urinary tract infections (with , at and etc.);
  • infectious diseases of the lower respiratory tract (pneumonia, acute and chronic);
  • gynecological diseases of an infectious nature;
  • infections of connective and bone tissues;
  • infectious diseases of soft tissues, skin (including the consequences of bites);
  • biliary tract infections (cholangitis, );
  • odontogenic infections.

From what Amoxiclav helps yet, you should ask a specialist during an individual consultation.


When determining why tablets and other forms of the drug help, the existing contraindications should also be taken into account:

  • previous liver disease or cholestatic jaundice when taking clavulanic acid or amoxicillin;
  • high sensitivity to antibiotic drugs from the group of cephalosporins, penicillins, as well as other beta-lactam antibiotics;
  • high sensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug.

Carefully prescribed to people suffering from liver failure, people with severe kidney disease.

Side effects

When taking this antibiotic, patients may experience the following side effects:

  • Digestive system: deterioration, vomiting, nausea, ; in rare cases, abdominal pain, liver dysfunction may occur; single manifestations - hepatitis, jaundice, pseudomembranous colitis.
  • Hematopoietic system: in rare cases - reversible leukopenia, thrombocytopenia; in very rare cases - eosinophilia, pancytopenia.
  • Allergic manifestations: , erythematous rash, ; in rare cases - , exudative erythema, allergic vasculitis; single manifestations - Stevens-Johnson syndrome, pustulosis, exfoliative dermatitis.
  • Functions of the nervous system: , ; in rare cases - convulsions, anxiety, hyperactivity, .
  • urinary system: crystalluria , interstitial nephritis .
  • In rare cases, superinfection may occur.

It is noted that such treatment, as a rule, does not provoke pronounced side effects.

Instructions for use Amoxiclav (Method and dosage of Amoxiclav for adults)

Medicine in tablets is not prescribed for children under 12 years of age. When prescribing the drug, it should be borne in mind that the permissible dose per day of clavulanic acid is 600 mg (adults) and 10 mg per 1 kg of weight (child). The permissible dose per day of amoxicillin is 6 g for an adult and 45 mg per 1 kg of body weight for a child.

An agent for parenteral administration is prepared by dissolving the contents of the vial in water for injection. To dissolve 600 mg of the product, you need 10 mol of water, to dissolve 1.2 g of the product - 20 ml of water. The solution should be administered slowly, over 3-4 minutes. Intravenous infusion should continue for 30-40 minutes. The solution must not be frozen.

Before anesthesia, to prevent purulent complications, 1.2 g of drugs should be administered intravenously. If there is a risk of complications, the drug is administered intravenously or administered orally in the period after surgery. Duration of admission is determined by the doctor.

Amoxiclav tablets, instructions for use

As a rule, adults and children (whose weight is more than 40 kg) receive 1 table every eight hours. (375 mg), provided that the infection is mild or moderate. Another acceptable treatment regimen in this case is taking 1 table every 12 hours. (500 mg + 125 mg). In severe infectious diseases, as well as infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, reception is shown every eight hours 1 table. (500 mg + 125 mg) or taking every 12 hours 1 tab. (875 mg + 125 mg). Depending on the disease, you need to take an antibiotic from five to fourteen days, but the doctor must individually prescribe a treatment regimen.

Patients with odontogenic infections show medication every 8 hours, 1 table. (250 mg + 125 mg) or once every 12 hours, 1 tab. (500 mg + 125 mg) for five days.

People suffering from moderate are shown taking 1 table. (500 mg + 125 mg) every twelve hours. Severe renal failure is the reason for increasing the interval between doses up to 24 hours.

Suspension Amoxiclav, instructions for use

The child's age of the patient provides for the calculation of the dose, taking into account the weight of the child. Shake the bottle well before preparing the syrup. In two doses, add 86 ml of water to the vial, each time you need to shake its contents well. Please note that a measuring spoon contains 5 ml of the product. Assign in a dose depending on the age and weight of the child.

Instructions for use Amoxiclav for children

Children from birth to three months are prescribed the drug at the rate of 30 mg per 1 kg of body weight (dose per day), this dose should be divided equally and administered at regular intervals. From the age of three months, the child Amoxiclav is prescribed at a dose of 25 mg per 1 kg of weight, it is similarly divided equally into two injections. In infectious diseases of moderate severity, the dose is prescribed at the rate of 20 mg per 1 kg of weight, it is divided into three injections. In severe infectious diseases, the dose is prescribed at the rate of 45 mg per 1 kg of body weight, divided into two doses per day.

Instructions for use Amoxiclav Quiktab

Before taking the tablet must be dissolved in 100 ml of water (the amount of water may be more). Before taking, you need to stir the contents well. You can also chew the tablet, it is better to use the drug before meals. Adults and children after reaching the age of 12 should take 1 table per day. 625 mg 2-3 times a day. In severe infectious diseases appoint 1 table. 1000 mg 2 times a day. Treatment should not last more than 2 weeks.

Sometimes a doctor may prescribe analogues of the drug, for example, Flemoklav Solutab and others.

Amoxiclav with angina

Amoxiclav drug for an adult is prescribed 1 table. 325 mg once every 8 hours. Another treatment regimen involves taking 1 tablet once every 12 hours. A doctor may prescribe an antibiotic at a higher dose if the disease in an adult is severe. Treatment of angina in children involves the use of a suspension. As a rule, 1 spoon is prescribed (dosing spoon is 5 ml). The frequency of admission is determined by the doctor, whose recommendations are important to follow. How to take Amoxiclav for children with angina also depends on the severity of the disease.

Dosage of Amoxiclav for sinusitis

Does Amoxiclav help with , depends on the causes and features of the course of the disease. The dosage is determined by the otolaryngologist. It is recommended to take 500 mg tablets three times a day. How many days to take the medicine depends on the severity of the disease. But after the disappearance of symptoms, you need to take the remedy for another two days.


To avoid overdose, the prescribed dosage for children and the dosage of Amoxiclav for adults must be strictly observed. It is recommended to carefully study the instructions or watch a video on how to dilute the suspension.

Wikipedia shows that an overdose of the drug may cause a number of unpleasant symptoms, but there is no data on life-threatening conditions for the patient. Overdose may result in pain in the abdomen , vomiting , excitement. In severe cases, seizures may occur.

If the drug has been taken recently, gastric lavage is performed, . The patient must be monitored by a doctor. In this case, effective .


While taking the drug with some drugs, undesirable manifestations may occur, which is why tablets, syrup and intravenous administration of the drug should not be used in parallel with a number of drugs.

Simultaneous use of drugs with , antacids, aminoglycosides, laxative drugs, the absorption of Amoxiclav slows down, when taken simultaneously with - absorption is accelerated.

With simultaneous treatment with Phenylbutazone, diuretics, NSAIDs, Allopurinol and other drugs that block tubular secretion, an increase in the concentration of amoxicillin occurs.

If anticoagulants and Amoxiclav are taken simultaneously, the prothrombin time increases. Therefore, it is necessary to prescribe funds in such a combination with caution.

Amoxiclav increases toxicity when taken at the same time.

When taking Amoxiclav and increases the likelihood of exanthema.

Should not be taken at the same time Disulfiram and Amoxiclav.

Co-administered antagonists are amoxicillin and . The drugs mutually weaken the antibacterial effect.

You should not take Amoxiclav and bacteriostatic antibiotics (tetracyclines, macrolides), as well as sulfonamides at the same time, since these drugs can reduce the effectiveness of Amoxiclav.

If a course of drug treatment is prescribed for adults or children, it is important to monitor the functions of the kidneys, liver, and the process of hematopoiesis.

People who have impaired renal function need to adjust the dose of the drug or increase the interval between taking drugs.

It is optimal to take the drug during meals to reduce the likelihood of side effects from the digestive system.

In patients undergoing treatment with Amoxiclav, a false positive reaction may occur during the determination of glucose in the urine when using Felling's solution or Benedict's reagent.

There is no evidence of the negative impact of Amoxiclav on the ability to drive vehicles and work with precise mechanisms.

For patients who are interested in whether Amoxiclav is an antibiotic or not, it should be borne in mind that the agent is an antibacterial drug.

If Amoxiclav is prescribed, the child's age of the patient must be taken into account when prescribing the form of the drug and dosage.

Amoxiclav's analogs

Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

There are a number of analogues of this drug. The price of analogues depends, first of all, on the manufacturer of the drug. On sale there are analogues cheaper than Amoxiclav. For patients who are interested in what can replace this antibiotic, experts offer a large list of drugs. These are the means Moksiklav , Co-Amoxiclav , , Clavocin , Flemoklav , Medoklav , bactoclav , ranclave , Amocomb etc. However, only a doctor should prescribe any substitute. You can pick up a cheaper analogue in tablets, for example, Augmentin. You can also pick up a Russian analogue, for example, Amoxicillin.

Flemoclav Solutab and Amoxiclav: the difference between drugs

The active components of the drugs are similar. The difference between the drugs is in the dosage of the active ingredients in the release forms of these drugs. Both drugs are in about the same price category.

Which is better: Amoxiclav or Augmentin?

What is the composition of Amoxiclav and Augmentin, what is the difference between these drugs? Both of these tools contain similar active ingredients, that is, in fact, they are one and the same. Accordingly, the pharmacological action of the drugs is almost identical, as are the side effects. Only the manufacturers of these drugs differ.

Which is better: Sumamed or Amoxiclav?

Sumamed contains azithromycin, it is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Before prescribing any of the drugs, it is important to check the sensitivity of the microflora to their action.

Which is better: Flemoxin Solutab or Amoxiclav?

As part of the tool contains only amoxicillin. Accordingly, its spectrum of influence is less than that of Amoxiclav, which also contains clavulonic acid .

Amoxiclav for children

Children should take antibiotics only after a doctor's prescription. It is important to adhere to the indicated dosage. Children under 12 years of age are usually prescribed a suspension. The dosage of Amoxiclav suspension for children depends on the severity of the disease and the diagnosis. As a rule, children under 2 years of age are prescribed a dose of 62.5 mg, at the age of 2 to 7 years - 125 mg, at the age of 7 to 12 years - 250 mg.

Amoxiclav and alcohol

Do not combine this drug with alcohol. With simultaneous admission, the load on the liver increases significantly, and the likelihood of a number of negative effects also increases.

Amoxiclav during pregnancy and lactation

Amoxiclav can be used if the expected effect outweighs the possible harm to the fetus. It is undesirable to use the drug Amoxiclav in the early stages of pregnancy. The 2nd trimester and 3rd trimester are more preferable, but even during this period, the dosage of Amoxiclav during pregnancy should be observed very accurately. Amoxiclav is not prescribed, since the active components of the drug penetrate into breast milk.

Reviews about Amoxiclav

In the process of discussing the drug Amoxiclav, the reviews of doctors and patients are mostly positive. It is noted that the antibiotic is effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases, and it is suitable for both adults and children. The reviews mention the effectiveness of the remedy for sinusitis, otitis media, and infections of the genital tract. As a rule, adult patients take 875 mg + 125 mg tablets, provided that the dosage is correct, relief of the condition occurs quickly. The reviews note that after a course of antibiotic treatment, it is advisable to take drugs that restore normal.

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