Frigid woman. Frigid women What does frigid mean?

Every woman wants harmony in her family. After all, happiness is not only a full refrigerator of food, but also complete harmony in bed. In order to get satisfaction from intimacy, you need to be literate and aware of possible problems in this area. Many men do not know that their wives can be frigid, and also what a nuisance this problem can cause.

Frigidity - what is it?

The concept of “frigidity” is familiar firsthand today. What is it? In other words, frigidity is sexual coldness.

With hypolibidemia, there is no attraction to a partner. This is coldness, indifference to the process of copulation. Sexual desire is reduced or completely absent, and climax in sex does not occur.

Mostly women are frigid. Why is this happening?

Manifestations of frigidity in women

Among the fair sex, frigidity manifests itself in different ways.

Types of frigidity:

Sex therapists have found that those girls who engaged in self-satisfaction at a young age experience orgasm during sexual contact with a sexual partner three times more often. Whereas women whose sexual activity is minimal, after some time experience frigidity.

Frigidity in men

Not many people know about the existence of male frigidity. It is expressed in a man’s dissatisfaction during sexual intercourse. Regardless of which partner is in a sexual relationship with a man, he does not experience sensations during sexual intercourse.

The first alarm bells of male frigidity include impotence, erectile dysfunction and even weak erection.

It is not surprising that male coldness towards intercourse often leads to the separation of spouses. After all, men, unlike women, are not able to show willpower and pretend that there is complete harmony in bed.

Today people know what frigidity is and understand that maximum efforts must be made to combat this condition. Therefore, if it becomes noticeable that sexual partners have significantly cooled towards each other, you must immediately seek help from a qualified doctor.

Symptoms of sexual coldness

To know for sure how to determine frigidity, you need to understand that it can be different:

  • imaginary – frigidity resulting from the influence of psychological, social or physiological factors;
  • true– characterized by incorrectly formed genitals or altered as a result of injury. A woman cannot experience pleasure in bed.

In order to answer the question of what frigidity is, women are asked to pay attention to the following factors:

If the answer to at least one question is satisfactory, there is no need to worry - there is no frigidity. In other cases, there may simply be a decrease in libido. After contacting a doctor, this problem will be successfully solved.

Many people consider anyone who does not have an orgasm during intercourse to be frigid. But it is not so. Frigidity manifests itself in different ways. Some women are hostile to intercourse, others go for it when fulfilling marital duties, considering intimacy with their husband obligatory. Still others may experience orgasm in their sleep.

Previously, there was an opinion that if a woman does not have an orgasm, she has an inept or lazy partner. But today the opposite has been proven: there are very few frigid women; lazy, illiterate and inexperienced ladies are more common.

After all, women can experience pleasant sensations during masturbation. In half of them, the clitoris is very sensitive compared to the vagina. Such women report that they experience orgasm, but only if their partner provides additional stimulation of the clitoris with their fingers. The woman herself can perform similar actions during sexual intercourse.

Causes of sexual coldness

Anyone who suffers from dissatisfaction in bed should know what frigidity is in women and that there are many reasons for its manifestation. Among them are the fear of getting pregnant, an incompetent partner, ignorance of one’s erogenous zones, and disrupted hormonal levels.

It happens that in childhood or adolescence psychological trauma associated with sexual intercourse occurred. Or there were medical abortions, rapes.

A woman who experiences pain during intercourse will also not be satisfied. Sometimes venereal or gynecological diseases that are not treated in a timely manner, as well as diseases of the genitourinary system, have an impact.

In other cases, a woman feels frigid after childbirth. Sometimes this is temporary, and this condition is caused by fatigue after bearing and giving birth to a child.

If a woman is breastfeeding, the hormone prolactin is released during lactation. He is responsible for the amount of milk. Sometimes girls release the hormone in large quantities. Ultimately, this leads to the onset of frigidity.

Stressful situations, as well as excessive concentration on achieving orgasm, have a negative impact.

In addition, doctors do not recommend raising children extremely strictly. Puritanical upbringing or another, based on any prohibitions of a sexual nature, also greatly influences a woman’s sensuality and her attitude towards sex. Sometimes frigidity can begin as a result of long-term abstinence from sexual intercourse.

In men, there are much fewer reasons for frigidity.

What to do if you have an aversion to sex?

If a woman has all the signs of frigidity, she needs to talk honestly about it with her partner. Probably, a woman will only need to change her sense of tact or fulfill some secret desires, and treatment for anorgasmia will not be needed.

If there is a need to see a doctor, you can come to an appointment with a gynecologist, psychotherapist or sex therapist. Once anorgasmia is diagnosed, specialists will help you get rid of the disease.

A lady's sensuality directly depends on the circumstances in which she finds herself. There is an opinion that she enjoys sex even in her early youth. But it is not so. Sometimes a woman begins to experience orgasm only after marriage or the birth of a baby.

In medicine, the definition of “temporary frigidity” is called retardation.

Stress and overwork can lead to frigidity. Harmonious relationships between partners are also hampered by unspoken grievances, dissatisfaction, stress, high demands and unclear relationships.

In addition, anorgasmia can occur due to the absence of sensitive erogenous zones. They can be found on people's bodies in the most unexpected places. This could be in the crook of your elbow, your earlobe, or your big toe. If these zones are discovered, you can unexpectedly awaken sensuality, and at the same time the ability to experience vivid orgasms.

Diagnosis of frigidity and treatment

Of course, treatment for frigidity should begin with a visit to the doctor. It is best to do this together with a male sexual partner. Only harmonious relationships between people will help get rid of anaphrodisia.

It is necessary to be examined by a gynecologist and a psychologist. As a result of the examinations, the doctor will decide how to treat frigidity in women. If it turns out that the hormonal system has failed, the doctor will prescribe hormones. If you need to work with a psychologist, he will help eliminate the inability to experience orgasm.


Some women prefer not to advertise the problem. Some do not consider it serious, others are afraid that the spouse may be offended. However, by pretending, a woman makes things worse for herself, because she does not receive satisfaction in bed.

When turning to a doctor, a woman should understand that she needs to tell him everything about her experiences and problems. And treatment should be carried out necessarily. The main thing is the positive attitude of the partners. A woman should not feel ashamed or embarrassed when communicating with a doctor. And he, in turn, in order to help the patient, must be patient, tactful and professional.

Medicines to treat frigidity

In some cases, frigidity in women goes away after consultations with a sexologist and the use of medications. The most effective are:

Herbal preparations can be used to treat frigidity. But it is also advisable to select them with a doctor.

It has been proven that the lack of satisfaction in sex in a woman’s life has a direct impact on her health. Namely, mental state. Headaches may occur, premature aging of the body, and irritability begin.

In addition, the wife's frigidity often has a negative impact on the health of the spouse. He may develop urological diseases and various kinds of psychological problems, which leads to a decrease in potency.

After undergoing treatment, a woman often gets rid of frigidity and enjoys life, having fun in bed.

We can talk about a frigid woman when there is an emotional and spiritual connection within the family, but no sexual desire is visible on the female side, even after long foreplay by the husband. It is not necessary that after sex without a female orgasm, the spouse will be dissatisfied. She already has no needs for satisfaction, therefore her attitude towards sexual intercourse is different.

Frigid women are most often unable to share their own erotic dreams with their friends, because they do not exist. Unless, during a conversation on intimate topics, they may complain about their own antipathy or aversion to sex. Such women perceive intimate life with their husbands as evil. They may be reluctant to agree to sex and it's all for the sake of their spouse. Frigid women do not feel anything during intercourse. Some of them like affection, but not for long.

Headache, malaise, and fatigue are considered a welcome gift for frigid women. Thanks to this, there is no need to look for arguments for refusing sex. Afraid of waiting for sex, women of this type experience bad feelings and this explains to their partner the lack of arousal. Frigid women consider their husbands attentive if they do not try to bother them with the need for sexual life.

Signs of a frigid woman

The lack of sexual desire in frigid women can manifest itself against the background of a general decrease in the affective-volitional sphere, but some women develop grumpiness, lust for power, an excessive need for respect and other negative character traits. The state of frigidity may be accompanied by a complete absence of orgasm and sexual arousal. A husband can try for hours to arouse such a woman, and it will lead nowhere.

At the same time, frigid women experience complete indifference to intimate relationships, they do not have dreams of an erotic nature and they are not able to feel satisfied. The erogenous zones of such women are not sensitive. The most difficult degree of frigidity in women is considered to be the manifestation of complete aversion to copulation with their own loved one. Such thoughts of frigid women can lead to panic, and she will avoid sexual intercourse in every possible way.


  • Frigid woman
  • Frigidity of a woman

The frantic rhythm and complexity of our time often leaves us no chance to fully experience the joys of life. But one type of joy always remains accessible and desirable - sex. Yes, that's bad luck! Some women have everything - a partner (not impotent), conditions, time, desire, but no joy. What to do? Doctors say to look for the cause of frigidity and treat it. Moreover, there are treatment methods, and they are quite simple.


Getting rid of chronic diseases. Decreased sexual desire can be a consequence of diabetes, cardiovascular, sexually transmitted and some other diseases. They are the cause of disruption of such functions as nervous sensitivity and blood supply to the genital organs, and sufficient lubrication. A comprehensive diagnosis is required. The disturbances caused by these diseases will disappear, and normal sexual reaction will be restored (or appear, if it did not exist).

Normalize testosterone levels. It is this hormone that is responsible for sexual behavior. When the body experiences a deficiency of it, this very behavior is no good: attraction, desire, and therefore arousal are absent, as a result, there can be no talk of any orgasm. Some women determine the lack of testosterone visually, by looking at their wrists and shins: if they become noticeably thinner, there is a reason to consult a doctor and ask to prescribe a course of treatment. But in general, testosterone deficiency (or suspicion of it) is shown by a blood test, so it makes sense to donate blood.

In addition, you can add aphrodisiacs to your diet: seafood, pumpkin, mushrooms, chocolate, raisins, cocoa, rhubarb, asparagus, spices, caviar, nuts, anise, coconut, onions, avocado, bananas, honey and other products.

A rather important role in the prevention of frigidity is played by an environment that provides both partners with maximum opportunities for liberation. Once and for all, give up thoughts that block sexual feelings: lack of time, haste, fear of seeming cheeky or funny, fear of pregnancy, etc.

Frigidity is sexual coldness, which manifests itself in low sexual desire or its absence. Treatment of frigidity is carried out depending on its causes.

There are the following frigidity:

Experienced violence;

Misguided sex education;

Incorrect behavior of a man;

Dislike for a partner;

Painful sexual intercourse;

Hormonal disbalance;

Existing physiological, gynecological diseases.

Treatment of frigidity

If it's all about the psychological factor, then you can handle it yourself. You should talk about these problems with your partner, explain what you don’t like about sex, what you would like to avoid. Under no circumstances should you completely obey a man’s wishes; do not hesitate to ask your partner for support.

Study yourself, explore your erogenous zones - this will help you guide a man’s actions.

Stop being ashamed of your own body, your partner loves you for who you are.

Read specialized literature that will help you get rid of fears and correct mistakes in sex education.

And if you can’t get rid of frigidity on your own, then it’s better to consult a specialist.

If the issue is physiological frigidity, other measures are required. If there is a gynecological disease, then you need to undergo a full examination and treatment under the supervision of a gynecologist.

If frigidity occurs due to stretching of the vaginal muscles, you need to perform certain exercises that increase elasticity.

During sex, you need to completely relax to avoid unpleasant sensations.

If the cause is vaginal dryness, then you need to use special lubricants that will be prescribed by your doctor.

Also, in order to increase excitability, you can undergo a course of treatment with male hormones. But this should only be done under the supervision of a doctor.

More often than not, female frigidity is associated with psychological factors. But in any case, it is best to contact a specialist.

Frigidity (sexual coldness) is a term used to describe various types of sexual disorders. When asking the question: “What is this?”, women often want to understand several problems associated with sexual activity at once: from the lack of orgasm during sexual intercourse to a complete loss of interest in sexual life.

Some of them do not experience discomfort from the lack of a full sex life and are calm about their inability to experience orgasm, but there are relatively few of them.

For most patients, the term “frigidity” sounds like a verdict on their sexual viability. Underneath it may be varying degrees of physical dissatisfaction or a negative attitude towards sex in general. Not every woman decides to seek help from sex therapists, continuing to suffer in silence and develop complexes within herself. Meanwhile, with the correct integrated use of various treatment methods, eliminating sexual coldness and forming a positive attitude towards sex is a very real task.

At the same time, doctors note that the approach to treating the problem should always be individual, since the prerequisites for the development of frigidity can be different even in the same patient.

How to define frigidity?

Sex therapists distinguish three degrees of severity of sexual disorders:

  • sexual intercourse brings only moral satisfaction, but the woman does not experience orgasm;
  • sexual intercourse does not cause satisfaction; as a rule, she agrees to it only for the sake of the man;
  • sexual contact is physically unpleasant or disgusting and painful for her.

Causes of sexual dysfunction

Sexual coldness can occur at any age and at any stage of life (meaning age after puberty). It can be either permanent or temporary. Very often, such disorders arise against the background of strong emotional experiences, chronic stress, deterioration of relationships with a loved one, after suffering gynecological diseases or difficult childbirth.

A number of physiological and psychogenic reasons lead to a decrease in libido. It is necessary to distinguish between true and imaginary forms of the disease. The first belongs to fairly rare forms of the disease; the percentage of frigidity in this case does not exceed 7%. In all other cases, we are talking about the development of imaginary frigidity, arising under the influence of various factors.

Physiological reasons include:

  • congenital disorders of the sexual functions of the body, which manifest themselves in a complete absence of sexual desire;
  • endocrine disorders, diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • venereal diseases;
  • androgen deficiency;
  • underdevelopment of the genital organs;
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • neurasthenia, prolonged depressive states;
  • long-term sexual abstinence, leading to violations of conditioned reflexes (typical for older women).

Often one has to admit frigidity after childbirth. It occurs against a background of physical and mental suffering, as well as after complications such as vaginal stretching and ruptures.

It should be noted that even with general good health, many women experience a decrease in their level of sexual desire during the postpartum period. This is due to the need for increased attention that a mother pays to her newborn child. This condition does not require treatment and will stabilize after a few months if the woman is treated with care by her husband and other family members.

People often start talking about frigidity in cases where a woman strives for intimacy with a man, but does not experience orgasm. According to statistics, the ability to orgasm “develops” gradually, with experience of sexual activity, and for some it occurs only after childbirth. In these cases, mutual understanding between partners, their emotional and physical “grinding in” with each other plays a very important role.

Such manifestations of frigidity are temporary. To get rid of them, the patient does not need drug treatment, but consultation and advice from psychologists and sex therapists.

Much more often, psychogenic causes are identified in the development of frigidity. Let's consider what can become a provoking factor for loss of sexual desire and how this manifests itself under the influence of psychogenic causes.

Incorrect sex education

It is more common in single-parent families, when a single mother transfers her negative experiences with men to her daughter. The girl receives a life lesson about the deceit and dishonesty of men in general. A constant reminder of the meanness of the male sex, the absence of the positive influence of the father, and rare communication with representatives of the opposite sex leads to the girl’s isolation and lack of skills in proper sexual behavior. Excessive coldness on the part of the mother (parents), which manifests itself in insufficient attention and love, also negatively affects sexual development.

Fear of unplanned pregnancy or rape

These phobias are also caused by improper upbringing and insufficient information about methods of contraception. Wanting to protect their daughter from the vicissitudes of fate, parents intimidate her with early pregnancy and illness. Fear of such consequences leads to self-doubt and, as a consequence, sexual coldness.

Availability of internal complexes

Many girls and women who suffer from certain external defects (acne, stooped posture, excess weight or excessive thinness, scars on the body) form a false belief in themselves that they will never be able to interest a man. This leads to the development of complexes, reluctance to communicate, secrecy and isolation of character. Against the backdrop of aggressive propaganda of the ideal body, which is cultivated by modern media, a woman’s low self-esteem, which suppresses sexual desire, only worsens.

Negative sexual experience

These include: painful first sexual intercourse, rape, incest, rude attitude of previous partners. The pain and shame experienced lead to the fact that a woman begins to blame herself for non-existent offenses and seeks to avoid relationships with men in the future.

Regular interruption of sexual intercourse for the purpose of protection

It has long been known how negatively this method affects male potency. But it is no less harmful for the female libido, since, being in constant tension, there is no way to focus on your feelings and get sexual release. Interruption of sexual intercourse also leads to the formation of congestion in the pelvic organs.

Signs of pathological disorders

As already noted, the absence of orgasm is not a basis for diagnosing frigidity. Doctors note that if a woman has experienced orgasm at least once, there is no need to talk about true frigidity.

A problem is indicated when a woman experiences the following symptoms:

  • reluctance to have sex, the need for sexual contact is practically absent or minimized;
  • insensitivity of erogenous zones, caresses of men do not bring results;
  • vaginal dryness, which prevents normal sexual intercourse;
  • irritability, bad mood;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, apathy, poverty of emotions, reluctance to show tenderness to your partner;
  • lack of erotic dreams and fantasies.

Many women, painfully experiencing their condition, usually agree to sexual intercourse for the sake of a man, without experiencing emotions. Others may behave more aggressively, where the slightest touch can cause them disgust, fear and even physical pain.

Previously, it was believed that the development of frigidity in a woman was to blame for her partner, who failed to develop sensuality and desire in her. Without denying the big role of men, it should be noted that in order to successfully overcome the problem, she herself must strive to overcome her negative attitude towards sexual contacts.


Is frigidity treatable and how justified is the prescription of drug therapy? Like any disease, frigidity is treatable, and the success of the result depends on the patient herself. Difficulties arise only in cases where sexual coldness is associated with physical abnormalities, infantilism or the presence of malignant tumors.

When treating pathology, difficulties may arise due to the patient’s shyness and her reluctance to talk openly about her experiences and negative feelings. To determine the extent of the problem and prescribe effective treatment, the doctor should exercise maximum tact and caution. If there is no willingness to talk openly about her problem, the patient is asked to take a frigidity test.

From it, the specialist learns about the sensations during sexual intercourse, the degree of the patient’s need for sexual contact, and the time the problem appeared. The test usually includes questions about the presence of erotic fantasies and dreams, attitude towards the caresses of a partner, interest in sentimental films and programs.

A professional approach to compiling such a test is very important. This should be done exclusively by a sexologist or sex therapist. Tests taken from the Internet are not individualized and will not provide a clear picture of the extent of the problem.

To get rid of sexual coldness, drug therapy may be prescribed. Let's look at the most effective drugs designed to treat frigidity.

Drugs for the treatment of female frigidity “Tribestan” and “Womenra”


The drug is prescribed to normalize the ovulatory cycle, relieve symptoms of irritability and apathy, eliminate hot flashes and headaches during. The main advantage of the drug is its effective stimulation of the body to naturally produce estrogen.

Among the positive results of its use are:

  • increased sexual desire;
  • normalization of the body's hormonal balance;
  • skin rejuvenation;
  • stabilization of body weight;
  • developmental delay;
  • reducing the risk of developing malignant tumors.

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with severe heart and vascular diseases, a tendency to bleeding, and individual intolerance to its components.

The active component of the drug is sildenafil, which is successfully used to treat male erection problems.

In women, the use of this drug solves the following problems:

  • low libido;
  • poor sensitivity, reluctance to have sexual intercourse;
  • problems with blood flow in the pelvic organs;
  • vaginal dryness.

Drugs for the treatment of frigidity should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Self-medication and dosage violations are unacceptable; they lead to severe complications.

Aromatherapy and massage

The use of essential oils is one of the effective and at the same time pleasant methods of treatment. They are used during massages and warm, relaxing baths. Commonly used oils are:

  • bergamot – uplifts the mood, gives a charge of vivacity;
  • sage – relieves stress and tension;
  • geranium – promotes the production of sex hormones responsible for female libido;
  • lavender – relieves anxiety;
  • ylan-ylang – has a positive effect on the cardiac system;
  • lemon balm – normalizes hormonal balance and has a relaxing effect.

Massage is an effective treatment for frigidity. Among its types, foot massage is the most effective. There are a lot of skin receptors on the skin of the sole. Exposure to them stimulates sexual function. Foot massage is done in a sitting or lying position. It is combined with general stroking and rubbing of the legs.

Another effective method is shiatsu massage. During it, the woman should be lying on her stomach. The massage therapist presses on the desired points of the third, fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae. It is also possible to affect areas of the thyroid gland, inner thighs, and breast areas.

What to do if frigidity is psychological in nature?

Psychologists and sexologists have developed various techniques and relaxation exercises that will help relieve excessive anxiety and irritability that provoke frigidity.

When performing exercises, you need to relax as much as possible. Breathing should be calm and free.

  1. Lie on the floor, take deep breaths 10 times. Slightly squeezing your foot, lift your leg up and lower it as you exit. Having relaxed the muscles, turn your leg in different directions several times. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.
  2. Raise your hand up, clenching your hand in a fist. As you exhale, lower your hand, turning it from side to side. Repeat the exercises on the other hand.
  3. Alternately squeeze and relax your buttocks while holding your breath.
  4. Alternately squeeze and relax your shoulder blades.
  5. As you inhale, raise your shoulders to your ears. Hold them in this position for a few seconds. As you exhale, lower your shoulders.

All of the above exercises must be performed three to five times. Dancing and yoga classes are useful for revealing female sexuality.

How to treat pathology with psychotherapy?

Often, consultation with a qualified psychotherapist brings more successful results than medications, especially if frigidity is imaginary. The doctor will help overcome the woman’s worries and worries and direct treatment to relieve symptoms of fatigue, physical and mental stress.

Auto-training and hypnosis used in treatment allow a woman to relax, get rid of fears and complexes, increase self-esteem and confidence in her feminine attractiveness. Treating frigidity with a psychotherapist also requires an open and confidential conversation with your partner. Often during communication it turns out that the condition is caused by a banal misunderstanding of the spouses, their unwillingness to take into account each other’s wishes.

Treatment with folk remedies

In addition to treatment with tablets, you can use medicinal herbs. Herbal medicine gives good results, but takes a long time.

Examples of effective folk remedies:

  1. Alcohol tincture of golden root. Take 15 drops three times a day, half an hour before meals. Course duration – 3 months.
  2. Night violet herb (about four tablespoons) is dried, crushed, poured into 0.5 liters of Cahors, and infused in a dark place for two weeks. The resulting infusion is filtered and taken a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals several times a day. In this recipe you can use dried basil inflorescences and yarrow herb.
  3. 20-25 drops of ginseng alcohol tincture are taken 3-4 times a day before meals. Treatment lasts two months.
  4. Extracts of Eleutherococcus and Schisandra take 15-20 drops 3-4 times a day.
  5. Decoctions prepared with rosehip, chamomile, and nettle herbs are infused for an hour in a dark place and taken before meals. They help normalize good mood, increase vigor and activity.

An effective home method is to use an extract from deer antlers infused with alcohol. It is sold in pharmacies. The dosage of the drug is 30-35 drops three times a day. The course of treatment is three months.

Coriander seeds will help overcome frigidity. Pour two teaspoons of prepared seeds into a glass of boiled water, stir thoroughly, divide into several parts and drink throughout the day.

Treatment with folk remedies is not a panacea and should be supported by the use of medications and other methods of therapy.

In case of sexual dysfunction, great attention should be paid to adjusting the diet. Fatty meats, smoked and spicy foods, and sweets are excluded from the diet. The consumption of tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages is kept to a minimum. Food should include foods rich in calcium and vitamin E. The menu should always include nuts, eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood, brown rice dishes, spices such as dill, parsley, sage, anise.

Some recipes are used by women as a kind of aphrodisiac. For example, celery salad. To prepare it, take 100 g of celery, cabbage and apples. The ingredients are crushed, half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, a spoonful of olive oil and wine are added. In addition to increasing libido, salad saturates the body with essential vitamins and beneficial elements.

Avocados, bananas and dates are essential foods for women suffering from frigidity. They contain fatty acids, vitamin E, calcium, which cause a rush of blood to the pelvic organs and stimulate sexual arousal. Recognized aphrodisiac vegetables are carrots, pumpkin and sweet potato. Quail eggs significantly increase libido and should be regularly included in the diet. They promote the active release of estrogens, female sex hormones. Ginger and cinnamon, which are used as spices and for making teas, stimulate sensitivity.

Female frigidity in most cases is a psychological rather than a physiological problem. Knowing how to treat frigidity and overcome her fears, a woman will be able to seek professional help in time and make her sex life attractive and varied.

Sexual dysfunction, which is manifested by a complete absence or decrease in sexual desire (libido), arousal during intimacy and orgasm. In addition to loss of interest in sex and dissatisfaction with sexual life, patients may complain of pain during or after sexual intercourse. In diagnosing the disorder, a careful history taking, gynecological examination, ultrasound, hormonal studies and consultations with related specialists play an important role. Treatment is comprehensive with correction of concomitant diseases, prescription of hormones, vasoactive drugs, psychotherapy and physiotherapy.

General information

Frigidity (sexual coldness, hypolibidemia) is one of the most common female sexual disorders. According to the results of various studies, the disorder is detected in 25-63% of all women and in every second patient who consults a sexologist. More often, the absence or decrease in intimate desire is observed in girls and young women under the age of 25. As sensuality matures and positive sexual experiences are gained, libido increases and satisfaction with sexual life increases. Unlike men, women's desire for intimacy largely depends on the quality of interpersonal relationships and other psychological factors.

Causes of frigidity

Sexual coldness in women is a polyetiological dysfunction, usually arising from the combined action of several predisposing factors. Experts in the field of female sexopathology identify several groups of causes leading to frigidity:

  • Hormonal imbalance. Libido disappears or decreases with increased secretion of prolactin by the pituitary gland, disruption of the endocrine function of the ovaries with hypoestrogenemia and a change in the ratio between different groups of sex hormones.
  • Accompanying illnesses. Temporary or permanent weakening of sexual desire is observed against the background of diabetes mellitus, hypo- and hyperthyroidism, hypertension, angina pectoris, renal failure, polyarthritis, autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis, oncopathology and other serious diseases.
  • Diseases of the uterus and appendages. The occurrence of pain during sex with adnexitis, salpingitis, vulvitis, submucous and subserous fibroids, vaginal dryness in postmenopause provokes a partial or complete lack of intimate desire.
  • Taking medications. Treatment with certain antihypertensive and antihistamine drugs, antidepressants, antipsychotics, sedatives, alcohol, amphetamines and other drugs leads to a decrease in libido.
  • Sexual development disorder. Frigidity occurs when there is a delay in the maturation of sexuality in young girls, anatomical defects of the female genital organs associated with underdevelopment or insufficient innervation of the pelvic floor muscles.
  • Psychological problems. Sexual desire is completely absent or significantly reduced after severe psychological trauma, including rape or betrayal, against the background of chronic fatigue, conflictual relationships with a partner, etc.


When clarifying the form, type and severity of dysfunction, a number of factors are taken into account. Currently, a classification of frigidity according to several criteria has been proposed.

By time of occurrence:

  • Primary – sexual desire has never arisen in a woman even once in her life.
  • Secondary – dysfunction manifested itself in a patient who previously led a normal intimate life.

By reversibility:

  • Irreversible (organic, true) - causes have been discovered that cannot be eliminated with modern methods.
  • Reversible (functional, temporary) – sexual desire can be restored after eliminating the causes that caused it.

For reasons of formation:

  • Symptomatic – temporary dysfunction that occurs against the background of other diseases.
  • Constitutional – congenital underdevelopment of female sexuality.
  • Retardation – delayed development of sexual function.
  • Psychogenic – a decrease or absence of libido under the influence of psychological factors.
  • Abstinence – formed against the background of prolonged abstinence.

By severity:

  • I degree – the presence of some dissatisfaction with intimate life with preserved sexual need and the absence of orgasms in most sexual acts.
  • II degree – absence of orgasms in all sexual intercourses, dissatisfaction with sexual life, absence or low level of need for intimacy.
  • III degree – complete lack of libido with aversion to the partner.
  • IV degree – persistent anorgasmia, complete lack of sexual desire, aversion to both a regular partner and all men.

Symptoms of frigidity

Patients note that they experience attraction to their partner extremely rarely or not at all. Often patients do not have fantasies and thoughts about sex that would be accompanied by arousal. Frigid women are not interested or irritated by conversations about sexual topics. At the initiative of a man, patients with hypolibidemia enter into intimate intimacy, but at the same time they usually perceive sex as a duty (“marital duty”). In most cases, at the moment of intimacy, they cannot become aroused - specific pleasant sensations in the genital area do not arise, vaginal lubrication is released in insufficient quantities. Sexual intercourse and masturbation are completed without orgasm, subjective feelings of satisfaction and relaxation. Since in some cases the cause of frigidity is gynecological diseases, women may experience pain in the lower abdomen, vagina, and rectal area during or after sex.


With a long-term course and a woman’s emotional attitude to the dysfunction that has arisen, frigidity is complicated by psychological disorders - decreased self-esteem, irritability, a subjectively perceived deterioration in the quality of life, neurotic and depressive states. Organic disorders are rarely observed, although, according to the observations of specialists in the field of gynecology, low sexual activity is one of the predisposing factors in the development of a number of diseases of the female genital area. Suppression of libido can provoke disharmonious relationships in marriage and lead to its collapse.


When diagnosing frigidity, a careful collection of anamnestic information plays an important role - determining the degree and duration of decreased libido, disturbances in orgasmic function, identifying situations and factors that provoked the development of sexual dysfunction. Of the physical, laboratory and instrumental methods, the most informative are:

  • Consultation with a gynecologist. During a bimanual examination and examination in the mirrors, signs of gynecological diseases accompanied by impaired desire can be revealed.
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs allows you to confirm or exclude gynecological pathology that led to the development of frigidity.
  • Hormone level testing. To assess the influence of neurohumoral factors, the content of estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, prolactin, adrenal and thyroid hormones is assessed.

Differential diagnosis of sexual coldness is carried out with other types of sexual dysfunctions (anorgasmia, sexual aversion or anhedonia, etc.), neuroses (hysteria, neurasthenia, anxiety-phobic disorder). To clarify the diagnosis and determine the causes of symptomatic suppression of sexual desire, in addition to the gynecologist, a sex therapist, urologist, therapist, endocrinologist, neurologist, psychologist, psychiatrist may be involved in carrying out diagnostic measures.

Treatment of frigidity

Therapy for sexual coldness is aimed at eliminating the causes of dysfunction. Depending on the etiology of frigidity, the following may be recommended for its treatment:

  • Treatment of the underlying disease. Improvement in well-being and reduction in the clinical manifestations of the disease or condition against which libido is impaired is accompanied by restoration of sexual desire.
  • Correction of drug therapy. If the patient is taking medications that can affect libido, they should be replaced or discontinued.
  • Estrogens. Effective for dysfunction that occurs against the background of pathological or age-related hypoestrogenemia. In the absence of contraindications, estrogens are prescribed in the form of skin patches, vaginal creams, tablets, rings, etc.
  • Androgens. To enhance intimate desire, male sex hormones can be used, which stimulate areas of the brain responsible for arousal.
  • Vasoactive drugs. Randomized studies have proven the effectiveness of treating patients with frigidity with sildenafil-based drugs, which are used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men.
  • Sedatives and antidepressants. Medications may be prescribed to reduce or eliminate emotional tension, anxiety, and improve mood.

Since in more than half of cases psychogenic factors lead to suppression of libido, working with a psychologist or psychotherapist makes it possible to harmonize relationships, eliminate stressful or conflict situations, or change the reaction to them. In complex therapy of frigidity, exercise therapy is also used (exercises are indicated to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor), mud procedures, sitz baths, vaginal irrigation and other physiotherapeutic techniques that increase blood flow to the genitals, aromatherapy, stimulating dietary supplements, auto-training, stimulation of erogenous zones and meditative techniques.

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis is favorable. In 93-95% of cases, complex therapy for sexual dysfunction allows one to restore or increase sexual desire; in only 5-7% of women with true frigidity, treatment is ineffective. To prevent sexual coldness, a healthy lifestyle with sufficient physical activity, a rational work and rest schedule, a balanced diet, timely treatment of diseases that reduce libido, reasonable prescription of medications, and calm and quick resolution of problems in interpersonal and work relationships are recommended.

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