Sticky mucus in the throat. Mucus in the throat: why it accumulates, connection with diseases, how to treat. Gargling for mucus in the throat

For some people, mucus accumulates in the throat like snot. This is a pathology, because The mucous membrane is a protective barrier to the entry of microbes and infections into the body from the external environment. It prevents mechanical damage to the larynx and esophagus from food.

If your throat is blocked with mucus, this is a symptom that requires contacting a specialist. There is a high probability that mucus appears in the throat due to an ENT disease.


Symptoms when mucus accumulates in the throat like snot are varied.

The most common signs include the following:

The cause may be tonsillitis. Therefore, it is important to observe the color of the sputum. If it is transparent and the snot is coughed up, this is considered normal. Especially if they are not constant, they arise from time to time.

If the mucus is yellow, this indicates that the inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx have subsided. Green clots indicate the presence of inflammatory processes. They are not only in the nose, but also coughed up from a person’s mouth. Often such mucus comes out with an unpleasant odor, and the patient’s larynx is sore.

If the mucus is brown, there is a high probability of infection and purulent formations. If this symptom occurs, you should visit a doctor, as this can lead to complications.

IMPORTANT: The accumulation of sputum should be a reason to visit an otolaryngologist.


The presence of snot in the throat is associated with certain factors and diseases in the oropharynx or other organs. Therefore, it is important to identify the causes and carry out treatment based on research evidence.

The main reasons why there is a lump of mucus are:

  • External stimuli, which have a negative effect on the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. This may be dust, abuse of hot and spicy foods, smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, certain medications;
  • The reason why mucus collects on the vocal cords may be due to pathological changes in the respiratory system. Mucus accumulates if a person has been diagnosed with bronchitis, sore throat, pneumonia, or rhinitis. In this case, the snot accumulates on the back wall of the larynx, causing the feeling that it is thick and stuck inside. At the same time, they prevent the patient from breathing fully;
  • Clots of mucus may be for sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis. In this case, the mucus is smelly and viscous. She has difficulty clearing her throat. It is green or yellow-green in color;
  • If identified disorders in the digestive system, especially for stomach diseases. There is increased secretion of mucus. A person often coughs after eating to get rid of an unpleasant condition. Thick mucus comes out through the mouth. Moreover, it has a jelly-like consistency;
  • The reason may be allergy, in which irritants negatively affect the mucous membrane of the throat. A person constantly tries to cough up mucus from the throat, which is lumpy and stuck on the walls of the mucous membrane;
  • Abuse of nasal drops can also provoke this unpleasant condition. The patient has a constant runny nose, it is especially difficult for him to breathe in the morning. After instillation into the nose, the snot is coughed up and there is a lot of it;
  • For hormonal imbalances and endocrine diseases This condition may also occur. Mucus stagnates inside the pharynx;

  • The reason could be anatomical features or violations of the nasal septum. The patient has constant nasal congestion due to the formation of a mucus plug. He complains that he is suffocating, his nose is stuffy, but after the drops it becomes easier, as the mucus begins to be coughed up and coughed up;
  • Snot may be the cause living in contaminated areas and working with hazardous substances;
  • If the problem is related to inflammation of the nasal mucosa, when swallowing snot pathogenic bacteria can enter the body;
  • Mucus may accumulate due to adenoids. In this case, it is painful for a person to swallow and he tries to cough up snot through his mouth. It is recommended to clean the ligaments with the help of drugs;
  • For cystic fibrosis There is a violation of secretion, as a result of which mucus begins to collect in the throat and pulmonary system. It's sticky, salty and hard to swallow. In this case, the patient must be treated with antibiotics to remove pathogenic microflora.

Drug treatment

Before you begin treatment and understand what to do with this problem, you need to find out what kind of diagnosis the doctor made.

IMPORTANT: If the problem is caused by some pathology, if the throat hurts, the mucous layer has redness or lesions, self-medication is prohibited.

Only the doctor decides how to cure the disease and what medicine is needed to get rid of snot in the throat and bring the patient out of this condition.

1. If the patient is tormented by mucus, there is a feeling as if snot is stuck in the throat, there is a high probability that the patient has pharyngitis.

In this case, the following drugs will help effectively fight mucus:

  • Inhalipt;
  • Septolete;
  • Strepsils;
  • Orasept.

After treatment, the accumulation of snot in the throat quickly disappears. The mucus is not swallowed and does not flow into the nasopharynx.

2. If an adult is diagnosed with a runny nose or sinusitis, if it is difficult to breathe at night due to nasal congestion and it is constant, The following drugs will be effective:

  • Naphthyzin;
  • Xylene;
  • Sanorin.

IMPORTANT: If you constantly want to cough up or spit out snot, you can use physical therapy in the form of warming up the sinuses.

3. If the patient coughs up snot or swallows it during bronchitis, Bronchodilators may be prescribed:

  • Bromhexine;
  • Mucoltin.

Procedures such as ultraviolet irradiation, ozokerite and massage are also indicated.

4. If there is excessive sputum production due to allergies, Antihistamines are prescribed:

  • Suprastin;
  • Tavegil;
  • Clarotadine;
  • Lomilan.

If the patient complains that he is constantly trying to swallow, but cannot swallow mucus stuck in the throat, antiviral or antibacterial medications may be prescribed. They are prescribed if an infection is detected or the problem is caused by a virus.

Some patients complain that they swallow mucus. Doctors still recommend spitting it out. If there are pathogenic microorganisms in the mucus, they can have a negative effect on the digestive system.

The protective functions of the human body are aimed at eliminating infections, viruses, pathogenic microflora, which can cause the development of diseases. The nasopharynx is structured in the same way. Its walls are covered with mucous membrane. It produces a secretion that prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering the respiratory tract. In addition, the secretion helps facilitate the passage of food into the stomach. If it is not normal, then mucus accumulates in the throat, like snot. It makes swallowing reflexes difficult and it becomes difficult to breathe. Let us consider in more detail what can cause its formation and how to cure this disease.


The surface of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx and oropharynx is capable of producing mucus. When microbes try to penetrate inside the body, they settle on the mucous membrane, so they do not enter the bronchi and lungs. To fight the infection, more mucus is produced, it becomes viscous and accumulates in the throat.

This phenomenon is typical for smokers. Cigarette smoke is an external irritant, as a result of which several times more mucus is released. Other factors that can cause its accumulation in the larynx:

  1. Allergic reaction. This is an exaggerated response of the immune system to certain substances, expressed as a lump in the throat.
  2. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses (sinuses), causing snot to flow down the back wall of the nasopharynx into the throat.
  3. Respiratory diseases. A similar disease occurs with bronchitis. Only phlegm leaves the bronchi and enters the throat. She is very viscous and has a hard time coughing up. Most often, sputum discharge occurs at night, and in the morning the patient feels attacks in the throat.
  4. Stomach problems. With increased acidity, gastric juice can be released into the esophagus, sometimes reaching the larynx, irritating the mucous membrane. A secretion is produced in the form of mucus.
  5. Viral diseases of the ENT organs: adenoiditis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, etc.
  6. Some foods irritate the walls of the throat: fatty, spicy, smoked foods, alcoholic beverages.
  7. Cold or hot food.
  8. In a child, mucus can accumulate with frequent belching, especially in newborns.
  9. Use of antibiotics, diuretics, hormones.

If a mucous lump has formed in your throat, it’s not just like that. There are a number of reasons for this. Snot can accumulate in an adult due to severe air pollution.


Signs that should alarm the patient:

  • in the morning a lump of mucus forms in the throat, which is very difficult to get rid of;
  • happens all the time;
  • nightly persistent cough, due to the fact that thick snot begins to flow down the walls of the larynx;
  • the voice changes due to mucus settling on the vocal cords;
  • may cause bad breath;
  • When coughing up, the snot may be green.

There may be other symptoms: a frequent headache, a sore throat, and a fever of 37 degrees or higher. Even with the accumulation of mucus, the patient feels a dry throat.

How to get rid

Before starting therapy, it is important to know what causes this reaction in the body. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, depending on the disease. Let's look at the basic manipulations that are aimed at clearing the throat.

Rinsing and gargling

To get rid of clots in the throat, it is important to rinse or rinse several times. Moreover, it is necessary to remove sticky snot from the nose and throat at the same time. To rinse your nose, you will need a sterile syringe, a small teapot, and a syringe. For the solution use:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • furatsilin;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • decoctions and tinctures of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage);
  • soda;
  • pharmaceutical drugs: Miramistin and Chlorhexidine.

As a result of this procedure, the back wall of the nasopharynx is well cleaned. Next, gargle is carried out using the same compositions. If your throat is red and sore, you can lubricate it with peach oil. This will relieve irritation and soften the mucous membrane.


Often, when the mucus is too sticky and interferes with breathing, the doctor prescribes inhalations. This is the effect on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and oropharynx with drugs in the form of a fine aerosol. This procedure allows you to evenly distribute the medicine along the walls of the ENT organs.

Inhalations are carried out using improvised means: a kettle, a saucepan or a special device - an inhaler. The latter is an expensive device, not everyone can afford to buy it. The following are suitable solutions for inhalation to eliminate the feeling of a lump in the throat:

  1. Mineral water. You should choose water with a high content of soda and mineral salts. Alkaline vapors dilute snot that is stuck in the larynx and remove it out.
  2. When, after sleep, mucus collects in the throat in large volumes, inhalation using potatoes will help. It is boiled in a small saucepan, then kneaded with baking soda. Bend over the pan and cover yourself with a towel. Vapor inhalation time is about 10 minutes.
  3. Herbal decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and eucalyptus essential oil can be used as a medicine for the inhaler.

Important! Inhaler medications must be selected taking into account possible allergic reactions to aerosol components.


Antiseptic solutions are used to relieve inflammation and eliminate infection from the mucous membrane. In addition to treating colds and infectious diseases, they are able to thin mucus and remove it from the surface of the throat walls. When snot or mucus cannot be coughed up, the following will help: furatsilin, potassium permanganate, baking soda with salt, Chlorhexidine.


If snot, which forms a lump in the throat, appears as a result of colds (runny nose, laryngitis, tonsillitis, ARVI), then nasal drops will help. A feeling of heaviness occurs when swelling of the mucous membrane forms in the nose, differently when the nose is stuffy. This occurs when pathogenic microorganisms enter the nasal passages. The patient's condition is aggravated by a number of other symptoms: headache in the frontal part, usually a runny nose goes away without fever. When the nasal passages are closed, the patient has difficulty breathing, snot accumulates in the throat, does not come out and cannot be cleared, drops will help.

These drugs can relieve the inflammatory process and alleviate the patient’s condition while in public places.

Important! Nasal drops should be used for no longer than 5 days.

The most common are:

  • RinoStop;
  • RinoRus;
  • Naphthyzin;
  • Nazivin;
  • Isofra;
  • Sanorin et al.

Today, pharmacies are full of nasal drops, and your doctor will help you make the right choice.

Treatment with folk remedies

Sometimes it is useful to supplement the main treatment with traditional medicine recipes. If mucus is tormented in the morning, afternoon and evening, the following drugs will help:

  1. Warm compress with cottage cheese. Squeeze out the cottage cheese, put it on gauze, and apply it to the throat. Cover the top with plastic and wrap it with a warm scarf. Boiled and mashed potatoes have the same effect.
  2. When mucus has accumulated between the throat and nose, use aloe juice. Grind the pulp of two leaves, mix with honey and consume morning and evening. Relief and sputum discharge will begin in two days.
  3. Grind calendula flowers and mix with honey in a 1:1 ratio. 1 tbsp. l. eat after every meal.

Inhalations, rinsing the nasopharynx and gargling using decoctions of medicinal herbs, roots, and flowers help facilitate the removal of mucus, heal irritated mucous membranes, and improve the general condition of the patient.

Mucus in the larynx is not an independent disease, but only a symptom indicating the presence of a disease in the body, which will be determined by the doctor. Self-medication in this case is not encouraged. Even if you drop drops, rinse and rinse your nose and throat, this will help for a short time. A complex disease cannot be overcome with such means; potent drugs are needed.

How to remove phlegm from the throat? This issue may bother the patient for a long time or arise suddenly.

If this symptom is not accompanied by high fever or pain, then a person may not pay attention to it for a long time, and seek medical help accidentally or after some time, when the process reaches an advanced stage.

Let's find out why phlegm may accumulate in the throat and what medications will help get rid of it.

What is sputum and how does it manifest?

In medicine, this term is usually understood as a viscous secretion that is formed by respiratory epithelial cells and contains mucus, fragments of bacteria, desquamated cells and other elements.

It is formed in the lower parts of the respiratory tract (trachea, bronchi and lungs) and, due to irritation of receptors, causes a cough reflex and exits through the mouth.

Some patients also include in this concept discharge from a runny nose, which descends down the back wall of the pharynx and is expectorated through the mouth, as well as discharge from chronic pathologies of the oropharynx and larynx.

A person can call all these essentially different processes in one word: phlegm in the throat. That is why this symptom is not specific to any one disease, but can accompany various pathological processes.

When finding out the cause, you will definitely have to examine the patient, find out all the details of the medical history and conduct a series of tests to understand what kind of discharge is bothering the person and what treatment he needs to choose.

Why phlegm collects in the throat: causes and symptoms

Mucus accumulation is rarely the only problem. Most often this is a concomitant symptom of some disease or condition.

Let's consider the main reasons why a person may complain about discharge in the throat and what other signs these diseases manifest:

Runny nose and sinus inflammation any reason (bacterial, allergic, chronic, etc.) can provoke the appearance of sputum. The mucus and pus that form in the nasal cavity do not come out through the nose due to severe swelling, but flow down the back of the throat.

This condition worsens in the morning or after sleep, when a person has spent several hours in a horizontal position and copious, purulent discharge has accumulated in the posterior parts of the nasopharynx. It begins to flow down the throat, causing irritation and a wet cough.

Anomalies of the structure of the nose and its septum that make breathing difficult. If the patient has a significantly deviated nasal septum, has polyps, or hypertrophied inferior turbinates, he automatically begins to breathe through his mouth. The mucous membrane of the back wall dries out and, in addition to dryness and soreness, viscous, difficult-to-clean sputum may appear in the throat.

Acute viral diseases. One of the most common reasons. The course of the disease is typical: the patient begins to have a runny nose, the temperature rises, the throat begins to hurt and sore, and when the inflammation goes down, a cough and thick, purulent sputum appear.

Gastroesophageal reflux, gastritis and esophagitis. During these processes, the contents of the esophagus can be thrown back and irritate the mucous membrane of the larynx and pharynx. This causes chronic inflammation and clear, sticky mucus.

More information on the topic:

Smoking and alcohol abuse. Most heavy smokers have a habit of spitting phlegm, which accumulates in the throat throughout the day. It appears due to constant irritation of the respiratory tract by toxic substances in small doses. A chronic inflammatory process develops, which is very difficult to get rid of. So, even after quitting smoking, the cessation of mucus secretion may occur only after several years.

Bronchial asthma. This disease is a reaction of bronchial hypersensitivity to various allergens. The key symptoms of the disease are:

  • attacks of suffocation and shortness of breath;
  • wheezing in the chest;
  • cough with difficult to clear sputum;
  • feeling of heaviness in the chest.

Inflammation of the lungs and pleura. Pneumonia and pleurisy are almost always accompanied by thick, foamy sputum, high fever, chest pain and symptoms of general intoxication.

Various benign and malignant neoplasms. A tumor of the lungs, trachea or bronchi, cancer of the larynx and other similar pathologies can produce discharge. This sputum is green, with a characteristic foul odor.

Other causes: dehydration, decreased saliva production, esophageal diverticulum and others. Source: website

Patients often ask the question why discharge appears from the throat if there are no other symptoms of the disease: no runny nose, no cough, or even low-grade fever. Let's consider in what situations such a problem occurs and how it manifests itself:

Adenoids. This disease is more common in children, although in rare cases it can also affect adults. Manifests:

  • mucus in the nasopharynx;
  • difficulty breathing through the nose and runny nose;
  • noisy breathing and nasal voice in the child.

If the adenoids are not inflamed, then the baby will not have a fever. And persistent nasal congestion without treatment can lead to developmental delays and other problems.

Various forms of chronic laryngitis, chronic tonsillitis or pharyngitis. During the period of remission, most of these processes in the pharyngeal cavity occur without a rise in temperature or other obvious symptoms. The patient may be bothered by scanty sputum, discomfort in the throat, and temperature and other signs of the disease appear only during an exacerbation.

Seasonal and year-round allergies. Constant irritation of the mucous membrane by air or food allergens causes hyperproduction of mucus and the patient is constantly bothered by discharge from the nose and pharynx. These symptoms intensify upon contact with the causative allergen, and during treatment with antihistamines or hormones they disappear without a trace.

What causes constant phlegm in the throat?

If discharge in the throat bothers a person all the time, then this certainly cannot be associated with an acute infection. In such cases, the cause may be:

  • chronic inflammatory processes(tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, etc.), in which a sore throat and discharge cause discomfort almost all the time without significant periods of improvement;
  • hazardous production conditions. Workers in industrial plants, paint and varnish and pharmaceutical plants often complain of a feeling of phlegm in their throats that cannot be coughed up. This is due to constant irritation of the respiratory tract mucosa by toxic substances;
  • violation of the indoor microclimate. Many people are careless about maintaining normal humidity and temperature in the room. They ignore the advice that cool, moist air is needed for normal functioning of the mucous membranes. Against the background of disruption of the normal microclimate in apartments and houses, a person’s mucous membranes begin to work worse, they dry out and mucus and various bacteria accumulate on them. This sputum is very thick, practically does not come off and can be accompanied by constant soreness and discomfort in the nose and oropharynx.

What to do if the phlegm in your throat does not clear up

In order to get rid of the feeling of constant phlegm, you need to find out what causes this problem. If it is not possible to visit a doctor and get examined right away, we list simple measures that will help alleviate this ailment:

  • inhalation(hardware or steam). Such procedures are carried out with mineral water, decoctions of medicinal herbs and ordinary saline solution. They will help moisturize the mucous membrane and relieve discomfort in the throat;
  • If your cough is dry and you don’t cough up any phlegm, you can use homeopathic remedies(Sinupret, Bronchipret, etc.), which increase mucus production and help remove it;
  • instill and pour moisturizers into the nose ( Salin) and oil ( Pinosol) drops. At the same time, they need to be instilled regularly and in a lying position so that they flow down the back of the pharynx;
  • increase the amount of fluid consumed. Sometimes thick and difficult to separate sputum is due to a lack of water in the body.

If the phlegm is completely tormenting the patient and not a single home remedy helps, it is better to quickly consult a doctor to find out the cause. The cure for the disease depends half on a correct diagnosis.

How to get rid of phlegm in the throat

To remove mucus and other discharge from the throat, you need to know why it appears there. Let's look at how to get rid of this disease in different situations:

Acute inflammatory process. For viral and bacterial infections, anti-inflammatory, antibiotics and antipyretics are prescribed, and sputum is removed using expectorants and thinners.

For chronic processes Inhalations, rinsing, homeopathy and physiotherapy are more often used to restore normal functioning of the mucous membrane and get rid of mucus.

For allergies Antiallergic drugs and hormones can help.

If this symptom is caused by smoking or poor nutrition, then only giving up this bad habit and taking the time it takes to restore the mucous membranes will help.

If the cause of phlegm is a problem with the digestive system, then appropriate medications are prescribed and the disease goes away on its own after treatment.

Thus, you can get rid of phlegm in the throat only by knowing its cause and contributing factors. When self-medicating, there is always a risk of making a mistake with the diagnosis and adding to this symptom many more unpleasant problems from self-medication.

Treatment of the disease can take several weeks or even months. Let's look at the key medications that are used in the fight against this scourge.

Mucus accumulated in the throat causes discomfort, especially if this phenomenon occurs on an ongoing basis. Most people do not pay attention to such a problem, attributing everything to dust in the apartment, and hoping that soon everything will go away on its own. However, a lump in the throat and mucus may indicate certain diseases. Why is there a lump of mucus in the throat, and how to get rid of it?

Lump of mucus in the throat - causes and treatment

Mucus is the so-called protection against pathogenic microflora, as well as bacteria, viruses, and infections. When these microorganisms enter the human body through the nasal passages or mouth, the glands located in the nasopharynx produce viscous mucus, which prevents the viruses from penetrating further. This is the main reason for the feeling of mucus in the throat.

But there are cases when the amount of this secretion begins to exceed certain norms, which provokes significant inconvenience. It begins to interfere, there is a feeling of a lump in the throat, it can drain, irritating the larynx, and also causing frequent coughing and even nausea.

Interesting fact:

Mucus is a natural reaction of the human body to inflammation and various kinds of irritants that have arisen in it. It coats the throat, preventing dryness and injury.

In medicine, the term postnasal drip syndrome is used. This is a condition in which one can observe the regular presence of secretion clots and an unpleasant sensation of a foreign body in the throat.

A huge number of different microbes accumulate in the flowing mucus, which, when they enter the digestive tract, that is, during swallowing, can cause distress. This, in turn, will provoke a number of other equally pleasant symptoms.

The most common causes of thick mucus in the throat include:

  • - when an irritant enters the body during inhalation, it is perceived as a foreign infectious cell, which causes the mucous membranes to work more actively, releasing even more secretion;
  • fungus, more precisely fungal bacteria and viruses, which can provoke the development of bronchitis, laryngitis, and other diseases of the nasopharynx (usually these pathologies are accompanied by a large volume of mucus secreted - snot);
  • impaired functioning of the organs of the digestive system - usually gastritis; an increase in the production of secretion volume occurs due to the reflux of stomach acid into the area of ​​the esophagus and respiratory tract.

It has been noticed that the glands that secrete mucus begin to work more actively when eating spicy foods, while smoking, or when a person is in a very smoky room.

It cannot be ignored that the most common factor in the appearance of a lump in the throat is considered to be a banal ARVI. Due to colds and inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, increased production of sputum often occurs. Moreover, the unpleasant feeling of mucus in the throat disappears after complete recovery. Usually, with acute respiratory infections and colds, there is a sore throat and phlegm, which gradually comes out during the treatment process.

More serious factors provoking this inconvenience:

  • chronic form of upper respiratory tract diseases - secretion begins to accumulate very actively, brings a lot of discomfort, but may not be a sign of an inflammatory process;
  • chronic pathologies of the lower respiratory tract, as well as stages of their exacerbation (pneumonia, tuberculosis);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you have eliminated bad habits and switched to a more balanced diet, but this problem remains for a long time, then you need to consult a doctor. The causes and treatment of mucus in the larynx are closely related, so for effective therapy it is necessary to find out the main factor that provokes this problem. In this regard, you need to consult with a therapist and ENT specialist, who will conduct diagnostics and make the correct diagnosis.

An informational video that will help you cope with this problem by following simple recommendations.


With a constant feeling of a lump in the throat, most patients, as a rule, try to get rid of this unpleasant symptom. Coughing or swallowing usually helps in such cases. However, if the secretion is too intense, side effects such as nausea and even vomiting may occur.

Other signs that often accompany mucus in the throat:

  • a burning sensation and soreness that occurs in the nasopharynx;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the throat (patients usually call this symptom a lump in the throat);
  • desire to cough frequently, but no relief is observed;
  • discomfort or even pain when swallowing, especially when eating solid foods;
  • frequent sneezing, feeling of nasal congestion, swelling of the nasal passages;
  • often mucus in the throat and bad breath appear simultaneously, and the reason for this is the rapid proliferation of bacteria (the smell is usually sour);
  • , feeling tired, unwell, even a migraine is possible.

If mucus accumulates in your throat in the morning, this may indicate an allergy to your pillow or bedding. It may be time to replace these items or chemically clean them.

This may result from a peculiar reaction to dust mites, which are frequent inhabitants of many pillows and blankets. Or it could be a simple allergy to the washing powder used to wash bed linen.

Mucus collects in the throat - how to treat it?

Before answering the question: how to remove mucus from the throat, you need to note that there are different types of phlegm. At the same time, the main reasons for the formation of secretion and the methods for eliminating it differ.

If you find increased secretion in the throat, then pay attention to its color. Depending on the color of the mucus, the underlying diagnosis and therapy may vary. It is important to detect serious pathologies in time and consult a doctor, since in some cases this symptom is an alarming sign that requires treatment.

1. Green mucus in the throat

Most often, green sputum indicates a pathology such as a lung abscess. That is, this is a purulent process, accompanied by purulent discharge, which is why the sputum becomes green in color. Additional symptoms include a feeling of chills, constant coughing up mucus with small streaks of blood.

With timely detection of a purulent lung abscess and proper treatment under the supervision of a doctor, patients achieve positive results. But in advanced cases there is a risk of developing a chronic form of the disease and even death.

2. White mucus in the throat

White curdled mucus is most often the body's reaction to fungal infections or tuberculosis. Often this kind of symptom is observed after long-term use of antibiotics, as well as drugs that can weaken the immune system.

If white sputum is released during a cough, tuberculosis cannot be ruled out; sometimes in this case, streaks of blood may be observed in the mucus, which may indicate bleeding in the lungs.

If the structure of the sputum is watery, then this most likely indicates the transfer of some viral or infectious disease. White sputum is often observed during an allergic reaction of the body.

3. Transparent slime

This kind of secretion is the safest for human life and health. It can occur either as a protective reaction of the body or as a result of a previous illness. Often, clear mucus is the body's response to an irritant.

Usually, clear sputum does not stay long in the human body, so a person does not even have time to panic. But if such a symptom occurs for more than a few days, consult an otolaryngologist.

Diagnosis of mucus formation

Before getting rid of mucus in the throat, you need to contact a specialist who will conduct an examination and possibly prescribe some tests. For self-diagnosis and to facilitate diagnosis, you need to independently collect mucus in a small transparent container (a glass jar or a special plastic container for collecting sputum). This will determine the color of the sputum, its smell and thickness.

If an increased level of secretion in the throat is accompanied by such symptoms, then you should urgently consult a doctor:

  • general weakness or feeling of body aches, numbness of the limbs;
  • the presence of bloody streaks in the expectorated mucus;
  • chest pain;
  • increased body temperature;
  • migraine and delirium.

If your condition does not allow you to visit a doctor as soon as possible, then be sure to call an ambulance to prevent complications and life-threatening consequences.

Treatment of mucus in the throat

After passing the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe comprehensive treatment using medications. It should be aimed at eliminating the main root cause of the problem, as well as reducing symptoms.

Treatment methods:

  1. Rinse with antiseptic solutions to reduce and eliminate inflammation. Antibiotics are usually used to quickly eliminate the problem - Miramistin, Yox, Hexoral and others. Self-medication with these drugs is unacceptable, especially during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. The use of local sprays or lozenges aimed at reducing infectious effects - Ingalipt, Angilex, Kameton, Proposol and others. These drugs only temporarily eliminate symptoms, but do not solve the problem as a whole.
  3. The use of immunomodulators - vitamin complexes, etc. They are aimed at strengthening the body's immune defense.
  4. Preparations for rapid removal of sputum. Especially expectorant medications are needed for dry coughs - Tonzipret, Sinupret, Gerbion, Alteyka.
  5. Stop smoking and normalize your diet.

To treat mucus in the throat in an adult, along with drug treatment, the otolaryngologist may prescribe rinsing the throat and nasopharynx with saline solution, furatsilin or a solution of potassium permanganate. To consolidate the therapeutic effect, physiotherapeutic procedures can be prescribed - ultraviolet irradiation, heating, and so on.

As for the treatment of children, one of the most effective ways to eliminate sputum from the nasopharynx is rinsing with a light saline solution. It is absolutely safe, and the effect is observed after just a few procedures. Sea salt is an excellent disinfectant, has an antiseptic property and allows you to gently cleanse the nasal cavity and throat of accumulated mucus or snot.

Another safe method of treatment is considered to be warming, which can be done either with the help of improvised means - salt, a heating pad with water, or with the help of more professional attributes - a salt heating pad.

In any case, regardless of who is faced with the problem - an adult or a child, it is necessary to visit an otolaryngologist. Only he will be able to prescribe comprehensive treatment.

Folk remedies for mucus in the throat

Usually, folk remedies for eliminating phlegm in the throat and nose are very effective, but it is better not to use them without consulting a doctor. Moreover, with complex effects, combining them with drug therapy, the effect will be achieved much faster.

The most popular folk methods for combating mucus in the throat:

  1. Rinse. For this purpose, completely different means can be used. The most effective in this case are salt, soda, iodine. You can also use chamomile and calendula from natural ingredients. These are natural antiseptics that will reduce pain, if any, and reduce the bacteria in the nasopharynx.
  2. Inhalations. This is an excellent way to rid the oropharynx of accumulated mucus. You can use either a special device - an inhaler or a nebulizer, or use old methods - a kettle, a heating pad, a saucepan. It is best to use potatoes, chamomile and calendula decoction, and eucalyptus for inhalation. These are the most effective means.
  3. Warming compresses. They perfectly dilute mucus, facilitating its subsequent release from the respiratory system. You can use traditional methods - honey cakes, potatoes, cottage cheese. Or you can use more modern methods - mustard plasters, salt heating pad, Zvezdochka ointment.

Do not forget that even such a banal symptom can tell you about a dangerous disease. Therefore, do not delay your visit to the doctor, so as not to provoke serious complications and consequences that can even lead to death. Be sure to pay attention even to such symptoms, because they often go unnoticed, although they may indicate serious problems in the body.

Video “Postnasal drip – the opinion of an otolaryngologist”

A special secretion - sputum - is present in the form of a transparent substance in the nasopharynx in every healthy person. To understand why mucus collects in the throat, you need to know the reasons for the accumulation of secretions. Sputum is a special secret that envelops the nasopharynx and protects it from the effects of microbes and viruses. In addition, the presence of a small amount of secretion is necessary for the normal functioning of the nasopharynx. However, excess mucus accumulation can indicate a number of diseases.

Excessive accumulation of mucus can indicate a number of diseases, in addition, the presence of a small amount of sputum is necessary for the normal functioning of the nasopharynx.

Why does more mucus collect in the throat than is justified by physiological processes? Phlegm in the throat can form not only in the larynx, but also get there from the nasal passages or nasopharynx. Its appearance in significant quantities may be due to the following factors:

  • External influence. Associated with smoking, drinking alcohol or large amounts of highly carbonated drinks, as well as inhaling excessively polluted air (unfavorable environment). Then the mucus appears immediately after waking up, in the morning. It is caused by excessive drying of the mucous membrane of the throat.
  • Allergy. The appearance of copious discharge is most often accompanied by a runny nose, lacrimation, and redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes. Swelling and rashes on the skin are also possible. An allergic reaction, accompanied by the accumulation of a viscous substance in the throat, is usually caused by plant pollen, pet hair, and household dust.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx. Mucus can be a symptom of sinusitis, but also appears with pharyngitis, sinusitis, and laryngitis.
  • Lung diseases or chronic bronchitis can cause the formation of sputum with pus or blood.
  • Hypothermia and related diseases: influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections.
  • Stomach problems. The reflux of stomach contents (primarily gastric juice containing hydrochloric acid) onto the surface of the esophagus and its entry onto the walls of the larynx occurs in some diseases (gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis). The pharynx responds to this with excess secretions. Mucus in the throat occurs after eating, this condition is accompanied by heartburn and belching.
  • The constant use of vasoconstrictor medications (for example, nasal drops) for 2-3 months leads to drying out of the mucous membrane and the entry of gland secretions from the nasopharynx into the throat.

Sputum on the walls of the larynx may be due to the individual structural features of the nasopharynx. For some people, excess mucus in the throat is a reaction to foods.

A separate reason for the appearance of mucus may be the entry of a foreign body into the throat. Most often these are small or even microscopic food particles, seed husks, and dust. Mucus acts here as a protective reaction of the body; it will accumulate until the foreign object is removed.

Sputum on the walls of the larynx can be caused by individual characteristics of the structure of the nasopharynx, and may also appear during pregnancy or in older people. For some people, excess mucus in the throat is a reaction to food - most often milk.

The appearance of mucous substances is possible as a psychosomatic reaction of the body to stress, excessive nervous tension. This is typical for people prone to neurotic states of various natures.

As for concerns associated with cancer (tumors), mucus in the throat does not act as their main symptom. The only cause for alarm can be the presence of blood streaks in the discharge.

Treatment of mucus in the throat

Phlegm in the throat is only a symptom of some disease or a sign of an abnormal condition of the body. To combat the phenomenon, it is necessary to eliminate the main factor that caused the appearance of mucus.

All inflammatory diseases caused by viruses and bacteria are treated with appropriate medications. Symptomatic treatment is prescribed, mucolytic agents are used to help liquefy mucus and expectorate it. These include: bromhexine, ambroxol, herbion, lazolvan. Medicines must be prescribed by a doctor who will make a diagnosis based on clinical studies.

If the mucus is the result of an allergic reaction, you need to identify the main allergen and eliminate its effect. When this is difficult or impossible (for example, an allergy is caused by plant pollen), antihistamines (suprastin, other names) will help cope with the discharge.

Mucus in the throat caused by external influences will gradually stop forming and collecting in the nasopharynx when the harmful factor is eliminated (for example, after quitting smoking or removing a foreign body). When the secretion is not expectorated naturally, mucolytic drugs are used, and the following measures are taken:

  • Gargling. Helps remove mucus. Solutions of furatsilin, Tantum Verde and chlohexidine are effective. Rinse every three hours. Rinsing requires special monitoring in children who do not do it intensively enough or swallow the solution. Rinsing may be accompanied by nasal rinsing, for which the same products are used.
  • Inhalations. Also an effective way to prevent mucus from collecting. It is best to use special nebulizers, but you can also use traditional steam inhalation. Traditional mashed boiled potatoes are relevant, you can also use a decoction of chamomile or calendula. The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes. Inhalation should not be carried out at high temperatures; it is also necessary to inhale the steam at a sufficient distance from the source, otherwise there is a risk of burns to the mucous membranes.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures. They are carried out as prescribed by a doctor in a clinic. Inhalers, the use of wave machines, mud and paraffin applications will help treat inflammatory processes.

Additional ways to get rid of mucus are breathing exercises and massage, as well as rubbing the throat, for which alcohol with honey or “Star” balm are used.

Immunomodulators prescribed by a doctor - drugs that increase the body's protective properties - can speed up the removal of phlegm.

Folk remedies for mucus in the throat

As the main means of combating the accumulation of mucus in the throat, traditional medicine suggests gargling, for which chamomile decoction, calendula tincture or soda solution with iodine are used. Rinsing should be done 3-6 times daily for a week.

In addition, the following tools can be used:

  • Aloe and honey. Crushed aloe leaf is mixed with a spoon of honey. This remedy is used in the morning, as well as immediately before bed, dissolving it in the mouth.
  • Calendula flowers and honey. Two tablespoons of dried flowers are mixed with a teaspoon of honey. Taken after meals in the morning and evening; you do not need to drink this mixture.
  • Honey and cranberry juice. Take one tablespoon of each. Use three times a day.
  • Plantain. Grind fresh washed leaves into a paste and mix with honey 1:1. Keep on low heat for about 4 hours, without bringing to a boil. Take a teaspoon half an hour before meals.
  • Onion broth. Finely chop the onion, add water and bring to a boil. Cook for about an hour. To reduce bitterness, you can add a spoonful of sugar.
  • Licorice root (syrup or tincture) promotes effective mucus removal.

Pears are also useful for mucus in the throat. You need to eat 2-3 fruits, washing them down with warm water and honey.

Eucalyptus or peach oil mixed with propolis tincture is used to lubricate the throat and nasal cavity. Lubrication can be done with a cotton swab.

Coltsfoot, marshmallow and elecampane promote expectoration, but only adults can use their infusions.


To prevent the formation of excess mucus in the throat, people prone to this should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Get enough liquid every day - at least two liters. You should drink water, preferably mineral water (but not carbonated!), berry fruit drinks, herbal decoctions, fruit juices. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of warm water with a spoon of honey.
  • Avoid alcohol, carbonated drinks, and coffee for the time it takes to get rid of mucus.
  • It is undesirable to eat fatty, spicy foods.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamins E (cabbage, sunflower and soybean oil, nuts) and C (red and green peppers, black currants, citrus fruits).
  • Minimize smoking, or better yet, quit smoking altogether.
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the cold. Make sure your feet remain dry.
  • Carry out regular wet cleaning to prevent dust accumulation. The air in the apartment must have residual humidity.

For the accumulation of mucus in the throat, traditional medicine suggests gargling, for which chamomile decoction, calendula tincture or soda solution with iodine are used.

All diseases that can cause the formation of mucus in the throat must be identified and treated in time. This is especially true for diseases of the respiratory (bronchitis) and gastrointestinal (gastritis) spheres, which often become chronic with insufficient treatment. You should also not treat a runny nose or seasonal acute respiratory infections.

Good general prevention would be hardening, regular walks, and sufficient physical activity.

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