Treatment of Helicobacter with alcohol tincture of propolis. Helicobacter pylori: pros and cons of treatment with propolis. Traditional medicine and Helicobacter

The use of propolis for medicinal purposes has recently gained great popularity. A large number of medicines are created using beekeeping products, including those for getting rid of Helicobacter (bacteria).

One of the most famous beekeeping products, which is often used in folk medicine and has a high ability to kill dangerous microorganisms, is propolis. However, before using it, you need to study its beneficial properties and contraindications.

Efficiency of bee product

Bees use propolis to build honeycombs as "glue"

Propolis is obtained as a result of the vital activity of bees. They collect pollen from plants, their oils, then an enzyme acts on them in the bee’s body.

Insects use propolis as glue in the construction of honeycombs, depositing it on frames, canvases, etc. By itself, it has a sticky consistency, but dries out over time.

With the help of this “ingredient” a special microclimate is created in the hive, due to the presence of essential oils in it. Therefore, bees are not afraid of bacteria and infection. The composition of propolis is influenced by the location where the hives were located, or more precisely, the proximity to the place where honey is collected from useful plants, the pollen of which is used for propolis. Beekeepers use a chisel to collect “glue” from hives; they simply scrape it off. The bee “ingredient” is usually “removed” from the hive with honey, since most of it is on the frame.

To use the above-mentioned bee product for “healing” purposes, it must be heated.

Propolis becomes similar to plasticine in consistency, but does not lose its usefulness. This bee “nectar” contains a large number of microelements that can help get rid of various ailments.

Due to the wide range of beneficial substances in the product described above, it is used for Helicobacter pylori.

Treatment of Helicobacter pylori with propolis is an effective method, despite the fact that this bacterium is resistant even to some antibiotics. This is because honey/propolis contains elements that are active in the fight against harmful gastric bacteria.

Propolis is a “storage” of vitamins (all groups), flavonoids, microelements, amino acids, organic substances (15 classes), biologically active components (more than 200).

All elements of the bee product are well balanced and have a healing effect on the body. These elements rarely end up in the body, and when they get there with propolis, they have a great effect on the pancreas, heart and other organs.

Bee glue:

  1. Eliminates inflammation.
  2. Has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect.
  3. Destroys infections, microorganisms (harmful).

Helps treat:

  • candidiasis;
  • hepatitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • Helicobacter and other ailments;
  • relieve swelling (of mucous membranes);
  • reduces pain or completely eliminates it;
  • effective in combating fungus;
  • helps normalize metabolism;
  • increases immunity;
  • stimulates the active functioning of organs (thanks to the microelements in the composition);
  • strengthens the gastrointestinal tract, improves its protective mechanism;
  • normalizes metabolism and saturates cells with oxygen;
  • reduces the development of cancer cells;
  • prevents the proliferation of viruses.

Bee “glue” does not have a negative effect on the microflora; it is neither toxic nor harmful to the digestive system.

Propolis is a folk remedy for getting rid of many ailments; it is not only used for treatment, but is also recognized by medicine.

It is used to make many medicines, there are:

  • propolis tincture;
  • drops;
  • ointment;
  • vitamins;
  • oils;
  • solutions.

Traditional medicine has a large number of recipes with bee products (honey, propolis), which are used to get rid of Helicobacter. Not everyone knows yet that propolis is a very useful ingredient.

Bee “glue” in combination with honey perfectly treats many symptoms of ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract, which are caused by Helicobacter. According to statistics, this unfortunate bacterium is present in the body of 80% of people.

To combat it, antibiotics are used, as well as medications that include propolis. Bee “glue” began to be used against gastrointestinal diseases 2 centuries ago - in the 19th century. In those years, the effectiveness of treatment was tested during the use of medicines with bee “glue” (home-made).

How to get rid of Helicobacter using a bee product

  • You can prepare a special tincture using alcohol (or vodka). You will need 15-20 g. propolis (fine, grated). These 20 gr. pour alcohol (70%), close the container with a lid (tightly) and put it in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks of waiting, take this way: 10-12 drops of infusion per glass of water (warm), drink 15 minutes before. before meals. This medicine will get rid of the hated bacteria in 4 weeks. You need to drink 100 ml of this remedy every day, divided into several doses (4-5).
  • An oil “composition” with propolis is often prepared. To prepare, you need to put 100 grams in a container. butter (butter), add bee “glue” (15-20 g) + boiling water (less than 10 ml). Close the container with a lid and place in a water bath for 15 minutes. (you need to warm up the mixture), stir occasionally. Pour the resulting solution into a glass container (sterile) and strain through gauze; no residue is needed. Cover the container with a lid and refrigerate and store there. The structure of this medicine is viscous, brown, and the smell is pleasant. Take this way: before meals, 1 tsp. (2 rubles per day) until the tincture runs out.
  • People's recipes for Helicobacter also include honey and plant (medicinal) juice. For this recipe you need flower honey - 150 g. + 30 ml of Kalanchoe juice + 15 ml of propolis infusion (10%). Mix everything, boil in a water bath for half an hour, stirring constantly. When the mixture thickens, remove it from the heat and leave to cool. Take: an hour before meals (one tablespoon). - 2 months.
  • You can also prepare an emulsion with aloe. You need to cut off the petals, wrap them in opaque paper and refrigerate for a week. Next, finely chop the petals and squeeze out the juice. We do not filter the pulp, add honey and Kalanchoe and the product is ready.

To treat Helicobacter, many recipes with propolis are used, but the leader among them is tincture. Alcohol medicine contains many useful compounds. This method is accepted by medicine. It is not possible to treat with propolis in its original form, since it cannot be dosed.

A huge amount of research has been carried out, where the effectiveness of bee “glue” in the fight against Helicobacter has been proven. All reviews are positive, and the doctors themselves noted good dynamics in the condition of the stomach and noted favorable changes in the patients’ bodies.

Treatment of the disease in acute stages does not need to be done only with propolis; it should be used only as an additional remedy.

Bee “glue” is an excellent method of prevention and combating relapses. Antibiotics have an effect on other organs of the body when treating the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to restore the flora, and when taking propolis, the same complex effect is achieved, but without consequences for humans.
You can make propolis tincture yourself according to the recipes given above, or you can buy it at a pharmacy or order it online.

If we talk about treating small patients with tinctures, then this should not be done, since they contain alcohol. You can ask your child to chew the bee product if he agrees. Diagnosed Helicobacter is treated for a long time. After taking the tincture, appetite improves; with timely diagnosis of the disease and quality treatment, negative consequences (ulcers, gastritis) can be avoided.

Contraindications are minimal, their natural origin speaks to the quality of the folk remedy, but they still exist:

  1. Pregnant and lactating women are not recommended to use the infusion.
  2. Constipation, stones or allergies cannot be treated with infusion.
  3. It is necessary to take into account the individual intolerance of the body.

Before using propolis or medications containing it, you should consult your doctor.

Helicobacter pylori

Before touching upon such a topic as the treatment of Helicobacter pylori with propolis, it is necessary to understand what we are dealing with, that is, what the disease is, what are its prerequisites, symptoms, how it proceeds and what is accompanied by it.

Helicobacter pylori is a spiral-shaped bacterium that lives in the stomach. This bacterium causes many unpleasant diseases and is considered very dangerous. Let's list the main diseases:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • duodenitis;
  • stomach cancer.


How can you determine that you are infected and that you are dealing with this dangerous bacterium? Certain symptoms may indicate this. In any case, you should not rely on your guesses and immediately consult a doctor if you experience the following sensations:

  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • nausea;
  • vomit.

You need to know that the bacterium fully manifests itself only when the immune system is weakened. A completely healthy person cannot have these symptoms, and if they do appear, then it may not be Helicobacter at all, but banal poisoning.

Despite the fact that all doctors advise turning to professionals when symptoms appear, treatment with folk remedies is widely used. To do this you need to have simple skills. The fact is that honey derivatives are, in principle, harmless, that is, you cannot harm your body, except in cases where it comes to individual incompatibility or an allergy to propolis.

To find out if you are allergic to propolis, you need to chew a small piece of the substance and swallow. If after an hour nothing happens (redness of the skin, shortness of breath, headache), then there is no allergy and you can safely take the product.

Traditional treatment

Traditional treatment for Helicobacter is considered effective, but this requires taking two strong antibiotics at the same time. It is suitable for adults, although it is not safe. But children simply cannot take these medications. That’s why parents sometimes turn to folk methods. The most effective medicine is propolis tincture for Helicobacter pylori. Reviews on the Internet speak about this.


Propolis is nothing more than bee glue. A substance that bees use to seal cracks in the hive or close the entrance during extreme cold. But this is not all the properties of glue. That is why it is so effective against the Helicobacter bacteria. Traditional treatment in this case has advanced further than traditional treatment.

Traditional treatment

It is important to know that you need to take the medicine 3 times a day before meals. It all depends on how much you weigh. For average weight, 10 drops are enough. For children - less. For overweight people – more. To make it sweeter, add a little honey, also add a drop of lemon juice, you can squeeze a lemon wedge and throw it into tea. This recipe is very good, as improvements are recorded already on the first day.

Doctors note that this is not all, it is necessary to follow a regimen and diet. Get up early, do exercises, go to bed early. Under no circumstances should you smoke tobacco or drink alcohol. In this case, the effect of propolis is canceled. It is in your best interest to abstain from these habits for a couple of weeks until you are fully recovered.

By the way, it must be said that alcohol and tobacco are direct causes of the development of dangerous bacteria in the body, including the above-mentioned one. But everyone chooses for themselves; no one can completely ban alcohol and smoking.

During treatment, it is recommended to eat as much healthy food as possible, rich in vitamins: nuts, fruits, vegetables. If it's meat, then it's boiled. Drinks include natural juices, preferably fresh juices. Dried apricots and dried fruits are ideal. It is highly recommended to use nuts with honey. You need to eat this mixture before taking propolis.

You can use different propolis products: alcohol tinctures, water tinctures. You can make them at home or buy them at the pharmacy. In any case, it is highly recommended that any treatment be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Despite the acidic environment in the stomach, bacteria can multiply in it, which negatively affects digestive functions and provokes the development of concomitant diseases. Helicobacter pylori belongs to this category of microorganisms. The disease itself is known as helicobacteriosis and has been sufficiently studied regarding diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures.

Features of Helicobacter pylori infection

Bacteria Helicobacter pylori

Bacteria enter the body through direct contact with an infected person, or more precisely, through saliva. You can also become infected through dishes and personal hygiene items. Helicobacter pylori may not manifest itself for some time or have passive symptoms. Relapses or active development of microbes occurs due to factors associated with weakened immunity, as well as violations of proper and regular nutrition. The accumulation of Helicobacter pylori can also be provoked by an incorrect diet, bad habits, including smoking, as well as stress.

Symptoms of helicobacteriosis

Sometimes this disease is confused with other dysfunctions of the digestive system, since the symptoms are typical for many disorders and pathologies. You may feel nausea, severe heartburn, and pain, but they can stop if you start eating.

Treatment of helicobacteriosis

It is quite possible to get rid of this type of bacteria; it is important to do this in a timely manner and follow the chosen course of treatment. If you cope with painkillers and use drugs only against symptoms, then Helicobacter pylori will begin to progress on the tissues and lead to serious problems. This applies not only to the stomach, but also to surrounding organs. There are often cases when the lack of treatment leads to pathologies of the duodenum, as well as to the formation of gastritis, including chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease and other equally pleasant disorders. There is a relationship between the development of Helicobacter pylori and cancer.

What treatment can there be for Helicobacter pylori?

First of all, you need to take measures that will help make an accurate diagnosis. These can be blood tests for antibodies, and identifying the presence of these bacteria does not mean the development of the disease, since a concentration of less than 0.9 units/ml is not critical. Examinations of stool, mucous membrane and sometimes respiratory tract are mandatory.

Treatment of helicobacteriosis is carried out in several ways, in which exclusively medications are used, in particular antibiotics and antibacterial agents, as well as the use of folk remedies. In both cases, a diet is recommended. Sometimes a doctor may recommend combining several options at once, including modern therapeutic techniques and traditional methods against infection. Treating infectious diseases exclusively on your own, without first seeking advice from a specialist, is the most common mistake that leads to complications.

There are special drugs against bacteria that multiply in an acidic environment. These can be antibacterial agents or antibiotics, but their selection should only be done by a specialist, since Helicobacter pylori has a certain resistance to a number of chemical compounds. Usually several antibiotics, a diet and an adjuvant are combined at once so that the patient can get rid of symptoms.

Naturally, in folk medicine there is more than one way to treat Helicobacter pylori, but the most effective is a course that includes propolis. Feedback from this treatment is overwhelmingly positive, even from patients in other countries.

Propolis in the fight against Helicobacter pylori

Beekeeping products are used to treat many diseases and more often in the form of propolis tincture. The alcohol solution is valuable because it contains the maximum amount of useful compounds contained in “bee glue.” Treatment with propolis in its raw form is rarely carried out, since the substance is quite hard and inconvenient to take orally.

Why is propolis so useful for helicobacteriosis?

The unique composition of propolis is used against many infectious and viral diseases. A proven fact is the presence of specific compounds in this substance, which are similar in function to antibiotics. They contribute to the gradual destruction of Helicobacter pylori. If medications have a narrow targeted effect, then treating with propolis means immediately implementing complex therapy for the whole organism.

There are other useful features of using bee products, in particular propolis tincture. Even experiments were carried out when stomach diseases, caused, among other things, by bacteria of the Helicobacter pylori group, were treated with propolis. Feedback from patients was mostly positive, and doctors noted improvements after the first weeks of use. Along with the good dynamics regarding the condition of the stomach, favorable changes were also noted throughout the body. This applied to those people who had underlying health problems.

It is not necessary to treat the disease in advanced stages, when gastritis or other complications progress, with propolis alone. Complex therapy in the form of other drugs will be required, and the drugs themselves should be selected by a gastroenterologist. Bee glue is an excellent option when preventing repeated relapses, to prevent the development of bacteria in the body. In addition, the naturalness of the product and the minimal list of contraindications expands the scope of application of this unique bee product. Good reviews can be found even in cases where it is necessary to treat chronic forms of diseases.

The obvious advantage of treatment with propolis is the absence of undesirable effects on other organs and tissues, which is typical for some antibiotics. After the course, there is no need to take medications that restore the flora of the intestines and digestive tract.

How to take propolis against Helicobacter pylori

Typically, the dose is determined based on the person's condition and priority goals. If prevention is required, then it is enough to take a solution of warm water and five drops of propolis tincture daily. This can be done for 2-4 weeks, which will improve your general condition and also help reduce the risk of infectious diseases. Reviews from people for whom such prevention is permanent indicate a significant improvement in the general condition of the body and the rare occurrence of seasonal, viral and other diseases.

If treatment of small children is being considered, then propolis should be used in water; tincture with vodka or alcohol is contraindicated. A good alternative would be to simply chew propolis, if you can persuade the child to do so.

Diagnosed Helicobacter pylori should be treated for more than one week. To do this, take 10 drops of propolis tincture diluted in a glass or 100 grams of warm water or milk daily. This should be done 40-50 minutes before meals, three times a day. Reviews from many people also say that their appetite improves after taking this solution. The course lasts a month and will be quite effective if the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner, the diet is followed, and there are no consequences in the form of developed gastritis or ulcerative pathologies.

Tincture with propolis is freely sold in specialized outlets, pharmacies, including online resources. Before purchasing, it is important to verify the quality of the product, look at the expiration date, information about the manufacturer, and study reviews. If it is possible to obtain natural propolis, then the tincture can be easily prepared at home, but you must follow the preparation technology.

Helicobacter pylori must be treated in a timely manner, a diet must be followed, then you can get by with therapeutic measures that are gentle on the body. You can get rid of these microbes in the shortest possible time and protect your digestive system from negative consequences. We must not forget about accuracy and hygiene rules, which will help reduce the risk of infection. Contacting a specialist and taking the appropriate tests will help establish a diagnosis, and only after this, as well as consultation with a specialist, can you practice traditional methods, including treatment with propolis.

Popular today, traditional medicine and folk remedies for the treatment of various diseases occupy more and more place in the hearts of people. And treatment of Helicobacter propolis is no exception. Remember, any treatment, as well as the treatment of Helicobacter pylori, dysbacteriosis and any other treatment that uses folk remedies, must be agreed with your doctor.

What it is

Helicobacter is a bacterium that “settles” in your stomach and, if proper comprehensive treatment is not carried out (you can use folk remedies using propolis against this bacterium), leads to ulcers or even stomach cancer.

Helicobacter causes unpleasant sensations such as nausea, belching or vomiting.

Diagnosis of bacteria

Before starting treatment, you need to find out exactly whether this bacterium is in your body and whether it is the causative agent of the disease that is preventing you from leading a normal, comfortable life. In order to find out this, you should undergo an examination. At home, you will not be able to make an accurate diagnosis, and even a therapist or gastroenterologist will not be able to do anything without special tests.

To diagnose the disease, you first need to take a blood test. Please note that the norm in the analysis is no more than 0.9 units of bacteria per milliliter of blood. If your indicator fluctuates between 0.9 and 1.1 units/ml, then we can talk about additional examination. If the level of bacteria is higher than 1.1 units-ml, then we can say with absolute certainty that you have this disease.

Breath test (helic test) for Helicobacter pylori

If the test results are higher than 1.1 units per milliliter of blood, the therapist will send you for an additional examination, which will include, in addition to the usual standard blood test, a special test - the so-called anti-Helicobacter test, a breath test for the presence of bacteria with a special examination and registration of bacterial waste products, as well as tests of saliva, feces, dental plaque, etc. in order to find out the DNA of the bacteria.

They may also prescribe a microscopic examination of the biopaste of the mucous membrane of your body.

Getting rid of bacteria

Is it difficult or easy to treat this disease? Today it is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. The most important thing in treatment, regardless of whether you use propolis or any other traditional medicine used against this bacterium, is a timely diagnosis. Once the diagnosis has been established and you understand for sure that it is Helicobacter and not any other bacterium that is bothering you, you can begin treatment. It is worth noting that if you decide to get rid of Helicobacter using modern medicine, you will have to take a medicine that consists of two antibiotics. If we talk about traditional medicine, then the situation is completely different.

Honey and aloe in the fight against Helicobacter pylori

Helicobacter can be treated using traditional medicine using such seemingly banal things as honey and aloe juice. These two remedies work well against Helicobacter.

For treatment, you should take any fruits that you like, add aloe juice and honey to them and make this tincture against Helicobacter. You can make a propolis tincture against Helicobacter or pylori. We are talking about such a folk remedy as water or alcohol tincture of propolis. At first, you can limit yourself to taking only 10 drops of propolis tincture. And naturally, if you are treating a child, you should not infuse propolis with alcohol. It is better to limit yourself to such a folk remedy against pylori and Helicobacter as propolis water tincture. If, at the same time as fighting the disease, you want to increase your baby’s immunity, add a little honey and lemon juice to the propolis tincture. This mixture will perfectly support the immune system.

But the measures written above, such as propolis against Helicobacter, may not be enough. Despite the fact that this remedy is known to us as a traditional medicine that perfectly fights pylori and Helicobacter bacteria. Patients who are found to have pylori bacteria will still have to constantly follow a diet. The diet is very simple. In medicine it is called “Table No. 3” and is prescribed to patients with gastritis. The idea of ​​this diet is that you can easily fight pylori with the help of traditional medicine and propolis, and also strengthen the walls of your stomach. After all, processing propolis, honey, dried apricots or other similar products does not require a large amount of gastric juice.

Propolis is the best remedy against pylori

Helicobacter pylori: treatment with propolis

A disease such as dysbiosis or pylori can be cured by two methods - medication or using traditional medicine. Moreover, in both the first and second cases, the main ingredient to combat the disease will be propolis. Moreover, if you are using various means (including propolis) to fight pylori disease in a child, you should know that propolis has a huge number of positive effects on the human body. It is propolis that can be safely offered to children for the treatment of pylori, and without fear that propolis will harm the fragile child’s body.

Its effect on the body

What is the magical power of propolis as a means of treating pylori, Helicobacter or other types of dysbacteriosis? Actually the answer is very simple. Propolis in its general essence is an excellent remedy for strengthening the immune system.

Very often, consuming propolis according to the regimen is already enough to improve the patient’s health. Doctors use propolis even more often than regular honey, which indicates the excellent healing properties of propolis.

There are a huge number of recipes in which propolis, along with honey, acts as a means of combating many diseases. But you should remember that the maximum dose of propolis per day is only 5 grams. It is highly not recommended to consume more propolis per day.

Prevention of bacteria

Prevention of this disease, as you can see from the complex scheme of its diagnosis and treatment, is a very important task. Although very simple. You just need to wash your hands often, especially before you sit down to eat, use only clean dishes and only personal hygiene products.

And the main rule in the fight against this bacterium is to remember that if one of your family members or someone who lives in the same apartment with you has been diagnosed with Helicobacter, then it is highly advisable for everyone who lives in this apartment to undergo a test to identify the bacterium.

Treatment of Helicobacter with propolis has become increasingly used, as people are paying more and more attention to folk remedies rather than traditional medicine.

Helicobacter is a bacterium that prefers to choose the human stomach as its place of residence, and once it finally settles there, it provokes peptic ulcers, and ultimately can even lead to oncology if proper treatment measures are not taken in time.

The fact that Helicobacter has settled in your stomach can be judged by the following unpleasant sensations:

  • nausea,
  • frequent vomiting,
  • belching,
  • heaviness,
  • discomfort,
  • sharp or aching pain in the abdomen, which is long-lasting and may not go away after taking medications.

Of course, a single or episodic manifestation of one of these factors cannot become the reason for self-diagnosis.

But with the systematic manifestation of symptoms, as well as the corresponding test results, we can already talk about whether the bacterium lives in your body or not.

How to diagnose?

The correct treatment and dosage of drugs can be selected in the best way only after correct diagnosis of the disease.

Of course, at home no one can, and should not, make a medical diagnosis for themselves related to stomach damage by the Helicobacter bacterium, as well as make a decision based on the words and opinions of neighbors or relatives.

Only a real medical examination can accurately diagnose the presence of this dangerous bacterium in your body.

The first step is to take a blood test from a vein. This test will show how many antibodies to bacteria per milliliter of blood your body contains. Normally, their number should not exceed 0.9.

If the indicator is higher than normal, but not more than 1.1, then you should undergo additional examination to eliminate the possibility of error.

In the case when the indicator is higher than the last indicated value, this means that with one hundred percent probability you are a carrier of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and your illness is caused precisely by its activity.

If there is a need for additional tests, the gastroenterologist or therapist will direct you to take the necessary tests again:

  1. Blood from a vein in the usual manner.
  2. Special breath test for anti-Helicobacter pylori bodies.
  3. Other studies (tests of stool, saliva, dental plaque, etc.).

Treatment of Helicobacter pylori

As you know, good treatment can only be prescribed after a final diagnosis of a particular disease. This is the case with the Helicobacter bacterium: the faster and more correctly you are diagnosed, the sooner you will be able to see positive dynamics and completely recover from this disease.

Treatment of Helicobacter pylori is possible both with pharmaceuticals (strong antibiotics) and with the help of traditional medicine:

  • propolis;
  • honey;
  • aloe juice

However, you should definitely remember that folk remedies will definitely help only in the initial stages of the development of the disease, when there are no extensive ulcers, bleeding or general serious condition of the patient.

In other situations, treatment must be comprehensive and include the use of antibiotics.

Reviews from people who have undergone courses of treatment with folk remedies, in particular propolis tincture, note the positive dynamics of their condition, the effectiveness of treatment and an increase in immunity in general.

How to treat Helicobacter with propolis?

Propolis is excellent for treating diseases caused by this bacterium. It is used both in aqueous tincture and in alcohol. If your goal is not only to cure an illness, but also to increase immunity and force it to fight bacteria on its own, then you can add a little honey or lemon juice to the tincture.

It is unlikely to get rid of Helicobacter pylori only with the help of propolis, since it is necessary to adhere to a number of rules and consume certain foods.

You should definitely follow a diet, since the disease is still associated with the digestive system. During the treatment of such a disease, dietary table No. 3, which is used by patients in case of gastritis, is best suited.

Thus, you will not only fight the bacteria, but also strengthen the walls of the stomach, creating unfavorable conditions for it to live comfortably.

This collection is intended not only to have a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach, but also to enhance the effect of using propolis in treatment.

To brew the mixture, you need to pour three tablespoons of mixed herbs into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave to brew for about an hour. This mixture should be consumed half a glass before meals and before each meal for a month while treatment is ongoing.

Propolis tincture with alcohol

Alcohol tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy, where it is available for free sale, or made independently. To treat Helicobacter disease, you can prepare a tincture according to the following recipe.

Initially, you should take about 20 grams of propolis, finely ground on a grater or in another way, pour it with about 100 ml of alcohol (70%). Pour everything into a dark glass container with a tight-fitting lid.

The prepared tincture is placed in a dark place for about 10-12 days. In this case, the temperature should be room temperature. Don’t forget to shake the bottle at least 2 times a day to better mix the ingredients and dissolve.

When you have waited the required time, your tincture will be ready for use. It is necessary to take 10 drops of tincture, dissolved in a glass of water, an hour before each meal. The course of treatment is 1 month. Then you need to take control tests.

This treatment is prohibited for children, as alcohol will negatively affect the health and body of the child. A water extract based on propolis and in half the dosage is better suited for kids than for an adult.

In general, when diagnosing such a disease in children, you should consult a competent gastroenterologist, who will select an effective, but at the same time gentle treatment package.

Treatment method at the Research Institute of Gastroenterology

Specialists in the field of gastroenterology from the Central Research Institute recommend using an integrated approach in the fight against Helicobacter pylori:

  1. Traditional medicine.
  2. Medicines.
  3. Diet.

Every morning and evening you should take a 15% propolis oil solution (about 7 grams at a time). As for medications, Omeprazole (20 mg per day) is used simultaneously with drugs containing propolis and a strict gastroenterological diet is observed in accordance with table No. 3. The course lasts 21 days.

Helicobacter pylori is a dangerous bacterium that causes stomach diseases (ulcers, gastritis) quite quickly, and therefore requires prompt response measures against it.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, personally prescribe medications to yourself, or simply drink propolis tincture uncontrollably. This kind of behavior can only make the problem worse.

With a low dosage of the drug, the bacteria will simply adapt to it, and if the doctor further prescribes treatment, it will not have a quick and good result. All prescriptions should be made only by a doctor based on the results of your analyzes and tests.

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