How is length of service calculated in a budgetary institution? Long service payments. How is the length of service bonus calculated in budgetary structures?

A bonus is a remuneration in monetary terms that is paid to an employee in accordance with the law. These are additional funds to the basic salary. Depending on various factors, the amount of the premium varies.

Normative base

The main documents that regulate the bonus for work experience in a budgetary institution include the following:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 638.
  • Order of the Ministry of Health No. 583.
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1532.
  • Law “On Objects of Cultural Heritage” No. 73-FZ.
  • Other legislative acts.

Grounds for calculating additional payment

The long service bonus is intended to encourage employees to conscientiously perform their duties. In addition, in this way the legislator seeks to reduce staff turnover.

Workers who have worked in one place for many years and have gained a wealth of experience receive higher wages than those who have started working recently. This rule applies even if the productivity and qualifications of employees are approximately the same.

The amount of the additional payment does not depend on the basic salary. It begins to be paid after a certain period of work, namely with work experience of 1 year or more. If the duration of work is less than this period, additional funds are not paid.

Calculation rules

The assignment of additional payments is not the responsibility of a specific government agency. In other words, this rule is not provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, an appropriate bonus for work experience in a budgetary institution is guaranteed. In commercial companies, a similar system can also be introduced. However, the employer independently decides this issue based on desire and available capabilities.

Additional pay for length of service is expressed as a percentage of the basic salary. The payment is calculated monthly, but the amount may vary, especially in commercial organizations.

Calculation of work experience

The main document on the basis of which experience and length of service are calculated is the work book. In this case, the calculation may include certain time periods during which the employee did not fulfill his duties. These include the following:

  • Education.
  • Being on social media provision.
  • Being registered with the employment service.
  • Civil service.
  • Engaging in political or social activities.
  • Serving a sentence in prison.
  • Recognition as a political prisoner.

The calculation is carried out after collecting all the necessary data. To record seniority, special software is currently used that performs all calculations quickly. The most famous and popular is 1C. At the same time, manual calculation is not particularly difficult, and any citizen can do it if desired.

Commercial companies

In commercial organizations, the longevity bonus can be calculated after studying the following documents:

  • Work record book of a specific employee.
  • Collective agreement provided by the company.
  • Bonus provisions.
  • Other acts related to this issue, if any.

The main document that covers all the nuances of the legal relationship between an employee and an employer is an employment contract. Typically, to motivate an employee, commercial companies provide payment of a percentage of the salary. At the same time, being on a business trip or on sick leave does not affect the payment of bonuses.

In this case, the employer sets the amount of the additional payment independently. Typically this amount varies from 5 to 30 percent of the basic salary. In commercial organizations there may be the following features when calculating allowances:

  • A monthly payment, the amount of which may vary.
  • Dependence on the size of the basic salary.

When replacing one employee with another, a salary increase for length of service is made as a percentage of the salary of the replaced employee.

With career success and salary increases, the amount of bonuses may be revised more than once.

Government structures

Length of service is calculated in a special way. The allowance is based on length of service. In this case, this work should be the main one. The employee's salary may also be taken into account.

Depending on the length of time in the civil service, the bonus for length of service in a budgetary institution is established as follows:

  • When working from 1 to 3 years, the amount corresponds to 10% of the salary.
  • When working from 3 to 5 years, the amount is equal to 15% of the salary.
  • When working from 5 to 10 years, the bonus is 20% of the salary.
  • When working for more than 10 years, it is equal to 30% of the salary.

However, when working part-time, no additional payments are provided.

To employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Additional payments for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs vary. The grounds for appointment are:

  • Length of service.
  • Qualification.
  • Labor conditions.
  • Special differences.
  • Working with papers classified as “Secret”.

The bonus for length of service in a budgetary institution in the internal affairs bodies is established for all employees and is regulated by Government Decree No. 1158 of December 27, 2011. The Decree specifies the following conditions and amounts of additional payment:

  • When serving from 2 to 5 years, a bonus of 10% of the salary is provided.
  • For service from 5 to 10 years, the additional payment is 15%.
  • When serving from 10 to 15 years, the payment increases to 20%.
  • When serving from 15 to 20 years, a bonus is paid in the amount of 25%.
  • When serving from 20 to 25 years, it is 30%.
  • If you have served for more than 25 years, the additional payment is 40%. This is the maximum amount of the long service bonus.

In addition to additional payments for length of service, other payments may be established, the purpose of which is to stimulate employees. For accurate calculations, the 1C program provides a special calculator that allows you to perform these operations as quickly as possible.

For military personnel

The salary bonus for length of service for military personnel also has its own characteristics. In this case, the same principle applies as for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But you need to serve in the Armed Forces for at least 2 years in general order. However, if the service consists of flying aircraft and participating in tests, then 1 month is equivalent to 2 months of service.

Since 2018, the procedure for calculating allowances has changed somewhat and is as follows:

  • When serving from six months to 1 year, an additional payment is made in the amount of 5%.
  • For service from 1 to 5 years, it is equal to 10%.
  • For service from 2 to 5 years, the bonus is 25%.
  • When serving from 5 to 10 years - 40%.
  • When serving from 10 to 15 years - 45%.
  • When serving from 15 to 20 years - 50%.
  • When serving from 20 to 22 years - 55%.
  • When serving from 22 to 25 years - 65%.
  • When serving for more than 25 years - 70%. This is the maximum amount of the allowance provided for by law.

In addition, while continuing to serve for more than 25 years, a serviceman receives an additional 25% of his salary instead of the pension he would receive for his length of service.

Budget institutions

  • When working from 1 to 5 years, the bonus is 10% of the salary.
  • When working from 5 years to 10 years - 15%.
  • When working for more than 15 years, the additional payment will be equal to 30% of the salary.

In addition to this bonus, there are other additional payments. Therefore, in addition to the salary, sometimes an employee of a government agency has the opportunity to receive amounts that exceed the salary several times.

In healthcare

The bonus for work experience in healthcare directly depends on the continuity of this indicator. This means that even if you get another job, the stoppage of work should not exceed 1 month. True, there are reasons for which work is interrupted, but the length of service continues to apply. These include the following:

  • Maternity and child care leave.
  • Service in the RF Armed Forces by conscription or contract.
  • Care for disabled people and people over 80 years of age.

These periods are not considered a break in work activity. Therefore, the employee’s allowances are retained.

In addition to continuity of service, additional payment depends on factors such as:

  • Salary.
  • Position held.
  • Place of work.

For example, in anti-leprosy and anti-plague departments, medical workers may be paid a bonus, the amount of which can reach 100% of the salary. In other cases, the maximum additional payment is made in an amount not exceeding 60% of the salary.

In the field of education

An allowance for length of service in an educational institution is provided if the corresponding indication is in collective bargaining agreements, agreements or other acts of a particular institution. However, if this is a budgetary institution, then the additional payment is made on the basis of general federal and departmental acts.

The maximum amount of additional payment is provided for working for more than 15 years and is 30% of the salary. For more than 10 years of service, 20% is paid, over 5 years - 15%, and over 1 year - 10%. In addition, after 25 years of work, a teacher has the right to early retirement.

Persons entitled to additional payment

Every citizen working in the public sector is a suitable candidate for receiving additional pay for long service. Persons who are entitled to a bonus for length of service may also include employees of some commercial companies. But, as a rule, the payment in a budgetary institution is higher than in non-state structures.


Thus, the pension supplement depends on various factors, ranging from the field of activity to the duration and continuity of service. But one way or another, any employee working in the public sector has the right to it. At the same time, one must understand that the state (unlike commercial companies) will take care of public sector employees not only during the period of work. When a citizen retires, the corresponding pension supplement will continue to be paid.

To get some idea of ​​the salary allowances for public sector employees, you should understand three important points:

  • Firstly, there are different types of public sector employees: military, police, judges, civil servants, teachers, doctors, Ministry of Emergency Situations, and so on.
  • Secondly, in Russia for quite a long time there has been no uniform remuneration system for everyone.
  • Thirdly, the rules are dictated by the one who pays, in other words, the remuneration system is determined by those authorities (federal, regional, municipal) that are in charge of this or that group of public sector employees. Hence the conclusion: premiums are set differently everywhere.

Despite the diversity in this area, there are certain common approaches. Thus, wages, as a rule, consist of a constant part - salary, a compensation part - for example, additional payments for harmful work or work on holidays, and an incentive part, which should motivate employees to certain work achievements.

Stimulating part

Bonuses for length of service, or for length of service, in this sense are classified as stimulating. They stimulate the desire of employees to remain at work in a given organization, and not to seek happiness on the side. For an organization, a reduction in staff turnover is almost always a good thing, since, firstly, the costs of training new employees are reduced and the reliability of planning increases. In addition, the professional skills and knowledge of experienced workers are an invaluable wealth. Based on these considerations, in many organizations, an employee who has worked in the organization for a set number of years is entitled to some increase in salary. After a few more years, the premium increases and so on.

To more clearly illustrate the above reasoning, let us give as examples several documents from different years that established allowances for various organizations.

Examples of experience bonuses for public sector employees

Longevity bonuses for employees of central executive authorities and law enforcement agencies were established on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 638 of July 8, 1993. “On the procedure and conditions for the payment of monthly bonuses to the official salary for length of service for employees of central bodies of the federal executive power.” According to this resolution, bonuses for managers and specialists of central bodies of the federal executive power were set as a percentage of the monthly salary in the following amounts: for work experience from 1 to 5 years - 10%; from 5 to 10 years – 20%, from 10 to 15 years – 30%, from 15 years and above – 40%.

The same resolution established bonuses for employees of central bodies of the federal executive power: from 3 to 8 years 10%, from 8 to 13 years - 15%, from 13 to 18 years - 20%, from 18 to 23 years - 25%, from 23 years and above – 30%. Even from a comparison of these two categories of workers, it is clear that bonuses can have different amounts and different terms for their appointment (increase).

A slightly different system for assigning bonuses was used until 2008 in healthcare institutions. Allowances for the duration of continuous work were established by the Regulations on remuneration, approved by order of the Ministry of Health No. 377 of October 15, 1999, which currently no longer valid. And now wages are based on job responsibilities (amount of work, their complexity, etc.). The incentive part (bonuses) is now paid only to individual employees or categories of employees on the basis of a single grid; the procedure for their payment and the amount is determined for each institution separately. The decision is made by the executive branch.

Link to guidance document: Government Decree No. 583 of 2008, as amended in 2014.

It is obvious that even in the conditions of more or less uniform remuneration systems inherited from the USSR, there was a wide variety of such allowances. Since 2008, due to the application of new wage systems and the transfer of a large part of the powers to finance budgetary institutions to the regions, the situation has become even more diverse...

The situation is aggravated by the fact that greater powers in terms of establishing remuneration systems are given directly to labor collectives by the Labor Code. As a result, the Collective Agreements may contain some differences from the standard wage provisions developed by regional authorities. In this regard, theoretically, even in the same city in different schools, for example, the size and conditions for assigning bonuses for continuous work experience may vary.

A long-service bonus is an incentive payment that serves as an increase to the required salary. Rely on representatives of various types of government agencies. Their size is determined by the length of service.

Who can receive a long service bonus?

The issuance of incentive payments to a certain category of employees is approved by the following acts:

  • Regulatory act “On social guarantees for representatives of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” dated July 19, 2011 (in particular, its articles 7 and 8).
  • Federal Law “On Civil Service” of July 28, 2004 (in particular, paragraph 2 of Article 54).
  • By order of the Minister of Defense of December 30, 2001 No. 2700.
  • Decree of the Government apparatus of Russia “On the terms of payments” No. 638.

Employees who are entitled to long service bonus:

  • Budget and civil servants.
  • Representatives of the Department of Internal Affairs.
  • Military personnel.

The following can count on a salary increase due to incentive payments:

  • Test pilots.
  • People working in aviation.
  • Medical workers.
  • Employees of budgetary art institutions.
  • Law enforcement officers.
  • Astronauts.
  • Fleet workers.
  • Teachers.
  • FSIN employees.

IMPORTANT! This list is established by the laws of the Russian Federation. The employer is obliged to comply with all regulations. Also, the possibility of paying a bonus for length of service to employees who are not mentioned in the law can be indicated in the local acts of the enterprise, if the manager has a need to stimulate his employees.

The size of the premium and the nuances of its calculation

The amount of payments will be determined as a percentage of the employee's salary. In this case, the length of service is taken into account. The amount of the bonus can range from 5% to 40% of the salary. The exact percentage depends on the employee's position.

State and budget employees

The amount of payments to representatives of the civil service is established by paragraph 5 of Article 50 of the Law “On Civil Service” No. 73-FZ. In particular, the normative act gives the following meanings:

  • 1-5 years of work – 10% of salary.
  • 5-10 years – 15%.
  • 10-15 years – 20%.
  • From 15 years – 30%.

When calculating length of service, work in such structures as:

  • Military, federal and civil.
  • Municipal.
  • Others, if the relevant data is in the Federal Law.
  • State (Presidential Decree of January 11, 1995 No. 32).

This calculation procedure is stipulated by paragraph 1 of Article 54 of the Federal Law “On Civil Service” No. 73. It denotes the following features of accrual of experience:

  • A person can work in several positions while accumulating continuous experience. One condition: he must serve in those structures that belong to the state and budget.
  • The length of service includes periods during which the employee replaced another employee in a position (clause 2 of Article 54 of the same law).

The procedure for calculating the bonus is established by Presidential Decree No. 1534 dated November 19, 2007. The nuances of this procedure are given in the Letter of the Federal Tax Service dated June 26, 2011.

The specifics of the allowance for representatives of budgetary sectors are stipulated in the laws relating to a specific department. For example, this could be the Decree of the Government Apparatus “On the Procedure for Accruing Experience” No. 43, which regulates allowances for representatives of penal institutions, tax authorities, and customs.

Ministry of Internal Affairs employees

The amount of additional payment to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is stipulated by paragraph 7 of Article 2 of Federal Law No. 247:

  • 2-5 years of work – 10% of salary.
  • 5-10 years – 15%.
  • 10-15 years – 20%.
  • 15-20 years – 25%.
  • More than 25 years – 40%.

The calculation of length of service will be carried out according to the standards established by the Decree of the Government Apparatus “On the procedure for calculating the length of service for representatives of internal affairs bodies” No. 1158. The same resolution, in the second paragraph, contains a list of places of service that will be included in the length of service:

  • National Guard troops, police, police department.
  • Internship at the police department.
  • Work in the tax police.

The resolution separately stipulates the calculation of length of service for representatives of the Crimean police department.


Military allowances are approved by the Federal Law “On the financial allowance of military personnel” No. 306 (the amount of payments is indicated in Part 13 of Article 2). Also, the relevant information is given by order of the Minister of Defense No. 2700 (the amount of the bonus is established by clause 40). Let's consider monthly payments to military personnel serving under contract:

  • 2-5 years of experience – 10% of salary.
  • 5-10 years – 15%.
  • 10-15 years – 20%.
  • 15-20 years – 25%.
  • 20-25 years – 30%.
  • More than 25 years – 40%.

The duration of service must be calculated in accordance with the Federal Law “On Military Service” No. 53.

IMPORTANT! Payments are made only from the moment the minimum length of service is reached. In this case it is 2 years. The bonus ceases to be paid after the date of issuance of the order on the dismissal of the military personnel, his exclusion from the list of personnel.

Can pensioners count on bonuses for length of service?

Previously, pensioners received a long-service supplement to their pension. At the moment, the norm has ceased to apply. However, it must be said that there are certain regional standards according to which the premium is paid. For example, this is the law of the Altai Republic No. 25-28, according to which bonuses are provided for continuous service. All the details of payments need to be found out in the social protection authorities of a particular region.

The procedure for calculating the allowance

When paying bonuses, the following rules are observed:

  • Payments are calculated based on salary. Additional payments to the employee (bonuses, etc.) will not be taken into account in the calculation.
  • Payments are made monthly on the day the salary is issued.
  • If a person worked in several positions on a part-time basis, payments are calculated based on the basic salary.
  • If, during the period of reaching a certain length of service, a person is on sick leave or on vacation, he receives all additional payments after returning to work.
  • If an employee resigns, the amount of the bonus will be determined based on the actual time worked.
  • The length of service of civil service representatives when calculating bonuses will be established by a commission, the participants of which are approved by the regional manager of the government agency.

To receive compensation, an employee must provide certain documents:

  • Military ID (for military personnel).
  • Work book (for government and budget employees).
  • Certificates from the archive, extracts from orders (if there is no work book).

The convened commission decides on the calculation of the premium. The decision is drawn up in the form of a protocol, on the basis of which the manager must issue an order. The order specifies the amount of the premium. A copy of this document is attached to the employee’s personal file. Upon reaching a new level of experience, the amount of the bonus increases. That is, there is a regular increase in the employee’s salary.

The manager does not have the right not to make payments if they are due to the employee by law. However, if the increase is the initiative of the employer himself, this decision can be canceled.

As a rule, compensation is provided to employees of various types of government agencies. Allowances are extremely rarely paid in commercial organizations for a number of reasons. In particular, this is simply unprofitable for an entrepreneur. It’s rare that a company owner has a vested interest in keeping an employee in one place for several decades, and this form of bonus is designed to encourage just that.

An allowance for length of service is a concept that is found among both military and civilian specialists. Our article deals with the second category. Whether or not to use additional monetary incentives for work experience in a private company is up to each entrepreneur to decide independently and regulate this issue by local regulations.

What does salary and length of service consist of?

According to Art. 50 79-FZ, the salary consists of a salary corresponding to the position held and a salary for the class rank, as well as a number of additional payments.

Salary amounts are determined by regulations for different regions. In addition, there are additional payments. These include:

  • salary supplement for continuous service;
  • payments for special working conditions;
  • percentage increase for work with information constituting a state secret;
  • bonus payments to employees at the discretion of the employer in connection with the execution of assignments of particular importance and complexity;
  • monetary incentives for wages.

Of course, salaries are not static. They are periodically indexed in accordance with inflation, but with an eye to the budget's capabilities.

So, the calculation of the long-service bonus is directly related to the employee’s length of service. There are total length of service, continuous work experience and special work experience.

The total, or total, length of service is the duration of a citizen’s working activity; continuous – period of continuous work in one organization; special stands out as work under certain conditions.

In the civil service, bonuses for length of service are calculated monthly as a percentage of the salary.

How about in commercial organizations?

It is clear that a bonus for length of service is a type of incentive payment, which is aimed at increasing an employee’s loyalty to a specific organization and maintaining motivation to work in a specific position for a long time.

Such measures seem logical and fair: if in one organization, in positions with equal salaries, two employees with equal success work for different times, that is, one longer, then the salary of the one who works longer should differ upward. This motivates the employee to work in one place for a long time. If the organization is budgetary, when an employee moves to a similar enterprise in the same field, the length of service is not completely lost, but recalculated.

In private business, the employer has the right to organize any reward system. And, despite the fairness of additional payments for length of service, they are not very popular in commercial organizations. This happens because it is more profitable for everyone to pay the employee a salary in accordance with the benefits he brings to the organization.

But there are a number of positions in which such a payment would be appropriate. These are the employees who need to be trained within the enterprise in some of the nuances of work, those who, in order to fulfill their duties, must have a credit of trust from management. In other words, valuable personnel with horizontal career growth, for whom bonuses from profits are not expected by position.

If such positions are rare, an individual approach will be the best solution. It is best to prescribe the conditions for calculating salary increases in the employment contract and inform the employee at the time of hiring. But you can act as the employee’s career develops and assign such payments by an additional local act.

If there are many such positions, it is more convenient to bring the establishment of bonuses for length of service in your company into a systematic form, by analogy with budgetary organizations, and consolidate it in an internal document. Please note that vacations (including maternity leave), sick leave and time spent by an employee on a business trip are counted towards continuous work experience.

An additional payment to the basic salary, depending on the length of service in one place, is a long service bonus. Its goal is to motivate employees to work for one employer. Retaining qualified personnel is the number one task of every enterprise manager (owner). For certain categories of workers, such an increase in salary is mandatory, as it is approved in federal laws, including the Labor Code. We will talk about additional payments for length of service in the article.

Who is entitled to additional payment?

Strictly, preferential additional payments are due to employees of enterprises, organizations, institutions, and government agencies receiving budget funding. Find out how to calculate the length of service pension for medical workers.

  • public sector employees (teachers, doctors, childcare providers, librarians);
  • civil servants (employees of executive authorities);
  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • military personnel.

At enterprises and organizations that have a non-state form of ownership, length of service can also be paid.

The video shows general information about the allowance:

Such a benefit must be provided for in the collective agreement.

In each case, in order not to lose your seniority (not to interrupt your length of service), you need to know the conditions for transferring to another job or the possibility and duration of the “window” in this type of work activity. Requirements and premium amounts are regulated by federal laws. Read about recalculating pensions after dismissal of a working pensioner.

Length of service for workers in the budgetary municipal sector and pension supplement

The length of service and the percentage of the bonus depend on the specific field in which the person works.

For employees whose activities are related to health protection and social protection, length of service and the amount of additional payment are determined as follows:

  • hospitals, clinics, employees of the social protection system with 3 years of experience are entitled to 30%. After 2 years, another 10% is added. The final percentage is 30.
  • Infectious disease specialists:
    • entomologists – 60% max.;
    • zoologists – 60%;
    • health workers – 60%;
    • the rest – 40%.

Payment of 10% starts from 1 year of work.

  • To workers fighting the spread of plague:
    • for health workers – 100% max.;
    • other – 80%.

The annual increase in bonus is 10% (after 1 year of experience).

    • Employees of leper colonies are paid 10% for each year worked:
      • for medical staff - the maximum percentage is 80;
      • the rest – 50%.
      • For ambulance workers, the maximum possible additional payment is 80%: for the first 3 years – 30%; 4.5 years – additional 25%.
    • Other categories of health workers in the amount of 30% for three years of experience, 15% for each subsequent year, maximum rate -60%:
      • Head of the pediatrics and therapy departments at the clinic;
      • doctors of medical and social examinations;
      • personnel of anti-tuberculosis institutions.

For employees of state archives departments, the additional payment for length of service to the salary reaches 30% if the work experience exceeds 23 years. The increase in earnings begins after 3 years of working in the archive by 10%. After 8 years, 5% is added at 5 year intervals. Read about the recalculation of pensions for pensioners with two children.

Education workers entitled to a bonus based on teaching experience are determined according to the list approved by the Unified Qualification Directory. The positions of managers, specialists, and employees must have pedagogical status.

This system leads to the fact that citizens performing the same work, but living in different regions, may or may not receive a bonus.

The length of service bonus is calculated on the teacher’s official salary, without taking into account other incentive additional payments (education, qualifications, workload). The maximum amount (20%) applies to 15 years of experience. The minimum rate of 5% applies from one year to 5 years of work. A five-year interval corresponds to a 5% increase. Find out how to calculate length of service using a work book.

The length of service is calculated similarly for those employed in the cultural sector: incentive coefficients, including for length of service, are approved in the Model Regulations on Remuneration.

Employees of the central apparatus of federal executive bodies receive a bonus depending on their position.

Gradation of payments to senior civil servants:

      1. Managers and specialists can have an accrual of up to 40%. From one year to five, it is 10%. For every 5 years of continuous employment, an additional 10% is due. It takes at least 15 years to get the maximum salary increase.
      2. Other salaried employees begin to receive seniority after 3 years of service. With experience from 3 to 8 years it will be 10%. The next 8-13, 13-18, 18-23 years will increase by 5%. The upper limit for additional payment is 30%.

For civil servants, length of service cannot exceed 30%. It is calculated based on one year of service. From 1-5 years it gives 10%, subsequent five-year increases in experience increase the percentage of additional payment by 5%. Max. size – 30%.

Civil servants are persons performing duties in federal and territorial authorities. They are divided into managers, deputies and specialists. Municipal employees are equal in rights and responsibilities, including length of service, to the categories of civil servants. Find out what the insurance period for sick leave is by.

Length of service for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military personnel

After working for two years, employees are entitled to an additional payment to their monetary remuneration.

In the video, the length of service of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

How is the pension supplement calculated for public sector employees and civil servants for length of service?

The pension supplement is determined based on the basic earnings (salary) and period of work. Experience is taken into account based on the time actually worked in a position that gives the right to seniority. Part-time work and replacement are not taken into account: they are not included in the length of service and no additional payment is based on this salary.

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