Swimming lessons for children with epilepsy. Do's and Don'ts for Epilepsy How is epilepsy treated?

Epilepsy is one of the most common diseases of the central nervous system. Neurological manifestations are associated with a violation of flashes and signals in the work of neurons.

The disease is chronic and does not depend on the age and gender of the patient. To date, there is no cure for a serious illness. However, with a mild form of the course, a long-term remission is possible. When taking into account and following all the recommendations and conducting a complex of therapies.

An episyndrome is the occurrence of all manifestations of epilepsy without disturbances in the work of neurons and caused by a completely different disease. The episyndrome has the second name symptomatic epilepsy, due to similar symptoms. May be chronic and treatable depending on the underlying disease causing the episyndrome.

Only by knowing the features of the course and occurrence of diseases can one determine the difference between epilepsy and episyndrome.

Episyndrome is not a reason for exemption from conscription. And it is not regulated by article 21 of the disease schedule. Epilepsy is regulated, and an epileptic is not drafted into the army.

Episyndrome often occurs in patients with schizophrenia and manifests itself. Epilepsy is ruled out in this case. For unknown reasons, these diseases do not affect the central nervous system at the same time.

The causes of episyndrome can be:

  • Mechanical trauma to the head;
  • Tumor diseases of the brain;
  • Inflammatory processes in the brain;
  • birth trauma;
  • Age-related changes in the vascular system;
  • Diseases associated with pathologies of neurons and the nervous system;

If symptoms occur, the person needs first aid. The symptomatology of episyndrome manifests itself depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpathologies in the brain. There are 3 main types:

  • The parietal type of episyndrome, in turn, is divided into the posterior, anterior and lower affected area. It manifests itself in numbness of the limbs, loss of orientation and balance, clouding and consciousness;
  • The frontal type of episyndrome is manifested in the painful movement of the fingers, convulsions and numbness of the limbs, the release of foam and the rolling of the eyeballs. Before the symptom, the patient may experience various smells in the form of a hallucination. Speech impairment, convulsive stuttering and frontal lobe epilepsy originate from pathologies in one area of ​​the brain;
  • The temporal type of episyndrome is expressed in visual and olfactory hallucinations, loss of coordination, a feeling of euphoria and apathy, loss of reality, nausea, pain in the abdomen, sleepwalking, fever;

Symptoms of episyndrome in children are usually more pronounced, due to the imperfect development of the nervous and vascular systems. When an episyndrome occurs in children, the doctor prescribes such measures as:

  • Establishment of potassium-calcium metabolism in the body;
  • Dieting high in fat and low in protein
  • Taking antipyretic drugs;
  • Treatment with decoctions, herbs and homeopathic therapy;
  • Procedures in the physiological cabinet;


Is it possible for a child to work? With epilepsy and episyndrome, sports will only benefit. However, combat, aggressive and extreme sports should be avoided. So that a blow or adrenaline surge does not provoke a seizure. When choosing a sport, you must be guided by the recommendations of your doctor.


When an episyndrome occurs in adults, tranquilizers against spasms and sometimes surgical intervention are additionally used.

A complete cure for episyndrome is possible only if the primary disease is identified and cured.

Causes and manifestation

Epilepsy is more often a congenital disease and is in the nature of a genetic predisposition. In the presence of the disease in one of the parents, the probability of repeating the diagnosis in a child is 40%.

Less commonly, the disease is acquired in nature and occurs when there is a disruption in the work of neurons as a result of acquired pathologies of the nervous system. Development can be influenced by factors such as:

  • alcohol addiction;
  • brain injury;
  • Infectious diseases of the brain;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Stroke;
  • Encephalopathy and other diseases of the nervous system;
  • Diabetes mellitus and the development of epilepsy are directly related to sugar consumption. The more sugar the patient eats, the more often seizures or the risk of developing epilepsy in diabetes;

Epilepsy attacks can be severe or mild. More or less pronounced. Common features include:

  • Hallucinations and Confusion of Reality4
  • Numbness of the limbs and increased muscle tone;
  • Loss of consciousness. Up to falling into a coma;
  • Pupil dilation;
  • Head tilt;
  • foaming at the mouth and vomiting;
  • Urinary incontinence;
  • Convulsions of limbs and other organs. Including ;

Due to the development and zone of influence, the disease can be divided into several types:

  • temporal lobe epilepsy;
  • idiopathic;
  • Cryptogenic;
  • symptomatic;
  • Alcoholic;


Epilepsyrepresents chronic illness, characterized by repeated, mostly unprovoked seizures with impaired motor, sensory, autonomic, mental or mental functions resulting from excessive neural discharges in the gray matter of the cerebral cortex.

Epilepsy - one of the most common diseases in neurology especially in childhood and adolescence. The incidence (the number of cases of newly diagnosed epilepsy - repeated unprovoked seizures - in 1 year) ranges from 41 to 83 cases per 100,000 of the child population, with a maximum among children of the first year of life - from 100 to 233 cases per 100,000. The prevalence (“accumulated incidence” - the number of patients with active epilepsy at the moment per 1000 of the population) of epilepsy in the population is high and reaches from 5 to 8 cases per 1000 among children under 15 years old, and in some regions up to 1%. Recent studies have shown the prevalence of epilepsy in the Moscow region - 2.4, in the Leningrad region - 3.0 per 1000 of the total population, and in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - 5.5 per 1000 child population [Guzeva V.I., 2007] .

It has now been established that epilepsy is not a single disease with various seizures, but is divided into separate forms - epileptic syndromes. Epileptic syndromes characterized by a stable relationship of clinical, electrical and anatomical criteria; differ in response to antiepileptic therapy and prognosis. In this regard, in 1989, the International Classification of Epilepsy, Epileptic Syndromes and Similar Diseases was developed. For the first time, the classification was based on the syndromological principle, and not on separate attacks. This classification is well known to practitioners. It should be noted, however, that over the past 18 years, the imperfection of this classification is clearly visible. And in 2001, the International Commission on Classification and Terminology released a draft new classification of epileptic seizures And epileptic syndromes (epilepsy. - 2001. - V. 42. - N 6. - P. 796-803). This project has not yet received final approval, but is currently recommended for use in clinical practice.

In recent decades Significant progress has been made in the study, diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy. This progress is associated with a change in approaches to the classification of epilepsy and epileptic seizures, with the improvement of methods for diagnosing epilepsy (especially the development of video-EEG monitoring and high-resolution MRI), as well as with the emergence of more than ten new antiepileptic drugs, the creation of which was based on the principles of high efficiency and safety. .

Due to progress in the study and treatment of epilepsy, epilepsy is now classified as a treatable (treatable) disease, and in most patients (65-70%) it is possible to achieve cessation of the attack or a significant reduction in their frequency, however, about 30% are cases of epilepsy that are difficult to treat. The preservation of a significant proportion of treatment-resistant epilepsy requires further study of this disease, improvement of methods for its diagnosis and treatment.

The treatment of a patient with epilepsy is a complex and lengthy process, the basic principle of which can be formulated as the desire to achieve maximum efficiency ( minimizing epileptic seizures or their termination) and the best tolerability of therapy ( minimum side effects). Doctors should be aware of the latest achievements in the field of epileptology, modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy. In this case, you can achieve the maximum effect in the treatment of the patient.

However, very much in the treatment of epilepsy depends on effective cooperation between doctor and patient and members of the patient's family, from the correct implementation of medical prescriptions, adherence to the regime, a positive attitude towards a cure.

This site was created for both doctors and patients and their families. The purpose of creating the site is to provide doctors with the most complete information on all sections of epileptology, as well as to familiarize patients and their relatives with the basics of the disease, the principles of its treatment, the requirements for the regimen for, the problems that the patient and his family members face and the possibilities for solving them, and also get answers to the most important questions about epilepsy .

With deep respect, Professor, MD, Head of the Clinic of the Institute of Pediatric Neurology and Epilepsy named after St. Luke,

Konstantin Yurievich Mukhin

Can you play sports with epilepsy?

    I have epilepsy in the form of absences. I was forbidden physical activity at all, and categorically nervous too. I can foresee and anticipate an attack. It can start during physical exertion, or strong emotional emotions, good or bad. I just lay down on the bed and rest. And there is no attack.

    According to experts, it is only possible, but also necessary if there are no other restrictions, since seizures are not provoked by physical exercises. Athletics, running, aerobics will only benefit the patient. When an attack occurs, the injuries will be the same as in ordinary life. You should refrain only from traumatic sports, such as skating, rollerblading, equestrianism, biking, football, hockey, mountaineering, parachuting. artistic gymnastics, football, hockey, mountain skiing, mountaineering, parachuting.

    There is an opinion, and I support it, that all people suffer from epilipsy. Only the time between attacks of the disease is different for everyone. Someone has an attack several times a day, someone has it once a year, and most people simply do not live to see their attack, since nature laid them on them once every hundred years. As a specialist in the field of physical culture and sports, I would allow people with epilepsy who can anticipate their attack to exercise. Such people can have time to stop classes and have time to prepare for an attack of the disease. Others who do not have this ability would categorically forbid any sports. Sport in itself is a risky and traumatic occupation, and then there is also the possibility of a sudden epileptic seizure.

    We have such a situation, drug remission is complete. The attending physician wrote to us in the card the exemption from physical education in general, on Rusmedserver the most authoritative specialist wrote that he sees no contraindications. We do physical education, and even a little in the section, but without any competition.

    But there are different forms, different remission or no remission, so you need to decide individually.

    Absolutely agree with ekaterinaz888. It is not so much stress that leads to an attack, but the ability and ability to recover from them. I am telling you this as a person who has worked in sports for more than 30 years. And I had children with the same problem. There were only two attacks, for many years of practice, and both were the fault of athletes (schoolchildren). They didn’t rest after the load (didn’t sleep at night talking). As a result, early in the morning an attack. In general, everything is like everyone else, only the bar is higher for everyone. I completely agree, it is definitely necessary and even necessary to study, only wisely. An exception can only be traumatic sports, and even then I'm far from sure about this. Since traumatic species are dangerous for everyone. And now what?

    Physical education cannot provoke seizures of epilepsy. Moreover, doing sports causes positive emotions in a person. However, an important aspect of playing sports is that a person with epilepsy can do sports only for himself, for his health. Being a professional athlete is not for him. Increased emotional stress and stress will not bring him good. And sport for oneself is only for the good.

    Everything is decided individually. There must be a stable remission for playing sports. Heavy sports and swimming are contraindicated, as attacks can begin suddenly. And games, volleyball, tennis and so on are well suited. Doctors recommend daily morning exercises, which are useful as an active form of activity in such diseases. You can read about this article here, where the importance of physical activity in epilepsy is described in more detail.

The term "epilepsy" was introduced into use several millennia BC, it was mentioned in his works by Hippocrates. The condition is characterized by recurrent convulsions, fainting, impaired consciousness. Mostly children and adolescents are susceptible to epileptic seizures, and the elderly also suffer from them.

A classic seizure in the eyes of a person far from epilepsy looks like a fall, fainting and foam at the mouth. In fact, the attack is more often limited to a sudden fainting or “blackout” in the midst of some business. Night attacks are common, which may be accompanied by a feeling of trembling in the body, involuntary urination.

Epilepsy is not a reason to give up a full life, you just need to remember the basic "possible" and "impossible".

What is wrong with epilepsy?

If a person is prone to epileptic seizures, he should carefully consider the arrangement of his own living space:

    Ceramic and glass kitchen utensils should not be kept; plastic utensils are a safe alternative. Sausages, cheese, bread and other products are bought sliced. It is advisable to use knives less often, keeping them in a closed place. It is better to refuse a gas stove by choosing a multicooker or a microwave oven instead. In extreme cases, you can use a gas stove if there are other people in the apartment.

    It is forbidden to furnish rooms with furniture endowed with sharp corners. The floor must be covered with carpet or soft carpet. Glass furniture and accessories should not be.

    It is dangerous to keep a hair dryer or other electrical appliances in the bathroom, to leave cutting objects in the public domain (even nail scissors).

    It is forbidden to install radiators and heaters where they are likely to fall.

    You can not live in a house with two or more floors if there is no elevator. Stepladders and ladders are extremely dangerous for a person who is disturbed by epileptic seizures.

But besides this, for safety it is forbidden:

    It is forbidden to engage in all sports that pose the slightest threat of injury - horseback riding, acrobatics, mountaineering, boxing. It is dangerous to allow yourself excessive loads (not only physical, but also mental).

    No smoking. Cigarettes not only negatively affect the condition of a person suffering from epilepsy. An attack that occurs in the process of smoking is fraught with a fire.

    It is dangerous to close yourself in the bathroom, in the restroom. The latch is best replaced with a "busy" sign. It is advisable to refuse bathing in the bathroom in favor of the shower, as there is a danger of choking during a seizure. Hot water is contraindicated, as well as going to the sauna and bath. Exposure to high temperatures for a long time leads to a real threat of an attack.

    You can not take alcohol, alcohol can activate a seizure, adversely affects the patient's condition. In extreme cases, men can have no more than 2 glasses of wine, women - one.

    It is dangerous to hide the problem from colleagues at work. They should be aware of the possibility of a seizure, clearly understand the process of helping with a seizure. It is advisable to provide a set of clean clothes for yourself at work.

What can be done for epilepsy?

The list of actions forbidden in epilepsy is long, but erroneous items are often included in it.

Sports - is it possible to do it?

Physical activity is useful for every person, including those suffering from epileptic seizures. When choosing a sport, you need to take into account the regularity of seizures, the conditions for their occurrence. It is desirable to choose programs together with the doctor. Most likely, team games are suitable for epileptics - volleyball, football, you can try rhythmic gymnastics. In this case, the load should remain minimal, overvoltage is not allowed.

Refusal of swimming, which is good for health, is also not always necessary. To protect yourself in the pool will help simple rules:

    You can not visit the pool without an observer who can, if necessary, come to the rescue.

    Diving, jumping from a tower, from the sides of the pool is prohibited.

    Swimming in too cold water is dangerous.

    You can not swim in a state of poor health, if there is a problem of frequent relapses of seizures.

    It is forbidden to swim far from the edge of the pool, to choose deep pools.

TV - can I watch it?

There is an opinion that watching TV programs is contraindicated for people with epilepsy. According to statistics, seizures provoked by such an activity are observed in only 1% of epileptics suffering from excessive sensitivity to light.

Watching TV is possible, guided by the following rules:

    It is impossible to be less than 2 meters from the TV screen. Use the remote control to change channels.

    Eye level must be at the level of the screen, you can not rise higher.

    Viewing should take place in a lighted room, you can not leave the TV as the only source of light.

    The optimal screen size is small, home theaters will be the wrong purchase for an epileptic.

Computer and video games - can they be used?

Rumors about the inaccessibility of a computer for an epileptic have nothing to do with reality.

The safety rules are simple, easy to follow:

    The computer is located in a bright room, the work area is carefully illuminated.

    Glare from light sources, windows should not fall on the monitor.

    A distance of 35 cm between the eyes and the screen is maintained.

    Work is carried out only in a calm state, fatigue is a contraindication for using a computer.

    Combining computer work with watching TV is dangerous.

    Breaks during which the eyes rest should be frequent, prolonged sitting at the computer is contraindicated.

The rules for safe interaction with a computer and TV are also relevant for spending time with video games.

Education: In 2005, she completed an internship at the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov and received a diploma in Neurology. In 2009, she completed her postgraduate studies in the specialty "Nervous Diseases".

Everyone knows or heard about epilepsy, since this disease is widespread throughout the world. Millions of people suffer from epilepsy or "falling sickness". It has various manifestations, depending on the depth of the brain lesion. The classic form of an epileptic seizure with loss of consciousness, convulsions, when a person hits his head on the floor, there is a possibility of involuntary urination and defecation. We must be able to help the sufferer, we will definitely talk about this. Therapeutic exercise for epilepsy plays an important role in the treatment of patients, since the rhythm of movements and breathing favorably affects the normalization of the processes of inhibition and excitation in the brain. We also take into account that with epilepsy, the likelihood of developing dementia is high.
Therefore, it includes and . Beneficial effect on the body and especially on the brain exercises for epilepsy for stretching muscles, for balance, meditative techniques, for example - this is training for understanding your body, preventing stress and diseases, developing intuition, the ability to manage emotions, feelings; a grateful organism itself suggests what needs to be done to heal from an illness.


Epilepsy is a chronic progressive disease of the brain, in which foci of excitation are formed in the brain with convulsive readiness, manifested by seizures, temporary loss of consciousness and vegetative disorders, as well as increasing mental disorders and the development of dementia in the course of the disease. Epilepsy can be congenital or acquired. Plays a role hereditary predisposition. It can appear or occur at any age.

Causes of epilepsy:

In some area (or areas) of the brain, increased activity of nerve cells appears, strong nervous excitation spreads to the cerebral cortex, and the motor zone is sharply activated, which leads to involuntary contraction of the muscles of the trunk and limbs. If excitation from the focus is transmitted to the entire cerebral cortex, then a generalized seizure occurs; if only on a part of the brain, then - a partial seizure (with a partial loss of consciousness - stupefaction).

Convulsions are tonic, clonic and tonic-clonic in nature, the function of the intercostal muscles is disturbed (breathing suffers), trismus occurs - a strong compression of the jaws, there is a possibility of biting the tongue. Tonic convulsions are slow and prolonged. Clonic - fast, often replaced by flexion and extension of the limbs, chaotic contraction of the muscles of the body, are in the nature of a "motor storm".

During a convulsive attack, a large amount of saliva is released, which looks like white foam. The pink color of the foam occurs in the case of a bite of the tongue, when the blood from the wound mixes with saliva.

The patient loses consciousness, in convulsions beats on the floor, this is especially dangerous for the brain, as it may cause a concussion. There is involuntary urination and defecation.

The attack may end on its own. But it also happens that the convulsive syndrome is repeated, or it has a long character. Then medical attention is required. After the attack comes a deep sleep.

Sometimes there are small seizures, when a patient with epilepsy turns off consciousness for a short time, but there are no seizures. The gaze stops at one point, it gives the impression that the person just suddenly thought.

Or there is not a complete loss of consciousness, but a partial one; then a twilight state of consciousness (delusion) arises. A person can leave or go somewhere without realizing it. After the attack, he does not understand how and why he ended up in this area.

At the moment of the twilight state of consciousness, the patient can perform some automatic monotonous movements, for example, unbutton and fasten buttons or a zipper on a jacket. At the end of the attack, he does not remember anything about it.

There may be hallucinations and an illusory perception of the environment.

Epilepsy attacks are nocturnal (during sleep) and daytime (during wakefulness).

The course of epilepsy is progressive. The frequency of attacks can be from one per year to several attacks per day. There are a series of attacks, following one after another, this status epilepticus.

Thus, epilepsy has many faces, can occur at any age, is associated with brain damage for various reasons, progresses and is complicated by dementia.

Each of us should be able to provide emergency care to a patient with an attack of epilepsy before the arrival of an ambulance.

Emergency care for epilepsy.

What do we see? Suddenly, a person loses consciousness, falls to the floor, begins to “shake” and “twitch”, beat his head on the floor, his teeth are very tightly clenched, after a short time foam comes out of his mouth. The picture is as if this person is under the influence of an electric current.

There is a danger of concussion, biting of the tongue and aspiration of the lungs with large amounts of saliva, vomit and oral contents.

What can be done to help with an epileptic seizure?
1). Put something soft under your head to prevent head injury (folded jacket, sweater or put his head on your lap).
2). Turn your head to the side to prevent retraction of the tongue and aspiration of the airways.

3). At the end of the attack, turn the patient on his side, giving him a lateral stable position. For example, you turned the patient on the right side. Then the right limbs should be straightened in a straight line of the body, and the left limbs should be bent and laid for the stability of the lateral position so that the patient could not roll over onto his back: put the left palm on the shoulder close to the neck, bend the left leg and place the foot on the right leg, head lies on the right straightened arm, and the left elbow and left knee rest on the floor in front of the body. (If you decide to turn the patient on the left side, then do all this in a mirror image).
4). Take a handkerchief or napkin (whatever is at hand) and, wrapping your brush, penetrate deeply into the patient's oral cavity, sliding down his cheek from top to bottom, raking out the entire contents of the oral cavity with a wide confident movement.
5). Call an ambulance, as the attack may recur. It is especially important to do this if the "misfortune" happened in a public place.

! Recommendation for people suffering from epilepsy:
so that you do not get lost, put a note in the side pocket of your shirt or jacket stating that you have epilepsy, indicate your last name, first name and patronymic, age and phone number of your relatives or friends.

Treatment of epilepsy in Germany.

Exercise therapy for epilepsy is prescribed by a doctor.
Held therapeutic exercises for epilepsy, the purpose of which is to help balance the processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain and ensure normal physiological muscle tone.

Stretching exercises, relaxation, coordination of movements, balance, breathing exercises (full and diaphragmatic breathing), general strengthening exercises at a slow and medium pace are included.

You can use exercises on simulators: walking on a treadmill and an exercise bike at a calm, even pace, that is, there is no pronounced acceleration and deceleration of the speed of movements. I draw your attention to the fact that the purpose of exercising on simulators for epilepsy is the rhythm of movements and breathing, which favorably affect the harmonization of the brain.

Useful swimming under the supervision of an instructor.

Isotonic and isometric exercises can be done only on the condition that the patient does not hold his breath while inhaling or exhaling during the load on the muscles.

Very important:
1). It is necessary to ensure that breathing is only through the nose in order to avoid hyperventilation of the lungs, which is dangerous due to increased convulsive readiness due to excess oxygen in the blood.
2). You should not allow holding your breath on exhalation due to the subconscious perception of this as a manifestation of a spasm of the diaphragm.
3). Stretching and relaxation of muscles occurs better on exhalation.

It is recommended to control the pulse with the calculation of the reserve of the heart.
We do not use 100% heart reserve for epilepsy to prevent overexcitation of the central nervous system that occurs during hyperventilation of the lungs. Depending on the patient's condition, physical activity is acceptable, using 70-80% of the heart reserve.

1). Let's determine the maximum allowable heart rate depending on age. Heart rate (max) = 180 - age (beats per minute).
2). Calculate the pulse at rest after 10 minutes of rest.
3). Heart reserve (HR) = heart rate (max) - heart rate at rest (beats per minute). This is 100% heart reserve.
4). 80% heart reserve = PC: 100 * 80 (beats per minute).
5). Permissible heart rate = resting heart rate + 80% HR (beats per minute).

For example, the patient's age is 27 years, pulse at rest is 68 beats per minute.
Heart rate (max) = 180 - 27 = 153 (bpm).
RS \u003d 153 - 68 \u003d 85 (bpm). This means that from the initial pulse at rest, we can allow an increase in the pulse during physical activity by no more than 85 beats per minute.
80% PC = 85: 100 * 80 = 68 (bpm).
So, in this patient, let's assume an acceleration of heart rate equal to heart rate at rest + 80% of the RS (68 + 68 = 136 beats per minute). That is, not 153 beats per minute, but 136 beats per minute.

Therapeutic exercises for epilepsy.

Lesson 30 minutes.

Recommendation. Before doing the exercises, you need to do a non-intensive energy self-massage of the hands and fingers, as well as the wrist joints. The technique proposed below will help you not only have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, but also provide protection against a possible attack of epilepsy during therapeutic exercises.

In this case, we apply the "Big Insect" system from Su-jok therapy. If you put your hands together as if you were holding a small ball between your palms, clasping it with your fingers, then the hands in this system correspond to the two halves of the head, and the fingers correspond to parts of the cerebral cortex. Of these, the little fingers and ring fingers are the frontal lobe, and the thumbs are the cerebellum. Now that you have imagined yourself on your hands, you have received a control panel for your body. During the self-massage of the hands, one must imagine that all processes in the brain are normalized, the foci of excitation that cause epileptic seizures calm down. The blood circulation in the brain is excellent, the vessels are clean. Brain cells are young and healthy. Let's start!

1). Rub your palms until you feel warm.
2). Then imitate washing hands with sliding movements along the back of the hands.
3). Grasp the left wrist joint with the right hand and lightly rub. The left wrist joint in the Big Insect system corresponds to the left half of the neck.
Do the same with the right wrist joint, which corresponds to the right half of the neck.
4). Rub your palms again.
5). Repeat the "washing" of the brushes.
6). Perform a massage on each finger. You need to understand that you are not just doing a finger massage, but affecting the brain. Massage your fingers from the tips to the brush.
7). Rub your palms again.
8). Repeat the "washing" of the brushes.

You can feel a pleasant warmth in your body and in your head, your “cheeks” will turn pink, and a smile will appear on your face. Well done!

Epilepsy exercises.

1). Starting position standing, legs together, in the hands of a gymnastic stick with a wide grip, lower the stick down.
1 - Raise the stick up, stretch and rise on your toes - inhale.
2 - Lower the stick by the shoulder blades, roll onto the heels - exhale.
3 - Raise the stick up again and stand on your toes - inhale.
4 - Return to the starting position - exhale.
6 times.

2). The starting position is standing, feet shoulder-width apart, the ends of the stick rest against the center of the palms (that is, the arms are spaced at a distance of the length of the stick). Hold the stick between the palms in front on outstretched arms.
1 - Turning the body to the right with the abduction of the right hand to the side and back, with the left hand push the stick to the right to increase the amplitude of the abduction of the right hand, try to stretch the muscles of the right hand - exhale.
2 - Return to the starting position - inhale.
3 - Turning the body to the left with moving the left hand to the side and back, push the left hand with a stick, smoothly stretching it as you exhale.
4 - Return to the starting position - inhale.
Repeat 3 times.

3). Sitting on a chair, arms at sides, ball in right hand. Take a breath
1 - Raise the left leg and under the knee pass the ball from the right hand to the left hand - exhale.
2 - Return to starting position, ball in left hand - inhale.
3 - Raise the right leg, under the knee, pass the ball to the right hand - exhale.
4 - Return to the starting position, the ball in the right hand - inhale.

That is, the ball "draws a figure eight."
Now let's change the direction of the ball in the other direction, as if "the movie goes back."
This is a coordination exercise. You can not focus on breathing (voluntary breathing).

4). Sitting on the edge of a chair, legs are closed and stretched forward, in the hands of a gymnastic stick with a grip at a shoulder-width distance, arms are straightened and raised up. Breathe in through your nose.
1 - Lower the stick on the hips - exhale.
2 - Slowly slide the stick down the surface of the legs, tilting the body forward - continuing to exhale.
3- Straighten the body, with a sliding motion lift the stick on the hips closer to the pelvis - inhale.
4 - Return to the starting position, raise the stick above your head - continuation of the breath.
4 times.

5). Sitting on a chair, feet shoulder-width apart, ball in right hand (you can take an orange instead of a ball).
1 - Raise the right leg, under the knee, pass the ball from the right hand to the left hand.
2 - Lower the right leg, and move the ball around the body back, behind the back pass from the left hand to the right.
3 - Raise the left leg, under the knee, pass the ball from the right hand to the left.
4 - Behind your back, shift the ball from your left hand to your right.
(That is, we move the ball counterclockwise all the time).
4 times.

Now you need to perform the same exercise, holding the ball in your left hand.
1 - Raise the left leg, under the knee, pass the ball from the left hand to the right hand.
2 - Lower the left leg, and move the ball around the body back, behind the back pass from the right hand to the left.
3 - Raise the right leg, under the knee, pass the ball from the left hand to the right.
4 - Behind the back, shift the ball from the right hand to the left.
(That is, we move the ball clockwise all the time).
4 times.

6). Sitting on a chair, put the left hand on the right shoulder joint, grab the left elbow joint with the right hand. Then, as you exhale, gently press your right hand on your left elbow, trying to move it as far as possible, stretching the muscles of your left shoulder. (You can make soft springy movements).
Repeat the same on the other side, stretching the muscles of the right shoulder.
Run three times on each side.

7). Standing at the Swedish wall, stand with your feet on the lowest crossbar, keep your hands at the level of the shoulder joints.
1 - Slowly on the exhale, sit down as low as possible, straightening your arms and relaxing all the muscles, hang on your arms, your head hangs slightly forward, the muscles of the face and especially the lips are relaxed, at this time calm shallow breathing, internal observation of sensations. The muscles of the back, buttocks and arms are stretched.

2 - Then resolutely and calmly (without sudden movements) return to the starting position while inhaling.
6 times.

8). "Book". Lying on your back, legs together, arms to the sides (“book open”). Inhale.
1 - Raise the right hand, move it to the left hand, put the palm on the palm, the body turns to the left, "the book is closed", the legs do not move, the spine is twisted and the lateral muscles are stretched on the right. Exhalation.
2 - Return to the starting position (“book open”), inhale.
3 - Raise the left hand, move it to the right hand, put the palm on the palm, turn the body to the right, here, when the spine is twisted, the lateral muscles are stretched on the left. Exhalation.
4 - Return to the starting position, inhale.
5 times.

9). "Crossroads". Lying on your back, legs straightened, hands in the "castle" under the head.
1 - Connect the right elbow and left knee, inhale.
2 - Return to the starting position, lie down and relax, exhale.
3 - Connect the left elbow and right knee, inhale.
4 - Return to the starting position, lie down and relax, exhale.
6 times.

10). Lying on your back, legs straightened, arms along the body.
1 - Simultaneously take the right arm and left leg to the sides, sliding along the floor, inhale.

3 - Simultaneously take the left arm and right leg to the sides, inhale.

5 times.

eleven). Lying on your back, legs bent at the knee joints, arms along the body.
1 - Raise the pelvis, inhale.
2 - Return to starting position, relax, exhale.
6 - 8 times.

12). Diaphragmatic breathing.
Lying on your back, legs bent, one hand lies on the chest, the other on the stomach to control breathing: we make sure that the chest does not participate in this breathing, but only the abdominal wall rises and falls.
1 - Inhale through the nose, the stomach "inflates".
2 - Exhale slowly through the mouth in a thin stream, lips folded into a tube, the stomach "deflates", the abdominal wall is slightly retracted.
6 times.

13). Lying on your stomach, arms folded in front of you, head rests on the hands.
To relax the muscles of the body, swing the hips. There are no pronounced active movements, the energy of inertia is created for a sufficient amplitude of swinging the pelvis to the sides. The body relaxes, breathing is arbitrary calm.

14). Lying on your stomach, arms folded in front of you, head rests on the hands.
1 - Simultaneously raise the straightened right arm forward and left leg back, unbend the left foot with the toe towards you, reach with the heel, while exhaling, smoothly stretch the spine and raised limbs.
2 - Return to starting position, relax.
3 - Simultaneously raise the straightened left arm forward and right leg back, straighten the right foot with the toe towards you, reach with the heel, while exhaling, smoothly stretch the spine and the raised limbs.
2 - Return to starting position, relax.
4 - 6 times.

15). Lying on the stomach, straightened legs are closed, the hands rest on the floor near the shoulder joints.
1 - Straighten your arms, take a knee-wrist position, inhale.
2 - Sit on the shins, the hands do not move, the head goes down, stretch your arms forward a little, relaxing and stretching the spine, exhale.
3 - Stand again in the knee-wrist position, leaning on the hands and knees, inhale.
4 - Return to the starting position, exhale.
4 times.

16). Lying on your stomach, arms folded in front of you, head resting on the hands, legs straightened.
1 - Raise the right leg, move it over the left, touch the floor with the foot, exhale.
2 - Return to the starting position, inhale.
3 - Raise the left leg, move it over the right, touch the floor with the foot, exhale.

4 times.

17). Standing in a knee-wrist position.
1 - Simultaneously raise the right arm forward and the left leg back, inhale.
2 - Return to the starting position, exhale.
3 - Simultaneously raise the left arm forward, right leg back, inhale.
4 - Return to the starting position, exhale.
4 times.

18). Standing in a knee-wrist position.
1 - Slide the right foot on the floor as far back as possible, the body lowers, exhale.

3 - Slide your left foot on the floor as far back as possible, exhale.
4 - Return to the starting position, exhale.
4 times.

19). Standing in a knee-wrist position.
1 - Put the right hand on the left shoulder, inhale.
2, 3 - Reach the floor with your left shoulder, put your head on the floor, turning your face to the right side, exhale.
4 - Return to the starting position, inhale.

The same on the other side, putting the left hand on the right shoulder.
4 times on each side.

20). Swim breaststroke." Lying on the stomach, legs are straightened, the hands rest on the floor near the shoulder joints. Inhale.
1 - Stretch your arms forward, lower your head, try to stretch, exhale.
2 - Take your hands to the sides, raising your head and upper body, inhale.
3 - Bring the arms along the body, continuing to inhale.
4 - Return to the starting position, exhale.
6 - 8 times.

21). Standing in a knee-wrist position, legs together, arms wide apart.
1 - Lower the right shoulder to the floor, the head turns to the left, the right arm straightens, in this position lie down and relax, exhale.
2 - Return to the starting position, inhale.
3 - Lower the left shoulder to the floor, the head turns to face to the right, the left arm straightens, exhale.
4 - Return to the starting position, inhale.
4 times.

22). Lying on your back, legs apart shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbow joints, hands clenched into fists without tension and directed upwards.
1, 2, 3, 4 - Simultaneously rotate the hands and feet with full amplitude slowly and smoothly in one direction.
1, 2, 3, 4 - The same in the opposite direction.
Repeat 3 times.

This exercise can be modified to develop coordination of movements. For example, instruct to rotate only the right limbs or only the left ones. Then an instruction to rotate only the left hand and the right foot at the same time (also the right hand and the left foot). At the same time, the patient's attention covers the entire body, which is very useful for the internal harmonization of energies.

23). Lying on your back, legs slightly apart, arms along the body.
1 - Squeeze the hands into fists, unbend the feet (toward yourself).
2 - Straighten your fingers, bend your feet (stretch your toes away from you).
4 times.

Let's make this exercise harder:
1 - Straighten the brushes, unbend the feet (toward yourself).
2 - Squeeze your hands into fists, bend your feet (stretch your toes away from you).
4 times

There are many options for performing this exercise for coordination of movements, include a creative approach.

24). Standing, hold the gymnastic stick in your hands behind the shoulder blades.
1 - Raise the stick up, inhale.
2 - Sit down slowly, lower the stick on the floor in front of you, exhale.
3 - Raise the stick up again, inhale.
4 - Return to the starting position (stick behind the shoulder blades), exhale.
6 times.

25). Put the gymnastic stick vertically with one end on the floor in front of you at some distance from the feet, put your palms on top of the upper end of the stick.
1 - Lean forward, resting your hands on the stick, arms straightened, head lowered, relax and hang on the stick, stretching the spine, exhale.
2, 3 - Make light springy forward bending movements.
4 - Return to the starting position, straighten up, inhale.
6 times.

26). "Rubber". Qigong exercise for stretching the spine in a vertical starting position. Powerful energy flows are formed along the meridians, which affect cerebral circulation and the harmonization of energies in the body, which is very important for the treatment of epilepsy. With the correct performance of this exercise, you will feel a surge of heat in the body, it will become hot, the complexion is pink, sweat may come out. This is good.

Starting position standing, legs together, arms along the body, correct posture.
1 - Slowly raise your arms through the sides up, clasp the hands in the "lock", inhale.
2 - Unscrew the brushes closed in the “lock” and stretch your arms up, move the center of gravity of the body quite a bit forward to the feet, pull the stomach and buttocks into yourself. Stretch your spine like a rubber band, exhale.
3 - Unhook the "lock", inhale.
4 - Slowly lower your arms through the sides down, exhale.
Run 3 times.

This is an approximate set of exercises for epilepsy. It can be varied with other exercises. I recommend articles:
"Put your nerves in order."

Smile to your brain more often, learn to find the good in everything that happens to you, love nature, people and animals, stay in a good calm mood, do not allow negative feelings and emotions. The nervous system loves rhythm (daily routine, music, physical education) and a positive attitude.

Limit watching movies with fast and frequent blinking and flickering of lights and pictures, especially animated pictures that have rotation and blinking. In the apartment, make lighting in which the light slowly rises and also turns off slowly so that there are no bright sudden changes that negatively affect the brain with epilepsy.

Therapeutic exercises for epilepsy should be regular, daily. If suddenly on a certain day you do not want to do exercises for epilepsy, then just walk for half an hour in the park at a slow or medium pace. I highly recommend just dancing to your favorite music, because with a combination of rhythmic movements and music, you will be in a good mood. Talk to your doctor about swimming in a pool.

I will repeat the most important rules that dictates exercise therapy for epilepsy: you can not hold your breath either on inhalation or exhalation; do not hyperventilate the lungs, breathe only through the nose; do not engage in "fast" sports in which there are sharp movements.

Calculate your dosed load on the heart.
Have a stopwatch with you and that note about your data that I mentioned above (just in case).

Use the influence on your body and brain every day with the help of the "Big Insect" system. I am sure that all this will help you cope with epilepsy in complex therapy.

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