How to take Dioscorea. Dioscorea Caucasian - tincture of roots. Dioscorea Caucasian: patient reviews

Once, a young woman, Dion, came to the ancient Greek healer Dioscorides for help, begging to save her father. The father was a wealthy merchant, had recently returned from bargaining and, being tipsy, began to brag about his big profits to his friends. “I will not go to the temple of the goddess Hera! he laughed. - I won't thank her for her luck! Why, if I myself have achieved everything? And I won’t give anything to the poor!” In general, he was proud beyond measure. The goddess Hera could not stand this and hit him lightly on the head. Since then, the merchant has been lying, unable to get up. Dioscorides examined the patient and realized that he had been struck down. The healer led Dione to Mount Pelion, pointed to the creepers growing there with leaves that looked like hearts. He explained how the merchant could be cured with the roots of this plant. “That's just,” he added, “the plants must reach a certain age. You need to look after them, take care of them. And he told the sick man to repent. May the merchant do good deeds and receive forgiveness from all whom he offended.

And now those before whom he was guilty began to come to the merchant's house. The merchant could not move, only wept, looking at them. And they forgave him. When the liana grew, the daughter began to treat her father. But he still could not get up, as if something was holding him ...

Suddenly the merchant remembered that he had once ordered the maid to be driven away because she fed a homeless dog with scraps from the master's table. They rushed to look for this woman. Found, and even with the same dog. The rich merchant begged to forgive him, even took the dog into the house. And then - I was able to get up!

What is the meaning of this story? For healing, it is important not only to find the right herb, but also to try to change for the better. Most often, the disease really punishes a person for sins and inability to live in harmony with other people and nature. Emotional emptiness, envy, self-doubt, cruelty, unwillingness to forgive - all this stands in the way of healing.

“And what amazing creeper helped the merchant?” - you ask. This is Dioscorea Caucasian, the best plant for preventing stroke and heart attack, as well as for eliminating their consequences.

Dioscorea Caucasian got its name in honor of the ancient Greek healer Dioscorides, who widely used it to treat heart ailments.


Dioscorea belongs to the genus of plants of the Dioscoreaceae family. In total, there are about 250 (according to some sources, even more than 500) species of Dioscorea. Only 2 species grow in Russia: Caucasian Dioscorea and Nipponian Dioscorea.


Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities
A lot of trouble can bring a disease such as atherosclerosis of the lower extremities. With atherosclerosis, there is a thickening of the inner lining of the vessels and the deposition of cholesterol plaques. As a result, blood circulation is disturbed, proper nutrition is not supplied to the limbs, the skin acquires a marble color, the legs constantly swell and freeze even in warm weather. There are pains in the calf muscles when walking. If you start the disease, then a trophic ulcer and even gangrene of the extremities can develop.

In folk medicine, there are many recipes that help relieve inflammation from blood vessels and restore blood circulation.

One of the strongest remedies is the root of Dioscorea Caucasian. A tincture and an ointment are made from this root, which are used simultaneously.

Tincture: 100 g dry or 50 g fresh root Dioscorea insist 1 month in 0.5 liters of vodka in a dark and warm place, shaking occasionally.

Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day after meals for a month. The break lasts 15-20 days. If necessary, you can drink the tincture for another 1 month.

Ointment: 100 g of dry root is crushed into powder, placed in a glass jar, pour 400 g of melted unsalted interior pork fat. Boil in a water bath for 2 hours, stirring occasionally, then cool. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator. The legs are rubbed with ointment before going to bed, after which they wrap themselves. Start rubbing from the toes and gradually move up.

It is very important in the treatment of atherosclerosis of the lower extremities to follow a diet. Fatty meat, fat, butter, eggs should be completely abandoned. It is also desirable to limit the consumption of white bread, sugar, pasta and confectionery (at least for the duration of treatment). Smoking is completely excluded.

The diet should include vegetables, fruits, kefir, cottage cheese, fish, lean meat (for example, rabbit).

In the mornings and evenings, it is good to take a contrast shower for 10-15 minutes, and also do a little light gymnastics for 20-25 minutes.

Noise in my head
Many people complain about noise in the head. This problem is a consequence of cerebral vascular sclerosis. Cholesterol is deposited on the inner wall of the vessels, and blood, squeezing through narrow passages, creates noise. And if you suffer from headaches, high blood pressure and noise in your head, then you urgently need to clean the vessels.

With sclerosis of the cerebral vessels, Dioscorea Caucasian helps perfectly.

Grind the roots of Dioscorea, pour vodka in a ratio of 1: 5, insist in a dark place for 10 days. Strain, store in the refrigerator.

Take 1 teaspoon with a few sips of water 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals. Use the tincture within 3 weeks. Take a break for 7 days, then repeat the course. Do 3-4 courses in total.

Contraindications: rare pulse and low blood pressure.

Any herbs will give an effect only if their intake is supported by serious work on oneself. Proper nutrition, exercise, gentle hardening, etc. are mandatory.

Roots Dioscorea used for treatment, both in the form of a powder and in the form of a decoction. But the most effective method is the preparation of an alcohol tincture, in this form, the active substances of the plant are absorbed into the blood faster and to a greater extent, without having time to be destroyed by gastric juice (hydrochloric acid).


Dizziness is familiar to almost everyone. It often occurs in older people. According to statistics, among 60-70-year-olds, every third elderly person periodically experiences dizziness.

The term "dizziness" is collective, since each patient puts his own meaning into it. This may be a feeling of rotation of surrounding objects, circling inside the head, the appearance of flies before the eyes, lightheadedness, darkening in the eyes. The imbalance manifests itself in the form of swaying, sudden jerks to the side, instability of movement.

In women, dizziness becomes more frequent or begins after the onset of menopause, when hormonal changes occur in the body. The vascular tone worsens, hypertension or hypotension develops, and one day, when you quickly get out of bed, it suddenly darkens in the eyes, it becomes bad. You shouldn't be afraid of this. You need to lie down again, relax, and the dizziness will soon pass, and then you need to get used to getting up not so abruptly. If this phenomenon becomes more frequent, consult a gynecologist.

The appearance of dizziness can be a sign of the onset of an inner ear disease. Sometimes they occur when lying on one side or another. The neuropathologist sees the cause of the disease in the narrowing of the vertebral artery, but the course of treatment prescribed by him does not give a result. And the real reason is often that calcium crystals accumulate in the inner ear, where there is a liquid medium, and this sand settles on sensitive vestibular hairs, deviating them from their usual position.

Dizziness with inflammation of the middle or inner ear is usually accompanied by pain and noise in the ear, hearing loss, so it is not difficult to establish the source of trouble in such cases. Inflammation of the middle ear is sometimes associated with various colds (flu, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.).

A decrease in blood pressure, accompanied by dizziness, can be not only a consequence of hypertension as a painful condition of the vessels, but also a consequence of the side effects of certain drugs, dehydration of the body, internal bleeding, etc. In some older people, pressure may drop with a sharp change in body position, for example, when getting up quickly from bed or from a chair. Old people with a tendency to dizziness after a night's sleep are advised to do a little exercise in bed, lying and reclining, sit on the bed for a bit and only then get up.

Insufficiency of cerebral circulation can also cause dizziness.

Many medications, starting with aspirin and including antihypertensives (lowering blood pressure), sleeping pills, antihistamines, and other drugs, can cause dizziness. In some cases, after taking the medicine, it is recommended to lie down or sit. In the descriptions attached to the drugs, this side effect is usually indicated. Your doctor may advise you to change the drug, the order of administration, or the dosage.

Traditional medicine offers such a remedy for dizziness, noise in the head and ears.

1 st. mix a spoonful of ground dry roots of Caucasian Dioscorea with 1 glass of honey and insist for a month.

Consume 1 teaspoon, dissolving with warm water 3 times a day between meals.

The course of treatment is 10 days. In total, you need to conduct 5-10 such courses with breaks between them for 5 days.


Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) is one of the most common diseases, the development of which is promoted by non-observance of hygiene rules, infectious diseases (tonsillitis, fipp, acute respiratory infections). Hypothermia of the body can also provoke the occurrence of cystitis (with prolonged sitting on cold ground or stone, swimming in cold water). Another cause of cystitis is the stagnation of urine in the bladder, which prevents the leaching of pathogenic microbes from the body and leads to their rapid multiplication. If you abstain from urinating for hours, the bladder muscle can become so weak that it no longer provides complete relief from urine. Remaining urine increases the risk of developing an infectious disease.

On average, a person can go without going to the toilet for 3-4 hours, but if you need to do this much more often, then do not argue with nature. And when you feel the first urge to urinate, it is better to hurry to satisfy the needs of the body, even if you have to leave a business meeting or be distracted from other important matters.

The main symptom of cystitis is frequent and even painful urination. In the most severe cases, back pain, chills, fever, and nausea may occur.

Do not restrict fluid intake in cystitis in the hope of reducing the frequency of urging to the toilet, this will only exacerbate the problem, because very concentrated urine irritates the bladder and causes it to contract.

Alcohol increases the excretion of urine, so if you have problems with the bladder, it should be discarded. You should also avoid coffee, tea, coffee drinks.

With cystitis, such a remedy of traditional medicine is effective.

10 g chopped root Dioscorea Caucasian pour 200 ml of boiling water, then 20 minutes on low heat, let it brew for 4 hours, strain. Take 1/4 cup 6 times a day.

Eat vegetables and fruits more often, which have diuretic properties:cow, cabbage, beets, decoctions of pears, apples (dried fruits are possible), pulp and seeds of melon, zucchini, pumpkin, decoction of apricots, dried peaches. Do not eat citrus, spicy foods.

In case of bladder disease, drink as much liquid as possible - 2-3 liters (depending on the state of the cardiovascular system) to flush the urinary tract.

It is useful for cystitis to take sedentary hot baths with essential oils of eucalyptus, chamomile, spruce, cedar, parsley. There are 15 baths per course, further treatment depends on how you feel.

Do not forget that each of our organs not only performs physiological functions, but also carries an emotional burden. The urinary system symbolizes the ability to get rid of everything that can poison life. Therefore, to help yourself, learn to cope with despondency and fear, stop feeling like a victim, love yourself, your body, and gradually a turn will be made from illness to health.

Price 100 gr - 300 rubles.


Gout is a chronic disease caused by a metabolic disorder, in which there is an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood and the deposition of salts (urates) in tissues, mainly in bone.

With the accumulation of salt crystals in the joints, inflammation occurs and a pain attack begins. If the salts are concentrated in the tissues, then tubercles are formed, called tophi. Favorite places of tophi are auricles, hands, feet, elbow area.

Gouty nodes without treatment can increase over time and change the shape of the joint. Gout often accompanies obesity, diabetes, cholelithiasis and kidney stones. The so-called "gouty nephropathy" without treatment can lead to chronic renal failure. Due to metabolic disorders, blood vessels are affected, usually the vessels of the kidneys and heart, and sclerotic changes occur in them.

In the treatment of gout, it is necessary to control the level of uric acid. Uric acid is a breakdown product of substances called purines found in a number of foods.

Therefore, gout lends itself well to dietary, drug and physiotherapy treatment.

The development of gout is promoted by excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages (especially beer, cognac, sparkling and dessert wines), meat dishes and, in general, excess nutrition.

Take the roots of the Caucasian Dioscorea - 4 parts, wild raspberry fruits, horsetail grass, medicinal sage leaves, hawthorn and immortelle flowers - 2 parts each, sweet clover herb - 1 part. Mix everything.

connect the roots Dioscorea Caucasian- 3 parts, grass of Veronica officinalis and asparagus officinalis, red ashberry fruits, smooth licorice roots - 2 parts each, elecampane rhizomes and cumin seeds - 1 part each.

Preparation: 1 tbsp. pour a spoon (with a top) of the collection in a thermos with 300 ml of boiling water, insist for 2 hours, strain.

Drink the infusion in 3-4 doses per day. Take the remedy before meals.

With an exacerbation of gout, meat, fish are limited or even completely excluded, and fasting days are arranged every other day - fruit and vegetable, cottage cheese and kefir (400 g of low-fat cottage cheese + 0.5 l of kefir), dairy or kefir (1-2 l). Such a diet promotes alkalinization of urine and increases the solubility of uric acid.

Outside of exacerbation, meat and fish are allowed (not more than 2 times a week), but only boiled, since more than half of the purine substances go into the broth. Vegetables are boiled or steamed.

Patients with gout are not recommended to eat peas, beans, beans, lentils, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, radishes, sorrel. You can not get carried away with salt, it is best to cook food without salt at all and only slightly add salt to the finished dishes.

Of fruits, citrus fruits are preferable because of their pronounced alkalizing effect.

It is important not to overeat or starve. Fasting already in the first days increases the concentration of uric acid in the blood, and this can cause an attack of gout. Although being overweight affects uric acid levels, extreme weight loss is undesirable.

With gout, alkaline mineral waters, compotes, juices and fruit drinks are useful. It is advisable to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. Strong tea, coffee, cocoa should be avoided.


Atherosclerosis is accompanied by the development of fibrous tissue in the walls of the arteries, which leads to their thickening and dysfunction.

Atherosclerosis affects the most important vital organs - the heart and brain, often leading to premature death of people. The disease is based on metabolic disorders of fats, mainly cholesterol, proteins, carbohydrates. With atherosclerosis in tissues, the amount of phosphorus compounds, copper, manganese, iodine, cobalt decreases, vitamin deficiency occurs, oxidative processes decrease, and changes occur in the connective glandular and muscle tissues. Thicken the inner lining of the arteries due to the formation of lipid plaques in them, which leads to an uneven narrowing or closure of the lumen of the vessels. And this, in turn, causes a violation of the local blood supply, leading to the formation of necrosis (infarction) or gangrene in the organ or part of the body fed by the artery.

Many factors contribute to the development of atherosclerosis: an increased amount of cholesterol in plasma or serum, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, low physical activity, smoking, frequent psycho-emotional stress, and obesity.

Atherosclerotic heart disease is manifested by angina attacks, coronary thrombosis, myocardial infarction, heart failure and other problems.

We offer to fight atherosclerosis with medicinal plants that help in the work of the cardiovascular system. This must necessarily be a complex method, in which there is a simultaneous treatment with several herbs (monotherapy - the use of one medicinal plant - is useless here).

Arnica is the first means of lowering cholesterol, and also prevents cerebral hemorrhages, lowers blood pressure, stimulates the central nervous system, and dilates venous vessels. Due to the content of cynarin, arnica improves the nutrition of blood vessels in various pathological conditions.

100 g of color is taken and 1 liter of 70% alcohol is poured, infused for 21 days.

You need to take 30-40 drops per 50 ml of water 30 minutes before meals. And after it, you need to use a tincture from the roots. Dioscorea Caucasian.

This plant is prescribed to prevent stroke, reduce and treat angina attacks, tachycardia, combat tinnitus, improve vision, relieve headaches, fatigue, irritability, normalize sleep and blood pressure, as well as diabetes.

Dioscorea in combination with arnica should be taken for 3-4 months, followed by a month of rest. At this time, it is necessary to connect sophora and mistletoe to the treatment - these are herbs-cleaners.

Sophora removes organic deposits on the walls of blood vessels, and mistletoe - inorganic, both herbs perfectly cleanse the blood.

Mistletoe successfully treats diseases of the cardiovascular system, blood circulation. Mistletoe biocatalysts, reducing tension in blood vessels and strengthening blood vessels and heart muscle, thereby reduce blood pressure, while restoring heart rhythm, pain in the heart, attacks of fear, panic, and insomnia decrease and disappear.

While taking all of the listed plants, it is necessary to be treated in parallel with ginkgo biloba extract.

Ginkgo biloba is a powerful and omnipotent regulator of coronary, central and peripheral blood circulation. This plant is like a unique tuner that regulates the inflow and outflow of life-giving moisture in tissues with insufficient blood circulation. To force the blood to reach the very outskirts, to each capillary, to purify, revitalize, fill the vessels with energy and strength, ginkgo biloba perfectly succeeds.

1 teaspoon of ginkgo bi-loba powder is taken with meals 3 times a day with water.

In addition to the infusion of medicinal plants, vitamins are required that speed up metabolic reactions, lower vascular permeability, stimulate muscle activity, expand capillaries and increase the effectiveness of active ingredients.

Recovery after a stroke
All herbs contribute to the removal of toxic substances, improve the flexibility and elasticity of blood vessels.

Dioscorea root tincture: 200 g of roots are poured into 1 liter of warm vodka. Insist in a dark place for 10 days, filter. Fill with clean boiled water to the original volume.

Chestnut peel tincture: 25 g of thin brown chestnut peel is poured into 250 ml of vodka. Insist 2 weeks and filter. Fill with water to the original volume.

Tincture of clover and sophora: half-liter jar is filled with dry heads of red clover, 50 g of crushed sophora seeds are added and the jar is filled to the top with vodka. Insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain and dilute with water to original volume.

Dioscorea root tincture is taken on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before meals 2 times a day (morning and afternoon), 1 teaspoon, diluted in 1/4 cup of warm water.

Tincture of clover and sophora is consumed 1 time per day (in the evening), 1 teaspoon, stirring in 1/4 cup of warm water, on an empty stomach half an hour before meals.

These two tinctures should be treated for 25 days. In the next 5 days, a tincture of horse chestnut seed rind is added.

Drink it 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 1 teaspoon (along with 1/4 cup of warm water) on an empty stomach half an hour before meals.

The patient's consciousness clears up, motor activity and speech begin to recover, pressure returns to normal.
Treatment with tinctures lasts 4 months.

Regarding the restoration of movement in patients, let us pay attention: the scope of your capabilities is very limited, and much is beyond your power, but you can do something. For example, if you are unable to walk, move with support. Try to rely as little as possible on the helper and trust your own strength as much as possible. It will be difficult - the muscles are constrained and do not obey, it hurts to move ... But there is no other way. Only by constant effort can you restore yourself.

Walk 100 steps daily and add one step a day. You can’t walk - crawl one circle around the apartment every day and add a meter every day. You can’t crawl - move your fingers and toes, gradually increasing the load and involving not only your fingers, but also your arms and legs. The main thing here is not to give up and slowly, persistently move forward.

For cooking Dioscorea tinctures take 7.5 tbsp. spoons of roots (it is better to grind them into pieces of 1 cm), put in a 2-liter jar, pour 3 bottles of good vodka or moonshine, insist in a room in a dark place for 10 days.

You need to drink tincture 1 teaspoon with tea (not hot) after meals 3 times a day. After 2 weeks, you can already use 2 teaspoons. After you drink all the prepared tincture, take a break for 1 month. In total, you need to spend 3-4 courses.

Recipe for the preparation of water infusion: pour 1.5 g of Dioscorea root powder with 1 cup of hot water (not boiling), hold in a sealed container in a water bath for 30 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, strain and bring the volume to the previous level with boiled water.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day after meals for 30 days. Then take a break for 2-3 weeks and repeat the treatment 3-4 more times.

Thanks to this miracle plant, the heart will recover, hormonal balance will be restored, diabetes will recede, memory will improve, and there will be no problems in the reproductive system.

Price 100 gr - 300 rubles.

Botanical characteristics of Caucasian Dioscorea

Dioscorea Caucasian- perennial herbaceous vine 2-3 meters long with a thick horizontal rhizome. Leaves 6–15 cm long are heart-shaped or oval, pointed at the ends, densely pubescent below. The flowers are green, small, unisexual, collected in racemes or spikes. The fruits are rounded trihedral capsules. The seeds of the plant are with a pterygoid outgrowth, which gives them good volatility. Dioscorea blooms in May-June, fruits ripen in September.

The plant is endemic, grows only in Abkhazia and the Adler region of the Krasnodar Territory. It is listed in the Red Book, in connection with which measures have been taken to cultivate Dioscorea.

Useful properties of Dioscorea

Dioscorea refers to medicinal plants, used in the treatment of many diseases. The most effective on the human body is the effect of preparations from the rhizome of vines that have reached the age of 25. The collection of roots is carried out in spring and autumn, until the first frost. Well-dried raw materials can be stored for three years. Decoctions and infusions of Dioscorea have an immunomodulatory, tonic, sedative, diuretic, choleretic effect.

The main active ingredients are steroid glucosides, they are able to bind and remove. The chemical composition of the plant also includes starch and fat-like substances.

Application of Dioscorea

Dioscorea helps well with impaired function of the adrenal glands, the immune system, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, rheumatoid, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain and other organs. Preparations from it improve sleep, memory, heart, liver and kidney function. The plant is successfully used to treat headaches, restore vision with. It relieves fatigue and irritability, removes tinnitus, improves sleep and mood.

Dioscorea lowers blood cholesterol and prevents lipid deposition in the arteries and liver, dilates peripheral vessels and improves coronary blood flow, reduces the frequency of angina attacks and relieves. Infusions and extracts from the plant stimulate the motor and secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract. In patients, the general condition improves and positive changes in lipid metabolism are outlined, the prothrombin index is normalized.

Preparations of Dioscorea increase the life of irradiated mice, creating a semblance of an X-ray protective effect. The use of such drugs for hypertriglyceridemia is quite effective. Also, positive results were obtained when using Dioscorea in conjunction with other herbs in the treatment of such severe systemic diseases as lupus erythematosus, glomerulonephritis, sarcoidosis.

Dioscorea root

The rhizomes of Caucasian Dioscorea contain up to 25% of steroid glycosides (saponins). The most significant of them are dioscin, protodioscin, protogracillin. The roots are harvested from the end of April until the first frost, carefully digging them out of the ground with a shovel. After that, they are cut into pieces 30 cm long, dried at a temperature of 60-70 ° C. Due to the fact that Dioscorea is listed in the Red Book, plants grown under artificial conditions are used for medical purposes.

The rhizomes of the vines are compact, thick, with tuberous thickenings, yellow at the break.

Dioscorea tincture

Recipe number 1. 100 g of dry crushed roots should be poured with 500 ml of vodka, infused for at least 10 days in a dark, cool place, shaking occasionally, strain. Dosage - 25-30 drops 3 times a day, approximately 30 minutes after meals.

Recipe number 2. 7.5 tablespoons of dry crushed roots should be poured over 1.5 liters of vodka and infused in a dark place for 10 days. The tincture is drunk with warm tea at the rate of 1 teaspoon 3 times a day after meals. This remedy helps well after and with heart diseases. Treatment consists of three to four courses with a break of 1 month.

Decoction recipe: 1 teaspoon of dry crushed root is poured with a glass of boiling water and heated in a steam bath for 20 minutes. After cooling and straining, the decoction can be drunk 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals, for 3-4 weeks. For treatment, 3 courses are taken with a break of 7 days. You can repeat the treatment every 4-6 months

Dioscorea tea

The roots of the plant can be brewed into teas. To do this, mix 70% green tea and 30% crushed Dioscorea root. Consume in the morning, 1 hour after meals, 1 time per day. This tea normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood, improves memory and normalizes sleep. This is a good prevention of hypertension and atherosclerosis. To prevent bloating, you can drink tea brewed from a mixture of herbs such as dioscorea root, fennel, or peppermint. Consume it after meals.

Dioscorea with honey

Dioscorea nipponica

It is endemic to East Asia. It is distributed in the Primorsky Territory, in the southeast of the Amur Region, in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory, as well as in China and Japan. Stems glabrous, up to 4 m long, rhizome thick, horizontal. The leaves are alternate, broadly heart-shaped, with three, five or seven lobes. The flowers are yellowish-green on short stalks, collected in racemes, rarely in panicles. For the production of medicines, rhizomes are harvested in September-October. Dried raw materials can be stored for 3 years.

Powders and decoctions from the rhizome have a pronounced diuretic, choleretic and anti-sclerotic effect, reduce blood pressure and blood clotting. From the roots and rhizomes, a dry extract of "Polysponin" is made, which prevents the deposition of lipids in the liver and the cardiovascular system. It removes "bad" cholesterol, improves heart function and increases diuresis. The extract is used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and hypertension.

The positive effect of Dioscorea in this case is associated with a slower absorption of cholesterol in the intestine and a decrease in its level in the blood. Cholesterol is retained in the state of a colloidal solution and is excreted from the body without having time to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

Dioscorea ivory

Dioscorea ivory is native to South Africa, where this exotic plant grows naturally. Its uniqueness lies in the presence of a spherical aerial tuber (caudex), which under ideal conditions can reach a height of 3 m with a diameter of 1 m and a weight of up to 400 kg. From a distance, the caudex resembles a tortoise shell, as it is covered with polygonal cork-like growths. With such dimensions, the root system of the plant is surprisingly small and is located mainly in the surface layer of the earth.

Thin curly shoots sprout from the top of the tuber, the length of which is from two to five meters. The leaves are alternate, broadly heart-shaped, with rounded lobes. Their length is 2-5 cm. Small yellowish-green flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences. The pulp of the caudex is edible. It is similar to the flesh of a turnip and is rich in starch. For many Africans, it is a staple food.

This type of Dioscorea is not used for medicinal purposes, but it is valued as an ornamental plant.

Dioscorea hairy

This perennial herbaceous vine grows in the dense forests of North America (Indiana, North Carolina, Virginia). It has a knotty woody rhizome and thin branching shoots up to 5 m high. The leaves are alternate, pubescent, with 7–11 veins. Petioles glabrous or nearly glabrous. The flowers are small, yellowish-green, collected in drooping inflorescences. Dioscorea blooms in June - early July.

As a medicinal raw material, rhizomes containing saponins are harvested. On the basis of shaggy dioscorea, contraceptives and creams for the treatment of eczema are made. It is an effective anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antispasmodic, choleretic and antirheumatic agent. Due to its ability to dilate blood vessels, Dioscorea helps with cramps and cramps in the premenstrual period.

The plant contains phytoestrogens, including diosgenin. It is the natural precursor of progesterone. The use of decoctions and infusions of the roots of Dioscorea hairy during menopause prevents development, in addition, the work of the gonads is regulated. Dioscorea preparations also help in the treatment of urinary tract and.

Contraindications to the use of Dioscorea

Dioscorea is not recommended for patients with bradycardia and pregnant women. No other contraindications have been identified. Saponins can irritate the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, so decoctions and tinctures must be taken after meals. When using drugs in rare cases, side effects may occur: loss of appetite, skin, bowel disorders, sweating. If such symptoms appear, reduce the dose or temporarily stop taking Dioscorea.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna| Phytotherapeutist

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

In Soviet times, there was a rumor that the roots of the miraculous Caucasian Dioscorea supported the health and strength of the entire ruling elite. It is difficult to say today how much this opinion was justified, but there is no doubt about the benefits of the amazing creeper. The range of its impact is really wide, and judging by the rare reviews, the effect almost fully corresponds to the stated expectations.

Medicinal properties of Caucasian Dioscorea

  • The main merit of this plant is its positive effect on the state of blood vessels: in addition to lowering cholesterol levels, lipids in the arteries are eliminated, microthrombi are absorbed, vascular walls are strengthened, and atherosclerotic plaques are prevented. In addition, Caucasian Dioscorea is used to prevent stroke and heart attack, restore blood flow in order to reduce intracranial pressure. There are frequent cases of improving the functional activity of the heart with the help of Dioscorea.
  • This plant is also important for the gastrointestinal tract: in addition to improving the outflow of bile, it also helps to cleanse the vessels in the liver, normalize the functions of the digestive system, and facilitate the absorption of nutrients from the products entering the body.
  • The decrease in intracranial pressure with the use of Caucasian Dioscorea is also due to its diuretic effect, at the same time it cleanses the kidneys well, and is indicated for gout.
  • In the course of research, it was found that the use of Caucasian Dioscorea tincture can not only improve vision and prevent it from falling, but also restore it in case of cataracts.
  • In relation to the nervous and cardiovascular systems, the plant has established itself as a stabilizer of blood pressure (both with an increase and a decrease) and heart rate, a sedative during epileptic attacks.
  • There were also general improvements in the immune system, memory and hearing, restoration of sleep and performance, and an increase in the emotional endurance of the body. Decoctions Dioscorea filmed spasms at head pain.

Application and contraindications to the use of Caucasian Dioscorea

To solve all the above problems, either decoctions and infusions on the leaves and roots of the plant, or finished drugs with an extract from Dioscorea are used. Instructions for pharmacy products can be obtained from the manufacturer, and the most common recipes for traditional medicine, including contraindications to them, are discussed below.

  • As a tonic drink that works to increase the body's resistance - both to stress and viral infections - the root of the Caucasian Dioscorea is crushed, brewed in a glass of boiling water along with ordinary green tea in a ratio of 3:7 or 1:4, drunk before lunch, after 40 -60 min. after eating. It is recommended to start with 100 ml, gradually reach a full glass. Reception is single, the course is from 10 to 14 days.
  • To normalize the work of the digestive tract, you can drink the same decoction, but adding the dried ground root of the Caucasian Dioscorea to rice or oatmeal (liquid, mucous) porridge is considered more effective. Approximate dosage - 1/4-1/3 tsp. per serving, use no more than 2 times a day. If cereals are not included in your diet, you can pour root powder into 1 tbsp. honey and drink it with warm water: you need to do this after eating, for 10 days, then take a break for 5-7 days and repeat the course twice.
  • If Dioscorea is used to normalize blood pressure and pulse, as well as improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, 1 tsp. powder from the ground root is poured with 250 ml of boiling water, in a metal container in a water bath, the broth is heated under the lid for 10-15 minutes, removed from the stove and cooled. 1 tbsp. liquid is taken after meals, 3 times a day, for 30 days. After that, a rest is taken for a week and the course resumes. Its total duration, including breaks, is 4 months.

  • An alcohol tincture is also effective, for which 100 g of crushed powdered Dioscorea root are poured into 1 liter of vodka (without additives!), The container is removed in a dark, cool place for a week. It is necessary to drink the resulting infusion in 20-30 drops, depending on the sensitivity of the body, dissolving them in a small amount of warm water. Take after meals, 2-3 times a day, the course lasts at least a month. This tincture is mainly used after a stroke or heart attack, as well as in case of hormonal and reproductive system disorders.
  • Doctors have not established any contraindications to taking Dioscorea Caucasian, except for cases of individual intolerance to the plant. However, an overdose is possible, which is expressed in increased heart rate, headache, increased pressure. Also, in order to reduce the degree of irritation of the gastric mucosa, all decoctions, infusions and preparations based on Dioscorea should be taken only after eating.

Dioscorea Caucasian: application reviews

Whoever took this plant - in its pure form or as part of a certain drug - immediately notes the "state of rebirth", which is observed already 3-4 days from the beginning of the course: perhaps it was not in vain that Dioscorea was so loved back in the days of the Soviet Union. There are few real reviews on the Web, but they are entirely positive.

  • Novel: For the 5th year already, I have been treating the root of the Caucasian Dioscorea once a quarter - first I recovered from a stroke, then I had to support the vessels and clean them. 2 times a year I drink alcohol tincture, for 20-25 days, the rest 2 times, for 30 days, I add root powder at the tip of a knife to honey and use it after meals. Words cannot describe my condition, but at 67 I feel better than at
  • Faith: A familiar herbalist advised me to drink the root of Dioscorea when the conversation turned to hormonal imbalance due to the instability of the pituitary gland: she poured 2 tbsp on her recommendation. crushed root 400 ml of liquid honey, insisted for a week, consumed 1 dessert spoon after meals for a whole month. Honestly, I never believed in herbs, but the results of the tests after the course were staggering - the improvements turned out to be significant.
  • Tatiana: I drank the water tincture of Dioscorea after severe stress, when the pressure began to jump (I am hypotonic), my pulse began to naughty and I lost my sleep. I alternated with peony alcohol infusion: in the evening, before going to bed, and Dioscorea before dinner, immediately after breakfast, 70-80 ml each. One morning she ate a little, and after taking the infusion, this made itself felt - her stomach stabbed: apparently, it turned out to be empty for the grass. I realized for myself that my mucous membrane is too sensitive. After 3 weeks, insomnia was completely gone, the pressure to jump became much less frequent.

In general, the reviews of those who took the Caucasian Dioscorea, although not often found, inspire confidence in an almost unfamiliar plant. However, experts advise taking precautions: start the test with reduced dosages and carefully monitor the body's reaction.

Name in Latin: Dioscorea caucasica

Synonyms: wild yam

The generic name is given by the name of the Greek physician Dioscorides; Latin caucasica - Caucasian, as it is an endemic plant of the Caucasus. Caucasian Dioscorea is a perennial herbaceous vine 2.5-4 m long with a thick long horizontal branched rhizome. The lower leaves are whorled, cordate-oval, the upper alternate or opposite, petiolate, pointed, the edge is slightly notched, with 9-13 arcuate veins.

The flowers are unisexual, greenish, small, with a simple, deeply divided perianth. The plant is dicotyledonous. Staminate flowers 1-3 in bunch in loose axillary racemes, pistillate flowers are located singly in racemes. The fruit is a trihedral, three-celled capsule with three membranous wings. Seeds completely surrounded by wing. Blossoms in May - June, bears fruit in July - September.

It occurs mainly in the western part of Transcaucasia (Abkhazia, Adler district of the Krasnodar Territory), grows in oak forests and among shrubs in the mountains of Western Transcaucasia at an altitude of 400-1000 m. The natural reserves of its raw materials are very limited, it is included in the Red Book. Measures have been taken to cultivate this plant.

A related plant - Japanese Dioscorea - grows in Primorsky Krai, in the southwestern part of the Khabarovsk Territory and in the south of the Amur Region, is found in forests and among shrubs, differing from Caucasian Dioscorea in leaves that are wide-heart-shaped in outline, three-, five- and seven-lobed. Seeds only at the top are equipped with a wing. Cultivated, included in the Red Book.

Rhizomes with roots are used as medicinal raw materials. These are collected during the entire growing season, from late April to late autumn, carefully cleaned of the ground, stem residues, cut into pieces and dried rhizomes with the roots of a wild or cultivated plant. Shelf life of raw materials is 3 years.

The main active ingredients are steroidal glycosides (Saponins), diosgenin derivatives, the main one being dioscin.

The rhizomes of Dioscorea Caucasian contain up to 10% Saponins, the rhizomes of Dioscorea Japanese - up to 8% Saponins.

Diosgenin has long served as the sole basis for the synthesis of steroid hormones - cortisone, progesterone and other corticosteroids. Now it is gradually being replaced by other, more affordable raw materials.

Steroid Saponins are able to bind cholesterol. Therefore, preparations based on them are effective in the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Saponins of Dioscorea Caucasian and Japanese are used in general cerebral and coronary atherosclerosis as a cholesterol-lowering agent. Applied in the initial stages of atherosclerosis for prevention, as well as in severe stages of the disease.

With atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels, headache, tinnitus, and fatigue decrease or disappear. Used for heart attacks, strokes, rheumatoid arthritis, gout (reduces retention of uric acid in the blood), as an anti-inflammatory, reduces blood clotting. Even a case of cataract cure has been noted. It is recommended for atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain and heart, both in the initial stages (for the purpose of prevention), and in severe forms of the disease. In addition - with cardiosclerosis, general atherosclerosis. There are indications for use in violation of the function of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, ovaries, immune system.

plant parts used

  • Root


For part of the plant - Root


For part of the plant - Root

With a heart attack, stroke, cardiosclerosis, Addison's disease, tinnitus, headache, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, mastocytosis, xanthomas, eczema.

Pour 1.5 grams of crushed roots with 1 cup of hot water in an enamel bowl, cook in a water bath for 30 minutes, leave for 45 minutes, strain, bring the volume of boiled water to the original. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals. The course is 20 days, 7 days break and the course is repeated. Conduct courses for 3-4 months.

With inflammation of the bladder (cystitis), gout, arthritis, retention of uric acid in the blood, multiple sclerosis, nephritis, diabetes, vegetative-vascular dystonia, intracranial pressure, allergies, with elevated cholesterol levels.

10 grams of crushed root pour 200 ml. boiling water, simmer for 20 minutes on low heat, insist 4 hours, strain. Take 1/4 cup 6 times a day.

With atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, general atherosclerosis, hypertension, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, with dysfunction of the pituitary and hypothalamus, adrenal glands, ovaries and the immune system, with hormonal disorders, improper metabolism.

Pour 1 teaspoon of chopped root with 1 cup of boiling water, cook in a water bath for 20 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals. The course of treatment is 30 days, a break of 7 days. Complete at least 3 courses.


Grind the root to a powder state. Take 1/3 teaspoon of powder 3 times a day after meals with 1 teaspoon of honey. The course is 10 days, then a break of 5 days. Conduct 4-5 courses.


Pour 100 grams of crushed root with 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 10 days in a dark, cool place, shaking occasionally, strain. Take 25-30 drops 3 times a day, 30 minutes after meals. The course is 30 days, a break of 7 days and the course is repeated. Conduct at least 3 courses.

Ointment. With atherosclerosis of the legs.

Pour 100 grams of chopped root with 400 grams of unsalted interior pork fat in a glass jar. Boil in a water bath for 2 hours, stirring occasionally, leave for 30 minutes. Keep refrigerated. Rub the resulting ointment into sore legs before going to bed, starting with the fingers and moving up. After application, wrap your feet in a warm towel (hold over steam).

I really need your advice again. For several weeks, I began to be disturbed by pain in the tongue and intense thirst. As if sprinkled with salt and pepper, I wanted to drink heavily, but nothing changed. Every day the pain or burning got worse and I panicked.

I donated blood for glycated hemoglobin HbA1c, the result is 5.60 (at a rate of 4.00-6.20). This is closer to the upper limit of normal. C-peptide - 1.38 (at a rate of 1.10-4.40), insulin - 6.72 (at a rate of 2.60-24.90), glucose - 5.11 (at a rate of 4.10-5, 90).

Donated blood to the thyroid gland: T4 free - 11.90 (at a rate of 11.50-22.70), TSH - 1.72 (at a rate of 0.40-4.00). Everything is fine! Thank you so much for showing me how to get my thyroid back to normal!

Passed ALT - 7.8 (at a rate of up to 35), AST - 16.2 (at a rate of up to 35).

Went for an ultrasound. The liver and spleen are normal. Pancreas: echo density is moderately increased. The gallbladder is deformed - inflection in H/3, constriction in H/3. Dimensions 67*21 mm. Not enlarged. The contours of the wall are clear. Wall - 3.4 mm, moderately compacted. In the lumen, echo-dense bile on? volume. In the kidneys, single microliths up to 4 mm. Echo signs of gallbladder deformation, moderate chronic cholecystopancreatitis, single microliths of both kidneys.

I remembered that about a month ago I caught a cold at work. For a long time she could not recover. The temperature every evening is 37.5, not higher. I donated blood, and there the ESR was increased - 16 (at a rate of 2-15). I drank the antibiotic Augmentin for 7 days. And everything passed.

And then after a while the tongue began to hurt badly. Could it be dysbacteriosis in the mouth due to antibiotics? Or is it sugar? Why is there still a strong thirst, nothing can be removed?

Excluded sugar, all flour, fat. Only cereals, vegetables, sea fish baked in the oven, juices again began to be made by myself.

I began to drink ASD according to the schemes. It seems a little better, but it still hurts. I drank Fluconazole 150, it is not clear yet, it does not go away.

Yes, the cough is not strong, dry. And the pain in the chest, in the bronchi is unpleasant, for several days already. Another exacerbation: either the stomach or pancreas, abdominal pain, then constipation, then diarrhea.

Since childhood, I had gastritis with high acidity, I was in hospitals a lot: gastroduodenitis, reflux - esophagitis.

In general, all at once and do not know where to start. Tongue or stomach or cough.

Husband - 45 years old. He complained that any food becomes like a stone in the stomach and nothing helps. I gave Mezim while drinking - easier, and then all over again.

Did an ultrasound. Echo-signs of moderate compaction of the liver without focal changes in the structure. The gallbladder is deformed - an inflection in n/3 in /3, constriction in n/3 in/3. Dimensions 64*20 mm. Not enlarged. The contours of the wall are clear. The wall is thickened - 4.3 mm, compacted. In the lumen, echo-dense bile on? volume. Chronic cholecystopancreatitis. Moderate microlitasis of both kidneys up to 3 mm. The spleen is normal.

I also had my blood tested for Lipidogram. Triglycerides - 0.52 (at a rate of up to 1.77), total cholesterol - 6.01 (at a rate of up to 5), HDL cholesterol - 1.42 (at a rate of > 1.20), LDL cholesterol - 4.35 (at normal up to 3).

The husband stopped eating sugar, all flour, less potatoes. No fat or fatty meat.

But I'm worried, how to lower bad cholesterol? The gastroenterologist prescribed statins for life. But this is not the way out. Are there herbs that lower bad cholesterol?

How to help with his gallbladder? I gave my husband repeshkom to drink, it is a little easier for him. I never had any problems with my stomach before.

And you and your husband have a lot in common! Microliths, dyskinesia, pancreopathy)).

We need to change the way we eat more radically. Fat, by the way, is not at all as harmful as, say, fried chicken skin.

My husband, like you, needs choleretic preparations and procedures (tubage), treatment in Truskavets.

You - to make a sugar curve. Maybe it's insulin resistance.

Glossitis, these are the consequences of taking an antibiotic. We need to do baths. Well, if we consider everything together, immunity has fallen, both intestinal and general.

1. Vetom 2, or another Ukrainian probiotic. Acceptance according to instructions.

2. Chagotherapy.

Wash the Chagi mushroom, soak in boiled water so that the body of the fungus is immersed in water, leave for 4-5 hours, then pass through a meat grinder or grind on a grater. To prepare an aqueous solution:

Pour 1/2 cup of already chopped mushroom with 3 cups of hot water (no more, and no less than 50 degrees) and insist in a thermos for a day. Strain, squeeze.

The infusion can be stored and used for 3-4 days in a cool place. The amount indicated is for a 2-day intake. Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. The course is at least 1.5 months.

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