Diseases and injuries of the rectum. Sphincter rupture Rectal rupture consequences

Very often, during the next act of defecation, a person may feel severe pain, discomfort and burning in the anus. There can be many reasons for this. Among them there is a disease such as sphincteritis of the rectum (inflammation of its membranes).

In proctology, this is a common disease that is not life-threatening for the patient, but if not treated in a timely manner can cause many unpleasant pathologies. Therefore, it is very important to contact a specialist at the first unpleasant symptoms who will prescribe effective treatment. In this article we will look at what sphincteritis of the rectum is, symptoms, and treatment of this disease.

There are about 35 sphincters throughout the human digestive system. What is it? These are special muscle valves that perform an obturator function in the human body.. It is thanks to them that food moves throughout the body, smoothly passing from one organ to another.


Among the many sphincters, we will consider the anal one in detail. This valve is responsible for the movement of feces through the rectum and is responsible for the processes of emptying. It has two parts:

Sphincter diseases

The most common diseases of the rectal sphincter are: spasm and sphincteritis. A photo of inflammation of the rectal sphincter can be seen below.

In the first case, this is a chronic form of the disease, in which a person experiences constant pain and discomfort in the anal area. This disease develops over a long period of time and causes severe discomfort to the patient’s life. Therefore, it is recommended not to delay the treatment of this problem.

Sphincteritis is an inflammatory process in which his muscles become inflamed. This disease is characterized by wave-like exacerbation; treatment takes a long period of time. Below is a photo of rectal sphincteritis.

What is rectal sphincteritis

This disease is one of the most common in proctology. Sphincteritis is an inflammation of the sphincter muscles. In this case, the full functioning of the latter is disrupted, and if treatment is not timely, the patient can delay the process to the point of severe complications. With advanced sphincteritis, the muscles completely relax and the patient loses the ability to retain feces and gases in the body, thus an unexpected act of defecation may occur.

This is a rather delicate problem, so it is recommended to treat it promptly. The development of the disease occurs as follows: if there are wounds or cracks in the anus, pathogenic microorganisms can get there, they begin to actively multiply and provoke the formation of purulent masses. Next, inflammation of the affected area occurs and acute unpleasant symptoms of sphincteritis appear.

Causes of the disease

Oddly enough, there are many causes of sphincteritis. Other pathologies can contribute to the development of inflammation of the sphincter muscles.

The independent development of sphincteritis is impossible; it is the result of other diseases in the anal area.

Other factors that can trigger the development of inflammation of the sphincter muscles include:

  • bacterial anal infections;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • spicy food;
  • tumor formations in the rectum;
  • injury to the anus during anal sex;
  • frequent spastic constipation (when hard-formed feces pass through the sphincter, the muscles of which are in good shape);
  • intestinal disorders that cause severe irritation of the anal mucosa

Main symptoms

Characteristic signs of inflammation of the anal sphincter are:

  • itching and burning in the anus;
  • bloating and discomfort;
  • stool disorder in the form of constant diarrhea or constipation;
  • sharp pain during defecation;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • loss of appetite, insomnia;
  • pain symptoms in the lower back or coccygeal region;
  • frequent urge to defecate, often false;
  • mucous or bloody discharge in the stool;
  • high body temperature;
  • nausea, vomiting, severe malaise.

It is important to note that the main symptoms will be directly related to the concomitant proctological disease. Therefore, if any of the unpleasant symptoms appear, you should immediately see a doctor.

Damage to a woman's sphincter can occur during childbirth.. It is then that and may appear, which give impetus to the onset of the inflammatory process of the anal sphincter. How to understand that the rectal sphincter is damaged in women? It is impossible to do this yourself from a photo; an examination by a specialist is required.

Treatment options

First of all, to clarify the diagnosis, you need to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis, which includes:

  • examination of the patient by a proctologist using palpation;
  • blood tests for biochemical, immunological and cytological parameters;
  • stool analysis;
  • performing rectoscopy of the anus.

Only after receiving all the results can the doctor determine the form of the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

Treatment with suppositories for symptoms of rectal sphincteritis is carried out in acute forms of the disease. Use rectal suppositories such as Posterisan, Proctoglivenol or others. They quickly help relieve pain and heal the affected areas.

How to relax the sphincter? For this, a special blockade is used, which includes relieving pain and relaxing the sphincter muscles.

Thanks to this procedure, the patient’s process of natural emptying is simplified. It is performed as follows: a syringe with an anesthetic substance is inserted into the anus and the anus is closed with a tampon with glucosteroid ointment. The tampon is in the anus until the first urge to defecate.

Sphincteritis is also treated with various creams and ointments for rectal administration.. The course depends on the form and degree of the disease and is selected individually by the doctor.

In some cases, complex concomitant disease may require surgery followed by antibiotics.

A prerequisite for increasing the effectiveness of treatment is following a strict diet and moderate exercise. Examples include “Proctosan”, “Bezornil”, “”, “Heparin ointment”, etc.

A very popular method of treating the inflammatory process in the sphincter is sphincterotomy. This operation is performed under general anesthesia. The doctor removes a small area of ​​skin on the anus and makes a small incision in the sphincter. This helps the muscles relax and normalize the process of natural emptying.


Rectal sphincteritis is a very common disease. It occurs against the background of existing damage or diseases of the rectum. May have acute or chronic manifestations. In most cases, local treatment with medications is used and a strict diet is prescribed for the patient.

In some cases, with complicated forms of sphincteritis, surgical intervention is performed. To prevent the disease, you need to monitor your diet and health, and regularly attend examinations with a proctologist.

If a person has damaged the rectum, then it is important for him to know the reasons, and they can be both external and internal, which destroy the integrity of the organ and the body as a whole. Such damage is serious and requires special treatment and care of the injured area.

Advice: if you have injured your rectum, immediately consult a specialist for advice, diagnosis and advice on further treatment.

Pay due attention to intestinal injuries and consult a doctor promptly.


As mentioned above, wounds directly to the intestine can have external/internal factors. External factors include the following:

  • gunshot wounds;
  • knife wounds;
  • injuries from medical instruments;
  • injuries caused by falling on sharp objects;
  • rupture of the rectum from the introduction of air.

Internal factors:

  • high (exceeding normal) intra-abdominal pressure;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • complications during childbirth;
  • difficulty with bowel movements;
  • anatomical features of the body;
  • sphincter injuries.

Please note: rectal trauma often affects other organs or bones. For example, if you get into an accident, the pelvic bones may be injured along with damage to the rectum and other internal organs.


Classification, for these damages there are several types:

  • by the mechanism of injury;
  • according to the amount of injury received.

In the first case, injuries are divided into the following types:

  • received during mechanical actions (for example, surgery);
  • falling, receiving mechanical injuries, bruises, wounds;
  • during sexual intercourse without the use of special means;
  • perineal burn;
  • pelvic girdle injury.

Based on the volume of injury, injuries are divided into:

  • those located in the abdominal cavity;
  • those that are outside the abdominal cavity.

The above defects can be divided into:

  • simple;
  • complicated by impaired functioning of the sphincter;
  • complicated by impaired functioning of other internal organs.


Injuries to the rectum have pronounced symptoms. If the muscle or mucous membrane of an organ is damaged, a person experiences the following symptoms:

  • sharp pain in the area of ​​the damaged organ;
  • the presence of blood in the excreted stool;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • involuntary release of gas or feces (due to uneven enlargement of the anus);
  • the presence of purulent discharge;
  • progress of the inflammatory/infectious process.

Please note: if you notice any of the above symptoms that may develop after injury, contact your healthcare professional immediately. Ignoring the manifestations of pain and disturbances in the normal functioning of the small intestine can cause death. Take care of your own health and contact a specialist, thereby increasing your chances of timely and effective treatment.


After detecting the above symptoms and contacting a doctor, you should conduct an external examination of the perineum and anus to determine damage to the rectum. Rectal injuries can be diagnosed in various ways depending on a number of factors (features of injury, degree, size, pain).

Diagnostics consists of several stages:

  • rectal examination (palpation);
  • examination using a mirror (special medical rectal mirror);
  • anoscopy (examination using a special instrument - anoscope);
  • undergoing an ultrasound examination;
  • abdominal radiograph;
  • use of a catheter for further examination of the body.

The specialist may suggest several other inspection methods. It depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, the nature of the injury, and other things. Be careful when selecting a medical professional. You must completely trust the doctor, feel comfortable during the appointment and be confident in the doctor’s qualifications.

Treatment methods

Injuries to the rectum, depending on the size of the wound, its current condition, size and discomfort it brings to the person, may be subject to different types of medical therapy.

The initial action that is carried out after visiting a medical center is surgical treatment. The damaged intestine is treated, then sutures are applied (this involves inserting a special gauze, which is covered with a medicinal antiseptic ointment, into the small intestine).

In especially severe cases, the damage is tamponed, disinfected, and sutured using a special technique (so as not to disrupt the connection with the intestine).

If the damage to the small intestine is not critical, the patient is offered a form of conservative treatment such as bed rest, which includes:

  • constant administration of an enema (several times a day);
  • use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory ointments, and antibacterial agents prescribed by the doctor;
  • ingestion of essential oils;
  • adherence to a specific diet (depending on the individual characteristics of the body, prepared by a doctor);
  • suturing of defective areas of the organ;
  • complete sanitation of the abdominal cavity;
  • the rectum should not be overloaded (due to diet).

The duration of bed rest associated with rectal damage can vary from 2 months to six months.

Financial Director

In business, situations arise when there is not enough money to pay bills. It seems that turnover is growing, and there are more clients, but there is nothing to pay suppliers or employees. Meet the box office gap.

The reasons for the breakup may be different. For example, we receive money from clients in a month, and pay suppliers now. Or they ordered a lot of goods for the upcoming increase in demand, and customers delayed payment. We can and should talk a lot about why this happened, introduce tools to anticipate cash gaps, and change the business model. But all these are long-term measures, but what to do if the cash gap is stubbornly hanging over your soul right now?

If the spell “Break the cat’s, break the dog’s, but don’t break mine” did not help you, then in this article let’s figure out how to get out of the cash gap.

Prioritize payments

At the very beginning, you need to breathe out and understand which payments are more important. Which payments can be deferred, and which ones you will be punished for, even if you are late by just a day. This is necessary so as not to think about the importance of the payment every time. After all, you often have to decide who to pay and who will wait.

Break down payments into groups:

1. Mandatory payments with a clear date and amount - taxes, loans, rent, principal suppliers.

2. Mandatory payments with a floating date that can be delayed for several days - salaries, loyal suppliers, Internet.

3. Optional payments that you can survive without - office expenses, employee training, entertainment expenses.

This is just an example. Determine the priority yourself; you know better which payments are more important to you.

Push back payments

If large payments are coming, try to push them off until later. Call your suppliers and negotiate an extension. You shouldn’t be afraid of them, you are clients for them after all. It is quite possible that a compromise can be found.

The world is full of understanding people

Determine which suppliers are vital to you. When you are short of money, try to pay little but often. This way you will show that despite the difficulties, you do not forget about your partners.

The owner of the flower shop, Mikhail, called the supplier, whom he must pay in two weeks. He is not a very strong negotiator, so it was possible to push the payment forward just a few days. Yes, not a rosy result, but because of this, the number of days with a box office gap has decreased. At least something. There will be no magic pill in one step.

Move income closer or get rid of debts

Negotiate with clients. It may be possible to receive money earlier than planned.

Another option is to collect customer debts. Remember which clients are behind on payments and by how long. Think about what you will do with those who are seven days overdue? What about thirty days? You can send letters with evidence of the existence of a debt, call debtors daily, stop shipments, send a letter of claim before filing a lawsuit.

All methods are good, but don’t go too far

Vitaly is the director of the company for design projects. Recently his company received an order from a large company. Vitaly has a cash gap, so he asked the client to pay early. The client agreed, but with the caveat that he would receive a two-week deferment for the second part of the payment.

Vitaly needs to pay his employees, so he had to agree. As a result, the client’s prepayment was received two weeks earlier than the planned date. Phew, now at least we have something to give our employees in advance.

However, such a decision may cause a cash gap in the future. Here Vitaly moved the advance payment from the client, but agreed to a deferment for the second part of the payment. This means that in two weeks less money will arrive than originally planned. And there you just need to pay rent and bonuses to employees.

Split payments

By splitting payments to suppliers, you will take longer to pay them - which means there will be more money left in your accounts. This also applies to clients. Agree to split payments - you will receive part of the money early.

The owner of the construction company must pay the contractors 250,000 rubles. No money left. He called the contractors, it turned out that their situation was also dire and they needed at least some money right now. We agreed that it was 100,000 rubles. can be postponed to next month. As a result, the negative balance on the company’s accounts hangs for three days, and not five as before. And the amount of the cash gap itself decreased by 100,000 rubles.

Sell ​​or rent equipment

If you have equipment that is not fully used or temporarily free space, sell it or rent it out to cover the cash gap.

A manufacturing company rarely uses an expensive machine, only for special orders. Is it worth selling? We have to count. If it is not available, then for special orders you will have to rent it from others. Then the profitability of such orders may fall.

The director took into account additional costs, tax aspects and risks - as a result, he decided to rent out the machine. Since special orders come from only a few large clients, he coordinated plans with them for the near future. Now he knows on what days and for what period he can rent out the machine. And the very first rent helped partially cover the cash gap.

Calculate both selling and renting in advance. Consider the costs and benefits associated with owning the asset, assess real rental income, risks, tax benefits or losses.

Pay not with money

The logic is elegantly simple: since there is not enough money, offer the counterparty some service or product instead of money.

Evgeniy owns a hoverboard shop. In addition to difficulties with paying bills, the website crashed. And this is the main sales channel. The bleeding nose needs to be fixed, otherwise the cash gap will only increase.

Evgeniy found a company that will restore the site and improve the design for a certain price. But there is not enough money anyway. Evgeniy met with Igor, the owner of a website development company. They talked like director to director. Igor agreed to restore the site and improve the design for five hoverboards. Evgeniy just had models that were not particularly in demand. As a result, the site was restored without spending money, and I got rid of the illiquid goods.

Use factoring

If you provide deferments to your clients, then there is a risk of burying all the profit in them - you seem to have earned money, but it is not in your accounts yet. If this causes a cash gap, then factoring will help you get out of it.

As a rule, three parties are involved in factoring: your company, the buyer and the factor company (bank or special organization).

The scheme is as follows:

1. We shipped goods or provided services to the client. Now he owes us money. He will pay someday there, but he needs money now.

2. We transfer the acts to the factor. Now the client owes it not to us, but to this company.

3. The factor transfers to us up to 90% of the client’s debt amount right now.

4. The client pays his debt to the factor, not to us.

5. The factor transfers the remaining amount minus his commission.

In a nutshell, we sell receivables and receive money immediately, although not all of it.

Dmitry owns a transport company for the transportation of goods. It's October and the company is in a cash crunch. He decided to do factoring. At the beginning of November, the client must pay off his debt. Dmitry transfers the acts to the factor. He transfers 60% of the client’s debt to him in mid-October.

For example, the client owed 200,000 rubles. 60% of this - 120,000 ₽. Dmitry receives them immediately. In November, the client finally transfers the payment, and the factor sends Dmitry another 20% of the amount. And he takes the remaining 20% ​​as a commission.

Use overdraft

Overdraft is a credit card for companies. Your current account may go negative by the established limit. The difference from a loan is that all proceeds will be immediately debited to the company’s account to repay the debt. This is a useful cushion in case of cash gaps, because money is provided quickly.

Encourage buyers to prepay

Georgy is the director of a wholesale spare parts store. He sent a batch of goods to postpaid customers. I had to purchase the goods and deliver them to the client at my own expense. But when the goods arrived, customers refused it. As a result, there was no revenue, and I also had to spend money on return shipping. It turns out that the money is now frozen in the form of goods in the warehouse. Because of this, there was a cash gap.

To avoid freezing money once again, encourage buyers to pay in advance. Small discounts, free shipping or gifts will help entice them to pay all or part of the money early. Yes, we will lose something with such stimulation. But it’s better to reduce the margin a little than to tear your hair out and sit in a cash gap.

Take out a loan or loan

This is such a simple and obvious option that we won’t even write about it in detail. If we don’t have enough of our own, we’ll take other people’s money at a certain percentage. Just don't forget to return it.

How to eliminate the cash gap

Determine the priority of payments.

Try options without extra costs. Try to push back payments, move receipts closer or get rid of debts, split up payments. If there is something you don't use, such as equipment or empty space, sell it or rent it out. Try to pay not with money, but with goods or services. Negotiation skills will definitely help.

If it doesn’t work out, consider options with costs: factoring, overdraft, encouraging buyers to prepay or a loan.

And for the future, use the payment calendar. This is a table in which you enter planned income and expenses. As a result, at the beginning of the month you already see whether there will be a cash gap or not. And within a month you can assess whether spontaneous spending will lead to a cash gap. Use our template, everything is simple and convenient.

Read more about the CFO for small businesses »

Read more about the CFO for small businesses »

An anal fissure acts as a linear defect formed on the mucous membrane of the anal canal. As a rule, the specific area of ​​its location in the anus falls on the posterior line or the anterior midline (in the latter case, this defect is most often observed in women).

These types of lesions are associated with exposure of sensitive nerve endings, as a result of which the anal sphincter undergoes sharp spasms, and this, in turn, leads to pain during defecation.

All this, first of all, is associated with the patient’s current problem of hard stool or constipation, and if such a problem is not eliminated, then injury to the mucous membrane becomes permanent.

Against this background, a persistent pain syndrome appears in combination with spasm from the sphincter. As a result, the possibility of healing of the crack formed in this way is excluded; moreover, due to the presence of pathogenic microflora in the rectum, the wound formed is constantly infected.

The listed features of the course of the process relevant for the formation of an anal fissure lead to the fact that the active form of the inflammatory process in the affected area is constantly maintained. Over time, and, accordingly, with the progression of the process, the edges of the crack thicken, and in depth it increases in size.

Against the background of these processes, the nerve endings become even less protected against such influence, resulting in the transition of the disease to a chronic form of the course.

If an anal fissure in its appearance is combined with a chronic form of hemorrhoids, then in this case its location may be in the area of ​​the lateral walls of the anal canal. In general, with this variant of the course of the disease, its picture, as can be understood, becomes even more complicated in the features of the actual processes.

Hemorrhoids cause deterioration of blood circulation in the mucous membrane of the anal canal, which, in turn, causes a decrease in its ability to regenerate, that is, to heal and restore.

As you might have already guessed from the descriptions of the processes disclosed above, depending on the characteristics of the manifestation, an anal fissure can be acute (in this case, the duration of the disease is no more than 4 weeks), as well as chronic (in this case, accordingly, a longer course is considered ).


In clinical practice, a distinction is made between open and closed colon injuries. Open injuries are diagnosed easily and immediately, but closed injuries are difficult to recognize due to the fact that the patient is most often in a state of shock, unconscious and has other severe injuries.

Due to exogenous influence

Rupture of the intestine can occur due to a sudden strong mechanical impact on the anterior abdominal wall. These conditions are most common in car accidents.

At the same time, when the car suddenly stops, passengers move forward by inertia, hitting the steering wheel, dashboard, and their own knees. In exceptional cases, there may be an impact from an incorrectly fastened seat belt, especially in child seats, or airbags.

Also, if seat belts are not secured inside the car, the driver or passenger may be ejected, which will lead to a strong impact. In any case, the basis of the pathogenesis is a sharp blow to the projection of the colon and an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

Due to the extreme mobility of the colon, it is rarely affected. Much more often, rupture of other abdominal organs occurs: liver, spleen.

No less often the organs of the retroperitoneum and pelvis are affected: kidneys, bladder.

Abdominal adhesions

  • Falling from a great height as a result of carelessness or suicide attempt.
  • Damaged by a blast wave.
  • Defeat as a result of jumping flat into water from a great height.
  • Rupture due to sports injury.

A rupture of the rectum (photo obtained during an x-ray examination is presented below) can occur under the influence of both external and internal factors.

Etiology and classification

There is still no uniform classification of injuries leading to disruption of the integrity of the intestinal wall. In clinical practice, it is considered most convenient to separate all injuries according to etiological and anatomical local characteristics.

Rupture of the rectum occurs when exposed to some external force, or during manipulations inside the intestinal lumen, especially in the presence of factors predisposing to damage (inflammation, erosion, cracks, blood supply disorders).


Such injuries can be classified into several types:

  1. Based on the mechanism of the injury that occurred, they can be divided into subtypes: injuries to the bones and organs of the pelvis, burns of the sphincter and perineum during surgery, compression and falls, gunshot and cut wounds received during sexual intercourse.
  2. By analyzing the volume of the injury, its localization is determined, which can be in the abdominal cavity or outside it.
  3. Also, the defect may differ in the degree of injury, which can be simple, more complex due to problems in the functioning of the sphincter, and complicated due to damage to nearby organs.

Doctors divide all defects into simple ones, those caused by malfunctions of the sphincter and those that are complications of pathologies of internal organs. The complexity of tissue injury directly depends on the extent of damage. In addition, ruptures are classified according to their location. They can form outside the abdominal cavity or directly in it.

Damage can have several degrees of severity:

  • Light. Examples: fissures in the anus, minor disruption of the integrity of the rectal mucosa. In most cases, these types of injuries are treated with conservative methods and do not require surgical intervention.
  • Average. Examples: intestinal dissection, its damage while maintaining the integrity of the muscle tissue in the abdominal cavity.
  • Heavy. It is characterized by a violation of the integrity of tissues in the abdominal cavity. In this case, secondary infections occur and all kinds of complications develop.

Depending on the depth of the damage, there are ruptures of all layers or violation of the integrity of only the mucous membrane.

Rectal fissure in a child: symptoms

A rectal fissure can develop in a child mainly due to constipation. The disease manifests itself in an acute form, its main symptoms are the appearance of pain during bowel movements, as well as traces of blood that can be found on toilet paper and in stool.

In the vast majority of cases in children, this disease goes away without the need for treatment, that is, on its own, and the only aspect regarding its exclusion is the need to normalize stool.


Typically, intestinal rupture is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Pain. With such an injury, a person will suffer from severe pain, which is localized in the lower abdomen and anus. The nature of the pain is predominantly cramping and aching. Cause of pain in the rectum there may be more than just a gap.
  2. Nausea and vomiting.
  3. Severe internal bleeding.
  4. Increased body temperature.
  5. Weakness.
  6. Chills.
  7. The appearance of blood in the stool. This symptom is also characteristic of a disease such as rectal fistula.
  8. Pain during bowel movements.
  9. Passage of gases.
  10. Discharge of feces through the vagina.

Important! If at least two of the above symptoms appear, you should call a doctor, since the lack of timely medical care can lead to serious complications in a person’s condition.

Symptoms that indicate that a rectal injury has occurred. They may depend on the degree of damage, as well as internal and external predisposing factors. The severity of the clinical picture depends on the extent of the injury.

The rectum is the final section of the digestive system of the human body. Its length is about 15-18 centimeters.

This is a muscular intestine, which consists of two layers of muscles - internal and external. In the middle it is covered with a mucous membrane.

There are longitudinal folds on it, in the amount of 7-10 pieces. They significantly help the intestines function properly.

The function of the rectum is to accumulate fecal matter and release it into the environment. It ends with the sphincter, or anus.

When feces accumulate in sufficient quantities, they irritate the sphincter, and the person feels the need to go to the toilet.

Rectal injuries are rare. But they all pose a great danger to the body.


Diseases observed in the colon caused by its damage must be diagnosed in a timely manner. Anal fissures can be easily identified. To do this, it is enough to examine the organ. The doctor palpates the intestinal mucosa and identifies sphincter defects. When examined, the presence of cracks may cause pain.

However, in order to get a complete clinical picture, the specialist finds out the patient’s complaints: is there atony, pain, spasm and other discomfort. In addition, the patient is prescribed anoscopy and sigmoidoscopy.

As a rule, anal fissures are diagnosed without much effort. During the examination, the doctor palpates the colon mucosa and detects sphincter spasms. If there is a crack, palpation is accompanied by pain. To obtain a complete clinical picture, the doctor conducts a patient interview, sigmoidoscopy and anoscopy.

  1. Sigmoidoscopy allows you to determine the condition of the rectum. The examination is carried out using a special tube, at the end of which there are lenses and a light source.
  2. Anoscopy allows you to examine the colon to a depth of 12 cm using a special instrument - an anoscope, which is inserted into the anus.

The fastest, simplest and most reliable diagnostic method is rectal palpation.

This method involves the doctor using his index finger to probe the anus and rectum and detect damage.

The method is available in any situation and gives an accurate idea of ​​the location, size, shape, and nature of the damage.

Also, no less effective, but longer, are the following diagnostic methods:

  • examinations using a special rectal mirror;
  • anoscopy. Anoscope - a device for carrying out the procedure, is inserted into the anus, it slightly expands the intestine and allows the doctor to see the damage;
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity. Ultrasound makes it possible to examine the entire abdominal cavity and detect possible additional injuries to the digestive tract;
  • radiograph. The image will show the lesions, their locations and complications;
  • sigmoidoscopy. The device for this procedure is a tube that supplies air and allows the intestine to expand. The doctor can visually assess the patient's severity.

To detect a rupture of the rectal sphincter or internal tissues, the doctor only needs to perform a digital rectal examination. The essence of the method is to palpate the organ and detect damage. The study allows you to most accurately identify the location of the rupture, its nature, shape and size.

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe the following instrumental diagnostic methods:

  • Anoscopy.
  • Examination using a rectal speculum.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
  • X-ray examination.
  • Sigmoidoscopy.

It is usually not difficult to identify the presence of a rectal fissure in a patient. It is necessary to differentiate this disease, first of all, from rectal fistula (internal form of manifestation).

As part of this pathology, there is no spasm, the intensity of the pain syndrome is not so intense, and the main manifestation of symptoms is the discharge of pus from the anus. When palpating the defect in the mucosal area, slight pain is detected, and in the area of ​​its bottom a fistula cavity is detected in the form of a characteristic depression.


The most effective treatment for rectal rupture is surgery. At the same time, doctors can save a person from infection and the source of a ruptured intestine.

A favorable outcome of the operation is influenced by the patient’s preoperative preparation, aimed at stabilizing his general condition. Before surgery, blood circulation and breathing should be normalized, intoxication reduced, and metabolic processes adjusted.

To avoid oligemia, drip intravenous infusion of salt solutions is used, and vascular insufficiency is neutralized by drip administration of 30-50 mg of prednisolone.

If we are talking about emergency surgery in the presence of other severe injuries, such manipulations are carried out in parallel with surgical intervention. The nature of the interventions depends on the degree of damage, concomitant injuries to nearby organs and is carried out using general anesthesia.

The manipulation requires wide access, which often makes it possible to see minor injuries that were not noticed before, but require treatment. This access is a midline incision, through which the abdominal cavity is drained, and then a choice of manipulations is carried out.

The intestinal walls are peritonized if minor hematomas are detected, and if there are significant damage or microperforation of the walls, the hole is sutured. For paired holes located at a distance of 10 cm or more from each other, stitching them together with excision of uneven edges is indicated.

If there are through holes in the colon located close to each other and the integrity of the mesentery, a wedge resection of the intestine is performed. Otherwise, if there are many holes, they are located close to each other and the mesentery is torn off, they resort to resection of the colon with end-to-end anastomosis.

Wounds in cases of damage to the colon are usually sutured with a double-row interrupted suture to form an unloading double-barreled colostomy. After this, a gas outlet tube wrapped in a napkin with Vishnevsky ointment is inserted into the intestine, and the ischiorectal space is irrigated with solutions of antibiotics and antiseptics.

A favorable outcome of the operation depends on how quickly the victim was taken to a medical facility.

Treatment of minor injuries to the walls of the colon is carried out through drug treatment. If such therapy does not produce positive results, surgery is prescribed. Such actions include not only surgical intervention, but also rehabilitation treatment.

Intestinal trauma is the main indication for surgical intervention. The operation is carried out regardless of where the rupture occurred.

During the surgical procedure, the doctor sews the tissues together with special threads, which will not need to be removed later. During the operation, the specialist makes every effort to preserve the intestinal walls.

In the treatment of anal fissures, the focus is on achieving results in terms of normalizing stool, reducing pain, healing the affected area, and also reducing the increased sphincter tone in this case. Two treatment options are used, surgical treatment and non-surgical treatment.

Rectal injuries: symptoms, complications, diagnosis and therapy

Rehabilitation after surgery is long. The patient must remain in bed, avoid physical activity and adhere to a diet. Adjustments to your diet should be made to prevent constipation. Acts of defecation should occur at least once every 2 days.

The following must be excluded from the menu:

  • legumes;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • flour, bakery and confectionery products;
  • alcohol;
  • rice and semolina cereals;
  • meat (except for rabbit and chicken);
  • fried, smoked, hot and spicy dishes.

Food should be boiled or steamed. You need to eat 6-7 times a day. In this case, the size of one serving should not exceed 200 grams.


To protect yourself from possible rectal rupture, you should follow these tips:

  1. Avoid sudden lifting of excessive weights and physical overload.
  2. Control bowel movements and, if constipation occurs, solve this problem, since sometimes it can also provoke the appearance of a fissure in the rectum - one of the diseases to which the rectum is susceptible.
  3. You need to eat a balanced diet.

When the first unpleasant symptoms appear, consult a doctor as soon as possible so as not to worsen your condition.

It is impossible to protect yourself from such a case. When a person engages in weightlifting or performs significant physical activity every day, he needs to be safe and not overstrain the body. In other situations, if symptoms appear, you should immediately visit a doctor.

megan92 2 weeks ago

Tell me, how does anyone deal with joint pain? My knees hurt terribly ((I take painkillers, but I understand that I’m fighting the effect, not the cause... They don’t help at all!

Daria 2 weeks ago

I struggled with my painful joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And I forgot about “incurable” joints a long time ago. That's how things are

megan92 13 days ago

Daria 12 days ago

megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) Well, I’ll duplicate it, it’s not difficult for me, catch it - link to professor's article.

Sonya 10 days ago

Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

Yulek26 10 days ago

Sonya, what country do you live in?.. They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge a brutal markup. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs, furniture and cars

Editor's response 10 days ago

Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from Official website. Be healthy!

Sonya 10 days ago

I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then, it's OK! Everything is fine - for sure, if payment is made upon receipt. Thanks a lot!!))

Margo 8 days ago

Has anyone tried traditional methods of treating joints? Grandma doesn’t trust pills, the poor thing has been suffering from pain for many years...

Andrey A week ago

No matter what folk remedies I tried, nothing helped, it only got worse...

Ekaterina A week ago

I tried drinking a decoction of bay leaves, it didn’t do any good, I just ruined my stomach!! I no longer believe in these folk methods - complete nonsense!!

Maria 5 days ago

I recently watched a program on Channel One, it was also about this Federal program to combat joint diseases talked. It is also headed by some famous Chinese professor. They say that they have found a way to permanently cure joints and back, and the state fully finances the treatment for each patient

Elena (rheumatologist) 6 days ago

Yes, indeed, a program is currently underway in which every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS will be able to completely cure diseased joints. And yes, the program is personally supervised by Professor Park.

  • The rectum is the final section of the digestive system of the human body. Its length is about 15-18 centimeters.

    This is a muscular intestine, which consists of two layers of muscles - internal and external. In the middle it is covered with a mucous membrane.

    There are longitudinal folds on it, in the amount of 7-10 pieces. They significantly help the intestines function properly.

    The function of the rectum is to accumulate fecal matter and release it into the environment. It ends with the sphincter, or anus.

    When feces accumulate in sufficient quantities, they irritate the sphincter, and the person feels the need to go to the toilet.

    Rectal injuries are rare. But they all pose a great danger to the body.

    Colon injuries

    Rectal injuries occur due to strong blows to the abdomen. This happens in accidents, explosions, falls from great heights, under the influence of great pressure on a person.

    The intestine is injured in completely different ways. You can just press it hard, or you can get a rupture.

    When a large blow is directed perpendicular to the person's abdomen, there is a high probability of a complete tear of the rectum. This is very dangerous and fraught with great complications.

    There is also great difficulty in diagnosing such injuries, since, under the influence of great force, multiple injuries occur.

    Traumatic injuries also occur with gunshot, cut and stab wounds of the abdominal cavity.

    All injuries and damage are treated exclusively surgically.


    The causes of such injury are many factors that affect the body.

    All these factors are divided into:

    • external;
    • internal.

    • gunshot wounds;
    • stab wounds;
    • damage from medical instruments;
    • the occurrence of injuries under the influence of high-power impacts;
    • ruptures of the intestine when introducing a stream of air;
    • injuries from falling on sharp objects;
    • falls on the perineum;
    • there is a high possibility of severe injury to the rectum due to fractures of the pelvic bones.

    Internal factors include:

    • severely increased internal abdominal pressure, which significantly exceeds the norm;
    • complications during childbirth in women;
    • great difficulty passing bowel movements, severe and frequent constipation;
    • great physical activity;
    • presence of hemorrhoids;
    • sphincter damage;
    • anatomical structure and features of the body;
    • the presence of a foreign body in the stool.


    All defects are divided into:

    • simple;
    • complications caused by sphincter dysfunction;
    • complications that are caused due to disruption of the functioning of other internal organs of a person.

    The complexity of the injury is determined by the extent of the damage. They are classified based on location. There are injuries that are localized in the abdominal cavity and outside the abdominal cavity.

    All injuries, according to medical procedures, are classified into:

    • minor damage. These include anal fissures and small tears in the rectal mucosa. Such injuries are treated with drugs that are characterized by local action. They are cured in a few days;
    • average damage. Dissection of the rectum or other intestines into the extraperitoneal cavity, various damage to the intestine without compromising the integrity of the abdominal muscles;
    • severe damage. Damage to the integrity of the abdominal cavity or other organs, incipient infections, complications.


    Any damage to the large intestine results in pronounced symptoms:

    • the presence of blood in the stool;
    • severe and sharp pain in the area of ​​injury;
    • purulent discharge;
    • the urge to defecate is mostly false;
    • a severe inflammatory or infectious process progresses;
    • uncontrolled and spontaneous excretion of feces due to a violation of the integrity of the wall;
    • development of acute peritonitis.

    The presence of any of the symptoms is a direct indicator of an urgent visit to a specialist.

    Injury to the rectum has special signs by which doctors can accurately determine the diagnosis and provide the necessary assistance:

    • a strong increase in the patient's pulse - tachycardia above 100 beats per minute;
    • hypotension – a critical decrease in blood pressure. The tonometer readings fluctuate within 90/60;
    • due to severe pain, the patient can take a comfortable fetal position, lying on one, he bends his legs under him;
    • sometimes, in severe cases, the person is unconscious;
    • the anterior abdominal wall is very tense;
    • a clear expression of the Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom. When pressing on the stomach with the fingers of one hand, the patient feels pain. When the hand is suddenly removed, the pain increases sharply;
    • using the digital examination method, blood and feces are detected in the rectum;
    • gases and feces are involuntarily released into the patient.


    The fastest, simplest and most reliable diagnostic method is rectal palpation.

    This method involves the doctor using his index finger to probe the anus and rectum and detect damage.

    The method is available in any situation and gives an accurate idea of ​​the location, size, shape, and nature of the damage.

    Also, no less effective, but longer, are the following diagnostic methods:

    • examinations using a special rectal mirror;
    • anoscopy. Anoscope - a device for carrying out the procedure, is inserted into the anus, it slightly expands the intestine and allows the doctor to see the damage;
    • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity. Ultrasound makes it possible to examine the entire abdominal cavity and detect possible additional injuries to the digestive tract;
    • radiograph. The image will show the lesions, their locations and complications;
    • sigmoidoscopy. The device for this procedure is a tube that supplies air and allows the intestine to expand. The doctor can visually assess the patient's severity.

    The specialist himself determines the diagnostic method. It depends on the severity of the patient, the causes of its occurrence and vivid symptoms.


    Injury to the intestine, rectum, regardless of location, shape and size, when the patient enters a medical institution, is treated with surgical methods. In other words, a surgical operation is being performed.

    The damage is sutured with special threads, which then dissolve on their own; the stitches do not need to be removed.

    Specialists do everything to restore as much tissue as possible and minimally preserve the intestinal walls.

    In severe cases, surgeons use a special mesh or gauze, which they sew into the walls of the rectum. This is done in cases where the damage is very large, a serious rupture has occurred, and it is not possible to correct everything with the muscular structure of the intestine.

    This gauze is treated with a special antiseptic drug. It takes root well and its presence does not affect human health in any way.

    The postoperative period is long and difficult.

    For simple and sometimes moderate injuries, conservative treatment is possible.


    A person needs to stick to a diet so as not to seriously injure the intestines. His diet should consist of liquid, light food. All products must be quickly absorbed and have good excretion.

    It is necessary to monitor the acts of bowel movements, they should be at least once every 48 hours.

    All food should be warm and should be eaten in portions, no more than 200 grams per meal. You should eat 7-8 times a day.

    During the postoperative period it is strictly prohibited:

    • peas, beans, lentils;
    • any carbonated drinks;
    • alcohol;
    • bakery products;
    • flour products (dumplings, pizza, dumplings, pies);
    • rice, semolina;
    • foods that cause gas formation in the intestines (cabbage, corn);
    • fatty, fried foods;
    • meat (chicken and rabbit are allowed);
    • any smoked meats;
    • spicy foods and any strong seasonings.

    A hot bath, physical activity, stress, or anxiety are contraindicated for the patient. All this will have a detrimental effect on recovery and prolong the rehabilitation period.

    It is important to maintain bed rest, exclude all physical activity and follow all instructions of the attending physician.


    Traditional medicine recipes can also be used. Sometimes they use decoctions of herbs that weaken. This way you can control the filling of the intestine and prevent fecal matter from stagnating.

    To quickly improve the functioning of the intestines and rectum, you can drink decoctions of chamomile, mint, nettle, rose hips, and mint.

    These herbs are antibacterial and healing. Such decoctions should be drunk without sugar, honey and other additives. All of them destroy the healing properties of the infusion.


    • flax-seed. Pour one tablespoon of seeds into 250 ml of hot water and leave for 8-10 hours. Then strain and drink in the morning. Steam overnight;
    • Castor oil. Mix one tablespoon of butter and honey, add the yolk of a chicken egg. You can also add a little water here and bring it to the consistency of thick sour cream. Take 2-3 tablespoons throughout the day.

    The patient must strictly comply with the following recommendations:

    • carry out special enemas several times a day;
    • take all medications prescribed by the doctor (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial). These can be ointments, suppositories, tablets, syrups, creams;
    • compliance with dietary nutrition. The doctor will prescribe individual nutrition, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient’s disease;
    • abdominal sanitation;
    • you need to use recommended essential oils internally;
    • after suturing the injuries, bed rest can last for 10-12 weeks, or even much longer.

    Diseases and damage to the rectum are very dangerous and can lead to big troubles.

    Here you just need to contact a doctor to get highly qualified medical care, and you will lose this problem forever.

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