Recipe for red fish steak in a frying pan. Making a fish steak: instructions, tips, subtleties

Tell me how to marinate red fish steaks..

    Try this: Fish steak
    3 large steaks (salmon, trout), olive oil, dried herbs, black pepper, salt, lemon.
    For the sauce: dill, garlic, sour cream, mayonnaise, salt.
    Leave the steaks whole, do not remove the skin. Then the fish after cooking will be much more beautiful and will retain more juice. Rub the steaks on both sides with oil and salt. Spices and herbs can be rubbed on only one side - then the steaks will look more beautiful when served - on the side that is not sprinkled with spices, the meat will retain its beautiful pink color. If desired, you can sprinkle the fish with lemon juice. Bake the steaks on a wire rack at high temperature for 10-15 minutes - the fish cooks very quickly. Meanwhile, prepare the sauce: chop the dill finely and grind with salt. Grind the garlic with herbs. Mix with sour cream and mayonnaise in equal proportions. The best side dish for this fish and sauce would be boiled new potatoes.

    The marinade can be made like this
    1. To ensure that fried or baked fish always turns out juicy, tender and aromatic, experienced chefs first marinate it in lemon juice with the addition of various spices (oregano, white pepper, black pepper, a mixture of peppers). This marinade is ideal for red fish, imparting a noble aroma of lemon and white pepper.
    2. More suitable for salmon. Mix sour cream and spices (to your taste). Marinate for 30 minutes.

    Interesting tip: I read somewhere that fish likes the three “p’s” - salt, pepper, acidify. Therefore, I add salt, pepper and plenty of lemon juice. You can use soy sauce instead of salt, but not everyone likes its taste.

A fish steak is a piece of fish fillet, 1.5 to 3 centimeters wide, cut across the grain. Steak meat is taken from the middle part of the fish, which has a special taste and juiciness, as well as low calorie content. The parts closest to the head and tail are not considered steak.

Fish steaks are very popular due to their ease and speed of preparation. They are made from noble fatty fish, so it is not only healthy, but also very tasty. To properly cook a fish steak, you need to know all the details, starting with the right choice of fish and ending with the correct technology for preparing it.

Fish selection

To prepare a steak, it is better to choose large fatty fish with a dense structure and a small number of bones. These varieties include salmon, trout, salmon, chum salmon, tuna, shark, halibut and others.

Many stores offer already prepared steaks from red and white fish. This is very convenient and allows you to save not only money, but also time, especially if you only need a couple of pieces for dinner for two. However, you should carefully consider their choice. After all, it is not known when the fish was processed; perhaps it was already lying on the counter. It is better to purchase whole fish and cut it yourself, and use the rest of the fish carcass for other dishes, such as fish soup or aspic.

Preparing to cook

In order to make a steak yourself, you need to arm yourself with a sharp large knife. The belly of a whole fish should not be ripped open to prevent the fat contained in the abdominal muscles from being rendered too quickly during frying. It is necessary to clean the belly from the entrails after the fish is cut into pieces.

The preparation sequence is as follows:

  • wash the fish;
  • remove scales;
  • dry with a paper towel;
  • cut off the head, fins and tail;
  • cut into portions 1.5-3 cm thick;
  • remove entrails;
  • prepare the marinade;
  • Pour the marinade over the steak and leave for half an hour.

Cooking methods

Fish steak is prepared in various ways:

  • fry in a frying pan, grill, convection oven and slow cooker;
  • baked in the oven, slow cooker (in foil, sleeve);
  • cooked on the grill, open fire and barbecue.

Fish meat cooks in a matter of minutes; if you overheat it, it will lose its juices and exceptional taste.

In the oven

The most familiar and convenient way to prepare fish steak. Minimum oil, greasy splashes and time spent at the stove.

The fish is baked on a wire rack, baking sheet, in foil, in a sleeve, or on a vegetable bed. Pre-marinated pieces are cooked with lemon slices, herbs, spices, vegetables or mushrooms.

Baking time depends on the method and thickness of the steak and ranges from 20 to 35 minutes at 180-200 degrees.

Lemon juice, garlic, olive oil, and spices are used as a marinade.

In a frying pan

The easiest and most accessible way for everyone. Its only inconvenience is that you won’t be able to fry many pieces at a time; a maximum of 2-3 medium steaks will fit in the frying pan.

They are fried in a regular cast-iron or non-stick frying pan, as well as a grill pan, which is much more convenient. You need to choose not very thick pieces with a width of 1-1.5 cm.

The process itself will only take a few minutes:

  • Heat a mixture of vegetable and butter in a frying pan;
  • Place the fish pieces at a short distance from each other and fry until golden brown for a couple of minutes over high heat;
  • then reduce the temperature and fry covered for another 5 minutes.

Fried steaks can be stewed in cream in a frying pan or in the oven.

For a couple

Since steak is prepared from fatty fish, you can make the dish more dietary by steaming it without using excess fat. The fish turns out without a crust, but very tender and soft.

Cooking process:

  • place the marinated steak on the steamer rack;
  • put lemon slices and herbs on the fish;
  • cook for 15 minutes from the moment the water boils;
  • Carefully place the steak on a plate; steamed fish is very tender and easily falls apart.

In a slow cooker

It's very easy to cook a tasty and healthy steak using a slow cooker. Basic recipe:

  • Sprinkle pieces of fish with lemon juice and olive oil, sprinkle with spices and leave for 20 minutes;
  • heat the butter or olive oil in the multicooker bowl in the “Frying” or “Baking” mode;
  • place the steak and fry for 20 minutes until a crust appears on one side;
  • then turn over and cook until done for another 10 minutes.

Fish steaks are also cooked in a slow cooker in the “Stew” or “Steam” mode. The pieces are laid out in one layer; they cannot be placed on top of each other. Prepare fish with vegetables and citrus fruits.


The speed of cooking makes steak an excellent option for a picnic. The types of fish chosen for this are trout, salmon or salmon.

The grilling process is simple:

  • you need to cut the fish quite large, the width of the piece is 2-2.5 cm;
  • marinate;
  • brush with spices and grill for about 15 minutes, you need to constantly monitor the process so as not to dry out the fish;
  • serve with herbs, vegetables and lemon.

In a convection oven

You can also enjoy grilled food at home if you purchase a special apparatus. The steak in the air fryer turns out very appetizing, golden brown, with beautiful stripes characteristic of the grill. Inside, the pulp remains juicy and tender; this method is the most gentle and allows you to preserve vitamins and useful elements.

Simple recipe:

  • heat the grill to maximum;
  • rinse the steak and dry it;
  • marinate in marinade;
  • place the fish on a wire rack, under which place a tray, all the fat will drain into it;
  • cook for 15-20 minutes on medium speed at 250 degrees, plus 5 minutes on high speed, raising the temperature to 260 degrees.

Secrets of cooking fish steaks

Fish steak is a simple, homemade, but at the same time festive dish. Proper serving, well-chosen marinade, side dish and sauce will help achieve perfection in its preparation.

  1. As a side dish for fish steaks, rice, vegetable puree, French fries, boiled asparagus, grilled vegetables, and baked vegetables are served.
  2. A mandatory addition to fish is a sauce, such as bechamel, tartar, cheese, cream or soy sauce and other, more complex options.
  3. To prepare the marinade, use lemon juice, lime, olive oil, pepper, white wine, fish spices, and coarse sea salt.
  4. Thyme and rosemary will highlight the taste of fish; simply add these herbs to the pan in which the steak is fried.
  5. To get a beautiful crust, before frying, you need to squeeze out the marinade well and dry the steak with paper towels.
  6. Fried steak can be cooked breaded with flour and spices. To distribute the breading evenly, pour it into a bag, place the fish in it and shake well.
  7. The steak is prepared from fresh fish; improper defrosting will cause it to fall into pieces and the dish will be spoiled.

Fish steaks are considered restaurant dishes, so we don’t cook them that often, but in vain. After all, fish is ideal not only for a dinner party, but also for a romantic dinner; this delicious dish looks elegant and is not difficult to prepare. In addition, fish is very healthy and nutritious, and you don’t have to wait for a special event or other special occasion to enjoy seafood delicacies. Fish steaks can be made on the weekend, and if you learn in advance how to cook a delicious fish steak, you will avoid making common mistakes in the process. Are your household members already looking forward to the fact that you will soon treat them to a juicy and tender fish steak? Then don’t put off this culinary experiment for too long, which will certainly be successful!

How to choose fish for steak

It is believed that fatty varieties are best suited for steak, but in fact, you can use any fish. The most important thing is that it has dense flesh and contains a minimum of bones.

Trout, catfish, salmon, salmon and tuna are suitable for preparing steak. It is advisable that the fish be large, since the correct steak should be the size of your palm. Stores sell ready-made steaks, but, as a rule, they are frozen, and who knows how long they have been in the refrigerator. For a gala dinner, it is best to buy fresh fish and cut it yourself, and for a quick dinner, ready-made steaks are also suitable. When choosing a steak, carefully inspect it so that there are no dark spots or stains, lightly press the piece with your fingers - the flesh of fresh fish is elastic, and the bones do not move away from the meat.

Important points when choosing fish

If you buy a whole fish, then it is easier to determine the degree of freshness: it has clear and clean eyes, scales that fit tightly to the carcass, whole fins, red or pink gills and a pleasant, slightly salty smell. You should be wary of the following points - too dry scales, cloudy eyes, grayish gills and too fishy smell, all this indicates that the fish is not fresh.

When choosing frozen steaks and fish, pay attention to the expiration date of the product and its shape - if the fish looks deformed or damaged, it has been frozen more than once. The rusty tint of the ice layer on the fish also indicates re-freezing.

We cut fish correctly

Rinse the fish well, remove scales, cut off the fins and dry with a towel. Place the fish on a cutting board, remove the head with a sharp knife and cut the carcass into portions 1.5–2.5 cm thick. As for the belly, many chefs do not recommend cutting it if you are preparing steaks, since the abdominal muscles contain a lot of valuable fat . The easiest way is to remove the contents without cutting the belly itself, directly when cutting into steaks.

Marinate fish for steak

Salt the pieces of fish on both sides, sprinkle them with white pepper and your favorite seasonings. To speed up frying and enrich the fish with new tastes and aromas, steaks can be marinated, just do not use vinegar for the marinade, which completely destroys the aroma of the fish. The best products for marinade are lemon or orange juice, soy sauce, olive oil, white wine and spices, among which rosemary and aromatic herbs are especially good. First, the fish is sprinkled with dry seasonings, and then sprinkled with citrus juice and oil, evenly distributing the marinade over the surface of the steaks. You can add a little mayonnaise, garlic, onion, sugar or honey to the marinade for taste; the duration of marinating depends on the density of the fish and is 20–30 minutes.

How to fry fish steak in a frying pan

Fry in a frying pan, in the oven, on coals, in a slow cooker or in a convection oven. You can fry steaks in a grill pan without oil, but this is only relevant if you are on a diet. A small amount of oil (about 1 tablespoon per frying pan) is necessary to form a tasty and appetizing crust, thanks to which the juices and healthy fats are retained in the fish. In addition, steaks cooked on a ribbed surface look beautiful and appetizing, although they can also be fried in a cast iron pan. In the first 7 minutes, the fish is fried over low heat with the lid closed so that it steams well and becomes soft. After this, you can remove the lid and increase the heat until the crust is golden brown (if the oil splatters too much, cover the frying pan with a special mesh). The readiness of the steak is easy to check - you need to pierce it with a knife; If protein comes to the surface, the fish is ready.

Other ways to cook steak

Nowadays, a gas grill pan designed for gas stoves is very popular. It consists of a tray with a hole for a gas flame, with a grill grate and a lid. In such a frying pan, the fat flows directly into the pan, and does not burn next to the food, releasing harmful substances. Steaks can be grilled directly on the grill, but if you wrap them in foil first, they will be softer and more tender, although they will not have a crispy crust.

Steaks are stewed in the oven with white wine, mayonnaise and cheese, with herbs and lemon slices. 25 minutes is enough for this; fish is usually cooked in foil for 15–25 minutes, and on the grill for 10–12 minutes. In a multicooker, steam the diet steaks for 20 minutes; in the baking mode, you will need 30 minutes, but the fish will have a light golden brown crust. In an air fryer, fish needs to be baked at high temperature directly on the grill for 20 minutes, and some even make fish steaks in the microwave in 4–10 minutes.

A few secrets for cooking fish steak

Restaurant chefs claim that the best seasoning for fish steaks is regular green tea without aromatic additives, in which pieces of fish are rolled during preparation for frying. Green tea gives fish amazing freshness and piquant taste.

If you are preparing steaks from red fish, keep in mind that lemon juice can cause it to turn pale, unevenly, so it is better to sprinkle the finished dish with lemon.

Do not overuse oil when frying, especially if you are preparing steaks from fatty salmon fish; it is best to distribute the oil over the pan with a pastry brush. Some cooks add a little flour to the salt to get a nice crispy crust. If you bake fish steaks in the oven in foil, shortly before cooking, remove them from the foil so that they brown, just like real steaks. You can also add onions, garlic, lemon and spices to the fish steak in foil.

Some housewives add a little water, white wine, lemon juice or cream to the pan at the end of frying, and then simmer until done.

How to Serve Steaks

You already know how to cook delicious, all you have to do is learn how to beautifully serve this delicious delicacy. If you are grilling a steak, place pieces of vegetables on the grill with the fish - eggplant, zucchini, pumpkin, bell peppers, onions and carrots. Rice, couscous, potatoes or pasta are served as a side dish along with vegetables. Baked asparagus, broccoli with green peas, vegetable puree and herbs go well with fish steaks. Suitable dressings include tartar, bechamel, soy or cheese sauce; you can decorate the dish with olives and lemon.

Moroccan tuna steak

It will take you a minimum of time to prepare this dish, but you will get a real culinary masterpiece. Make sauce from 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2 cloves of garlic and a bunch of any aromatic herbs, blending the ingredients in a blender at very low speed. Add 150 ml of olive oil in small portions until you get a puree, and then put it in the freezer for 15 minutes. Rinse and dry four tuna steaks well, brush them with half the sauce on both sides, place in a bowl, cover with cling film and place in the refrigerator for an hour to marinate the fish well.

Remove pieces of herbs and garlic from the surface of the steaks so that they do not burn in a hot frying pan, fry the fish on the grill or in a frying pan without oil, since the marinade was quite oily. Serve delicious steaks with the remaining sauce and any side dish. This is one of the simplest fish steak recipes that always turns out delicious.

Place the cod in a greased dish, spread the onion-lemon seasoning on each piece and place in the oven at 190°C for 10 minutes. Chop 20 g of chips and mix them with 100 g of grated cheese, sprinkle the steaks with this mixture and bake for another 15-20 minutes. If you don't eat chips, replace them with breadcrumbs or leave the cheese alone.

On the “Eat at Home” website you will find photo recipes for steaks from various fish, which are easy to prepare and invariably tasty. They make it much easier to create a healthy menu, because fish steaks are the best healthy food option for the whole family!

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Fish dishes are ideal for a family dinner at home or for a festive dinner. Fish steaks are especially good. How to cook fish steaks read on.

Fish steaks - simple recipes

Recipe Salmon steak in the oven


  • 4 things. salmon steak
  • Bay leaf
  • 3-4 pcs. black peppercorns
  • a pinch of dried rosemary
  • 150 gr. cheese
  • 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
  • olive oil

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the steaks, dry with a towel and rub with salt.
  2. Spray a baking sheet with olive oil.
  3. Place salmon steaks on a baking sheet.
  4. Grind rosemary, peppercorns and bay leaves in a mortar.
  5. Season the fish with spices.
  6. Top the fish with mayonnaise.
  7. Grate the cheese on a fine grater directly onto the fish.
  8. Bake steaks for 20-25 minutes at 160 degrees.

Moroccan Tuna Steaks Recipe


  • 4 tuna steaks
  • 3 teeth garlic
  • 0.5 tsp. paprika
  • 150 ml olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • greenery

Cooking method:

  1. Squeeze lemon juice into a blender bowl, add garlic cloves and a large bunch of herbs.
  2. At low speed, puree everything, gradually adding olive oil.
  3. Cool the resulting sauce in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Wash the steaks and dry with a towel.
  5. Brush the steaks with half of the chilled sauce, place in a bowl, cover with cling film and place in a cool place to marinate for 1 hour.
  6. Remove excess sauce from steaks and fry them in a dry frying pan or grill. Serve with the second half of the sauce.

Recipe Baked fish steaks


  • light fish steaks
  • spices for fish
  • pepper
  • lemon juice
  • dry white wine
  • butter

Cooking method:

  1. Grease a deep baking tray with butter and preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  2. Steaks wash, dry and rub with a mixture of spices, salt and pepper.
  3. Place steaks on a baking sheet.
  4. Sprinkle fish with lemon juice and wine.
  5. Pour about 0.5 cm of dry white wine into the mold.
  6. Bake the steaks for 15-20 minutes, periodically pouring wine from the pan.

Recipe: Fish steaks with tomatoes


  • 4 white fish steaks
  • 3-5 pcs. tomatoes
  • basil greens
  • lemon juice from 1 lemon
  • 3 Art. l. butter

Cooking method:

  1. Grease the baking dish with butter.
  2. Wash the steaks, dry and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. Place the steaks in the pan.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into slices.
  5. Finely chop the greens.
  6. Place tomato slices on the fish steaks, top with basil and a little butter.
  7. Cover steaks with foil.
  8. Bake steaks with tomatoes in the oven at 200 degrees for about 25 minutes.

Cod Steak Recipe


  • 4 cod steaks
  • 2 pcs. onions
  • lemon
  • 0.5 tbsp. dry white wine
  • 1 tsp. honey
  • spices for fish
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 0.5 tbsp. grated cheese
  • 5-7 PC. potato chips

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and dry cod steaks.
  2. Remove the zest from the lemon and squeeze out the juice.
  3. Mix zest, juice and spices for fish.
  4. Brush the steaks with the resulting marinade.
  5. Cut the onion into half rings and simmer in olive oil.
  6. Add honey, wine and salt to the onion.
  7. Simmer the onion for 5-7 minutes.
  8. Place the steaks on a greased baking sheet.
  9. Place 1-2 tsp on each steak. onion frying.
  10. Bake steaks for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.
  11. Grind the chips in a mortar or just with a rolling pin.
  12. Mix cheese with chips, sprinkle on fish steaks.
  13. Bake the fish for another 15 minutes.

Video recipe " Grilled cod steaks"

Have fun cooking and be healthy!

Always yours Alena Tereshina.

The simplest dinner or lunch can be made festive by cooking salmon steak in a frying pan. Red fish prepared in this way always, without exception, turns out appetizing, bright, and satisfying. She herself will literally say goodbye in her mouth. However, this dish is attractive for other reasons. You can serve it to the table in a variety of ways. Fried salmon steaks are good as an independent snack. However, a side dish served with fish prepared in this format will be completely appropriate. You can also add fresh herbs, sauces or salads with pieces of red, delicious fish. It turns out simply magical!

Cooking time – 30 minutes.

Number of servings – 2.


To make an appetizing dish, you don’t need to buy half of the goods presented on the shelves of the nearest store. The list of products that will be required in the process is more than modest. Here he is:

  • salmon steaks – 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil – 80 ml;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt and seasonings - to taste.

How to cook salmon steak in a frying pan

If you've never tried cooking red fish steaks in a frying pan before, don't worry. This, as practice shows, is completely uncomplicated. Even a novice cook who has just begun to master basic recipes in the kitchen can cope with such a culinary task with an “A+”.

  1. So, if you decide to fry a salmon steak in a frying pan, then the first step is to conveniently place all the necessary products on the table, so that you don’t have to fuss around looking for one or another ingredient. After the preparatory activities, you should immediately start fishing. The salmon pieces should be placed in a spacious and convenient container. Directly in it, the product should be generously sprinkled with the juice that has just been squeezed out of the lemon.

    The next stage of preparing red fish according to the proposed recipe is the use of spices. Steaks need to be salted. Then they are sprinkled with the selected seasonings. An excellent solution that will favorably emphasize the natural and natural taste of the delicacy is a combination of coriander, saffron and paprika. If for one reason or another you do not use any of these spices, then you can season the fish only with what you like.

On a note! When deciding to sprinkle spices on salmon, it is very important not to cross the line between piquant and excessive. If you overdo it with seasonings, they will simply overwhelm the taste of the fish. By the way, if you are not at all a connoisseur of oriental motifs when cooking, then you can safely refuse spices and use only salt and lemon juice. It's always delicious!

    Then you will need to pour a little olive oil over the fish preparations. To make the red fish truly tasty, tender and juicy, it is recommended to generously coat the pieces on each side with it. Leave the fish for a few minutes. This will allow it to marinate slightly. It will be enough to keep the treat in this form for literally 10 minutes.

    The next stage of preparing salmon steak according to this recipe is the frying process itself. It is recommended to use a thick-bottomed frying pan for this. It is placed on the stove. Olive oil is poured into it. The container will need to be heated, and only on the hot surface of the frying pan should you place the pieces of red fish that we had previously prepared. Maintaining powerful heat, the workpieces should be fried for literally 2 minutes. This will allow a golden brown crust to form on one side of the steak.

    The fish will need to be turned over quickly. It is best to use special cooking tongs for this, not with a spatula, as many housewives are accustomed to. This will be much more convenient.

Note! The oil is usually very squeaky, so be very careful.

    When the steak is browned, turn down the heat. The frying pan is closed with a lid. You need to fry the fish for another 5 minutes, no more. The attractiveness of this frying method is that the juice is retained inside the product under a crispy crust.

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