Characteristics of an Aries man - Rabbit (Cat) from A to Z! Birthday horoscope

nata carlin

People born in the combination of the signs Aries-Rabbit (Hare) are distinguished by their determination and a fair amount of cunning in their character. At first glance, they are inconspicuous, try not to stand out from the crowd, calm and balanced. These are loners who do not feel discomfort alone with themselves. Their motto: “It’s better to do and regret than not to do and regret!” Therefore, Aries-Cats (Rabbits) are always in action, they definitely need to do something, but at the same time talk less. If you have a friend with this combination of signs, you should know that this is the first one who will support you in difficult times.

Characteristics of Aries-Rabbit men (Zaitsev)

The Aries guy in the year of the Rabbit is a real poet and romantic. He is able to see beauty in every little detail of life.

By nature, this is an artistic and enthusiastic person, but Aries-Cat’s life’s work is not always connected with art. The character of a man with this combination of signs is quite complex. For example, people around him should always share his point of view, views and enthusiasm. Otherwise, a person will simply be offended and withdraw into himself. Hence - conflicts and discord.

Everyday responsibilities do not burden the Aries-Rabbit man in any way. He approaches every task creatively, trying with the utmost level of fanaticism to accomplish everything that was assigned to him. However, it cools down very quickly and quits halfway through.

Everyday responsibilities do not burden the Aries Rabbit man

If we talk about the personal life of representatives of men of this combination of signs, then it is quite chaotic. He's just too lazy to spend energy putting everything in order. But in work such a situation is impossible. Having put in the lion's share of effort, the man tries to fulfill his obligations, which he does very well. In the workplace, the Aries-Rabbit (Hare) man is the ideal of diligence and commitment; he quickly and confidently moves up the career ladder if he really needs and likes this activity. He has an analytical mind and excellent qualities of a true leader.

Money for an Aries-Rabbit man is a means to achieve his own goals- pleasures and entertainment. Therefore, he takes finances quite seriously. He knows how to earn money and always knows how to do it.

Disadvantages of the sign

The main weakness of men of this sign is laziness! He doesn’t like to take care of himself, so he leaves this honorable duty to everyone around him.

According to his own understanding, everyone should be simply delighted that he is present next to them, and in what form is the tenth matter. It's a different matter at work! There he is collected, smart, interesting and sociable. At home he is frivolous, loves to sit back and enjoy contemplating everything that happens around him. The main thing is that he is not hurt.

Another important disadvantage is that he is too susceptible to pleasure. Therefore, if he does not stop in time, it is quite possible that he will no longer be able to. Where will this whirlpool take him? unknown.

Money for an Aries-Cat man is a means to achieve his own goals (pleasure and entertainment)

Characteristics of Aries-Rabbit (Zaitsev) women

The Aries girl, born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), is a purposeful and charismatic person. She values ​​her own freedom very much and talking about gender inequality is like a red rag to a bull. Never this lady will not allow her partner to dominate her, but she herself will not be a leader in the relationship. Selfish and proud, the Aries-Rabbit woman does not obey commands and is ready to do anything for her own benefit. She is a schemer and can play foul if necessary.

However, a lady of this combination of signs always respects the opinions of others. She has an iron character, so she will never even give her husband the opportunity to have another woman, but she will not keep anyone under a tight rein either. In relationships, she is very polite and respectful, she will defend her point of view with Olympian calm and will definitely prove that she is right. Extreme measures are rare for her.

Disadvantages of the sign

The weakness of women of this combination of signs and at the same time their disadvantage is that they are too arrogant and believe that they have the right to influence the destinies of other people. They should think twice before suppressing the will of others by insisting that they are right. Best for this try to find yourself in some activity or hobby to set your priorities correctly.

The Aries-Rabbit girl is a purposeful and charismatic person

An Aries-Cat (Rabbit) man needs to approach the choice of a life partner with all responsibility. First, you need to stop and stop using an educational tone for any reason. A woman is not an object or plasticine from which you can mold whatever your heart desires. First of all, partner is a person with her own interests and views on life and even if, from your point of view, they are not entirely correct. Relationships need to be built based on the desire to be close to her, and not to educate and teach.

The partner of an Aries-Rabbit (Hare) man must have a lot of patience in order to endure with honor all the antics and intolerable character of her beloved. He does not behave very gently with the weak half of humanity. Most women do not like this state of affairs. And only a patient, calm and self-confident lady can truly fall in love, mistaking his excessive rigidity for care and attention. Other representatives of the fairer sex will perceive the man as an impudent and spoiled person.

In a love relationship, the Aries-Rabbit woman is a passionate and uncontrollable person.

In love relationships, the Aries woman, born in the year of the Rabbit, is a passionate and uncontrollable person. For a partner, this is just a godsend. She is playful, emotional, sexy, always knows how to please your loved one and arrange a romantic evening of the highest standard. The most interesting thing is that she does all this not for a man, but for herself, to stroke her pride and show off. No matter what happens, she will only love herself!

Different men can be suitable for women of this combination of signs, but you should initially know that it is extremely difficult to drag these ladies down the aisle. Their ideas about marriage are far from traditional, so it is difficult for her husband to come to terms with her views on family life. She loves her children very much, but she is quite strict with them, rarely showing affection and obvious care.

Compatibility in love of Aries-Rabbits according to the eastern horoscope to the maximum extent possible with Dog, Cat and Goat. According to the Western horoscope love and family relationships should be built with Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn, and partnerships and friendships with Aquarius, Leo or Libra.

Maximum compatibility Average
Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Cat (Rabbit), Dog, Horse, Goat, BullDragon, Snake, PigMonkey, Rooster, Rat, Tiger
According to the Western calendar Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, CapricornAquarius, Leo, Libra, Gemini, Pisces,Virgo, Taurus, Cancer

Full characteristics of an Aries child born in the year of the Rabbit

If an Aries boy was born in your family in the year of the Rabbit, then very soon you will understand that children's independence is an amazing character trait. . Criticism doesn't bother him he treats all claims and admonitions from his parents extremely calmly, sometimes even indifferent. At the same time, he will definitely have a favorite activity, from which it is simply impossible to distract him.

A girl or boy of this combination of signs is extremely inquisitive. They will pester adults with questions of a wide variety of nature until they achieve a clear answer.

Therefore, it is better to warn this prospect and buy them smart books and encyclopedias on the topics that they often ask. If you give your child a good education from the beginning, he will have a bright future.

October 19, 2017, 10:44 pm

general characteristics

A person born in this zodiac sign is perky, irritable, ambitious and stubborn. The desire to insist on one's own can turn into despotism. He does not give in well to the will of others, and the heat of passion knows no bounds. A strong will knows no limits, an active mind pushes forward without fear of obstacles.

Born under this sign: Catherine de Medici, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Bach, Descartes, Goya, Gogol, Zola, Van Gogh, Bismarck, Haydn, Hitler, Charlie Chaplin.

Characteristics by zodiac sign

  • Influence: Mars, Sun.
  • Symbols: ram, deer, red-yellow and green squares.
  • Colors: bright red, carmine, orange, blue, lilac, crimson and all shiny ones (purple is an unlucky color).
  • Stones: diamond, ruby, amethyst, bloodstone, heliotrope, moonstone, aquamarine, emerald.
  • Flowers: hawthorn, anemone (anemone), sweet pea, violet, cornflower.
  • Metal: iron, steel.
  • Mascot: hammer, golden fleece.
  • Favorable numbers: 4, 7, 9 (all numbers divisible by 9), 11
  • Happy Days: Tuesday, Sunday.
  • Unlucky days: Friday Saturday.
From March 21 to March 31 under the influence of Mars, especially courageous, aggressive, firm, strong, undisciplined, courageous, prone to bravado and ardent in love are born.
Born from 1 to 11 April under the influence of the Sun - natures are proud, generous, noble, courageous, capable of command, ambitious, and able to overcome obstacles. Love is a great affection for them.
Born from 12 to 20 April under the influence of Venus - passionate and tender natures, dexterous and impulsive, loving music and fine arts.


The influence of Mars and the Sun gives spark, tireless movement and a tendency to exaggerate. But Aries will do everything to avoid boredom and depression. For example, they may not go to their best friend’s funeral, but they will surround their close friends with care and attention.
Aries feel more than they think. They can be extremely generous and love to give gifts and give orders.
A courageous, often stoic type, full of original ideas and tireless curiosity for everything new. Sign of pioneers and inventors. He likes to pave his own path; curiosity can turn into immodesty and intemperance.
Both Aries women and men are potential madmen, they are heroes, conquerors, crusaders. But all this is primary, raw energy. Brute force can give an impatient personality, not taking into account the feelings of other people, becoming enraged and frantic if they are interfered with, unjust and aggressive to the point of sadism and destruction (and self-destruction too).
Aries has an element of "himself", self-affirmation, but also a thirst for responsibility, self-dramatization and self-denial. You should never argue with an Aries.


Aries usually know their profession from childhood or school. Routine or sedentary life is not a suitable choice if there is no expectation of change, risk, prestige, a sense of indispensability: “no one does it better than me.”
Typically, Aries knows how to deal with people and animals, especially people who don't work a 9-to-5 job every day.
Aries produces dynamic, capable salesmen, traveling salesmen, lecturers, dentists, veterinarians, soldiers, police officers, butchers, wonderful mechanics, surgeons, and sculptors. They get along well with fire and metal. The muscular body of Aries promises a sports career.
Regardless of the choice of profession, Aries strives to be the first, the best fighter. Aries is a young sign, he has a need for bravado and showing off.
Attitude to money - skillfully earn and skillfully spend, not for the sake of influence, but for the sake of power.


Ready for love and sex at an early age, earlier than society allows, because of this, in some cases, Aries go through domestic conflicts in their youth.
Sometimes they get into big trouble, because... a boy-man will violate any guidelines in the name of fulfilling his first desires.
They tend to fall in love at first sight at all ages. If they fall in love, nothing can resist their passion. They are often attracted by the forbidden fruit, they strive to get it at any cost. In return they are ready to give themselves.
They are generous and sometimes prudent. When pushed away, Aries' passion turns into obsession and rage, and sometimes even to the point of murder. On the other hand, they quickly reconcile and calm down.
For Aries, any beautiful adventure or temptation is an invitation to change. All Aries are impulsive, impetuous, and sometimes naive.
Almost touching lovers whose whims must be satisfied just like those of a capricious child. Like children, they love to brag and win applause.
There is something ostentatious about a man, and women also like to show off their advantages. They can be deeply devoted, but only temporarily while the relationship is uncertain. At the first sign of repetition, everything is abandoned and deleted.
The primitive male type has something of a caveman. He seeks to subjugate a woman and fulfill sexual needs, but leave her when everything is over. A more developed type wants to be a hero for his beloved, dreams of exploits for her.
Aries cannot stand being limited in the pursuit of will, ideal, or ambition. When you lose yourself for a while, life collapses.
Marriage for Aries is under greater threat than for other signs; it requires loving patience to preserve the marriage. His energy should be directed carefully, without suppressing his enthusiasm, and given the right direction.
Aries should avoid Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces in marriage and friendship. Must look for Libra, Sagittarius, Leo.

How to achieve perfection

An impressionable personality with a strong will. Often an individualist, it is difficult not to notice him. Quickly grasps the essence of phenomena. You can rely on him to give sincere, friendly advice. He believes that life is in his hands, is impatient, does not believe in fate. For him, life is all about action. What's on his mind is on his tongue - he doesn't know how to lie. There is something childlike in his nature that immediately catches your eye. You either love him or hate him. He doesn't understand people well and doesn't notice the nuances of human characters at all. Hence the frequent disappointment in communicating with people. He has a brilliant mind. Think before you speak (people are more sensitive than you realize). Not everyone can get along with Aries - more patience and less arrogance.


A typical Aries has good health and pays little attention to various symptoms of illness, believing that by ignoring them, he will thereby rid himself of illnesses and they will go away on their own. He doesn’t really follow doctors’ advice and is convinced that he knows more than doctors. Aries are people of extremes. “I have two natural states,” an Aries woman can say to herself: either I feel great, or I’m on the verge of physical exhaustion.” They don't like going to doctors, especially dentists. They really need a diet, more vegetables and fruits. Active and restless, Aries often work to the point of exhaustion. The greatest danger for Aries is their face; they need to control their emotions, not get angry, not strain their muscles, avoid overeating and excessive alcohol consumption. Aries is a sign of health, and with a reasonable lifestyle, Aries can remain youthful and strong for many years.

Elements: FIRE

A hot, quick-tempered character, a lively mind, quick wit, the ability to flare up like a forest fire. Impatience with little things, reluctance to give long explanations, ability to grasp the main thing quickly, impetuosity. You do it before you see it (a completely thoughtless action). Refuse to repent of the results of your impetuosity or express dissatisfaction. You have hot blood, a hot head, and you are very sexy. You have an explosive temperament. Your lively warmth and ardor attracts people to you. As a rule, you are lucky, but if not, then failures follow one after another.

According to your element, you should also choose friends and lovers from “fire” or “air” - air is necessary for combustion. Fire is incompatible with water. Either the water evaporates or it puts out the fire. Fire can get along with earth, but there is always a danger that the earth will cool the fire, and the fire can burn the earth.

Your advantages: you are good at making decisions, dynamic, talkative, cheerful and optimistic, courageous, energetic, active, attractive.

Your cons: impatient, like to command, superficial, self-confident, stubborn, often angry and contradictory, indifferent, crazy, hot-tempered, love to flirt.

If you are an Aries, then the most fiery fire, downright oxygen-acetylene, unquenchable (tireless). If you are a Leo, you are an even fire, burning evenly and steadily. You are not so impulsive. More solid and consistent. If you are a Sagittarius, then you are changeable fire, lightning, lightning. You suddenly flare up, but also quickly cool down and disappear.

Home conditions: You should live in cool, spacious places with an open fireplace with a crackling fire. You should also work in a cool room and outdoors. A confined space where a lack of air suppresses the fire.

The symbol (talisman) of your element is the salamander, which lives in fire (the spirit of fire, which brings you good luck).


Loves innovations, interesting and unknown events. Motto: "Everything difficult must be done immediately." He cannot sit idly by, takes on everything new with enthusiasm, and is happy when doing any work and gaining authority. He loves to lead and has a penchant for it; he works successfully in the field of surgery, military affairs, and law. This is a sign of intelligence. Academic work gives him the opportunity to implement original theories. Many Aries are gifted writers and speakers. They can work successfully in the field of journalism, radio, television, and public relations; they cannot stand monotonous, monotonous work. They often lack the patience to finish what they start.

Despite his hectic lifestyle and love of adventure, he strives to have his own home where he can retire and relax; he prefers to live in a big city close to places of entertainment. Loves mild climates and houses with unusual layouts.


Wide range of interests. It all comes down to lack of time. Prefers active recreation, travel, especially to exotic places. Loves to invent, make things, and play sports.

Zodiac horoscope

Fire sign, ruled by Mars. The character is strong, the nature is domineering. Those born under this sign are gifted with strength and energy. They have leadership talent. Common traits for men and women of this sign: optimism, ambition, some impulsiveness, a tendency to exaggerate.

ARIES often finds himself in difficult situations, as he is impatient and completely lacks the gift of diplomacy. For Aries, the main meaning of life is work. Endowed with great willpower, courage and quick reaction, he can be a good doctor, commander, journalist, administrator, but here he is hampered by a lack of subtlety and despotism.

Aries men almost always good, honest workers. Despite their apparent healthy appearance, they have poor health, and almost all ARIES have a very weak nervous system: they are quick-tempered, rude and uncontrollable. Often Aries men are bad family men because of their character, and here everything depends on the diplomacy and tact of the partner.
Men are characterized by aggressiveness, lack of tact, they do not take into account the interests and will of others. They love to act. They have a keen love for justice.

Relationships of signs: favorable alliance with LEO, GEMINI, SAGITTARIUS. These signs, with their calmness and love of philosophy, pacify ARIES; there is a great physical attraction to AQUARIUS, as well as to LIBRA. An alliance with CAPRICORN, CANCER, PISCES, SCORPIO is unfavorable. Mutual coldness with VIRGO, TAURUS.

How to choose a life partner

Aries husbands are irresponsible and difficult to call home. Aries lack stability and firmness; they need tactful companions. He loves it when a woman admires him and constantly demands words of praise. The best partners for Aries are Taurus, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces. They find it difficult to get along with Cancer because of their slowness, and Libra and Capricorn because of their conservatism and lack of imagination.

Sexuality Man

His strong, domineering, often extraordinary character is manifested in all relationships with people, including in relationships with women. To achieve his goal, he uses all kinds of tricks, is capable of deceit and deception, and often creates problems and difficulties for himself where there are none. At the same time, intimacy itself no longer carries charm for him, since the energy was spent on achieving it. His eroticism can be rude and uncontrolled; he is painfully wounded by the slightest hint of his sexual inadequacy. He loves it when a woman admires him and constantly demands words of praise. Sometimes he becomes suspicious, and then intimacy turns into torture for a woman. There is no doubt that he will choose a woman as his wife who will obey him and follow his whims. Gaining self-confidence and peace of mind in marriage, he will be an excellent sexual partner and a good family man for his wife.

  • Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius;
  • Libra, Virgo, Taurus;
  • Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio.

Birthday horoscope

You were born on Tuesday.
Tuesday is Mars day, a very active day. Those born on this day are very energetic, quick-tempered and assertive, although sometimes uncontrollable. Their best qualities are the ability to fight, courage, and rejection of gossip and intrigue.
The Mars man always wants to play a leading role, is guided more by passions than by reason, and his activity is always aimed at accomplishing some task, but sometimes pronounced impulsiveness prevents him from completing the task. These days, all sorts of drastic forms of manifestation of state activity are carried out - wars, reforms. In general, Tuesday is a kind of day of active undertakings, adventures and unexpected active actions. On the contrary, this day you need to show maximum initiative. On this day, pay less attention to household chores. In ancient times, warriors were recruited from those born on Tuesday. On this day it is better not to start any creative cycles, or, indeed, to finish any business.
Astrologers believe that a man who was born on this day of the week:

He is endowed with the gift of presenting his thoughts in the most favorable light, and therefore his statements sound weighty. This is a seducer who can be recognized by his special humor, smile, and manner of avoiding life’s troubles. This is an enthusiast who loves to have fun, although at first glance he seems a little absent-minded.

Horoscope compatibility

Relationship between two Aries

What happens when two Aries people with compatible but equally unbalanced personalities become friends, neighbors, business partners, lovers, spouses, or relatives? Is it common for us Aries to analyze the changing influence of Sun Signs in order to describe it? Let me see. It won't take much time... All. The answer is ready. Of course it is. And for us, Aries, more than anyone else. There is nothing to discuss here. So let's find out what's going on here. I hate waiting for things to happen. And you?

First of all, let's talk about the mistakes that two Rams can make when they enter into a close relationship. And there can be so many such mistakes... However, no less success awaits us. For Aries, the head always comes first. And if the impulsive Ram throws his head into a swamp, then the prospect of being upside down in a quagmire with a soul mate is still comforting: there is someone to talk to.

When the personal auras of these strong egos first mingle, make room for that rocket to take off, for that sudden flash of mutual sympathy. And in fact, how wonderful it is to meet a cheerful, energetic, open person after a long communication with all these scrupulous and boring pedants, pretentious misers and especially with cold and unapproachable people, next to whom you can’t freeze for long! And I really want to be with someone make friends! And is it any wonder at such sudden mutual admiration? Every Ram will consider it an unspeakable happiness that his new acquaintance is not embarrassed by either extravagance, impulsiveness, incessant chatter, or being late for an appointment. And besides, now you have someone to go to the dentist with, without having to explain why you need an accompanying person.

Most Aries hate two things equally: going to the dentist and having their photo taken. The photo may turn out to be unsuccessful. Sitting silently, motionless, while the photographer adjusts the lighting in the studio is almost as unbearable for them as removing a molar or getting a filling. The thought of how disgusting they look at that moment is no less terrible for the proud Aries, who are extremely preoccupied with their appearance, than a toothache. However, just because Ram is afraid of the dentist does not in any way mean that he is a coward. Mars generously endows these people with courage and is always ready to add more, just with a hint. Aries just don’t like medicine, they can’t stand it when something is done to their head, eyes, ears, nose or mouth, they can’t stand it if someone tries to change the course of their thoughts, influence their opinion.

Many Aries women, for example, rarely visit the hairdresser, having no doubt that he still won’t comb their hair the way they want, or part it in the right place. After all, on whose precious head does hair grow? The Aries woman can suddenly, even if she later regrets, cut her hair too short or unevenly, but if someone else does this, it would be better for him not to be born at all. However, she will be no less angry with herself (Aries is not at all selective in anger).

Aries, who is so sensitive to everything connected with his head, is indeed a pronounced Aries. And how to protect a head marked with many scars from collisions with people and things! It’s easier and more reliable to do everything yourself. Aries are not afraid of difficulties. Whether you do something for yourself or for someone else, does it really matter? Mars only strengthens the noble impulse to give more than is required, and no matter what: time, money, love, devotion... Acting in your own interests. Aries tend to create additional difficulties for themselves, piling up problems where everything could be resolved by itself. There is no need to advise the Ram to “arrange his life tolerably.” He is confident that with just a little effort, a tolerable life will become much better, not even allowing the thought that it could easily get worse.

If one or both Rams are not influenced by the Moon or the Ascendant in the signs of Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, they can easily borrow money from each other and will not insist on repaying the debt on time, which also strengthens mutual sympathy. Both resolve any issues head-on, including financial ones. They never deceive each other and do not even know how to do it.

From time to time, Aries may overestimate their solvency or even forget about debt if they are passionate about something new, amazing, and completely absorbed their attention, but this does not at all indicate their dishonesty and meanness. Nothing hurts and angers a Ram more than groundless suspicions and mistrust. For a typical Aries, woman or man, not keeping a word given to anyone, including creditors, is beneath their dignity. Sometimes forgetting to pay, they can at the same time shell out, out of the blue, everything they have, and even more. The Rams cannot be accused of indecisiveness or caution in spending money, and that is why they are easy to rob. Running out of money? So why be discouraged? Will appear again soon, and even more. (Does a child worry about where to get a dry diaper or a bottle of milk? Of course not. All this appears as soon as the need arises.) Each Ram (and this is due to the relationship between two Solar signs) will be touchingly grateful to the other for their trust. Two Aries usually not only completely trust each other, but also will not take advantage of each other for selfish interests, which, of course, contributes to the warmest relationships.

At first, the whole world is a real carousel of happiness for two Rams, but when the pink candy melts, disappointment may set in. When Fire meets Fire, a high and hot flame arises. But everything can turn out completely differently if they stubbornly strive to break each other’s easily wounded, but indomitable and invincible souls.

Among the extroverted Aries for the most part, there are people who are generally not typical for this sign, whose “egos”, under the influence of Mars, were, unfortunately, suppressed in childhood. Such people direct all their excess mental strength inward and completely focus on themselves, which is completely unnatural for them. If two Aries who have entered into a close relationship belong to this group, it would not even occur to an outside observer that they are capable of causing anger in each other, but this impression is deceptive. Sooner or later, for some reason, a clash is bound to happen. When Mars collides with Mars, a huge war is inevitable. Too close communication, not interrupted by at least brief separations, will certainly give rise to furious thunder and lightning. However, bouts of wild hostility will always be interspersed with outbursts of mutual sympathy.

To make the life together of two Aries more harmonious, you can suggest, for example, this type of behavior. Let one Aries show his will on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and let the other take a dominant position on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Saturday in this case will be the day of the fight, which will reveal the strongest. The wounds of the vanquished, with the sudden repentance and generosity characteristic of Aries, shedding tears of regret, will be bandaged by the winner. This should work, since no Aries will object to periodically being on the sidelines, knowing that the next day will return him to leadership.

All Aries know their own worth very well, but their own knowledge is not enough for them. It is vital for them to be appreciated and loved. Of course, Aries will not stop fighting for the dominant position, but at the same time, he learns well from his own experience. The shock of living together or communicating with someone as innocently thoughtless, proud and aggressive as himself cannot but soften any stubborn Ram. True, life experience always adds scars to him. There are always more of them in Aries's heart than he allows himself to show or discuss.

Aries needs to understand that he is the child of the Zodiac, symbolizing the dawn of personal consciousness, the sunrise, the east, the forces of the day. That is why most of them so fiercely fight drowsiness, peace, inactivity and never submit to fate. The slightest bit of criticism or a brief bout of pessimism greatly suppresses the spirit of Aries, especially if the blow is dealt by another Ram. However, even deep resentment rarely lasts long and does not turn into constant bitterness, because Aries childishly believes that a quarrel can be stopped and friendship restored, where another person would lose all hope. The ram does not even allow the thought that he misjudges the situation. However, no one, except Sagittarius and Gemini, is more capable of abandoning an erroneous point of view or burying yesterday's pain than Aries, who was treated politely. For a Ram of any gender and age, with the exception of the owner of a more pessimistic Moon sign and/or Ascendant, every sunrise brings the rebirth of a broken dream, idea, goal or friendship. Why look back or worry about what has already happened and what cannot be changed, if a new day is full of hope?

Did you notice the phrase “treated politely”? The fact is that although Rams need polite treatment, politeness is not one of their unconditional personal advantages. They can be polite and attentive, but they do not always realize what it means to treat others tenderly if you want to be treated the same way.

It is impossible to lead them by the nose or force them to do anything by force, even by those who are obviously stronger than them, and it’s scary to even think about a confrontation between two Rams. (The typical Aries is capable of fearlessly Resisting even at gunpoint.) Rams expect that their wishes will be fulfilled, that their orders will be obeyed without question as quickly as possible (unless they have the softening influence of Pisces or Libra in their horoscopes). This is the instinctive urge of Mars to rebel. The desire to initiate and lead is so strong in some Mars-influenced men, women and children that they often regard even a friendly proposal as an intolerable intrusion, not to mention the pressure of relatives, neighbors, friends, business partners, spouses or lovers born under the same sign.

If one of the two Aries is stronger in the location of the planets (not wiser and more tolerant, which would be happiness, butstronger), the weaker in this pair will gradually turn into a neurasthenic, almost constantly defending his right to exist or weighing every word and action out of fear of doing something wrong or being misunderstood. This is very sad, because such a pathetic embodiment of the proud spiritual power of an astrological “animal” like the Ram contradicts the first law of astrology: be true to the essence of your Sun sign or you will lose the strong individual potential that belongs to you from birth.

Achieving calm harmony (although this would no doubt be delightful) is not easy for two Aries, unless they learn to forgive and forget all but the most brutal fights. It is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid them completely, because Aries usually remember them for a long time for the same reason as children, who, easily forgetting ordinary pain, remember with subconscious fear the deeper experience of painful insults... Sometimes all my life.

Two Rams will have to constantly restrain the desire to kick the other while passions are still running high. They strike, but soon enough they begin to feel guilty for the sudden hostility and try to temper their anger by showering each other with affection and displays of friendliness in the form of unusual gifts. Gifts, by the way, are a way for Ram to express affection, love or ask for forgiveness, but he never gives a gift to buy friendship. People under the influence of Mars despise the opportunity to acquire what they want for money (they are used to demanding it), so such an unfair suspicion or accusation offends them terribly and hurts them very deeply. Aries give gifts from the bottom of their hearts, but they are often misunderstood by those who do not accept gifts without any ulterior motives, because they always do just that.

Fortunately, two Rams most likely will not cause such pain to each other. Every Aries considers gift-giving to be part of Mars nature. He equally loves both giving and receiving gifts. This is one of the manifestations of the wisdom of Aries. He knows: if a gift is not accepted with joy, the joy of giving fades. A typical Ram, like a small child, is delighted by any offering, and two Rams will smash themselves into pieces, being excited and happy, trying to express their delight to each other.

Aries is always sincere in his motives, but his titanic efforts are often not noticed by those whom Aries seeks to help. Moreover, the difficulties that he often creates in doing so give rise to a contemptuous attitude towards him. Simply, more cynical people often do not accept Aries’ goals and his directness.

However, two Aries are able to help each other not to become a universal laughing stock or not to turn into a victim of prudent and more sophisticated people who are ready to “cut” their hair. Aries protect each other from those who seek to benefit from altruistic motives. Such protection is necessary, because Rams are extremely vulnerable and simple-minded and completely devoid of resourcefulness.

In any connection between two Aries - in the family circle, at work, in love or in friendship - one thing is absolutely clear: passions will periodically heat up and burst to the surface. Catullus perfectly described this Sun sign's attitude towards his own emotional immaturity: "I hate and I love... You may ask: why? Don't know. But I feel this way and am tormented by it.”

Deception, pretense or hypocrisy are hardly possible between two Rams, but there is also no need to talk about caution, common sense or practicality. In the scheme of relations between two Sun signs with the intertwining of the two influences of Mars, there are few neutral episodes. They are equally capable of being in seventh heaven and tearing each other to pieces in a fit of rage, resentment and thoughtless pride. And yet, they will always understand each other and approve of their partner’s most sublime rosy dreams, especially those that did not come true for one reason or another. Perhaps they will try to start over. And their dreams may even come true.

Partner compatibility

Aries woman - Aries man

The Aries girl is independent, bright and smart, but any Aries man, in his opinion, has such wonderful qualities to an even greater extent. He will periodically demand recognition of his merits, trying by all available means to convince both her and himself of this. If she tries to surpass him, he will become very agitated and try to convince her that the victory should remain with the man. The Aries boy will have to choose: either to subjugate the girl at the very beginning of the game, or to say goodbye to her. They will have many noisy clashes with tears before the girl stops resisting. But if she becomes a woman of her own free will and not under duress, she will blossom into a beautiful flower.

It is better not to even try to demand that the Aries woman leave her job and devote herself to indulging his whims. To reveal her femininity and establish his Masculine rights, there are other ways. If she is forced to sacrifice her activities in order to bring him slippers or help him achieve his personal goals, forgetting her own (which often happens), and does not come to such a decision herself, it is better for them to separate immediately. It would also be wise for them to split the expenses: he takes care of daily expenses and bills, and they spend her money on special occasions... when they want to satisfy some mutual extravagant desire. This is necessary for the Aries man to know: his role in their couple is worthy of a man. It is very important to tell him this directly and clearly at the very beginning.

A girl under the influence of Mars will accompany her chosen one in all life's troubles, even if he is not around. Perhaps she will begin to guide him by telephone, via telegrams or letters. Since the Aries man knows that no one has been able to lead him since the day of his birth, he will probably want to get even at the first sign of war declared by the Aries girl, but it would be better for him to suppress his irritation and come to grips with taming her.

Every Aries woman, deep down in her soul, passionately desires to see a protector in her man. In her dreams, she is always gentle and meek, and he is kind, affectionate, strong. And it’s best for him to be like that. A man who is constantly striving to please is not interesting to her, and someone who goes too far in attempts to tame her is not needed. He should not encroach on her personality and interfere in her life. His masculinity, due to the influence of Mars, makes the Aries woman look at her chosen one with wide open eyes and fills her with delight during a walk or in the privacy of the bedroom, but these reverent feelings relate only to love romance. The Aries woman strictly distinguishes between the realm of feelings and everyday life. A man should never forget this if he wants to keep her. To think that such a woman would wait for his signals or follow his instructions is stupid, and ignoring her is simply dangerous. Such mistakes are possible until the Aries man understands that she will not cross the line, but will not submit to the influence of the dictator, because they are both cast in the same mold, which, of course, was destroyed after the creation of the Sun sign of Aries.

The Aries girl shed sweet tears as she read about the prince who bravely went into the forest to find his princess and awaken her from her cold sleep with True Love's kiss. (The heart of an Aries woman begins to tremble at the mere thought of True Love: her idealism in matters of the heart is as eternal as Spring itself.) But, dear Aries girl, admit honestly, at least to yourself, what dreams would a fairy tale about a passionate, courageous princess who bravely went into the forest on horseback to find her prince and save him from an evil witch give rise to? What about other fairy tales that you still believe in? Imagine a sophisticated Cinderella with red cheeks, blowing a lock of hair that has fallen across her forehead, sweating and exhausted, as she tries to squeeze her prince's foot into a glass slipper to see if it fits him! Mother Nature knows what she is doing. The relationship between a man and an Aries woman will be much more successful if she allows him to steal Mars' thunder from her. And let the initiative come from him. And besides, having overcome her own stubbornness, she will eventually understand that behind the aggressive appearance of Aries lies amazing idealism and a passionate desire to be needed and noticed.

Great, she should look at him at that moment when he, showing off on a white horse, embodies the desire for dominance inherent in Aries, hiding behind this the secret fear that no one will be able to love him the way he would like (and this is very important ), unless he achieves it himself. Such a man can be very gentle and caring with all his imaginary independence; he, like no one else, knows how to hide even the most severe pain. The Aries woman knows this well. Since both of them are cut from the same cloth, it would seem that there is nothing easier than finding a common language, but it will take more than one painful lesson until they understand the futility of endless mutual challenges. Often the last lesson is a bitter experience when, even understanding everything perfectly, Aries are forced to part.

If the Aries woman turns all her aggressiveness towards her male opponents (except for one, of course), he will adore her for it and will more than reward her for every friendly step taken towards him.

Two Aries, it would seem, should be excellent sexual partners, since both expect from love the unity of soul and body, which poets write about and which almost every Aries believes in as an absolute romantic dogma. The instinctive thirst for kinship of souls makes loving Rams have no doubt that their union is not only concluded in heaven, but will not fall apart on earth until death, and in the next world. However, in order to achieve such harmony, they will have to overcome a serious obstacle - the very strong, although not always conscious, pride of this Solar sign.

All interests, knowledge and desires related to sex for Aries are based on the sometimes unintentional use of a partner for their own satisfaction, the desire not to give him the greatest pleasure, but to achieve satisfaction themselves. Doctors David Rubin, Master and John, Kinchy and Freud explained it all, tested it, researched it, analyzed it, filmed it, recorded it on magnetic tape, listened to both sides, wrote about almost everything, but did not demonstrate it in front of an audience. (The stage, cinema and magazines actively compete with each other in this regard.) But most men and women still have not received answers to their many questions.

These lovers under the influence of Mars would do well to purchase a huge poster depicting the lovers sail with blissful smiles on their faces. The inscription below should read: “Love begins when the desires of another become more important to you than your own...” Such a poster should be hung above the bed next to the rug depicting the wedding of Romeo and Juliet.

When this childish pride can be overcome through tenderness and mutual understanding, the sexual relationship between two Aries can become an ecstatic exchange. For them, sexual Love consists of strange contradictions that turn their partnership into an incredible combination of explosive desire, direct and piercing, passionate and uncontrollable... and visions of flowers in the rain, gentle waves licking white sand, and snow sparkling with diamonds. The strong influence of Mars, softened by the naivety and wonderful wonder of the symbolic Aries Child, creates a rare and wonderful mixture of unbridled, stormy emotions, silence and calm dawn... Obviously, a sexual union between two Rams at its best can be a good school that will teach them to treat each other with tenderness. And even at the worst time, this union will be interesting.

What will happen in the soul of an Aries woman if her chosen one starts flirting with other girls? And what will happen to him if she smiles invitingly at another man? An emotional explosion comparable to the explosion of a hydrogen bomb, the consequences of which will be as terrible for love as the consequences of a bomb explosion for all life on the planet. Every Ram will definitely let the other know that he will not allow anyone to encroach on his freedom. However, for him to recognize the same right for his partner, both will have to work hard. They have to understand that love is not a game to be won, not a battle to be won, not a prize to be won. It is a gift and must be joyfully given and received with delight. Rams demand a lot from life and, as a rule, achieve a lot. But demanding love is pointless.

The Aries man will make it clear to his lady that she does not dare to be jealous of him, but she herself would rather not look at another man. She also does not accept jealousy, but if she notices that he is looking at another woman with even the slightest interest, then she is not responsible for herself.

Do you know what this means? This is selfishness. Aries themselves most likely disagree with this, but it would be better for them to think carefully. Rams may be overcome by jealousy if they notice a smile on the face of a sleeping lover or beloved - Who is she or he dreaming of? And believe me, many Aries have asked more than once in the morning: “You must have had pleasant dreams last night? And who did you dream about?” And almost certainly the answer was: “My dreams are none of your business. Besides, you were in no hurry to get up today. You must have been dreaming about that girl you flirted with in the store last week?”

Dialogues may be different, but such clashes are inevitable if two Rams made a promise to love, respect and cherish the other, but never promised to obey! These two jealous people simply need to constantly convince each other of unfading admiration, since the subconscious fear of losing love underlies the jealousy of all Aries - a fear that seems incompatible with the conscious desire for personal independence, due to the influence of Mars. Aries, like no one else, obey sudden impulses, forgetting about everything in the world. An Aries man, who suddenly rushes to a new exciting goal that he has recently discovered, is in fact true to himself, and an Aries woman, who faces the truth, must admit that she cannot love a person who has cheated on himself even once. This longed-for goal does not have to be new love. If a woman trusts her friend with everything, she most likely will not regret it, because the Aries man, more than any other Sun sign man, does what is expected of him.

Several years ago I received a letter from an Aries woman who was married to an Aries man. They had three children: one born under the sign of Gemini and two Taurus. They are so wonderfully happy that I want to quote part of her letter.

“...And when I read aloud the last chapter about the Aries woman in your book “Sun Signs” to my husband, also an Aries, the part where it says: “She can be a little impulsive, independent, strive for dominance, but you shouldn’t take everything seriously,” he asked, “What else does a man need?” My Aries husband understands me and we will never separate, although I sometimes threaten to leave him when our horns collide. Because, as they say in your book, if I “run into his arms at that moment when the world is dark and dull for me,” he consoles me and will never say in my life: “What have you done!” I never knew before how important this was for me.”

Thus, as you can see, a close connection between Aries and Ovnom is possible. And at the same time, there is no need to sacrifice your courage, initiative and independence, due to Mars.

Whatever the natural essence of Aries, if the Ram girl has learned to control her nature and can even treat it with humor, instead of denying or even being ashamed of it, she has learned an important lesson. You have to love yourself (which requires both honesty and humor) before anyone else can love you.

If two Aries adhere to the golden rule and treat each other as they would like to be treated, their relationship will bring them both relief from emotional stress and, moreover, the best gift of all possible - the freedom to be themselves, not afraid of losing a loved one.

During a quarrel, in the heat of the moment, he may declare that he will leave her, but he is unlikely to ever do so. If he once fell in love with an Aries woman, all other girls will seem boring to him. It might be easy with them, but it won’t be interesting. And she, no matter what comes out of her mouth in anger, will never leave her chosen one.

Japanese horoscope

According to the calendar adopted in Japan and other Eastern countries, within a 12-year cycle, every year passes under the sign of some animal. A person born in a certain year receives a number of innate properties, depending on which his fate is formed. The popularity of this calendar in the East is very great.

He has a bright personality, is talented and ambitious. He is virtuous, reserved, and has impeccable taste. Causes general admiration and trust. The financial situation is developing well. These people sometimes like to gossip, but at the same time they are tactful and not angry. They are tender to those they love, but are rarely attached to their closest relatives. They almost never lose their temper and have excellent business skills. They are conscientious and obligatory, although sometimes they are pedantic and sometimes show a tendency towards melancholy. They could make excellent players, but they rarely play, being conservative and prudent people.

  • ideal as friends or life partners: SHEEP, BOAR, DOG.
  • fit more or less: RAT, RABBIT, DRAGON.
  • are absolutely not suitable, are absolutely contraindicated and can even bring misfortune: ROOSTER.

Chinese horoscope

CAT (calm person)

The CAT always falls on its paws. This is the lucky one. Gifted, moderately ambitious, pleasant companion, modest, reserved, refined, virtuous. Everyone knows this. He speaks well and knows how to evaluate himself. But in many advantages there is one drawback, although small, but no less important: CAT is a superficial person and his best qualities are also superficial. He loves society and society loves him. She loves social gatherings and sometimes gossips, but she does it subtly, tactfully and carefully.

He loves to receive guests, and everything in his home is done with refined taste. He is a man of the world: some would call him a snob. He's pedantic.

The CAT woman displays her culture with gusto. She may study some subjects deeply for the sole purpose of shining, while she has no idea about other more important things.

The CAT usually doesn't get out of balance. He is calm, unperturbed. There is more sentimentality in him than real sensitivity. A small personal trouble upsets him more than the great troubles of other people. War and hunger in the world affect him only when he personally suffers from it, but he suffers so much that he may not be able to stand it and die. A CAT may cry for a minor reason, but is quickly comforted. The melancholy of women of this sign is one of the main trump cards of their charm.

CAT conservative. He hates everything that can shake his life, everything that can cause complications. Most of all, he strives for comfort and safety. Does not undertake anything without first weighing all the pros and cons. For this caution, people admire and trust him.

He will always be happy in his financial situation. He is smart in business and whoever signs a contract with him will never go wrong. This is a good speculator, he has a gift for profitable deals. In short, a calm CAT is dangerous as a business person. He will be successful in trading. Having good taste, he can be the owner of an antique store. Can be a lawyer (advocate, notary) or diplomat, provided that his life is not at risk.

A woman of this sign will be able to shine in all types of activities that require taste, hospitality and good representation. A man of politics should choose a wife born under the sign of KOTA - both secular and modest, who will bring a lot with her presence.

Affectionate and helpful to those he loves, CAT easily separates from his loved ones in favor of his friends. He has no sense of responsibility to his family and often treats his family and children as strangers, preferring friends of his own choice to them. The maternal instinct of this sign is very limited, but mothers always do their duty.

The CAT takes good care of the GOAT, in which he appreciates artistic taste. He will bring her his own comfort and her whims will not touch him. Everything will go well with a DOG and a meticulous PIG. But the ROOSTER drives him crazy with his fanfare, and he must avoid the RAT like the plague.

With the TIGER, his relationship in love and business will be strained. The CAT, which is less strong, can always do a pirouette and leave the game - they have a common breed and he is not afraid of the TIGER.

The CAT will have a restless existence during the three phases of life under one condition: if it does not encounter exceptional situations, dramatic events, or insurmountable obstacles. Wars, revolutions, disasters are not his business, he does not like being an opponent. But if he does not resist, he may go crazy, commit suicide, or leave his homeland, being weak.

Asian peoples are distrustful of KOTU. They say that sorcerers turn into cats. In Europe they were burned alive, accused of conspiring with the devil. But, apparently, such a bad reputation is not very deserved. The Egyptians, for example, revered KOTA as a god. God, sorcerer or man, there is something mystical in his gaze. His apparent weakness can develop into a dangerous strength!

Druid horoscope

Behind the fragile appearance hides a resilient nature. She is sweet and charming, and by her light gait you can judge and recognize her from afar. The smile almost never leaves her face, not so much because of her inner gaiety, but because of her self-control. She knows how to highlight her own strengths and likes to dress well. Has good taste.

Quickly gets used to changes in the environment. Loves to bring joy to others, even to the detriment of himself. Not selfish, but somewhat self-centered. She is independent, but sometimes allows herself to be put in a dependent position. However, he strives to live an independent life. A great sense of responsibility makes her feel guilty for everything that happens (guilt complex). Contacts with her are difficult, and relationships are complex. She lacks simplicity.

She is distinguished by sensitivity to external influences, love of beauty, loyalty and friendliness. You can always rely on her. Sometimes she is naive and allows herself to be exploited. In love he gives a lot, but also demands a lot. Constantly checks the feeling. She cannot be deceived, she cannot be disappointed, she will not forgive.

Rowan will not sell. Her personal life is very rich. Full of worries about tomorrow. She is prudent, which often suggests marital relations with her. Very smart and often very impressive. It happens that he does not implement some of his plans, getting bogged down in everyday affairs.

Traits of those born under the sign of ROWAN: sensitivity of mind, fantasy, tendency to synthesis, intuition, imagination.

Flower horoscope

Ambition, the desire to always and everywhere be the first - these are the distinctive features of Magnolia. However, her position in society is very fragile due to her reluctance to listen to the advice of others.

For Aries, April 2011 will bring confusion in business, he will have to rush from one thing to another, and there will be plenty of misunderstandings and unpleasant surprises. The activity of Aries, of course, helps him cope with a larger mass of work, and allows him to achieve certain successes in his field, but the intensity of life will be so high that sometimes Aries will lose his bearings and completely neglect those areas that require the most attention from him. At the beginning of April, Aries needs to gather his thoughts, sort all his upcoming tasks in order of importance, and start the month not by moving right off the bat, but by clearing away the rubble of old problems around him. Old things can significantly complicate life and, in general, block the way forward. Troubles will begin with business partners: many of them, defending their points of view on the conduct of business, will want to divide spheres of influence and take away their parts, leaving Aries alone. Business in April 2011 will not focus on developing prospects, but on surviving in such a difficult environment. The games of envious people will intensify, and Aries may become a victim of swindlers or swindlers if, discouraged, he completely loses his vigilance. The most reasonable thing in such a situation is to rely on old, trusted friends in everything, to listen to their opinion. Maybe at the beginning of April Aries should remember his old good acquaintances and renew his friendships, so that if necessary, he would have someone to turn to for advice. Aries will not be very successful in negotiations with partners - he is too worried and fussy to conduct a constructive dialogue, so it is best to entrust the establishment of diplomatic ties to his reliable friends, the one whom Aries could previously trust more than himself. Aries - the employee will be busy with routine work, and an unpleasant situation awaits him, as a result of which a conflict will develop with management. Aries needs to mind his own business, and share less of his thoughts about mismanagement with surrounding colleagues - someone will definitely inform the authorities, and Aries will become a victim of undercurrents in the team. Finances are running away from Aries; he now has more expenses than income, and therefore money slips through his fingers. You need to be patient - after all, this situation will not last long, and soon Aries will be able to earn as much as he wants.

The fussiness and confusion of Aries in April 2011 cannot but affect his personal relationship with his loved one. Every now and then, conflicts will arise in the family - mostly due to the temper and intemperance of Aries himself. He will, of course, try to stabilize the situation and improve relations, but his actions will bring more tension than harmony. Aries needs to remember that his behavior and attitude towards close people serves as a framework for intra-family relationships in general. If he had been calmer, many conflicts would have been avoided. Aries monthly horoscope April 2011

Horoscope 2011 Rabbit: 2011
Horoscope 2011 Rabbit: 2011
Horoscope 2011 Rabbit: 2011
Horoscope 2011 Rabbit: 2011
Horoscope 2011 Rabbit: 2011
Horoscope 2011 Rabbit: 2011
Horoscope 2011 Rabbit: 2011

Monthly horoscope April 2011 for the zodiac sign Aries

Horoscope 2011 for Rabbit:
Horoscope 2011 for Rabbit:
Horoscope 2011 for Rabbit:
Horoscope 2011 Rabbit.

As the horoscope for April 2018 promises, Aries will not be too active and proactive, but this will not prevent him from implementing plans and achieving goals. Sometimes from the outside it will seem that they are not busy with anything, but this is not so. A lot of effort and time will be spent on thinking and planning, searching for ways to implement the plan. Now representatives of the sign will be visited by many rational ideas. All decisions of Aries in April must be weighed, then the results will be easily predictable.
Please check the accuracy of the information you receive to avoid errors. A busy work schedule and active rhythm of life will quickly lead to fatigue and exhaustion. Do not forget about rest and recuperation, do not waste energy on people you are not interested in and burdensome communication. Try to delegate work responsibilities.

The second half of the month will be calmer. Some Aries will even get bored. Find something you like. Let it be not only pleasant, but also useful, and help reveal your creative nature.

Mid-April will be marked by an outburst of emotionality. You should not take it out on your loved ones if your desires and expectations for each other do not coincide. Do not make any decisions under the influence of your mood, think several times before doing something.

Activities away from home will be successful, travel and business trips will be favorable. Try to gain more knowledge and impressions, make new acquaintances. The month is also good for trips to nature with your family.

Favorable days: 3, 7, 17, 24, 25, 29.

Unfavorable days: 1, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15, 23, 30.


The Aries horoscope for April 2018 does not promise serious illnesses for representatives of the sign. You will have enough vitality and energy. But the nervous system will require attention. The first ten days of April will be marked by increased irritability and fatigue, which will lead to nervous exhaustion and sleep disturbances by the middle of the month. Give yourself a break, don’t take far-fetched problems to heart and be philosophical about real problems. Massage sessions, swimming, yoga, aromatherapy will help maintain peace of mind. Always look for a reason to be happy every day.

In April, it is necessary to take up the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Review your diet and do cardio.

The month is favorable for cosmetic procedures.

At the end of April, show increased care, injuries are likely.


The professional activity of Aries will be quite stormy, but not without obstacles. Be prepared to be flexible and diplomatic; most likely you will have to settle controversial issues and negotiate something with your partners. There may also be problems related to documentation. Double-check the information you receive. A lot of time will have to be devoted to analysis and planning.

Difficulties and tension will arise in business relationships. Sometimes Aries will even feel like all their efforts are in vain. But don't give up. Look for workarounds. Any experience gained now will be useful in the future. Try to look at life more optimistically and do not be afraid to listen to your inner instinct. Your positive attitude and ambition will be your motivation in the fight against difficulties.

Already in the second half of April, things will begin to move forward, and many obstacles will be left behind. You should not plunge into intrigues and conspiracies in the work team; it is better to focus on your immediate responsibilities and the development of your professional qualities.


If in April Aries approach their work with responsibility and ambition, already in the second half of the month your professional achievements will be rewarded. Financial receipts are expected to be regular and their number will increase significantly.

No major expenses are expected in April; all expenses are moderate and predictable.


As the love horoscope for April 2018 promises, Aries will be at the epicenter of emotions and passions. You definitely won’t be bored, but you’ll have to moderate your ardor a little. Don't try to make your partner jealous or be too straightforward. Don’t let the fire of passion burn your relationship; it’s better to maintain a peaceful and warm home.

Emotionality increases, and with it the likelihood of misunderstandings and misunderstandings in communication with loved ones. Watch your words and actions.

In the second half of the month, many Aries will want to be in the spotlight in order to feel significant. Communicate more with your family, share your dreams and plans with your loved ones.

Free representatives of the sign will be especially interesting to the opposite sex due to their sociability and genuine interest in the affairs of the interlocutor. The end of the month will bring new romantic acquaintances.

Aries man

As the horoscope for April 2018 says, the Aries man will be obsessed with conflicting feelings, which is why his actions will sometimes be quite unpredictable, and the month itself will be emotionally difficult.

Take care of your health and physical fitness, but without fanaticism. Sport should now fill you with energy, not take it away. By the middle of the month, some representatives of the stronger half of the sign will feel that the work rhythm is too frantic. Possibly weakened immunity.

In a love relationship, you should turn to your assertiveness. To achieve the reciprocity of the object of sympathy, you will have to try and show resourcefulness.

In April, experienced representatives of the sign will be able to feel which business will be the most profitable and promising. The month is also good for completing things already started.

Aries Woman

As the horoscope for April 2018 advises, an Aries woman should pay more attention to her family, especially children. Pay special attention to your child's state of mind. A very active month in business terms is coming, you will simply have to be torn between family and work. Plan your affairs and tasks in advance, do not get distracted by trifles and conflicts.

Those wishing to change jobs will have this chance. You shouldn't bring dissatisfaction and personal problems to work, it will serve you badly.

In your relationship with your spouse, be gentler, do not quibble over little things, so as not to aggravate the situation. Carefully monitor your words and actions, because the month is “explosive.”

Do not leave diseases from previous periods untreated. Otherwise, the consequences will be more serious. Aries women will want to tidy up their appearance. You shouldn’t deny yourself this pleasure, but the main thing is to remain in harmony with yourself.

According to the horoscope, Aries-Rabbit (Cat) is fearless and emotional. His mood changes with the speed of the wind. Such a person is not afraid to take risks, especially if profitable and promising business is at stake.

Aries Rabbits are aimed at success in various areas of life. Such people are distinguished by increased activity, wisdom and courage of Robin Hood. In many situations they are cautious, so they carefully consider their every step.

The distinctive character traits of the Aries Rabbit are kindness, caring and love of truth. They stand up with dignity for the person who acts justly. These individuals are distinguished by their balance and endurance. They do an excellent job with both work and home issues. Aries-Rabbit is able to see global things in small things, which allows them to achieve well-being and success.

In relations with the chosen one, Aries-Rabbit (Cat) is quite attentive, caring and sincere. He is a faithful and sensitive partner in love. Such people do not skimp on their loved ones, they know how to keep their ambitions to themselves and enjoy even the little things. They love to relax in nature, away from the bustle of the city.

Aries-Rabbits love to be in the company of friends, but most of all, they value home comfort and coziness. Home and family come first for them. They know how to arrange a pleasant holiday for themselves, during which they truly relax. They are not characterized by vanity and excessive self-confidence.

Naturally, there are disadvantages in the character of the Aries-Rabbit, but they are insignificant. One of the shortcomings of such a person is that he does not know how to refuse anyone’s request. The word "no" is not in his vocabulary. It is important for them that others are satisfied with their actions and behavior.

Aries-Rabbit lives in harmony with its inner world. If he is sincerely interested in someone, then he can become selfish and calculating towards this person. By the way, these qualities can also apply to the opposite sex.

They instantly charm their chosen one. Aries Rabbits are talkative and charming in their personal lives. True, sometimes they are not decisive towards their loved one.

The Aries Rabbit, like many others, has its own mask. At the moment, this is inner calm and innate intelligence. Beneath the mask lies a personality filled with perseverance and determination. Aries-Rabbit (Cat) is capable of solving a lot of complex problems. Such a person, if he wants, is capable of achieving numerous successes in life.

Horoscope for combining Aries with other eastern signs:

Horoscope for combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

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