Presentation Hans Christian Andersen presentation for a reading lesson (grade 4) on the topic. Presentation on the topic "Hans Christian Andersen" Interesting presentation about Andersen for children

Presentation on the topic "Hans Christian Andersen (biography)" on literature in powerpoint format. This presentation for schoolchildren introduces students to the king of fairy tales, Hans Christian Andersen. Author of the presentation: teacher Pupanova O.N.

Fragments from the presentation

Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)

  • Odense is a small (by our standards) student town on the island of Funen in Denmark
  • It is believed that in one of the houses preserved in the old part of the city, the famous Danish storyteller H.K. was born in 1805. Andersen.
  • His parents were a shoemaker and a laundress, and Andersen spent his entire childhood in poverty. It was later, when they started talking about him as a famous and talented storyteller, rumors would spread that he was the illegitimate son of the king.
  • The Danes honor the memory of their great countryman. In Odense there is the Andersen House Museum, a monument to the writer is erected in the Fairytale Garden, and the entrance to the Copenhagen port is guarded by a statue of the Little Mermaid, the heroine of one of his most wonderful fairy tales.

Tales that life created

  • Andersen has been dreaming up wonderful stories about good wizards and evil witches, steadfast tin soldiers and snow-white swans since childhood. He didn’t need a magic wand - he knew how to turn everything that his gaze fell on into a fairy tale.
  • The gnome in the red cap is the old god of dreams, who is called in Denmark Ole-Lukoje, which translated into Russian means “Ole Close Your Eyes!” If you really think about it, Ole-Lukoje is none other than Andersen himself.

The Tale of the Storyteller

  • The story about a little boy who was kissed by God turns into a film biography by Hans Christian Andersen, where real characters and events are intricately intertwined with fictional ones...
  • Our eyes are not yet adapted to see all the beauty of nature, but someday we will achieve this. It will be a fairy tale from fairy tales. H.K.Andersen

The Andersen presentation will help you master the biography of the famous storyteller and consolidate the necessary information in an accessible form. The student will be able to prepare a good, structured report and accompany it with a visual summary. This process of learning from literature is most effective, since it affects all available methods of perception. Andersen's fairy tales are studied in elementary grades, so when creating the presentation, this fact was taken into account above all. The material, adapted for children, contains beautiful illustrations of famous works taken from popular books. Images of the writer’s portrait were also included; separate slides are devoted to a historical excursion.

A lesson using visual material will go unnoticed; important moments from the life of Hans Christian Andersen will be easily remembered due to the clarity of the information presented. Presentation of Andersen's biography is a modern approach to education, as visualization promotes effective memorization.

You can view the slides on the website or download a presentation on the topic “Andersen” in PowerPoint format from the link below.

Biography of Andersen
Meet the actors

Studying at the gymnasium
First work
Home teacher
Publication of three collections

Plays and short stories
Drama and depth

About actions in fairy tales
Andersen - storyteller
Several fairy tales
Andersen Medal

Children's Book Day

Hans Christian Andersen

And this extraordinary man knew life very well.

Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in the tiny town of Odense, in the small country of Denmark. His father was a poor shoemaker, and the storyteller spent his childhood in a modest house. There he could see everything that later came to life in his fairy tales and acquired a deep meaning: a soldier made from an old tin spoon; and a darning needle; and that city in the box, which he later depicted in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”. The shoemaker's family lived hard, like all poor people on earth live. Andersen the father did not want to be a shoemaker, he dreamed of studying and traveling. And since neither one nor the other succeeded, he read fairy tales to his son and took him for a walk in the vicinity of the city of Odense. He went with his son to the theater, which was in their small town.

Andersen's fairy tales were not born on velvet pillows, between lace cuffs and golden candlesticks...

“A sweet, kind, eccentric person,” this is what contemporaries said about the famous Danish writer and storyteller. Andersen's life was full of hardships and disappointments, but he never lost faith in people, in goodness and beauty. He taught this to his readers too.

In fairy tales, Andersen told everyone the truth, just like the boy in the fairy tale about the naked king.

Andersen's fairy tales quickly spread around the world and were translated into different languages. They appeared in Russia in the 19th century.

Andersen wrote:

“I am very glad that my works are being read

in the great, mighty Russia, whose flourishing literature I partly know, starting

from Karamzin and Pushkin and up to our time.”

In all European capitals they were ready to endlessly receive and honor the “great storyteller.” The most famous people of that time became Andersen's friends, and even kings considered it an honor to shake his hand.

Over the years

Andersen Prize laureates

23 writers and 17 artists became

children's book illustrators

representatives from 20 countries.

Do you want to know who received the H.H. Andersen Prize and Medal?

These are the writers:

Astrid Lindgren (Sweden),

Tove Janson (Finland),

Giani Rodari (Italy).


Tatyana Mavrina (Russia)

and others.

Many Russians are writers, artists,

illustrators, translators - there were

Awarded with Honorary Diplomas.

The award to the representative of the USSR was

awarded only once - in 1976

the medal was awarded to Tatyana Alekseevna

Mavrina, illustrator

children's book.

On the rocks near the shore of the Öresund Strait,

dividing Sweden and Denmark,

the bronze figure of the Little Mermaid perched,

the heroine of H. C. Andersen's fairy tales. She's been around for a long time

became a symbol of Copenhagen and the whole country.

The world is beautiful! Enjoy life! Be

optimists! Fight for the man's heart

which is covered with ice! Be patient in

achieving the goal! Spare no time and effort,

to cultivate humanity in oneself,

responsiveness and kindness!

G. H. Andersen.

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to create your presentations,

but in your presentation you must indicate

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Ranko Elena Alekseevna

primary school teacher

MAOU Lyceum No. 21



Internet resources:

pen, inkwell, notebook



Slide 1

Hans Christian Andersen (1805 -1875) Life and work

Prepared by: Svetlana Anatolyevna Sheikina, primary school teacher at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School with. Vasilievka, Samara region Galanzhina Elena Stanislavovna, primary school teacher at the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 31", Kursk

Slide 2

The famous Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in the city of Odense.

City of Odense. The house where the writer was born.

His father was a poor shoemaker, and his mother was a laundress. The family lived very poorly. There was no rich furniture, no paintings, or decorations in the house.

Slide 3

Despite the fact that the family was poor, little Hans Christian had no shortage of toys. What didn’t his father do to him? And pictures with transformations, and moving mills, and homemade dolls nodding their heads. And what interesting fairy tales the father told the boy - he recalled those he heard in childhood, retold them and read books.

Slide 4

Hans Christian began to invent fairy tales himself, but was embarrassed to tell them to adults. Only the old house cat listened to Andersen's first fairy tales. Andersen's father always dreamed of traveling, but never went anywhere. And the boy comes up with a fairy tale about a Chinese prince who will dig through the entire globe, come out right in Odense and take him with him to China.

Slide 5

Possessing a beautiful melodious voice, Andersen was a member of many rich houses in Odense from childhood. Hans Christian entertained his hosts by singing and reading, for which he received the nickname “the little nightingale from the island of Funen.” In the provincial Danish town of Odense there was also a theater. The tour of the troupe of the Royal Theater of Copenhagen played a decisive role in choosing the path that young Hans Christian Andersen set for himself.

Theater in Odense

Slide 6

In 1814, his father died. Andersen's cheerful childhood is over. Eleven-year-old Hans Christian had to leave school and get a job in a factory.

Slide 7

At the age of 14, Andersen went to Copenhagen. His mother let him go because she hoped that he would stay there for a while and return.

Theater in Copenhagen

When she asked why he decided to leave her and the house, young Andersen immediately replied: “To become famous!”

Slide 8

Andersen never became an actor. He traveled a lot and became a famous storyteller. During his lifetime, fairy tales were translated into fifteen languages, and after his death - into almost all the languages ​​of the world. Hans Christian Andersen composed more than one hundred and seventy fairy tales, seven hundred and seventy poems, six novels and many plays.

Slide 9

A long time ago, a gypsy told Hans Christian's mother that her "son would become a great man, and the city would light up the lights in his honor." Fortunately, the prophecy came true during the life of the storyteller. One day, after a long absence, Hans Christian Andersen returned to his native Odense, and the townspeople greeted the famous countryman with real fireworks.

Monument to H.H. Andersen in Copenhagen

Slide 10

Monuments have been erected to the great storyteller and his heroes. And the heroine of H.H. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Little Mermaid” became a symbol of the capital of Denmark – Copenhagen. Since 1967, by decision of the International Children's Book Council, April 2 (Hans Christian Andersen's birthday) has been celebrated as International Children's Book Day.

Monument to the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen

Slide 11

Odense is a city in Denmark. This is the capital of the island of Funen - the birthplace of the world's most famous storyteller - Hans Christian Andersen. Where else, if not in this small and very cozy Danish town, could the H.H. Andersen Museum be located. This is the most famous and tourist-visited place in the city. Personal belongings of G.Kh. are collected here. Andersen, his manuscripts and letters, illustrations for his fairy tales and personal library. The museum was opened on the centenary of the birth of G.Kh. Andersen.

In the museum of G.H. Andersen


Slide 12

Provincial (city)

Derived from the word province - a locality, a territory of a country remote from large cities. (See Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Author: Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. - M.: LLC "ITI Technologies", 2006 - p. 606)

Slide 13

Tours (German Gastrolle, from Gast - guest and Rolle - role) - performances, performances by a visiting artist or theater troupe. The word came into Russian from German and previously sounded like “gastrol”. Troupe (German Truppe, from French troupe) is the creative team of the theater.

Slide 14

Copenhagen (“Merchants’ Harbour”) is the capital and largest city of Denmark.

Monument to G.Kh. Andersen in Copenhagen

House of G.H. Andersen in Copenhagen

Slide 15

Today it is difficult to imagine that once upon a time there were no special books for children in the world. The first children's book appeared only in 1658. It was written by the Czech priest and teacher Jan Amos Comenius. The book was called “The World of Sensual Things in Pictures.” In 1967, the International Children's Book Council decided to establish International Children's Book Day on April 2, the birthday of H. H. Andersen. - Paper, pen - G.Kh. Andersen - Andersen House in Odense http:/ / -G.Kh. Andersen -G.Kh. Andersen - Theater in Odense G.Kh . Andersen - Royal Theater of Copenhagen - Book cover http://www.pereskazhi. com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/normal_ar21.jpg - Book cover - Book cover 569_PICT0414.jpg - Monument to Andersen - Monument to the Little Mermaid - g. Odense - Copenhagen - House of H.H. Andersen in Copenhagen - Dictionary

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