What types of cold soups are there? Cold beetroot and sorrel soup - my grandmother's recipe! Beet soup on water with eggs

Recipes for cold soups are a real salvation on a hot summer day, a creative experiment with familiar ingredients, and a gastronomic journey through the cuisines of the world. The soup is cold - really cold: unlike the usual first course, it is not heated, but rather cooled. The history of such soups goes back to the Middle Ages; for example, recipes for cold soups dating back to the 14th century were found in Lithuania. Most often, cold soups come in two types: vegetable and dessert. The basis for vegetable soup can be either fermented milk products, kvass, juices and various decoctions. Preparing cold soups, as a rule, does not take much time and requires the simplest, readily available ingredients. For the popular Russian okroshka you will need kvass, cucumber, boiled potatoes, radishes and boiled meat or sausage. Another version of the recipe for this cold soup involves using kefir as a base. The Bulgarian-Macedonian soup tarator is also prepared with kefir or low-fat yogurt, but there is no meat among its ingredients, only cucumbers, garlic, walnuts, herbs and olive oil. Any Spanish housewife knows how to prepare cold soups called gazpacho in ten different ways. This dish is usually based on grated ripe tomatoes, bell peppers and cucumbers. Fruit and berry gazpachos, for example, based on strawberries, mangoes or watermelon pulp, are also becoming increasingly popular. In the cuisine of Eastern European countries - Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland - summer soups with the addition of young beet tops, rhubarb, borage or even nettle are popular! The recipes for these cold soups always include a boiled egg. This soup is usually called kholodnik. High-fat kefir or yogurt is used as a basis for it. Cold soups are also found in French cuisine; a striking example is vichyssoise soup. This is a very hearty dish because the ingredients are cream and butter, potatoes, leeks and chicken broth. Prepare it like a regular soup, then beat it in a blender until pureed and cool. Cold sweet soup occupies a special place on the menu of many expensive restaurants around the world. As a rule, this is a light and completely low-calorie dietary dessert, and even the strictest follower of dietary nutrition can afford it. The basis of such soups is most often berries or fruits: they are simmered with sugar, rubbed through a sieve or allowed to juice. The presentation of such dishes is also interesting: melon soup, for example, can be served in a peeled half of the melon itself; transparent glasses are suitable for various variations of berry soup.

With the onset of the first warm days of spring, the body begins to require fresh vegetables. Heavy borscht and hot soups are replaced with light first courses. Among them are cold soups for the summer (recipes below), which are prepared with vegetable broth, kvass, and fermented milk products.

Vegetable soup made from broccoli or cauliflower, boiled in water

They satisfy not only hunger, but also thirst. Soups are prepared from both boiled and fresh vegetables. They add lean meat, fish, seafood, and sausages. Dill, parsley, celery, and cilantro are used as seasonings.

Store soups in the refrigerator at a temperature of +6 degrees. The base and filler, the “salad,” are kept separately. Combine the components just before serving.

If the soup is prepared on the basis of fermented milk products, then it is not recommended to leave it in the refrigerator for more than a day. Puree soups are best eaten during the day. Soups made with vegetable broths can be stored for up to 72 hours.

Soup serving temperature +6, +12 degrees. This temperature prevents vegetables from oxidizing and they will not lose their taste and color. At higher temperatures, vegetables darken.

If the dish is not chilled enough, then place a bowl of ice on the table along with a bowl of soup. The bowl is placed in a wide dish. Place ice tongs on the edge of the dish.

Cold soups for the summer: simple recipes

Delicious cold soups for the summer do not always require complex recipes. The basis is yogurt, low-fat kefir or whey.

The process for preparing cold fermented milk soup is as follows:

  1. 2 cucumbers and the whites of 3 boiled eggs are cut into strips and placed in a bowl.
  2. Crumble the yolks with your hands.
  3. Add dill and salt to the salad.
  4. The soup will retain its harmonious taste if you chop the greens not with a knife, but tear them with your hands.
  5. Pour 1 liter of kefir over the salad.
  6. The soup has a pleasant sourness. If there is not enough acid, add lemon juice.

The fermented milk base is often replaced with sorrel decoction. The soup is prepared with a lot of greens. Cold sorrel soup is prepared as follows:

  • Take 200 g of sorrel, cut it into large pieces, throw it into boiling water: cook for 3 minutes. Allow the broth to cool.

The sorrel must give up its acid to the decoction, so you should not immediately discard it through a colander. After the broth has cooled, the sorrel is removed. Some people prefer to leave the greens in the soup.

  • 3 cucumbers and 3 egg whites, chopped into strips.
  • Dill and onion are finely chopped with a knife.
  • The resulting salad is combined with the cooled broth.
  • Egg yolks are ground with sour cream and placed on plates as a dressing.

Okroshka: classic and non-traditional recipes

Initially, the famous cold soup of Russian cuisine, which was prepared for the summer, okroshka was a dish for poor people. They crushed turnips and onions into bread kvass.

Noticing that the peasant soup cooled well in the summer heat, they began to serve it to the princely table. Vegetables and beef were added to okroshka. Currently, the classic okroshka recipe has been diversified with other products.

Cold soups for the summer, the recipes of which are very diverse, most often begin with the beloved okroshka

For the salad:

  • low-fat sausage – 300 g;
  • medium size potatoes - 4 pcs. (potatoes are boiled in their jackets);
  • 4 boiled eggs;
  • cucumbers – 3 pcs.;
  • 8-9 pcs. radish;
  • greenery.

Mix the dressing separately. To do this, in 1 tbsp. sour cream add sugar on the tip of a teaspoon, salt and ½ tsp. sauce with mustard.

Preparation procedure:

  • vegetables are cut into cubes;
  • mix the salad with herbs, sugar, mustard and sour cream;
  • add kvass to the vegetables - 1.5 liters.
  • salt to taste.


  1. Boiled sausage is often replaced with smoked sausages, boiled beef, chicken, boiled or dried fish.
  2. Salad and kvass are kept in the refrigerator.
  3. The soup is mixed before serving.
  4. To make the okroshka fragrant, dill is finely chopped and ground with salt and sugar until juice appears.
  5. The resulting mixture is added to the soup in advance, and not before serving.

Seafood lovers make okroshka with shrimp or squid. Mineral water is used as a base - 1 liter. For dressing use mayonnaise - 5 tbsp. l. The salad is made from the following ingredients:

  • 250 g shrimp (boil in water with lemon added);
  • 5 boiled eggs;
  • small cucumbers or tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • bunches of onions and dill;
  • lemon juice, salt, black pepper for spiciness.

Eggs and shrimp are peeled. All ingredients are crushed into cubes. Seasonings and herbs are added to the salad. Mayonnaise is pre-mixed with mineral water and added to the salad.

The soup will be less high in calories if you replace the mayonnaise with low-fat sour cream.

Delicious light soups (recipes with photos)

Summer cold soup can have a thick, uniform consistency. To do this, vegetables are crushed in a blender to make a puree. Soups are low in calories and are easily digested by the body.

Cold tomato soup

For the soup, use 1 liter of thick tomato juice or 1 kg of fresh tomatoes. Tomatoes are kept in boiling water and peeled.

The soup is filled with vegetables: 2 peeled cucumbers and pepper; 1 sweet onion, 2 small cloves of garlic. Vegetables are pureed and seasoned with salt. If the puree is not sour enough, then add ¼ tsp. table vinegar or citric acid.

Spanish cold soup "gazpacho"

For preparation, use 1.5 liters of tomato juice and 0.5 kg of soft tomatoes without green veins. Tomatoes are peeled and peeled. Gazpacho is a puree soup:

  1. Prepare the base: take a red onion, bell pepper, peeled cucumber. Fresh vegetables are pureed. The resulting mass is passed through a sieve.
  2. Salad. Chop the onion, cucumber, and sweet pepper into cubes.
  3. Refueling. Combine the juice of 1 lemon, 2 finely chopped garlic cloves, 1 tsp. table vinegar, 2 drops Tabasco sauce, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
  4. Mix all ingredients. Place the soup in the refrigerator for 2 hours to let it steep.

Before serving, add croutons and coriander to the bowl of gazpacho. Ground red pepper is used for spiciness.

Cold cucumber soup

The basis for the soup is vegetable puree and mineral water, with or without gas:

  • 3 cucumbers without peel;
  • 3 mint leaves;
  • 3 stalks of dill;
  • 1 tbsp. mineral water;
  • 1 tsp. salt.

A puree is made from cucumbers and herbs. Add mineral water and salt. If desired, the soup is filled with seafood: shrimp or squid.

Korean cold soup

The dish is prepared from vegetables, meat and noodles, called “kuksu” in Korean. The cold soup for the summer was called “Kuksi”. The dish is distinguished by a large number of spicy seasonings.

It is important to know! In order not to get confused in the recipe, the process of preparing cold soup for the summer in Korean is divided into stages:

  • make broth
  • fry the meat
  • pickle vegetables,
  • frying pancakes
  • cook noodles.

The soup is formed before serving and is not stirred.

Stage 1. Add marinade to boiled cold water: take 3 liters of water for soup. The broth is combined with grated vegetables: 200 g cucumbers, 1 tomato.

Stage 2. 1.5 kg of pork is cut into strips and fried in vegetable oil until half cooked. Add half an onion to the meat and simmer until the meat is cooked: the onion should not be boiled.

Stage 3 – chop 3 carrots, pour marinade. Add fried onions to the salad: finely chop 1 onion.

Stage 4 – chop 200 g of cabbage, pour in marinade with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Stage 5 – 400 g of cucumbers are cut into half rings and left in a bowl with the marinade.

Stage 6 – make an omelette from 4 eggs: beat the eggs, add salt. Grease a heated frying pan with oil. The egg mixture is distributed over the frying pan in small portions. The pancakes are rolled into a roll and cut into noodles.

Stage 7 – cook udon noodles or thin spaghetti.

Stage 8 – form the soup.

For 1 serving of marinade you will need:

  • 20 g soy sauce,
  • salt, sugar – 5 g;
  • garlic clove;
  • ½ tsp. table vinegar;
  • a pinch of pepper mixture.

The dish is collected in a bowl with thick walls in layers:

  • noodles;
  • bouillon;
  • put handfuls of cabbage, carrots, cucumbers; meat, pancakes;
  • garnish with parsley leaves and sesame seeds.

Cold soup made from beets

Fans of hot borscht in the summer can prepare cold beet soups. Vegetable broth, kefir, mineral water, and whey are used as a base. The broth can be sour kvass, like for okroshka.

Housewives prepare beetroot pancakes according to different recipes: classic, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Belarusian. Vegetables, boiled meat or sausages are used as filler.

Cold beetroot soup - classic recipe with photos


  • for the broth: 2 beets, 1 large potato tuber, 1 carrot;
  • seasonings: 1 clove, 2-3 allspice peas, bay leaf;
  • for salad: 2 eggs, cucumber;
  • for dressing: a bunch of green onions and dill;
  • if desired, 200 g of chicken or beef; Replace meat with doctor's sausage or ham.

Peel the vegetables, add water and bring to a boil. Add seasonings to the broth. Boil vegetables until tender. After preparation, the broth is drained and cooled in the refrigerator.

All ingredients are chopped into cubes, the beets are grated. The salad is salted and diluted with broth. The beetroot soup is left in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

The meat filling is placed in a bowl before serving. For acid, add sour cream, vinegar or citric acid.

Cold beetroot soup - recipe with kefir

For beetroot soup, which is prepared with kefir, potatoes and beets are boiled in their skins. Kefir is chosen low-fat or 0.5%. The amount of vegetables is calculated for 1.5 liters:

  • small size 2 beets;
  • 3 cucumbers;
  • hard-boiled eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • 200 g radishes: approximately 10 pieces;
  • dill, green onions;
  • salt.

The beets are chopped on a coarse grater, cucumbers, radishes, and egg whites are cut into half rings or cubes. The yolks are ground with a small amount of kefir. The salad is combined with kefir, seasoned with chopped herbs and salt.

Important to remember! The components of cold, fermented milk-based soup are stored separately in the refrigerator.

The salad is placed in a plastic container, kefir or whey in a glass container.

Form the soup before serving.

Light vegetable soups for diet

Those who want to lose weight choose recipes for fat-burning soups. They are cooked in vegetable broth or in a second meat broth.

For meat broth, use chicken breast or lean beef. Soups are consumed hot or cold (for example, in summer).

Recipe No. 1

You will need:

  • cauliflower and white cabbage - ¼ fork;
  • large bell pepper;
  • carrot;
  • ½ ginger root;
  • stalks of 1 celery;
  • dill, onion;
  • garlic, pepper;
  • juice of ½ lemon;
  • no salt is added.

Vegetables are cut into large slices and boiled for 15 minutes. Season the soup with herbs, lemon juice, garlic, and pepper.

Recipe No. 2


  • 4 tomatoes: peeled;
  • Bell pepper;
  • a bunch of celery;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • ½ head of cabbage;
  • curry, cumin.

Vegetables are cut into cubes and boiled for 20 minutes. Seasonings are added to the soup 2 minutes before it is ready. The dish will be rich if you add bay leaf to the broth. A clove of garlic will add spiciness.

In the summer heat, there is no need to spend a long time at the stove to prepare a tasty and satisfying dish. Recipes for cold soups will save the housewife time and will appeal to lovers of meatless dishes.

Soups are light and low-calorie. They will always keep you in good shape.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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The most popular recipe for cold soups for the summer is okroshka:

We offer a video recipe for another cold summer soup - the famous gazpacho:

1. Okroshka with kefir and sparkling water.


● 4 medium potatoes,
● 4 eggs, 5 cucumbers,
● 150 g salami,
● 220 g radish,
● 2 bunches of green onions,
● 1 bunch of dill,
● 1 liter of kefir,
● 900 ml sparkling water,
● salt,
● vinegar to taste,
● sour cream for serving


Boil the potatoes, cool, peel and cut into small cubes. Hard boil the eggs, rinse under cold water, peel and chop. Finely chop the cucumbers, grate 1 cucumber and radish. Cut the salami into small cubes. Finely chop the onion, sprinkle some with salt and crush. Place all ingredients in a large saucepan. Pour cold kefir. Add cold sparkling water. Add salt. Add vinegar to taste. Mix. Cool.

2. Okroshka with kvass.


● 300 g green onions,
● 4-5 chicken eggs,
● 0.5 teaspoon mustard,
● 1.5 l of kvass,
● 500 g cucumbers,
● 300 g of boiled meat or sausage,
● 300 g potatoes,
● 1 teaspoon horseradish,
● 100 g dill,
● salt,
● lemon juice,
● garlic feathers,
● parsley – to taste.


Boil eggs hard, potatoes in their jackets, cool. Chop green onions. Remove the yolks from the boiled eggs and add to the onion, season with mustard. Grind everything with a pestle: the onion should become soft, and the yolks and mustard should turn into a homogeneous mass. Pour kvass over everything. Chop and add dill to okroshka.

If desired, you can add garlic and parsley. Peel the boiled potatoes, cut into cubes and add to the total mass. Cucumbers can be peeled before slicing (if the skin is hard or bitter), then cut into cubes. The remaining egg whites, as well as the meat (or sausage), are also cut into cubes. Place all ingredients in okroshka. Add lemon juice, salt to taste, add horseradish. If necessary, add kvass. Before serving, the okroshka should be cooled in the refrigerator.

3. Gazpacho.


● 5-6 pieces of very ripe medium-sized tomatoes,
● 2 medium-sized sweet peppers,
● 2 cloves of garlic, a couple of dried pieces of white bread,
● 2 glasses of tomato juice,
● 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar,
● 2 tablespoons olive oil,
● ½ peeled fresh cucumber,
● 1 onion,
● 3 sprigs of parsley,
● salt,
● pepper to taste,
● 3 drops Tabasco sauce,
● ice.


Rinse the vegetables under running water, blanch the tomatoes, remove the skin and seeds. Grind all ingredients except tomatoes using a blender in a clay pot. Grate the tomatoes, add to the mixture, stir with a spoon and serve with ice.

4. Beetroot soup with kefir.


● 350 g cucumbers,
● 1 liter of kefir,
● 30 g green onions,
● 350 g beets,
● 30 g dill,
● 2 cloves of garlic,
● salt,
● pepper to taste.


Grate the cucumber on a coarse grater. If the skin is bitter, remove it first. Peel raw young beets and grate them on a fine grater. Place the cucumbers and beets in a large bowl or pan, add kefir and finely chopped herbs. Add salt and very finely chopped garlic. Mix well, add a little cold water, check for salt and serve, sprinkled with herbs.

5. Cold cucumber soup.


● 600 ml kefir,
● 2 cucumbers,
● 4 pcs. radish,
● 1 clove of garlic,
● fresh herbs,
● sugar,
● salt and ground pepper - to taste.


Wash all vegetables and herbs. Chop the cucumber and radish very finely or grate them. Pass the peeled garlic through a press and chop the greens. Pour kefir over vegetables and herbs, add sugar, salt and pepper. Mix well and serve with toasted bread.

Cold soups - okroshka, kholodnik, botvinya, tyurya, gazpacho, chalop, tarator, etc. - are irreplaceable first courses in the hot summer diet. Different countries have their own original traditions of preparing cold soups, but the principle of their preparation is practically the same.

Cold soups are divided into vegetable and dessert.

Cold vegetable soups are prepared with kvass, kombucha infusion, kefir, fermented baked milk, whey and other lactic acid products, vegetable and mushroom decoctions, as well as vegetable juices.

A variety of fresh, boiled and stewed root vegetables, fresh and canned vegetables, herbs, croutons, eggs, meat, sausages and other meat products, poultry, fish - boiled, fried, salted, smoked - are added to cold vegetable soups.

Dessert soups are prepared with milk, fermented milk products, berry and fruit infusions, berry and fruit juices.

A variety of berries and pieces of all kinds of fruits are added to cold dessert soups. Berries and fruits can be either fresh or boiled. In addition, cold dessert soups quite often include pasta, cereals, dumplings and dumplings.

Most varieties of cold soups are prepared immediately before consumption. However, some of them can be prepared for future use. True, in this case, a semi-finished product is prepared from a mixture of the necessary ingredients, which is stored in the refrigerator, and only immediately before use the liquid base is added.

Vegetable okroshka with kvass is a light, refreshing cold soup. Since this okroshka does not require boiling or cooling anything, it can be prepared very quickly. Of course, vegetable okroshka does not satisfy hunger for a long time, but it contains a minimal amount of calories.

Botvinya with crayfish is an amazing first dish for a hot summer day. This cold soup is a traditional dish of Russian national cuisine. Although the botvina with crayfish is served cold, you will have to stand by the hot stove. It’s best to prepare botvinya with crayfish the night before – it will become even tastier as it steeps. The only thing is that you need to pour kvass and add sour cream directly at the table.

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