Useful properties of green string beans. Green beans: benefits and harms, composition and cooking at home

Young pods of ordinary beans, with thick juicy shells and still immature fruits, are called green beans or asparagus beans. Today, this product is well known to everyone who monitors their health, prefers to eat rationally and healthy. And it is hard to imagine that neither the beneficial properties of green beans, nor even its taste were known to Europeans until the end of the 18th century.

Feeling great in a variety of conditions, unpretentious and early maturing culture for many centuries was used as an ornamental climbing plant, and then a source of nutritious beans. For the first time, the Italians decided to use immature bean pods for culinary purposes. And a little later, a light fresh side dish even got on the table of the French monarchs, giving rise to interest in culture and laying the foundation for the agricultural cultivation of beans.

Already in the last century, the properties of the vegetable, its composition were seriously studied, and conclusions were drawn about the benefits of green beans and the harm that it can cause if used illiterately.

Biochemical composition of green beans

The key to the benefits brought by green beans to the body is a complex of bioactive substances that make up the juicy pods.

A set of vitamins consists of ascorbic, pantothenic and folic acid, thiamine and tocopherol, pyridoxine, riboflavin and. The list of macro- and microelements found in green beans includes calcium and phosphorus, sodium, zinc, selenium and silicon, iodine and iron, magnesium, potassium and sulfur.

The abundance of such different, but completely irreplaceable substances allows green beans not only to satisfy hunger, but to bring significant health benefits. And the taste of this dietary product attracts more and more people every year. At the same time, green bean dishes can be included in both the adult and children's menus. If there are no medical contraindications, the product will not cause harm, and the benefits of green beans will be obvious.

Calorie content of green beans and its nutritional value

Fresh, just cut from the plant, green pods, like many vegetable crops, are very low in calories.

In 100 grams of such beans, there are only 24-32 kcal, while fat accounts for 0.3 grams, 2.5 grams is protein, and the share of carbohydrates in the product is 3.1 grams. The main part of the mass of green beans is fiber and moisture.

But the calorie content of green beans, which slightly depends on the variety and degree of ripening of the vegetable, can change dramatically if the product is cooked. Since beans are used for food only after thermal exposure, which neutralizes the indigestible components of the plant, in taking care of one's own health and well-being, it is important to choose dishes that preserve the benefits of green beans, but not harm from its use. Short-term, gentle boiling retains about 80% of all active substances in green pods, however, due to the change in the properties of carbohydrates, the number of calories almost doubles.

When frying the pods, the finished beans will already contain 175 kcal per 100 grams, and a stew dish a little less - 136 kcal.

If we take into account that culinary recipes include not only beans, but also salt, vegetable and animal fats, spices and other ingredients, then the total calorie content of green beans rises sharply.

Useful properties of green beans

The benefits of green juicy beans, first of all, are the abundance of fiber, proteins and complex carbohydrates that are well absorbed by the body.

  • Vegetable fiber that enters the digestive system, like a hard sponge, removes food residues, toxins and other substances harmful to humans.
  • Proteins are the building blocks of cells and tissues.
  • And the carbohydrates that come with food carry energy and are responsible for performance.

With a low calorie content of green beans, it satisfies hunger well, without overloading the body with fats, but supplying everything necessary for life.

Green beans have a tonic, tonic effect, stimulates the processes of digestion and bowel cleansing.

An extremely useful property of green beans is its anti-inflammatory and antiviral activity, used by physicians in the prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis, inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, intestines and lungs. The inclusion of green bean pods in the daily menu helps to quickly cope with seasonal viral diseases and a number of skin problems.

The cleansing properties of green beans are useful for hypertension, atherosclerosis, and the risk of developing other cardiovascular ailments. With regular use, healthy and tasty side dishes from green pods are an excellent prevention of heart attacks, arrhythmias and iron deficiency anemia.

All these qualities of green beans are due to the presence of iron and sulfur in the composition. But the presence of zinc will be especially useful for men suffering from sexual dysfunction or inflammatory processes in the urogenital area. The same element has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, prevents the development of fungal and bacterial infections.

String bean dishes will be a good help for the body in case of the threat of influenza or SARS during the season of mass morbidity.

The ability of bean leaves to regulate carbohydrate metabolism and maintain blood sugar levels is well known. The same is true of healthy green beans, which improve the well-being of diabetics in the second type of disease without harm to the body.

Today, oncologists are seriously studying the possibility of including green pods in dietary medical nutrition for patients who have been diagnosed with a breast tumor. Already today, the benefits of the product have been felt by people who are being treated for urolithiasis, kidney failure, swelling and cystitis. This was made possible due to the mild diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of beans.

Boiled bean pods will help get rid of plaque on the teeth, bad breath and prevent the formation of tartar. This is the merit of active acids and dietary fiber in the composition of the product.

And women may be interested not only in the benefits of the properties of green beans to maintain weight, but also to maintain hormonal balance, which is often disturbed before menstruation, during pregnancy and menopause. The inclusion of dietary dishes from this tasty product in the diet will have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system and well-being.

For older people, beans are interesting because they successfully resist age-related changes in organs and tissues. As a natural antioxidant, green pods lower cholesterol levels, promote cell regeneration and prevent aging.

By introducing green beans into the diet, you can be completely sure that the beans do not contain any pesticides or nitrates, traces of heavy metals or other harmful impurities that enter vegetables from water or soil.

The pods are early ripening and cannot be harmful, but the benefits of green beans are enormous.

Can string beans be harmful?

And yet, not everyone can feast on juicy pods rich in active substances without fear of health.

Dishes from bean pods can cause unwanted and painful reactions in patients:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach;
  • cholecystitis;
  • inflammatory processes and intestinal dysfunction;
  • colitis.

Since legumes can cause increased gas formation and stimulate the digestive process, caution in the use of green beans is also necessary in the chronic course of these diseases, as well as at the stage of remission.

Get involved in green bean dishes, especially flavored with spices and butter, should not be with pancreatitis, in old age and in the last months of pregnancy. At the slightest discomfort, it is better to give up your favorite beans and get advice from your doctor.

Video about the benefits of green beans

Since time immemorial, various have entered the human diet. It is considered one of the oldest cultures, and today also the most common in the world. At the same time, they began to use green (, French, green) beans in cooking only in the 16th century. Unripe green beans are more tender and softer than usual, they have not only good culinary characteristics, but also a number of useful properties.

Calorie content and chemical composition

One of the main competitive advantages of the legume is its low calorie and low saturated fat. With all the variety of useful substances, there are really few calories in asparagus - only 24-31 kcal / 100 g.

However, the dietary content of the product is far from all the useful properties of green beans. The high content of trace elements and minerals, vitamins and flavonoids makes the product a must-have at any time of the year. Vitamins of groups B, C, E, A, fiber and minerals - all this is included in the composition and has a positive effect on your health and appearance.

Important! It is the string beans that contain easily digestible vegetable protein, which makes the product indispensable for vegetarians of any kind. When saturating the body with proteins and amino acids, your diet will remain balanced despite the limited consumption of meat and dairy products.

The composition of asparagus, of course, speaks of its benefits:

  • It is in French beans that there is a rather rare naphthoquinone or vitamin K, which normalizes blood clotting, helps to absorb calcium, but at the same time protects blood vessels from calcification.
  • Asparagus is rich in fiber - 9 mg / 100 g. It is this substance that helps to remove toxins and lower cholesterol levels in the body. A low glycemic index (15 units) makes the product not only useful, but also affordable for people with diabetes of any kind.
  • The presence of vitamin A and antioxidants in green beans makes it possible to add the binding of free radicals to the list of their useful properties, that is, to delay the aging process.
  • The high level of folic acid makes asparagus an important menu item for pregnant women. It is this food element that is responsible for DNA synthesis in our body and prevents the occurrence of a number of congenital diseases of the fetus.
  • Carotene and the carotenoid group have a beneficial effect on the eyes. It is worth highlighting zeaxanthin, which is also found in green beans. This element is absorbed by the retina of the eye and protects it from exposure to ultraviolet rays. It is the lack of this substance that often causes age-related spots on the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes.
  • The presence of a wide range of vitamins, in particular B6, B1 and C, as well as macronutrients (iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese) improves immunity, has a positive effect on the vascular and reproductive systems.

It is worth knowing that asparagus can be found green and yellow, depending on the stage of ripeness of the fruit. Of course, the composition of the string beans will be the same in both cases, except for the greater oiliness of the yellow.

What is useful for the body

String beans are called the vegetable of eternal youth. Such a statement takes place, in particular, because of vitamin A. The binding of free radicals prevents the aging of the body, improves the body's resistance to various viruses and infections.

Add here the presence of manganese, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, as well as low calorie content for a slender body - that's what we get, taking care of our beauty. In addition to the aesthetic beneficial properties of green beans, it also It also has medicinal properties:

  • Influence on the gastrointestinal tract. Any high-fiber product is a kind of scrubbing agent for the intestines, literally cleansing it, improving peristalsis. Saturation with proteins allows you to balance the diet, in particular, for vegetarians (do not consume meat products) and people with increased physical activity (need increased protein intake for muscle growth). It is worth remembering that our body itself practically does not produce protein, and its consumption is vital for absolutely everyone.
  • Circulatory system. Vitamin K normalizes blood clotting, allows calcium to be absorbed. The presence of potassium helps to normalize arterial pressure and pulse, and iron saturates the cells with oxygen. Asparagus is very indicated for anemia, since molybdenum in the composition of beans improves blood composition, stimulates the formation of red blood cells.
  • Hormonal system. String beans are categorically recommended for constant use by people with diabetes, as well as those with insulin resistance. Slows down the metabolism of carbohydrates, prevents sudden jumps in sugar levels. This effect is achieved due to fiber and arginine (analogous to insulin).

Did you know? The beneficial properties of green beans were appreciated in antiquity. Cleopatra herself used asparagus as the main ingredient in various face and body masks. Skin smoothing, strengthening of blood vessels, cell regeneration - this is exactly the effect of bean masks.

  • Before and during pregnancy. Asparagus is rich in folic acid, which is indispensable for pregnant women. It is this acid that is involved in the process of cell division, DNA synthesis and is the prevention of neural tube defects in a child.
  • Urogenital system. Since asparagus has a diuretic effect, it removes stones, cleanses the kidneys and regulates salt balance, even improves sexual function.
  • Muscular framework. Due to the increased activity of enzymes, copper is good not only for blood vessels, but also for joints. In particular, green beans are recommended for use in inflammation of the joints (bursitis).
  • Vascular system. Copper in asparagus improves vascular elasticity and reduces the risk of inflammatory diseases.
  • Nervous system. By relaxing the muscular and nervous systems, magnesium can relieve the symptoms of diseases such as asthma or migraines.
  • Immunity. The presence of antioxidants, vitamins binds free radicals and strengthens the immune system.
  • Vision. The carotenoid group protects your eyes from the harmful effects of UV rays, is the prevention of AMD (age-related macular degeneration).
In other words, it is difficult to exaggerate the benefits of asparagus on the body.

Application in cooking: what to cook

First of all, let's talk about how to choose the right green beans. Perfect Asparagus has an even color, sufficiently elastic, not wet. If it is wrinkled, dry, stained, wet - it is better to refrain from buying.

The shelf life of the product is no more than a week. However, fresh pods can be washed, dried, packaged and placed in the freezer. Thus, the shelf life will increase to six months, and you will always have fresh vitamins at hand.

Features of cooking green beans are speed and simplicity. These sweet legumes do not tolerate long heat treatment - it makes no sense to blanch them for more than 4-5 minutes. In addition, no tricks are required, except for the standard washing and optional cutting.

Did you know? To prevent the beans from losing their green or yellow color when cooked, saute the vegetables for a couple of minutes and then quickly transfer them to a bowl of ice or ice water. Thus, the vegetables will be cooked, but the disadvantages of heat treatment will be avoided.

It is worth remembering that the darker the pods, the tougher the texture, the longer it takes to cook the dish. Young pods can take literally minutes to cook, while yellow pods take longer.

If you rarely eat beans, do not know how to cook green beans, you will love the variety and versatility of recipes with it. Asparagus can become a side dish, replacing the usual cereals, pasta and.

You can also make an interesting main course from asparagus, use it as an ingredient in a salad or soup. Please note: if green beans are overcooked, they will not only lose their beneficial properties, but will also become tasteless and grayish.

Important! Asparagus should not be eaten raw! It contains the toxin pheazin, which is harmful to humans. Any heat treatment neutralizes this substance, so do not neglect this rule.

We bring to your attention one of the recipes - fried green beans with . Ingredients (4 servings):

  • green beans 400-500 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • - 1 PC.;
  • olive oil;
  • fragrant herbs, greens.
Heat a skillet with olive oil over low heat. Finely chop the onion and fry for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly. Place the tomatoes in a bowl and pour boiling water over. After 1-2 min. remove and remove the skin, chop, throw into the pan to the onion.

Knead the contents of the pan, fry for another 3-4 minutes. Add beans, salt, pepper and bring to a boil. After boiling, reduce the fire to a minimum and cover with a lid. Stir from time to time. Cooking time - 20 min. Sprinkle with herbs and serve hot.

Traditional medicine recipes

Asparagus is very useful, so its constant use allows you to qualitatively improve the condition of the body. However, there are traditional medicine recipes that allow you to achieve faster results. in the treatment of certain diseases:

  • With diabetes. Asparagus juice is extremely useful. Make fresh juice from asparagus, leaves and. This cocktail stimulates the production of insulin and normalizes blood sugar.
  • With bursitis. If your joint is inflamed, you should actively rely on the use of green beans, include it in your daily diet. Copper and antioxidants actively relieve inflammation and accelerate the process of joint recovery.
  • For the pancreas. Make a decoction of the husks: pour the pods with boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Drink 2-3 times / day for 30 minutes. before meals.
  • Overnight face mask. Clean the beans, boil and grind. Add vegetable oil and juice to the gruel. Cool and apply on a clean face for 20-25 minutes. Do before bedtime, rinse with warm water.

Preparations for the winter

If green beans are to your liking, it makes sense to take them for the winter. Freezing asparagus is easy.. There are two main recipes for freezing the product - for young green beans or for those that have already dried out.

You can freeze young asparagus without heat treatment and quickly enough. To do this, we wash the legumes, cut the cuttings, chop and let dry after washing. Next, we pack the asparagus in portions in bags and put them in the freezer. Ready!

If your asparagus has already dried out, the recipe will be a bit more complicated. Just as in the previous version, my asparagus, cut off the cuttings and cut. At this time, we bring water in a saucepan, throw our beans there, turn off the heat and leave it like that for 2-3 minutes. We collect another container of water, throw ice cubes and blanched (soaked in boiling water) beans there. After 10 minutes, we take out the pods, let them dry, pack them in bags and put them in the freezer.

In both cases, we retain all the nutrients, vitamins, as well as the taste and color of the beans. Ready frozen vegetables can be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months. When re-frozen, the beans not only become dark, but also, losing vitamins and trace elements, become practically useless.

Contraindications and harm

The fact that there is a lot of fiber in green beans is not only a useful property, but also carries certain disadvantages. Chronic overconsumption of green beans can cause heaviness in the abdomen, bloating.

Please note: the usual intake of fiber helps the body remove excess and absorb the useful, while its excess interferes with the absorption of vitamins and trace elements, and can cause hypovitaminosis.

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For more than one millennium, green beans, unripe beans of common beans, have taken pride of place in the human diet. Even the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, Ancient China, as well as the indigenous people of South America, were happy to eat this high-calorie and fortified plant. People have learned to cook a huge variety of dishes and medicines from beans.

Let us consider in more detail the arguments in favor of this plant, as well as how a person can be harmed by eating these green legumes.

Composition of the product

These beans came to Europe from South America in the 15th century during the discovery of new lands by Columbus, but for a long time they were considered only a plant for decoration. As a food plant, this product has established itself only since the 17th century. Then varieties were bred that had an improved taste. Subsequently, such beans were called asparagus, or French.

Our body needs a large amount of minerals and vitamins every day.

They also contain large amounts of fiber, protein, carbohydrates, sugars and fats. A set of these benefits helps us maintain good health for a long time and protect ourselves from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Did you know? The main producers of green beans on the globe are China (more than 70%), then Turkey, India and Indonesia. The main exporter is the Kenyan state. France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg are leaders in its production and consumption in the European Union.

Nutritional value and calories

Green beans, when compared with shelling (grains), are not very saturated with protein, but in terms of the number of vitamins, it is the leader. Therefore, its nutritional value has advantages over other varieties of beans: per 100 g - only 47 kcal, 0.4 g - fat, 2.8 g - proteins, 8.4 g - carbohydrates. Also, green pods are valuable because they have less fiber than other beans, so their digestibility is easier and faster.

The calorie content of these beans is also not high - not even 25 kcal per 100 g will be typed, so people who want to lose extra pounds should include this very tasty plant in their diet. Moreover, the regular consumption of asparagus pods eliminates the feeling of fatigue that accompanies people who abuse their desire to lose weight.

Boiled without salt or stewed green pods are very rich in vitamin B9 - 11.3%, vitamin C - 18%, potassium - 11.6% (per 100 g of finished product). The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the same amount of the product is 3%, 1%, 2%, respectively (the percentage is indicated from the daily intake).

This ratio of substances is very useful for cardiovascular ailments.

Important! Asparagus beans do not absorb toxic substances from the outside, therefore they are considered absolutely harmless and are recommended for baby food.

According to nutritionists, after the age of 40, beans simply need to be included in your diet, since at this time the body already loses a large amount of vitamins and minerals and is more susceptible to free radicals.

What is useful string beans

The benefits of legumes are innumerable: they regulate metabolism, have a positive effect on digestion, and alleviate the course of diseases such as SARS, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchitis, allergic skin diseases and urolithiasis. Due to the high sulfur content in asparagus beans, a quick recovery from infectious diseases of the intestine is possible, and the high iron content stimulates erythropoiesis (the formation of red blood cells), so this product will be useful in hematopoietic diseases.

Important! Bean pods have a low glycemic index: no more than 15% of carbohydrates are converted into glucose. Thanks to this indicator, patients with diabetes can consume asparagus beans in moderation without fear for their blood glucose levels.

The calming effect of this plant on the nervous system is also known: people who prefer bean pods sleep well and enjoy life more.

Also, the constant use of green pods controls the appearance of tartar.

Their contribution to the treatment of tuberculosis, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, hypertension is invaluable, they prevent the excessive formation of harmful cholesterol. The presence of zinc in the composition of this product regulates carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, successfully fights obesity, and in the male part of the population promotes spermatogenesis.

Regularly eating the greens of this cereal, men can save themselves from the unpleasant prospect of getting prostate adenoma, and can also restore reduced potency and improve genitourinary function.

Are properties lost after freezing?

All useful and nutritious properties of asparagus beans are preserved when exposed to cold. It can be frozen and canned. You just need to avoid freezing and thawing the pods many times, because of which they will lose their benefits. It is recommended to freeze them in small portions.

Application features

It is well known that green bean pods are a direct path to beauty and well-being. By eating them, you can preserve youth for a long time, as well as saturate your body with vitamins and essential trace elements. This, in turn, will help you look good thanks to a low-calorie diet. And varieties of culinary delights and dishes from this product will make it possible to eat tasty and varied.

In treatment

Green pods successfully serve as an aid in the composition of therapeutic diets, as well as in the treatment of many diseases. Asparagus beans are taken in the form of decoctions, dietary side dishes, salads and various soups are prepared from it.

  • Therapeutic decoction for chronic pancreatitis: pour a glass of water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried bean shells, boil over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Take 30 min. before meals three times a day. It is not necessary to prepare a decoction in reserve, as it may lose some of its useful properties.
  • Diabetic decoction.

There are two cooking methods:
  • Grind 50 g of pods and place in a thermos, pour 250 g of boiling water and insist for 8 hours. Take 100 g 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Boil 150 g of crushed leguminous raw materials for 15 minutes in one liter of water. Take 150 ml before meals.
It is also very useful for diabetic patients to drink about one liter of juice mix from beans, carrots, lettuce and Brussels sprouts per day. This mixture will promote the production of insulin.

Did you know? The green bean is an indispensable product for diabetics, as its juice contains arginine, the action of which is similar to that of insulin.

A decoction of bean pods along with blueberry leaves has a particularly effective property for the treatment of diabetes. It should be taken 0.5 cup before eating.

  • Green bean juice

This juice is also effective for the following ailments:
  • Bursitis (inflamed mucous bags of the joints) - twice a day, 100 ml. The duration of treatment is two weeks.
  • Mastopathy, restoration of hormonal levels in women - 400-500 ml per day from bean, carrot and beet juice, for a month.

Important! Infusions, decoctions and juices are only aids for the treatment of diseases. They can be part of a therapy that only a doctor will recommend.

In dietetics

Green beans are an indispensable ingredient and assistant in a complex of therapeutic diets and diets for those who want to look slim.

Interestingly, with the regular use of green beans, you can forget about weight loss diets, because the weight will return to normal after a short period of time.

Here are a few options for cooking diet beans.

  • Lose weight with salad
Boil 300 g of green pods. Chop the onion, put 100 g of green olives, greens, pepper, lemon juice and salt, add to taste. Fill with 30 ml of olive oil.
  • Garnish of boiled pods

Boil 300 g of beans in a double boiler, then grind the dried spices of rosemary and basil with lemon juice and add a little olive oil there. Pour this mixture over the beans. This side dish goes well with both meat and fish dishes.

  • Green pods in soup
Cook chopped pods for 10-15 minutes, add chopped sweet pepper, 3-4 tomatoes, 1 carrot and 1 onion. Cook for 7 minutes. Then add a glass of tomato juice and chopped any greens to the finished soup. Simmer another 3 minutes.

In cooking

Green bean pods are sold in supermarkets frozen or canned. But every housewife herself is able to make preparations for this product. And in the summer, each of us just needs to enjoy dishes from freshly picked pods. The methods of their preparation are very diverse - boiling, frying, stewing, canning.

Cooked bean asparagus can serve as a side dish or stand alone, but you can add some variety when paired with other foods. Green pods can be fried, boiled, stewed, made into a salad or soup.

Important! When preparing dishes from asparagus beans, even frozen, it must be boiled in water, adding salt, for 15 minutes. Due to the presence a large number lectins can cause indigestion, so eating beans raw is not advisable. But when cooking, you can not digest the pods, otherwise their benefits will be lost.

Tips on how to cook bean asparagus:
  • before cooking green beans, remove the longitudinal vein on the pod;
  • boil greens for 10 minutes;
  • pods that have lost their elasticity must be soaked in cool water for a couple of hours;
  • aluminum utensils are not suitable for cooking beans, otherwise the product will lose its bright green color;
  • to maintain color saturation, you need to salt the pods at the end of cooking;
  • beans cooked for future use should be doused with cold water.

Is it possible to have asparagus beans

The benefits of asparagus beans are unconditional, it is not only possible, but also necessary to use. However, for each age it has its own value.


Kids just need to cook healthy and very tasty dishes from green beans.

It must be mixed into vegetable puree, which is usually fed to a child after the fifth month of life, just at the time when it comes time for him to get acquainted with vegetables in food.

To do this, fresh boiled beans are mashed. To avoid an allergic reaction to the first test of this new product for a child, you need to give a try no more than 1 teaspoon for the first time. After making sure that everything is in order, such puree can be gradually added to the baby’s usual food, gradually bringing its amount at one time to 60 g. The best time to take bean puree is lunch. Nutritionists recommend that dishes with green beans be supplemented with dill. Such a puree is given to a child no more than three times in several days.
For older children, beans are prepared in the usual way, as for adults.

Important! To avoid increased gas formation, it is undesirable for children under 1 year old to combine green beans with meat in the diet.

For nursing mothers

A mother who is breastfeeding her baby should eat asparagus beans. They have all the useful elements, and both the young mother and her baby will benefit from this. Green legumes do not cause excessive gas exchange in babies and normalize bowel movements.

A young mother loses a lot of strength, and eating dishes containing green beans, she will be able to recover and avoid diseases such as anemia. Also, there will be no excessive load on the kidneys, the process of digestion will be facilitated.

Such a woman simply needs to consume this plant several times during the week as a separate dish for the entire period while she is breastfeeding.


Green bean pods are very useful for pregnant women, due to the fact that they have all the necessary benefits for herself, as well as the baby growing inside her.

Reasons why it is vital for pregnant women to consume asparagus beans:

  • due to the fact that it contains a huge amount of protein, it partially replaces meat;
  • legume fiber makes it easy to empty the intestines;
  • effective prevention of iron deficiency anemia;
  • nicotinic acid, which is part of the composition, normalizes blood pressure, relieves stress, improves metabolism;
  • prevents the risk of hyperpigmentation on the skin.

Necessary tips when eating beans for pregnant women:

  • beans should be well cooked to avoid the risk of indigestion;
  • before cooking, the pods need to be soaked for a while in cool water, this is necessary to prevent flatulence;
  • it is not advisable to cook bean greens with meat, but cook as a separate dish.

Contraindications and harm

Considering the enormous benefits that asparagus brings to a person, it may seem that it cannot have contraindications. But these green pods can also cause impressive harm to our body. Most of all, patients with gastritis with high acidity of the stomach, with pancreatitis in an acute stage, also with cholecystitis, gastric ulcer, acute inflammation in the intestines and in the presence of colitis should be most careful.

String beans, like any other, affect increased gas exchange, therefore, the elderly should not get involved in such food, as well as those suffering from chronic constipation, kidney nephritis and gout. You can avoid excessive gas formation if you boil the beans twice, while draining the first water.

Green beans are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements that we need for a healthy and quality life. Every person of any age with moderate and good health simply needs to make up his daily diet, periodically introducing this protein product into it. Regularly eating these bright green cereals, we will protect our body from the harmful effects of the environment, because it is typical for green beans to not absorb harmful substances from the outside, as other vegetable crops do.

Legumes are extremely popular in cooking. That is why domestic summer residents and gardeners strive to grow them. They are increasingly interested in green beans, the pods of which have a pleasant delicate taste. It is not necessary to peel its grains; the whole juicy pod, which has great nutritional value, is eaten.

Green beans are called immature legume pods. As a rule, asparagus varieties fall under this definition. It is green beans that have the best taste and have a huge supply of useful trace elements.

It is characterized by long pods. If you buy a ready-made frozen product, then you need to pay attention to the fact that they are not increased in volume. Otherwise, the product may contain coarse fibers.

The beans should break with a characteristic crunch, be juicy and young. They are slightly sweet in taste.

Biochemical composition of the pods

Vegetable refers to dietary products. It is recommended for people who are overweight.

The plant has a unique property not to absorb harmful substances from the environment. That is why it is considered one of the most environmentally friendly products.

Compared to the common varieties of this bean, the green bean is not as rich in protein, however, the content vitamins a few more. These include:

  • B vitamins;
  • groups of vitamins PP, A, C and E;
  • acids necessary for the body;
  • cellulose;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats.

The composition includes many minerals:

  • sulfur;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • chrome and many more.

According to its composition, it is considered a unique plant that can saturate the human body. At the same time, the number of calories consumed is reduced to a minimum.

Useful properties of green beans

On the human body, a vegetable has very beneficial effect. It has long been used in folk medicine to cure bronchial asthma, normalize metabolism, and treat rheumatoid.

The cosmetology did not stand aside either. Our ancestors used a leguminous vegetable to eliminate skin rashes. In addition, these legumes have a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect. High content of argenine has a positive effect on the condition of people with diabetes.

In terms of its effect, argenin is similar to insulin, which is why drinking a liter of bean and carrot juice helps the body begin to produce it on its own.

Green beans contain high percentage of iron. Thanks to this, it contributes to the production of red blood cells in people suffering from anemia. But you should not abuse legumes, so as not to harm your health.

Pregnant women just need to eat this vegetable. Thanks to her actively fetal nerve cells are formed. In addition, this product helps improve visual acuity.

In chronic hypertension, regular consumption of beans helps to lower blood pressure. The use of green bean by men suffering from male diseases also has a beneficial effect.

Harm from use

No matter how positive and useful green beans may seem to you, they have a number of contraindications for use and, in addition to benefits, can harm the body. So, it is not recommended for people suffering from peptic ulcer and gastritis.

Those who suffer from such ailments should be very careful:

  • colitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis.

In no case should you eat raw pods, as they contain pheazin.

It is toxic and can cause serious poisoning. To avoid this, beans need boil for 5 minutes.

Under no circumstances should green beans be consumed by people allergy sufferers both on the beans themselves and on certain of their components.


The use of green beans is quite wide. I use it in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. This product must be included in the diet of diabetic patients. It promotes the natural production of insulin. For this purpose, a decoction is also used.

People suffering from cardiovascular disease You should also eat green bean pods. The use of this product also has a beneficial effect on increasing hemoglobin, stimulating the functioning of the nervous system, liver and kidneys.

Due to the low calorie content, the vegetable is very widely used in dietary nutrition.

A huge number of dishes, preparations and semi-finished products are prepared from it. It is difficult to say for the preparation of which dishes this leguminous plant cannot be used. The neutral taste of the fruit allows you to experiment with a variety of dishes.

Vegetable can be combined with both meat and fish dishes. Even the most demanding and sophisticated gourmets will be satisfied with its taste.

Even in the most sophisticated restaurants you can find green bean dishes. As a rule, it is steamed, but pre-soaked in salt water. This is done so that the product does not lose its rich color.

You can save the pods by freezing. To do this, they are washed, crushed, dried and placed in containers or bags for freezing. The shelf life of such a product is about six months. At any moment, even in snowy winter, you can enjoy the taste of a healthy product.

Growing a vegetable is quite easy. She is unpretentious, does not take up much space on the site. You can plant a crop between other plants.

Its taste qualities are very high, and the content of useful substances and microelements is simply huge. That is why now many gardeners are trying to allocate an area in order to plant such a valuable crop. The scope of its application is unusually wide, and traditional medicine has long used this leguminous plant for medicinal purposes.

There are approximately 50 varieties of green beans. Among the people, it has acquired the following names: green, sugar, asparagus - all because it is eaten in whole pods, without peeling grains from succulent valves, as in other species. In cooking, she is always held in high esteem: preparations for the winter, vegetable stew, side dish, salad and others. green beans are determined by the composition of the product, but most importantly, it does not absorb harmful substances from the environment. Before eating, it is recommended to boil it to get rid of the toxic component of pheasin.

calories in green beans

  • vitamin C
  • riboflavin
  • a nicotinic acid
  • pyridoxine
  • tocopherol
  • thiamine

Also, the composition of the vegetable includes such micro and macro elements as phosphorus, iodine, calcium, zinc, sodium, potassium, selenium, iron, silicon, magnesium and sulfur.

The complex of vitamins and chemical elements is able to perfectly satisfy hunger, saturate with energy and useful substances for the normal functioning of the metabolic processes of the body.

Useful properties of green beans

The composition of green beans determines its beneficial properties. Due to the abundance of fiber, which, like a sponge, absorbs and removes harmful substances from the body.

Protection against free radicals, which act as aggressive oxidants of vital structures, is provided by a balanced composition of healthy carbohydrates, sugar, fat and fiber.

String beans are full of a set of vitamins necessary for a young body, so it is recommended to include it in the diet of teenagers. Green beans will also help pregnant women and women in menopause to cope with hormonal imbalances.

Due to the ability to lower the level of insulin in the blood, the green product is recommended for diabetics.

The insulin-like element arginine is ingested with food and reduces the need for taking special preparations for correction.

The cardiovascular system will also find many useful elements that prevent tissue aging and reduce cholesterol levels. People who regularly eat green beans are less likely to suffer from atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and arrhythmia.

If you make it a rule to include green beans in your menu, then if you are overweight, you can not adhere to a strict diet. It saturates the body with all the necessary elements and vitamins, after which it does not experience hunger and overload.

The use of the product in this case leads to flatulence. To avoid problems, it is recommended to boil the asparagus beans longer than usual or pre-soak them in a soda solution.

A fried product, with abundant addition of fat or animal origin, will also not benefit the body, but will make the work of the pancreas harder.

Pancreatitis or cholecystitis are contraindications for including a leguminous plant on the menu.

Vegetables are not allowed to be included in the diet of the elderly due to increased gas formation in the body. You can afford such a dish in small quantities, rarely and with the addition of thyme, dill.

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