Oil talents of the deputy head of Rostekhnadzor Svetlana radionova. The name of the new head of Rosprirodnadzor will be known this week. Who strongly does not want Svetlana Radionova from RTN to become them .... Forecasts and facts

Only inspections of mini-refineries could bring 50 billion rubles to "supervising" officials

Recently, one of the most powerful regulatory agencies of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, or, to put it simply, Rostekhnazor, has been shaken by a wave of corruption scandals.

Let's start with the latest information about the detention in May 2018 of the head of the North-Western Department of Rostekhnadzor, Mr. Grigory Slabikov, during a search of which more than 1.5 billion rubles were found. The investigation continues. The official's daughter Elena Slabikova was also arrested. They are accused of facilitating the theft of compensation funds of a number of St. Petersburg SROs and multimillion-dollar bribes.

At the direction of our heroine, Mr. Kondalov underestimated the hazard class of production facilities of OAO Lukoil-Perm, and received the difference between the cost of insurance premiums in cash. As a result, the budget did not receive at least 100 million rubles. The investigation continues.

Just last week, a number of publications reported that it was planned to replace the dismissed head of Rosprirodnadzor with the arrival of the deputy head of Rostekhnazor Svetlana Radionova. In one of the publications she is called "bulldog", in another - a man from Sechin's team.

Deputy Head of Rostekhnadzor Svetlana Radionova

We decided to conduct our own investigation and here are the details we learned.

With the arrival of Alexei Aleshin in Rostekhnadzor in 2014, the service (Rostekhnadzor) began to pursue a policy aimed at reducing corruption risks, restoring order in the areas of activity of the control and supervision agency, introducing a risk-based approach to supervisory activities, and reducing pressure on business. At the time of the arrival of the new head, Svetlana Radionova had been in the service for more than five years and occupied a leading position among the deputy heads of the department. Radionova did her best to win the respect and trust of the new leader. The first "force" was the visit to Rostekhnadzor of the assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Anton Ustinov, organized by Radionova, immediately after the appointment of a new leader. Anton told Mr. Aleshin a lot about the merits of Rodionova, her contribution to state affairs, etc.

Why did she deserve such fame?

The story dates back to 2009, when Svetlana came to Rostekhnadzor as the head of the licensing department for patronage, as she told her new colleagues, Igor Ivanovich (Sechin) himself. The patronage, allegedly, was carried out for the huge contribution of Svetlana to the Yukos case during her work in the prosecutor's office. However, according to the reviews of her former prosecutor's superiors, Svetlana was a miserable likeness of an employee of the prosecutor's office who does not know not only the legislation, but also the principles of work, cannot organize the activities of her subordinates, does not leave the "sick leave", is always dissatisfied with everything and everyone and demands constant additional bonuses and evaluation of their activities. “We didn’t know how to get rid of her,” was recorded from the words of former leaders. The patronage of "Igor Ivanovich" turned out to be a certain Anton Ustinov, who then worked as Sechin's assistant and very often uses the position of his boss to resolve personal issues. With Svetlana, at that time, they had a long-standing personal relationship, and subsequently - a business relationship strengthened over the years (all the money earned under the "projects of the supervisory agency" is divided in half).

The first project that Radionova started with was checking private oil refineries (mini-refineries) throughout the Russian Federation. Rostekhnadzor is the agency that licenses the activities of processing enterprises. It would seem that the state task, but if you do not delve into the essence of its content. During the inspection period, more than 2.5 thousand mini-refineries were inspected on the territory of the Russian Federation, the activities of 98% of them were initially suspended under the auspices of violations identified in technology, industrial safety, environmental damage, etc.

2% of enterprises “paid off on the spot”, while the rest collected money for several years to continue their activities. The fee for the "resumption" of the enterprise's activities ranged from 50 to 250 million rubles, depending on the volume of production of the enterprise. Funds came to Radionova through intermediaries who were in contact with the head of the oil and gas department of the central office of Rostekhnadzor Zhulina Svetlana and her subordinates. Particularly incredulous were offered to conclude formal agreements with expert organizations controlled by Svetlana (Radionova and Zhulina) (licenses for the activities of these organizations are issued by the same Rostekhnadzor) for the performance of work and the development of documentation, bringing them into line with the licensing requirements of Rostekhnadzor. The prices for the services of experts were many times overstated and approached the amounts indicated above. The owners of the mini-refineries, who found the funds, continued to exist, replenished the "client base" and are probably still recouping their investments. According to conservative estimates, the "mini-refinery" project brought the participants at least 50 billion rubles.

As the years passed, the business grew. Anton, as a person from the well-known Ustinov family and the most “informed” about the state of oil refining in the Russian Federation (well, probably except for Radionova), took the post of assistant to the president for the fuel and energy complex. Svetlana received her second higher education at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas. Gubkina, having visited him during the "training" no more than 10 times, rose to the rank of Deputy Head of the Federal Service (Rostekhnadzor) and, in addition to licensing, received almost unlimited powers in the field of the oil and gas industry, the chemical industry, construction supervision, supervision of self-regulatory organizations in the field of construction and began to place trusted people for the positions of heads of territorial branches of the department. During the period while Radionova works as a deputy, about 60% of the territorial heads of Rostekhnadzor were reappointed. The key aspect here was the authority of Radionova to check the territorial branches of the department. Those leaders who "did not cave in" were fired through numerous internal audits, led by Radionova herself. If there was not enough "Rostekhnadzor's radionov resource", the "prosecutor's resource of the Ustinovs" was added. The "caved" leaders of the territories began to carry out the business instructions of Mrs. Radionova. The circle of business interests of Radionova expanded like a "snowball". This included inspections and modernization of large oil refining and petrochemical enterprises, chemical production, construction and reconstruction of large enterprises and important government facilities. All business projects were carried out according to a previously developed scheme. First, inspections were carried out, multi-volume instructions were issued that even large state-owned and even more so private enterprises and corporations were unable to fulfill, fines were imposed, then expert organizations were pointed out to companies that helped them solve problems with Rostekhnadzor. Those, in turn, performed work at inflated prices or did not perform it at all, they simply changed covers at old examinations.

Organizations controlled by Radionova used this method to implement and continue to implement a full range of support for the construction, modernization and reconstruction of the largest Russian refineries, mining and petrochemical enterprises, oil and gas transportation systems. Illustrative examples of such activities can be accidents at the newly “modernized” refineries of LLC PO KINEF, OJSC Achinsk Oil Refinery, JSC Antipinsky Oil Refinery, JSC Ryazan Oil Refining Company, where dozens of people died as a result of explosions and fires , numerous ruptures of oil and gas pipelines, spills and leaks of oil and gas, as a result of which the damage amounts to billions of rubles, not counting the damage caused to the environment. All these events are the results of the criminal activities of the expert and design sphere of the companies Interunis LLC, Beskit LLC, Volga-Prom-Expertiza LLC, PromExpertiza LLC, Tenzor LLC, CJSC NDC NPF "Russian Laboratory", CJSC NPO Tekhkranenergo, Industrial Security LLC, Intercor Rus LLC and others.

Significant deviations from the existing design, operational and regulatory documentation, Russian “one-day” companies are hired as contractors, which do not have the resources and qualifications, being only pads for transferring funds for the performance of work to foreign companies. The situation is the same with emergency rescue units and units for the prevention and elimination of oil and oil product spills. The involved companies do not have any funds to carry out these types of work (none of the companies has its own equipment, machinery and watercraft). In the event of an accident, Exxon Neftegaz Limited is counting on the involvement of Singapore-based OSRL, which is allegedly ready to start eliminating the accident at the customer’s facilities at any time, for which it receives huge sums, thereby reducing Russia’s income from oil production. According to experts and their calculations, OSRL can start work at the facilities no earlier than in 25 days, taking into account the remoteness and Russian border and customs legislation.

All these violations committed by foreign managers over the years (ignoring the requirements of Russian legislation, violation of the signed PSA on the actual participation of Russian companies in projects), became possible only with the participation of Radionova and lead to the risk of man-made and environmental disasters, as well as the withdrawal of funds abroad and reduce the taxable base in the Russian Federation.

For more than eight years of “checks”, Radionova and her patron have simultaneously implemented the “expertise” project and created a business empire for conducting industrial safety expertise (EPB) throughout the Russian Federation. In addition, in recent years, the government has given Rostekhnadzor additional powers to control self-regulatory organizations (SROs) in the construction industry. It is Radionova who decides “to be or not to be” an SRO, can appoint an unscheduled check or cancel a previously planned one, can check the existence of a compensation fund, its size, and of course recommend in which bank and under whose management it should be kept. At one of these moments, Mr. Slabikov, the head of the North-Western Department of Rostekhnadzor, “burned out” and, by the way, Svetlana was the first to fly out to help him. Giving interviews to the press that the leadership of the service is cooperating with the investigation, helping and will definitely conduct a comprehensive audit of the management, distributed the missing billions of SROs that were not discovered during the search.

In the field of construction supervision, not a single AIA (conclusion of conformity) in the territory of the Russian Federation is issued to objects supervised by Rostekhnadzor without the personal participation of Radionova and her protege - the head of the construction supervision department Marianna Klimova. Despite the fact that the issuance of AIA is within the competence of the heads of territorial bodies, without a command from Moscow, not a single "conclusion" will be issued. The team arrives as soon as ~10% of the cost of the leased object is received. One of the latest examples is the issuance of the AIA and the commissioning of the Ufimskaya CHPP-5 in April this year. Investors, designers and builders, as well as equipment manufacturers (LLC Bashkir Generating Company, Inter RAO-Engineering, LLC Kaskad-Energo, JSC ESK SOYUZ, JSC Power Machines and EMAlliance) were at least 1.5 billion was spent on intermediaries related to the issuance of AIA, licensing and commissioning, among which the NDC NPF "Russian Laboratory" actively participated.

Particularly “contact” supervised organizations, among those audited, are assigned “monthly financial responsibility” under the pretext that all Rostekhnadzor employees participating in the audits perform the most important state task (with this phrase, Radionova always points to a portrait hanging in the office of almost everyone head in the Russian Federation, but unfortunately the scope of work is unlimited, and funding is scarce).

According to the expert community, at the time Mr. Aleshin came to Rostekhnadzor, almost 65% of the market for expert services of the Russian Federation in the field of ESP was controlled by Radionova and her patron, and the value of the entire market for the year is estimated at several tens of billions. Aleshin and his team decided to carry out a number of reforms in the activities of Rostekhnadzor, including in the field of industrial safety, cleaning out unscrupulous and unskilled experts.

These actions of the new head of Rostekhnadzor sharply limited the scope of Radionova's business interests. Here her patron joined in, starting to send instructions from the height of his post to the Prosecutor General's Office, the Investigative Committee, the State Duma and even the Federation Council in order to check and understand the goals and objectives of the reform being carried out by the new head of Rostekhnadzor. But some of those in power did not fit his actions and Anton left his position with the official wording "of his own free will", and according to colleagues, "exceeding official authority and loss of confidence." However, taking into account the established contacts with the insurance community, Anton is transferred to one of the leading positions in Sogaz, starting to explore the horizons of new activities, naturally, not forgetting about Svetlana. Together they continue to “drive” supervised hazardous production facilities into the Sogaz insurance group through affiliated companies (as you know, all insurance companies reserve part of the funds for payments to their intermediaries). Having at their disposal the client base of mini-refineries, and motivated by the lack of light oil products produced in the Russian Federation, they tried to promote a legislative initiative to connect their "clients" to the main oil pipelines in Russia, in order to fully meet the needs of the Russian market of light oil products. According to the plan, Rostekhnadzor, represented by Radionova, was supposed to determine the readiness of the mini-refinery to connect to the “pipe”. The business plan that was drawn up was based on 1 million US dollars from each client. But whether Anton did not have enough resources in his new position, or whether this project was not combined with the reforms carried out by Aleshin, our sources do not know.

Radionova pays well for her trusted people. Rostekhnadzor says that the best position in the department is Radionova’s assistant, of which she had 3 until recently. They say that Svetlana bought an apartment for each of her assistants in prestigious areas of Moscow, and believe me, not with the funds allocated by the state for the acquisition housing for civil servants. Radionova has the only reception room in the department, which cannot be accessed simply by knocking and opening the door. First you need to report the purpose of your visit to the video peephole to the secretary. Why such security measures in the department, which is already guarded by armed policemen? Employees also say that she has her own exit from the office to the other wing of the building and to the street. Interested for what purpose? Radionova lives in an elite village, in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region, and travels in Mercedes S-class and Maybach cars. Lunches are delivered to the office from the most expensive restaurants in Moscow, and visits to elite beauty salons and boutiques are included in the working day of a civil servant.

Reforms in Rostekhnadzor continue, every month new top-level bribe-takers placed by Radionova are exposed. She understands that the range of business interests is narrowing every day, a global fight against corruption is underway in the country, more and more facts begin to indicate her involvement, and the patron does not have such powers as before, so Svetlana the “bulldog” decided to quickly jump into a new independent chair (of the head of Rosprirodnadzor) with its own ready-made client base ...

Summer 2018 turned out to be especially hot for two influential and corrupt federal agencies.

The first - Rostekhnadzor - is shaken by corruption scandals (one of the leaders, Grigory Slabikov, has billions of dollars in cash during a search!). The second - Rosprirodnadzor - was beheaded after the appointment of a new Minister of Natural Resources, Dmitry Kobylkin. The scandalous link between these supervisory services was Svetlana Radionova: a “dark horse”, considered a creature of the chairman of the board of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, in the rank of deputy head of Rostekhnadzor.

According to repeatedly published information, Mrs. Radionova has ambitions to leave Rostekhnadzor and head Rosprirodnadzor. Allegedly, Svetlana Gennadievna has already been approved by Kobylkin for the role of the holder of an ecological "administrative club" for business. The editors of Kompromat-Ural would like to thank the readers who responded to our investigation into Svetlana Radionova. Against the backdrop of revealing publications that interested the FSB, Radionova reduced her official public activity to zero: for the whole summer, perhaps only her trip to Omsk is known, where she praised Gazpromneft and met on duty with the local governor Alexander Burkov.

“After reading the articles about Radionova, one gets the impression that our country is the only one in the world in which a high-ranking official, feeling that clouds are gathering over him, can evade responsibility by taking an even higher position (up to the head), but in a different department. Ends in the water or "I'm not me, and the horse is not mine, and I'm not a cab driver," writes one of the commentators. Other readers, as a new topic for investigation, reported to the Kompromat-Ural portal information on the issue of Svetlana Radionova's relations with commercial structures, which could have unreasonable (in many ways - corrupt) advantages due to the electoral position of Rostekhnadzor. According to the editors of Kompromat-Ural, back in 2014, First Deputy Prosecutor General Alexander Buksman pointed out to Rostekhnadzor the improper “use of powers in the field of licensing activities for the examination of industrial safety” (Radionova’s favorite area) and insisted on “uniform application of legislation” (a headache any corrupt official!).

Read also: Lobyak and Mazepin suffer in the interests of Igor Ivanovich

As an example, confidants recommend putting under control information about the activities of TekhkranDiagnostika LLC (TIN 3328432470). Infobases mark the staff of the organization symbolically: two people. At the same time, in 2016 alone, the revenue of TekhkranDiagnostika LLC amounted to 1.2 billion rubles, soaring immediately by 116% (in 2015 it was 549 million rubles)! The company did a good job of “vacuuming” government orders: it received numerous government contracts, mainly for the examination of industrial safety, inspection, diagnosis of large objects, etc.

Characteristically, in accusatory publications, Svetlana Radionova is blamed for the creation of a system of “special relations” with similar organizations, which were persistently “recommended” by Rostekhnadzor employees to the heads of supervised enterprises “in order to avoid problems and misunderstandings” when, for example, licensing and conducting inspections. A few years ago, in open sources, one could come across messages on the topic “redistribution of the industrial safety expertise market is Radionova’s old dream…”.

In this regard, Oleg Churkin (TIN 665812763151) was called one of the “friends of Radionova”, he was the director of TekhkranDiagnostika in 2014-2015, after Andranik Astaduryan (TIN 771577485859). 37-year-old Astaduryan is now the general director of Clean City LLC, owned by Oleg Churkin and his brother Igor (TIN 500402223868). After Oleg Churkin, the directors of TekhkranDiagnostika LLC were Andrey Arslanov and Vladimir Rustamov, after which the company was re-registered to the liquidator Roman Devyatov (TIN 183111075723). The liquidation process was launched in February 2018, and information soon leaked to the media that Radionova was ready to leave Rostekhnadzor to head Rosprirodnadzor.

Correspondents of the Kompromat-Ural portal are accepting new thematic leads about corruption in the highest echelons of supervisory authorities. Greetings to Svetlana Radionova and other respected VIP officials, readers can send to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

In conclusion, we will quote an article that was recently published in the RuNews24 news agency under the heading “Federal Corruption Network: Documents Seized from Businessman Rostovtsev Lead to the High Offices of Rostekhnadzor”:

“Recently revealed possible facts of corruption at the highest level in Rostekhnadzor are beginning to acquire details. The department makes strange personnel decisions, and bribery, apparently, is of a network nature.

As previously reported in the media, FSB officers became interested in the activities and corruption ties of the deputy head of Rostekhnadzor Svetlana Radionova. The reason for the operational check was the electronic materials seized from the businessman Ruslan Rostovtsev. According to them, he paid $60,000 to Rostekhnadzor every month, and also bought Mercedes and apartments for his employees in exchange for turning a blind eye to numerous accidents, violations, and deaths in the mines.

In 2008, the capital's ex-official Rostovtsev and the Kuzbass businessman Alexander Shchukin formed a common coal business. In equal shares, they acquired two coal mine administrations. Now they are called "Taldinskoye-Kyrgayskoye" and "Taldinskoye-Yuzhnoye" - Rostovtsev has fully owned them since 2013. In recent years, accidents have periodically occurred on these sections. Radionova, according to online publications, although she did not formally deal with coal, she helped to resolve emergencies.

So it was, for example, in August 2013, when in the territory of the Prokopevsky district of the Kemerovo region on the site No. 3 of the Taldinskaya-Yuzhnaya mine, a part of the wall of the coal massif was detached, as a result of which a 29-year-old mining machine operator died. Rostekhnadzor, in fact, did not take any measures. But the most revealing story happened in April 2015. At the Taldinskaya-Yuzhnaya mine, the head of the enterprise, 55-year-old Nikolai Lember, died. The incident occurred at lava face #48-7 on April 6, during the daytime. Rostekhnadzor turned a blind eye again and sabotaged attempts to launch an investigation by law enforcement agencies.

It is worth saying that during this period the Siberian Department of Rostekhnadzor, whose area of ​​responsibility includes these mines, was headed by Evgeny Reznikov. It was the local administration that was supposed to initiate investigations at the first stage, which, as we already know, did not follow. By a strange coincidence, it was after the accident at the Taldinskaya-Yuzhnaya mine that the official moved to Moscow, where he was appointed to the post of head of the Central Directorate of the department.

Investigators do not believe in such coincidences. Moreover, after moving to the capital, Reznikov began to surround himself with dubious personnel. So he appointed Evgeny Tyumentsev, also a native of Kemerovo, as his deputy. Until 2012, Tyumentsev headed the branch of IDGC of Siberia - Kuzbassenergo - RES, where he was building an external power supply scheme for the Raspadskaya mine. This means that it was Reznikov's management that controlled these works. At the end of his career at IDGC, Evgeny Tyumentsev became a defendant in a criminal case on abuse of authority for 30 million rubles. Now a prosecutor's check is being carried out against him on the possible fact of having bank accounts in the United Arab Emirates and real estate in this country.

No less strange was the recent appointment of Lev Afanasyev as head of the construction supervision department of the Central Directorate of Rostekhnadzor.

Recently, Rostekhnadzor has been shaken by a wave of corruption scandals. In May 2018, the head of the North-Western Directorate of Rostekhnadzor Grigory Slabikov and his daughter Elena were arrested, during a search of which more than 1.5 billion rubles were found. They are accused of facilitating the theft of compensation funds of a number of St. Petersburg SROs and multimillion-dollar bribes. In April 2018, the head of the Nizhne-Volzhsky department of Rostekhnadzor, Igor Isaev, was detained, who was released on bail and disappeared. In September 2017, Alexander Kondalov, the head of the West Ural Department, was detained in Egypt, who had been on the wanted list since March 2017. Earlier, during a search of the official, about 300 million rubles were found. There is no doubt that with such a personnel policy, purges in Rostekhnadzor will continue,” the author of the material expresses confidence.

The delay in the appointment to the post of head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor) turned out to be in the hands of those who wanted to impose on the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kobylkin own candidates. As our volunteer metropolitan expert is sure, it is these people who are behind the information attack on the deputy head of Rostekhnadzor Svetlana Radionova. However, the word - a freelance writer.

The wave of negativity made me seriously think about who was so unprofitable for the promotion of the “blonde in uniform”. There were always a lot of rumors about Mrs. Radionova. She was called “looking from Sechin” for the Russian fuel and energy complex, she was credited with acquaintances with the first persons of the country, and they also noted the special rigidity of the “bulldog in a skirt”. At the same time, she was predicted an early resignation in connection with the hypothetical possibility of initiating criminal cases.

It is clear that Svetlana Gennadievna made a lot of influential enemies with her work in Rostekhnadzor. And publications in the media are extra proof of this.

According to sources, the idea to invite Radionova to Rosprirodnadzor was Mr. Kobylkin's personal decision. As the governor of the oil and gas region, Dmitry Nikolayevich interacted with her for many years, more than once making sure of Svetlana's managerial qualities.

When the news about the arrival of Radionova spread throughout the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, the current employees of Rosprirodnadzor were the first to get scared. Like those who were brought by the former head of the department Artyom Sidorov, and the bulk left over from its predecessor Vladimir Kirillov. Ballast that could not be uprooted.

After all, it was the appointees of the times of Mr. Kirillov and even his predecessor Vyacheslav Volokh continue to rule the ball. It is enough to raise the staffing of the Central Office and departments by districts to understand that Rosprirodnadzor has become more efficient “from the head”, but at the middle level the situation has not changed.

The arrival of Radionova for supervisory environmentalists is like a bone in the throat. Unlike many, she knows what the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is and (oh, God!) She knows how to read laws and by-laws. And Svetlana Gennadievna also knows how to fire inefficient employees and is not afraid of external pressure.

The second to get excited were the "environmentalists of the new wave" from the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia. For there are almost no experienced professionals left in the environmental department of the ministry. People from Rossport, commercial institutions and student interns who have come over the past couple of years are not able to cope with the preparation of complex bills. They are afraid of the arrival of a qualified "outsider" who will quickly figure out who is worth what, and rigidly organize the work without regard to surnames and family ties.
And, of course, the big industrialists tensed up. Those without which there is not a single appointment in the Government of Russia. Indeed, in recent years, payments for negative environmental impact in Russia have decreased by almost half.
Think about it: all the country's enterprises pay less than 20 billion rubles (some $300 million) for their emissions, discharges and waste. Compensation to nature from some metallurgical holdings does not exceed 10 million rubles a year!
But if a person capable of effectively using this “club” becomes the head of Rosprirodnadzor, the moment of truth will come for many. And the leaders of the Forbes list will find money for the reconstruction of wastewater treatment plants much faster than the State Duma will consider a law on equipping pipes with automatic meters.

And also the arrival of Radionova is madly afraid of the "kings" of the dumps of the Moscow region. They say that Svetlana is ready to break up most of the landfills that do not comply with environmental legislation. And he is extremely skeptical about the projects of the "garbage king" Andrey Shipelov(RT-Invest), which worries the true beneficiaries of the waste incineration plants that are being built in the Moscow region.

However, the information campaign against Radionova seems to have reduced Svetlana's chances of heading Rosprirodnadzor. Although her managerial connection with Kobylkin could bring interesting results.

And the name of the one who “ordered” Radionov will become known in the coming days. When lobbyists competently submit to the Chairman of the Government a summary of a compromise candidate for Rosprirodnadzor. Which will suit everyone, but will be unable to solve the long-standing environmental problems of the Russian Federation ...

EDITORIAL. Here is a message from our freelance writer. And what do you, dear readers and professionals of self-regulation, think about everything he has stated? We look forward to your feedback on this publication on our forum!

Your ZanoStroy.RF

Artyom Sidorov

VERSION #1: Rostekhnadzor attacks

Rosprirodnadzor, which is responsible for the control and supervision of environmental management, will be abolished, and its functions will be transferred from the Ministry of Natural Resources to Rostekhnadzor. The head of Rostekhnadzor Alexey Aleshin comes up with this initiative. Previously, this phantasmagoric idea was lobbied by the dismissed grotesque Mikhail Abyzov, who failed to cope with the presidential order to reform control and supervision. Abyzov hatched this project solely with the aim of creating a cozy place for himself and earning money, as in the hard times of RAO UES. It turns out that Aleshin also liked this idea. Moreover, Aleshin's opportunities in Rostekhnadzor after a series of scandals were sharply reduced.

https://t.me/boilerroomchannel/1539 ;

VERSION #2: The Crown Prince Returns

The government is lobbying for the appointment of Rinat Gizatulin, an adviser to the owner of Uralchem, Dmitry Mazepin, who was expelled from the Ministry of Natural Resources, to head Rosprirodnadzor. Gizatulin and his partner Oleg Mitvol (https://t.me/rospres/2536) allegedly want to single-handedly take bribes for licensing municipal waste operators and distribute environmental fees. Mazepin, according to rumors, was promised impunity to pollute the Kama River with his factories.

https://t.me/rospres/2897 ;

The then minister Sergey Donskoy and his deputy Rinat Gizatulin before parting, 2015

VERSION No. 3: Resentment for the son

The department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Central Federal District, following the results of the audit, requires the closure of waste incineration plant No. 4 in the Rudnevo industrial zone in the east of Moscow. The department has filed the relevant documents with the court. As TASS reported on June 8, the press service of Rosprirodnadzor confirmed that this appeal to the court exists.

"The Department has conducted an inspection against Charter LLC (former waste incineration plant No. 4) ... For the identified violations, Charter LLC will be held administratively liable ... At present, the Department has sent administrative materials to the court for an administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days," the department said. The owner of Charter LLC is the youngest son of the Prosecutor General of Russia, Yuri Chaika, Igor.

Yuri Chaika himself responded to this 20 days later, devoting a separate speech to Rosprirodnadzor at the board of the Prosecutor General's Office:

Rosprirodnadzor does not properly ensure the conduct of environmental expertise, licensing of enterprises, does not control the timeliness of transferring payments to the budget system for a negative impact on the environment, and does not recover the environmental damage caused.

Rospotrebnadzor does not fully perform the functions of social and hygienic monitoring and regulation at enterprises and solid waste landfills. The perpetrators are unlawfully released from administrative liability.

The work of operational and investigative bodies in this area needs to be improved.

Operational-search activities in cases related to illegal turnover of waste are actually not carried out. In two and a half years, 150 cases of operational accounting were opened, but only 11 were actually implemented.

In total, during this time, 154 criminal cases on the relevant crimes were investigated, but only every fourth (40) reached the court.

At the same time, in half of the subjects (47) cases of this category were not initiated at all, among them the Republic of Mordovia, Volgograd, Vologda, Kaluga, Kursk, Leningrad regions. In each of these regions, prosecutors have identified more than 1,000 violations of waste legislation, but no measures have been taken to obtain an estimate of environmental damage and raise the issue of criminal prosecution of those responsible.

Despite systemic omissions in the field of waste management, insufficient regulatory regulation, and the lack of proper environmental supervision, the prosecutors of the republics of Karelia, Mordovia, Arkhangelsk and Tambov regions do not assess violations in the activities of regional authorities and regulatory agencies.

In addition, in some subjects, prosecutors have lost control over the situation associated with the closure of landfills that have exhausted their resources and are located in close proximity to the residential sector.

https://t.me/ecofront/633 ;

Seagulls - this is a classic, and a classic - forever

The Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia Dmitry Kobylkin dismissed his deputy, head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor) Artem Sidorov. As an informed source told Znak.com, Sidorov wrote his letter of resignation on Wednesday, June 13, and Kobylkin had already given it to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev for signature.

“Sidorov will now have to return to his native Tatarstan, which he categorically does not want. He hoped to the last that Khloponin (former Deputy Prime Minister) would stand up for him, but he is now in the United States with his family, ”the source said.

So far, there is no official data on personnel changes in the structure of the Ministry of Natural Resources. On the website of the department, Artem Sidorov is listed as Deputy Minister Kobylkin. Znak.com sources in the Ministry of Natural Resources say they have heard about Sidorov's statement, but have not yet seen him. “I can't confirm yet. This morning he was at a meeting with the minister,” the source told Znak.com.

Artem Sidorov is from Kazan, where he graduated from the university with a degree in law. From 2001 to 2006 he worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan, then for a year he was the manager of affairs of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Tatarstan. From 2010 to 2015 he was the Minister of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic, since 2015 he has been the head of Rosprirodnadzor. He became Deputy Federal Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology in December 2017.

Speaking of Sidorov's replacement, Znak.com's interlocutors say that Svetlana Radionova, the deputy head of Rostekhnadzor, who is called the creature of the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, really wants to take this post. The other day, according to the profile telegram channel "Green Serpent", which, most likely, is run by employees of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Kobylkin met with Radionova, who allegedly already wrote an application addressed to Medvedev for admission to the position of head of Rosprirodnadzor.

“According to our sources, Dmitry Kobylkin is hardly enthusiastic about the candidacy of Radionova, but he is under pressure,” the channel reported. - I wonder if he knows what task Svetlana has set for herself? According to our sources, bypassing a number of senior offices, Radionova enlisted the support of one really influential official, who promised her to ensure her exit from the Ministry of Natural Resources in the form of a separate Ministry of Ecology within six months after her appointment. In fact, the new structure of the Ministry of Natural Resources, when the head of Rosprirodnadzor concentrates all the powers of management in the field of protected areas and normative regulation of the environmental sphere, simplifies this task. Moreover, ecology is one of the 12 priority projects of the May presidential decree. In the supervised community, Radionova is respectfully called "Bulldog": "If Sveta clings to something, then she just won't let go."

Svetlana Radionova never hid her ambitions. And I must say honestly - I have long deserved an independent position. In the spring, she appeared on the short list for the post of head of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources. How ready Kobylkin is to let such an independent player into his garden will be shown in the coming days.

In addition, it is known that the apparatus of the government of the Russian Federation has already asked the FSB for a detailed certificate on Radionova. “According to rumors, when information about Svetlana’s career aspirations was shown to the operational staff in charge of Rostekhnadzor, their hair stood on end,” the authors of the Green Serpent channel reported. “Now it becomes clear why Radionova is in such a hurry to leave the most powerful supervisory agency, which has recently been shaken by a series of corruption scandals.”

https://www.znak.com/2018-06-14/na_mesto_glavy_rosprirodnadzora_sidorova_mozhet_priyti_chelovek_sechina_iz_rostehnadzora ;


On the Internet, Rostekhnadzor and Rosprirodnadzor are actively uniting.

Seething began with the fact that the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources Dmitry Kobylkin began to form his own team.The main thing for the next six years is the implementation of the May Decree of the President, where the environment has become one of the 12 priority projects. Therefore, the figure of the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources - the head of Rosprirodnadzor has become a key one. And the current leader Artem Sidorov was offered to write a letter of resignation. However, on the advice of "senior comrades" Sidorov chose not to do this and went on the defensive.

For a week, information stuffing continued with various names of candidates to replace Sidorov. As it turned out, a company was behind a number of publications, which usually places “informational messages” in the interests of Rosneft.

And since yesterday, the news about the intention of the head of Rostekhnadzor Alexei Aleshin to merge Rostekhnadzor and Rosprirodnadzor under his leadership has been thrown into the public, heading the joint body.It seems that they don’t write anything bad about Aleshin, but the feeling after reading is unequivocal: it is he who is behind the series of caught corrupt officials in Rostekhnadzor.

Our sources claim that this "analytics" is posted by the same persons close to Rosneft.

It seems that someone decided to put pressure on media provocations on Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Gordeev (potential conflict with the curator of Rostekhnadzor Dmitry Kozak) and Minister Dmitry Kobylkin (potential withdrawal of the control and supervision unit from the Ministry of Natural Resources).

In addition, another information blow is delivered to Alyoshin.

It is unlikely that the head of Rosprirodnadzor, Sidorov, is interested in warming up the situation: his boat already got into a 9-point storm.

Whether Svetlana Radionova, deputy head of Rostechnadzor, is behind the provocations, we do not know. According to rumors, she took an extraordinary vacation and tells the environment that she will leave to work "in a business structure."
Accordingly, behind the scenes there is someone third. He wants to dismiss Alyoshin and Sidorov, quarrel Gordeev and Kozak, make Kobylkin dance to his tune. And to discredit everyone who could potentially head Rosprirodnadzor.And this someone spares no effort and means to achieve a goal known only to him.

https://t.me/greenserpent/640 ;

Prepared by Vladimir Khludov. Photo by Sergey KOZLOV, press service of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Internet resources.

So wrote "EcoGrad"

Moscow ecological concept globalized into space Rosprirodnadzor intends to check all landfills in Russia

Rostekhnadzor plans to actively implement a system of remote supervision, which makes it possible to predict critical changes in the operation of the equipment of industrial enterprises that own HIFs.

Svetlana Radionova, deputy head of Rostekhnadzor, told Rostechnadzor Deputy Head Svetlana Radionova about how things are today with accidents, what rules are violated most often and how to deal with it.

Svetlana Gennadievna, let's start with the most "expensive" for us - from the oil and gas complex. How are things going there?

Svetlana Radionova: Last year was the most accident-free for us in the history of Rostekhnadzor. Among the reasons, I can name equipment renewal, new approaches to its operation and quality supervision.

As for the oil and gas sector, I consider it a positive development that, at the request of companies, a special rubric “Lessons learned from accidents” has been opened on the website of Rostekhnadzor. It is very beneficial for the industry to be able to learn from the mistakes that have happened in other businesses.

In addition, we have a system for bringing to the attention of all interested parties the analysis of the causes of accidents within the framework of the scientific and technical council and interaction with enterprises. This also makes it possible to reduce the number of accidents at enterprises and treat industrial safety more responsibly.

You once said that service and business need to “hear each other”. What problems did you face?

68 accidents were recorded in 2015, three years ago there were 104.

Svetlana Radionova: You know, in Soviet times they said that we were assistants to the chief engineer. And we are working to ensure that it is.
Of course, finding mutual understanding is not always easy. But a conscientious business understands which facilities are in operation, realizes the level of their danger and the consequences of any accident. And gradually comes to the conclusion that industrial safety is profitable. Trouble-free operation leads to increased profits.

The first and second are the most dangerous. With such enterprises, everything is clear - we must constantly keep them under our control. There are enterprises of the third and fourth hazard class, which pose a much lesser threat in terms of the consequences of an accident. However, they are very numerous. These are elevators, other lifting structures, construction equipment, small boiler houses.

At facilities of the 4th hazard class, Rostekhnadzor does not perform scheduled inspections. We can check unscheduled, but only if there is a complaint from the public and only with the permission of the prosecutor's office.

We are also authorized to issue federal rules and regulations. This allowed us to quickly develop and implement specific documents in the industry in close cooperation with business.

But what is missing... We do not have enough specialists, we do not have enough material incentives for them, we do not have enough support from society.

How do people evaluate the result of your work?

Svetlana Radionova: The simplest and most understandable result: with the safe operation of the equipment, a person will be alive. He can go home after work. And this is the most important thing.

However, there is a benefit to society from a more mundane, financial point of view. For example, the enterprise does not comply with the issued instructions, and this can lead to an accident. It should be borne in mind that the accident causes enormous damage to everyone: the enterprise that ceases its activities, the state - it receives less taxes, jobs are cut, as well as the people themselves, because first of all it is human lives and health.

If the enterprise is a city-forming enterprise, its suspension will negatively affect the life of the entire city. People need to get their kids ready for school, go on vacation, pay their rent, buy clothes, and finally feed their families lunch and dinner.

And we, demanding compliance with industrial safety in the industry, with our instructions and requirements to eliminate certain violations, in fact, protect enterprises so that they continue to work, make a profit and provide their employees with a decent standard of living.

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