How to wean cats and cats to climb tables. Why does a cat climb tables and how to wean it from it? How to wean a cat from jumping on the kitchen table

Cats are by nature quite active, they are difficult to train and consider themselves the masters of the universe. For this reason, it is very difficult to re-educate a pet if the habit has already taken root. Four-legged friends love heights, they often find a cozy place for themselves on a closet, window sill or kitchen table. With regards to the latter case, some pets even manage to fall asleep next to food, which, in fact, is considered unhygienic. Pet owners grab their heads, wanting to wean their pets from climbing tables.

Reasons why cats climb on the table

Before talking about the correct methods of education, it is necessary to identify the true motives of the actions of a pet. Let's consider the important aspects in order.

  1. Curiosity and fussiness are considered to be the fundamental reason for this behavior of cats. Cats are extremely inquisitive, any unfamiliar object will interest them, as if by magic. Four-legged friends are happy to master every corner of the apartment, so they climb onto the table if the owner inadvertently left a tempting thing. To deal with a curious creature and quell interest, remove everything from the table. Leave the surface empty, over time the pet will stop climbing there. In cases where the kitchen set is not covered with a tablecloth, wipe the surface with vinegar solution or lemon / orange juice, cats do not like such scents.
  2. The next reason for misbehavior is stealing food from the master's table. Since domesticated animals are partly predatory by nature, they consider the stolen piece to be their prey. As in the previous case, there is only one solution - put food in the refrigerator, leaving the surface perfectly clean and empty. Always wipe down the table, scrape off crumbs and food stains so that odors do not remain. When there is no food on the kitchen set, there is nothing to steal. At the same time, it is important not to leave the cat hungry, before leaving the house, change her water and add food.
  3. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, but many animals sleep where the smell of food. Add to this the height at which the countertop is located, a favorite place appears from here. Cats feel comfortable when stretched to their full height, they consider being on the table a kind of ritual. The four-legged pets of the family realize that no one is sitting here except them, so they feel a kind of superiority. To wean a cat from such manners, equip her with a comfortable bed or a house in which she will sleep with pleasure. If possible, put the pet's home upstairs, it can be a closet or cabinet.
  4. Another common reason for cats to be on the table is the love of high surfaces. The animal watches from above what is happening below. Habits are formed in cases where more than one cat lives in an apartment, but several. A special device in the form of a shelf located just above the table or away from it will help to wean your pet. Attach a stand to the wall, put the cat there and let her know that the view from here is many times better. When the animal once again decides to climb on the table, say "Shh!" and transfer it to an equipped observation site.
  5. In winter, cats try to find a warm place, as a rule, it is located high up. For this reason, pets climb on the table in the hope that there is less wind. Build a hammock for the animal, attach it to radiators or other warm object. You can also move a chair near a heat source. When leaving the apartment, turn off the laptop, put it in a drawer, not on the table. Turn off your table lamp as these items attract animals, especially during the winter season.
  6. Cats love to sit on windowsills and watch the events taking place outside. If the table is nearby, the pet will unconsciously sit on it, wanting to find a favorable view for itself. You just have to try to switch his attention by curtaining the curtains with opaque tulle or by moving the table to another place. You can act more cunningly, specifically luring the cat to observe from a different angle. In this case, hang bird feeders on the windowsill in your room or living room, feed the pigeons daily, and invite your cat to watch the activity.

  1. Toy pistol. Many cats do not like water. If your pet belongs to this number of pets, feel free to proceed with manipulations. The next time the cat climbs onto the table, sprinkle it with water from a toy gun or make your own sprinkler by poking a few holes in the bottle. The animal will immediately jump off and try to run away, don't let it do that. Raise the pet in your arms and spray again. If the pet does not understand the pointers, next time remove it from the table, then lower it into a bowl of water. Repeat the steps each time until the cat understands what is good and what is bad.
  2. Food foil. Cats do not like smooth rustling surfaces, so you need to create the most unfavorable conditions for the pet. Cover the countertop with baking foil, fixing it around the edges. Stick a few wide strips of double-sided tape on top. When the pet once again decides to climb onto the table, he will face a real nightmare: the paws will begin to stick to the surface, and the claws will slide on the aluminum foil, making unpleasant sounds and giving away the location. After 3-5 days of such manipulations, the pet will forget the way to the kitchen set.
  3. Smell of citrus fruits. Purchase any citrus essential oil at a pharmacy or cosmetic store, grapefruit is considered the most effective. Spray cotton napkins with this product, spread them on the surface of the table. Cats do not like such aromas, so the pet will stop climbing on the table after the first contact. You can also spread fresh orange, grapefruit or lemon peels on the countertop, they are less weak, but effective. The pet store sells a cat repeller, consider this option.
  4. Balloons. Many people know that cats have surprisingly sensitive hearing, use this feature in your own needs. Take 10 balloons, show them to the cat, leave the pet for a while so that he gets acquainted with the attribute. After that, pick up the balloon, step aside and burst it in front of the animal. Repeat the steps for each subsequent item. After 10 piercing explosions, the cat will be afraid to approach the balls. You just have to place a few more items on the table and voila, the scarer is ready. You can use any other items that make noise. For example, buy crackers, do the same with them as with balloons.
  5. Tray with water. Use another option for weaning a cat with water. Move all the chairs and stools under the table, remove the tablecloth. Fix a baking sheet on the surface of the tabletop with double-sided tape, pour cold water 1 cm deep. When the cat decides to jump onto the table, it will automatically fall into the trap, so it will quickly jump away. If your pet persists and tries to bypass the device, forcibly put it in the water with its paws.
  6. Electric mat. If all of the above methods did not help, and the cat is still climbing the table, resort to more effective methods. Purchase an electric mat or massage sheet from the salon, spread it on the countertop and connect it to the mains. While on the table, the cat will begin to receive electric charges, which in itself is unpleasant. The animal will remember the mini-hit for a long time, as a result of which it will no longer climb into forbidden places.

Do not resort to physical violence, do not lock the cat in the bathroom or on the balcony, be smart. Effective techniques will help you achieve results in a matter of days, be patient. Carry out educational work until the pet realizes its oversight. Methods using water are considered the most effective, they are suitable for both adults and small kittens.

Video: how to wean a cat to climb tables

Today we will tell you how to wean a cat to climb tables. Such a problem can arise for any owner of the animal. We hope that our tips will help you.

cat on the table

With the advent of animals in the house, the life of family members and their pets will change dramatically. A playful kitten or cat will delight and amuse you. And sometimes no one will pay attention to the pranks of a pet initially. Before bringing a cat or a cat into the house, it is advisable to learn the basics of keeping. Your pet should have its own place, dishes. Over time, a spoiled animal will be difficult to wean from bad habits.

Table climbing is one of the most common. Hygiene rules must be observed first of all. If there are children in the house, this habit must be eliminated immediately. Otherwise, diseases will become your friends. There is not a single convincing argument in favor of finding an animal on the table.

Little cats are naturally very inquisitive. They make sure to explore every corner of the home. With age, this habit will not disappear, as cats are very mobile. They are interested in all hard-to-reach places in a house or apartment. Some get used to such, in their opinion, a harmless whim, then the cats continue to operate in all corners of the home. In fact, you can try to fix the problem. First you need to create inconvenience for the cat, that is, to make the so-called barriers. All available means will be used.

Outsmart your pet

How to wean a cat to climb tables and steal food? First you need to understand why he does it so diligently and every day, what attracts him there. Perhaps he just wants to play, frolic or find an object for pranks. Spend more time with your pets, play active games with them. The ball, toy mice will please your mustachioed pet. He will understand that below is also interesting. The instinct of a cat demands its own. He likes everything unknown. Cats love heights. Therefore, they like to climb and jump.

The kitchen table, at which you have to eat, is not an object for games and entertainment. You need to try to wean your pet from this habit. First of all, it is necessary to remove all food from the table after each meal. After making sure that there are no products and objects of research, the cat will consider this object uninteresting. Thus, two problems will be solved: the cat will stop climbing on the table and stealing food from it.

For your pet, the food on the table is his prey. Outsmart him. Leave food on the windowsill, behind a curtain. He will seek, get his own food. Don't forget about water.

Frightening maneuver

How to wean a cat to climb tables and eat food? There is an efficient method. You must scare away the pet. It is enough to leave cans of drinks or other sonorous objects on the table. The cat will be scared off by their roar when he tries to jump onto the table. The second time he will think whether to climb there or not.

If the instinct works and the desire to climb up and rest on the table does not disappear, a more effective method should be tried. Put a regular kitchen pan in there. Then add some water to it. As soon as the cat again has a desire to jump on the table, she will plunge into the water, discomfort should stop such attempts. In fact, there are many effective ways to wean a cat from climbing tables in the kitchen. There are other ways to teach your pet good manners.

Alternative observation site

Some animals manage to sleep on the kitchen table. Apparently they really like it. Undoubtedly, this cannot be done. Its place, soft and comfortable, should be required. Cats love their own bed. After all, this is their place.

Have you removed the food from the table, prepared a place to rest, and the pet continues to climb the table and look down on everything that happens? Nothing surprising. He is watching. He loves heights. Perhaps he is hiding there from a dog or mischievous kids who want to play with their favorite tabby cat. It follows from this that it is necessary to build a place of observation for him. A shelf attached to the wall should replace the kitchen table. It can be built with your own hands or purchased at a pet store. For a tall tree along the wall, your pet will only thank you. All options for climbing are suitable here. Love and care for the pet will create all the necessary conditions for its comfort and convenience.

Comfortable place to rest

How to wean a cat to climb tables when it is so warm and cozy there? Create warmth and comfort, but in a different place. If the kitchen has a kitchenette, move the chair closer to the radiator or radiator. In winter, your pets find warm places for themselves in the form of office equipment forgotten on the table. Remember to turn off electrical appliances when leaving the house. Many have a kitchen table near the window. This is one of the reasons your pet is on it. Move the table to another place or focus on another window.

Repellents and sounds

How to wean a cat to climb tables? All animals are different, some obedient, others cunning and wayward, and it can be assumed that some will not fall for your tricks. Any ban for them is a kind of challenge. Of course, all options must be used. The usual words that you can’t do this will do. After all, no one has yet canceled the conditioned reflex. You can use a few drops of essential oil or vinegar, spill the liquid on the table. This should also help wean the pet from climbing. Persistence and hard work will bring results.

At least two weeks should be devoted to the issue that worries you so much. You can also use loud sounds, children's toys, ringing rattles, various squeakers to prevent the cat from jumping on a forbidden object. The sound should be unexpected and very loud at the time of the jump. The animal will become frightened and may not try to jump onto the table again.

Tape and spray gun

How to wean a cat to climb tables with tape? Now we will tell you in detail. Try sealing the kitchen table with double-sided tape. Remains of wool on the table, cleaning tape - the unpleasant consequences of this method. But believe me, the result is worth it. From contact with adhesive tape, the cat will have a dislike for the table. He will be repelled by the desire to lick sticky paws for a long time.

For the desired result, any means will do. It's no secret that cats don't like water.

If the cat wants to jump onto the kitchen table again, you need to quickly spray it with an ordinary spray bottle. This simple scare maneuver should work. An important point is the fact that the pet should not be afraid of its owner, who is making various attempts to eradicate the bad habit, but of the very method of dealing with it.


How to wean a cat to climb tables with the help of current? This method is effective, but not for everyone. Sometimes the character of the cat is stronger than the character of the owner. And who is re-educating whom, you still need to think. Still, it's worth a try, especially since these products are commercially available. In the pet store you can buy electric bedding, electric toys for animals. When in contact with such things, the cat should be frightened.

You should not worry, since the current is weak, it will not cause harm to your pet. And the principle of work should help. In addition, very unpleasant sensations will remain in the memory of the animal for a long time.

A small conclusion

Now you know how to wean a cat to climb tables. The advice of a specialist and his recommendations given in the article will help you. We hope that soon you will solve your problem with a cunning tailed pet. Remember, cats are very individual. They do not like screaming, tantrums. No need to cause aggression and fears in the animal. Feeling angry will not lead to anything good. Under no circumstances should you hit an animal. An offended cat may begin to take revenge. Only an attentive attitude, daily communication with your pet will be fruitful in any case.

Each owner of this cute fluffy creature needs to learn how to properly raise a cat. The thing is that cats are quite restless creatures, so they will definitely find fun for themselves, even on the table. However, you need to wean your pet from bad habits, for example, jumping on tables. What a cat owner needs to know, how to wean a cat from climbing onto a table, whether it is worth throwing it off from there - we will consider all this in more detail.

Don't rush to learn ways to eradicate such overindulgence from your beloved cat. First you need to determine why she does it. Among the main reasons why four-legged furry creatures often climb on the countertop, the following factors can be distinguished:

  • a kitten, like an adult animal, loves to explore every corner of the apartment. That is why, if there is a thing on the table that interests the pet, he will certainly try to study it and understand what he is dealing with. The first thing you are recommended
  • to do in this case is to remove everything from the table. In this case, the cat will soon lose interest in him and stop climbing there;
  • do not forget that even the quietest and most domestic cat is a predator by nature. That is why every piece of food that can be dragged away, she will consider her prey;
  • Many owners notice that cats love to stretch out on surfaces that smell like food. They sleep there with pleasure, because they feel most comfortable. Another thing that often stimulates cats to lie on the table is their desire to show their superiority. Animals understand that no one except them sleeps on the countertop, so they defiantly can stretch out there;
  • Another reason why a cat often does not pass the table is her love of high surfaces. She loves to watch what is happening in the apartment from top to bottom, so you will often see her on a table or other elevated surface in the house, if you do not wean from a bad habit;
  • a kitchen or desk in winter can be a warm and cozy place for a cat. If the apartment is cold
  • then the animal will instinctively begin to look for where to climb higher, because it seems to him that it will be a little warmer here;
    consider the fact that if such a surface is located by the window, then the fluffy pet will use it as
  • good vantage point for street views.

You will be able to wean a cat from climbing tables if you impregnate the countertop with a product with a characteristic, unpleasant smell for the animal. If the table is not covered with a tablecloth, this method will be the most optimal. Wipe the countertop with vinegar solution, sprinkle with citrus juice the surface itself or the napkins that are located on it. Sharp fragrances will discourage the cat from climbing the table again.

Scaring sounds

If the cat often climbs onto the table, you can resort to another method - the use of sharp sounds. The animal does not like them, so this method will be effective. Wrap the countertop with rustling foil or ordinary plastic bags: when the cat is on the table again, he will certainly be frightened by loud and unpleasant sounds, so he will quickly run away from there.

Unpleasant surface

When a kitten jumps on the table, it's time to quickly wean him from a bad habit. This can be done by pasting the surface with double-sided tape. Of course, be prepared not only for the fact that the cat's paws will remain sticky for some time. In addition, there will certainly be some pet hair on the tape. Do not forget that double-sided tape will have to be somehow peeled off the table, and this is a completely separate conversation.

Radical Methods

You can carefully drop or drive the cat off the table dozens of times, but believe me: if he liked this surface, he will return there, if not with you, then certainly in your absence. If the usual methods of correcting such behavior do not help, you can resort to radical methods.

Purchase a special electric mat from the store, spread it on the table and connect it to the mains. Each time the cat is on it, he will receive a small electric shock, not dangerous to his health, but enough to cause discomfort to the naughty.

What Not to Do

No matter how hard you try to deal with this behavior in your cat, it is important not to cross the line. Physical abuse will not help in any way. That is why do not hit your pet, do not lock him on the balcony or in the bathroom. Such methods are absolutely ineffective, but the pet can be turned against you. There are many harmless, but quite effective ways to deal with cats climbing on tables.

Consider the most noteworthy options for you and boldly act.

It may take some time before the upbringing will give its results, and the naughty cat will stop stealing food from the table, as well as lying there for hours and driving, swinging on its surface. Be patient and soon your furry pet will realize that the table is a forbidden area for him.

Probably every owner has faced undesirable behavior of pets. And if sometimes this behavior indicates health problems, then the habit of climbing tables and other surfaces where the animal does not belong is just a manifestation of natural curiosity. This behavioral feature is quite easy to correct. There are several ways to wean a cat to climb a table.

Effective humane ways to wean a cat from climbing tables and other surfaces

Fall and noise

Watch your pet carefully to understand which side is best for him to jump onto the table. If nothing stops your cat on the way to the cherished goal, force all the paths, leaving one. On this edge you need to put a tray or not a thick plank.

You can use empty tin cans. Put them on the edge of the table, and when the cat tries to climb on the table, he will bring them down and be scared of the noise.


Your pet's sense of smell is several times sharper than that of humans. It is known that cats are extremely negative about citrus and the smell of eucalyptus.

Some cats are comfortable with citrus scents.

You can use an orange or half a lemon. It should be understood that the smell disappears quickly enough, therefore, to achieve a positive result, the peels will have to be changed every few days. That is why it is best to use essential oils that are absorbed into the surface for a long time. If you do not want to rub the table itself, then you can cover it with a sheet.

You can also pour oil into the aroma lamp, which is left for the whole night. The cat will try in every possible way to avoid the negative smell and simply will not come to the table. The downside of this method is only that if it did not help the first time, then it will not help. If the cat's curiosity is much stronger than its irritation, then you will have to resort to other methods.


A cat can be taught to jump on tables with foil. As in the first case, you just need to determine from which side your pet jumps onto the table, blocking all other paths.

As a rule, the cat, jumping on the table, pulls up on its front paws. It is necessary to wrap the edges of the table with foil and do not fix anything. Flexible foil will quickly take the desired shape, but will slip off when you try to grab the edge of the table. Unlike the first, this method is absolutely safe. But it is better not to use it when raising a kitten, because he can fall and simply hurt himself.

Duct tape

The most effective and fastest way to correct your pet's behavior is scotch tape. Minus - the tape may leave traces on the table.

So, all you need is double sided tape. For this method, it is necessary to build a sticky frame by spreading small pieces of adhesive tape around the perimeter (the length reaches up to 12 cm). When your pet jumps, he will stick to him, which will discourage the cat. In addition, a sticky base will remain on his paws, which will take a very long time to lick.

This method is best not to use if you:

  • long haired cat. It is almost impossible to comb out the sticky base from the wool, you just have to cut it out.
  • shy animal. Once in a trap, a cat can be seriously scared.

water splash

The owner will need to constantly be near his pet. The downside is the lack of stealth, the cat will remember that it is you who are splashing. The method is to spray it every time you try to get on the table.

Wet cats feel defenseless, so they try to avoid water.

It is best to take warm water. Spray so that the water hits the cat's face. An adult animal will quickly understand that the threat is related to your presence and will jump onto the table only in your absence. In addition, it is only effective if there are no securities or food on the table.

You can buy a few children's water guns and hide them in the kitchen and other areas where there are tables. Thus, you can instantly react to the bad behavior of the cat and scare him away.

This method can be improved by using a plastic tray. It must be placed in the same way, but the addition is water, which is poured in a thin layer. When the cat jumps, he will take a "cooling shower." It should be understood that this is only suitable for those cats who do not like water procedures.

Own house

Some pets may fall asleep on the table. Apparently, they really like the hills. Undoubtedly, this should not be allowed. Your fluffy must have his own soft and comfortable place where he can rest. Cats love their house very much. After all, this is their territory.

Have you prepared a place to rest, but the pet continues to climb the table and watches everything that happens from a height? There is nothing surprising. He is watching. Perhaps he is trying to hide there from annoying children or dogs. Make him your couch on a hill. It can be purchased at the store or you can make it yourself.

Praise will wean the cat from climbing tables

A sophisticated method that requires titanic patience and attention is praise. Your task is not to punish your animal or scare it, but to praise it for good behavior. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

If you see that the cat is about to jump on the table, you need to distract him with a toy and generously give treats for exemplary behavior.

The game satisfies the cat's prey hunting needs

If there are no toys nearby, then you can take the kitten in another way. In extreme cases, the pet can be distracted by his own bowl.

Perhaps it will be a minus for you that the cat constantly follows you. Under no circumstances should you get angry. Domestic cats are social and if your pet asks for communication, then he should receive it. Jumping on tables is the least of what the owner of a neglected pet can face.

Electricity is the last hope

This technique is not entirely humane, but in advanced situations, only he can help. In addition, for implementation, you will have to spend money on purchasing a rug (you can buy it at a large pet store). The meaning of such a device lies in the fact that it gives a small discharge of current that is not dangerous to the health and life of the cat.

It should be borne in mind that a cat feels an electric shock much more strongly than a person. A light sting to the pet will feel like a strong click. The rug should be laid only when you are at home. An alternative option can also be an ultrasonic or electric collar, which is controlled using a remote control.


It should be understood that the kitchen table is not your pet's playing field. It is necessary to try to wean your pet from this bad habit. First of all, you need to remove all food from the table.

After making sure that there are no entertaining "toys" on the table, the cat will most likely find the object uninteresting. So you can solve several problems at once: firstly, the cat will stop climbing on your kitchen table, and, secondly, it will stop stealing food from it.

Today, there are a large number of different ways to wean a cat from climbing tables. If one turned out to be ineffective, then the second or third will certainly lead to the desired goal. However, it is worth educating your animal from childhood, making it clear to him that the dining table or countertop is not the best place to relax or walk.

BUT) remove the cat B) delete table

AT) train a cat G) train hosts

What answer seems to be the most appropriate in solving this problem? Surely many will choose the answer under the letter B, but this test does not imply only one correct answer. All options provided are correct. Moreover, not four, but ten ways weaning a cat from table climbing: consider, prove, justify.

We will talk about solving the problem a little later, because if there is a problem, then it somehow appeared first, and only then required a solution. Therefore, it is first necessary to determine the cause of the appearance of this very problem.

Why do cats love tables so much? Perhaps because they are so pleasant to sleep on? Surely, to meet such needs, the cat will prefer something more natural, such as a chair. But the table is still the subject of a free treat for the pet, because it's so nice to eat out of your cup and out of the routine.

The second reason to visit the cat table is a good view from above. For example, if the table is located near the window, the pet will want to admire the beauty of heights, because cats love heights.

The third reason has to do with the fact that the cat just loves to sleep on the table. Without any explanation, she liked this place and that's it.

A causal relationship has been established. Let's start fixing the problem.

Remove cat

If you do not have time to deal with the causes and solve this problem, then simply prevent it by removing the animal from the location of the table at the time of your absence. Simply close the door to the kitchen, leaving the cat outside. Having a barrier in the form of a massive door, the pet will not be able to climb onto the table in any way. Do this every time you leave the kitchen. If you often go back and forth, and there is no way to trace the cat out or not, then just do not let the animal into the kitchen at all. At first, he may begin to resist, but over time he will get used to the idea that he cannot go there and leave all attempts to penetrate.

Delete table

By the expression "Remove the table" is meant to remove what is a table in the understanding of the cat. If for him the table is a diner, then when leaving the kitchen, remove everything edible from the table. If for a pet the table is the subject of a view from the windows, then move it away from the window and provide the cat with a replacement, it can be a shelf, as high as a table or higher.

Water procedures

Cats don't really like unexpected douches. Place a tray on the table with (it can be an oven tray), and, jumping, the cat will plunge into such a bath. She is unlikely to want to repeat this procedure.

Loud sounds

Cats eschew loud and especially harsh sounds. If a balloon bursts several times in front of an animal, then at the sight of another one, the pet will have an unpleasant association, and the cat will avoid such objects. After accustoming the cat to an unpleasant attitude towards balloons, place a few directly on the table, so that the pet can see them from the floor. Having seen this unpleasant object from below, the animal does not want to meet him and will postpone the trip to the table. If the pet watches the balls on the table for a long time, then the desire to visit this surface will completely disappear.

Loud sounds can be not only balls. You can also use various objects, jumping on which, the cat will drop them on the floor. For example, pot lids. If you spread them along the edge of the table, then the cat, having jumped, will fall and the lid will fly from above. Such a fall of cats usually does not appeal, and they do not wish to repeat it.

Strong smell

Everything that is inedible for a cat and emits an aroma, literally or figuratively, repels the animal. If a few drops of essential oil are rubbed on the table, then the cat, having jumped there, without thinking twice, will climb back down. Any broadcast will do. In the absence of aromatic oils, you can use ordinary table vinegar, orange peels, or something like that. There are many.

sticky surface

This option will be more problematic for the owners, but as an option itself is no exception. Place double-sided tape on the table surface. Cats do not like sticky soil under their paws, and they will not linger on such an interior.

electric mat

You won't find anything in pet stores. There is even a special electric mat. It is intended not to execute the offending animal, but to scare it away. Jumping onto the table, the cat will receive a weak electric shock that will not harm him, but the discomfort will definitely remain.

Table replacement

If there is an opportunity and desire to change the interior, then you can simply replace the table familiar to your pet with a new one. The cat will be curious, but he will not immediately understand that this is a table. And if you don’t leave food on it, then the pet will not particularly like the new piece of furniture.

The totality of all methods

If after trying several options, you have not achieved the result, then combine several methods at the same time. Just imagine the reaction of a cat if, having jumped onto the table, he feels that his paws are stuck, a pungent smell comes from the surface, which is unpleasant for him, when moving to the side he receives an electric shock, and, trying to jump off the table, touches the lid, and it falls along with it, creating a loud sound. If you were a cat, would you return to this table?

Give a cat

If even the most extreme measures have not weaned your pet from climbing the table, then your case is special and your pet is unique. Make a unique gift to a friend by giving him a cat, and the problem will be solved by itself.

But seriously, all the actions of animals are based on reflexes. There are congenital reflexes, and there are acquired ones. If you help the animal acquire the correct reflex actions, then this pet will not cause problems. Think about the psychology of the animal when working with him, and not about your unsatisfied feelings, and you will succeed in difficult parenting.

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