Images of runes and their names. Runes. Their meaning and interpretation. The meaning of runic symbols

One of the earliest runic monuments where the magical meanings of runes are mentioned is the manuscript “Computus Runicus” by the Danish scientist and physician Ole Worm, a copy of the manuscript of 1328.

The modern fortune-telling meaning of runes was introduced in the 19th-20th centuries. German rune researcher and occultist Guido von List, who, among other things, created a runic “alphabet” specifically for fortune telling - the “armanic futhark”. This alphabet was based on the Scandinavian runes, two “signs” were added, and the names of the runes were changed. Below are their names in “alphabetical order”: Fa, Ur, Thorr, Os, Rit, Ka, Hagal, Nauth, Is, Ar, Sol, Tyr, Bar, Laf, Man, Yr, Ef, Fyfros.

Each rune in magical practice has its own meaning. The Fehu rune is associated with finances and is used to solve problems of this kind; rune Uruz - rune of strength, self-confidence; rune Thurisaz - rune of good luck, the beginning of new actions; Ansuz is the rune of knowledge and experience, the Raido rune is used to protect yourself when traveling; Kenaz was used to attract talent; Gebo - rune of love; Vunyo is the rune of satisfaction, the successful completion of a particular task; Hagall - rune of security; Naud is a rune of coercion, used to free oneself from problems; Isa was used to ensure that certain circumstances remained in their current form; Yera is the rune of agriculture, obtaining results from labor; Eyvaz - rune of protection; Perto is the rune of improving magical experience; Algiz is also a rune of protection from ill-wishers; Sovilo - rune of victory; Teyvaz - rune of war; Berkana - rune of growth, development; Evaz - rune of change; Mannaz is the rune of attracting help; Laguz was used to enhance intuition and premonitions; Inguz - harvest rune; Dagaz is the rune of harmonious changes; Odal is the rune of wisdom of past generations.

In modern practice, they also use the 25th rune, the rune of Odin, an empty rune (that is, an empty fortune-telling wooden blank for a rune), which means “pure fate.” The runes are placed in a special bag, which should be carried with you at all times. It is worth taking runes out of the bag only at the time of fortune telling. There are many different ways of fortune telling using runes: layouts for 1 rune (yes/no), 3 (past-present-future), 4, 5, 7, 9 (the so-called “world tree”), 12, 24 ( “laying out on the canvas”) runes. When interpreting the layout, the meaning of each individual rune is taken into account (the direct, inverted (absence) and mirror (refusal) location of the rune is taken into account), their relative position, semantic combinations (for example, “odal” - home, homeland, clan, and “raido” - the road foreshadows a quick way home).

Siegfried Kümmer believed that runes serve as a bridge connecting humans with the ancient Aryan gods. He believed that each rune corresponds to the position of the human body. He also considered it necessary to chant various combinations of runes. Subsequently, under the influence of this, Adolf Hitler used runes in Nazi symbolism. Kümmer wrote:

Runic magic allows you to control various energy flows coming from the five cosmic spheres. To do this, you need to create appropriate conditions for your physical body - that is, take the correct runic pose - and tune your consciousness to perceive energy flows. This is done using special runic sounds, which the Germans called “gald” (galdr - “spell”, “magic song”).

Interpretation of runes is an attempt to designate in simple words the energies behind each runic sign, in order to understand and explain the runes that fell during fortune telling, receiving answers to the questions asked. Interpretation of runes requires certain experience and skill. At first, studying the key meanings of runic symbols will help with this. This is one of the stages of entering the Northern Runic Tradition for further work with runes.

RUNE Fehu. Fehu.

Direct position of the Fehu rune.

Rune of property. The key word is happiness, prosperity, success, wealth, values, movable property. Rune of prosperity and wealth, fulfillment of desires. This is profit, success in every sense, providing for further development and multiplication of what has been achieved.

Reversed position of the Fehu rune.

The key word is loss, loss, damage, limitations, failure. The rune warns of troubles, difficulties, obstacles and possible disappointments.

Direct position of the Uruz rune.

Rune of strength. Key words – perseverance, perseverance, power, initiative, health. Uruz destroys old outdated forms, coming into our lives as a sign of strength, natural power and transformation. Where there is strength, there is no stagnation. The sign can also indicate success as a result of the action of this force.

Reversed position of the Uruz rune.

Key words – lack or absence of strength, lack of will. The appearance of this sign may indicate missed opportunities or failures and disappointments. You need to analyze the situation and yourself and figure out where and why there is an imbalance in your Power, which may turn against you.

Direct position of the Thurisaz rune.

The key word is thorn, gate, power, not an act - an action, active defense. Turisaz is a personal choice and responsibility of each person. This is reflection, a deep study of the situation, introspection, the search for the only correct solution. Having made your choice, you should act quickly, leaving fear and doubts behind.

Reversed position of the Thurisaz rune.

The key word is uncertainty, weakness, insecurity. Indicates the haste and immaturity of the decision being made and calls for caution.

Direct position of the Ansuz rune.

The key word is thought, speech, understanding, wisdom, inspiration. The Ansus rune is the receipt of gifts, someone's appearance or news from someone, the acquisition of new knowledge. The appearance of this rune recommends being sensitive and wise, paying attention to the signs. Ansus involves constant development and learning.

Reversed position of the Ansuz rune.

The key word is illusions, error, misunderstanding, disconnection. Your actions are far from wise, and your analysis of the situation may be wrong. The reverse Ansus rune can also indicate cunning and deception.

Direct position of the Raido rune.

The key word is road, path. These are various journeys and movements. This rune of development and movement at all levels of existence, successfully overcoming difficulties. Start moving, trust the changes, don't hesitate.

Reversed position of the Raido rune.

The key word is wrong path, stop, indecision, dead end. The appearance of this sign recommends attentiveness and accuracy in everything. Unexpected events and obstacles are likely to await you. In any case, you will need some effort, perhaps significant.

Direct position of the Kenaz rune.

A very powerful rune. Key words – torch, energy, passion, sexuality, transformation, embodiment of the plan. The appearance of this rune speaks of a powerful surge of energy that has matured for a certain time and began to unfold. The Kenaz rune favors any realization, changes worldview and views, but one should take into account its power and swiftness.

Reversed position of the Kenaz rune.

Key words – ashes, lack, loss of energy, wandering in the dark. The inverted meaning of Kenaz speaks of the end of a period, a process. You should accept the changes, let go of everything that is outdated and old.

The upright and inverted position of the Gebo rune is the same..

The key word is partnership, cooperation. The sign testifies to union in various manifestations. If you strive for the successful completion of a business that interests you, know that success here is associated precisely with joint, partnership activities. If you asked for advice, the advice is to strive for unity, remembering the need for freedom.

Direct position of the Wunjo rune.

The key word is joy, luck, perfection. The Vunyo rune is a symbol of joy and pleasure. In all respects it is a good and positive sign. Under the sign of Vunyo, life is arranged in the best possible way, joyful events and changes occur practically without our participation.

Reversed position of the Wunjo rune.

The key word is approaching crisis, disharmony, illusion. When the rune is inverted, try to perceive what is happening calmly and prudently, this will help overcome the crisis and turn the situation in the right direction.

The upright and inverted position of the Hagalaz rune is the same.

The rune of destruction, uncontrollable natural processes, unpredictable events, disasters and revolutions. Hagalaz destroys with its energy, forces you to abandon the usual and go in a different direction, literally starting from scratch, experiencing a feeling of loss and parting with the past. Having destroyed the old, the new comes into life and it depends on the person how he will accept it, what place he will take in the changed world.

Direct position of the Nauthis rune.

The key word is difficulties, need, necessity, poverty. The appearance of this sign indicates that the time has come for the necessary restrictions and discipline, when development (growth) is slowed down or impossible. This is a test of endurance through patience, endurance, and self-control. It is important not to despair and not give up, this period will end, and patience and work will grind everything down.

Reversed position of the Nauthis rune.

The key concept is internal evil. In an inverted position, Nautiz indicates that all difficulties and limitations are caused by the person himself. Determine the reason, understand your inner world, get rid of dogmas, admit your own mistakes, only then changes in life will be possible.

The upright and inverted position of the Isa rune is the same.

The key word is ice, freezing, stopping. The rune means stopping all processes. Isa often implies an obstacle that is not worth overcoming. She recommends peace, rest, avoidance of active actions and irritation. Observe what is happening from the outside, reflect, allow yourself to be inert, take a break to accumulate strength for the further journey.

The upright and inverted position of the Jera rune is the same.

Key words – year, harvest, repetition, cycle. This is the rune of completion, harvest, evaluation of the results of previously invested efforts. Yera symbolizes the cyclical process of gradual but steady development, giving wisdom and experience.

The upright and inverted position of the Eihwaz rune is the same.

The key word is relationship, interaction, help in overcoming obstacles. The rune is complex and ambiguous; one can call it the unity and struggle of opposites, a combination of the incongruous. Rune of deep synthesis, transformation and metamorphosis. By combining logic and intuition, combining activity and passivity, the right decisions and the right directions are chosen.

Direct position of the Perth rune.

The key word is search, mystery, intuition. The rune of initiation and secret knowledge radically changes the consciousness and inner world of a person. In a practical sense, Perth means obtaining hidden information, the emergence of new people who can significantly influence both the personal and event plan, the return of lost things, and the search for objects.

Reversed position of the Perth rune.

Key words – regret about the past, unfinished situations, unwanted surprises, disappointment, mistakes.

Direct position of the Algiz rune.

The key word is protection, patronage, friendship. Favorable, good rune of passive protection, protecting and warning of danger. To this day, Algiz is often used for amulets and amulets. This rune gives calm, attention, sensitivity and flexibility, has a positive effect on a person’s environment, attracting friends and patrons into life.

Reversed position of the Algiz rune.

The inverted Algiz rune means weakness, vulnerability, lack of protection. You should be careful and attentive.

The upright and inverted positions of the Sowulo rune are the same.

The key meaning is sun, light, vitality, love, energy, self-realization. This is the rune of success, victory, strong-willed actions. It also symbolizes good health, luck, inspiration. This rune helps in completing any task, makes a person strong, confident and powerful.

Direct position of the Teiwaz rune.

The key word is victory, perseverance, courage. This is the rune of warriors, defenders, pioneers. Teyvaz reveals the process of rivalry, competitive struggle, active confrontation, and defending one's interests. Teyvaz is also the ability to take risks, take responsibility, take an active life position, and be brave.

Reversed position of the Teiwaz rune.

Key words – loss, failure, defeat, loss of energy, weak character. An inverted rune speaks of incorrect or untimely actions, the wrong direction.

Direct position of the Bercana rune.

The key word is growth, birth, fertility, increase, femininity, motherhood. This is a very soft, gentle, delicate rune, embodying the image of maternal love and protection, peace, meekness and humanism. Berkana means birth, steady growth and harmonious development.

Reversed position of the Bercana rune.

An inverted position means a slowdown, cessation of growth, an obstacle to development, poor health, both physical and emotional.

Direct position of the Ehwaz rune.

The key word is forward movement, happy changes, progress, progress, speed. Evaz is a favorable positive rune that brings fresh ideas and projects to life, opens up new horizons and prospects, and takes it to another level.

Reversed position of the Ehwaz rune.

The key word is slowdown, difficulty, obstacle, inertia, lack of initiative, unpreparedness for change.

Direct position of the Mannaz rune.

The key word is I, ego, person, personality. This is the rune of one’s own Self, personal identification. Mannaz involves inner honesty, self-knowledge, self-improvement, self-education in order to find one's place in the world.

Reversed position of the Mannaz rune.

The inverted rune Mannaz indicates internal discord, contradictions, difficulties, and pressures.

Direct position of the Laguz rune.

Key words – water, flow, penetration, emotions, intuition. The Laguz rune gives the ability to feel, the ability to be flexible and adaptive at all levels of existence, reveals talents and increases creativity. When making decisions, listen to your intuition, trust your inner voice.

Reversed position of the Laguz rune.

The key word is an incorrect assessment of the situation, mistake, deception or self-deception, illusion, obstacle.

The upright and inverted position of the Inguz rune is the same.

Key words – abundance, well-being, fertility, fecundity, realization, reward. A very strong and favorable rune. Inguz is vitality, potential, easy resolution of problems, transition to a qualitatively new level, success and good luck.

Direct position of the Otal rune.

Key words – family, clan, property, inheritance, house, territory. The rune is focused on protecting the clan, family, and property. The rune promotes both the acquisition of real estate and the transmission of spiritual heritage, traditions of the clan, family.

Reversed position of the Otal rune.

Key words – loss, loss, losses, abandonment of foundations, traditions, connection with the family is interrupted.

RUNE – Dagaz. Dagaz.

The upright and inverted position of the Dagaz rune is the same.

Key words – day, breakthrough, transformation. The rune denotes rapid and decisive changes, dramatic transformations, a quantum leap. Dagaz is the rune of action, courage, and presupposes a person’s high awareness and trust in change.

Runes - meaning, application in practice + principles of using Slavic and Scandinavian runes + recommendations for their implementation with practical examples + video about runescripts - runes of love

First, let's remember what runes are. This is an ancient language of symbols that predates the advent of writing. Almost every nation had its own system of runic symbols. Like words now, each rune had a meaning and application in certain situations. As national languages ​​developed, the need for a sign system for exchanging information disappeared. However, the magical significance of runes is recognized to this day.

We can say that now this is a symbolic system for exchanging information with the forces of nature that patronize one or another type of activity. A sign applied to a natural material - wood, stone, metal - can help you in the area of ​​​​life in which this sign “specializes”. Simply put, the meaning that was put into the outline of a symbol in ancient times is still relevant today.

Runes: principles of application in modern life

Let's start with the most important thing: how to use runes depending on their meaning? And then we will consider their meaning - in this case it will be more logical. Two contexts of application should be highlighted here:

  • Runes as a material object.
  • Runes as a symbol depicted on something.

Runes in the form of a material object - a stone, a piece of wood or iron with a symbol printed on it - are usually used as a talisman or for fortune telling.

It is better to make such a rune yourself and activate it by holding it in your hands and thinking with your eyes closed about something positive. You can find descriptions of rituals using blood, but this is unnecessary. The runes will receive your energy when you make them.

Runes as a symbol depicted on something also have protective power. They can be depicted, for example, on the handle of a hunting knife, a tea cup, kitchen tiles, or on jewelry - for example, a medallion.

What is important here is the relevance of one or another image on one or another material medium. For example, on a hunting knife, a rune that in ancient times patronized warriors is more appropriate, and on a decorative kitchen tile, a rune that patronizes the hearth is more appropriate.

The object on which the rune is applied must be made of natural material. For example, jewelry made of precious metal, tiles made of natural stone, and so on. Then the runes, when used, will be on your side in every sense and meaning.

Alternatively, you can apply an image of a runic symbol directly to the body - for example, make a temporary tattoo. The key word is temporary, because as a person grows up, his priorities change.

Therefore, you should be able to replace the information that you transmitted to the forces of nature with something more relevant. And, accordingly, deactivate the message that was the most important for you 5-7 years ago.

Which runes and their meanings are most used

As you remember, almost every nation had its own runic symbol system. But for fortune telling, amulets and protection today only two systems are used, which are the best preserved and have been deciphered in the most detail by researchers.

These are Scandinavian runes (the so-called “Futark” for 24 runes + 1 rune) and Slavic runes in their classic version (for 18 characters).

Let us clarify that “Futark” formed the basis of the Latin alphabet and, accordingly, those modern languages ​​whose alphabet is built on the Latin alphabet. Slavic runes largely became the basis of Slavic languages ​​using the Cyrillic alphabet.

The meanings of many runes in the Scandinavian and Slavic traditions overlap, so to choose a talisman, by and large, it doesn’t matter what language you speak. It is important what tasks you set for yourself and what help you want to request from higher powers.

In both symbolic systems there are runes “responsible” for material well-being, family life, patronizing warriors and people engaged in material production. So you can always find “your” rune - for example, by choosing the image from those with a similar meaning that you personally just like better.

Scandinavian runes: meaning, application

Let's start with the Scandinavian runes and consider, in addition to the actual application, some restrictions on action where they exist. We will also indicate the letter correspondences of the runes to the modern Latin alphabet, the numbers and colors to which, in the opinion of some researchers, they correspond.

Image of the Scandinavian runes "Futhark":

Scandinavian runes: names and meanings, scope of application

1. Feu, Fehu (F, f, red, 6 and 16) = property, wealth, property, success

Helps to achieve all of the above for those who are ready to take active action, and also strengthens immunity, health and physical attraction, especially in long-term marital unions. Warning: do not use for illnesses with elevated temperature, because may worsen the condition.

2. Ur, urus, uruz (U, u, burgundy, 3 and 31) = bull, bison meaning “strength”

Gives men strength, and women – attractiveness and attractiveness, that is, essentially, feminine power. Use helps heal the female reproductive organs and restore strength after illness.

3. Ters, turs, turizas(D, d, bronze, brown, 5 and 21) = tower, giant in the meaning of “stability, solidity”

Protects the natural order of beliefs, removes obstacles that interfere with it, including in terms of health. For example, it helps with a sudden deterioration in health and helps heal the male reproductive organs.

4. Ass, ansus, ansuz(A, a, yellow, 4 and 12) = God meaning “highest spirit, highest mind”

Promotes intellectual activity and creative activity. Use treats headaches, ENT diseases, and helps overcome stuttering.

5. Raido, raid (R, r, purple, 4 and 17) = road, journey, wheel meaning "movement"

Application protects travelers and everyone who moves forward in every sense, treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

6. Ken, kano (K, k, orange, 3 and 28) = fire, flame meaning "light"

Promotes mental clarity, enlightenment, helps with burns and inflammation.

7. Grifu, gebo (G, g, pink, 6 and 14) = gift meaning “to take and give”

A symbol of love and harmony, promotes mental balance. Can be used to treat nervous and sexual disorders.

8. Vinya, vunyo (V, v, amaranth, red-violet, 6 and 22) = victory, happiness

Releases energy for triumph and victory, may be used to help treat infection.

9. Hagal, halagaz, halagas(H, h, black, 8 and 11) = Goddess Hag

The use of the rune turns negative into positive, treats dentistry and fractures.

10. Niid, nautis (N, n, gray, 7 and 32) = need, need

Application gives strength to survive the inevitable, facilitates the course of hereditary diseases.

11. Iss, isaz, issa (I, I, silver, 9 and 23) = ice in the meaning of “cooling”

Promotes a cool head, balanced decision making, increased inner strength and ability to solve problems. Also, the use reduces temperature during illnesses and treats skin diseases.

12. Djera, era (J, j, bright green, 4 and 20) = abundance, harvest

Patronizes development and other positive changes that occur naturally. When used, it heals the heart and spine.

13. Petra, Perto (P, p, beige, 3 and 24) = mystery – meaning “that which is hidden”

Promotes movement towards a dream, gives confidence, strengthens the immune system.

14. Yo, eywes (Y, y, blue, 5 and 25) = yew - a tree from which bows are made

Promotes determination in achieving goals. It can be used to cure the liver and gall bladder.

15. Olgiz, algiz (Q, q, dark brown, chocolate, 9 and 29) = moose, moose antlers

Protects from enemies and enemy machinations, used to combat depression.

16. Zig, soul (Z, z, gold, 1 and 30) = Sun

Promotes inspiration, a surge of energy, meets expectations. Can be used to treat the respiratory tract.

17. Shooting gallery, teyvaz (T, t, purple, 3 and 27) = warrior, victory

Patronizes the brave and courageous, gives courage, leads to victory. Application normalizes blood pressure and removes toxins.

18. Bjarka, berka on (B, b, dark green, 2 and 18) = birch meaning “tree of life”

Application promotes family life, preserves the energy of life, and also protects pregnant women and promotes a successful birth.

19. Eichwas, evas (E, e, emerald 4 and 12) = horse, horse in the meanings of “ride” and “balance”

Use promotes balance, good relationships with others, successful trips and business trips, improves the condition of the kidneys and urinary tract.

20. Mandr, mannas, man(M, m, ash, 8 and 15) = husband, man

Application promotes cheerfulness, optimism, application leads to speedy healing of bruises and injuries.

21. Lagu, lagus (L, l, light green, gladiwater color, 2 and 13) = lake, ocean, any water in the meaning of “reflection and improvement of visibility, clarity”

Application enhances internal perception and improves vision.

22. Ing, ingus (S, s, purple, 6 and 11) = God Ing

Patronizes pregnant women.

23. Odal, otila (O, oh, dark blue, 7 and 26) = house, inheritance

Application helps in handling property and real estate transactions, reveals talents, improves fluid balance in the body and blood condition.

24. Dagaz, dagas (S, s, white, 1 and 19) = day, light

Application promotes spiritual development and successful completion of started tasks, enhances the body’s ability to restore functions.

25th rune = Rune of Fate, not used for fortune telling, has no letter equivalent, number zero.

Slavic runes: meaning, application

Now let's look at the Slavic runes. There are, as you remember, only 18 of them in the classical tradition.

Image of classical Slavic runes:

Literal and semantic meanings of Slavic runes:

Slavic runes: names and meanings, scope of application

1. World = Belobog (M, m)

Helps and protects if you act from a position of Goodness and Wealth. Warning: does not work to restore justice if such justice brings harm to someone.

2. Inverted World Tree= Chernobog (Ch, ch, ts, ts)

Calls upon the forces of Chaos and Destruction for help if they can help solve the problem for your benefit. For example, medical surgery, divorce, and so on.

3. Center of the World = Alatyr (A, a)

Contributes to a good start to a business, a journey.

4. Rainbow = Joy, Road, Success (P, p)

Will lead to success along the shortest or harmonious and organic path.

5. Need = Bonds, Prohibitions (N, n)

Causes problems to those who deserve them.

6. Krada = Fire, Incarnation (K, k, G, g)

Burns down obstacles on the way to the goal and reveals a person’s potential.

7. Requirement = Hardness, Warrior, Sacrifice (T, t)

You can, with persistence, get everything you want, but only by sacrificing something.

8. Strength = Power, Authority (S, s)

Symbolizes absolutely any strength - physical, intellectual, power. Gives strength for victory.

9. Wind = Veles (V, v)

It symbolizes speed and movement, helps everyone involved in commerce, trade, business - wherever entrepreneurship, readiness for change, readiness to destroy the old to create the new are needed.

10. Bereginya = Makosh (B, b)

Guardian of the home, patronizes family women.

11. Oud = Fire, Passion, Pleasure (Ooh, ooh)

Helps you get all of the above.

12. Lelya = Love (L, l)

Symbolizes Love as the basis for creating a family and having children. Also activates intuition.

13. Rock = Fate (X, x)

Symbolizes predestination, karma. Warning: the rune is complex and unpredictable in its action.

14. Support = Motherland, Gods, magic circle (Oh, oh)

Gives support and support in different life situations.

15. Dazhdbog = Prosperity, Abundance (D, d)

Patronizes farmers and everyone involved in the production sector.

16. Perun = Victory, Power, Justice (P, p)

Patronizes warriors and everyone who is ready to act decisively.

17. Is = Movement, Life (E, e)

Patronizes the energy of renewal and movement towards life, development, wealth, recovery - in general, towards what you would like to move towards.

18. Source = Base, Core, Root (And, and)

Helps calm, rethink events, and organize movement in the right direction for the future.

Runes: other principles and applications

There are also more complex options for using runes - creating runescripts and runestavs. They are based on the same principles as the use of single runes. A runescript is a sequential recording of runes on something. Runestav is a material item, a combined rune with several symbols.

Their main difference from single runes is their limited validity period when used. If we draw analogies with project management, then you need to select the runes that are needed to achieve your goal and combine them in the image in the desired way.

It will look something like if we wrote down the project plan in letters in some modern language. At the end of the “project”, such a rune should be burned or buried, the recording should be erased or destroyed.

In order to create runescripts and runestavs, you need to thoroughly know all the nuances of the meaning of each rune and the principles of interaction of runes with each other. Otherwise, you can send the forces of nature the wrong message.

If you are still interested in this topic, we offer an informational video about runescripts - runes of love.

The meaning of the runes

All this knowledge will help you understand the runes, meaning, and application for different areas of life. Success in learning about yourself and the world!

Runes are special Vedic symbols. In magic, they are used as amulets and talismans in various rituals, including fortune telling. Each professional fortune teller has a bag with runes made of ivory, natural stones or wood. The meaning of runic symbols will help you find out the future in various layouts and fortune telling. This is what modern experts write about how to correctly interpret runic symbols.

What do people tell fortunes on runes?

They allow you to find out what stage of life a person is at, as well as changes in his relationships, for the future. Here are the main rune symbols and the particular meaning of each of them. Runes can be interpreted in a direct or inverted meaning. Here are some interpretations.

There are 24 runes in total. Of these, 8, and in some interpretations 9, have irreversible, identical meaning in the literal and figurative sense. Among them it is worth noting such runes as:

Odin or an empty rune, on which there is no image at all. Corresponds to the empty card in the Tarot and signifies the renewal of the cycle, the beginning and the end. Sometimes it shows that the information is closed from the person or that the situation does not depend on him in any way.

Soulu or Sun rune favorable in any position. It means clarification of a life situation, enlightenment of a person and recovery. In addition, such a rune often means joy and the fact that, whatever the situation, it will always be resolved safely.

Dagaz (day). A very good rune, which means a favorable combination of circumstances, as well as a new turn in a business or event. Indicates a favorable ending to a difficult life situation, novelty, new acquisition of information and good luck. A wind of novelty enters a person's life.

Isa or ice. It looks like a vertical stick and has the same meaning upside down and upright. It means cold, coldness, a period of stagnation, when everything freezes, like nature in the winter season. Urges you to wait with new plans and activities. Sometimes it is that the questioner should not be active, since the situation is not moving anywhere yet.

Halaz (hail) – rune of destruction. Breaking old connections, destroying new plans.

Inguz– fertility. It means a reward for your labors and that the time will come to reap the harvest, the fruits of your behavior and deeds, both negative and positive. Sometimes it means procreation, pregnancy for a woman.

Yera(year, harvest) – success with perseverance and patience. You will have to wait a very long time for the results, but all your efforts will pay off generously.

Eyvaz– protection and patience. Means the world tree, the tree of life. Very often it shows that to achieve results you need to show patience, as well as difficult and difficult choices in a person’s life. Much will depend on whether a person can resist temptation. In business, such a rune means delays and obstacles. However, in any situation it requires patience.

Gebo(cooperation, gift) – the rune of help, support and joint actions with someone. Shows that a person wants to implement some kind of life plan. Sometimes means achieving success through collective action, support, help or receiving a gift.

Reversible runes

There are 16 of them in total. The meaning of these runic symbols depends on the position of each rune in the layout. Here are the main meanings.

Turisaz(gate) – a new stage of life if a person has completed the old one. In an inverted meaning it means stagnation of a negative situation in a person’s life.

Raido(road, way) – means road and path. Inverted - a break in relationships, the inability to change the situation.

Laguz(water, source) is a rune that is responsible for filling life, inspiration, vitality. Directly it can predict happiness in love, fullness of vital energy and positive emotions, and inverted it means a decrease in vitality and deterioration in health, impotence and illness.

Otil(another transcription of Otal) – a symbol of separation. It means sacrificing something old for something new. In some situations, it can promise you financial success, the support of old friends and be a sign that the past will remind you of itself. Reversed means lack of outside help and support.

Uruz(separation of male and female) - a rune associated with power and change. It may mean the entry of something new into your life through loss. Inverted, it shows anxiety and the fact that some chance simply cannot be returned, since you missed it.

Perth(dedication). The rune of global changes and changes in the entire way of life. In some cases, it foretells death. It means either a complete rebirth, or a suddenly opened new path, since the old life has already exhausted itself. Inverted means obstacles in an important matter, the inability to get rid of negativity.

Nautiz(compulsion) is not an easy rune. She says that the questioner will have to do something forcibly, out of necessity. Inverted - to errors.

Algiz(protection) - symbolizes a new and unexpected turn of events. But if this rune is inverted, then beware of your own defenselessness and rash actions.

Feu(food, property and possession) is one of the best runes. She predicts a reward for work, acquisition, gift, improvement in financial situation. If the rune is inverted, expect losses, often of a material nature.

Vunyo(joy and light) - a symbol of unexpected happiness after a long period of failures and hardships. If the rune is reversed, the difficulties are not over. Joy will come after a long time.

Kano(fire) is a symbol of excellent health, good luck in love and prosperity. Sometimes indicates healing abilities. Reversed means separation, rejection.

Berkana(birch, growth) - a rune symbolizing feminine energy, growth, health. Sometimes it means the birth of a child or marriage.

Evaz(movement) – roads, progress, life in constant movement, development and change. Often means constant travel, roads. When reversed, it promises big obstacles.

Mannaz(person) – the appearance of influence in a person’s life, the proximity of a meeting. When upside down it can be very dangerous.

Anguz(sign) is a magical rune. It may show a gift from above or some amazing abilities, higher wisdom. An inverted rune indicates a lack of the qualities described above to get out of a difficult situation.

The meaning of runic symbols can be useful for both beginners and professional fortune tellers. However, the meaning of each rune depends on the specific fortune telling. Therefore, it is worth carefully deciphering each sign in the context of the situation. The combined meaning of several symbols is also important. Here intuition and the gift of providence will help in interpretation.

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