Salicylic acid 1 for acne. How to use salicylic acid for acne. How to use salicylic acid for acne? The use of the substance in dermatology

There are many cosmetic products designed to combat acne and acne. Their range is constantly updated, but such creams, lotions and gels are not cheap. However, a really powerful tool in the fight against hated acne can be purchased at a pharmacy literally for a penny. Salicylic acid is a drug that allows you to get rid of acne effectively and without much cost.


Salicylic acid was first isolated from willow bark and used to treat rheumatism. Today, the substance is synthesized and added to various drugs intended primarily for the treatment of skin diseases. Salicylic (ortho-hydroxybenzoic) acid, otherwise called phenolic acid, is a colorless crystal, readily soluble in alcohol.

Composition and forms of release

Salicylic acid for acne can be purchased as an alcohol solution or in tablet form. The medicinal substance is part of various cosmetic products and combined medicines used externally - ointments, pastes, petroleum jelly, gels, shampoos, lotions, pencils, tonics and other products. It is also a derivative of Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) and is present in various other medicines taken orally.

How it works

The drug belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Phenolic solution constricts blood vessels, relieves inflammation, eliminates itching. It is used externally as a local irritant, drying, antiseptic, keratolic and distracting agent. Salicylic acid cleanses the surface of the skin from old cells, improves trophism in tissues, reduces pain, and suppresses the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands.

Efficiency in the treatment of acne is due to the following actions of the acid:

  • drying;
  • regenerating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • brightening (for blackheads);
  • painkillers.

Salicylic acid for acne reduces sebum production and tightens pores, which prevents the recurrence of acne.

Is it possible to cauterize acne

Salicylic acid for acne is used in the form of one or two percent aqueous solutions or in tablets, from which medicinal mixtures are prepared at home. The use of alcohol solutions containing five or ten percent of the active substance for the treatment of acne is not recommended, as they greatly dry the skin, which can eventually lead to burns and an increase in acne.

How to burn acne: popular recipes

Salicylic acid is suitable for different skin types and the degree of damage to the disease. If you follow all the rules of drug treatment, then it does not cause side effects.

Acid can be used as an independent drug or in combination with other topical agents. How to cauterize acne depends on the desired therapeutic effect. Salicylic solution is mixed with glycolic acid, chloramphenicol and other medicines.

Phenolic acid is used for various types of acne:

  • comedones- black dots and white pimples;
  • papules- inflamed acne;
  • pustules- purulent acne;
  • post-acne- pigmentation at the site of former acne;
  • increased production of sebum- the risk of developing acne.

In addition to the treatment of acne, the medication is used in dermatology for the treatment of various skin diseases: seborrhea, psoriasis, eczema, foot mycoses, warts, erythrasma, hyperhidrosis, burns, versicolor, infectious and inflammatory skin diseases, dermatitis.

Options for using salicylic acid for acne treatment

On the basis of salicylic acid, you can make various formulations - talkers, creams, lotions that will help solve various problems caused by acne. Each of the recipes has its own characteristics, and which ones, we will consider in more detail.

salicylic acid solution. The easiest option for cauterizing acne is an aqueous solution of salicylic acid without any additives. For the procedure, you should take a liquid containing one or two percent of the active substance. Before using this solution, do not wipe your face with other alcohol-containing liquids, gels, or do deep cleansing with scrubs. Otherwise, the skin will become excessively dry, irritated and begin to peel off. It is strictly forbidden to use salicylic acid simultaneously with benzoyl peroxide.

To get rid of acne, wipe your face twice a day with a swab dipped in phenolic solution. If acne is single, then dip a cotton swab into the solution and burn them pointwise. Fifteen minutes after cauterizing acne, rinse your face with warm water. Upon completion of the procedure, you can apply a cream to the skin or continue therapy by making one of the face masks with the addition of a small amount of this medication (for severe inflammation or increased oiliness of the skin).

Chatterbox with acetylsalicylic acid. Such a recipe is necessary for those who are wondering how to burn purulent acne. Mix two milliliters of phenolic solution, one milliliter of chloramphenicol solution, add ten grams of pea flour and mix. Apply the medicinal composition to the problem areas of the skin of the face, and after twenty minutes, rinse the mixture with water.

Chatterbox with chloramphenicol. To prepare the talker in an alternative way, you will need five tablets of chloramphenicol, the same number of tablets of aspirin (a derivative of salicylic acid) and a vial of calendula tincture. Crush the tablets, pour into the medicinal tincture and mix thoroughly. To soften the product for one teaspoon of talker, add the same volume of water (immediately before applying to the face). Rub the solution on your pimples once or twice a day. If the components of the therapeutic composition do not cause discomfort, then it can not be diluted.

Body mask. This procedure is often done in beauty salons for problem skin with acne. Mix a tablespoon of bodyaga, twenty drops of salicylic acid and a tablespoon of brewed green tea. Apply the composition to the acne. Wash off the mask with water after ten minutes.

Clay and cream mask. This recipe is designed to get rid of age spots that have arisen at the site of former acne. Make a mixture of fifteen drops of phenolic solution, ten grams of pink clay and five milliliters of cream. Apply a thin layer on the pigment spots remaining from acne. The procedure time is twenty minutes. Upon completion, it is useful to wash off the composition with plantain tincture.

Oatmeal and fennel seed mask. The healing composition perfectly cleanses the skin of dead cells, protects the skin from toxins and fights inflammation. Mix two teaspoons of flour, a coffee spoon of seeds and a coffee spoon of salicylic solution. Apply the mask on your face for ten minutes once a week. Rinse with water of contrast temperature.

Activated charcoal mask. This recipe will appeal to the owners of open comedones - black dots. Crush an activated charcoal tablet into powder, add two milliliters of phenolic acid and, if desired, a decoction of calendula. Steam your face before the procedure. Apply the composition for twenty minutes once, twice a week.

Mask with honey and cocoa butter. The healing agent will help not only cope with acne, but also improve complexion. The mask consists of fifteen drops of acid, 10 grams of honey and five grams of cocoa butter. Mix the components and apply in circular massage movements on the skin of the face for fifteen minutes. At the end of the procedure, wash off the composition with warm water.

Lotion with chamomile and grape oil. Lotion is another way to cauterize acne. The natural composition of the folk remedy will help to cope with inflamed acne and black spots. Prepare a decoction of chamomile, strain one hundred and fifty milliliters of infusion into a container, add five milliliters of salicylic acid and two milliliters of essential oil from grape seeds. Apply to problematic skin twice a day.

Cream with beeswax and rice oil. The cream will help to cope with acne, narrow pores and normalize the sebaceous glands. Melt five grams of beeswax in a water bath, add ten milliliters of rice oil and one milliliter of salicylic acid, mix. Apply the cream on your face daily after hygiene procedures.

Salicylic acne solution: contraindications, rules of use and a review of other forms of the drug

Salicylic acid can help or harm, so you should strictly follow the dosage of the drug and avoid the use of alcohol solutions. After about two months, the drug reduces its activity due to the addictive effect. For this reason, treatment with a phenolic solution should be carried out in courses, and then take a break for two or three months. Not everyone can safely use salicylic acne solution, so you should read the list of contraindications.


Application rules

When applying a salicylic solution for acne, a number of rules should be observed that will help to avoid complications. If you do not moderately and uncontrollably use such a highly active substance, then instead of getting rid of the disease, you can get a bunch of problems.

  • With regular treatment with salicylic, the skin can become dry and irritated, so cosmetologists recommend additionally moisturizing it with a cream, for example, for children.
  • Do not use phenolic acid in the presence of open lesions on the skin - scratches, wounds, cuts. Otherwise, inflammatory processes and chemical burns can occur in these places, which can subsequently turn into scars.
  • Before using the salicylic acne solution for the first time, be sure to test it for individual tolerance and the absence of allergic reactions, and then apply the product on the face.
  • Do not apply the drug to birthmarks, hairy warts or moles.
  • Avoid applying alcohol solution to the skin. Even from the point effect of five or ten percent solutions on acne, a chemical burn can occur, and the skin becomes excessively dry and irritated.
  • If after treatment with salicylic acid you experience discomfort (feeling of tightness, itching), stop using this remedy.

Phenolic acid derivatives

Medicines based on salicylic acid are widely used in medicine as antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs. In the classical sense, such drugs are considered antirheumatic. They are made in the form of tablets, powder, solutions for injection. Among the well-known drugs are Aspirin, Analgin, Antipyrine, Butadione, Phenacetin.

Other forms of preparations with salicylic acid:


  • Salicylic acid solution 1% - 11 rubles;
  • Salicylic acid solution 2% - 19 rubles;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid in tablets (10 pcs) - 6 rubles.

From this article you will learn:

  • in what cases is salicylic acid used for acne and acne,
  • how effective is aspirin for acne,
  • examples of drugs and reviews.

Salicylic acid (acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin) in lotions and gels can be used to treat skin pathology. Everyone knows that aspirin has an anti-inflammatory effect, and in this article we will analyze in detail how effective it is in treating acne and pimples.

Salicylic acid for pimples and acne

Any dermatologist knows that salicylic acid is not equally effective in treating acne and pimples. For acne, it has a good effect (especially in patients with oily skin), but for classic acne, its effect leaves much to be desired and is significantly inferior to preparations based on benzoyl peroxide, as well as topical antibiotic gels.

It is very important to understand the difference between blackheads and pimples. Acne is nothing more than plugs in the pores of the skin, consisting of sebum (secreted by the sebaceous glands) and desquamated dead epithelial cells. Acne can appear as black dots in the pores of the skin (Fig. 1), or as white bumps on the surface of the skin (Fig. 2). A pimple is an inflamed hair follicle (Fig. 3).

Pimples are formed from acne when bacteria attach to them. In the diagram (4 ab) it can be seen that there is a hair follicle in the depth of each skin pore. The sebaceous glands secrete sebum into the lumen of the follicle and through the pore it enters the surface of the skin. When a plug (acne) forms in a pore, this leads to the appearance of a closed space where sebum accumulates. This creates excellent conditions for the reproduction of bacteria inside the follicle.

1. The action of acetylsalicylic acid in acne -

Acetylsalicylic acid is able to dissolve plugs in the pores of the skin. It also (due to the acidic environment) helps to exfoliate superficial dead skin cells, which also helps to free pores from plugs. It has a good degreasing effect, so it is especially good to use it if you have oily skin.

Keep in mind that regular use of salicylic acid causes dryness, flaking, burning and itching of the skin (in people with oily skin, these side effects will be less pronounced). It is also worth noting that such products are categorically not recommended for people with dark skin, because. their use causes focal lightening of the skin.

For the treatment of acne, lotions or gels are used with concentrations of acetylsalicylic acid - 0.5% or 2%. An example is the Clerasil products in the form of lotion, cream and gel. Also in pharmacies you can find salicylic acne lotion based on salicylic acid. Good European manufacturers: Neutrogena Rapid Clear Acne (Neutrogena), Oxy, Stridex, Dermarest…

2. Acetylsalicylic acid for acne -

Salicylic acid for acne - reviews of its wonderful properties are greatly exaggerated. Such reviews are left, as a rule, not by dermatologists and cosmetologists, but by bloggers and programmers who write articles to increase traffic to their projects.

In reality, the effect of salicylic acid is very moderate, and in many patients with acne, the effect of the treatment may not be observed at all. Salicylic acid is more or less effective for treating acne, and it is also not bad when carried out in patients with oily skin.

Aspirin for acne: summary

Use salicylic acid only in the following cases −
1) You have blackheads, not acne.
2) You have oily skin and need a degreasing lotion.

DO NOT use salicylic acid in cases of -
1) You have acne, not blackheads (here it is much more effective to use lotions and gels based on benzoyl peroxide, as well as gels with an antibiotic).
2) You have dry skin that requires constant hydration.

Pimples are an unpleasant defect of the skin of the face. They can appear at any age, causing a lot of inconvenience. To eliminate the skin ailment, various means are used. Salicylic acid helps with acne. The drug is effective in the treatment of rashes of varying severity. Numerous reviews testify to the excellent results of the application.

Types of remedies

Salicylic acid is commonly sold in the form of alcoholic solutions (1, 5, 9, 10%), often referred to as salicylic alcohol. The tool allows you to gently cleanse the skin and eliminate bacteria. Acid is sold in the form of tablets and ointments. Solutions with a high concentration dry out the skin, therefore it is advisable to dilute them or prepare solutions without alcohol from salicylic acid in the form of tablets.


The useful properties of this tool include:

  • exfoliation of old cells;
  • pore cleansing;
  • restoration of the sebaceous glands;
  • drying inflammation;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • pigmentation treatment;
  • no irritation.

According to many it is used to treat acne. There are many products in the form of masks, thanks to which it will be possible to improve the condition of the skin. There are also ready-made products with salicylic acid, which also bring good results.


Although there are many modern acne preparations now, salicylic acid remains the best remedy for a long time. The medicine cleanses the skin in a short period and eliminates inflammation. Acid destroys bacteria, prevents their reproduction and penetration into the nearest areas of the skin.

The effect of this remedy allows you to remove redness, in addition, acne decreases in size. Salicylic acid restores the beauty of the skin, as it treats post-acne - dark spots that appear on the site of acne.

Application features

The medicine can be used with closed and open comedones for oily skin. But in the presence of inflammation, abscesses, the remedy is considered not entirely effective. For the treatment of severe acne, ointments with zinc or benzoyl peroxide are more suitable.

Salicylic acid from acne helps to soften and dissolve plugs in the sebaceous glands, accelerate the renewal of the epidermis, and reduce the production of oily secretions. The tool has a drying effect. If you use it regularly, you will be able to smooth out post-acne marks, get rid of shine and narrow pores. According to reviews, the medicine is really effective, the main thing is to follow the rules of use.

Due to the antibacterial property, bacteria will not be able to develop, which reduces the risk of inflammation and pus. Salicylic acid from acne dries out the skin, which must be taken into account with sensitive dermis. If the skin is dark, then light spots may appear. In the treatment, a lotion is used, including 0.5, 1 or 2% of the active ingredients. According to reviews, the tool will eliminate the skin problem in a short time.


Salicylic acid for acne cannot be used for:

  • vulgar, phlegmonous acne;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • intolerance;
  • renal failure;
  • dry, sensitive skin;
  • dark dermis.

According to reviews, salicylic acid for acne should be used after consulting a specialist. Due to improper use, allergies and soft tissue damage may occur. Negative reactions include increased irritation, itching, redness, swelling and other discomfort.

If the medicine causes dryness of the skin, then it is necessary to additionally use glycolic, acrylic acid. They have a mild effect, allow you to eliminate black spots, maintain water balance. Panthenol, Bepanten cream will help get rid of severe dryness.

Salicylic acid ointment should not be used if there is a risk of comedones. The drug has a fatty base, which leads to blockage of the sebaceous glands and inflammation. The product must be applied pointwise to purulent acne to ensure drying and rapid healing.

You can not use the solution for birthmarks, nevi, mucous membranes. If it accidentally gets into your eyes, you need to rinse them immediately. The solution must not be used when using resorcinol, zinc oxide, since the components can react and form melting mixtures that lead to burns. Salicylic acid 2% partially penetrates the systemic circulation and reduces the effectiveness of hypoglycemic agents prescribed for diabetes mellitus.

Application rules

How to use salicylic acid for acne to quickly get rid of the problem? To eliminate black spots, post-acne and subcutaneous acne, it is necessary to treat the skin 2-3 times a day with a cotton pad, which is moistened in an alcohol solution or face lotion. Just don't rub it in. The skin is pre-cleaned of cosmetics and impurities using soap. Treatment continues for 1 week.

Does salicylic acid help with acne with regular use? It will not be possible to completely get rid of the rash, but the skin will be noticeably lighter, the pores will be cleansed. Procedures allow you to narrow the ducts, reduce acne marks. According to reviews, many women got rid of this skin defect with this remedy.

Known use of salicylic acid from acne as a peeling. For this, a 2% solution is used. A cosmetic product usually comes with instructions, which indicate the rules for use. Do not leave the solution on the skin of the face for longer than the indicated time, so as not to get burned. The procedure should be performed no more than 1 time in 10-14 days, and then for several days you can not use decorative cosmetics and creams.

Can acid be used for severe inflammation? Spot use of the solution accelerates the opening of the abscess, eliminates subcutaneous acne. It is necessary to lubricate acne before they mature, and then you need to apply gels on antibiotics, treat with antiseptics.

How to properly use salicylic acid for acne if other medications are additionally used? Acid helps to increase the permeability of the skin and enhance the therapeutic effect of gels from comedones. Therefore, it must be applied first, left for 10-15 minutes, and then washed off and treated with the prescribed remedy.


How is salicylic acid used for acne? Recipes allow you to create healing masks. According to reviews, they allow you to perfectly cope with the problem. You can prepare the following on your own:

  1. In a glass container, you need to place blue clay (2 tablespoons), honey (1 teaspoon), protein, acid solution (2%). The components must be mixed and applied to clean skin with a brush. After 10-15 minutes, the mask can be washed off. You need to perform the procedures every week.
  2. Soak wheat bran (1 tablespoon) in water, add salicylic acid (5 drops). The finished gruel should be massaged on the skin of the face for 2-3 minutes, and then rinsed with water. This method is more suitable for removing acne marks, blackheads, enlarged pores. Cleaning is done weekly. An effective result will be if the skin is steamed in advance.
  3. You will need edible gelatin (1 tsp), glycerin (1/2 tbsp), acid (1 g). The components must be mixed in a metal container and heated in a steam bath. Then lemon juice (5 drops) is added. Warm mass is evenly distributed to problem areas. After 15 minutes, you can wash off. Do not use a greasy cream or ointment, as this leads to blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. It is advisable to use a tonic lotion or cosmetic ice obtained on the basis of cucumber juice, aloe vera, decoction of string, celandine, chamomile and calendula.


You can prepare a talker with salicylic acid for acne. This will require a solution (50 ml), streptocide (7 g), sulfur (7 g), a solution of boric acid (50 g). Streptocid must be kneaded until a homogeneous powder is obtained, and then mixed with other components.

Experts advise lubricating problem areas 2 times a day. Due to frequent or incorrect use, skin addiction is possible. In addition, there may be overdrying of the skin. It is advisable to adhere to the following scheme of use: for 2 weeks on clean skin, apply the product in the morning and before bedtime. After that, you need to use a moisturizer. Then a break of 2 weeks is required. Then you need to perform procedures if necessary, in a limited amount.


The pharmacy has therapeutic gels and lotions, where salicylic acid is considered the main component. The cost of these products is higher than an alcohol solution, but they contain additives that prevent the skin from drying out, as well as vitamins. Popular tools include the following:

  1. Salicylic gel "Propeller" has an antibacterial and keratolytic effect. With it, it will be possible to get rid of oily sheen, black spots, narrow pores and prevent the formation of new rashes.
  2. Clearasil Cleansing Gel is designed to gently cleanse the face, even out its tone, eliminate oily sheen, and make it matte. The vitamins and plant extracts present in the composition have an antioxidant effect.
  3. StopProblem lotion with toning and cleansing action is ideal for sensitive skin. The composition includes plant extracts. The product has a disinfectant, exfoliating and soothing effect.
  4. The Clean&Clear Scrub penetrates deep into the pores, cleansing them of sebaceous plugs, and makes the skin of the face brighter. The result is visible after 1 procedure. The composition contains menthol, after use, freshness is felt, swelling is eliminated.


Thanks to the treatment of acne with cosmetics, the likelihood of side effects is reduced. Procedures allow you to maintain water balance, improve skin condition.

salicylic acid for acne- one of the most popular remedies that is used in the treatment of acne. Today we will look at all pros and cons of this remedy (regarding the treatment of acne), we will analyze how to use salicylic acid RIGHT(so that it really helps and does not burn the skin, which is very bad), consider the reviews of readers (what they think about salicylic acid), find out where to buy (in a pharmacy, where else =)), in general, we will analyze everything from A to Z). Everything written is my opinion on this tool. Get comfortable =) .

So, if you check your first aid kit now, you will probably be able to find a vial of salicylic acid there (and if not, then don’t worry, this is fixable). And this is not just a tribute to the past - from the time of our mothers to the present day, this remedy has been one of the most effective in the treatment of acne. This acid is included in many new drugs for the treatment of acne, in most of them being the main component. AT lotions, scrubs (one of the most) , tonics you can often find traces of salicylic acid.

Surely, almost all people used this remedy, they were convinced of its ability to defeat acne (or inability) by their own example. Well, if you didn’t use it, then we’ll try to answer a direct question: “ Does salicylic acid help with acne on the face ?” Let's try to systematize our knowledge.

Salicylic acid is antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory a remedy that is often used in the treatment of acne. The formula of salicylic acid is C6H4 (OH) COOH. There are various solutions on sale, which are structured according to the percentage of salicylic acid in them:

  • Salicylic acid 1%
  • Salicylic acid 2%
  • Salicylic acid 3%
  • Salicylic acid 5%
  • Salicylic acid 10%

Salicylic acid has a number of useful properties which makes her a great acne fighter. Let's take a look at why salicylic acid is such an indispensable helper:

1 Salicylic acid has drying effect. I think a lot of people know about it. One day my good friend, seeing how I suffer from acne, said:

As soon as a pimple pops up, I smear it with salicylic acid, the next day a crust forms, and after two it falls off. Can you try?

Naturally, I have already tried. Let me tell you straight away that pinpoint treatment of acne on the face, a better remedy than salicylic acid, I have not met. However, if there are not 1, but 10 or even more pimples on the face, salicylic acid should be applied carefully so as not to overdry the skin. We'll talk more about this below.

2 Salicylic acid can deal with acne blemishes, which are called post-acne. I can’t say anything about scars, because. (thank God) I didn't earn them because I knew that . Only time and the regenerative (restoring) abilities of your skin can cope with scars. If you are still under pressure, read the article, I think you will no longer want to do this (link above).

Updated: if you still can’t help but squeeze out the next “reptile”, read the article about. I also recommend reading about how to reduce the appearance of acne on the face, this is due to the same “squeeze out”.

About stagnant spots after acne, truth for all 100%. This happens because salicylic acid in the treatment of acne is very penetrates deep into the skin, causing blood flow to the site of application, which promotes tissue renewal. And when the tissues are renewed, the spots after acne also disappear. This is one of the main advantages of this tool. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not overdry, which can have a bad effect on the skin.

3 Salicylic acid destroys bacteria, causing acne (). How do acne appear? When the time is clogged, sebum cannot get out, because of this, comedones appear (). If this bacterium gets into the comedone, inflammatory processes begin there, the pimple turns red, well, then you know =). So, salicylic acid kills the bacteria that causes acne. However, there is a fly in the ointment here: salicylic acid spares nothing, including the beneficial bacteria that live on our skin. I will talk about this in more detail in the section on contraindications.

4 Another useful feature is that this tool allows you to adjust secretion of sebum. That is, salicylic acid allows. And if we reduce the fat content, then the pores begin to clog less with its excess. You should not overdo it with the use, with a lack of sebum for moisturizing, the skin can, on the contrary, increase its production in order to prevent beneficial bacteria from dying.

5 Salicylic acid can also fight blackheads by dissolving or discoloring them, which is also a big plus.

With the theoretical part figured out why salicylic acid can be so effective too, let's get down to practice!

Stop fooling yourself

And of course, you know firsthand that facial skin problems are:

  • Constant search for remedies for acne
  • Daily picking and extrusion
  • Low self-esteem
  • Lack of attention from the opposite sex
  • Spending money on beauty products

Now answer the question: DOES THIS SUIT YOU? Aren't you tired of enduring it? And how much money, effort and time have you already spent on cosmetologists and acne remedies? That's right - it's time to make your skin perfect, once and for all! Do you agree?

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested almost all acne remedies in practice, and found the only effective drug - Instaskin

Exactly Instaskin will save you from acne not for a week, month or year, but for life!

Salicylic acid application:

If you are using salicylic acid for the first time, then it is better to start with a 1% solution. 5 and 10% solution is generally better not to use at all. It is very easy to overdry the skin, and due to overdrying, the number of acne will only increase. For experienced fighters who do not have dry skin, a 2% solution is also suitable. So, how to use salicylic acid correctly?

Wet with salicylic acid solution cotton wool, then wipe the face. If you have only a few pimples, then apply dotted, if more - we wipe the entire surface of the skin to prevent the appearance of new ones. You need to wipe until you feel a slight tingling sensation, which means that salicylic acid has begun to act. After that, you can gently rinse your face with water to neutralize the effect of the acid. If you are using 1, 2, or 3%, then you don't have to.

!Attention Do not try too hard to rub the solution into the skin. You can get burned, don't forget that it's still an acid. And for the same reason, it is better to use a 1% solution first, and I generally advise you to refuse to use 5 and 10% solutions. In the comments just wrote people who are too overzealous, read.

Contraindications for use:

1 If you have a lot of salicylic acid flaky skin, then the alcohol solution must be changed to a special alcohol-free. When the skin peels off, this is a very bad sign, acne can climb with renewed vigor. Don't think it's skin renewal. You can easily get burn. If an alcohol-free solution does not help, then salicylic acid is not suitable for you and it is better to stop using it altogether.

An example of an alcohol-free solution is Lotion-tonic Stopproblem.

2 Dry skin. If your skin is not oily, but very, very dry, it is better to stop using salicylic acid, it will only make it worse. Suitable for combination skin, but again, you don’t need to press with all your might, you will make it worse.

3 While using salicylic acid it is advisable to use only one, because a combination with other means, especially strong ones (like, etc.), can cause great dryness and flaking.

5 Not exactly a contraindication, but rather simply MINUS. Over time, the skin stops responding to salicylic acid (after about 2 months of regular use). So it was in my case. But after a 2-week break, the tool again began to work as it should.

Salicylic acid: where to buy?

salicylic acid for acne can be bought at almost any pharmacy. I'm currently using an alcohol-free lotion. StopProblem, although I used to use alcohol 2%. The price of salicylic acid is in the area 50 rubles, really cheap =)

There is also ointment with salicylic acid, but to be honest, I have never used it on myself, so I can’t say anything specific about this ointment. I read on the Internet that the muck is rare, very, very concentrated. So I would not advise you either. If you have used this ointment, I will be glad if you share your opinion in the comments! This is how she looks like:

Salicylic acid for acne: reviews

I believe that if a person is not predisposed to the appearance of acne and acne, then salicylic acid is the only remedy that can be used (yes, I really think so, there is no better remedy for spot application). I know a few examples where my friends got by only salicylic acid in the treatment of acne and I was also taught how to use it correctly. On the initial stage the solution helps perfectly, but if acne does not stop, it is necessary, and only then something to decide.

Here is a review of a girl who conducted an experiment using salicylic acid, we read:

I supplement the article: very helpful feedback from a reader named Marina, which came to my email box ([email protected]). Write your stories too!

Marina: Hello, Roman! I read your article. Indeed, the tool is just super. To be honest, I haven't used it for a long time. At the beginning, it helped perfectly, but when the transitional age seriously declared itself, and my whole face was covered with acne, and what really there, with real acne, I had to stop using it. Now, I go for a face cleansing, after cleansing I do and. The skin is just super, I repeat this scheme every month. Ugh, ugh, everything seems to be back to normal. I also went to a dermatologist, they took blood from a vein, I found a deviation from the norm at some point. The doctor made a diet. Outwardly I use skinoren, this is the best thing that I came across in the fight against pimples! ( I :The site has the truth about the gel, Marina did not specify whether she uses cream or gel). But in the first aid kit there is always a solution of salicylic acid, probably my first remedy for acne =) . I wish all your readers to get by with only salicylic acid, but if acne starts to take over, we urgently go to a dermatologist, he will definitely help! Good luck to you and your readers!


Let's summarize. My opinion salicylic acid remains one of the the most effective means in the treatment of acne. And at the initial stage of acne development, you can only get by with it, without squeezing or picking pimples, of course. There are a few cons- in particular, peeling and dry skin, possible addiction. But the pros outweigh the cons in my opinion. Therefore, if you have not yet used salicylic acid to treat acne on your face, it's time to start, because it really WORKS.

That's all for today, leave comments, write to the mailbox, ask questions or suggestions, subscribe to site updates and be the first to know about new articles. See you friends Roman Berezhnoy.

At the end, a cool video about how not to rob your neighbors =)

Drawing conclusions

There are many methods on our site that will help you get rid of acne, but there is one BUT. Not everyone is helped by this or that technique, so we have developed a detailed step by step instructions which will help at home completely get rid of all types of pimples, acne and blackheads in 10 days absolutely everyone 100%.

Using this method, more than 500 men and women have completely cleared their skin, and these are only those who sent their feedback and thanks. To date, not a single person has been recorded who has not been helped by this technique.

We made this manual free of charge, in addition, we do not receive a penny from the sales of drugs that will need to be bought. When copying an article, a link to this site is required!

Attention! The technique works only if all the points described below are observed. Remember, there is no magic pill or ointment that will instantly clear your skin.

Preparatory stage:

1) We go to this site and order Intraskin (this is the most important drug that has a therapeutic effect). The main feature of the drug is that it penetrates the pores and heals the skin from the inside, which is why after the course of treatment the result is preserved forever. In addition, it is not addictive, unlike its expensive counterparts.

2) In order for Intraskin to penetrate into the pores, they must be completely cleaned, otherwise there will be no use. To clean the pores, we will use black mask. You can make it yourself (read on the Internet), but finding all the necessary components is quite difficult, so it's easier to buy it. Yes, and a homemade mask cleanses the pores much worse. Black mask is ordered on this site. It will take 2 packages, if they offer more - refuse. There are many fakes, so if you decide to buy a mask, then only on the official website, which I indicated above.

Don't be scared that you need to buy it all. Agree, it is worth it if you know that you will get rid of acne 100% not for a week, month or year, but for life!

So, you have purchased all the necessary components..

We start treatment:

1) Cut down on all sugary and fatty foods at least twice. We recommend eating more vegetables. Do not be afraid, this is a temporary measure, you only need to be patient for 10 days!

2) Apply black mask on the face, wait 5 minutes and then carefully remove it. The mask will come off the face with a thin film, it will show all the pus that was clogged in your pores. This procedure must be carried out for the first 3 days, once a day (preferably at night). Then we remove the remaining pus from the pores with a machine Spot Cleaner(instruction for Spot Cleaner inside the box)

3) After complete cleansing of the pores, rub Intraskin cream in a circular motion on the affected areas of the skin and go to bed without rinsing. We carry out this procedure every day for 10 days.

That's actually all. You will say that all this is too complicated. Nobody said it would be easy. But when all these points are fulfilled, we Guaranteed complete elimination of acne and blackheads in 10 days!

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