Red caviar stretches. How to choose red caviar? What to look for when buying red caviar

Our resident expert Ilgizya Sharafieva shared her experience of choosing red caviar. Ilgizya Sharafieva: “Red salmon caviar is an internationally recognized delicacy. Salmon caviar has a pleasant mild taste, it is nutritious and healthy. In addition, salmon caviar is certainly served on the most beloved Russian holidays - New Year and Maslenitsa. There are many ways to serve caviar, the main thing to remember is the basic rule - red caviar should be cold when served, even if it goes with hot pancakes! And, of course, it is important to choose the right red caviar.”

Useful properties of red caviar

We can talk about the beneficial properties of red salmon caviar for a very long time. Red caviar is one of the most nutritious foods; it has great nutritional value. 100 g of black (grained or pressed) caviar contains 280 calories. And 100 g of red caviar - 270 calories. For comparison: the same amount of medium-fat meat provides only 120 calories. There are only 70 calories in 100 g of milk. The beneficial properties of red caviar also include the fact that it is easily absorbed by the body!

So, red caviar is a healthy delicacy, which affects the formation of red blood cells in humans, normalizes metabolism and blood sugar levels, and also regulates cholesterol metabolism. Rich in protein and fats that can be easily digested, this caviar contains everything that is necessary for the full development and functioning of the human body:

  • Lecithin, which neutralizes bad cholesterol
  • Vitamins E, D, groups B and A
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • A protein that provides a full spectrum of amino acids

Interestingly, the nutrients contained in red salmon caviar have an intense effect on the skin, preventing the aging process and restoring affected areas.

It should be remembered that caviar, while having a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, still contains salt, and therefore people prone to edema, suffering from atherosclerosis, hypertension or coronary heart disease are recommended to consume no more than 2 sandwiches per day. The general recommendation of doctors is that our body needs red caviar. Ideal if you use it 1-2 times a week.

Which red caviar is better

Often those who want to buy red caviar are interested in which fish is the best caviar. Let's try to figure it out. Salmon caviar or red caviar is prepared from raw caviar of salmon fish: chum salmon, pink salmon, masu salmon and less often from sockeye salmon, coho salmon and chinook salmon. Different salmon eggs have different sizes and colors. If you are wondering which fish red caviar is better and which caviar is better to buy, remember the following information:
  • size of red caviar eggs - which fish has the largest

egg diameter 2-3 mm - trout caviar;
the diameter of the eggs is 3-5 mm - this is most likely the caviar of pink salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon and masu salmon;
the diameter of the eggs is 5-7 mm - caviar of chum salmon and chinook salmon.
  • color of red caviar eggs - which fish is more beautiful

pink salmon caviar - orange;
chum salmon caviar is pale red with an orange tint;
Sockeye salmon caviar has a bright red color.

Our shelves mainly offer red salmon caviar of three types:

  1. chum salmon caviar- large orange eggs with red splashes and a delicate taste;
  2. pink salmon caviar- medium size, bright orange color, with a very slight bitter taste;
  3. sockeye salmon caviar- small eggs of dark red color with a strong smell and bitter taste.
Which caviar is better- a controversial issue, everyone has different tastes, but most are sure that the best red caviar is pink salmon and chum salmon caviar, having a pleasant taste and orange color with shine. The caviar of other salmon has a redder color and an increased bitter taste.

How to choose red caviar

Red salmon caviar is, unfortunately, of poor quality. To choose high-quality caviar, you should follow some rules:

  • How to choose caviar in a tin can

Never buy red caviar in tin packaging. Tin is a 100% guarantee that there is a lot of liquid inside and the eggs are crushed. Caviar in a tin is second-class at best; at worst, it is either rotten caviar or caviar with too many preservatives.
You should not buy red caviar not from the refrigerator.
If red caviar is kept in an open refrigerator, the temperature in it should not be higher than -5. If it's higher, don't buy!
You have the right to ask the seller for a veterinary certificate for loose caviar; if the issuance period is more than a week, it is better not to buy such red caviar.
  • How to choose loose caviar

It’s easier to choose loose caviar if you ask the seller to try it. Look at the caviar, smell it and try it!
The caviar grain should be clean, not cloudy when exposed to light, with a small dot of a slightly darker color.
The smell of red caviar is the smell of delicious fish; if the caviar has no smell at all, it is frozen; if the caviar smells strongly, it is rotten or sour.
Red caviar should not taste too salty, now red caviar can be slightly sweet (from the new preservative - Varex).
If you feel a sour taste, the red caviar has become sour. It is better not to buy such red caviar. You can also determine the quality of red caviar by the container in which the caviar is stored - if a white coating is visible along the upper edge, then the caviar has gone sour.
Remember that pink salmon caviar is slightly bitter, and coho salmon caviar, even when fresh, will most likely seem too bitter to most.
  • How to choose caviar in a glass jar

It is worth considering that when buying caviar in a jar, you overpay for the container (glass jar, jar with a lock) and pretentious names.
If you want to buy red caviar in a jar, pay attention to the dates of production and packaging - there should be no more than 6 months between them.
Salmon go to spawn from July to September. This means that high-quality caviar should be prepared no later than the beginning of October.
When the jar is turned over, high-quality red caviar should not immediately begin to crawl along the walls; at most, only one or two eggs will fall onto the lid.
If the red caviar immediately crawls when you turn it over, it is too liquid; there is a lot of juice in it.
Look at the jar of red caviar up to the light - there should be no burst eggs or foreign objects in the caviar.
Red caviar grain should not be cloudy, with one dark dot.

Most believe that It’s better to buy red caviar in glass, since granular salmon caviar, packaged in jars, retains its quality longer and is more convenient for retail trade than barrel red caviar. Granular salmon caviar is divided into grades 1 and 2 taking into account the condition of the grain, taste, smell of caviar and salt content in it:

  • 1st grade caviar should have intact elastic grains and should not contain films or blood. The salt content in caviar of 1st grade is from 4 to 6%, 2nd grade - from 4 to 8%.
    • Characteristic features: caviar of one type of fish; uniform color; strong grain; pleasant aroma and taste without foreign tastes; lightly salted, salt 4-6%; no sludge or burst eggs. Sockeye salmon and coho salmon caviar may have uneven color and a bitter taste.

How to eat red caviar

If you already know how to choose red caviar, then all that remains is to enjoy it. The soft and delicate, moderately salty taste of caviar will bring pleasure both in its pure form and in dishes. And you can eat red caviar in different ways.

Red caviar is good in the best Russian traditions with pancakes, potato pancakes, or as an amazing appetizer with vodka.

You can serve regular sandwiches with butter and caviar, or serve stuffed eggs with caviar.

Or you can eat caviar the way they do it in Europe, use it in pasta, as a side dish, in sauces, light salads and gourmet hot dishes, or decorate canapés with sour cream with it, or serve simply with cream.

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The New Year has its own culinary traditions, which are honored by almost all Russian families: Olivier on the table, tangerines, champagne and sandwiches with red caviar. If everything is clear with the first three, then how to choose the right red caviar? The product is expensive, but before the New Year, news comes from all over the country: a cheap delicacy has been “thrown out” on the shelves. For example, now in various microdistricts of Nizhny they sell 95-gram jars from trays for 250 - 300 rubles. Almost a freebie! Many people grab dozens of them. And only then do they find out that the contents of the cans are either frozen or not caviar at all.

Leninsky district of Nizhny Novgorod, stop "Engine of the Revolution", there was a woman standing in the store with a table of red caviar, residents report. - Thank God, we bought only one jar - 300 rubles. Result: it turned out to be protein. Please warn your parents and friends, if you see them, report them to the relevant authorities!

“I also bought from a stall at Indigo, like a mini-market,” Ilya, a resident of Nizhny Novgorod, continued the topic. - The caviar was frozen slurry.

There are so many complaints now that Komsomolskaya Pravda decided to draw up a set of rules on how to choose the right quality red caviar and not get into trouble. Together with Lyubov Malafeeva, an expert from the State Regional Center of Rosstandart in the Nizhny Novgorod Region, we went to one of the largest shopping centers in the city.

Pointed question

Which container is better?

The abundance of red caviar in the store makes your eyes wide open. Tin, glass jars, loose caviar... Which one to choose?

Only tin and glass containers can preserve the quality of caviar,” explained Lyubov Malafeeva. - Plastic is temporary packaging that can be used when purchasing loose caviar. But it is impossible to see what is inside the tin can. Therefore, the best option is a glass jar: they won’t put bad caviar in it, since you can see what it looks like there. But glass containers are more expensive.

Rule one. The jar should not gurgle

If you decide to take red caviar in a tin, shake it near your ear.

If the caviar is of high quality, you will not hear gurgling,” the expert explained.

Rule two. No dents

The jar should not have dents,” said Lyubov Malafeeva. - If they are, then the jar is most likely not sealed, which means that air could get in there, the product would oxidize and deteriorate. Also, look to see if the jar is bulging at the top and bottom. If swelling is observed, the caviar is spoiled.

Rule three. Caviar should not be cloudy

Alas, you can only appreciate the quality of red caviar from a tin at home. But in a glass jar you can see every egg.

Good caviar should not flow down the walls when the jar is turned over, the expert explained. - And it is desirable that there are no bursting eggs.

Rule four. Weighed caviar - only with documents

If you buy fresh caviar, then next to the saucer there should be a sign on which the same information is written as on any jar,” noted Lyubov Malafeeva. - Name, variety, caviar of which fish, date of manufacture, and so on.

Rule five. Study the composition and inscriptions

Often, buyers in a hurry look only at the price, and then become indignant that they were deceived. But on the container it is usually explained in detail what the contents are. We will teach you how to read a jar correctly:

Let’s look at the name: “Granular salmon caviar,” 1st grade, from chilled raw materials,” the expert took the jar. - On the bottom it says whose caviar it is. In our case - chum salmon. Next, we check how the product is manufactured: according to Gosstandart (GOST) or according to technical specifications (TU). The difference is that according to GOST, the products are made from fresh caviar. With TU, frozen caviar is also acceptable (when frozen, some of the vitamins in the caviar are lost. - Author). In addition, vegetable oil can be added there. Both under GOST and TU red caviar may contain a preservative. Sorbic acid (E200) and sodium benzoate (E211) are acceptable. Without them, caviar usually does not last long.

But caviar with the addition of hexamine (E239) should be avoided: when it breaks down, it forms formaldehyde, which can cause cancer or poisoning in humans, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Rule six. Pay attention to the dates

The date of caviar production and packaging should not differ by more than six months. Also remember that fish of the salmon family go to spawn from July to September - accordingly, red caviar should be prepared at this time. The place of production of caviar - the closer to the place of catching, the less it was still unpacked on the way.

Rule seven. Smell

The main difference between red caviar and imitation is the smell.

When you open a jar of imitation caviar, the smell of fish and herring will immediately hit your nose,” explained Lyubov Malafeeva. - Know that this is an imitation, most likely some kind of gelatin. You can also throw a couple of eggs into hot water. If the caviar is not natural, it will dissolve.

If you were deceived, they slipped you protein caviar instead of natural one - feel free to go and complain to Rospotrebnadzor.

Bonus. Miser pays twice

And, of course, pay attention to the price. A national delicacy cannot cost a penny. The cost directly depends on all the listed features: whether the caviar is frozen, whether vegetable oil is added to it, what kind of container, and so on. And let your New Year’s table be set so that it’s delicious for yourself and not embarrassing in front of your guests.

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How to choose the right red caviar: expert advice. Roman IGNATIEV

The cost of caviar is not small and there is absolutely no desire to buy fake caviar under the guise of being natural. In this topic, I will show you how to distinguish real caviar from fake in several ways.

Food technologies do not stand still, and if previously it was possible to easily distinguish natural caviar from a fake, now this has become very difficult by the appearance of caviar and its taste. Look at the photo below. Can you tell which caviar is real and which is fake? To be honest, I would say that both caviar are natural. And the shape matches, the color, and the eyes are there... But in fact, one of them is fake.

To make the experiment pure, 4 types of caviar were specially purchased. One of them is natural. Three types of caviar are imitation, and official, as indicated on the packaging.

Detailed information about each type of caviar.

1. Natural caviar - granular salmon caviar.
This is pink salmon caviar, made from frozen raw materials.

2. Imitation red caviar made from fish oil.

3. Imitated red caviar, made from seaweed and fish broth, TM Sea Planet.

4. Imitated red caviar, made from seaweed and fish broth, TM Mystery of the Ocean.

The cost of these types of caviar is shown on the receipt below (I will attach a photo a little later).

To make it easier to compare caviar, open the packages and place the caviar on a plate.

Everyone knows that real eggs are spherical in shape and consist of a thin translucent shell, a semi-liquid yolk mass and an embryonic nucleus-eye. Will this help us determine the authenticity of the caviar?

Many people advise identifying caviar by color, size and shape of the grains. I think this is very ambiguous. The color of real caviar can vary quite widely, from yellow to almost burgundy. Selecting the right dye for a fake for such a wide color range is not difficult.

A little education:
The color of caviar varies from species to species. Salmon caviar is commonly called “red caviar”. Its color is due to the presence of lipochromes, which are dissolved in fat droplets and give it an orange-red color.
Red caviar is prepared from grain caviar of Pacific salmon fish - chum salmon, pink salmon, masu salmon, trout, and less often - from grain of sockeye salmon, coho salmon and chinook salmon. The appearance and taste of caviar from different types of fish can vary greatly.

Most often on sale pink salmon caviar - this fish is the most prolific among salmon, the eggs have a universal taste, which is why consumers like it. Pink salmon caviar is about 5 mm in diameter, with a fragile shell, orange or light orange in color.

Chum salmon caviar the largest, its diameter can reach 5-7 mm (sometimes even 9 mm). Large eggs have a regular spherical shape, a bright amber-orange color, a clearly visible fatty spot-embryo and a fairly dense shell. Due to its presentable appearance, this caviar is often used to decorate dishes.
Egg diameter chinook salmon 5-7 mm - this type of fish also produces large caviar.

The eggs have the brightest dark red color, close to burgundy. sockeye salmon . Sockeye salmon caviar is smaller than pink salmon, about 3-4 mm in diameter. The product is rarely found on sale due to the massive extermination of sockeye salmon.

Caviar coho salmon small, 3-4 mm, and also has a burgundy tint. The product tastes slightly bitter.
The smallest caviar - only 2-3 mm in diameter - is found in trout. Its color varies from yellow to bright orange.

Considering that our store shelves most often contain pink salmon caviar, it is possible to analyze caviar by color and size, but this is very conditional.

There is an opinion that fake caviar has balls of the correct shape and the same size, while natural caviar is more “variegated”. This statement is not true. Natural caviar of good quality can also be uniform. Also, do not try to look for “spouts” on the eggs in fake caviar; they are not always found in fake eggs. You can make unnatural caviar in a perfectly spherical shape.

In order to determine whether the caviar is real or not, it is often advised to look for embryos, the so-called eyes, in the eggs; this also does not always work; we have learned to fake this too. I will show you the “eyes” in fake (imitated) caviar below. They are almost the same as in natural caviar.

There is a lot of advice out there about tactile testing. You need to crush the egg and determine whether it is real or not based on the density of its shell. This is not entirely correct, because the density of the shell depends on the type of fish, the degree of maturity of the caviar, its shelf life, the processing method (there are many types of caviar, I will not go into details) and other parameters. Caviar made from frozen raw materials, as well as overripe caviar, will have a softer shell.

It is also difficult to distinguish caviar by taste. Fish oil, algae extracts, and various flavoring additives are added to fake caviar, so you can’t tell it from the real thing.

Let's look at a comparison of what natural and simulated caviar looks like.

1. Natural caviar

The caviar is not completely transparent; it floats in a slightly cloudy liquid. Perhaps this is a result of the fact that the caviar is obtained from frozen raw materials. The eggs have eyes. They are visible in the form of crushed droplets of fat that float under the shell. The eggs are not quite the correct shape and they differ slightly in size.

2. Imitation caviar made from fish oil.

In color, shape, size - this caviar is an exact copy of natural caviar. She even has "eyes". It is also almost impossible to distinguish it by taste. Unless you try one jar at a time, then the other, then you can catch the difference.
The only slight difference is that the eyes in the simulated caviar are kept as one-piece droplets, while in the natural ones they are crushed. But I think that this is not an indicator. The fragmentation of the droplets is most likely the result of freezing of the raw materials. It’s not a fact that it will be the same in a fresh one.
Another point that you should pay attention to: if the caviar lies on the plate for a long time, but a puddle of liquid forms around the natural mound, the area under the simulated caviar remains dry.
I noticed this after fiddling with caviar for a couple of hours.
But there is no way to visually distinguish such caviar right off the bat!
See for yourself: on the left is natural caviar, on the right is imitation.

3. and 4. Imitated red caviar made from seaweed and fish broth.

The caviar of the two brands purchased is no different from each other. Unless the second one has slightly damaged grains.

These balls are more yellow in color than natural caviar. The photo below shows a comparison.

To the touch, the eggs are more rigid, springy, as if completely gelatinous. It is quite difficult to crush them because they slip through your fingers. The eggs have no eyes.

And the taste of this caviar differs from the first two types, it has a characteristic taste that is difficult to describe. It sticks together in a heap, as if glued together with a gelatin binder.

Hence the conclusion. It is very easy to distinguish caviar made from seaweed from the real thing. But caviar, which is made from fish oil, is almost impossible to distinguish.

This is such a sad picture)

But there is still a method that will certainly tell you whether the caviar in front of you is real or fake. The secret lies in the chemical composition of caviar. What does natural caviar contain?
Depending on the type of fish, the area where it was caught, the maturity of the caviar, etc., natural caviar contains from 14 to 31% protein, from 0.3 to 15% fat and 1.5-2% minerals. Caviar fat contains biologically active substances, which include phospholipids, lipoproteins, vitamins, enzymes, lipids, cholesterol and lecithin, as well as vitamins A, D, B1, B2, B6, B9, PP, etc.

In this chemical composition, we are interested in the presence of protein: real caviar contains fat and protein, fake caviar also contains fat, but there is no or very little protein.
Look at the composition of caviar, which is indicated on the packages. Imitated caviar contains only 1-2 g of protein per 100 g of product (1-2%).

Natural caviar contains 31 g of protein.

It is the determination of protein that will serve us as the qualitative reaction that will allow us to distinguish a real product from a fake.
It is known that under the influence of temperature, a protein denatures, that is, its structure is destroyed and this is visible visually. For example, everyone knows what happens to egg whites: if you heat them, they turn white.
Dip a spoon into the egg white and then into hot water. A white coating is visible on the spoon.

The same thing will happen with the protein found in caviar. If the caviar is real, it will turn white when heated. There is protein in the liquid in which the eggs are located, you can check it. You can also crush a couple of eggs and analyze their composition.
If the caviar is not natural, then there is no protein in it and naturally there will be no white coating.

Dip a spoon, greased with each type of caviar, into the boiling water that has just been poured into the plate.

That's what this protein test tells us.

1. Natural caviar:
The water has become cloudy, and white flakes float in it abundantly. A thick white coating formed on the spoon.

2. Simulated caviar based on fish oil
There is no plaque on the spoon, no flakes have formed in the water and no cloudiness is observed. Droplets of fat float on the surface of the water.

3. and 4. Imitated caviar based on seaweed.
Two types of this caviar give absolutely the same result. There is no plaque, the water is clear, only droplets of fat float. The caviar did not dissolve in water. Sometimes they write about this during tests, but I didn’t notice any dissolution.

A similar test can be done by throwing caviar into a glass of hot water. The water will turn whitish and the caviar will partially turn white. But it seems to me that the experiment with a spoon is more revealing.

This is what water looks like after real caviar. If it is fake, it will remain transparent, with droplets of fat floating in it. It is also possible to color the water with caviar dye.

This test can be done at home when you have already bought caviar. But what to do if you need to choose caviar in a store, at a market, where there is no boiling water at hand. Here an oxidizing agent will come to your aid, which also leads to protein denaturation. It is available in every pharmacy - it is hydrogen peroxide. We add peroxide to the caviar and you can immediately see whether the caviar is real or not. If the caviar is real, then in reaction with an oxidizing agent, which is hydrogen peroxide, it gives white flakes of denatured protein.

If the caviar is fake (it is caviar made from fish oil), then there are no abundant white flakes, only slight cloudiness is visible.

Seaweed caviar does not give any visible reaction at all.

If you don’t have peroxide with you, and there’s no hot water at hand, and you just need to buy caviar urgently, don’t worry, a regular lighter or matches will come to your aid. Any heating leads to the destruction of protein. Just heat the caviar over the fire. If there is protein there, it will turn white.
I will do this in a spoon; if you don’t have one at hand, you can heat it on any metal object, for example, a 5-kopeck coin, dip it in caviar and place it on the edge of the table for heating. Just don't burn your hands.
This is the picture we get - on the leftmost spoon you can see a white dense layer of protein, this is a sign of natural caviar. On the other two spoons, where there was imitation caviar No. 2 and No. 3, there is only a slight whitish film of fat and dry substances contained in the caviar.

So far they haven’t learned how to fake protein caviar, so this method works one hundred percent.
I assume that craftsmen will watch this video and begin adding substances of a protein nature to caviar, well, then we’ll come up with another way to protect ourselves from counterfeiting.

The process of testing caviar on video:

Delicious real caviar to you! Don't be fooled!
Thank you for your attention!

A jar of red caviar is a delicacy that many allow themselves only for a holiday once a year. And it’s a shame, having bought it, to run into a fake, low quality, or worse, get poisoned.

To enjoy a tasty and safe dish, you need not only to choose your purchase carefully, but also to carefully inspect the product after opening it - and if there are even slight doubts about the freshness, do not hesitate to get rid of the caviar. Health is more valuable.

Selection of containers

You can smell and taste the weighed caviar. This is, of course, a plus. But caviar unpackaged in jars can be stored for no more than 4 months. Salmon spawning and fishing occurs in July-August. This means that caviar can be purchased by weight until November inclusive. Further - it’s already risky: caviar that is sold after this time was most likely frozen. It may retain its taste, but lose its beneficial properties, become sticky or smell like fish.

Accordingly, after November, caviar must be purchased in tin, glass or plastic jars. The most convenient way is glass; the eggs are clearly visible in it.


Look carefully at the label; it should contain caviar, salt and preservatives. Alas, it’s impossible without them. The use of sorbic acid (E200) or sodium benzoate (E211) is allowed; methenamine (E239) is also used. It is better to choose caviar with sorbic acid; E211 and E239 tend to transform into carcinogens under certain conditions.

Security measures

Inspect the eggs; there should be no dried, clouded eggs; they are a sign that the seal of the jar has been broken.
Remove the caviar from the jar and inspect the walls and bottom. There should be no cloudy plaque, mucus or sediment.
Weighted caviar is more dangerous than packaged caviar, since the seller immediately removes all warning signs and adds glycerin and fragrances.

The jar must have the date of manufacture on it. Caviar should be rolled into jars within a month after catching, no later. That is, July or August must be indicated on the jars.

A mandatory mark is GOST or TU (technical specifications) according to which the caviar is produced. It is better to choose jars made in accordance with GOST: this is the caviar that is packaged in jars after a month, is not frozen before, antiseptics and glycerin are added to it so that the caviar does not dry out.

the can should not be swollen - this is a sign that the product is spoiled.

the numbers on the lid of the tin must be pressed from the inside

To check the quality, you should shake the jar in your hand: the caviar should not “rattle”, but you should feel that it is moving, this means that the product has not dried out and its quantity is optimal.

The caviar should smell fishy, ​​but the smell should not be strong.

The eggs should not be wrinkled, smooth, shiny, without clots.

A color that is too dark or too light are signs of a poor quality, damaged or overripe game.

Strong bitterness and unpleasant aftertaste are unacceptable. A very hard shell indicates that the caviar is overripe.

Artificial or real?

In appearance and taste, it is difficult to distinguish artificial caviar from real fish caviar. Artificial - made from protein, gelatin, eggs and milk. It does not contain beneficial fatty acids and vitamins, like natural caviar, and its nutritional value is not great. But it can be used to decorate dishes. Another question is that the buyer must clearly understand that he is not buying a natural product. And unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers sometimes try to hide it.

In addition to artificial caviar, there is also surrogate caviar, which is made from seaweed, gills and other fish by-products.

There are signs by which you can distinguish fake caviar:

There is no embryonic eye in the eggs.
If an egg is thrown into water, it will turn the liquid orange.
There is a strong fishy, ​​herring smell.
The eggs stick to the teeth.
Artificial caviar is more elastic and does not burst easily.
The price of artificial and surrogate caviar is much lower.

Varieties of red caviar

Pink salmon. Bright orange or light red caviar, medium size (diameter of eggs about 5 mm). It is considered the most useful, although it is not rated among the mass consumer as the best, perhaps due to its low cost. After all, pink salmon produces the most caviar, which is why it costs less.

Chum salmon. Quite large eggs with a dense shell of a bright orange color, the fatty spot-embryo is clearly visible. Often used to decorate dishes.

Chinook salmon. Listed in the Red Book, fishing is prohibited. If you see it for sale, you can safely report it to the police, these are poachers.

Coho salmon. Original caviar with a bitter taste, quite small, dark red.

Trout. Small light orange caviar, sometimes even yellow.

Red salmon. One of the most expensive varieties of caviar, it is highly valued in Europe. Sockeye salmon is a rare fish, hence the high price.
How to store

Remember that caviar is a perishable product; immediately after purchasing, place the jar in the refrigerator, preferably under the freezer, but not in it. Caviar is not stored longer than one year. That is, in the summer you need to inspect the refrigerator and throw out canned goods if you forgot them there.

An open jar can last in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. And make sure that no water gets into it. Always take caviar with a clean spoon so as not to introduce bacteria.

Signs of poisoning

Poisoning can occur within 2 hours after you eat low-quality caviar. And it can be quite strong. The signs are quite standard: nausea, vomiting, discomfort and pain in the stomach, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, blurred vision, low blood pressure.

Help should be immediate and also standard: urgent medical attention, gastric lavage, absorbents, and drinking plenty of fluids.

Why is one caviar so expensive and the other dangerous?

Red caviar is a classic of the New Year holidays, while loose caviar is cheaper than caviar in tins. We submitted the caviar for examination to find out whether it is worth buying or not.

For the study, we bought caviar at five retail outlets - large supermarkets and markets. The results of the experiment refuted the misconception that products in stores can be of higher quality. The best caviar on the market!

In the laboratory, our delicacy was checked for the presence of pathogenic microflora (Escherichia coli, clostridia and even salmonella are often found in caviar), the amount of salt was counted, and yeast and mold were looked for - their presence is a sign of spoilage of the product and violation of storage conditions. In three samples out of five, the yeast turned out to be more than the norm allowed by the Technical Regulations of the CU 029/2012. Eat a lot, feed your child, and you won’t spend the New Year at the table. The most dubious was the sample from the Moscow company “Northern Latitude” - they found E. coli and a triple (!) excess of mold and yeast in it.

“Despite the fact that a sufficient amount of preservative E200, that is, sorbic acid (0.12%) was determined in the sample (GOST R 52336-2005 allows the use of no more than 0.2%), the caviar deteriorated,” commented Roman Gaidashov, an independent expert, on the discovery. on food quality. -

It is possible that it was damaged during transportation from the place of extraction to the place of production.” Experts recognized only products from Putin LLC and Yantarnoye LLC as practically safe. In Kamchatka "Delta Fish" they discovered the presence of an additional preservative - benzoic acid E201. GOST does not recommend its use, but if the product is produced according to technical specifications, this preservative is acceptable. You just can’t “forget” to indicate it on the packaging - this is disrespect for the consumer.

Last year, experts noted the low quality of many samples - weak grains, many burst eggs, and the liquid consistency of the caviar. Only two products purchased on the market were considered satisfactory in appearance and taste.

How to choose loose red caviar?

Smell: should be nicely fishy, ​​but weak. A strong odor indicates that the caviar is stale or artificially flavored.

Appearance: scoop the caviar with a spoon and examine it. Good caviar is dense and elastic. If it flows and the eggs are “deflated,” most likely the eggs were frozen. Blood clots or spots on the eggs, unevenly colored eggs, as if faded, are reasons not to buy caviar.

Taste: You should try loose caviar. A slight bitterness is allowed for salmon caviar (especially coho salmon). The amount of salt varies - choose according to your taste!

packaged caviar can be stored for no longer than 4 months (in the refrigerator). You can freeze it (as you usually do with black), but when defrosted it often bursts;

The label must indicate the manufacturer and importer and two dates: the date of manufacture and the date of packaging. Caviar produced in fished areas is better than that “made” in non-fished areas;

The composition must be indicated on the caviar. Ideal: caviar, salt, oil and preservatives. Permitted - E200, E211. If they are not indicated, most likely the manufacturer is being disingenuous.

Since the New Year is just around the corner, it’s time to figure out how to choose the right holiday delicacy like CAVIAR. To begin with: if you choose what kind of caviar to buy - loose, in a tin or glass jar, it is better to give preference to the latter. Caviar in bulk is susceptible to harmful bacteria, and the main disadvantage of tin packaging is that such caviar cannot be examined. Therefore, it remains to follow the following rules:

1. The caviar jar should not be swollen or deformed, the caviar should be tightly rolled. Press the lid of the jar of red caviar with your finger. It should not sag and under no circumstances should it be swollen.

2. When buying caviar in tin and glass jars, make sure that it does not “dangle” inside, overflowing from edge to edge, but fills the jar tightly without voids. Feel free to shake the jar before purchasing. If nothing gurgles in it, caviar has a chance to end up on your table :)

3. The marking on the lid must be stamped (embossed) from the inside. If the marking is printed, then pay attention to its alphabetic and numerical composition. The complete set in the case of Russian caviar includes the date of production of the product (salting, but not rolling), the “ICRA” assortment mark, the number of the manufacturing plant, the shift number, and the fishing industry index “P”.

4 . Be sure to read the information on the label. The composition usually includes salt, corn or sunflower oil, as well as glycerin and preservatives. Sorbic acid (E200) or sodium benzoate (E211) can be added as preservatives. Avoid caviar with the addition of methenamine (E239) - when this preservative breaks down, it forms formaldehyde. In the USA and Europe, methenamine has long been recognized as a toxic substance; in Russia its use has been banned since 2010.

5. Pay attention to the date of packaging of the caviar. Salmon go to spawn from July to September. This means that high-quality caviar should be prepared precisely during these months. There should be no more than six months between the date of production and packaging.

6 . Caviar in a glass jar can be examined visually. High-quality caviar should not immediately begin to crawl along the walls when the jar is turned over. Look at the jar of red caviar up to the light - there should be no burst eggs or foreign objects in the caviar. Red caviar grain should not be cloudy, with one dark dot.

The shades of caviar directly depend on the type of fish. Chum salmon caviar is orange with a red glow, the eggs are quite small, the film is thin and elastic. It is considered the most delicious. But the most common one is pink salmon caviar. Pink salmon eggs are orange and light orange. Sockeye salmon caviar has a dark red color and a peculiar taste. If the caviar is completely pale or yellow, it means that it is overripe and has lost its taste.

7. To make sure that the production technology has been followed, look on the jar for a link to GOST (state standard) - this is a sure sign that the caviar was packaged near the place where the fish were caught, and no more than a month passed between catching and ending up in the jar. If the jar contains a reference to technical specifications (specifications), this may indicate that frozen caviar was used in production or that it contains ingredients that are not provided for by GOST.

8. After you open a jar of caviar, you should not be overtaken by the smell of fresh fish. In artificial caviar, herring milk is used as a flavoring agent, so a strong fishy smell gives away the fake. It tastes tough and very salty. If you are in doubt about what kind of caviar you bought - real or artificial, conduct a simple experiment: throw 2-3 eggs into a glass of hot water, the artificial caviar will dissolve in boiling water.

To summarize, we conclude “recipe” for perfect caviar: hermetically sealed glass container with a correctly designed label (name “Granular salmon caviar”, type (pink salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon), 1st grade, full information about the manufacturer, date of manufacture, expiration date, and contains only caviar, salt and one or two preservatives), in appearance: all eggs are whole, uniform in color, tightly located in the jar, there is no sediment, blood clots, torn shells or noticeable drops of vegetable oil, the consistency is dense, not liquid.

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