Looks like herpes sore throat. The causative agent of herpetic sore throat. Lemon and ginger

Angina herpes is a common disease in preschool institutions. The disease is characterized by high contagiousness (contagiousness), vivid clinical symptoms and severe complications that develop with improper treatment of the infection.

Herpes sore throat (herpetic stomatitis, herpangina) is an acute infectious disease caused by Coxsackie viruses of groups A and B. This virus belongs to the family of enteroviruses that affect not only the epithelium, but also nerve and muscle tissues, which is why herpes sore throat is often combined with mass damage to vital organs and systems.

Etiology and mechanism of disease development

Most often, herpetic stomatitis is diagnosed in children of younger preschool age (1-3 years), which is associated with an unformed immune function and a high susceptibility of babies to viral infections. Herpes sore throat in adults occurs less frequently, but is severe, often with complications from the nervous system.

People with immunodeficiency conditions are most susceptible to the disease:

  • with hypovitaminosis;
  • often ill;
  • long-term antibiotics(in this case, the immune system is greatly weakened and the body is not able to fight the infection);
  • people undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy;
  • people living in disadvantaged conditions.

The source of infection is the patient or the carrier, the Coxsackie virus is transmitted mainly by airborne droplets, however, you can also become infected through household items that the patient used (towel, cup, spoon). A person is contagious in the first week, after which you can no longer be afraid of infection.

When it enters the body, the Coxsackie virus is localized in the lymph nodes (cervical), where it begins its active reproduction.

When the pathogen multiplies in sufficient quantities and begins to secrete the products of its vital activity into the blood, the patient has the first clinical signs of herpes sore throat, and the more toxins in the blood, the more intense the symptoms will be.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of herpetic sore throat are divided into general intoxication and local (local).

local symptoms

These include:

  • pronounced redness of the oropharynx (mucous membranes, palatine arches, uvula, soft and hard palate);
  • slight swelling of the posterior pharyngeal wall;
  • papular rashes on the surface of the oropharynx - they appear 2-3 days from the onset of the disease and are up to 3 mm in diameter, papules can be located singly or merge with each other into large foci (with a complicated course of angina);
  • vesicles filled with a cloudy liquid - they are formed as a result of a change in papular rashes.

Bubbles with liquid in a child can occur up to 20 pieces, in adults, such rashes are in small quantities. As soon as vesicles (vesicles) form from the papules, a pronounced pain syndrome joins - it is difficult for the patient to swallow even saliva, it becomes viscous and flows from the mouth into the environment involuntarily (especially in young children).

Eating or drinking is also problematic due to severe pain. Sometimes the bubbles itch unbearably, which is accompanied by constant coughing and bleeding of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

With a complex course of herpes sore throat, the vesicles bleed, the resulting sores are the entrance gate for the bacterial flora. With the addition of a secondary bacterial infection, it is not possible to do without antibiotic therapy.

Approximately on the 4th day from the onset of the course of the disease, the vesicles with a cloudy liquid open, and a white or grayish coating appears in their place. Complete healing of sores is observed only after 7-10 days.

General symptoms

The disease is characterized by an acute onset and pronounced signs of intoxication of the body, which is clinically manifested:

  • - it is in them that toxic substances and waste products of the virus accumulate, which are released in large quantities into the general bloodstream;
  • an increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees - the temperature is poorly knocked down by antipyretics and lasts up to 4-5 days;
  • abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea - the appearance of these symptoms indicates a general poisoning of the body with toxic substances;
  • headaches and weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • muscle pain.

Important! With a complicated course of herpetic sore throat, the Coxsackie virus affects the cardiovascular system, which leads to myocarditis, and the nervous system, which causes meningoencephalitis.

After the illness, the patient develops a strong immunity, but for a long time he can remain a carrier of the Coxsackie virus.

How is herpes sore throat different from ordinary sore throat?

A distinctive feature of herpetic from is the presence of rashes in the form of papules and vesicles on the mucous membranes of the oropharynx. With bacterial angina, there are no such rashes.

A notable feature of the Coxsackie virus is rashes on the inside of the palms, which appear 4-5 days after the onset of the disease - such a symptom is never observed with bacterial tonsillitis.

Important! Never self-medicate and do not start taking antibiotics for sore throats, as the treatment of herpes sore throat and bacterial sore throat is fundamentally different. Antibiotics for herpes sore throat are not only useless, but also dangerous, as they suppress immune function and increase the likelihood of complications.

Methods for diagnosing the disease

Herpetic sore throat has an acute onset and in its symptoms in the early days is similar to pharyngitis and bacterial sore throat, so it is very important to correctly differentiate the disease.

If you experience sore throat before starting any treatment, you should consult a therapist (or pediatrician if the child is sick). The doctor will definitely examine the throat and take smears on the flora from the pharynx.

During the examination, attention is paid to the condition of the lymph nodes (cervical and submandibular) - with herpes sore throat, they are enlarged and painful when pressed. It is also important to differentiate infection from angioedema and allergic edema of the oropharynx.

A blood test helps to identify antibodies to the Coxsackie virus in a patient, but this study is informative only on days 2-3 from the onset of the disease.


If a patient has a sore throat, herpes treatment consists of the following measures:

  • observance of bed rest in the first days;
  • diet;
  • drug therapy (drugs of local and general action);
  • physiotherapy.

Mode and diet

How to treat herpes sore throat and why is bed rest so important?

It can be extremely difficult for parents of a sick child to put a small patient to bed, however, bed rest for up to 4-5 days helps prevent serious complications in the heart and brain. If the temperature is high, the child should lie down. It is important to provide the patient with access to fresh air and regularly carry out wet cleaning without the use of chemicals.

The diet implies the predominance of food in the diet in a semi-liquid, liquid and frayed form - this helps to reduce the irritating effect on inflamed mucous membranes. Chocolate, citrus fruits, cocoa, spices, fried and spicy foods should also be excluded from the diet for a while - these foods increase blood flow to the throat, which increases tissue swelling and aggravates symptoms.

Medical therapy

Drug treatment of herpes sore throat includes the following groups of drugs:

  1. immunostimulants- prescribe drugs based on recombinant human leukocyte interferon. These can be suppositories in the rectum (Laferobion, Interferon), lyophysiate for preparing a solution and instilling it into the mouth and nose (Interferon), intranasal sprays and drops (Nazoferon). Immunostimulants increase the body's defenses and stimulate the production of antibodies against the Coxsackie virus.
  2. Vitamin complexes- since in case of illness the patient refuses to eat a full meal and is forced to follow a diet, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes to maintain the strength and functions of the body. Preparations of this group also help to regenerate sores in the oral cavity more quickly. Children are prescribed vitamins in the form of drops or syrups (Kinder Biovital, Multitabs, Pikovit), adults can take vitamins in tablets and dragees (Undevit, Alfavit, Supradin).
  3. Local antiseptics- These include rinsing solutions and various sprays with an antibacterial effect. Antiseptics reduce pain when swallowing and prevent infection of burst vesicles. Until the papules open, it is recommended to gargle with a solution of Miramistin, Furacilin, Chlorhexedine. Lugol with herpes sore throat can be used after opening the blisters, this drug dries up erosion and helps prevent the addition of a secondary bacterial infection.
  4. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs- children are prescribed in the form of a suspension, adults in the form of powders for the preparation of a solution and tablets. Drugs in this group relieve pain, reduce signs of inflammation, and have antipyretic properties.
  5. - Children must be prescribed Loratadin or Suprastin tablets at the age dosage. Antihistamines reduce swelling of the mucous membranes, suppress hypersalivation (increased salivation) and dry erosion.

Important! Antibiotics for the treatment of herpetic stomatitis are not used! The doctor can prescribe antibacterial agents only if the disease is complicated by a bacterial infection. Do not self-medicate and consult a doctor before treating herpes sore throat.


Complications after herpes sore throat occur if the patient was treated incorrectly, antibiotics were used, or infection of the opened vesicles was allowed. Severe consequences of infection are aphthae in the oral cavity, inflammation of the serous membranes of the brain and myocarditis.

For information on how to avoid such complications, see the video in this article, however, remember that the material presented is informational and cannot replace the advice of a specialist.


Hello, Doctor. I am a mother of 2 children, the eldest child is currently suffering from herpetic sore throat, the diagnosis is confirmed clinically and we are receiving treatment. I have a panic fear that the youngest might get sick, in connection with which the question arose - is it possible to somehow avoid infection? Perhaps there is a vaccine against the Coxsackie virus and is there any point in vaccinating in our situation? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Hello. Unfortunately, in your situation, it does not make sense to vaccinate a child with something, since he is already in contact with an infectious patient.

There is no specific vaccine specifically for Coxsackie, at the request of the parents, the child can be vaccinated against enterovirus infection in general, but its effectiveness is not very high, since there are a great many enteroviruses and it is simply impossible to protect the child from everyone!

You can avoid infection if you limit the communication of children with each other as much as possible, you will ventilate more often, pay attention to the fortified nutrition of a healthy baby, and prevent the use of shared toys and household items. It all depends on the state of the immune system of your youngest child.

Hello, Doctor. I am a nursing mother and I have herpes sore throat, how to treat it so as not to harm the child? Is there any guidance for nursing on safe treatment? As far as I know, all drugs pass into breast milk, is this true?

Good afternoon. First of all, be sure to consult a doctor for examination and control of the condition. You can use immunomodulators and local antiseptics - these drugs are safe during lactation, they do not penetrate into milk and do not harm the baby. To avoid complications, do not self-medicate.

Angina is a disease of a bacterial nature. However, there is also a sore throat provoked by the Coxsackie virus, and it is called herpes. This disease differs in many ways from angina, the causative agent of which are streptococci.

Causes and signs of the disease

Herpes sore throat in most cases occurs in children from four to ten years old, although adults can also suffer from this ailment. The Coxsackie virus is transmitted mainly by airborne droplets, but the risk of penetration of the causative agent of herpes sore throat into the body is especially high in the presence of a common sore throat. Weakened immunity and a sore throat are the optimal conditions for the development of a disease provoked by the Coxsackie virus. It is noted that the epidemic of herpes sore throat is typical for summer. In addition to the airborne route, the Coxsackie virus is transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person through hands, poorly washed dishes, towels and other household items.

Once in the human body, the virus settles on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, but then it penetrates into the tissue of the lymph nodes and intestines, where the virus rapidly multiplies. Over the next two days, the pathogen spreads through the bloodstream throughout the body, penetrating the cells of the muscles and nerve endings, and this causes pain in the muscles and joints. Damage to nerve cells by the Coxsackie virus can lead to serious complications:

  • serous meningitis (for children younger than a year, herpes sore throat with a similar complication can result in death);
  • necrosis of muscle tissue;
  • myocarditis;
  • tissue damage to the liver.

The symptoms of the disease include:

  1. Increase in body temperature: this indicator is growing rapidly. Herpes sore throat is characterized by a temperature of up to 39 degrees. The next peak temperature increase is observed on the third day.
  2. Inflammation of the throat: the mucous membrane of the throat and mouth is covered with a small red rash. For one or two days, the rash turns into transparent blisters, which are no different from the rash that occurs when herpes flares up on different parts of the body. After a few days, these blisters burst and instead form painful sores that make swallowing difficult. Because of this, the person loses his appetite.
  3. Enlargement and soreness of the lymph nodes all over the body.
  4. Other symptoms: herpes sore throat in children may manifest itself as convulsions. Both children and adults also experience symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache, and abdominal pain.

From the beginning of the temperature rise until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear, a week passes, but it is during this period that the patient is considered the most contagious. After suffering herpes sore throat, a person develops lifelong immunity to the Coxsackie virus, so re-infection is not possible.

Herpes sore throat can be disguised as other diseases, for example, a common sore throat or food poisoning, so the contents of a herpes rash are taken for analysis to make an accurate diagnosis. It is also necessary to examine the blood serum for the presence of antibodies to the Coxsackie virus.


Herpes sore throat in children and adults requires mandatory treatment, which is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, as well as preventing complications. If the disease is properly treated, then the risk of developing serious consequences will be minimized, which is especially true for children under one year old.

  1. Herpes sore throat causes a sharp increase in body temperature, so the patient needs to take an antipyretic (Nurofen, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac).
  2. To relieve swelling of the throat, the patient is prescribed antihistamines - Fenistil, Suprastin, Claritin, etc.
  3. To treat local inflammation, the doctor prescribes to the patient a gargle with a decoction of sage (as an option - chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus). Rinsing is recommended once every hour. If the child, due to his age, does not know how to gargle, then gargling should be done with a syringe without a needle.
  4. For irrigation of the tonsils, such means as Yoks-spray, Tantum Verde, Stomatidin and others are prescribed.
  5. Herpes sore throat in adults and children is treated with antiviral drugs, produced in the form of rectal suppositories and solutions. For the treatment of herpes sore throat, Viferon and Leukocyte interferon are prescribed.
  6. With this disease, there is a decrease in immunity, therefore, to strengthen it, the patient is prescribed immunomodulators, for example, Immunal.

Herpes sore throat is of a viral nature, so the appointment of antibiotics in the first days of treatment of the disease is not allowed.

From the first day of the disease, a person needs bed rest. As for nutrition, the patient's diet should consist of easily digestible food that does not irritate the throat. These are soups, jelly, viscous cereals and more. It is also important to provide a person with plenty of fluids, as the liquid cleanses the body of the waste products of the virus. The air in the room where the person is located must be humidified. Also, do not forget about regular ventilation of the room.

As for the treatment of the disease in children under one year old, it is carried out in a hospital, since the disease can be especially dangerous for infants. Patients with complications of herpes sore throat also need hospitalization.

As for the prevention of the disease, there are no special measures to prevent infection with the Coxsackie virus. To reduce the risk of herpes sore throat, you should take care of your immunity - eat right, play sports, prevent violations of the work and rest regime, harden, etc. To maintain immunity in infants, breastfeeding should be preferred.

In the midst of an epidemic of herpes sore throat, it is worthwhile, if possible, to refrain from visiting crowded places.

The very concept of "herpes sore throat" is not entirely correct. It means a complex of inflammatory processes in the throat, possibly with swelling of the tonsils and a herpes rash - bubbles with liquid. This disease is very rare. How to treat herpes sore throat, the therapist will tell you. And we will tell you how to cope with the disease at home.

Symptoms of herpes sore throat

The main signs of the disease:

herpes "angina" begins very abruptly, it becomes bad in just half an hour;

accompanied by a sharp jump in body temperature - 39-40C;

pain in the throat is severe or absent completely;

the duration of the febrile state - up to 6-7 days;

mucous reddens not pronouncedly;

the presence of bubbles in the throat;

an ichor is released from the bursting bubbles;

after the site of the bubbles, ulcers and erosion are formed;

at the same time, abdominal pain can be observed (if the disease is caused by intestinal infections);

violation of the chair;

vomiting as a symptom of herpes sore throat.

In adolescents and adults, a primary herpes infection may present as a sore throat. The tonsils may be tender, and covered with a whitish substance resembling "strep throat". Swelling and soreness of the palatine tonsils can lead to difficulty swallowing. Sometimes blisters with herpes sore throat may be present in the mouth. In people with a normal immune system (immunocompetent), the temperature will soon stop and the body will heal itself.

Symptoms of children's herpes sore throat

Herpes sore throat is an acute, virally induced, spontaneous disease and is common in children. Affected children usually complain of mouth ulcers and high fever. This is due to a number of viruses that belong to the Coxsackie enterovirus family.

The disease develops with a high temperature. Children complain of sore throat. They then develop vesicles (vesicles) or ulcers at the back of the throat and palate (called enanthemas). Children, especially younger children, may refuse to eat or drink because of pain and are at risk of developing symptoms of dehydration.

Usually children have the following symptoms of the disease:


Sore throat;

Small blisters and ulcers can cover the soft palate, uvula, tonsils, and pharynx. These blisters can stay in the mouth for up to a week;

Swollen lymph nodes along the neck (lymphadenopathy)

A rash may appear.

Clinical features of herpes sore throat in children

Most often, herpes sore throat affects infants and young children.

Usually occurs during the summer

It is usually spread through the fecal-oral route or via airborne droplets.

Fatigue will last for about three to four days after treatment.

Symptoms of herpes sore throat include sudden fever with sore throat, headache, loss of appetite, and frequent neck pain. On average, with herpes sore throat, there are four to five small ulcers (but sometimes up to twenty) from 1 to 2 mm in diameter of a grayish appearance of lumps and can turn into vesicles with a red circle, and within 24 hours they become small ulcers, rarely more than 5 mm in diameter, which heal from one to seven days.

A child with symptoms of herpes sore throat often becomes moody and irritable and does not want to eat, drink or swallow anything, and there may also be swollen lymph nodes and fever. Sometimes these children are so dehydrated that they need to be hospitalized.

Diagnostic signs of herpes sore throat

Since this is a clinical diagnosis, it is necessary to perform certain laboratory tests. Some patients (when hospitalized or immunosuppressed, for example) may have virus tests collected from the nose or throat. Investigation of the virus from these samples takes a long time and, as a rule, the symptoms of herpes sore throat will be determined long before the virus is identified. Anti-Coxsackie antibodies can be measured if desired.

How to independently detect manifestations of herpes sore throat in a child? Any time children get sick, have a sore throat, or complain of mouth discomfort, take a flashlight and look at your child's throat. You are likely to see mouth and throat ulcers. They are usually red-rimmed and have white or gray centers. They are 2 to 4 mm long and a child may have six of them in the back of the mouth and on the soft palate (back of the palate). Wounds can lead to very severe pain. Look carefully at the palms and soles, you can see that there are similar lesions or ulcers there too.

With angina, your child may experience vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, convulsions (convulsions), eye symptoms of any kind, neck stiffness and severe headache, mouth and skin ulcers, and drowsiness, you should then immediately call an ambulance or your treating pediatrician.

features of the treatment of herpes sore throat

How to treat angina, the therapist decides. But there is no specific therapy for the disease. Usually they manage with topical drugs - antipyretics, antiseptics, local anesthesia, immunomodulators. In rare cases, antiviral drugs are prescribed - Acyclovir, etc. In the event of a bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed.

How to treat this type of sore throat with antiviral drugs?

Aciclovir and related valaciclovir, famciclovir and penciclovir remain first-line drugs of choice for the treatment of herpes sore throat. Acyclovir is available for topical, intravenous and internal use. Valaciclovir and famciclovir are only available for the treatment of herpes sore throat in topical form. Unfortunately, only 10-20% of Acyclovir is absorbed by ingestion. In contrast, the absorption of Valacyclovir in the treatment of herpes sore throat is 80%, the drug is absorbed and converted to Acyclovir in the liver.

Vibarabiner is one of the newest antiviral drugs for the treatment of herpes sore throat. It is less safe than aciclovir and is only used in ointment form as a treatment for herpes sore throat.

Foscarnet is another new anti-herpes drug that is only used for life-threatening infections due to its toxicity. Currently, Foscarnet is used in the treatment of herpes sore throat only for serious infections if Aciclovir is not working.

Treatment of children's herpes sore throat

Treatment of the disease is the same as for most other viruses. Control of fever and pain with antipyretics such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to relieve fever and discomfort, pain relievers such as lidocaine viscous solution, primary care. Aspirin in the treatment of herpes sore throat in children should be avoided, as well as hot drinks with high acidity. However, due to fever and pain when swallowing, sufficient fluid intake is important in the treatment of herpes sore throat.

Traditional medicine for herpes sore throat

Do not forget to take into account all the features of your course of the disease when you select methods of treatment at home:

because of the high temperature, the patient often sweats and there is increased evaporation from his skin. To do this, he needs to drink plenty of fluids. It is needed not only to eliminate dehydration, but also to remove all toxins from the patient's body. You need to drink more water, tea, juices, to alleviate the condition, it is good to use berry-fruit jelly;

as for food, it should be liquid so that it does not need to be chewed, exclude spicy, smoked, no spices;

gargle well with decoctions of various herbs. For example, you can brew chamomile, calendula, sage. They will not only help relieve a sore throat, but also fight infection. For greater effect, the throat should be gargled as often as possible;

you can treat herpes sore throat with the use of inhalations with essential oils. Oils are considered an excellent antimicrobial agent, for example, fir and eucalyptus oils can be used;

if the temperature lasts for 5 days, do not immediately knock it down. This is a reaction and at the same time the struggle of the body with herpes sore throat. When the thermometer shows that the patient's temperature has begun to exceed 38, then you can drink paracetamol or another antipyretic.

you can do a rubdown of the patient's body with vinegar, after diluting it with water. It is also a good tool to bring down the heat;

You can put a handkerchief soaked in cold water on your forehead.

It is important to remember that these herpes sore throat treatments should always only be used as directed by your pediatrician, as some ingredients can have serious side effects if used in too high a concentration.

Causes and prevention of herpes sore throat

Herpes in the throat is due to the Coxsackie virus, so called because it was first isolated in a city called Coxsackie, New York. Herpes sore throat is common in a child between the ages of 3 and 10, but older children and adults can also get sick with this highly contagious virus.

The most common cause of infection is the fecal-oral route. That is, non-compliance with elementary rules of hygiene or contact with a sick person.

There are also factors that provoke angina:

Herpes as a complication of another disease;

Physical or mental stress;



sexual relations;

Injured skin (for example, severe burns);

Hormonal imbalance of the body;


Weakened immunity;

AIDS, HIV, tuberculosis, etc.

Prevention of herpes sore throat

Disease prevention depends on hygiene and avoidance of contact with persons infected with the Coxsackievirus. This is easier said than done, as 50% of those infected remain asymptomatic. There is no vaccine for this disease in the world.

Herpes sore throat (herpangina, herpetic sore throat, enteroviral vesicular pharyngitis) is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx of a viral nature, which is characterized by the presence of papules resembling herpes on the surface of the tonsils.

Herpes sore throat in adults is easier than in children, and after the illness, a strong immunity is formed. Is this disease contagious or not? Yes, this form of pathology is spreading quite quickly, especially in children's groups. A person begins to isolate the infection immediately after the introduction of the virus into the body, before the first signs of the disease appear.

Antibiotics are not used in the treatment of herpes sore throat, so it is very important to initially establish the correct diagnosis.

Causes of herpes sore throat

The most common cause of the development of the disease in both adults and children is the Coxsackie virus groups A and B. In 4% of cases, enteroviruses become the causative agent of the disease. Very rarely, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, or herpes simplex virus type 6 leads to the development of pathology.

Pathogenic microorganisms enter the human body in different ways. Most often, infection occurs by airborne droplets, since a large number of viruses are found in the saliva and nasal mucus of an infected person. He begins to release them into the environment during a conversation, sneezing or coughing already during the incubation period, when the symptoms of the disease are still absent or not so pronounced. The patient is the source of infection until recovery.

Infection can also occur through household contact, the virus is transmitted during kisses or when sharing towels, dishes or toothbrushes.

There are trigger factors that contribute to the development of the disease:

  • regular hypothermia;
  • eating cold food or drinks;
  • disorders in the immune system;
  • chronic diseases of the nose or pharynx, as well as the presence of a source of infection in the oral cavity;
  • frequent stress and overwork;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • adverse environmental conditions;
  • work in dusty and gassed rooms.

Symptoms of herpes sore throat

The first symptoms of the disease may appear 7-10 days after infection. During the incubation period, despite the absence of signs of the disease, a person is a source of infection.

The disease begins rapidly, within 2-3 hours the patient's body temperature rises to 39-41 ° C. There is lethargy, chills, in severe cases - confusion and vomiting.

On the second or third day, small red blisters appear on the mucous membrane of the larynx (in the amount of 6 to 12), which are filled with serous fluid. Their size can reach 2 mm. Papules cannot be squeezed out, as this brings additional pain to the patient. It is not recommended to damage them, within a few days they will disappear on their own. What herpes sore throat looks like can be seen in the photo of the throat.

During this period, the patient's body temperature drops slightly, but other symptoms join: muscle and joint pain, stool disorder and dyspeptic symptoms. The patient may have a runny nose and dry cough.

Discomfort in the throat is replaced by severe pain, it is painful for the patient to swallow water and food. Regional lymph nodes become inflamed, they become painful on palpation.

On the 3-4th day, the rashes become transparent-whitish, and the temperature rises again. The person feels bad, refuses to eat. During this period, the tonsils may increase in size.

Then the body temperature drops again to 37–37.5 °C. Bubbles open on their own, leaving small erosion. Approximately on the 5-6th day, the patient begins to feel better, the body temperature returns to normal, and the sore throat disappears. Disappears joint and muscle pain.

On the 7th-8th day, the crusts that appeared at the site of the bursting vesicles disappear along with signs of the inflammatory process. In the future, the lymph nodes return to normal, although the inflammatory process in them may persist.

In people with normal immunity, the condition returns to normal within 10 days. If the immune system is weak, signs of the disease may persist for up to 3 weeks. Herpes sore throat does not become chronic; after recovery, the patient retains strong immunity.

Treatment of herpes sore throat is carried out at home. Patients who have comorbidities or are suspected of developing complications are subject to hospitalization.

Herpetic sore throat differs from other forms of pathology in the following features:

  • the presence of papules of bright red color, which become whitish during the day;
  • two peaks of body temperature increase: on the first and third days of the disease;
  • pain in the throat, which does not radiate to the ears or temples, as with purulent tonsillitis, but, nevertheless, the tingling is felt constantly.

Since enteroviruses are the causative agent of the disease, herpangina, unlike other forms of the disease, is often accompanied by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea). Another characteristic difference is that the peak of herpes sore throat occurs in summer and early autumn.

How to treat herpes sore throat

It is important to distinguish herpetic sore throat from follicular or lacunar, since these diseases have different principles of therapy.

There are no antiviral drugs that can kill enteroviruses, the immune system must cope with them on its own. It will not be possible to shorten the period of the disease, since the immune response to the virus is developed within 7-10 days.

In order to help the body cope with the disease, with reduced immunity, you can take immunostimulants (Cycloferon, Groprinosin, Viferon).

Pathogenic microorganisms enter the human body in different ways. Most often, infection occurs by airborne droplets, since a large number of viruses are found in the saliva and nasal mucus of an infected person.

To alleviate the symptoms of angina, drugs of the following groups are used:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Nimesulide). They help lower body temperature, and also have an analgesic effect;
  • antiseptics (Strepsils, Septolete, Lizak, Ingalipt, Oracept). In the complex treatment of the disease, aerosols for the throat are used, as well as tablets, lozenges or lozenges for resorption, which help reduce sore throat and inflammation;
  • vitamin complexes (Vitrum, Duovit, Supradin). They help strengthen the immune system. Especially relevant is the intake of vitamins in winter and spring.

In order to quickly cope with the disease, moisturize the mucous membrane and reduce the inflammatory process, rinses are used. In addition to solutions of potassium permanganate, Furacilin and Miramistin, you can use the following tools:

  • infusion of medicinal herbs: chamomile flowers, sage and eucalyptus leaves are mixed in the same amount. A teaspoon of the collection is poured with 200 ml of boiling water and allowed to brew for 40 minutes. Filter and gargle up to 5 times a day;
  • saline solution: dissolve one teaspoon of sea salt in 200 ml of warm water. Gargle every two hours. If rinsing causes discomfort, the amount of salt can be reduced. Also, 1/2 teaspoon of soda can be added to the solution, this will avoid the addition of a fungal infection;
  • beet juice: 3 tablespoons of red beetroot juice is added to 100 ml of warm water. Gargle with this solution three times a day;
  • chamomile infusion: chamomile flowers are brewed with boiling water, and after the infusion has cooled, it is filtered. Gargle with this remedy every two hours.

Patients with herpes sore throat are usually treated at home, and a number of recommendations must be followed.

Bed rest must be observed. Physical and emotional stress should be avoided. Outdoor walks should be short and not too tiring. If the body temperature is high or the weather conditions are not conducive to walks, it is better not to leave the house.

The air in the room where the patient is located should be moist and cool. Dry and hot air causes dryness of the mucous membranes, which exacerbates the inflammatory process. The room must be regularly cleaned and ventilated.

Large amounts of liquid should be consumed. This allows you to reduce toxicity. You can drink teas, fruit drinks, mineral water, compotes. The temperature of drinks should be at room temperature, so the liquid is absorbed faster, and the body does not spend additional energy on warming or cooling.

Since the disease is accompanied by severe sore throat, which makes swallowing difficult, special attention is paid to nutrition. You need to eat in small portions, while salty, sour or spicy foods that can irritate inflamed mucous membranes are excluded from the diet. Preference is given to soups or purees. Food should not be hot, before taking it must be cooled to room temperature.

What can not be done with herpes sore throat

  • the use of warm compresses, as this can lead to more active reproduction of viruses and an increase in the inflammatory process;
  • taking antibiotics. These drugs do not affect viruses, while they can weaken the immune system, allowing the virus to actively multiply;
  • taking Acyclovir (Valvir, Gerpevir). Despite the fact that sore throat is called herpes, its causative agent is a virus that is insensitive to acyclovir preparations, which are used to combat herpes;
  • lubrication of the throat with Lugol's solution. This remedy can cause a burn of the mucous membrane, which will aggravate the condition;
  • eating with severe pain in the throat or lack of appetite. A sore throat prevents you from swallowing food normally. With a temporary refusal to eat, the body will spend all its energy on fighting the disease, and not on digesting food. After the disease subsides, the appetite will be restored, and the patient will be able to quickly gain weight.

Prognosis and complications

With timely treatment and compliance with all the recommendations of the doctor, the immune system copes with the disease within 7-10 days. In most cases, the disease goes away without consequences and in the future a strong immunity to the virus is formed.

There are no antiviral drugs that can kill enteroviruses, the immune system must cope with them on its own. It will not be possible to shorten the period of the disease, since the immune response to the virus is developed within 7-10 days.

In very rare cases, the following complications may occur in immunocompromised patients:

  • serous type meningitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • encephalitis;
  • myocarditis.

The greatest danger of herpes sore throat is for people with HIV infection. Pregnant women should take into account that theoretically the virus can cross the placenta, but if the expectant mother leads a healthy lifestyle, then her body will cope with the disease without serious consequences for the fetus.


Treatment of herpes sore throat is carried out at home. Patients who have comorbidities or are suspected of developing complications are subject to hospitalization.

If one of the family members is infected with the virus, he needs to provide separate dishes and a towel.

In order to avoid the disease, you must:

  • strengthen the immune system, lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports;
  • eat right, make sure that the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene, be sure to wash your hands after visiting public places;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • avoid hypothermia, stressful situations;
  • timely treat colds;
  • do not abuse cold drinks and food.

At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to seek advice from a general practitioner or otolaryngologist. If, despite following all the recommendations, there is no improvement within 5-7 days or additional symptoms appear, the visit to the doctor should be repeated.


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