Edema after sinus lift and bone grafting. Complications after sinus lift Recovery after sinus lift and implantation


Reminder after sinus lift

A common surgical operation in dentistry that helps increase the height of the jawbone, which is often required before dental prosthetics. A sinus lift is a rather serious operation that threatens with a number of complications if the wound is not properly cared for, which is why a reminder after a sinus lift is so important.

Thanks to her, the patient receives detailed recommendations on caring for the wound after a sinus lift, learns about how long the rehabilitation lasts and what undesirable consequences are possible in this period, how long the gums heal and what to do to speed up this process.

In this article, we will tell you in detail what a reminder after a sinus lift is, about what you can and what you absolutely cannot do after the operation.

Recommendations after a sinus lift, features of the rehabilitation period after surgery are the main points that the memo includes. The duration and severity of the rehabilitation period and the healing time of the gums depend on whether the patient observes or does not follow the recommendations after the sinus lift.

The patient must strictly adhere to all the recommendations indicated in the memo, take antibiotics strictly according to the scheme. We will tell you more about what is possible and what is not possible after a sinus lift a little further, and now we will figure out how long the rehabilitation after a sinus lift lasts and what symptoms can normally develop in this period.

So, rehabilitation after a sinus lift lasts an average of 4-9 months - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body, the thoroughness of following the recommendations. The doctor should warn the patient about the possibility of developing in the early postoperative period symptoms such as edema, hematoma, pain, nasal congestion, bloody discharge from the nose, or slight bleeding, taste of blood in the mouth.

All these symptoms are directly related to injury to hard and soft tissues and should normally disappear within 3-4 days. Pain may persist a little longer - in some cases even up to 14 days after the sinus lift has been performed. Rehabilitation is normally not accompanied by an increase in body temperature - such a symptom may indicate the addition of an infection.

How long does the gum heal after a sinus lift

One of the most worrying questions for patients is how long the gum heals after a sinus lift. There is no single question for this answer, since how long the gum heals after a sinus lift depends on many factors - the state of the patient's immunity, the state of the blood coagulation system, the volume and type of operation, the presence or absence of complications, the patient's compliance with the doctor's prescriptions.

In most cases, after a sinus lift has been performed, gum healing takes about 5-7 days. If there are any disorders on the part of the patient, or if complications develop after the sinus lift has been performed, the healing of the gums can take from two weeks to two months.

The rate of healing of the gums for an open sinus lift is 3-7 days, and after a closed one - even faster.

Do's and Don'ts After a Sinus Lift

In addition to handing the memo, the doctor should always verbally explain to the patient in detail what is possible after a sinus lift and what is absolutely impossible. Only by following the recommendations, the patient can speed up the recovery period and avoid unwanted complications.

What can be done after a sinus lift

The operated patient can only take warm, soft food, preferably on the side opposite to the one where the procedure was performed. After eating, it is recommended to take baths with antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin). You can brush your teeth only on the second day without using toothpaste. To do this, use a soft toothbrush, avoid the area of ​​operation.

Also, the patient is advised to sleep with their head up, and cold (through a towel) can be applied to the cheek on the side of the operation to reduce swelling. The memo should also include a list of medications to be taken after surgery.

What can not be done after a sinus lift?
In order for the rehabilitation period to pass quickly and without complications, the patient must adhere to some restrictions indicated in the memo. So, after a sinus lift, you can’t do the following:

  • eat hard, hot, spicy food;
  • go in for sports, visit saunas, swimming pools, solariums;
  • sneeze, blow your nose, puff out your cheeks;
  • carry out air travel, dive;
  • drink alcohol, smoke;
  • use a straw when taking liquids.

After a sinus lift, you should also not sleep on the side on which the operation was performed, or lean forward.

The sinus lift procedure is divided into open and closed. An open sinus lift involves a more voluminous surgical intervention. During the operation, an incision and exfoliation of the gingival flap is performed on the side of the jaw, as well as a small hole is drilled into which the osteoplastic material is placed. After the completion of the procedure, the engraftment of the material takes place within a few months, and only after that the doctor installs the implant. Closed sinus lift is less traumatic: the doctor lifts the bottom of the maxillary sinus and lays the bone material through a drilled hole, which is also a bed for the implant. The operation can be carried out simultaneously with the installation of the implant, however, for such a manipulation, several factors must coincide at once, therefore, in the vast majority of cases, an open sinus lift is performed.

Despite the difference in techniques, rehabilitation and restrictions after surgery are almost the same. Closed sinus lift is less traumatic, and the rehabilitation period after open sinus lift lasts a little longer, however, all the basic restrictions and rules of care remain approximately the same for both procedures.

After a sinus lift After a sinus lift
  • Eat warm and soft food two hours after surgery.
  • Move independently (in the early days, doctors do not advise making long trips).
  • Take a warm shower, avoiding water in the mouth.
  • Starting from the second day, brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush (without touching the seams and the intervention area).
  • Puff out your cheeks, blow your nose hard and sneeze (especially with your mouth closed). Chew on the operated side (especially solid food).
  • Drink through a straw and use a toothpick at the surgical site.
  • Visit the sauna and swimming pool (for a month).
  • Experiencing physical activity. It is better to exclude sports after sinus lifting for a month.
  • After a sinus lift, you can not fly on an airplane.

Features of care after a sinus lift

After the operation is over, the attending physician should tell you what to do after the sinus lift and how to facilitate the rehabilitation period as much as possible. First of all, it should be understood that recovery after a sinus lift does not go without discomfort and some unpleasant moments. Here are the most common postoperative manifestations.

  • Pain sensations. In the early days, pain and even slight bleeding is quite normal.

  • Edema. The gum after a sinus lift (especially after an open sinus lift) is in an injured state. The edema is most evident in the first days after the operation.

  • Bruise. During the healing process, the area of ​​the operation may take on a blue or purple color.

  • Temperature. In the first few days, the temperature may rise by 1 - 2 degrees.

If the operation was performed by an experienced specialist, then the risk of complications is minimal. On the other hand, in the case of sinus lifting, the consciousness of the patient himself is of great importance: you should be attentive to your health, follow the doctor's instructions and observe the restrictions.

Reminder after sinus lift

When will the swelling subside after a sinus lift? Edema usually disappears in 5-6 days. Ice compresses will help to quickly relieve swelling after a sinus lift.

Can I drink alcohol after a sinus lift? No, drinking alcohol is not recommended for at least the first two to three weeks after surgery.

What should be the nutrition after a sinus lift and implantation? Too hot, spicy and hard foods should be avoided.

Can I smoke after a sinus lift? No, in the first month it is better to abstain from cigarettes altogether.

Can I fly after a sinus lift? No, it is better to limit flights for at least two weeks (with an open sinus lift - for a month).

Why can't you sneeze after a sinus lift? Coughing and sneezing creates excessive pressure on the maxillary sinuses.

How to breathe and cough after a sinus lift? Breathe calmly and evenly, cough and sneeze as carefully as possible and with your mouth open.

Do I need to take antibiotics after a sinus lift? If the attending physician insists on this, then it is necessary. In addition, after a sinus lift, drugs are used that relieve pain, as well as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Rehabilitation after sinus lift and implantation

Rehabilitation after sinus lifting and implantation (if the implant was installed) is conditionally divided into two stages. The active healing process ends at the end of 10 - 14 days, and within 3 - 4 weeks the patient ceases to experience all the consequences of surgical intervention.

Read more about the sinus lift procedure itself in

Before you go to the doctor, give him all the information about yourself, for example, reactions of the skin and gums, possible blood diseases, the presence of allergic reactions to drugs, anesthetics, insect bites, bleeding, etc. You also need to carry out a number of functional and laboratory tests ordered by your doctor.

All medicines prescribed by a doctor must be used in accordance with his prescription.

Three days before the operation, you need to go to the hospital for professional oral hygiene.

After the doctor's intervention, you may experience some bleeding for a couple of days. If severe bleeding occurs during this time, contact your doctor immediately.

If the operation will be performed under medical or mask anesthesia, you can leave the clinic with a loved one. After the operation, you can not drive a vehicle for several days. In addition, it is forbidden to work with various dangerous devices. You will be able to start fulfilling your obligations only after the restoration of the normal functioning of the body and well-being.

P after the operation in the first few days you need to monitor your breathing. You need to breathe exclusively through your nose. If it is blocked, use special drops that your doctor will prescribe for you. Also during this period of time, nosebleeds may occur. To stop it, use ice, but in no case throw your head back.

As a result of such a complex operation, edema of varying complexity may appear. It has to do with surgery. Edema is often observed three days after the operation. In order to reduce the severity, ice should be applied to the cheek. Keep it on for 30 minutes and take short breaks that last 20 minutes. This should be done within the first five hours after the operation.

After surgery, it is worth drinking a large amount of liquid, and warm. As for nutrition, it should be balanced, nutritious and liquid (ground). Within 14 days after the operation, it is worth reducing physical activity, you can not bend over and you should avoid serious exertion. To prevent the displacement of bone material, it is necessary to avoid increased pneumatic load, which is observed during sneezing or blowing your nose. In this regard, it is advisable to use nasal drops and to sneeze with an open mouth.

Any pain medication should be taken only as needed.

Before and after the operation, you should not take alcoholic beverages or smoke, as they increase the chance of complications and reduce the effect of treatment.

For three weeks after surgery, it is forbidden to carry out air flights, because they can cause serious complications. Also, you can not visit the pool, sauna or bath. After surgery, rinse your mouth with warm water or a disinfectant solution recommended by your doctor for a week. Every day you need to brush your teeth, but carefully so that the tissues in the area of ​​​​operation remain intact and unharmed.

W you are removed approximately 14 days after the operation; If you do not follow all of these recommendations, the clinic will not be held responsible for negative results that may be the cause of your wrong actions.

For your own good and health, do not neglect the above recommendations, which will make the postoperative period easier and more enjoyable.

Sinus lift is a relatively new procedure in dental surgery, during which it becomes possible to restore the dentition with the help of implantation almost from scratch.

This method is most relevant for people who have a lack of their own bone tissue. About how the operation goes, what is its price and what complications can be, we will tell in the article.

What is a sinus lift?

This procedure to increase the bone mass of the upper jaw allows you to resume previously lost chewing functions.

This direction is designed to return the patient the opportunity to fully eat.

More specifically, this procedure to build up the bone mass of the upper jaw allows you to resume previously lost chewing functions.

It is the upper jaw that is most exposed to thinning, so the operation is done in this area.

There are situations when the bone mass decreases so much that the installation of implants is not possible.

The essence and principle of the procedure

Augmentation is a rather serious surgical intervention and requires an exceptionally professional approach.

Sinus lifting is a kind of manipulation that helps to create a solid foundation (foundation) for future transplantation of dental structures (implants) with a length of 10 mm or more.

Its main purpose is to displace the mucous membrane of the bottom of the maxillary sinus, it should be slightly higher from the initial level.

Such a manipulation will increase the bone mass to a volume sufficient for the installation of prostheses.

During surgical treatment, an incision is made, the bottom of the maxillary cavity is displaced, and an osteoplastic substitute is introduced into the resulting space. After that, artificial prostheses will be installed in this place.

Augmentation (building) is a rather serious surgical intervention and requires an exceptionally professional approach.

It is carried out under local or general anesthesia. There are situations when closed osteoplasty is planned, transplantation of prosthetic structures is performed simultaneously with the restoration of the bone mass.

For information! Sinus lifting can only be performed on the upper jaw, the internal structure of which is an air cavity lined with a mucous membrane and connected to the nose.

Phased sinus lift

Indications for carrying out

Use in dental implants

Among the determining factors regarding the planning of a sinus lift, note:

Based on this, the main indicator for osteoplasty is the individual structure of the upper jaw, as well as depletion of the gingival bone in the area of ​​missing teeth.


The table shows the types and description of sinus lifting:

Name of extension techniqueDescription
Open (lateral)This sinus lift of the upper jaw belongs to the category of complex surgical procedures. This is a more voluminous type of bone augmentation surgery.
Closed (transcrestal)

This variety is characterized as soft, gentle, it is prescribed to persons whose bone height is 7-8 mm. As a result, the height of the bottom of the maxillary cavity increases, and the artificial root is fixed in the prepared area.

balloonThis technique will be most relevant for patients with a bone mass of 3-4 mm. Of the advantages of this type of extension, the possibility of installing an artificial tooth immediately after surgery to increase bone tissue is noted. Due to this, the duration of the patient's stay with the doctor is reduced and there is no need for additional dental procedures.

This technique has some similarities with the closed type of augmentation, in which, by using a set of devices, the bottom of the maxillary cavity is raised and an artificial osteoplastic substance is implanted. This technique differs in a more delicate approach, the introduction of a thin catheter with a balloon occurs under the mucosa, it is filled with a radiopaque liquid.

Ultrasonic BIO sinus liftingSinus-lifting, thanks to the constant modernization of the materials used to grow a new bone mass, is being improved every year and is gaining more and more popularity. In the course of osteoplasty, the best substances of natural origin are used. In general, this is any type of operation performed with a sparing effect on the body of synthetic bone substances.

How is the operation going?

Depending on the type of technique used, operational actions are carried out in several stages.


Stages of implementation:

  1. First, a void is created in the gum and the bone under it, as a result of the manipulation, a slight detachment of the bone mass occurs.
  2. Then, by using special devices for building up, the bottom of the maxillary cavity is raised.
  3. The formed void is filled with a bone substitute. It is introduced through the hole made in the bone and gum.
  4. After all the manipulations, the doctor returns the previously exfoliated part of the bone mass to its original place, and sews up the gum.


Stages of implementation:

  1. In the course of such complex actions, a small cylindrical cavity is created in the area where the installation of dental structures is expected in the future.
  2. The next step is to displace the maxillary sinus using an osteotome (special device).
  3. Granular osteoplastic material is introduced into the freed void.

Stages of a closed sinus lift


Stages of implementation:

  1. By using a special thin cutter, a place for the implant is formed. It is led through the soft tissues of the mucous membrane and bone to the lower wall of the maxillary cavity. Here it is important to maintain a distance of 1 mm to the bottom of the cavity, so a drill with a limiter is used.
  2. A system consisting of a catheter and a balloon is introduced into the hole created by the cutter. It is securely pressed to the bottom of the maxillary cavity.
  3. The balloon is filled with a contrast agent and when it is inflated, the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus is exfoliated. As a result of this technique, a bed under the bone tissue is released.
  4. A substitute is introduced into the resulting cavity and the implant is immediately implanted, immediately after the bone mass is built up.

Stages of balloon sinus lifting


Stages of implementation:

  1. Blood is taken from the patient first from a vein and substances responsible for regeneration are separated using special equipment.
  2. After the active cells have been isolated from the blood, they are concentrated in the preparation.
  3. As a result of the dissection of the upper gum, an operative access to the mucous membrane of the maxillary cavity appears.
  4. A bone substitute and a concentrated substance made from active blood cells are implanted into the formed void.
  5. Once the cavity is filled, the implant is placed.

Repeated sinus lift

Between the two procedures there must be an interval of at least 6 months, despite the presence of indications

Augmentation can be carried out only after the gum heals from previous surgical manipulations.

Between two procedures there should be an interval of at least 6 months, despite the presence of indications.

As an exception, the operation can be performed when an artificial tooth is rejected, but this happens extremely rarely.

This will require the immediate adoption of therapeutic measures. The success of the repeat procedure depends on the professional skills of the dentist.

In the process of preparation, the patient undergoes X-ray diagnostics of the maxillary cavities, which allow to identify the presence of pathological conditions and neoplasms, to assess the volume of the bone mass in a particular place.

The structure of the bone tissue of the alveolar processes of maxillary sinusitis is also being examined to determine the method of extension. Standard laboratory, instrumental and clinical tests are prescribed to collect complete information before the operation.

What method is used for the upper/lower jaw?

Surgical actions to increase bone tissue are carried out only on the upper jaw.

The type of plastic surgery of the jawbone is selected by a qualified specialist based on the volume of the existing bone mass in the desired area. Augmentation on the lower jaw is not performed.


There are several varieties of osteoplastic material, the presence of which in medical institutions is determined by their profile:

Postoperative period

In order for the recovery period after surgery to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to follow the doctor's instructions. First of all, in the postoperative period, you need to take medications strictly according to the scheme.

Antibacterial drugs are necessarily included in this course; in some situations, enhanced drugs may be prescribed to avoid the risk of infectious processes.

As an additional therapy for the restoration of the bone mass, painkillers, antiseptics, healing ointments are used to accelerate tissue regeneration.

  • Cleaning the operated area with an antiseptic solution. The procedure should be done after each meal with a cotton swab dipped in an antiseptic.
  • Brushing your teeth for 7 days only with a brush with soft bristles, do not touch the wound.
  • Applying a healing ointment, if prescribed by a doctor.
  • If bleeding occurs, then the wound is clamped with a clean finger or a moistened tea bag is applied.

If any suspicious manifestations appear after the restoration of the bone mass, you should contact a qualified specialist.


When performing a sinus lift, 3 main types are used:

How long does swelling last?

Puffiness, the size and duration of which depend on the individual characteristics of the organism, may be insignificant and pass quickly, or it may persist for 2 weeks.

In most cases, swelling at the site of increased bone tissue lasts 7-10 days. Its maximum severity is noted on the third day after surgical procedures.

If after 14 days the swelling at the site of the bone mass has not subsided, then you need to seek the advice of a specialist.

What is possible and what is impossible after the operation?

The operated patient can:

  • Eat only warm and soft food, which is recommended to be chewed on the other side.
  • Make baths using antiseptics, for example, with Miramistin, Chlorhexidine.
  • To clean your teeth, but only without the use of toothpaste and on the second day after the operation.

Restrictions include a ban on:

The patient should know that it is also impossible to sleep on the side on which the manipulation to restore bone tissue was performed.


The list of absolute restrictions regarding bone augmentation includes:

The following pathological conditions are under a special ban on planning surgical actions to increase the volume of the bone mass:

  • sinusitis, sinusitis of any form;
  • polyps on the mucous membrane;
  • abnormal location of the maxillary cavities;
  • fragile structure of bone tissue;
  • surgical manipulations on the maxillary sinuses.

Possible complications

If the surgical actions were performed as accurately as possible and in accordance with all the rules, then the likelihood of unwanted manifestations is practically reduced to zero.

But considering that operational actions to increase bone volume are carried out near the maxillary cavities, then pathological processes can manifest themselves in the form of:

Is it worth doing?

Dentists believe that a sinus lift should be performed on patients with thinned bone tissue in the upper jaw. Such surgical treatment will allow them to restore the missing bone mass in order to install an artificial root in the future.

It is important to understand here that any surgical intervention can provoke the appearance of negative phenomena.

However, with a competent approach and using modern materials, this procedure for restoring the bone mass in most cases does not give complications.


The price of the issue directly depends on the technique of bone tissue augmentation (closed/open) and the chosen osteoplastic substitute. Bone raw materials in the amount of 0.5 g will approximately cost 12,000 rubles.

The cost of an open sinus lift is within 30,000 rubles. , and closed - 2 times less.

For many patients, bone grafting is the only chance for dental implantation and complete restoration of the dentition. Constant clinical research in the field of osteoplasty and the use of high-tech equipment have made sinus lifting and other types of bone augmentation operations safe and less traumatic. However, some patients are seriously afraid of complications that may develop after the intervention.

Important: Your contract for treatment must specify all permissible postoperative conditions, carefully read them and the list of postoperative inconveniences. If you have any questions, please contact us immediately through Post-Surgical Support at the number listed on the reference card.

Before performing the bone grafting procedure, the doctor plans a future operation and must inform the patient about the natural reaction of the body to the intervention, as well as about possible complications after the operation. It should be noted that with a carefully conducted preliminary diagnosis, a well-performed operation and following the doctor's recommendations in the rehabilitation period, the risk of complications is minimal.

During the initial consultation, immediately after the CT scan, the attending physician, having familiarized himself with the features of the anatomy, will warn you about possible individual inconveniences.

Many patients are interested in whether swelling occurs after surgery and how to cope with this unpleasant phenomenon. Yes, there is and quite noticeable. Swelling after sinus lift and bone grafting can refer to both the body's natural response to tissue damage and complications. To understand how to prevent or eliminate puffiness, you need to understand the causes of this symptom after bone grafting.

Edema after bone grafting - normal or pathological?

Even a person far from medicine knows that almost any damage to soft tissues in the body is accompanied by the appearance of pain, redness and swelling. All these symptoms indicate the development of an inflammatory process, which not only worsens the state of health and reduces the quality of life of a person, but also plays an important protective role for the whole organism. The main goal of the development of the inflammatory process, and hence edema, is to accelerate the elimination of toxins and substances that provoke inflammation, which are formed even with minor tissue damage.

Everyone has experienced the development of swelling due to cuts, bruises, fractures or other types of injuries. Despite the fact that the sinus lift and other types of bone grafting are considered low-traumatic procedures, tissue damage is inevitable when they are performed. Osteoplastic operations vary in complexity and in the amount of damage to the tissues of the oral cavity. Some methods of bone tissue restoration involve transplantation of an autograft by cutting a flap of soft tissues of the gums and detaching the periosteum. An open sinus lift also makes incisions that require suturing at the final stage of surgery. Closed sinus lifting is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the tissues, since access to the bottom of the maxillary sinus is made by making a small hole in the gum with a special thin cutter.

Therefore, performing bone grafting for the body is not only a medical procedure, but also a kind of injury. As with any other injury, after sinus lifting and bone grafting, edema develops, which is a physiological reaction of the body's defense systems. The implantation of an implant, that is, a new object for the body, is also an important factor provoking edema. In addition to swelling in the first days after surgery, the patient may be disturbed by:

  • local pain in the area of ​​the operation (to relieve pain, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory and painkillers in the postoperative period);
  • reddening of the gum tissue;
  • local increase in temperature over damaged tissues;
  • secretion of a small amount of lymph with small impurities of blood (ichorus).

Depending on the volume of the operation, the amount of injected osteoplastic material and the installed implants, the severity of the above symptoms may be different. However, they should not cause unbearable discomfort to the patient, therefore, if these symptoms are pronounced and significantly worsen the quality of life in the postoperative period, then we need to talk about complications and immediately contact your doctor.

In what cases you should not worry

You should be prepared for the fact that after performing bone grafting, edema and other symptoms of a pseudo-inflammatory process will appear. You also need to understand in which cases edema is a normal reaction of the body to the intervention, so as not to worry and once again not to see a doctor. Edema is not a complication if:

  1. Gradually decreases and completely disappears in 3-7-10 days after the procedure, depending on the complexity of the operation.
  2. It is localized at the site of the operation and implantation of implants and does not spread to healthy, nearby tissues.
  3. It is not accompanied by severe pain and high body temperature (subfebrile temperature may appear after surgery).
  4. It is not accompanied by bleeding or purulent discharge from the area of ​​the postoperative wound.

Important: Usually, the attending physician knows everything in advance when planning the operation, do not hesitate to ask about the number of days with noticeable postoperative swelling. Based on these calculations, we issue certificates of incapacity for work or plan operations before the weekend. Warn us about possible trips and important events, it is better to schedule the operation without compromising work and personal life. Social activity after the operation should be planned to be reduced, you will not be able to be active with swelling, as before the operation, it is better to sit at home for a couple of days.

The size of the edema depends both on the volume of the operation performed and on the individual characteristics of the body of a particular patient. It is important to remember that women are more prone to swelling after the procedure than men. In general, you should not worry if the edema does not interfere with your usual lifestyle (taking into account the necessary restrictions in the rehabilitation period) and gradually decreases in size. In this case, it is enough to follow the recommendations of the doctor in the postoperative period and appear in a timely manner for a scheduled examination. Usually three days for women and two days for men is enough to reduce swelling.

When is the best time to seek professional help?

There are a number of alarming signs, in the presence of which one should think about the development of a complication, or an abnormal reaction to the operation, requiring immediate correction. These include:

  • high rate of development, a rapid increase in edema in size, the transition of edema to the soft tissues of the face;
  • swelling is dense, the consistency of an eraser;
  • lack of positive dynamics, that is, edema does not begin to decrease from 3 days after the operation;
  • an increase in body temperature above 38 degrees for longer than a day;
  • severe pain, with an interval of less than three hours (while taking pain medication);
  • the release of a large amount of ichor, bleeding from the wound against the background of significant edema;
  • the addition of a bacterial infection, manifested in the development of suppuration in the wound area;
  • violation of speech and chewing function due to edema.
  • strange smells from the postoperative area.

If you experience one or more of the above symptoms, you should immediately contact the dentist who performed your bone grafting. Find him and explain the situation, do not delay. It is dangerous to self-medicate in such a situation, so entrust the treatment of the complication that has appeared to an experienced specialist. If you are undergoing treatment at our Center, immediately contact the 24-hour support service by phone from your card.

What causes swelling to be a problem

Despite the fact that the appearance of edema is a physiological phenomenon against the background of tissue damage, there are factors under the influence of which edema becomes a real problem for the patient. To prevent edema from becoming a complication, the importance of preoperative diagnosis and lifestyle modification after the procedure must be remembered. During a diagnostic examination of a patient, if any dental pathologies (inflammatory gum disease, caries) are detected, the full course of treatment is first carried out, and only then the patient undergoes bone grafting. Thus, the risk of developing postoperative complications of an infectious genesis (caries and inflamed gums are foci of infection in the oral cavity) is reduced. Also, a full-fledged sanitation of the oral cavity may include professional teeth cleaning to get rid of plaque and tartar.

In the rehabilitation period, the prevention of edema is the observance of the correct diet, drinking regimen, the complete exclusion of chewing load on the side of the operation, regular brushing of teeth and baths with an antiseptic after each meal.

All these measures are aimed at relieving the symptoms of inflammation and thereby reduce swelling after sinus lifting and bone grafting. The use of spicy, too hot, solid food irritates the mucous membrane of the gums and contributes to an increase in edema, and non-compliance with oral hygiene and neglect of the use of an antiseptic increases the risk of infectious complications. The doctor must inform the patient in detail about all the nuances of the postoperative period, so that tissue recovery after the operation is quick and does not cause discomfort to the patient.

What pathological process can be suspected

Since some variants of bone grafting end with implantation, there is a risk of complications associated with its rejection or the development of inflammation (peri-implantitis) around it. Both of these pathological processes are a very serious problem in modern dentistry and are extremely rare. In the case of peri-implantitis, the inflammation is localized near the design of the dental implant and is accompanied by all the characteristic symptoms - pain, hyperemia, severe swelling. The development of this disease is associated with a violation of the technique of surgical intervention, the presence of a focus of infection in the oral cavity.

Rejection of the implant occurs due to the impact of immune factors on it in case of violation of the implantation technology. To a greater extent, the process of rejection depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's immune system. In some cases, this process develops rapidly, while in other cases, rejection can be suspected by pronounced edema, which does not decrease with time, pain, deterioration in the general condition of the patient. That is why, in the presence of any alarming signs in the rehabilitation period, it is important to be examined by a doctor, since the treatment of these pathological processes should be timely and comprehensive.

A detailed x-ray examination is carried out on a CT scanner in macro mode, the doctor determines whether there is inflammation on the implant or is it just a panic from a noticeable edema.

Prevention measures

To feel comfortable in the postoperative period, you need to know what will help reduce the size of the edema. In the instructions for the postoperative period, everything is indicated as detailed as possible, read it, the package with postoperative preparations contains ice in a blue bag, freeze it in the freezer and reuse it. Immediately after bone grafting, it is recommended to apply an ice pack (previously wrapped in a cloth or towel) to the cheek on the side of the operation. The duration of such a compress should not exceed 10-15 minutes, after which you need to take a half-hour break. The effect of using this simple method appears almost instantly - pain subsides, swelling stops increasing.

However, it should be remembered that there are contraindications to this method of eliminating puffiness, for example, trigeminal neuritis. Cold compresses are recommended for the first 24-48 hours, since it is in this time period that their effectiveness and safety are highest. If you keep the ice for longer than 15 minutes, then there is a possibility of hypothermia, be careful with this!

In addition to local exposure to low temperatures, do not forget about taking medications. After osteoplasty, patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory and pain medications that help reduce or eliminate swelling and cope with other unpleasant symptoms of inflammation. It is necessary to take medicines strictly according to the doctor's prescription or according to the instructions, without exceeding the permissible doses.

!Important: It should be noted that, as is often written in Internet forums, taking diuretics is not justified to eliminate edema in the normal course of the postoperative period (that is, when edema does not indicate the development of complications) and can harm your health. In addition to anti-inflammatory drugs, multivitamin preparations, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed to prevent bacterial complications.

If the edema began to disturb you greatly and other alarming symptoms appeared, then you should seek qualified help from a doctor. After assessing the clinical situation, the doctor will prescribe a treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of the edema. In severe cases, they may resort to repeated surgical intervention (in case of implant rejection, purulent complications). In other cases, when the edema does not bother the patient too much and gradually decreases during the first 7-10 days, no additional medical intervention is required and this symptom will disappear by itself as the tissues heal.

You can ask any questions to the support service of the 24-hour medical post by calling the numbers indicated on the postoperative recommendations card in the package with antibiotics and painkillers!

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