Features of mental reflection. Fundamentals of the function of the psyche. Features of mental reflection - Academic discipline "General psychology". cheat sheets

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There are three functions of the psyche: communicative, cognitive and regulatory.

Communicative- Allows people to communicate with each other.
Cognitive- allows a person to know the outside world.

Regulatory the function ensures the regulation of all types of human activity (playing, educational, labor), as well as all forms of his behavior.

In other words, the human psyche enables him to act as a subject of labor, communication and knowledge.

Speaking of mental reflection, it should be borne in mind that it is addressed not only to the present, but also to the past and the future. This means that the reflection of the present is influenced not only by itself, but also by past experience stored in memory, as well as a person’s forecasts regarding the future.

In general, mental reflection has the following specific features:

This is the most complex and most developed type of reflection;
it allows you to correctly reflect the surrounding reality, which is then confirmed by practice;
it has an active character, i.e. associated with the search and selection of methods of action that are adequate to the conditions of the environment;
it constantly deepens and develops in the course of activity;
it is subjective;
it is proactive.

In addition, speaking of mental reflection, it should be borne in mind that it has a procedural nature. This means that it is a continuous, unfolding process that continues throughout a person's life.

Mental reflection is ideal in form, it is thoughts, sensations, images, experiences, i.e. something that is inside a person that cannot be touched, registered with measuring instruments, photographed. At the same time, it is subjective in content; belongs to a particular subject and is determined by its features.

The physiological carrier of the human psyche is its nervous system. Ideas about the interconnections of the nervous system and the human psyche are based on the theory of functional systems by P. K. Anokhin, according to which mental and physiological activity constitute a single whole, in which individual mechanisms are united by a common task and goal into jointly acting complexes focused on achieving useful, adaptive result.

The mind is a property of the brain. The connection of the center of the brain with the external environment is carried out with the help of nerve cells and receptors.
However, mental phenomena cannot be reduced to neurophysiological processes. Mental has its own specifics. Neuro-physiological processes are the substrate, the carrier of the mental. The relation of mental and neurophysiological is the relation of a signal as information and a signal as a carrier of information.

Each person is the owner of psychic reality: we all experience emotions, see surrounding objects, smell smells - but few people thought that all these phenomena belong to our psyche, and not to external reality. Psychic reality is given to us directly. By and large, it can be said that each of us is a psychic reality, and only through it we can judge the world around us. What is the psyche for? It exists in order to combine and interpret information about the world, to relate it to our needs and to regulate behavior in the process of adaptation - adaptation to reality. Even at the end of the XIX century. W. James believed that the main function of the psyche is the regulation of purposeful behavior.

In everyday life, we do not distinguish between subjective and objective reality. Only in special situations and under special conditions does it make itself felt. When images are inadequate and lead us to perceptual errors and incorrect evaluation of signals, such as distance to an object, we speak of illusions. A typical illusion is the picture of the moon above the horizon. The apparent size of the moon at the time of setting is much larger than when it is located closer to the zenith. Hallucinations are images that arise in a person without the presence of external influences on the senses. They also manifest to us that psychic reality is independent and relatively autonomous. . home the function of the psyche is the regulation of individual behavior based on the reflection of external reality and its correlation with human needs.

Psychic reality is complex, but it can be conditionally divided into exopsyche, endopsyche and intropsyche. Exopsychic is that part of the human psyche that reflects the reality external to his body. For example, we consider the source of visual images not our organ of vision, but the objects of the external world. Endopsyche is a part of psychic reality that reflects the state of our body. The endopsyche includes needs, emotions, feelings of comfort and discomfort. In this case, we consider our body as the source of sensations. Sometimes exopsychic and endopsychic are difficult to distinguish, for example, the sensation of pain is endopsychic, although its source is a sharp knife or hot iron, and the sensation of cold is undoubtedly exopsychic, signaling external temperature, and not our body temperature, but it is often "affectively colored" so unpleasant that we attribute it to our own body (“hands are cold”). But there is a large class of phenomena that differ from both endopsychic and exopsychic. These are intropsychic phenomena. These include thoughts, volitional efforts, fantasies, dreams. It is difficult to attribute them to certain states of the organism, and it is impossible to consider external reality as their source. Intropsychic processes and phenomena can be considered, as it were, "proper mental processes."

The presence of "spiritual life" - internal dialogues, experiences, reflection leaves no doubt about the reality of the psyche. Its role is not limited to the regulation of momentary behavior, as W. James thought, but, obviously, is connected with the definition of a person's integral relationship to the world and the search for one's place in it. Ya. A. Ponomarev identifies two functions of the psyche in relation to the outside world: creativity (creation of a new reality) and adaptation (adaptation to the existing reality). The antithesis of creativity is destruction - the destruction of the reality (culture) created by other people. The antithesis of adaptation is maladaptation in its various forms (neurosis, drug addiction, criminal behavior, etc.).

In relation to the behavior and activities of a person and other people, following B.F. Lomov, three main functions of the psyche should be distinguished: cognitive (cognitive), regulatory and communicative; adaptation and creativity are possible only through the implementation of these functions.

The psyche serves a person to build an "internal model of the world", including the individual in his interaction with the environment. Cognitive mental processes provide the construction of an internal model of the world

The second most important function of the psyche is the regulation of behavior and activities. Mental processes that ensure the regulation of behavior are very diverse and heterogeneous. Motivational processes provide the direction of behavior and the level of its activity. The processes of planning and goal-setting ensure the creation of ways and strategies of behavior, setting goals based on motives and needs. Decision-making processes determine the choice of activity goals and means to achieve them. Emotions provide a reflection of our relationship to reality, a "feedback" mechanism and regulation of the internal state.

The third function of the human psyche is communicative. Communication processes ensure the transfer of information from one person to another, the coordination of joint activities, the establishment of relationships between people. Speech and non-verbal communication are the main processes that ensure communication. At the same time, speech, which is developed only in humans, should undoubtedly be considered the main process.

The psyche is a very complex system consisting of separate subsystems, its elements are hierarchically organized and very changeable. From the point of view of BF Lomov, consistency, integrity, indivisibility of the psyche is the main feature. The concept of "mental functional system" is the development and application in psychology of the concept of "functional system", introduced into scientific use by P. K. Anokhin. He used this concept to explain the implementation of holistic behavioral acts by the body. From Anokhin's point of view, any behavioral act is aimed at achieving a certain result, and the achievement of each result is ensured by a functional system - the union of individual organs and processes of the body according to the principle of interaction to coordinate behavior aimed at achieving the goal.

Etymologically, the word "psyche" (Greek soul) has a dual meaning. One value carries the semantic load of the essence of any thing. The psyche is an entity where the externality and diversity of nature gathers to its unity, it is a virtual compression of nature, it is a reflection of the objective world in its connections and relationships.

Psychic reflection is not a mirror, mechanically passive copying of the world (like a mirror or a camera), it is associated with a search, a choice, in a psychic reflection the incoming information is subjected to specific processing, i.e. mental reflection is an active reflection of the world in connection with some necessity, with needs, it is a subjective selective reflection of the objective world, since it always belongs to the subject, does not exist outside the subject, depends on subjective characteristics. The psyche is a "subjective image of the objective world".

The psyche cannot be reduced simply to the nervous system. Mental properties are the result of the neurophysiological activity of the brain, however, they contain the characteristics of external objects, and not internal physiological processes, with the help of which the mental arises. Transformations of signals taking place in the brain are perceived by a person as events taking place outside him, in external space and the world. The brain secretes the psyche, the thought is like the liver secretes bile. The disadvantage of this theory is that they identify the psyche with nervous processes and do not see any qualitative differences between them.

Mental phenomena do not correlate with a single neurophysiological process, but with organized sets of such processes, i.e. psyche is a systemic quality of the brain, realized through multi-level functional systems of the brain, which are formed in a person in the process of life and mastering by him historically established forms of activity and experience of mankind through his own vigorous activity. Thus, specifically human qualities (consciousness, speech, labor, etc.), the human psyche are formed in a person only during his lifetime, in the process of assimilation by him of the culture created by previous generations. Thus, the human psyche includes at least three components: external world, nature, its reflection - full-fledged activity of the brain - interaction with people, active transfer of human culture, human abilities to new generations.

Mental reflection is characterized by a number of features:

  • it makes it possible to correctly reflect the surrounding reality, and the correctness of reflection is confirmed by practice;
  • the mental image itself is formed in the process of active human activity;
  • mental reflection deepens and improves;
  • ensures the expediency of behavior and activities;
  • refracted through the individuality of a person;
  • is preemptive.

Functions feelings and emotions. None psychological the phenomenon cannot be fully studied if it is not clearly defined ... Otherwise, we can say that without experiences consciousness is impossible. Experience should be distinguished from the traditional psychological concept of experience, which means the immediate presenting of mental contents to consciousness. Experience is presented as a special activity, a special work, implemented by external and internal actions, to restructure the psychological world, aimed at establishing a semantic correspondence between consciousness and being, the common goal of which is to increase the meaningfulness of life. The range of possible carriers of experiences includes many forms and levels of behavioral and psychological processes - these are humor, sarcasm, irony, shame, violation of the constancy of perception, etc.

Any carrier of experience leads to the desired effect because it produces some changes in the psychological world of a person. However, in order to describe them, one has to create a concept of the psychological world, and every researcher who studies the processes of experience, voluntarily or involuntarily, relies on an existing concept or creates a new one. Thus, five main paradigms of the analysis of the technology of experiencing can be distinguished. In order to more clearly shade the specificity of experience as a special mode of functioning of consciousness, it is necessary to name the two remaining combinatorial possibilities. When consciousness functions as an active Observer grasping its own activity, i.e. Both the Observer and the Observed have an active, subjective nature, we are dealing with reflection. And finally, the last case - when both the Observer and the Observed are objects and, therefore, the observation itself as such disappears - fixes the logical structure of the concept of the unconscious. From this point of view, the widespread physicalist ideas about the unconscious as a place of silent interaction of psychological forces and things become understandable Typology of modes of functioning of consciousness

We do not have the opportunity to dwell on a detailed interpretation of this typology, it would take us too far from the main topic, especially since the main thing has already been achieved - a system of correlations and oppositions has been formulated that defines the main meaning of the traditional psychological concept of experiencing.

Within the framework of this general meaning, the variant of this concept, which limits experience to the sphere of subjectively significant, has become most widespread in modern psychology. At the same time, experience is understood in its opposition to objective knowledge: experience is a special, subjective, biased reflection, and a reflection not of the surrounding objective world in itself, but of the world taken in relation to the subject, from the point of view of the opportunities provided by it (the world) to satisfy actual motives and needs of the subject. In this understanding, it is important for us to emphasize not what distinguishes experience from objective knowledge, but what unites them, namely, that experience is conceived here as a reflection, that we are talking about experience-contemplation, and not about experience-activity, to which our research.

This concept is philosophical, because this reflection is not in the literal sense. It is a kind of phenomenon that manifests itself with the help of images and states of the personality passed through the consciousness.

In other words, mental reflection is a special form of a person's dynamic connection with the world, during which new desires appear, a worldview, positions are formed, and specific solutions to some problems are developed. Any individual is able to control his personal reality, presenting it in artistic or some other images.

Features and properties

Psychic reflection has a number of specific moments, which are its individual manifestations. There are some features of mental reflection:

  • Mental images appear in the course of a person's active pastime.
  • Psychic reflection makes it possible to carry out some kind of activity.
  • It has a forward character.
  • Allows you to accurately represent the world around you.
  • Progress and improve.
  • Changes through personality.

Characteristics of this process

A person is able to perceive the real world, find his destiny, have the development of the inner world only thanks to this process. Unfortunately, not every individual correctly reflects these phenomena - such a problem occurs in people with mental disabilities.

As for a healthy person, he has the following criteria for mental reflection:

1. Dynamism. Throughout life, each person's thoughts, attitudes and feelings are modified. That is why the mental reflection can also change, because various circumstances influence it very significantly.

2. Activity. This process cannot coexist with passive behavior or regression. Thanks to this quality of the psyche, the individual, without understanding it, is constantly looking for the best and most comfortable conditions.

3. Objectivity. The personality gradually develops, therefore the psyche also receives constant progress. Since we study the environment through activity, mental reflection is objective and regular.

4. Subjectivity. Despite the fact that this process is objective, but it is also influenced by the past of the individual, his environment and his own character. That is why characterization includes subjectivity. Each of us looks at the same world and events in our own way.

5. Speed. Our ability to solve some problems with lightning speed exists thanks to the psyche. It has the right to be called superior to reality.

Stages and levels

Although this process seems to us something integral, it is still divided into several stages. The main stages and levels of mental reflection include:

1. Submission. This level is characterized by the dynamic activity of the subconscious of the individual. Past memories that have been partially forgotten reappear in the imagination. This situation is not always affected by the senses.

The degree of importance and significance of incidents or phenomena has a great influence. Some of these incidents disappear, only the most necessary episodes remain.

An individual, thanks to thinking, creates his ideals, makes plans, controls his consciousness as best he can. This is how personal experience comes about.

2. Sensory criterion. This level is also called the sensory level. On it, mental images are built on the basis of what we feel through the senses. This influences the transformation of information in the required direction.

Due to the fact that there is an excitation of taste, smell, sensation, personal data is enriched and affects the subject more strongly. If something similar happens to an individual, then the brain stimulates the repetition of some moments from the past, and they influence the future. This skill helps a person at any time to create clear pictures in his own mind.

3. Logical thinking. At this level, real events don't matter. A person uses only those skills and abilities that are present in his mind. The universal human experience, about which the person knows, is also important.

All stages of mental reflection naturally intersect and interact. This process occurs due to the complex work of the sensual and rational activity of the individual.


Reflection is not alien to all living organisms in contact with other objects. Three forms of mental reflection can be distinguished:

1. Physical. This is a direct relationship. This process has a time limit. Such properties are insignificant for any of the objects (the immutability of the connection traces), since destruction occurs.

2. Biological. This form is characteristic only for living beings, and this is its peculiarity. Thanks to it, such organisms can "mirror" both living and alternative nature.

The biological form of mental reflection is divided into several types:

  • Irritability (the response of living beings to the realities and processes of this world).
  • Sensitivity (the ability to reflect other objects in the form of sensations).
  • Mental reflection (the ability to change one's character depending on the situation).

3. Mental. The most difficult and progressive form of reflection. She is not considered an inactive mirror duplicate of this world. It is clearly related to scanning, solutions.

First of all, it is an actively reflected world around in connection with a specific problem, danger or need. This form has:

  • Reflection as stages of overcoming by an individual of himself, his own life and habits.
  • Reflection as self-control and development.
  • Reflection as a stage in the study of others by the personality.
  • Reflection as a stage of an individual's study of social life and relationships.

Understanding the psyche as part of a certain type of reflection allows us to assert that it does not arise suddenly or accidentally, as something incomprehensible in nature. Mental reflection can be studied as a transformation of derivative imprints into subjective experience, and on this basis a spatial image can be built.

Thus, the foundation of mental reflection is the primary interaction with the environment, but this process requires auxiliary activity to create images of objects in the field of behavior of the subject. Author: Lena Melissa

Psychology as a science

I. Definition of psychology as a science

Psychologyis the science of mental processes, mental states and mental properties of an individual. It studies the patterns of development and functioning of human mental activity.

II. The concept of the psyche. Fundamentals of the function of the psyche. Features of mental reflection.

Psyche -this property of highly organized living matter, which consists in the active reflection of the objective world by the subject, in the construction by the subject of a picture of this world that is inalienable from him and the regulation of behavior and activity on this basis

1) the psyche is a property of only living matter; 2) the main feature of the psyche is the ability to reflect the objective world.

2. Mental reflection is: 1) an active reflection of the world; 2) with mental reflection, the incoming information is subjected to specific processing, and on its basis mental , i.e. subjective in nature and idealistic (non-material) in nature image, which, with a certain measure of accuracy, is a copy of the material objects of the real world; 3) it's always subjective selective reflection of the objective world , since it always belongs to the subject, does not exist outside the subject, depends on subjective characteristics.

The psyche is a subjective image of the objective world.

Psychic reflection is not a mirror, mechanically passive copying of the world (like a mirror or a camera), it is associated with a search, a choice, in a psychic reflection the incoming information is subjected to specific processing, i.e. mental reflection is an active reflection of the world in connection with some necessity, with needs, it is a subjective selective reflection of the objective world, since it always belongs to the subject, does not exist outside the subject, depends on subjective characteristics. The psyche is a "subjective image of the objective world".

Mental phenomena do not correlate with a single neurophysiological process, but with organized sets of such processes, i.e. the psyche is a systemic quality of the brain, realized through multi-level functional systems of the brain, which are formed in a person in the process of life and mastering by him historically established forms of activity and experience of mankind through his own vigorous activity. Thus, specifically human qualities (consciousness, speech, labor, etc.), the human psyche are formed in a person only during his lifetime, in the process of assimilation by him of the culture created by previous generations. Thus, the human psyche includes at least three components: external world, nature, its reflection - the full-fledged activity of the brain - interaction with people, the active transfer of human culture, human abilities to new generations.

Psychic reflection- this is a universal property of matter, which consists in reproducing the features, properties and relationships of the reflected object.

Mental reflection is characterized by a number of features:

It makes it possible to correctly reflect the surrounding reality, and the correctness of reflection is confirmed by practice;

The mental image itself is formed in the process of active human activity;

mental reflection deepens and improves;

Ensures the expediency of behavior and activities;

refracted through the individuality of a person;

is of a proactive nature.

The most important function of the psyche is regulation of behavior and activity, thanks to which a person not only adequately reflects the surrounding objective world, but has the ability to transform it in the process of purposeful activity. The adequacy of human movements and actions to the conditions, tools and subject of activity is possible only if they are correctly reflected by the subject.

III. Properties of the psyche (psychic reflection).

1. Activity. Psychic reflection is not mirror, not passive, it is associated with the search and choice of methods of action adequate to the conditions, this active process.

2. Subjectivity.Other feature of mental reflection is its subjectivity: it is mediated by the person's past experience and personality. This is expressed primarily in the fact that we see one world, but it appears to each of us in different ways.

3. Objectivity. At the same time, mental reflection makes it possible to build an “internal picture of the world” that is adequate to objective reality, and here it is necessary to note one more property of the mental - its objectivity. Only thanks to the correct reflection is it possible for a person to know the world around him. The criterion of correctness is practical activity, in which mental reflection is constantly deepened, improved and developed.

4. Dynamism. The process called mental reflection tends to undergo significant changes over time. The conditions in which the individual acts are changing, the very approaches to transformations are changing. We should not forget that each person has bright individual characteristics, his own desires, needs and desire for development.

5. Continuity. Psychic reflection is a continuous process.

6. Leading character. Another important feature of mental reflection is its forward character, it makes possible anticipation in human activity and behavior, which allows decisions to be made with a certain temporal-spatial lead in relation to the future.

IV. The structure of the human psyche (forms of mental reflection).

Usually, three large groups of mental phenomena are distinguished, namely: 1) mental processes, 2) mental states, 3) mental properties.

1. Mental processes - dynamic reflection of reality in various forms of mental phenomena. The mental process is the course of a mental phenomenon that has a beginning, development and end, manifested in the form of a reaction.

1) cognitive mental processes: sensation and perception, representation and memory, thinking and imagination;

2) emotional mental processes: active and passive experiences;

3) Volitional mental processes: decision, execution, volitional effort, etc.

2. Mental state - a relatively stable level of mental activity, which manifests itself in increased or decreased activity of the individual.

Mental states are of a reflex nature: they arise under the influence of the situation, physiological factors, the course of work, time, and verbal influences (praise, censure, etc.).

The most studied are:

1) general mental state, for example, attention, manifested at the level of active concentration or absent-mindedness,

2) emotional states, or moods (cheerful, enthusiastic, sad, sad, angry, irritable, etc.).

3) the creative state of the individual, which is called inspiration.

3. The mental properties of a person are stable formations that provide a certain qualitative and quantitative level of activity and behavior that is typical for a given person.

Personality properties are the highest and stable regulators of mental activity.

Each mental property is formed gradually in the process of reflection and is fixed in practice. It is therefore the result of reflective and practical activity.

V. The psyche and structural features of the brain.

The left hemisphere has a huge supply of energy and vitality. This is a happy gift, but in itself it is unproductive. The disturbing fears of the right, obviously, have a sobering effect, returning to the brain not only creative abilities, but also the very ability to work normally, and not hover in empyreans.

Each hemisphere makes its contribution: the right one sculpts the image, and the left one looks for a verbal expression for it, which is lost in this case (remember Tyutchev’s: “A thought uttered is a lie”) and what is acquired, how the hemispheres interact when processing the “truth of nature” into “truth art" (Balzac).

Patterns of internal mental activity

2.1. The concept of the psyche

2.1.1. Features of mental reflection

2.1.2. Structure and functions of the psyche

2.1.3. The psyche and structural features of the brain

In order for a manager to successfully influence the psyche of his employees in order to develop it, he needs to rely on individual experience (empirically acquired knowledge about the psyche) and on knowledge of psychology. Psychology as a science studies the human psyche.

Psyche- this is a subjective reflection by a person of objects and phenomena of objective reality, which is a function of the brain.

Psychology is guided by the following provisions:

The human psyche is the highest product of the development of matter, the function of the brain;

mental processes are subjective images of objective reality;

The personality and activity of a person are in unity, the psyche is manifested and formed in activity;

The most important aspects of the human psyche are socially conditioned;

· external influences affect a person through his inner world (mental states, experience, qualities, etc.).

These provisions follow from the theory of reflection, which is the core of the modern theory of knowledge.

Mental reflection is not a mirror, mechanical, passive copying of the world, it is associated with a search, a choice. The incoming information is subjected to specific processing in connection with some need, needs. Mental reflection is subjective, as it belongs to the subject and depends on his subjective characteristics.

However, the psyche cannot be reduced simply to the properties of the nervous system. Although the brain is an organ whose activity determines the psyche, the content of this psyche is not produced by the brain itself, its source is the external world.

Mental properties are the result of the neurophysiological activity of the brain. The transformation of signals that takes place in the brain is perceived by a person as a set of events in the external space and the world as a whole. The great Russian physiologist I. M. Sechenov proved that the reflex act is the basis of everything mental.

The great Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov created the doctrine of higher nervous activity (HNA), identified four types of HNA and substantiated this experimentally. He developed new principles of physiological research, which ensured the knowledge of the activity of the organism as a single whole, which is in unity and constant interaction with the environment.

The human psyche is not given in finished form to a person from the moment of birth and does not develop by itself. Only in the process of communication and interaction of a person with other people, in the process of mastering the culture created by previous generations, does a human psyche and specifically human qualities (consciousness, speech, labor, etc.) form in him. Otherwise, nothing human appears either in behavior or in the psyche (Mowgli's phenomenon).

The psyche includes at least three components:

the outside world, nature, its reflection;

Full brain activity

· active transmission of human culture and human abilities to new generations.

Three main achievements of mankind contributed to the accelerated mental development of people:

1) the invention of tools;

2) production of objects of material and spiritual culture;

3) the emergence of language and speech.

Mental reflection is characterized by a number of features:

It makes it possible to correctly reflect the surrounding reality, and the correctness of reflection is confirmed by practice;

The mental image itself is formed in the process of active human activity;

mental reflection deepens and improves;

Ensures the integrity of behavior and activities;

refracted through the individuality of a person;

is of a proactive nature.

Darina Kataeva

Even in ancient times, psychologists, scientists and philosophers noticed that life is not only an objective and material world. People experience feelings, desires, are able to think, experience, analyze. Such a life in philosophy is called mental. The psyche has a unique ability to reflect reality. The main property of the psyche lies in the close relationship between the behavior of the individual and the reflection of objective reality in consciousness.

Psychic reflection: what is it?

The concept of mental reflection is philosophical. It includes a general and fundamental phenomenon, which is expressed in the reproduction of the images, features and properties of an object that have passed through consciousness.

The initial form of the psyche is sensitivity. Thanks to this property, we are able to perceive information from the outside and process it in the brain. Sense organs, coordination - this contributes to a more vivid manifestation of mental reflection.

Consciousness and self-consciousness are a form of psychological reflection. Information comes in, influence from the outside is carried out, and in the mind the existing images are processed and appear in the form of a reflection of what happened. Moreover, consciousness is capable of both reflecting the world and creating it. Thanks to the psyche, a person can mentally operate with his activity, speech, and even emotions. Self-awareness is a personal understanding of one's place in society and in relationships with other people.

Characteristics of mental reflection

A person is able to perceive the world around him, find himself in activity, develop and grow spiritually, only thanks to mental reflection. However, not all people correctly reflect the surrounding phenomena. This happens if they have mental problems. However, in a mentally healthy person, the following characteristics of mental reflection are observed:


In the process of life, people change circumstances, opinions and conditions. Therefore, the psychological reflection can change under the influence of external factors.


Psychological reflection is an active process, it is in no way associated with passivity or specularity. Thanks to this property of the psyche, a person, without realizing it, is looking for conditions that are adequate for himself.


A person is constantly improving, therefore the psyche undergoes various changes. Since we cognize the world in practical activity, the psychological reflection is objective and justified.


Although the psychological reflection is objective, it is influenced by the person's past, the people around him. Therefore, the characteristics include subjectivity. All people see the same world, the same circumstances, but we see and perceive them differently.


Thanks to the psyche, we are capable of great speed. Reflection can be called ahead of reality.

The features of mental reflection include:

- reflects reality in practice;

- leading character;

- manifestation of individual personality;

- is formed only on the basis of active human activity;

- controls the behavior of the individual.

Levels of mental reflection

Although the mental reflection appears before us and is perceived as a whole image, in fact, it has several levels:

Sensual or sensory. At this stage, the formation and construction of mental images is carried out on the basis of what we perceive through the senses. This contributes to the further processing of information in the right direction. Through stimulation of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, information about the object expands and has an even greater effect on the subject. When something similar happens in a person’s life, the pending memories emerge from the subconscious mind and influence further reflection. This ability of a person allows him, regardless of time, to create real pictures in his mind.
Performance. This level is characterized by the active work of the human subconscious. What has already been deposited in the memory pops up in the imagination. This process can be carried out without the direct participation of the sense organs. An important role is played by the significance of events, some of what happened is eliminated, only what is extremely important remains. Thanks to thinking, a person makes standards, plans, controls consciousness. This is how you build your own experience.
. Real events at this level do not play any role at all. The person already uses the knowledge that is in the mind. The universal human experience, which is known to the individual, is also important.

The levels of psychic reflection are harmoniously intertwined and flow from one another. This is due to the unified work of sensual and rational human activity.

March 17, 2014
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