Cucumber diet how much can you throw off in a week. Cucumbers for weight loss

We are all waiting for an expensive summer to have a good rest and recharge with positive emotions, which will be enough for the whole year until next summer. Someone prefers outdoor activities, travel, excursions. And someone likes to lie down near the waving sea and bask under the rays of the hot summer sun. Every man to his own taste. But no self-respecting lady will forget to prepare her body for the warm season. Summer time - time to undress!

In order to always remain slim and delight not only men, but also friends and colleagues with their attractiveness, many women are ready for various sacrifices.

After all, appearance now plays almost the main role in all spheres of life. Personal relationships, family, work, hobbies - everything requires you to have a good attitude. And the indicator of these relationships is the form in which you are ready to participate in them.

Russian women find the easiest way out in weight loss diets. By limiting the use of certain foods, one cannot argue later that the diet is ineffective and simply does not help.

To obtain a high-quality result that can please you, you need to immediately apply a set of measures: diet + fitness. It is not necessary to go to training in some expensive gym. Usually enough simple exercises that you can do at home. The main thing is that these workouts should be regular, and not "as I remember."

About the benefits of cucumbers

Let's go back to summer. Summer is an amazing season for all residents of Russia. It is now that delicious fruits and berries begin to ripen. And for summer residents, this is also a kind of “exhalation”. All spring one had to work hard in order to rejoice in the results of this very work in summer.

One of the most valuable products from your garden is, of course, cucumber. This pimply vegetable was first discovered in India 6,000 years ago. In Russia, the first mention of cucumber dates back to the 16th century. And probably, since then this vegetable has taken its place in the hearts of Russians for its pleasant delicate taste and unpretentiousness.

Cucumber grows in almost all climatic zones. More precisely, for each of them, their own varieties have been bred that are able to grow and bear fruit in these natural conditions.

Cucumber fruits have an oblong-oval shape. Their peel can be various shades of green: from whitish and light green to dark green and emerald green. Vegetables have juicy white or light green flesh with a large number of edible seeds. The older the fruit, the larger and tougher the seeds. Therefore, overripe cucumbers are unsuitable for consumption.

Like many other fruits and vegetables, cucumber contains a lot of liquid. But among them all, he occupies a leading position - 96% of the water in the composition of each green vegetable.

In addition to water, which is the basis of all living things, the cucumber contains in its composition other substances that are no less useful and important for human health.

Vitamin composition

For many people, early spring is a period of poor health, fatigue, persistent drowsiness. Lethargy is manifested not only in actions, but also in thoughts. Immunity weakens, so any breath of the spring breeze threatens us with a rise in temperature and bed rest in an embrace with our favorite heating pad.

All this says only that the reserves of vitamin C have dried up since last summer. Needs to be replenished. Fresh cucumbers will come to your rescue.

Just 250-300 grams of green vegetables can meet your daily requirement for vitamin C, and your strength will return.

Therefore, it is necessary to include fresh cucumber salads in your diet. You can also eat the fruit whole, just don't cut off the skin. Mostly it contains most of the vitamins and other useful substances.

Lack of vitamin B in the body will affect not only drowsiness and lethargy, but also the condition of the skin and the acidity of gastric juice. Hence our problems with excess weight and body fat. Eating fresh cucumbers helps restore intracellular balance.

The green skin of cucumbers is rich in vitamin A, which is so necessary for our vision. It will help you navigate better in the dark. And the bright colors of a summer day will become brighter.

But not only vitamins cucumbers deserve our love. They contain many minerals and compounds: calcium, potassium, iron, iodine, phosphorus, organic acids and fiber.

Cucumber diet for weight loss by 10 kg per week

If you have already decided to go on a cucumber diet, then you need to prepare well for it. You need to be sure that you do not fall into the group for whom this diet is not recommended due to health problems that can be aggravated.

Before starting a diet, go to a cardiologist. He must confirm the safety of the diuretic diet for your heart and prescribe drugs.

This diet should be avoided by people with chronic kidney disease.. Cucumbers have a pronounced diuretic effect.

People with chronic diseases should use this diet with caution due to the lack of protein in the diet. Perhaps it would be better to limit yourself to individual fasting days on cucumbers. Due to the high fiber content cucumber diet is contraindicated for people suffering from gastritis or colitis.

Be prepared: you will have to eat cucumbers for a whole week every day and throughout the day. Well, if you grow them yourself. It is better to buy fresh vegetables from gardeners and summer residents.

Never cut the skin off vegetables. Moreover, we agreed on fresh cucumbers, and they have a thin, coarse skin that is easy to chew. Easy and useful. After all, it contains all the most delicious.

The mechanism of weight loss on a cucumber diet

Following a diet on cucumbers, you can lose up to 1.5 kilograms per day. What is the secret of this effect?

Cucumbers speed up the metabolism in the body by improving the water-salt balance. Under the influence of this diet, we lose weight due to the breakdown of fat. It is excreted from the body along with the liquid, which is in excess.

Combining a diuretic effect with the ability to reduce body fat, cucumber is recognized as a leader in burning fat. To be honest, fat is not even burned, but dissolved in cucumber juice. After that, the remnants of the "anti-fat operation" are excreted from the body in a natural way.

The cucumber diet is also called the belly slimming diet.. And that's why. We all know that the stomach is our problem area, it is there that fats like to settle. But few people know that these stocks are vulnerable to the action of cucumber juice. Therefore, ladies who use the cucumber diet have a narrow waist, which makes their figure more feminine and attractive.

Cucumber diet: menu

You need to eat during the cucumber diet at least five times a day. b. Second breakfast and afternoon tea should appear in your regimen. But you will understand this from the first day of the diet.

You must completely give up salt. Any. Do not add salt to dishes when cooking and already prepared foods. All the love for salt lies only in the fact that it excites the taste buds, and we think the product is extremely tasty. The same effect can be achieved by replacing the salt with soy sauce or dried kelp. They work the same way, but they do less damage.

Another extremely favorite product is banned in this, and in many other diets. It is, of course, sugar. This is explained quite simply. Sugar refers to carbohydrates. It is known that they easily retain water and do not allow it to freely leave the body.

One gram of carbohydrates can hold up to four grams of water.

Refined sugar is better to replace with natural: honey, sugar from fruits and vegetables.

In the store, picking up goods, train yourself to read the label. Foods containing sugar and salt should be kept to a minimum.

Sample menu for 7 days of diet:

For breakfast drink a cup of black tea or freshly brewed coffee daily. Try to eat them without sugar. For sweets, a spoonful of honey is better. So healthier and tastier. You will eat later.

Lunch- Cucumber time. Eat a couple of fresh medium cucumbers along with a slice of rye bread. Don't forget, we agreed not to salt.

Dinner will bring some variety, but still cucumbers will be the main product every day.

And now for the days:

Monday- vegetable broth from cucumbers, radishes, carrots, a medium-sized apple.
Tuesday- salad of fresh cucumbers and radishes with the addition of vegetable oil. One cup of unsweetened black tea.
Wednesday- steamed rice, cucumber, greens.
Thursday- steamed rice, a small piece of hard cheese, fresh cucumber.
Friday- boiled egg, vegetable salad of cucumber, radish, carrots, cabbage, herbs, one orange.
Saturday- okroshka from some vegetables, but without potatoes, greens, black tea without sugar.
Sunday- vegetable broth from cucumber, radish, fresh carrots, a lot of greens, tea without sugar.
During afternoon snack eat any fruit: orange, kiwi, apple or pear. Or one fresh cucumber.

Every day for dinner, make a salad of fresh cucumbers with any greens and season it with vegetable oil.

It makes no sense to stick to such a diet for more than one week. The diet is very scarce, and the body, on the contrary, begins to put aside a reserve. It will not work to deceive him for longer than 7 days.

Cucumber diet of Ksenia Borodina

Famous people are entrusted with the care of how to remain popular, what else to do so that they don’t forget about you. Perhaps not everyone strives for this, but there is some truth in this statement. And so that interest in a person does not fade, you must always look stunning.

This effect was once produced by the popular Russian TV presenter Ksenia Borodina. After the birth of the child, she not only regained her shape, but also significantly lost weight in addition. The artist did not keep her method a secret, and thanks to him, many of her fans have already lost weight.

Ksenia Borodina followed a low-calorie diet. You can call it a cucumber mono-diet - in addition to these products, it is forbidden to eat anything. This is a very tough and difficult diet. You need to motivate yourself very well, imagine your joy from the result. And of course he will!

It is not recommended to follow this diet for a long time. Optimal time - 2 weeks.

The result of compliance with all the rules of dietary nutrition will be weight loss of 3 to 10 kg. This figure depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and on its initial weight.

Diet contributes not only to weight loss, but also to cleansing the body of toxins and toxins. The condition of the skin improves.

The best time for such a diet is, of course, summer. During this period, vegetables ripen in garden plots, and they go to the store or market freshly picked and without any additives, such as nitrates.

Be sure to drink more plain water. It is recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of non-carbonated water per day. Accompany your meals with a cup of green tea without sugar.

sample menu:

  • for breakfast: a small piece of rye bread + two fresh cucumbers;
  • for lunch: a bowl of soup with vegetable broth, a salad of fresh cucumbers and greens with the addition of unrefined vegetable oil. Bonus: twice a week it is allowed to replace the soup with 200 g of low-fat meat fillet, boiled or steamed - chicken meat (preferably brisket), veal or old beef;
  • for dinner: fresh cucumber or cucumber salad with herbs and vegetable oil.

It is strongly not recommended to stick to this diet for a long time. Two weeks will be enough.

As we can see from the diet, nutrition is far from complete. Therefore, it is best for your body to take vitamin complexes along with diet. And to increase its effectiveness, it is recommended to put enemas.

When deciding to lose weight, people tend to find a simplified diet option, in which you can lose weight quickly and without the previous return. As a rule, the choice falls on mono-diets - a nutritional option in which only one product is eaten, but in different forms. cucumber diet- one of the presented mono-diets, often used in the summer, since the abundance of vegetables is attractive, and the ability to quench thirst perfectly prevails over fatty and high-calorie foods.

The cucumber diet helps everyone to lose weight, due to the presence of fiber and water in the composition - a cucumber is 90% water. As a result, its calorie content does not exceed 14 kcal per 100 g of product. It turns out that you can easily eat up to several kilograms of fresh cucumbers per day. Losing weight note that in a week of such nutrition, you can lose up to 7 kg. But can only cucumbers be consumed on the presented diet? What is the diet menu for losing weight on cucumbers?

The composition of cucumbers, in addition to the mentioned fiber, includes vitamins B and C, as well as a large amount of minerals. The benefits for weight loss are associated with the presence of tartronic acid in the composition, which helps to eliminate carbohydrates as they enter the body. As a result, the body begins to process the already existing fat cells, which contributes to weight loss.

The cucumber diet is difficult to tolerate, since all nutrition is based on the use of fresh vegetables. Processed cucumbers lose most of the beneficial trace elements and are not able to burn fat cells with the same intensity.

Practical advice: If you decide to lose weight on a cucumber diet, consult a dietitian and your doctor if you have a medical condition. Cucumber diet, despite the benefits in losing weight, can provoke the development of diseases of the digestive tract.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

The benefits of a cucumber diet include the following factors:

  • with the help of the presented nutrition, you can lose up to 1 kg of excess weight per day;
  • cucumber perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, which starts and speeds up metabolism;
  • vegetables quickly eliminate problems with the intestines;
  • a large amount of incoming moisture improves the color and condition of the skin;
  • cucumbers help to restore the balance of salt in the body, which prevents the formation of edema;
  • most note the financial affordability of the diet.

The negative sides include a meager menu and monotony, which leads to a shortage of necessary and useful trace elements. Often, as a result of this fact, those who lose weight develop dizziness, weakness.

This is important: The practice of the cucumber diet requires the mandatory intake of a course of multivitamins - this will relieve weakness and other ailments.

The cucumber diet promotes rapid weight loss, as evidenced by the reviews and results of those who have lost weight. But efficiency is achieved due to compliance with the basic rules of nutrition, which include:

  • for efficiency, it is allowed to consume no more than a kilogram of the main product daily;
  • the amount used is recommended to be divided into 4-5 meals;
  • it is allowed to make vegetable salads with the addition of greens and radishes;
  • it is allowed to add olive oil, mayonnaise or sour cream to salads, but not more than a teaspoon per serving;
  • in each meal, you can additionally eat a slice of black bread;
  • drink at least 2 liters of water during the day;
  • in the morning you can treat yourself to fruits - apples, plums, oranges, grapefruits;
  • it is allowed to adhere to the cucumber diet for no more than a week.

The diet is forbidden to people with diseases of the kidneys, bladder and cardiovascular lesions.

Diet for 3 days

A diet for 3 days will be a salvation before an important event, when you should lose no more than 2-3 kg of weight in order to look perfect. Nutrition is not difficult and it is quite possible to withstand 3 days with restrictions. The daily diet allows you to consume up to 2 kg of vegetables - they can be eaten fresh without additives, smoothies or salads can be prepared from them with the addition of herbs and spices. For salads, dressing in the form of lemon juice is allowed. During the day, it is allowed to drink water without gas and herbal teas without sugar without restrictions. After 3 days, you can return to the previous diet, but without flour, sweet and fatty - this will help to fix the weight.

Diet for a week

A diet designed for a week allows you to lose up to 10 kg of weight, subject to regular sports exercises. During the week, you can eat eggs, grain bread and other foods that are useful for weight loss.

The menu is presented in a table

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday A couple of fresh cucumbers and black bread toast, herbal tea without sugar and other additives Okroshka on kefir without adding potatoes, green apple Salad of fresh cucumber and herbs without adding vegetable oil
Tuesday Fresh cucumbers, a slice of black bread and a small piece of hard cheese Vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice. It is allowed to add a little lean meat to the salad Traditional salad of tomato, cucumber, herbs and vegetable oil
Wednesday Cucumbers - no more than 2 pieces, bread Boiled brown rice - 100 g, boiled fish - 100 g, vegetable salad Salad of the main product, cabbage and other greens, seasoned with lemon juice
Thursday Fresh cucumber, black bread toast Vegetable stew without oil, fresh cucumber, a small piece of hard cheese Vegetable salad with zucchini, cucumber, herbs and vegetable oil
Friday main vegetable, loaf Salad with vegetables (cabbage, cucumber, herbs, carrots) seasoned with vegetable oil, orange or grapefruit Salad with herbs and lemon juice, toast and a slice of cheese
Saturday One boiled egg, you can fry scrambled eggs, but without oil, fresh cucumber, toast Boiled vegetables in the form of puree soup, a portion of vegetable salad with cucumbers, cabbage and vegetable oil, boiled beef no more than 80 g, one pear or apple Salad with herbs and lemon juice
Sunday Toast and fresh cucumber Okroshka on kefir without potatoes and a green apple Salad with zucchini, cucumber, herbs and lemon juice

During the week, you can drink no more than 2 liters of liquid daily, which includes pure water, herbal and green teas. It is also recommended to take a multivitamin complex so as not to provoke general malaise.

Kefir-cucumber diet

The cucumber and kefir diet is popular due to its effectiveness - you can lose up to 1.5 kg of excess weight daily. During the day, no more than 6 glasses, they drink a cocktail of kefir and cucumber.

To prepare a drink, mix 1.5 liters of fermented milk product and 2-3 cucumbers, you can add a lot of greens. Everything is mixed with a blender and consumed every day in the main meals in a glass.

Of course, not a single cucumber diet can be followed without a multivitamin complex, because otherwise you may encounter general weakness, malaise, and even loss of consciousness. You should not use salted vegetables - they do not have the same benefit for weight loss, and the water will linger, and the process will slow down. The diet on cucumbers is quite difficult to maintain, but the result is worth it.

Is it possible to lose weight on cucumbers and how safe is it? How Much Can Cucumber Diet Help You Lose? What foods can be added to the diet? Does the cucumber diet work to lose 10 kg in a week? Features of the diet on the dietary vegetable itself, the secrets of Ksenia Borodina's star weight loss and the opinion of nutritionists about it.

The cucumber diet is a simple and common way to quickly lose weight. It is based on the use of only cucumbers or with the addition of other products: kefir, tomato, eggs, a small amount of meat and fish. Its popularity is facilitated by simplicity and cheapness, especially in the summer, when cucumbers "only from the garden" can be bought at any vegetable stall. But only this diet is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Unusual "vegetable" cucumber

In relation to cucumbers, a dismissive attitude has developed in society. Often they are not even considered food, they say - "I ate a cucumber, like I drank water." There is some truth in the last statement. Indeed, the fruits consist of 96.8 percent water, that is, almost completely!


The rest are sugars, nitrogenous compounds, fiber, mineral salts. Trace elements "dissolved" in the fruit pulp are balanced in optimal proportions to support the work of the heart, blood vessels and kidneys.

There is more potassium in cucumbers than in any other fruit, as much as one hundred and forty micrograms per hundred grams of weight. This explains the value of the product for anyone suffering from blood pressure disorders. The balance of salts helps to remove excess fluid from the body and normalizes blood pressure, while reducing the load on the heart and kidneys.

The product also contains other valuable elements.

  • Iodine. A valuable mineral is found in the fruit pulp in an easily digestible form. Regular consumption of cucumbers is a good prevention of thyroid diseases.
  • Sulfur and silicon. Trace elements, along with potassium, are involved in the structure of the skin, hair, nails, improve their appearance.
  • Enzymes. A special group of substances during digestion contributes to the production of vitamin C in the body. Also, cucumber enzymes help to absorb vitamin B2.
  • Saponins. The bitter taste that is sometimes felt in the peel of a cucumber is due to the content of saponins of the cucurbitacin group in it. These are valuable substances with anti-cancer activity, so bitter fruits should not be thrown away or peeled.

The cut fruit quickly loses its valuable properties. Oxidation processes take place in the pulp, which destroy beneficial enzymes and contribute to the production of harmful ones - ascorbate oxidase. This enzyme is aimed at the destruction of vitamin C, so it is necessary to use cucumbers in the form of whole fruits or immediately after cutting.

By the way, the fruit is mistakenly referred to as a vegetable. Along with watermelon, it is a berry. The most useful "berries" are ground, ranging in size from five to seven centimeters.

In summer they grow in abundance in open ground, but in winter they can only be grown in greenhouses. Such cucumbers are useful in fiber and trace elements. But there are much fewer vitamins in them than in soil, rich in substances of groups C, A, PP.


Diet on cucumbers can be considered the lowest calorie. The energy value of its main product is minimal. It is only sixteen kilocalories per hundred grams. Taking into account the daily intake of the fetus, it reaches no more than two hundred and fifty kilocalories.

This is very little, given the daily requirement of the human body for calorie intake. For women, it is 1600 Kcal, for men - 2000-2200 Kcal. By eating foods with a lower calorie content per day, you can consistently lose weight. The allowable calorie threshold for weight loss is 1100-1200 Kcal.


Enzymes found in cucumbers facilitate the absorption of proteins in the body. Thus, the fruits can be considered the best "companions" of meat and fish dishes. By the way, it is this diet, which includes lean meat or fish with vegetables, including cucumbers, that nutritionists consider optimal and most beneficial for the body.

Therefore, feel free to use cucumbers in the form of salads or whole fruits with boiled or baked chicken, fish. This dietary option will serve as a gradual weight loss and will not harm the body.

Types of cucumber diets

There are several types of cucumber diets. In the short term, only one product is used, in the long term, other products are used to increase the value of the diet.

mono diet

The concept of "mono" means that only one product is used in the power system. Given the composition and minimum calorie content of cucumber, it seems that it is ideal for this weight loss option.

The mono-diet menu is extremely simple: eat one and a half kilograms of fresh, ground cucumbers per day. Divide the entire amount of food into five doses, and between them drink clean still water. It is important to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day, but you can drink more, up to two and a half, three liters.

“The idea of ​​​​a cucumber mono-diet is very pretty,” comments nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko. - After all, when there are a lot of these fruits, you can eat them in any quantities, reducing the total caloric content of the diet. The body must begin to lose weight. But there is one significant "but" in such weight loss.

The disadvantage of the cucumber diet for weight loss in its pure form lies in the critical imbalance of the diet. The fact is that the use of one product for only two or three days causes a sharp "protest" of the body. The body feels a catastrophic shortage of the most important elements that it is used to receiving constantly.

These are fats that simply do not exist in cucumbers, this is a protein contained in a microscopic dose in the pulp of the fruit. It contains vitamins and microelements, but not in the full daily “dose” required by our body. The lack of the main "building material" for the cells of the body, vitamins and minerals invariably leads to a violation of the functions of organs and systems, and, accordingly, the development of diseases.

“In order to prevent disturbances in the functioning of the body, resort to a cucumber mono-diet only as a fasting day,” advises nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko. - The frequency of such days - once a week and even two, according to well-being. In one day, the body does not have time to “understand” that there has been a sharp restriction in the diet, and accordingly, there is no need to rebuild physiological processes. But it’s quite possible to lose excess, up to two or three kilograms during the day. ”

The effectiveness of fasting days on cucumbers is achieved only if you resort to them periodically. And the next day, be sure to return to your normal diet.

The nutrition system of Ksenia Borodina

In 2014, the cucumber diet of Ksenia Borodina, a popular TV presenter, appeared on the Internet, who managed to get rid of excess weight gained during pregnancy in a few months.

The history of the universal favorite, prone to overweight, was used by enterprising merchants, who immediately offered the "secret of Borodina's weight loss" for a certain amount. Often, pills and brochures appeared in this secret with an accurate description of how to quickly lose weight and come to a weight of 48 kilograms, which Ksenia still maintains.

The TV presenter herself was surprised that her weight loss of sixteen kilograms was the reason for the development of commercial projects, to which she had nothing to do. “My secret to losing weight is to refuse fasting and any fasting days,” Ksenia noted more than once. - Indeed, when I wanted to get rid of excess weight as quickly as possible, I tried pills. They helped for two or three months, and everything went as it should. But after that I began to notice that I was literally recovering from the air, and I refused the pills.

To achieve normal weight, the TV presenter advises to move more. “Three times a week I definitely work out in the gym,” Ksenia Borodina clarifies. - And after the birth of a child, when there was no time for training, I often and for a long time walked with my daughter in the park, in the fresh air. It's also a great body workout."

The TV presenter refused to eat pastries, sweets, any fast food. There are a lot of foods in her diet, and the fact that she only eats cucumbers is nothing more than a myth. “I love fish, skinless chicken, sorrel soup, asparagus,” Ksenia talks about her diet. However, I do not limit myself in food. When you start eating right, the desire to eat mayonnaise, ketchup or glazed cheese disappears on its own.

Ksenia does not offer any weight loss menus. But on specialized Internet portals, you can find a meal option according to Borodina for one day, which will help restore harmony.

  • After waking up. Drink a glass of water at least thirty minutes before meals. It will help your body wake up.
  • Breakfast. Cut a few cucumbers and herbs, season with lemon juice and olive oil. Eat with a slice of rye bread.
  • Dinner. Make soup from any vegetable in lean broth. Add separately boiled chicken breast to it. Make a cucumber and tomato salad, eat immediately after slicing.
  • Dinner. Vegetable salad with cucumbers and other light vegetables with low-fat cottage cheese is a good choice for weight loss.

According to Ksenia Borodina, it is important to play sports and not starve. Eat according to your appetite, eliminating too high-calorie foods from the diet, replacing them with light protein foods, an abundance of vegetables and seasonal fruits.

Menu for 7 days

The menu for the week of the cucumber diet is varied and balanced. Its name is rather conditional, since in addition to cucumbers you will consume a large number of other healthy and tasty foods. According to reviews, sticking to a diet is easy, as he is not hungry. Most products are available in the summer and fall and will show results within two weeks.

Table - Detailed menu for a week of cucumber diet

DaymealProducts and dishes
1 Breakfast2 cucumbers;
low-fat soft cheese;
whole grain rye bread;
green tea
Lunchmedium sized apple
Dinner2 boiled eggs;
cucumber salad, chopped greens with olive oil dressing
Lunchmedium sized orange
green tea
2 Breakfast
cucumber salad with herbs;
green tea
Lunchmedium sized apple
DinnerSalad with cucumber and radish with low-fat yogurt dressing;
boiled chicken fillet without skin
Lunchmedium sized orange
DinnerSalad of chopped cucumber, greens, soft cottage cheese with a fat content of up to two percent;
green tea
3 Breakfast
green tea
LunchBerries of your choice
DinnerBoiled fish fillet;
boiled rice;
salad with cucumber and tomatoes
LunchFruit of your choice
DinnerSalad of chopped cucumber, greens, soft cottage cheese with a fat content of up to two percent;
green tea
4 Breakfast2 cucumbers;
low-fat soft cheese;
whole grain rye bread;
green tea
LunchBerries or nuts of your choice
DinnerStewed vegetables;
baked chicken breast
LunchFruit of your choice
DinnerSalad of chopped cucumber, greens, soft cottage cheese with a fat content of up to two percent;
green tea
5 BreakfastFried eggs from two eggs, cooked under the lid;
cucumber salad with herbs;
green tea
LunchNuts or fruit
DinnerCabbage salad with cucumber;
baked fish fillet
LunchBerries to choose from
DinnerSalad of chopped cucumber, greens, soft cottage cheese with a fat content of up to two percent;
green tea
6 BreakfastOmelet from two eggs with a little milk, with herbs;
green tea
LunchBerries of your choice
DinnerVegetable soup on lean broth with the addition of boiled chicken;
whole grain bread
LunchFruit of your choice
DinnerSalad of chopped cucumber, greens, soft cottage cheese with a fat content of up to two percent;
green tea
7 Breakfast2 boiled eggs;
cucumber salad, chopped greens with olive oil dressing;
whole grain bread
DinnerVegetable soup;
boiled fish fillet;
salad of cucumber, radish, herbs
DinnerSalad of chopped cucumber, greens, soft cottage cheese with a fat content of up to two percent;
green tea

A cucumber diet will help a person who wants to quickly and effectively lose weight. This is a unique way to remove toxins from the body, completely cleanse the intestines from other harmful accumulations. There are several options for such nutrition, in which you can get rid of 3-10 kg.

What is the effect of cucumber-based nutrition?

This vegetable has a diuretic effect, which makes it possible to remove retained fluid from the body. Daily use of cucumbers improves metabolism, restores water-salt balance, and helps cleanse the skin. Along with this, the vegetable crop does not cause an allergic reaction, which is very important for allergy sufferers.

The basis of nutrition is cucumbers, they are saturated with fiber and water. If you eat them every day for 2 kg, then there will be no feeling of hunger. Therefore, the dietary menu is designed in such a way that a person eats 1.5-2.5 kg of cucumbers daily in several doses. With the help of this diet, it is possible to lose unnecessary 10 kilograms in a week.

Menu for the week


  • Breakfast: one small slice of rye bread, a couple of fresh cucumbers
  • Snack: one orange
  • Lunch: liquid lunch of 1 cucumber, 1 radish, 1 carrot (without stewing). Eat one green apple
  • Afternoon snack: fresh cucumber
  • Dinner: a mix of one cucumber with parsley, seasoned with vegetable oil


  • Breakfast: rye bread - 1 slice, fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Snack: one green apple
  • Lunch: prepare a salad of one radish and cucumber, eat 50 g of boiled veal
  • Afternoon snack: fresh cucumber
  • Dinner: mix of cucumber and parsley seasoned with vegetable oil


  • Breakfast: a small piece of rye bread, a couple of cucumbers
  • Snack: one medium-sized apple
  • Lunch: eat boiled lean fish - 100 g, boiled rice - 100 g along with one pickled cucumber
  • Snack: mix of one fresh cucumber, herbs in oil (vegetable)
  • Dinner: one fresh cucumber


  • Breakfast: rye bread - 1 piece, fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Snack: one large pear
  • Lunch: boiled rice - 100 g, fresh cucumber - 1 pc., take hard cheese - 20 g.
  • Afternoon snack: season one chopped cucumber with chopped parsley with vegetable oil
  • Dinner: fresh cucumber


  • Breakfast: a piece of rye bread, a couple of cucumbers
  • Snack: one green apple
  • Lunch: chop and mix 1 cucumber, 200 g cabbage, 1 carrot, 1 radish. Separately eat a small orange
  • Afternoon snack: prepare a salad of one cucumber and parsley in vegetable oil, eat 20 g of hard cheese
  • Dinner: one fresh cucumber


  • Breakfast: a small piece of rye bread, fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Snack: medium tangerine
  • Lunch: cook a soup of 1 carrot, 1 radish, 1 cucumber without roasting. Eat one hard boiled egg, one pear
  • Snack: a mix of one cucumber and parsley in vegetable oil
  • Dinner: medium cucumber


  • Breakfast: a slice of rye bread, a couple of cucumbers
  • Snack: pear
  • Lunch: a liquid vegetable lunch without pre-roasting: radish, carrot, cucumber - 1 each. Separately eat an apple
  • Afternoon snack: prepare a mix of one cucumber and parsley seasoned with vegetable oil
  • Dinner: cucumber

As practice shows, this type of diet helps to lose extra 10 kg of weight in 7 days. If hunger is felt, then in the intervals between meals it is allowed to eat more cucumbers. One such vegetable is also recommended 2 hours before bedtime. Just remember that the number of cucumbers in one day should be a maximum of 2.5 kg. Before going to bed, you are allowed to eat an orange or a large green apple.

If you really want to eat, it is recommended to drink one glass of low-fat kefir. Throughout the week, you can consume plain water, as well as green or black tea without added sugar. Decoctions of useful herbs are recommended. Do not use carbonated or alcoholic drinks.

How to live after a diet so that the weight does not return?

For a person who has lost weight, maintaining weight is an important step. Therefore, you need to learn how to properly exit the diet. After the seventh day of nutrition, a light diet should be continued, including cucumbers for the first two days. You can not immediately switch to fatty foods. Otherwise, there will be pain in the stomach, indigestion and the result will be an unwanted, rapid return of weight.

It is forbidden to use the first week after the diet an immense amount of sweets, flour products. It is necessary to gradually include chocolate, meat, white bread in small portions.

Pros of the Cucumber Diet:

  1. The low cost of products allows everyone to sit on such a diet.
  2. Such nutrition helps to normalize metabolism.
  3. The intestines are cleansed in a safe and natural way.
  4. The skin condition improves.
  5. The 7-day menu is especially suitable for overweight people.

Pills, liposuction, dietary supplements - there are countless ways to get rid of excess weight. Hundreds of nutrition concepts have been invented, entire research institutes have been created. Separately taken individuals are ready to spend a fortune on getting rid of hated kilograms. Although in reality, for weight loss, apart from reducing calories and increasing physical activity, nothing is needed. Moreover, some diets will significantly save the budget and free up time.

Cucumber diet for weight loss - fast, cheap, convenient

Fresh, crispy, juicy cucumber is the perfect product for weight loss. Losing weight all over the world sing odes to the cucumber. And no wonder - this is the only food other than water that can be consumed in unlimited quantities. Only 14 calories per 100 g - and no fat! Cucumbers are cheap (in season), you do not need to cook complex dishes from them, and the result will exceed the wildest expectations. It is another matter to keep this phenomenal result.

What is hidden inside the cucumber? 5% of its composition is carotene, potassium, vitamins, minerals. And the remaining 95% is water. Obviously, it is categorically impossible to call such nutrition complete. That is why the cucumber diet belongs to the category of mono-diets, which are followed for a short period of time.

What does a person gain by using the services of the most non-caloric vegetable in the world?

Benefits of the Cucumber Diet:

  • getting rid of edema,
  • restoration and improvement of metabolism,
  • excretion of cholesterol from the body,
  • prevention of kidney stones,
  • improvement of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • volume reduction,
  • weight loss.

Before rushing into the cucumber pool, you should give an objective assessment of the state of your health. There are a number of contraindications for this diet:

  • diarrhea,
  • engaging in active sports (although with active sports it is unlikely that you will have problems with being overweight),
  • gastritis, peptic ulcer,
  • tendency to overeat after completing any diet.

Fiber in the composition of the cucumber enhances peristalsis, with diarrhea, the situation can be greatly aggravated and lead to dehydration. And if you give up the intention to lose weight, there is no way - instead of cucumber, you can use it, which will cope with the upset intestines.

Active sports require a nutritious diet rich in protein and carbohydrates. Cucumber starvation at high motor loads will destroy the metabolism. It should be noted that the optimal unloading time on cucumbers alone should not exceed 1-3 days. Longer distances should be enriched with additional products.

Cucumber diet for 7 days

A 7-day cucumber week will help get rid of 5 kilograms, toxins and restore metabolism. It is necessary to eat for seven days with a special cucumber salad, which is prepared in the morning and eaten during the day in three doses.

"Slimming" salad. Recipe

  • 1 kg fresh cucumbers,
  • 30 g low-fat sour cream,
  • greens to taste (, or other).

Washed cucumbers are coarsely cut, seasoned with sour cream and chopped herbs. Salt is not recommended to be added, otherwise the effectiveness of the diet will decrease. Before the first salad for breakfast, you can eat a boiled egg or a small piece of boiled beef. Hunger pangs in the evening can be removed with two or a large green apple.

If such a menu is only surprising and losing weight is still not ready to torture yourself with a salad and an egg for a week, there is another version of the cucumber diet with a varied menu.

Cucumber Diet #2

Day 1

Breakfast 1-7: a slice of rye bread, a couple of cucumbers.

Lunch: okroshka from cucumbers, radishes and; one green apple.

Dinner: salad of cucumbers and herbs.

Day 2

Lunch: 50 g of boiled beef, cucumber and radish salad.

Day 3

Lunch: 100 g boiled fish, 200 g boiled, one pickled cucumber.

Dinner: salad of cucumbers and herbs, seasoned with oil.

Day 4

Lunch: 100 g of boiled rice, one cucumber, 20 g of hard cheese.

Dinner: salad of cucumbers and herbs.

Day 5

Lunch: salad of cucumbers, radishes and cabbage, you can add carrots and an apple.

Dinner: cucumber salad with herbs, 20 g of hard cheese.

Day 6-7

Lunch: okroshka with cucumber, radish, carrots and egg; pear or apple.

Dinner: cucumber salad with herbs.

Breakfast does not change for seven days. All salads are dressed with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, lemon juice, salt is not added. Vegetable mass per day - one kilogram. In some cases, weight loss on such a diet can reach 7 kg. But this menu will not save you from vitamin deficiency, so you should definitely take a vitamin-mineral complex.

In general, any well removes the liquid. Even on potatoes without salt, you can lose pounds. But water loss is not fat loss. Moreover, it is impossible to get rid of such an amount of fat in a week. Such diets are an excellent express tool for losing weight or removing puffiness. But one has only to return to the usual diet with the use of salt - the liquid will return to normal, and the arrows of the scales will inexorably show a rapid "gain". However, it is impossible to talk about the uselessness of the diet - nevertheless, any vegetable unloading has a very favorable effect on the body.

Ara: “Can you tell me, does the weight return after the cucumber diet?”

Elena: What a question! The daily calorie content of the diet is 700-800 kcal. Of course, if you go to 1800 after the diet, then the weight will definitely come back.”

And yet the most popular diet is the cucumber diet with kefir.

Cucumber diet with kefir: reviews and opinions

The cucumber-kefir diet, reviews of which are multiplying on the Internet with every hot summer day, has won the hearts of millions. Many celebrities lost weight and lost tens of kilograms on it (according to the media).

To get closer to the stars, all you need is one and a half liters of kefir and a couple of cucumbers. The components are mixed in a blender, and the resulting cocktail is drunk throughout the day. Duration - from one to seven days. Apart from such a "smoothie" nothing else can be used. According to statements, you can lose weight up to two kilograms a day. The only small allowance that you can afford is a bunch of greenery. It is added in crushed form to the drink.

Again, the cucumber-kefir diet can be significantly diversified, but you will have to put up with a smaller plumb line. Here's what it might look like enriched kefir-cucumber diet:

Breakfast: cucumber salad with greens on kefir (okroshka).

Lunch: boiled fish, okroshka.

Dinner: salad of cucumbers, herbs with vegetable oil.

During the day, with acute hunger, you can snack on a cucumber, at night you can drink a glass of kefir (do you agree that it sounds a little mocking?).

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