Involuntary startling on falling asleep. Why do you twitch when you fall asleep? Why does a newborn startle in a dream

The human body is the greatest mystery, and scientists have not been able to fully solve it. Of particular interest are issues related to sleep. For example, many do not understand why a person twitches when falling asleep, and what this phenomenon may indicate. Is this related to the disease or are such tremors natural? Why does this phenomenon occur from time to time and not in all people?

Various theories

Since ancient times, people have been interested in why a person twitches when falling asleep, and in this regard they put forward their assumptions. It was believed that when the body relaxes, the brain perceives this state as the beginning of death and therefore sends impulses to the body to wake up. After making sure that everything is fine, the brain switches to the rest stage.

Some were sure that such conditions indicated a person's predisposition to epilepsy. But, as has been established over time, this disease and muscle impulses are not related.

For a long time, mothers have convinced their children that nighttime shudders are a sign that the child is growing. Many unquestioningly believed this. But, to the surprise of most, when growing up was already over, for some reason the shuddering did not stop.

Also, some scientists had their own opinion on why a person twitches when he falls asleep. For example, A. Ts. Golbin was convinced that such muscle contractions are just transitions from one stage of sleep to the next. But how is it in reality?

Modern research

Today, sleep scientists have a different explanation for why a person twitches when falling asleep. After repeated experiments, it became apparent that short-term muscle contraction allows the body to relax to a greater extent. It has been observed that such winces usually occur after a hard day. At the same time, the load could be not only physical, but also psychological. As a rule, the body is not able to fully relax after the stress experienced. That is why the brain sends impulses to the muscles of the body, after which complete relaxation occurs. Scientists have given this phenomenon its name - myoclonus.

What can be done?

More often than not, myoclonus is not a pleasure, and many would like to avoid it. What can be done to minimize the chance of flinching? There are several recommendations that you need to heed. But if, after the effort, the leg still twitches when falling asleep or the whole body shudders, it is better to consult a doctor. So here are some tips:

  • Ask a loved one for a light relaxing massage.
  • Prepare an infusion of chamomile and valerian.
  • Do light exercises, in which there will be simple stretching exercises.
  • Take a 15-minute bath in which a few drops of your favorite essential oil are added.
  • Review your schedule and try to get at least eight hours of sleep each night.
  • Drink sedatives and vitamin complexes.

Myoclonus during sedentary life

As already noted, a person shudders when falling asleep only after a hard day, but sometimes this phenomenon occurs in people who lead a sedentary or recumbent life. Unfortunately, this indicates a strong overexertion of the muscles, and there is probably blood stasis. In this case, in order to avoid subsequent health problems, a person needs to be prescribed a massage. It is also desirable to start moving. If this is not possible, you need to periodically change the position of the body.

But you should not forget that myoclonus also occurs after experienced stress, overexcitation and strong emotional disorders. To calm down, you should take an herbal bath and drink warm tea, milk, or another healthy relaxing drink.

Often, children experience too strong emotions. Mothers may notice leg twitches when their babies fall asleep. Therefore, before going to bed, they need to calm their child, make a pleasant massage, read or draw with him.

Startle in babies

Sometimes parents notice how their very young children twitch when falling asleep. This phenomenon alarms them, and they sound the alarm. But do not forget that the sleep of a baby is not at all the same as that of an adult. Recall how a person falls asleep and that his deep sleep phase can last from two to three hours. While in babies this period lasts only an hour. Then comes superficial sleep. During this period, the baby can move its legs and arms. Therefore, do not be afraid if the baby twitches in a dream, because this indicates that your child is not in a deep sleep phase and is dreaming. At this time, you should avoid waking the child, as this may affect his well-being.

It is best to provide him with a restful sleep so that nothing disturbs the child. To do this, before putting the baby in the crib, arrange a warm bath with the addition of mild soothing herbs. Also in the room itself, install an unobtrusive night light. Such measures will help your baby to relax and see pleasant dreams.

Many are faced with such a process as shuddering of the body at the time of falling asleep or in a dream. Why is this happening? Not so long ago, a scientific explanation for the phenomenon was provided.

General information about the sleep process

The study of the nature of dreams began actively in the 20th century. Scientists have found that sleep is a complex multifaceted process that is divided into several phases. Many are faced with the fact that in the evening they simply fall down from fatigue, nervous tension, and think that they will fall asleep literally within two minutes. It's a delusion. A person falls into sleep gradually, even after a busy day full of events. It takes about two hours to go from one phase to another.

The body twitches violently during sleep, most often in children and people with chronic fatigue. Let's analyze each situation separately.

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Why does a child twitch in a dream?

The baby shudders when falling asleep because his sleep phases are different from adults. In adults, deep sleep lasts an average of 2.5 hours, in a child - only an hour. During the superficial phase, or, as it is also called, drowsiness, the baby moves his arms, legs, says something, smiles and even laughs. His consciousness, brain are actively working, and everything that he imagines is displayed in reality. It is not necessary to wake the child at this moment, this is fraught with severe fright, stress.

Why does one have it every night, and the other - once every six months? It's all about the temperament of the baby, the level of mental development, the state of the central nervous system. Some children easily "throw everything out of their heads", while others experience the moment again and again.

To help the baby calmly immerse himself in the kingdom of Morpheus, you can use:

  • Warm bath half an hour before bedtime. It would be nice to add soothing herbs (mint, sage);
  • Comfortable temperature in the bedroom. Optimally - 20 degrees of heat;
  • After reading a good story before going to bed, chat for a few minutes about pleasant trifles.

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Why does an adult twitch when he falls asleep?

For those who live according to the regime, lead a measured calm life, such a phenomenon is a rarity.

But those who work overtime experience psychological discomfort, often shuddering at the moment of falling asleep. The thing is that a person, being in the stage of REM sleep, reacts sharply to any stimuli: the light outside the window or in the next room, the breath of the wind, loud music - whatever. The muscles of the body contract unconsciously. This is the body's standard defense against external influences. In people with hard and nervous work, such protection is very strong.

In the evening, you go to bed, cozying up in a soft bed. The long-awaited dream is about to come, but suddenly you wake up with the feeling that someone pulled your leg or pushed you. Everyone has faced such a situation, and not once. Why does a person shudder in a dream, what could be the reasons for such behavior and is it dangerous for our health?

What causes a person to twitch in their sleep

For a long time, scientists have found that sleep is a complex process consisting of several phases. If your day was too intense, including physical activity, by the evening you will feel tired. It would seem that one has only to lie down in bed - and sleep will come almost immediately. Actually it is not. Immersion in sleep takes place gradually, and the transition from one phase to another lasts about two hours.

The process of falling asleep can take about two hours.

Most often in a dream, children and people with chronic fatigue or in a stressful state shudder.

Why do babies twitch in their sleep

Sleep phases in a child and an adult are significantly different. Deep sleep of an adult can last up to 2.5 hours, for a baby - only an hour. While the superficial phase lasts (it is called drowsiness), the baby can smile or laugh, toss and turn, say something. At this time, the brain is active and everything that the child imagines and remembers happens to him in reality.

During sleep, the child can behave actively: do not wake him up at such moments

The frequency of such behavior directly depends on the temperament of the child. Someone twitches in a dream almost every night, while for someone this is observed much less often. The fact is that some children can quickly and easily throw out what happened, while others remember events for a long time, experiencing them again and again. But the problem may be in the level of mental development or in the state of the central nervous system.

In order for the child to fall asleep quickly and calmly, follow the rules:

  1. Bathe in a warm bath half an hour before bedtime. Add soothing herbs like sage or mint to your water.
  2. Control the temperature in the bedroom. The most comfortable temperature is +20°C.
  3. Read a fairy tale before going to bed, talk for a few minutes on abstract topics.

Reasons why an adult twitches while falling asleep

If you lead a measured lifestyle and live according to the regime, this phenomenon will be rare. But it can often be observed in those who often face stressful situations and psychological discomfort. During the stage of REM sleep, a person can react to many things around: the light in the next room, loud music, and more can become an irritant. Muscles contract, and thus the body is protected from external influences.

Stressful situations often lead to sleep disturbance

Technically, this is what happens: you fall asleep, and all the muscles of the body relax. The brain at this time is still working and notices that the body seems to be losing support or even dying. Sleep is physiologically similar to dying: temperature and pressure decrease, breathing slows down. The brain sends a signal to the nervous system, due to which almost all muscles contract at the same time. In medicine, this phenomenon is called sleep myoclonus.

How to stop shuddering when falling asleep?

Since this phenomenon is natural, it will not work to stop it forever. But you can keep it to a minimum. Well ventilate the rooms, rest often and relax in fresh rest. You can do yoga or other sports.

Try to avoid stressful situations and things that adversely affect the emotional sphere. If this is not possible, take warm baths with aromatic oils, drink herbal infusions. Massage helps to relax.

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If startling in a dream occurs very often, consult a doctor who will prescribe medication. Believe me, it's better than running the situation. There was a period of frequent stress in my life, and I could not sleep half the night because of such shudders: they just followed one after another. It turns out that if you start these symptoms, you can wait for such a phenomenon as sleep paralysis, accompanied by hallucinations and panic attacks.

Video: why a person shudders when he falls asleep

Starting and twitching in a dream is a completely normal reaction of the body. By itself, it will not bring harm, but it is this phenomenon that indicates that something is going wrong in your life. Listen to this signal, and be sure to give your body a rest. Good luck!

Spasm that occurs when a person begins to fall asleep. This name was given to him due to the transitional period between sleep and wakefulness, also known as hypnagogia. It is important to understand that a hypnagogic jerk, jerk, or spasm (underline as necessary, as they are all about the same phenomenon) is completely normal. But why does it occur? Let's try to explain.

In fact, muscle spasms can occur spontaneously and for no particular reason, but can be triggered by light, sound, or other external stimuli. Some people, writes Live Science, report hypnagogic jerks, accompanied by a feeling of falling or bright lights and sounds, which in reality, of course, are not. But this is more the exception than the rule.

As for jerks themselves, according to research, 60-70% of people experience them regularly. However, many people may not even be aware of hypnagogic seizures, especially if they occur in the middle of the night and do not cause the person to wake up.

Psychologists are convinced that the most common causes of hypnagogic jerks are stress, excessive fatigue, large amounts of caffeine consumed, and regular sleep deprivation. Each of the factors can increase the frequency and severity of seizures, so if this began to happen to you almost every day, it makes sense to think what you are doing wrong.

"Intense physical activity or exercising in the evening can also contribute to an increase in bizarre jerks," says Michelle Drerup, an expert at the Sleep Disorders Center at the Cleveland Clinic.

Interestingly, the scientific community still cannot agree on what happens to the body during a jerk. However, there are several theories about this. The most popular theory is that hypnagogic jerks are a natural part of our body's transition from a state of alertness to a state of sleep and are associated primarily with nerve endings.

Another theory takes an evolutionary approach, suggesting that spasms in this case are an action that precedes muscle relaxation during sleep, which we inherited from primates. Essentially, it's about our brains misinterpreting relaxation, still thinking we're monkeys that might fall out of a tree, and triggering a response that could prevent the fall.

“Hypnagogic jerks should not be taken as a cause for concern,” concludes Michel Drerup. “However, if cramps make you wake up in the middle of the night and, as a result, feel during the day, then you should talk to a specialist about it.”

Many do not regard involuntary muscle twitches as a nervous tic and believe that they will pass on their own. It is almost impossible to find information on the Internet that would systematize all the symptoms and at the same time describe the features of a nervous tic or convulsions of individual parts of the body. In our article, you can find information about the twitching of various parts of the body, their causes and the symptoms of diseases that can cause such phenomena, as well as get acquainted with the methods of treatment.

If you have muscle twitching all over your body or in certain parts of it, you should definitely consult a doctor. He will be able to determine whether it is a nervous tic or seizures. Given that all human movements must be conscious and coordinated, a nervous tic not only brings discomfort to the perception of one's body, but can also signal mental, vegetative-vascular and immune diseases. It should be borne in mind that self-medication will not always be effective, and often cause irreparable harm, it is worth seeking the advice of a doctor. Let's look at certain types of nervous tics and hyperkinesis of various parts of the body in more detail.

Nervous tic

Nervous tic- this is muscle contraction, which is characterized by arrhythmia and involuntary character. It can be temporary and permanent. A temporary effect can be caused by strong feelings, fear, or a pinched nerve. And a permanent tick is formed with a lack of trace elements after an illness.
Types of nervous tic and hyperkinesis:
- Grinding of teeth.
- Twitching of the wings of the nose.
- Brief twitching of the muscles of the limbs.
- Shaking the head.
- Nervous tic from hyperkinesis in sleep.

Also tick is divided depending on localization:
- Local tick is manifested in the contraction of one muscle group.
- A generalized tic combines the simultaneous contraction of several groups at once, and at the same time they begin and stop at the same time.

Consequences of muscle twitching

The causes of a nervous tic can be:

- lack of vitamins and trace elements, such as potassium or iron;

- head injury;

- prolonged emotional and mental stress;

- strong feelings;

- pinched nerve;

- neuralgia or vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Consequences that can lead to the lack of treatment of nervous tics:

– pinched nerve and increased muscle tension;

- if the cause of a nervous tic is vegetovascular dystonia, then the result may be a violation of blood circulation;

- a nervous tic caused by excessive physical exertion can lead to convulsions or partial loss of limb mobility.

Why does involuntary twitching of the muscles of the arms and legs occur?

Given that the muscles of these parts of the body are most involved in everyday life, their twitches can be caused not only by psycho-emotional, but also by strong physical stress. For example, after a long workout with weights, a phenomenon such as twitching of the muscles of the arms and legs can be observed. As a rule, such phenomena pass on their own within a few days. However, if the twitching continues for a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor, first of all, a therapist who determines the need to consult a neurologist, psychologist or neurosurgeon.

Why does the muscle on the shoulder twitch

Spontaneous twitching of the muscles of the shoulder joint can be caused by physical exertion. This phenomenon is usually observed in athletes or people whose profession is related to loading and unloading. If the twitching is permanent, then it may be due to a lack of potassium in the body. In this case, after consulting a doctor, medication will be prescribed, including vitamin therapy. In addition, twitching of the left shoulder can be associated with heart disease, therefore, if such a symptom occurs, it is recommended to consult a general practitioner or cardiologist.

Why does the nose twitch

Twitching of the nose, involuntary sniffing is quite often caused precisely by psychological experiences. This type of twitching requires a mandatory visit to a neurologist. If such a tick is of a one-time nature, it would be advisable to take sedatives and do soothing breathing exercises. Facial massage will also help in eliminating a nervous tic if it is associated with an overstrain of facial muscles.

Why does the head twitch involuntarily

Head tremor can be caused by various serious diseases:

- multiple sclerosis;

- neuralgia;

- disease of the cerebellum;

- alcohol and drug abuse;

- strong stress;

- side effects from taking various drugs.

Such twitches are divided into benign and malignant.

Benign, as a rule, are not associated with any serious diseases and do not cause serious discomfort to the patient. As a rule, this type of tremor occurs in adolescence due to insufficient work of the thyroid gland.

Diagnosis of causes:

– special studies of head tremor;

- electromagnetic radiation of the brain;

- tomography and MRI of the brain.

Why spontaneous leg trembling occurs in a dream

As you know, brain activity does not stop during sleep. Spontaneous muscle twitching during sleep has even received a scientific name - Simmonds nocturnal myoclonus. Such shudders do not pose any danger to human health, they are directly related to the activity of the brain during sleep. If involuntary trembling of the legs leads to awakening, then we can talk about Okbom's restless legs syndrome. The main reason why these syndromes occur is neurosis and improper functioning of the subcortical part of the brain. In order to determine what such twitches are associated with, it is necessary to study the work of the vessels, as well as the psychological state of the patient. After identifying the cause, we can talk about the appointment of treatment. It may include:

- taking sedative and epileptic drugs;

- rest and absence of psychological stress can be shown;

– massage and muscle relaxation;

- Dieting and taking vitamins.

What to do if the muscles twitch on their own

If this problem occurs, first of all, it is worth analyzing the previous few days, in the event that such twitches are one-time. If a few days before the onset of such a symptom, there was severe stress, nervous tension, or a psycho-emotional state, then you need to have a good rest, do breathing exercises, and such twitches will disappear on their own.

If there are chronic diseases, such twitches may be associated with their exacerbations or the general course of the disease. In this case, it is necessary to contact, first of all, a therapist who will determine a specialist whose competence is qualified to answer the question of why twitching occurs and how to eliminate them.

After consulting a therapist, such a cause of twitching as beriberi, namely, an insufficient content of potassium and iron in the blood, can be established. In this case, the most effective treatment will be vitamin therapy and the use of special preparations.

If there is a constant or prolonged twitching of the muscle, it is imperative to examine the vascular system: do an electro- or tomographic study of the brain, which will answer the questions: what is it - a pinched nerve or insufficient blood circulation of the brain, which in turn can cause involuntary twitching muscles in various parts of the body.

In the event that the twitching of the muscles of the arms and legs arose after prolonged strength exercises, first of all, physical activity should be excluded and the muscles should be allowed to rest. This type of twitching usually resolves on its own within a few days and does not recur.

Video: Neuroses and muscle spasms


Involuntary twitching of various muscles can be uncomfortable. Therefore, if such symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a specialist, since involuntary muscle twitching is not always associated solely with the transferred stress or increased physical activity. Sometimes such twitches can be caused by various serious diseases and are their only symptoms. Timely consultation with a doctor will not only eliminate twitching, but also prevent their further occurrence.

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