Games monster high fear. History and main characters. Fear! Camera! Motor! In pursuit of the vampire queen

All students from the School of Monsters try to spend their summer holidays in the south, preferring the resorts of tropical countries. But the hot sun does not please everyone. For Draculaura, the daughter of the most famous vampire, Count Dracula, the joys of a beautiful tan are not available. Even the best sunscreen does not save the beauty from sunburn. Such is the nature of vampires. Therefore, Draculaura is only on the beach very early in the morning and tries not to linger there after sunrise. But this time she did not have time to hide from the merciless rays and now she must somehow get to her house. And this can be done in only one way - by arranging a big dig and climbing into deep dungeons. You will have to dig with an umbrella. Can you help Draculaura get through mysterious underground passages to the house itself?

How to play?

Use the arrows to guide the beauty forward. Avoid encounters with creepy underground man-eating crabs. You will often have to change the direction of your moves. Treasures are hidden under a layer of sand and coins are scattered. Collect everything you find. The transition to a new level is possible only if you collect absolutely all the values. Have a fun walk in the company of Draculaura!

Here you can play free online game "Monster High: Fear of the Sun"

Meet the new series of Monster High dolls "Fear, camera, action!" (can be bought in our online store site) is the title of the new film of the same name, which will be released in the spring of 2014. It will debut new heroines: Claudia Wolf, Elizabeth, Honey Swamp and Viperin Gorgon. Related to the plot of the film are such lines of puppets as “Fear, Camera, Action! - Hontlywood" and "Fear, camera, action! - Black carpet.

History and main characters

The film follows the adventures of the monsters as they try to find the missing vampire queen, Elizabeth, as well as the Vampire Heart, who usually decides who will be the real vampire queen. In the footsteps of Elizabeth, the monsters will go to Londum, New Gorlean and Hontleywood.

On March 12, 2013, Julie Maddalena Clavier posted the following on Facebook: “Just working on the new Monster High movie! This is an incredible new adventure for Robecca and Draculaura!!!" It is very likely that the post is about the movie "Fear, Camera, Action!", since both Draculaura and Robecca are directly related to Elizabeth and the Vampire Heart.

In general, almost all the new characters in the film have familiar features. Claudia is the older sister of Claude and Claudine Wolfe, who will also appear on screen. Viperin is Deuce's cousin, whose participation in the film has also been confirmed. Elizabeth is Draculaura's childhood friend - when they were both young, they were often mistaken for sisters. And Honey is from the same city as Operetta, who will also be in the movie Fear, Camera, Action!. But in addition to the presentation of new characters at the Comic Con 2013 festival, a completely new heroine was introduced - Jane Bulittle. It does not apply to the dolls of the series "Fear, camera, action!" and it is not yet known for sure if she will appear in the film. Notably, her trademark was at the same time as that of Hexisia Steam, Robecca's missing father. Elizabeth's diary states that he was the one who helped her escape, and it is he who still possesses the Vampire Heart. Given that Robecca is one of the "star" characters of the Monster High, it is likely that her father will appear in the film.

If you love the cartoon about Monster High, know a lot about fashion, have a great sense of style and taste, then help Scara Screams dress up for the ceremony of honoring the vampire queen in the game Monster High: Fear! Camera! Motor!

Fear! Camera! Motor! In pursuit of the vampire queen!

This exciting dress up game for girls invites you to plunge into the new adventures of your favorite characters from Monster High. This time in the life of Draculaura, an event of her whole life is planned: one of these days she should ascend the throne as the queen of vampires. The hero of the occasion herself and her faithful girlfriends from Monster High go to fabulous Transylvania. The girls armed themselves with cameras to capture it on film.

But when the crown was already hoisted on Draculaura, it turned out that the data turned out to be erroneous. The identity of the real queen can only be revealed by the Vampire Heart artifact. Girls in the game Monster High: Fear! Camera! Motor! I had to work hard to find a magical artifact and declassify the identity of the real queen. She turned out to be the greatest actress and favorite of the cameras - Veronica.

In connection with the stardom of the personality of Queen Elizabeth, an even grander event is planned than previously thought. Veronica will receive an Oscar at the film festival for her contribution to the art of the monster world. At the same time, the coronation of the new queen will also take place.

Death Harbinger from Monster High

Scara Screams (or Sarah) has one of the most intimidating looks among Monster High's girlfriends. Her lifeless white eyes, bluish-greenish skin and lips involuntarily resemble a drowned woman. Her voice can cause indescribable fear. No wonder her name is translated as "Frightening Scream." These are the distinctive features of the heroes of Irish mythology - the banshees. There are terrible legends about these mythical creatures that they poisoned knights, etc. But the worst thing is that the voice of the banshee always announces death.

Not surprisingly, the heroes of the games are afraid of Scara Screams and do not want to hear her. In the game School of Monsters, she learned telepathy and now communicates with friends and acquaintances in her thoughts.

But if we discard the mythological horror stories and ignore her ugly appearance, then Skara Scrims is actually a very kind and friendly monster with a gentle soul.

Vampire Queen coronation outfit

Any girl dreams at least once in her life to show off in front of the cameras, to hear the phrase “Motor! Taken!” and feel like a celebrity. Today is such a day in the life of Skara Screams.

Usually, Sarah's image in the game instills fear in everyone from Monster High, but today she is preparing to plunge into an acting life full of cameras and filming motors. Skrims is going to walk the red carpet of the film festival together with her friends from the School of Monsters as the retinue of the new vampire queen Veronica, and then attend the coronation and party. The event will bring together the most famous stars of Monsterwood, there will be hundreds of cameras and paparazzi.

This event will be covered in all newspapers and TV channels of the world Monster High. Skara Screams has never been to events of this level, so she is afraid to lose her face. She is afraid that she will look bad in front of the camera.

She urgently needs a smart stylist to create a new look for a party in the game. Hearing from the Monster High girls about your great taste and knowledge of fashion, she invites you to become her stylist in the game.

At your disposal in the game will be an extensive arsenal of outfits. Go to different sections of the menu and choose dresses, shoes, earrings, beads, handbags, hairstyles, etc. Experiment, combine different details. Try to create an extraordinary and spectacular image so that Scara Screams, looking in the mirror, instantly forgets about fear and gains confidence in her irresistibility in front of the cameras.

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