Stories stories tales about space. A fantastic fairy tale about space for schoolchildren. Crab (retelling from Miroslav Valek)

Once upon a time there was an astronaut named Savushkin who never flew into space. You may ask: how is it possible that you are an astronaut and have never flown into space? Yes, very simple. Football players, for example, have reserve players, and astronauts have backup players. A backup is a spare astronaut who flies into space if something happens to the main astronaut at the last minute before launch. Well, his wife will call him on his cell phone and say that she accidentally broke his favorite cup. The astronaut’s mood, of course, will immediately deteriorate. How can you fly into space with a bad mood? No way. So he doesn’t fly, but a backup flies instead. Our Savushkin was such an understudy.

A year passes, two passes, three, four, five... And Savushkin is still an understudy and an understudy. Others do nothing but fly into space. But Savushkin is not. At the cosmodrome he would wave to the next astronaut and go home without a sip. And he is not happy at home. Because his wife is not sugar. And she saw... Savushkin kept nagging and nagging, nagging and nagging: “When will you finally fly into space?..” In addition, Savushkin has children - all of them are poor students.

In short, Savushkin was unlucky with either space, his wife, or his children.

And one day Savushkin was sitting at the window in the evening, saddened, looking at the starry sky.

“Really,” he thinks, “will I never fly into space?”

And then suddenly the phone rang - ding-ding.

“I’m listening,” says Savushkin.

Is this cosmonaut Savushkin? - the invisible interlocutor asks.

Understudy Savushkin,” Savushkin corrects him with a heavy sigh.

Do you want to become a real astronaut? - asks his invisible interlocutor. - Do you want to fly into space?

Of course I want to,” Savushkin answers with an even heavier sigh. - Who will let me in there?

“I’ll launch it,” answers the invisible interlocutor.

And who are you? - Savushkin asks him.

“It doesn’t matter,” the interlocutor replies.

But how...

And so it is. And in general, there’s something I don’t understand: do you want to fly into space or do you want to know who I am?

Into the space! - the understudy Savushkin blurted out.

Well, then, fly. A car will pick you up and take you to our secret cosmodrome, from which you will launch on a secret rocket into space.

And when? - Savushkin asks with bated breath, afraid to believe his happiness.

Right now.

And then again - ding-ding! - call. But this time it’s not a telephone call, but a doorbell. And on the threshold - some man.

Are you cosmonaut Savushkin?

Get ready for space.

Well, why should Savushkin get ready? He's a double. He's always ready! I put on my spacesuit, got into the car... We rushed off.

Where are we going? - Savushkin asks the driver.

To the secret cosmodrome.

That's all. Say no more.

They rushed to the secret cosmodrome, and there the secret rocket was already standing, ready to launch. Savushkin climbed into it and sat in the pilot’s seat. “Let's go,” he says.

And the secret rocket immediately soared into the night sky, and then into space.

And so the backup Savushkin flies, that is, now cosmonaut Savushkin, and his soul sings with happiness - la-la-la... la-la-la... Why shouldn’t she sing if she was eager to go into space for so many years, and here it is on you - space!

But no joy, even the greatest, lasts too long. Savushkin rejoiced along with his soul for an hour and a half, and then he thought: “Why did they launch me from a secret cosmodrome on a secret rocket into space?” As soon as he thought about it, ding-ding! - the transmitter started working.

Cosmonaut Savushkin?!

I! - Savushkin answers.

How is the flight going?

The flight is going well!

Why “ok” and not “excellent”?

Yes, I’m thinking here...

We know what you're thinking. Why were you launched into space from a secret cosmodrome on a secret rocket? Right?

Yes sir!

Don’t think about it, you’d better look out the window.

Savushkin looked out the porthole and gasped.

And there was something to gasp from, because Savushkin did not see either the Moon or the Earth behind the porthole... What about the Earth and the Moon, he didn’t even see the Sun. And the endless cosmic emptiness spreads out before his eyes. Without a single star.

This is the number for me to die,” says the dumbfounded and dumbfounded Savushkin. - Where have all the planets gone from space?

How did this not happen?! And the Earth with the Moon, and the Sun, and the stars... - Savushkin listed.

“So this is in ordinary space - the Earth with the Moon and the Sun with the stars,” the voice explains, “but we launched you into perpendicular space.”

Which one, which one?.. - asked Savushkin.

B perpendicular. In which there is nothing.

Why didn’t you tell me about this right away? - Savushkin doesn’t understand.

So you wouldn't have flown then.

Why didn't you fly? - Savushkin doesn’t understand again.

Yes, because there is no way back from perpendicular space. We were only able to send a rocket there with you, but we don’t yet know how to return it back.

It was then that Savushkin realized what kind of trick they had set up for him.

Shame on you! - he says in his hearts.

Well, the trees are green! - Savushkin is indignant.

“Don’t be so upset,” the voice from the transmitter consoles him. - There will be enough air for your entire life, food too... But here on Earth, we will erect a monument to you as a pioneer hero.

“They could have at least let the dog in first,” Savushkin continues to be indignant, “why do we need a human right away?!

The Animal Welfare Society forbade us from launching dogs into perpendicular space,” explains the voice. - So please forgive me sincerely and goodbye forever. Now the connection will be lost.

And exactly. The connection was lost.

And cosmonaut Savushkin was left alone with perpendicular space...

What should I do now in this perpendicular space? - he scratches the back of his head.

And he really has nothing to do. Just fly. Here Savushkin is flying. It flies and flies... It flies and flies... It flies and flies... Suddenly it sees the Earth. At first he didn’t even believe his eyes. Then I looked closer: it was definitely Earth. Over there is Africa, over there is Antarctica... Well, Savushkin went to land. I've arrived. Got out of the ship. And in front of him is the real Russia: fields... forests... rivers... tram No. 15, on which Savushkin usually returned home from the cosmodrome when he was an understudy. Savushkin got on this tram and went home. Had arrived. The entrance, the floor, the door... Everything is also his - familiar and dear. He opened the door... And then...

And then Savushkin realized that he was not on ordinary Earth, but on perpendicular one. Because where does an ordinary Earth come from in perpendicular space?.. But the point is not even in space, but in Savushkin’s wife. His wife turned out to be completely different here. Not like on ordinary Earth, but gentle and kind. And the children are also completely different - excellent students and smart.

What about children and his wife, if Savushkin himself is different here - not some kind of understudy, but a Colonel General and an honored pilot-cosmonaut.

That's it! As they say: what you don't expect is what you get.

My little friend, sit back and listen. I'll tell you about what you love to dream about.

When you grow up big, space saucers will fly. You will be able to fly on these saucers to another city or to another street. It will be as familiar as now you ride a bus, or a trolleybus, or a tram. It will be possible to go on a spaceship on an excursion to Space, just as easily as we now go to the zoo. It was in those future times that this story happened.

The boy Grisha and the girl Vera went on a spaceship on an excursion to Space. This was a most interesting excursion. The uncle, the guide, talked about the stars and planets. People looked out the ship's window and admired the stars. Suddenly the radio reported that the ship was not working properly and an urgent stop was required. The ship landed on a mysterious planet. People got out of the ship and admired the vastness of the planet. There was green grass on it, only curly and soft, like a lamb's wool. The flowers shimmered in different colors, and when you touched them, they rang. A lake could be seen in the distance, and low trees grew around, the tree crowns were fluffy. The leaves are round, small and seemed as if there were inflatable balloons. It’s strange, there was no one on the planet, no one met. Grisha and Vera said nothing to anyone and ran away to the lake. It was so beautiful around that nothing scared them. They were having fun, they were talking and did not notice how they were left alone. And the lake shone blue in the distance and beckoned them. The children began to think where to go, when suddenly they saw a robot coming towards them. He was taller than the guys, walked confidently, and had light bulbs instead of eyes. Grisha gasped. The robot passed by without paying attention to them, then the children decided to follow it. It was very strange that there was no one around: no animals, no people. Grisha followed the robot first, and Vera followed him. She was scared, of course, but curious where the robot was going. The robot walked straight, without turning, and a pile of stones appeared in front of it, looking like a hedge. The robot stepped over and disappeared behind the stones. The children ran, climbed onto the rocks and began to watch. They hid so that no one would see them. The robot confidently walked towards the castle. It was an amazing castle made of stones. It attracted with its beauty, the stones were different and shimmered in the sun. Another robot came out of the castle and approached him: “Hello, Sam!” - “Hello Max!” - “Well, what did you bring?” - “Yes, I remembered everything, I’ll put everything in the computer,” Sam said. They went to the castle, and Sam continued: it would be nice to send them away from this planet, and we would be the masters of this planet.”

The guys climbed down from the rocks and followed them into the Castle. They walked carefully so that no one would notice them. And so they found themselves in this castle. It was beautiful inside too. There was a screen on the wall where the entire planet was visible. The robot approached the screen and began to view the planet. Then he called Max and pointed to the screen: “You see this ship, and there are people around. This is just what we needed! What do we do?" Max laughed: “Ha! Ha, ha! Yes, we will destroy them, together with the inhabitants of this planet, and throw their remains into outer space! Ha ha! “Did you hear what he said?” - Grisha said quietly. “I’m afraid,” Vera answered. We need to explore this castle, where are they hiding the inhabitants of this planet?” - said Grisha. They set off along the corridor. Another robot was walking towards them; it was large and its appearance was very similar to a human. The children hid, but he walked quickly and did not notice. There were many rooms and stairs in the Castle, some going up, others down. The stairs led down to the basement. The guys decided that the prisoners were in the basement; when they approached the door, they heard strange sounds. At this time, a large robot approached the screen, where the already familiar robot was standing, looking at the ship on the screen. “What happened?” asked the big robot. “A ship has landed on the planet and passengers are walking around it. “What are we going to do, Boss?” Sam asked. I will make my own decision and let you know. In the meantime, prepare the inhabitants of this planet for departure. We will put them in a self-propelled boat and let them fly into space or let them dissolve in it. This is where we will live, I am the owner of this planet!! Sam, you will take the boat." The boss entered one of the rooms, apparently it was his office. And the robots went to carry out the order. Vera said: “Do you hear, Grisha, someone is coming here,” and they hid. Robot Sam walked up to the door and began to open it: “You will all soon be sent away from this planet.” Squeaky voices were heard from the basement: “No, this is our planet. Get out yourself! Let us go! " Sam began to close the door and one alien quietly slipped out of the basement and found himself next to Grisha and Vera. The robot couldn’t move its head and therefore couldn’t see what was going on around it. Of course, he didn't see the alien. When the robot left, the children approached him. It was a small man, only he had large round eyes, a long nose and large ears. When he saw the guys he even closed his eyes. I thought it was all just his imagination: “Who are you?” he squeaked.” We want to save you,” said Grisha. “How did these robots end up on the planet?” They appeared suddenly, apparently they had arrived on something. “We were tied up and thrown into the basement,” said the alien. “How can I help you?” Grisha asked. “We need to turn them into a pile of metal,” Vera said and, after thinking, added: “Yes, all this can be found in the computer, but how do we get to the Boss’s office, where the computer is?” “I’ll knock on the door,” said the little inhabitant of the planet. “He’ll see me, he’ll be very surprised, he’ll want to catch me, and I’ll run away, he’ll run after me, you’ll go into the office.” “Good idea,” they said, so they did it. The boss ran after the alien, and the children entered the office. Where they easily found a computer. They turned it on and started looking for the program, when suddenly they heard footsteps. “Boss, are you here?” asked the robot. The children held their breath. “No, apparently he went somewhere,” and he went looking. And Vera stood at the door and listened to what was happening in the corridor. And in the corridor they caught a little man who was nimble and dexterous. He will show himself to them, beckon to them with his funny little hand, and disappear again. At this time, Grisha was looking on the computer for a program where everything about robots was written in detail. And then a page with a picture of a robot appeared on the screen. Grisha was so happy that he shouted: “Hurray!” Found!" I began to read quickly, studied the mechanism of the robot, it became quiet in the corridor, but suddenly steps were heard. Vera realized that someone was coming here. “What should I do?” thought Vera. “How to distract the robot?” She saw a large ball that stood on a stand. She took him and sent him down the corridor. The ball quickly rolled along the path and hit the Boss, who was screaming, swearing and calling for help from the robots. At this time, Grisha ran up to Vera and said: “Now I know. What to do!" and they ran up the stairs to the floor above. The boy told Vera where the button was to turn off these robots. “We need to go on the attack and punish them, but it won’t be easy,” said Grisha. They fell silent, they could hear the Boss screaming at the robots below, he could not understand how this ball could roll off such a large stand on which it was lying. Vera went first to divert attention, Grisha followed her. “Who is this?” Boss was surprised and even staggered. “Probably this is a passenger of the ship that is now on our planet,” said Max. “How did you end up here and what are you doing here?” - the Boss kept asking questions. The girl was silent. “Max Sem, take this girl and take her to a dark room. I hope she will be more accommodating later.” The robots took the girl and led her down the corridor. Grisha quietly crept up to Sam as he turned into another corridor. The boss didn't even see it. The boy contrived and pressed the button that was on the side. The robot stopped. When Max approached Sam, Grisha pressed his button and the robots became safe. Grisha took Vera by the hand and they ran to the basement to free the inhabitants of the planet. The door was bolted. The children had difficulty opening the door. Unusual people began to emerge from the darkness of the basement, they were big and small. At the sound of the noise, their familiar alien came running to them, who was hiding in a dark corner so that the robots would not see him. Residents were glad that they were free again and began to thank their rescuers. At this time, the Boss entered his office and saw that the computer was turned on. He got scared and started calling Sam and Max, but they didn’t come to him. Then he decided to find them himself. He walked down the corridor and saw that the robots were turned off. Suddenly he heard a noise. “What happened?” he asked himself and saw that Grisha and Vera were coming towards him, and with them the inhabitants of this planet. “Ah-ah!” the Boss shouted, “This is the end!” These little inhabitants of such a beautiful planet will not be offended. They will always come to their aid. And the residents escorted Grisha and Vera to the spaceship. The ship was ready to depart. We were only waiting for Grisha and Vera, we were very worried about them, not knowing where they had gone. Seeing them and such a large crowd of extraordinary people, they were delighted and very surprised. Grisha and Vera told what happened to them and introduced them to the inhabitants of this planet. They said goodbye and promised to come and live with them, relax on such a beautiful planet and bring animals and birds to them. Maybe they will like it here too, otherwise it’s so boring when there are no squirrels, no rabbits, or birds nearby that sing so loudly and loudly.

Everyone took their places and the ship rose into the sky. Grisha and Vera were very pleased that they had freed the residents. And the excursion continued and the uncle-guide spoke fascinatingly about Space. But Grisha and Vera didn’t hear him, they kept thinking about these funny little people and dreamed of meeting them again.

Pechnikova Albina Anatolyevna, literature teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “Zaikovskaya Secondary School No. 1”
Job title: Fantastic tale "Space Rescuers"
We bring to your attention the author's fairy tale about the cosmic expanses of the Universe. When creating works, I try to write in different thematic directions. The fantastic tale will tell about how the heroes find themselves in the future of 3691 and help earthlings return to their planet. A fairy tale story can be useful for literature teachers, teacher organizers, and class teachers in the school community when preparing and conducting theatrical performances for Cosmonautics Day for school-age children.
Target: Development of students' creative abilities.
1) teach children to perceive the real and unreal world through the prism of imagination and fantasy;
2) instill an interest in books and a desire to write good fantastic tales;
3) develop children’s oral speech and acting skills.

Fantastic tale "Space Rescuers"

It was an ordinary morning, which foreshadowed a completely unusual day... It was August 21, 3691. I was 13 years old. I was in the 7th grade and assumed that this particular year would be the unluckiest of my life. And, unfortunately, I turned out to be right. After the water procedures, as usual, I began setting up my wrist teleporter to get to school. It was black with orange stripes and a wide strap covered in graffiti of the same color. In addition to the teleporter, it had a clock, a TV, a cellular hologram, and a lot of other new technology. And so I chose my destination, pressed the “start” button, and everything would have been fine if not for one unforeseen circumstance. My school was located on Gidronskaya Street, but last night they decided to rename this street to Dremerskaya, since the previous name lasted more than 600 years. Therefore, I teleported to a non-existent object, and I was simply thrown out into the MCC - an intergalactic space civilization (over the past 1000 years we have managed to make friends with some aliens). I wanted to go back home, but, as luck would have it, my teleport was discharged due to high magnetism.
All that remained was to find Ronits, Zidoks or people to ask them for help. I walked straight down the corridor and came to a fork in two exactly the same ones. Wandering for a long time in this “cosmic” labyrinth, I suddenly heard cautious steps. Having discovered this, I accelerated. The steps also became more frequent. Around the corner I saw Seryozha. He studied in the 5th grade and, as it turned out, also “ended up at the wrong address.”

Hello! What do we do? – I asked.
“I don’t know myself,” answered Gray.
- Now there are at least two of us! It won't be so scary. We need to find someone.
- Clearly understood! But everyone is still sleeping. For them, morning will come only in 3 hours.
- This is problem. Then let's look for something to eat, I haven't eaten anything since the morning.
We went looking for food, and after half an hour of useless wandering, we returned to the same place.

“We should have gone right,” I said.
“Well, if that’s the case, let’s go, trying isn’t torture,” Gray answered.
To the right was a blue corridor with red lights along the edges. At the end of it there was some kind of door. We easily opened it by lowering the red lever. There was a cabin with two windows and chairs, a touch panel and a daily supply of food. After having breakfast, we wanted to go, but the doors did not open. I started pressing all the buttons, and then the cabin we were in disconnected from the MCC and went into outer space. It became clear that this was an emergency “boat”. We didn’t know how to control it, so in a panic we began to look for all sorts of means of communication to inform someone about our problem. But, unfortunately, we had nothing but discharged wrist teleporters.

Outside, the cold stars shone with a blue shine. Red, yellow, orange dust rushed throughout the Universe. We despaired and thought that now we would fly in space forever! And suddenly...
- What's happened!? What's the matter!? – Seryozha shouted loudly.
- Don't know. We may have encountered something!
I managed to notice a certain black funnel in the porthole, which was spinning so quickly that I even felt dizzy.
- Hole! Black! – I shouted.

We woke up lying on the yellow earth. Above us stood a red sun in a green sky. It was unusually easy to breathe, and in order to get full lungs of air, you had to take a small breath.
- Well, where are we? – I asked.
“Do you think there is life here?” muttered Gray.
- This needs to be checked.
- Shall we go to that lake over there and see what the water is like? If it is fresh, it will be great! Moreover, we found very little water in the cabin. The water was greenish-pink in color. It tasted no different from regular drinking water, except that it was a little bitter. Soon we heard some sounds. We came closer and saw creatures very similar to people. The skin was almost the same color, but with a gray-blue tint.

Oh people! – Seryoga exclaimed.
-Quiet! What if they are evil!? They'll eat it inadvertently...
We did not immediately leave our shelter, overpowering our fear, we walked a little and immediately felt someone’s intense, tenacious gaze on us. We felt awkward, then we raised our hands and said:
- We've come with peace!
It seemed that they did not understand us, but it was worth a try. All the “UFOs” (as I jokingly called the inhabitants of this planet) immediately surrounded us and took us to some building. It was white with blue stripes and a red roof.
“Yad mi tseop,” said one of them. At first we didn’t understand anything, but then it dawned on us that this was the same Russian language, only “upside down.” In a vessel that looked like a flask, we were given some kind of liquid. It was green and very similar to semolina porridge with large lumps.
“Ugh, what disgusting!” Gray frowned.
It tasted like cucumber with kiwi and peas, but we had to eat this “hellish mixture” since there was no other food!
- We s-e-li. Ym il-e-op!!!” I said carefully.
Nobody responded. We went outside, and there was the same deathly silence. Suddenly, from the window of some building, shouts were heard: “Etidokhu, setchyarp eertsyb!!!”
- Why do we need to hide!? – I asked.
And then a strange spaceship in the form of a huge pencil or rocket appeared in the sky. Our ears were blocked, fear pressed our feet to the yellow earth!

Oh my God, what is this!?
- Let's run quickly before this bandura crushes us!
We rushed headlong towards the building from which the screams were heard. The spaceship slowly landed, and astrons began to emerge from it one after another. Then we watched for a long time as they brought out earthlings in chains and glowing hand teleporters.
- They are kind! How could they?!!
It became clear to us that no one was going to release the prisoners. The Astracts turned out to be cunning, evil and merciless! We had to act decisively and quickly! I took command upon myself; although Sergei was a boy, he was clearly a timid person. Noticing the hologram and the teleport, I quietly reached them and quietly hid them under my clothes. When the Astracts were distracted by refueling their bodies, Gray and I slowly created holograms of the prisoners, and transported the real earthlings to the ship. It’s good that at school we were taught hologists and control of spaceships of various modifications. I had an A, so I easily coped with the controls of the spacecraft.

The hologram showed that in 2016 these aliens had already arrived on our planet and took away two-thirds of the Earth's population. Almost 5 billion people! We had to put an end to this! We sharply raised the ship up and blocked access to our coordinates, reprogramming the spacecraft system. After difficult trials, it’s so nice to be home on our green planet! The liberated earthlings were processed in pressure chambers and warmly thanked us, their space rescuers! And we were glad that now none of the aliens would be able to take people from Earth! Sery and I were taken on an expedition to Mars-2, because on Mars-1, turbulent Martian life was already in full swing. But this is a completely different space story...

Antipova Anya, Kurbatova Masha

The space fairy tale is dedicated to Cosmonautics Day.



We often raise our eyes and look at the starry sky. Stars are different: big and small, bright and not very bright. They live their own lives, but are connected with all the stars of the Cosmos. And there is a war going on in Space, a star war.

And the king of dark and cold stars began this war, and his name is Cold Heart. First, he captured a small part of the Cosmos by deception, and then decided to conquer the entire Cosmos and make the hearts of all the stars stone-cold. He lured the stars to him with various promises, but for this he took away the fires of their hearts, they became his slaves and began to serve him.

But he was not able to extinguish all the stars. Many of them recognized the insidious plans of Cold Heart and did not allow cold and fear into their hearts, because they know that with the fire of their hearts they can create beautiful things. And the King of the Suns will always support them and will never give them offense.

The Sun King has many assistants. These are big and bright stars. We know their names - these are Freedom, Conscience, Strength, Will, Faith, Hope, Love.

In this great battle between the sunny stars and the stars of darkness, the Sun's assistants help all the stars. They instill in them strength, hope and faith in victory over the forces of the dark kingdom. They know that only through Love and striving for the Light can they gain freedom.

Hundreds of thousands of warriors rush through Space every minute, and the stars fight for life and death.

The Dark King drives the stars to war with fear; he promises them all the riches of the Cosmos for victory over the Light.

But the time has come, the solar fighters gathered all their strength and united into an invincible, fiery, enormous power and eclipsed the king of darkness, Cold Heart, with their radiance.

Thus the stars defeated the source of cold and darkness and rejoiced at this victory. But they did not know that there were thousands of cold stars left who did not receive the promised riches. Offended, they decided to continue this war, the last battle of Light and darkness, and it is called Armageddon. And it continues for many, many years. Because the dark stars gathered their last strength and deceived everyone into believing that they were no longer there. And they themselves changed into light clothes and, using the name of the King of the Suns, deceitfully extinguished many bright stars.

And now these stars continue to deceive and extinguish the hearts of bright fighters.

It pains the King of the Suns to see extinct hearts. He always sends rays of support to the stars, always warns of danger, but not everyone hears him.

But the final victory depends on each fighter of Light, and therefore it is so necessary to open our hearts to receive fiery rays and, united in love and aspiration, send support to the warriors of Light.

Let there be Light!

Tale about Space

"Man is part of that whole that we call the Universe, a part limited by time and space. He feels himself, his thoughts and sensations, as something separate from everything else - this is a kind of optical illusion of his mind. This deception is for us something like a prison, limiting us to our personal desires and affection for those few who are close to us. Our task is to liberate ourselves from this prison by expanding the spheres of our compassion so as to embrace all living beings and the entire Universe..."

A. Einstein.

Some of my friends call me a “storyteller” for my “idealistic ideals.” Since we have already created our own Social Movement "Spiritual Unity", I promise that until 2012 - the year of the Quantum Transition and the advent of the New Light World, when we make the fairy tale come true, I will no longer tell "fairy tales about politics"

But in order to “keep it up,” I’ll tell you a little illustrated tale about Space.

This fairy tale is, of course, a lie, but there is a hint in it... And honestly, these are not just luminous points, but huge worlds of star systems, here is the proof - look at the pictures from the Hubble telescope:

We can already “see with our eyes” these “hectares of undeveloped lands behind our fence,” but in order to “touch with our hands” - to fly there and begin to develop these “places under many Suns” in the boundless Universe, we need to create thermonuclear engines and build new spaceships in orbit like the size of cities, and for this we need to get smarter, and for this we need to learn to summarize the neural connections of our brains, and for this we must become kinder and stop being afraid of our own kind and open each other access to our minds via the Internet, and for this fear towards our neighbors must be driven out of our hearts by Love - our souls must be open...

That is, for the Cosmos to become the Promised Cosmos for Human Civilization, we just need to learn to be people living with an open soul

It's that simple!

However, although it is easy to open up, not everyone has yet learned not to close themselves at the slightest “opportunity.” And to those who want to always remain a “shirtless guy” with their soul wide open, no matter what the circumstances, I give on this significant day “The Book that Reveals the Soul”:

Happy Cosmonautics Day my beloved friends!

Space fairy tale

Because there is no atmosphere

There is no night, no day.

There is no earthly blue here,

The views here are strange and wonderful:

And the stars are all visible at once,

Both the Sun and the Moon.

A star is visible in the north,

And it's called

The polar star.

She is a reliable friend of people

And two Ursa bears with her

Among the cosmic lights

Everyone goes in sequence.

Not far away the Dragon became quiet.

He glances sideways at the Bears,

Chews the ends of his mustache.

And the Eagle watched for a long time,

Like a skinny wolf wandering somewhere

And bypassed

Constellation Canes Venatici.

The heavenly Lion slept peacefully,

(Don't joke with lions!)

The whale swam to Andromeda,

Pegasus galloped swiftly,

And the Swan flew proudly

Along the Milky Way.

Hydra was guarding someone

After all, Hydra was Hydra

From time immemorial, friends!

Across the giant firmament

She crawls mysteriously.

Who is Hydra guarding?

It’s impossible to say yet.

And near the Milky Way,

Nowhere to go, no place to go,

A huge Cancer lies.

Lying in cosmic dust

Moves his claws slightly

And everything is watching Hydra.

(Cancer is obviously not a fool!)

Here the Raven flapped his wings,

From the ashes the Phoenix rose,

The Peacock fluffed its tail,

Here the Snake writhed,

The foxes ran and frolicked,

And Lynx sat, hiding,

The singer was saved by the Dolphin.

The giraffe walked like God

Here is the Hare, here is the Unicorn,

Crane, Chameleon.

And there is a Dove and a Lizard...

No, apparently I can’t count it

All these fabulous creatures

Who inhabits space?

Fun astronomy for kids

They stood in a circle and danced gloriously

With Capricorn Aquarius,

The fish are waving their fins,

Aries hurries into the circle quickly.

And Taurus will be next to him,

He tap dances dashingly.

There will be dancing until you drop,

The round dance will be good.

The twins dance

Cancer backs up after them:

"What kind of strange dance is this?

Circle or belt?" - Zodiac!

Leo and Virgo became friends

Spun in a round dance,

Taking Libra with you

Amazingly beautiful.

Scorpio dances in a squat

And he waves his claw at Sagittarius.

This glorious round dance

It will take a year to travel around the sun.

There are twelve of them in a round dance,

Is there more in the sky?

“How many constellations are there?” - let's ask!

"Exactly eighty-eight!"

Rimma Aldonina

Milky Way

Black velvet sky

Embroidered with stars.

Light path

Runs across the sky.

From edge to edge

It spreads easily

It's like someone spilled

Milk across the sky.

But no, of course, in the sky

No milk, no juice,

We are a star system

This is how we see ours from the side.

This is how we see galaxies

Native distant light -

Space for astronautics

For many thousands of years.

Rimma Aldonina


What are stars?

If they ask you -

Answer boldly:

Hot gas.

And also add,

What's more, it's always

Nuclear reactor -

Every star!

Rimma Aldonina


Faithful companion, night decoration,

Additional lighting.

Of course, we must admit:

The Earth would be boring without the Moon!

Victoria Toponogova

Moon bunny

When the Sun goes to bed

For the blue forest, for the fir tree,

Only the mirror of the moon

You can see its rays...

And thousands of sublunary years

Hello to us at night

Sunny Bunny sends from heaven,

Giving birth to moonlight.

But the trouble is - no one is around

The sunshine does not see in it,

And, having locked the doors with the key,

People go into the house.

Children don't play with him.

The geese are leaving the yard,

And the Bunny wanders, alone.

Sighing until the morning.

He only needs a tiny nightingale

Trills among the branches

About the running of days, the beauty of fields,

And about your love...

Yes, the river, shining with waves,

He rocks like a child...

And the Bunny sleeps in a happy sleep

All day long under the sound of rain.

* * *

If the month is letter "C",

So it's an old month;

If the wand is in addition

You will attach it to him

And you will receive the letter "R"

So he's growing

So, soon, believe it or not,

He will become fat.

Roman Sef

(retelling from Miroslav Valek)

Above the blue

By the seas

Above yellow



The crab is crawling.

In good weather

In the dark

Across the sky

It's moving


He's very, very strange

So fickle:

Then he is smaller

That's more

Then again - to the detriment.

Then it flickers faintly

Only half


Or the thinnest sickle.

magic crab,

He even

From the tender moon



Silver tailcoat,

And the scraps fall

Into the fields

And the copses

And light up the darkness.


Sewing and having fun:

The night lasts until dawn,

In winter it is long

In the summer

On the edge

The blackbirds are calling

To each other:


The moon is floating!"

Roman Sef

(retelling from Frantisek Grubin)

Month is a pastry chef, a wonderful baker,

What are you baking in the heights of heaven?

Maybe some delicious pies

From silvery star flour?

No. We look in vain, wondering.

What to expect from such a lazy person!

He baked a thin bagel for us,

And at dawn the bagel went out.

Victoria Toponogova

Moon Grinder

While you sleep and dream,

The Moon Grinder comes out onto the roof.

And in the morning the dragonflies, getting ready to fly,

They will notice the finest coating on the wings

From the smells of lilies, river silence,

And the softly shimmering crumbs of the Moon.

The grinder will go to bed at dawn,

After all, at night worries will come flooding back, -

Brush the dust of centuries from the clouds, and then

Hanging stars over the Milky Way.

In the meantime, he rinses the stars in handfuls,

The moon has time to grow again...

And the whistling of the thin midnight cicadas

He sharpens its sides night after night.

And the crumbs of the moon fall on the meadows.

The banks of the rivers are hidden by fog...

And the ashes fall on the coals of the fire...

Only the horses snort in the night until the morning.

And the carousel of stars spins and spins

All night long, and then all day...

And the crumbs of the moon fall, fall,

Almost invisible in our dreams.

Galina Kosova

Solar Eclipse and Moon

You know, dad is miracles,

The eclipse will come.

The sun will disappear - beauty.

Where will it go?

Night, quiet moon,

Will he come visit us during the day?

Will she cover Sunny?

And will we fall asleep again?

Dad explained to me for a long time,

About the Sun and Moon

Of course I nodded to him

But I still don’t understand.

And dad drew everything:

Here is the Sun, here is the Earth

And here is the Moon, its oval

Then I understood everything.

The moon will not come to visit you during the day,

We will see her shadow.

She will float to the Sun

And the day will darken.

It's like someone in heaven

Sailing on a ship.

The moon is like a sail in the winds,

Greetings will be sent to Earth.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, he became sad,

Some kid.

I couldn’t fall asleep without lunar fairy tales,

Even if the house is quiet.

She cannot shine for us,

It only reflects light.

Given to help the Sun

And that's her secret.

So that it's not dark at night,

Beautiful Moon,

Looks into every window

With her, the darkness is not afraid of us.

Night comes to us with the Moon,

The moon gives us dreams.

And the fairy tale fairy is the daughter

Mysterious Moon.

Gianni Rodari

* * *

By the lunar sea

Special secret -

It doesn't look like the sea.

The waters in this sea

Not a bit

And there are no fish either.

In the waves of it

Impossible to dive

You can't splash around in it,

You can't drown.

Swim in that sea

Convenient only for those

Who swim

He still can’t do it at all!

Valentin Berestov


The lunar spacecraft landed on the moon.

In the lunar spacecraft there is a lunar rover.

Circuses, craters and holes

The Lunokhod is not afraid.

He leaves drawings

On the surface of the Moon.

There is a lot of dust, there is no wind.

Drawings can live for a thousand years!


* * *

Here is the starry sky! What can you see on it?

The stars there shine with distant fire!

Are only the stars shining in the sky?

No! There are planets wandering among the stars!

How do they wander like that? Don't know the roads?

No! It looks like they're wandering!

All of them are a big family of the Sun.

And under the influence of its attraction

Always making circular movements!

And with them my planet -

The one called planet Earth

The one where you and I live!

Arkady Khait

From "Baby Monitor"

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto.

* * *

There lived an astrologer on the moon

He kept track of the planets:

MERCURY - once,

VENUS - two, sir,

Three - EARTH,

Four - MARS,



Seven - URANUS,

Eight - NEPTUNE,

If you don't see it, get out!

Yakov Akim

* * *

There is one garden planet

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Calling migratory birds,

It's the only one they bloom on

Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise...

Take care of your planet -

After all, there is no other one like it!

Roman Sef

The hour of dawn

You go to bed, and somewhere

The hour of dawn is coming.

It's winter outside, but somewhere

Hot, dry summer.

There are many people on earth.

The world is big.

Remember this.

Victoria Toponogova

Waiting for summer

The snowdrifts didn't melt a bit.

Blizzards start dancing in the spruce trees.

And summer is somewhere there, in Australia,

He probably doesn’t even think about us.

You bend your little fingers

Considering, well, when will it come.

Sunbeams are jumping into your palms.

It’s as if summer is sending telegrams.


* * *

What kind of relative of the Moon is there?

Nephew or granddaughter

Flashing between the clouds?

Yes, it's a satellite!

These are the times!

He is the companion of each of us

And in general - the whole Earth.

The satellite was created by hands,

And then on a rocket

Delivered to these distances.

Rimma Aldonina


Each planet has something of its own,

What distinguishes her most clearly.

You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight -

A large ring surrounds it.

It is not continuous, it is made up of different stripes.

Here's how scientists solved the question:

Once upon a time the water froze there,

And Saturn's rings of snow and ice.

Rimma Aldonina


What a luxurious wonder!

Almost occupying half the world,

Mysterious, very beautiful

A comet hovers above the Earth.

And I want to think:


Has a bright miracle come to us?

And I want to cry when

It will fly away without a trace.

And they tell us:

It's ice!

And her tail is dust and water!

It doesn’t matter, a Miracle is coming to us,

And Miracle is always wonderful!

Genrikh Sapgir

* * *

Spreading its fiery tail,

A comet rushes between the stars.

Listen, constellations,

Last news,

Wonderful news

Heavenly news!

Rushing at wild speeds,

I was visiting the Sun.

I saw the Earth in the distance

And new satellites of the Earth.

I was flying away from the Earth,

Ships were flying after me!

Roman Sef

Blue meteorite

Somewhere in space


Blue meteorite.

You are walking,

And he is flying.

You lie,

And he is flying.

You fell asleep,

But everything flies

In space


You will grow up little by little

You will become an astronomer

And one evening

You will go to your friends.

Suddenly a loudspeaker


"A meteorite fell into the taiga."

The whole world is excited

The world is noisy:

A meteorite fell into the taiga!

The next morning

Will you tell your friends

Saying goodbye to the capital:

"I won't come to you today,

I'm leaving at noon myself

From one of the expeditions."

for you today

Eight years,

In front of you

The whole white world

But somewhere

In the Universe





Your blue meteorite -

A precious gift.

So here it is:

While he's rushing

Hurry up and study.

Victoria Toponogova

Night secrets

Polar Night, which reigns for six months.

She gave advice to Little Night:

"When descending to the ground, throw a blanket

The blackest color in any weather..."

And Nochka said: “I got him

Yesterday from the fairies' chest of drawers, as always...

But it’s scary and painful - eaten by moths

My blanket! Such a disaster!"

And Night answered: “Don’t cry, but first

Mend all the holes, and there will be no pain!"

"I darned the holes, but the black threads

It ended before the dawn broke..."

“Oh, poor baby!” she said with a sigh.

Polar Night - We must believe in success!

Let the forest gnomes get the colored ones

Magic threads, and instead of holes

Shining threads of stars above,

Spread colored constellations here and there!

Ah, there was 6 efforts!.. My embroidery

People call it the Northern Lights!..”

Eduard Asadov

Constellation Canes Venatici

Past the constellation Virgo,

Constellations Leo and Libra,

Rushing across the dark sky

Constellation Canes Venatici.

It swirls, rustling in their wake,

Space blizzard.

Are they chasing a comet?

Or are they chasing the enemy in the darkness?

I saw their shadows tight

Through the haze of boyish dreams.

And they were as if alive,

In addition, what words are:

"Constellation Canes Venatici"!

Childhood has passed, rushed away,

Has melted without a trace

But the song remained in my soul,

And, it seems, forever.

A pack of dogs is rushing

Millions of centuries ahead.

And I, as in childhood, wonder:

Where are they going? Who is waiting for them?

What mystery is driving them?

In the midst of cold and silence?

What if they are desperate there?

Looking for the owner in the darkness,

Whom are you separated from?

He is kind, cheerful, stellar.

But from very distant times

Somewhere in the frosty darkness

Captivated by monsters.

In the vastness of worlds and centuries,

Where there was neither sound nor sight,

He's going to the black giant planet

It is pressed with a magnetic ring.

There are strange measurements:

A hundred miles is just a small step,

A century is one moment,

And the lake is liquid darkness...

Monsters swimming in rivers

And then drying out on the rock,

Star Man

They are kept in the darkness of the cave.

Pillar Electrides -

In every paw there is a brain,

They convince him to give it away

He's everything he's ever seen

And most importantly - the secret of the stars!

How they light up

Is the cold driving me from the planets?

How do they cool down?

How to turn off their light?

So silent and ugly

Chewing the gelatinous darkness,

Your will patiently

They inspire him.

But he doesn't give an answer.

And only stubborn: SOS! -

From a planet as black as darkness

Sends to the bright world of stars!

The call sweeps across the universe

And everything that lives somewhere,

Says: - Leap year.-

Or: - Year of active sun.

And only in the bottomless darkness,

Where there are neither nights nor days,

Fire dogs

They rush even faster!

The eyes sparkle more and more brightly,

The ridges tensed like a string,

And hot sparks fall

Flame tails.

The universe beats in clubs

Cosmic dust in the chest.

And it rings subtly under the claws

Silver Milky Way...

But through centuries and spaces

They will hunt and find

Planet of the Black Kingdom,

And the monsters will be chewed up.

Paws - on the shoulders of the owner,

And the starry Man will sigh.

Here it is, the main secret,

The basis of the entire universe:

In love no matter the test

And devotion forever!

The end of adversity! Victory!

Sound the bells of the stars.

Let the waves of heat and light

They will rush to all ends!

And they will rush to the right and to the left,

Carrying a silver din.

And the Virgin will scream joyfully,

Believe fearing news!

I'll grab my heart with my hand,

He will press his cheek to Taurus,

And starry tears will roll

By the flushed face!

Fantasy? Let be! I know!

And yet, from childhood

I believe in the stubborn pack

What rushes after a friend!

Everything perishable falls from the soul,

Stories strike the clock

The universe rings with silver.

Dogs fly through the universe...

The colors are burning fantastically,

And, no matter how wise the head is,

You still believe the fairy tale.

The fairy tale is always right!

Star fairy tale “Journey to the World of Wonders”

If you raise your head at night and look at the sky, you will see luminous points... Do you know what this is? In fact, these are not just luminous points, but many Suns and Earths... It’s warm and good there - there are boundless oceans and endless fertile fields. This sky is full of diamonds - there are whole mountains of them... There are enough juicy fruits and clear streams for a human civilization of trillions of people...

There is everything that our soul desires now and desires later...

This fairy tale is, of course, a lie, but there is a hint in it... And honestly, these are not just luminous points, but huge worlds of star systems!

Space is painted black,

Because there is no atmosphere

There is no night, no day.

There is no earthly blue here,

The views here are strange and wonderful:

And the stars are all visible at once,

Both the Sun and the Moon.

A star is visible in the north,

And it's called

The polar star.

She is a reliable friend of people

And two Ursa bears with her

Among the cosmic lights

Everyone goes in sequence.

Not far away the Dragon became quiet.

He glances sideways at the Bears,

Chews the ends of his mustache.

And the Eagle watched for a long time,

Like a skinny wolf wandering somewhere

And bypassed

Constellation Canes Venatici.

The heavenly Lion slept peacefully,

Having opened his terrible snapdragon

(Don't joke with lions!)

The whale swam to Andromeda,

Pegasus galloped swiftly,

And the Swan flew proudly

Along the Milky Way.

Hydra was guarding someone

After all, Hydra was Hydra

From time immemorial, friends!

Across the giant firmament

She crawls mysteriously.

Who is Hydra guarding?

It’s impossible to say yet.

And near the Milky Way,

Nowhere to go, no place to go,

A huge Cancer lies.

Lying in cosmic dust

Moves his claws slightly

And everything is watching Hydra.

(Cancer is obviously not a fool!)

Here the Raven flapped his wings,

From the ashes the Phoenix rose,

The Peacock fluffed its tail,

Here the Snake writhed,

The foxes ran and frolicked,

And Lynx sat, hiding,

The singer was saved by the Dolphin.

The giraffe walked like God

Here is the Hare, here is the Unicorn,

Crane, Chameleon.

And there is a Dove and a Lizard...

No, apparently I can’t count it

All these fabulous creatures

Who inhabits space?

Space has become the Promised Space for Human Civilization. And Yuri Gagarin was the first to discover a magnificent space book!

And near the Milky Way, Where you can neither drive nor pass, Lies a huge Cancer




The theme of space has fascinated my child since my daughter watched the cartoon “The Mole and the Rocket” a year ago. I had to come up with the next opus to explain to her a little what’s what in this very space. Here I present a complicated, more literary version of the fairy tale; in general, like all other works, this fairy tale can be transformed depending on the individual characteristics of the child.

Far, far away in space there lived one little star. Of course, it is small only in comparison with some other stars; it would seem huge to you and me. It is larger than trees, and houses, and even our Sun. Well, that's not what we're talking about. More than anything else, Star loved to look at other stars and think about how they live, what they see around them, what they dream about. But she didn't know how to ask them about it, so she felt very alone. Of course, there were several planets orbiting around her, and she had tried to get them to talk before. But the conversation did not work out: the planets were not interested in what was far from them. As a rule, all communication ended with their arguing about who should revolve after whom and whose trajectory (that is, the path around the star) is more correct and beautiful. But Zvezdochka got tired of this, and she stopped annoying the planets with conversations about things that didn’t bother them at all.

But one night (or maybe during the day, it’s hard to say, because it’s always night in space) a comet flew past the star. She was very surprised, because she had never seen anything like this before.

- Hello! — she greeted the stranger. - My name is Zvezdochka, and who are you?

“No,” answered Asterisk sadly. — I only see planets that revolve around me.

“Very strange,” said the comet. — There are so many of us flying all over space! But, apparently, it is so large that even we cannot fly into its far corners... Comets are celestial travelers. We are a little like planets, only much smaller and lighter, so we don’t revolve around one star, but fly wherever we want! I am an ice comet, but there are also comets made of stone and metal.

- How interesting! - Asterisk drawled. “I envy you so much, you’ve seen so much!” Tell me, are you in a hurry? Maybe you can stay with me for a little while and tell me about the wonders you have seen?

The Comet was in no hurry and accepted Asterisk’s invitation. She began to rotate with the planets around her and told her amazing stories every day. The star learned that, it turns out, all stars are different: there are very young ones (like her), and there are old ones, almost like the Universe itself. Some are very hot, some are almost cold; There are small ones, and there are simply gigantic ones, such that a comet takes several years to fly along one such star. And most importantly, many of the stars that our Little Star loves to watch so much, it turns out, have long gone out, they no longer exist! It’s just that they are so far away that the last light that they emitted before extinguishing reached her only now...

These stories fascinated Zvezdochka and bewitched her. And then one day she decided to ask the comet:

— Tell me, do other stars somehow communicate with each other? I would really like to talk to them...

“Yes, of course,” the comet answered calmly. - If you look carefully at the sky, you will see that the stars do not burn evenly, but constantly twinkle. Sometimes they flash brighter, sometimes they almost go out... This is the language of the stars, this is how they communicate with each other.

— Comet, how can I learn this language? — Star asked excitedly.

“Well,” the comet hesitated, “unfortunately, I don’t know him.” This is a special language, only stars speak it, there are no textbooks on it. I think you need to look at them carefully, try to understand what they are blinking about... In 200 years you will learn everything!

The star was a little sad. But she had little choice - either listen to the comet, or again vegetate in melancholy and loneliness. Soon her new friend flew away, and Star began to peer into the dark sky with redoubled attention.

The years passed - but for the Star they were the same as days for us - she looked at other stars and tried to unravel their mysterious language. And then one night (or maybe it was day, who knows) she admired a bright red star. And suddenly I saw that it began to blink. Three short, weak flashes, one bright... And suddenly another star, small, silvery-white, also began to blink. Three short, one long and bright flash... “Hello to you too,” answered Asterisk to herself. And suddenly she realized: it really was a greeting! Yes, that’s how they said hello, and you need to blink back at them so that they understand that she heard them! Apparently, the years she spent looking at the dark sky were not in vain.

She flashed three short flashes, one long... That's it, now just wait. The star knew that the answer would not be immediate; Moreover, it may not come from some of these stars, if suddenly it has already gone out. But Zvezdochka was sure that not in a hundred, but in a thousand years, not from one star, but from another, but she would receive an answer. And these years of waiting will no longer be as painful as before.

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