Where should a turtle stand according to Feng Shui? Do you know exactly what the turtle mascot means? What material should the turtle mascot be made of?

In ordinary life, few of us have a love for swimming and crawling creatures, which do not look very attractive and are sometimes poisonous.

However, according to Feng Shui, amphibian animals have a different meaning: not surprisingly, even a snake has an exclusively positive meaning.

Therefore, feel free to purchase such figurines, accept them from friends as a valuable gift and present them to your family as a souvenir.

Feng Shui snake

According to Chinese Feng Shui practices, the snake has a directly feminine meaning. It is a beautiful symbol of wisdom and beauty, represented by one or two creatures. Snake figurines can be encrusted with jewelry or perched on piles of coins.

A cobra figurine with an amber ball is also popular.

Where to put the talisman

The placement of the snake according to Feng Shui is closely related to the materials of the talismans.

  • In the east, figurines made of wood, jade, onyx and bamboo are required. They break routine, bring change in relationships, and help you acquire new skills.
  • The southeast is combined with stone snakes surrounded by fish, dragons, flowering plants and awards. This sign represents income and success.
  • In the northeast, sculptures made of stone or crystal are ideal. Such talismans are useful for doing business, organizing transactions or excellent study.
  • For the West, a figurine made of cedar, bronze, juniper and sandalwood is suitable. It represents health.
  • The northern sector is in harmony with metal snakes, next to which there are elements of water: aquariums, turtles, fish. Such a symbol adds confidence to the owner and stimulates career growth.
  • In the center of the house, i.e. in the family sector, crystal and glass figurines are needed. They bring unity, harmony, and a sense of mutual understanding to the apartment.

Feng Shui turtle

According to Feng Shui, the turtle is the most ancient and powerful talisman, one of the four heavenly inhabitants. According to Feng Shui, it is the turtle figurine that combines health, long life and wisdom, bestows good luck on every home and protects families. Along with the legends and myths in which the feng shui turtle is involved, the significance of this animal was determined by its behavior and characteristics. Therefore, the talisman is associated with moving forward and achieving any goals.

Everyone becomes interested when a real turtle appears in the house: what is the symbol of what feng shui is this slow creature? In fact, such an animal is very suitable for the head of the family, because it supports his affairs and brings financial well-being. According to Feng Shui, a living turtle always brings happiness to the family if it is carefully looked after.

As for the figures, they are divided by color and material.

  • In Feng Shui, three turtles represent the longevity of several family generations and general well-being. This pyramid of animals is an excellent talisman for the eastern sector.
  • Financial benefits earned only by one’s own labor are attracted by the ceramic feng shui tortoise. Where to put such a symbol? It’s better to go to the desk or to the career sector, so that the promotion is accompanied by the accumulation of wisdom.
  • The Feng Shui black turtle is made of metal. It may have a little silvering or gilding on the shell, but in any case it is associated with help at work with the proper human effort. A talisman of this kind is kept in the northern zone on a handful of gold coins.
  • An animal made with your own hands from cardboard, according to the rules of Feng Shui, is extraordinary. On the turtle figurine, draw dots with a blue felt-tip pen and connect them into a triangle to enhance the element of Water. You can also attach your photo to the back of the creature. Such a talisman, placed in the office, will help you take a step towards your goal.
  • In Feng Shui, the dragon turtle takes care of the longevity of the owner and helps him achieve a high social position. According to Feng Shui, a turtle dragon combines the meanings of all celestial animals if the figurine has the body of an amphibian and the head of a fairy-tale creature. This talisman can protect the house from burglars in the absence of the owners if it is placed in the hallway opposite the door. In the bedroom, this symbol enhances personal health. A feng shui dragon turtle can have a small baby on its back for the welfare of children.
  • According to Feng Shui, a turtle in a bowl represents incredible wealth. If you do not find such a figurine, place a coin in the talisman’s mouth or apply a hieroglyph of prosperity to the shell.

Where to put a turtle according to feng shui

According to Feng Shui, the turtle should be located behind the house if you hope for complete protection from the outside. In the apartment, keep the symbol on the north side.

What does a turtle mean in Feng Shui in the children's sector? If this is not just a forgotten figurine, but a used soft toy, then the animal brings protection to the younger generation from disappointment and deception. You can also place the talisman in the southeast, using both wooden figurines and a living creature.

When considering where to place the turtle according to Feng Shui, do not choose the bedroom, otherwise you may lose a restful sleep. Also, do not forget that according to Feng Shui, a turtle enhances its effect in the presence of plants or a clean aquarium. What does a turtle symbolize according to Feng Shui if it is located in an office behind a person’s back? This is a powerful defender against the nagging of superiors and competition, as well as an assistant in promotion at work.

Dolphins according to feng shui

The figurine of these smart mammals is a guarantee of home safety and a prosperous life in it. Feng Shui dolphins change their meaning in accordance with the characteristics of the selected talisman:

  • The statue with two dolphins represents a happy family partnership. It should be placed in the bedroom and in the northeast if these loving animals are swimming on the crest of a wave.
  • If dolphins play with each other, they would be appropriate in a children's room. This talisman protects the health of babies when it is in a sunny place. You can also place the figurine in the common dining room for well-being. The figurine at the front door, in turn, helps protect yourself from bad guests.
  • Wooden talismans bring peace and tranquility to the apartment. Oak is used to represent a close-knit family, and dolphins from fruit trees add prosperity. Animals based on pine, fir or cypress improve well-being.
  • If a stone dolphin means stability and profitability, then an onyx one means the destruction of all negativity. Golden figurines symbolize joy.

Feng Shui fish

According to Feng Shui, fish is an expression of happiness and prosperity. In China, it is customary to give such talismans for the New Year with wishes of prosperity and good luck. At the same time, according to Feng Shui, it is goldfish that help a person get rich, even if it is not a figurine, but living inhabitants of an aquarium.

There are several types of talismans in which fish have the main meaning according to Feng Shui:

  • Carp in China represents good luck and success. This fish symbol in Feng Shui is called “Tai” and when there are 9 pieces it brings extraordinary prosperity. According to Feng Shui, two fish mean harmony in marital relations.
  • Arowanas are rare fish according to Feng Shui for money, or rather, for extraordinary wealth. The second name of the animal is dragon fish. This talisman brings as many benefits as a person can withstand without losing his head. Arowanas cannot be kept in pairs.
  • Fish of other breeds are present in talismans, usually in pairs. These are amulets against negative energy, which are often present in the form of embroidery on curtains and pillows. In the East, according to Feng Shui, two fish made of carnelian are an excellent pendant for a child, protecting him from problems.
  • According to Feng Shui, the painting “Fish” represents good luck and material well-being in the presence of a gold ornament. Those panels that are made using silk, wood, velvet and paper are useful.

Where to place the fish symbol

Talismans with fish should be placed in the wealth sector or on the north side of the house, but not in the bedroom. And the reason is that according to Feng Shui, fish have positive vibes only when they are in the leadership of the water element. Otherwise, the figurine will lead to adultery.

To directly increase wealth, goldfish are preferable according to Feng Shui, especially if the house has a large, well-kept aquarium. The fact is that the phrase “gold in abundance” in Chinese can also be translated as “goldfish”. In addition, such creatures used to be very expensive. According to Feng Shui, a goldfish should be active and healthy, so it must be treated if necessary.

How many fish according to feng shui

Very often people are interested in how many fish should be kept in an aquarium according to Feng Shui. The ideal option is 8 bright individuals and one completely black, which helps preserve the wealth that has come.

You can use any multiple of nine, and if the aquarium is very small, choose 1, 4 or 6 fish.

According to Feng Shui, a frog has the same meaning as a toad, since in China these creatures are not distinguished from each other. These are talismans that represent the element of water and bring wealth. Feng Shui toad is especially strong if there are fountains or paintings with water landscapes in the sector.

Most often found in the home or office is the three-toed wealth toad, which has coins in its mouth with a hole in the middle. If you don’t have a frog with a coin according to Feng Shui, simply insert any money that is associated with wealth into the frog’s mouth. Just don't glue them.

Anyone who has a beautiful precious frog in their home is wondering what is such a rich symbol in Feng Shui? In this case, we can talk not only about the emergence of new money, but also about the protection of what has already been earned. In addition, a toad with a coin in its mouth and a special symbol on its back, reflecting the harmony of Yin and Yang, has an enhanced effect. It is useful to purchase figurines with stands in the form of money.


Ideally, a Feng Shui money frog should be made of wood or yellow metal to match the element of Water. Options with crystal, stones and glass are allowed, but the main thing is that according to Feng Shui, the money toad resembles a real animal. Therefore, stylized figures are not suitable.

According to Feng Shui, a frog also has good strength if made independently. It can be sculpted from clay, embroidered on fabric or carved from wood.

Where should the money toad be located according to Feng Shui?

According to Chinese practices, the question of where the toad should stand according to Feng Shui is very important, since this talisman is capricious. First, decide where the frog should look. The best option is to look at the apartment itself, and not the front door.

  • When choosing how to place a frog, be guided by family traditions of managing money matters and cardinal directions. So, you can keep the figurine in the living room, office or hall.
  • According to Feng Shui, where should the money toad be located without taking into account the layout of the apartment? Of course, in the wealth sector, on the southeast side of the house or office.
  • When you have a Feng Shui toad, where should you place it to activate it? This should be a place with water so that the talisman can be bathed in a stream of running liquid. The coin frog should come into contact with water once a week, but it can even be placed in an aquarium.
  • If you want your office at work to be guarded by a money toad according to Feng Shui, where should you place this figurine on the table? Choose the upper left corner of any work surface.
  • When considering where to place a toad according to Feng Shui, avoid dirty and cramped places: bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. There is also no need to place a frog in the southern sector.

Hippopotamus according to feng shui

This animal is a symbol of power and invincibility. It is associated with extraordinary strength and fertility. Despite the negative attitude towards these creatures in many ancient cultures, the Feng Shui hippopotamus has only positive meaning. It represents love, peace, tranquility and hope. Therefore, such a talisman acts as an excellent talisman for the home.

Figures with hippopotamuses can be different: aggressive, playful, thoughtful. Moreover, the figurine is usually single and small.

According to Feng Shui, hippos are suitable as gifts for couples, travelers and very cheerful people. When positioned appropriately, the figurine conveys fun and carelessness. You can activate the talisman by scratching it behind the ear. Such a hippopotamus additionally brings health and new acquaintances.

Where to place the hippo figurine

You can place talismans with hippos, especially in a cartoon style, in the children's creativity sector. Then, along with positivity, inspiration will come, and the younger generation will not encounter problems along the way.

The second option for placing a Chinese figurine of this animal is the love zone. You should choose a pair of hippos at once, which will bring mutual fidelity, unity and harmony to the couple in the relationship.

Carp according to feng shui

According to Feng Shui, carps have a positive meaning because they are treated with respect and respect in China. It is these fish that symbolize purposeful movement forward and enormous endurance even in the presence of obstacles. Paintings “Carps” in Feng Shui represent the owner’s additional wisdom and harmony in all areas of life.

The most elite carp in China are Koi carp. Feng Shui loves these fish very much because they were bred thousands of years ago and are often found in beautiful Chinese legends. The peculiarity of this breed of carp is that they are multi-colored.

Where to place 9 Koi carp according to Feng Shui

A figurine of one carp is called “Tai” and is associated with luck and high spiritual development of a person. You can place such a figurine in the southeast so that the money goes into your hands. A pair of carp, in turn, makes the relationship between a man and a woman warmer and more friendly. The most powerful talismans are 9 carps according to Feng Shui. What does this symbol mean? This is the prosperity and enrichment of the whole family.

Whatever talisman you choose, do not forget to activate it. Place the carp near or directly in the water, even if it is a painted fish or figurine. Of course, live carp has maximum efficiency. You can also complement the carps with other talismans - the Taoist holy elder or the god of happiness Eibisu. In the first case, the composition gives peace of mind, and in the second - longevity.

According to Feng Shui, nine carps can be safely placed in the north of the apartment to increase income. If you know your Gua number, place the talisman in the appropriate area so that the head of the fish faces the desktop or the center of the house. According to Feng Shui, 9 Koi carps in a study or office will bring victory in competition. And in the northeast, this talisman helps to successfully complete your studies.


Koi carps, especially 9 pieces, according to Feng Shui, can be made in combination with coins and bells. The materials can be any, but among the shades you should give preference to blue and black colors with a metallic tint.

A panel with Koi carps using the Guohua technique can become a separate interior decoration and talisman. This is Chinese painting on paper or silk using water-based paints and ink.

According to Feng Shui, the main amphibious animals store the energy of Water, but their positive qualities greatly help people in various sectors of the apartment. You need to choose such strong talismans based not only on ancient Chinese experience, but also on your own intuition. For example, according to Feng Shui, a snake means grace and knowledge, but if you have unpleasant associations with such a creature, you should discard the amulet.

The turtle talisman is one of the most popular symbols in Feng Shui, and this type of philosophy chose only four representatives of the animal world; it received the most valuable qualities. The philosophy of Feng Shui is very ancient, it has been created for centuries, and the wisdom it possesses helps to understand many values ​​in real life. According to Feng Shui, a turtle not only means longevity and health, it is an animal symbol of endless patience and wisdom. The house must have a protective shield, in other words: the shell of a turtle is a kind of force field that protects human homes. If there is no turtle in the house, there should be a structure behind it, the meaning of which is interpreted as a symbol of home protection. In ancient China, before people began building housing, they first looked for an area where there would be protection, in the form of a hill or a mountain; houses in open areas were considered unsuccessful and could not provide reliable shelter.

According to Feng Shui, a turtle means longevity and health

Symbol meaning

The turtle symbolizes movement; it has chosen its path forward and, under any circumstances, always reaches its goal. The special value of the symbol lies in the fact that according to Feng Shui, this animal brings good luck; having a turtle in your home means protecting yourself with a very strong talisman. Philosophy states that a person who brings a turtle into his home and leaves it to live changes everything for himself and his family only for the better. It is not necessary to get a live animal - a figurine of this reptile will do. The turtle symbol has many positive meanings:

  • assistance in family matters;
  • increased well-being;
  • stability and evenness of relationships;
  • reliability.

What cannot be said about the symbol is that the turtle is distinguished by its speed of movement, but it is almost impossible to force it to abandon the idea. In case of danger, the turtle hides its head in its shell, this does not mean that it gives up its plan, thus the animal patiently waits out the unfavorable situation.

According to Feng Shui, the meaning of the symbol has another direction: hard work, which always bears fruit. Black reptiles protect most of the northern side of our planet, so work rooms, workshops and other rooms reserved for work are best planned on the side of the house that is located to the north.

You don’t have to have an animal, you can put a figurine of a turtle

What kind of material is used to make turtles

The symbol is made from all sorts of things: stone, metal, even matter. Each material has its own meaning:

  • Black or silver-plated metal helps in work, develops perseverance and hard work.
  • Ceramics are a symbol of financial well-being.

According to feng shui you can make your own talisman, sew it for your children. What such talismans are made from and how they are decorated, this is already decided independently, as well as how to use it. Many mothers attach the figures to their children’s clothes, on baby strollers, and use them as a soft toy.

Another way to use a talisman is very simple: the turtle is perfectly oriented in two elements: in water and on land. According to Feng Shui, if you cut out a figure (you can use a photograph) and attach a blue or blue background and your photograph to it, then the symbol can be safely placed on your desktop. This symbolism will help in the work and will direct the ability of the owner of the amulet to work in the right direction. The mascot should always be installed so that the turtle's head is pointing upward. In the future, the symbol will warn against rash decisions, and will provide support in many important endeavors.

The Chinese say that you need to talk to your talismans from time to time: consult with them, lay out your grievances, problems, this greatly eases the soul, gives you self-confidence and, of course, helps you make the right decision. According to Feng Shui, turtles cannot stand company, not that they are lonely, but they prefer loneliness, so there is no need to display several identical talismans in one house: one is enough.

Gold pendant in the shape of a turtle

How to activate the talisman

The talisman itself is already active for work, but you can enhance its work in a very simple way. If you have an aquarium in your house, this is an excellent place where you can place the amulet for a while. The aquatic environment is one of the places where turtles live. If you don’t have an aquarium, you can put water in a regular jar; a houseplant, which symbolizes protection for turtles in the wild from enemies, is also suitable.

If you want to double the power of the talisman, you can use a regular sticker of this animal, pasting it on top of another talisman, you will get double protection.

What do the myths say?

There are several myths in which reptiles play major roles, but three of them are the most famous:

  • Until people learned that the earth was round, their ideas about the world boiled down to the fact that the earth’s plane was held by a huge turtle. In this myth, the turtle is assigned the main task - to maintain balance, not to overturn the earth, and not to destroy all living things on it. If earthquakes, floods, or volcanoes erupted on earth, everyone thought that this was all due to the movement of a turtle in the oceans.
  • The Chinese learned another myth from Indian tribes, and it says that once upon a time turtles were large giants who were not afraid to enter into a struggle for primacy to rule the world with the gods. The gods were merciless warriors and the giants were quickly defeated, but the shields that were lost in the battle began to grow paws, a head and a tail, and the animals themselves quickly spread throughout the world.
  • The Chinese themselves have come up with another myth for themselves. There is a sky temple in Beijing, but the columns that support the roof of the building are made of wood, they are mounted on the shells of hundreds of turtles. According to popular belief, a turtle shell protects a tree from damage: rot and disease with the help of magical powers.

Turtle mascot

Feng Shui myth about the turtle

The Chinese are very fond of their myths, their whole life is built according to the principles of nature, having looked closely at the animal world for several millennia, people have borrowed a lot for themselves from the habits of animals. They firmly believe that a turtle can live and be content with very little, not eat or drink for 3,000 thousand years, that the wisdom of this animal is limitless, and thanks to patience and hard work it survives in this world with minimal losses to itself. According to the symbols of the Great Triad, the upper part of the turtle’s shell symbolizes the sky, its lower part – water, the organism – the earth, and all living things in it and on it.

The turtle symbolizes the two energies that are balanced under the shells of the animal: yin and yang, as well as the knowledge brought into this world for people together with animals and passed on to humanity as a most valuable gift from many extraterrestrial civilizations.

The turtle talisman in Feng Shui is considered a symbol of longevity, wisdom, protection and health. In Feng Shui there are four celestial animals, and the turtle is considered one of these animals. In the teachings of Feng Shui, it is believed that there should be a turtle in every house, and if there is no turtle, then there should be a “turtle” behind the “back” of each house. Those. behind every house there must be some hill or some building larger than your house.

Structures that do not have protection behind them are considered unsuccessful. In the old days in China, people spent a long time choosing a location to build a house.

You should always have protection behind your back, even when you are sitting at the dinner table. Try to sit so that there is always some support behind your back.

Stability and reliability

The turtle is a symbol of moving forward. The most important advantage of this talisman is that it attracts good luck, improves the standard of living, helps to flawlessly solve all life’s tasks and affairs, and also increases income growth.

According to Feng Shui, the turtle talisman mainly helps the owner of the family, because the turtle shell is a symbol of stability and reliability. A person who has a turtle talisman will always be protected.

In addition to longevity, wisdom and health, the turtle is also a symbol of hard work, which is certainly rewarded. The black tortoise is considered the guardian of the North, which is why Feng Shui always recommends making work rooms on the north side.

What to make a turtle from

What should a turtle talisman be made of so that it brings good luck to its owner?

If you want a turtle to help you in work matters, then it is better to purchase a turtle talisman simply made of metal or the metal can be silver-plated or gold-plated.

A ceramic figurine of a turtle will also help in business and career, give you wisdom and increase your financial well-being.

Even a soft toy in the shape of a turtle can perform all these functions and become a good mascot. A live turtle is also quite suitable and it does not matter what kind it is - freshwater or land.

You can simply cut out a turtle from some magazine, draw a blue triangle on its shell, it will symbolize water, and stick your portrait on the triangle. And stick this whole picture on the north side in your office, but be sure to position it so that it is head up. This picture will serve as a symbol of the fact that the turtle, as it were, lifts you up. And your main task is to think more about your goal. Your turtle mascot will do the rest for you.

Turtles usually like to be alone, so you should have no more than one mascot at home.

The turtle talisman should be used when you feel the need for support, help and make the right decision in any matter.

How to activate the talisman

In principle, according to Feng Shui, the turtle talisman does not need to be activated, but its effect can still be enhanced. Place a water tank and a plant next to the turtle. Because Since the turtle mainly lives in grass and water, this will be the best activation for this talisman.

We have already mentioned more than once in other topics that any talisman can be depicted on another talisman, thereby we will receive double protection. And the turtle mascot is no exception. Stick or draw a turtle on any Feng Shui talisman, and then you will get a double interaction between the talismans.

Myths and legends

In many Chinese legends and not only, the turtle is given the main place when talking about the universe. Previously, people believed that our globe was flat, and that it was supported by a huge turtle that lives in the World Ocean.

The Chinese learned another legend from the Indians. It says that once upon a time, huge giants, who considered themselves omnipotent, entered into battle with the Gods, and of course, were defeated. And those shields that they threw to the ground grew tails, paws and heads, the shields turned into turtles, and spread throughout the world.

In China there was another belief. They believed that the Chinese Heavenly Temple, which is located in Beijing, namely, those wooden columns on which it has stood since the time it was built, stand on the backs of large living turtles. The Chinese believed that turtles had magical powers to protect wood from rot and mold. The Chinese also believed that this animal could live more than 3,000 thousand years without food or water.

Chinese symbol of the universe

In Chinese culture, the tortoise has received great attention since ancient times. The Chinese told fortunes on turtle shells, made medicinal tinctures, and made paintings. From ancient times to the present day, the turtle in China is considered a symbol of the Universe.

The turtle shell means the sky, the turtle's belly means the earth. The longevity of this animal means eternity for the Chinese.

In Taoism, the turtle is considered a symbol of the Great Triad: Heaven, water and earth. The upper shell of a turtle is the arch of the sky, its body is man and the earth, and the lower shell symbolizes water.

The upper shell of the turtle signifies the favorable yang energy, while the lower shell symbolizes the negative yin energy. Therefore, we can judge that these two energies are balanced in the turtle.

It was the turtle that brought knowledge of the science of Feng Shui to mankind into this world, therefore in Feng Shui this animal is revered more than other animals.

People gave the turtle the nickname “Black Warrior”, which means that this animal is the personification of life on earth. She is unhurried, consistent and slowly moves along the path of life. It is these properties that will appear in a person who acquires a Feng Shui talisman - a turtle.

dragon turtle

And finally, I would like to say a few words about another Feng Shui talisman - the dragon-turtle. The dragon turtle is a magical animal with the body of a turtle and the head of a dragon.

It is believed that this magical animal protects people from the wrath of the Chinese prince Tai-Sui.

If you purchased a dragon-turtle talisman, then you need to place it so that this animal faces the West, it is in the West that the Grand Duke Tai-Sui is located. If the dragon-turtle looks in his direction, then there will be much less trouble in your life.

Chinese emperors depicted a turtle on their banners. When setting off on a journey by water, the Chinese always took a couple of turtles with them. They believed that they would save sailors from shipwreck. In the practice of Feng Shui, this amphibian is a symbol of support, reliability and longevity, but it is famous not only for these qualities.

The turtle symbol is very multifaceted in Chinese culture. People called her a black warrior; she personified an all-conquering force that, without haste, moves towards its intended goal.

Its unusual structure symbolizes the Universe. The shell is a symbol of yang, and the body located under it is yin. In the Chinese worldview, an amphibian is an ideal combination of two energies.

In classical feng shui, the turtle symbol guards the back of a building. That is, behind the house there should be a natural hill or a larger structure. If there is no protection, then the house was considered to be built in a not entirely favorable location.

The slow-moving amphibian was credited with miraculous properties. They believed that it could live three thousand years without water or drink. It was used as a disinfectant: the animal supposedly helped rid the house of mold and rot.

The turtle really helps its owner. In Feng Shui, a living turtle helps create a healthy atmosphere in the home, as well as moving forward. But not everyone has the opportunity to have a living creature; it requires care. In addition, it will be a Feng Shui pet, not its symbol.

The figurine in the house can be made of any material except wood. You can choose metal with gold or silver plated, glass, jade, marble, ceramics. There are turtles made of stone, but such figures are designed to protect houses from the outside.

The heavier the material, the better. The optimal choice is a metal turtle with gold plating or its imitation.

The turtle has the following actions:

  • Helps you move up the career ladder.
  • Promotes spiritual growth if a person feels “inhibited.”
  • Protects the owner of the house from all kinds of adversity.
  • The turtle shell protects if a person feels that he is in danger of trouble.

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

It is important to choose the right figure. After all, the fulfillment of desires depends on what type of turtle it will be.

Turtle on coins

Promotes financial prosperity if income flow has decreased or stagnated. It is best to find a figurine where the turtle stands on coins and silver (gold) bars.


You can find a figurine of three turtles standing on each other’s shells. In China, such figurines are bought by childless families who dream of having offspring. They acquire a similar symbol if the family already has children. The talisman promotes the health of family members. Three turtles symbolize three generations and provide their protection.

Dragon turtle

A mystical animal with the head of a dragon and the body of a turtle. This figurine contains the power of two celestial animals at once. She combines the wisdom of an amphibian, has absorbed longevity and patience, and adopted ambition from the dragon.

Mantras and signs are engraved on the shell, the meaning of which is better to find out before purchasing a talisman. A mantra with alien thoughts will only do harm.

The dragon turtle can be placed not only at home, but also in the office.

It promotes your career and helps you decide on unexpected actions. Like all turtles, it is held behind its back. But it can be placed on a table, for example, as a paperweight.

Don't put coins in the dragon turtle's mouth, otherwise it might do the exact opposite.

One of the four celestial animals. Symbol of winter and north. Gifted to the head of the family. It symbolizes the inviolability of faith and a calm march along the path of life. Must bring stable income and prosperity.


To achieve the goals in which the turtle helps, you need an image of the animal or shell. Materials of manufacture do not matter. This can be cardboard on which they paint with watercolors or gouache; the shell can be cut out from a magazine.

A blue triangle (symbol of water) is placed in the center of the shell. They hang their photograph in it. Such a talisman should provide protection to the turtle.

Where is it better to place it in the house?

The turtle is placed in the northern sector if improvements are needed in the work area. For this reason, the office should be located in the northern sector.

We must try to ensure that the turtle provides rear protection, that is, it is behind the back.

A pyramid of turtles is placed in the east. If there is a confrontation between fathers and children in a family, and household members cannot find a common language with each other, then the turtle family will smooth out all conflicts over time. It is better to purchase a pyramid made of metal. It should not stand on coin bars.

The dragon turtle is placed in the sector where the Grand Duke of the year Tai Sui flies. In 2018 it is the northwest. But the location of this sector changes every year, so you need to make sure that the dragon turtle “crawls” from place to place. The reptile must face west, then it will protect its owner from troubles.

The drawing of a turtle is hung in the north sector. In the image, the animal should be crawling upward, symbolizing the upward path of your family.

It is good when the figure is on some kind of elevation, and not on a horizontal surface. A turtle that climbs up helps its owner overcome obstacles.

It is advisable that she looks out the window and not at the door. The talisman is able to remove negative energy, for example, if an acute angle or other unfavorable signs are visible through the window.

Outside the house, turtles are placed in the southeast or south.

There should be only one figurine or pyramid of a turtle.

How to activate the talisman?

A figurine in the house is a strong and influential talisman that may not be activated. But if you need to get results very urgently, then next to the figurine you can place another indoor plant with thick, erect leaves. It is not always necessary to place a container with water; water should not be placed in the office or bedroom.

The turtle talisman loves hard workers; it is not for nothing that in China the amphibian also symbolizes hard work. If work is not held in high esteem in a family, it is better not to place this symbol in the house.

06/07/2017 at 08:12

Z Hello, dear friends!

Symbolism has always carried a certain meaning and message. It can motivate, inspire, fill with positive energy, eliminating the adverse effects of the opposite.

A variety of symbols can surround a person in different areas of life! Very often we bring characteristic figurines, images or amulets from a resort holiday, buy them in specialized stores or receive them as a gift.

But what is actually hidden behind the usual image of a turtle, which can be found in a cafe, in the workplace, in a spa, in the form of a tattoo or pendant? Have you ever thought about how much it can influence the course of life if you acquire such a symbol?

What is it really intended for? turtle symbol ? What influence can it have on a person and where does it “begin”?

In China, and According to local legends, the turtle is sacredly revered. There is a direct explanation for this, because she is a powerful talisman, if you approach the interpretation of the symbol according to feng shui. It has long been given a special, significant place in conversations about the universe itself.

If we remember the beliefs of the past, where the globe was not round, but flat, it becomes funny. But the symbol of the turtle was associated at that time as something fundamental and strong, since it was she who held three elephants on her strong body, which, in turn, held the Earth.

In order to plunge into the atmosphere of mystery, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the unique myths and legends born in the “homeland” of symbolism.

Legends about the turtle according to Feng Shui

The Chinese have more than one legend about the origin of the sacred meaning of the image of a turtle. They learned about one of them from the Indians themselves. The legend says that once upon a time, huge giants entered into a global battle with the Gods, wanting to prove their superiority. And, naturally, they failed.

But the shields they used turned into nothing more than V real turtles crawling across the world and the depths of the world's oceans. The Chinese have always believed in the impressive strength of turtles. And to confirm my words, I will give one more addition.

The Heavenly Temple, which according to Chinese legends is located in Beijing, is subordinate to higher powers. Why is that? It's all about the wooden columns on which it is erected. According to local residents, from the very time the temple was built, faithful turtles served as its foundation! To this day they hold the shrine on their backs, endowing it with special, magical powers!

Symbol meaning

In the science of Feng Shui, the turtle is considered a symbol of the age-old wisdom , good health, protection and longevity . The thing is that in Feng Shui there are 4 main sacred animals and the turtle is one of them.

People immersed in science are convinced that this talisman should be present in every residential building or every workplace.It guarantees the strongest protection from ill-wishers, bad energy and troubles.

Moreover, if in the house there is none, then the dwelling must have a certain elevation of the natural landscape, which will resemble the shell of a real patron.

For all its slowness, the turtle is a symbol of undeniable movement forward! Do you think that's where his track record of beneficial influence ends? No! This is a truly majestic talisman. Its main advantage is expressed in several aspects of influence:

  • attract good luck to a person and his areas of realization;
  • improve quality of life;
  • help solve problems, increase the success of any business or undertaking;
  • act as a powerful defense against malicious intent;
  • provide assistance to the head of the family, since the turtle shell is a symbol of stability and confidence;
  • increase income growth, which is important today.

It is important to know that in addition to being a talisman for health and longevity, the turtle undertakes to be a sign of hard work, which is almost always rewarded.

It is for this reason, according to the science of Feng Shui, that the black turtle is considered the guardian of the North no part of the world and is an ideal area for installing workoffice right there!

Turtle in mascots

A soft toy located in a children's room can also act as a powerful totemic sign. In addition to the single representative of the force, the hairdryer- Shui use e t symbols where three turtles appear, located on top of each other. These are full-fledged systems that have a hidden form of pyramids carrying a colossal charge.

It is believed that the turtle loves loneliness and therefore, it is enough to place just one symbol in the house, counting on a successful life.

But there is no such thing as too much of a good thing, and enterprising Chinese do not hesitate to decorate the interior of their home with several representatives of mystical, aquatic fauna. To do this, they use uninspired symbols and real turtles wallowing in terrariums.

Moreover, they found the use of talismans in the aquarium, creating diversity in the space of the artificial, aquatic world. Turtles are made from several materials as Feng Shui figurines. You can find talismans of various colors, the basis of which is ceramics, metal, wood or plaster. You can also find products made from different minerals. Knowing which one is right for you can even enhance the effect!

Accommodation in and around the house

To strengthen the career sector, it is imperative that you place the turtle symbol in the North of the house. This is a full-fledged place of the water element, where it reveals its abilities to the maximum.

  • For family well-being, understanding and love. Place a figurine in the east of the house in the form of three turtles forming a pyramid;
  • to strengthen your budget and wealth, place the symbol in the southeastern sector of the house. Make sure that it is made of wood, painted in the golden color of the coins;
  • if you want to enlist the support of teachers and mentors to acquire wisdom, install turtle symbols in the northwest of the house. The ideal number is six watermarks. This will bring you the necessary support and help from influential representatives of the human race, and maybe spiritual teachers;
  • The symbol placed behind your back will help you strengthen your position in the work field. This will ensure stability and an impenetrable rear in the future of any endeavors;
  • outside the home walls, the ideal place for a turtle looks like this: a pond or terrace in the north, relative to your home.

I do not recommend buying live representatives of fauna! Firstly, any animal prefers freedom to a narrow terrarium, and secondly, living beings are not slaves or things, and as a result, are not subject to sale! And thirdly, turtles are often caught illegally and transported in terrible conditions, which leads some species to the brink of extinction! Many species of turtles are in the Red Book because of man's desire to possess everything!

If you really love animals, watch them in nature! Under natural conditions, both they and you are happy. Moreover, their behavior is more interesting and natural!

That's it!

See you on the blog, bye-bye!

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