How to make solyanka from sauerkraut. A classic recipe for solyanka made from sauerkraut. Country-style sauerkraut

Step-by-step recipes for making solyanka from sauerkraut in a saucepan, slow cooker, oven and in pots

2017-12-11 Rida Khasanova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

5 gr.

3 gr.


3 gr.

57 kcal.

Option 1: Classic sauerkraut solyanka recipe

This light dish is rightfully considered low-calorie. But, like every recipe, this one also has its own secrets and nuances. If sauerkraut has a sharp sour taste, then before preparing hodgepodge from it, soak the pieces in cold water for 20-30 minutes. Drain the water and use the pieces for their intended purpose.

Add meat, chicken or mushrooms, hard or soft cheese to the dish according to your taste. But use salt carefully, because the main ingredient, cabbage, is already salted.


  • 530 g sauerkraut;
  • onion head;
  • 50 g carrots;
  • one medium tomato;
  • 200 g veal (or beef);
  • 400 ml broth;
  • a pinch of sugar;
  • salt to taste;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Step-by-step recipe for sauerkraut solyanka

Rinse the veal in cold water and cook in two liters of water. Skim the foam when boiling and cook the meat until tender with the lid almost closed without salt. Then remove the meat and, after cooling at room temperature, cut into pieces. Strain the broth and leave two glasses for further cooking.

Free the sauerkraut from the brine, chop the large parts into smaller pieces. Wash and peel the onions, carrots and tomatoes. If desired, you can remove the skin from the latter. To do this, make cuts on the surface of the tomato and scald it for 2-3 seconds and cool with cold water. Remove the skin with your hands and then chop the pulp with a knife. Grate the carrots and cut the onion into strips.

Pour oil into a saucepan and add all the vegetables, including cabbage. Cover and heat through, then simmer.

When the vegetables soften and become smaller in volume, add meat. Pour in half the broth. Salt and sweeten. Simmer with the lid closed. As the liquid boils, add broth and stir the hodgepodge.

When all the vegetables become soft, this is about 40 minutes after the start of stewing, remove the dish from the heat.

Instead of broth, it is allowed to use plain water, but boiled and hot. If you pour cold water over the vegetables, they will take much longer to cook. You can add a few cranberries or lingonberries to this recipe - they will enrich the dish with a set of vitamins.

Option 2: Quick recipe for sauerkraut solyanka

A quick hodgepodge of sauerkraut can be prepared in a slow cooker. This method is more convenient and frees up a lot of free time for other things.


  • half a kilo of sauerkraut;
  • 3-4 sausages (milk or cream);
  • 2-3 potato tubers;
  • onion head;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • two tbsp. water;
  • ½ tsp. salt;
  • a little sugar;
  • two tsp. butter.

How to quickly make solyanka from sauerkraut

Prepare all products. Drain the cabbage and chop into pieces if necessary. Peel and rinse potatoes, onions and garlic. Press the garlic through a press. Cut the onion into strips and the potatoes into cubes. Peel the sausages from the casing and cut into small strips.

Place the butter, all the prepared vegetables and sausages, salt and sugar into the multicooker bowl. Pour in warm or hot water.

Close the lid and turn on the stew mode for 40 minutes. After this time you will hear a signal. It indicates that the dish is ready.

Sugar is always added to sauerkraut recipes. You only need a little bit of it to enrich the sour taste with a sweet note. Although, of course, you can make hodgepodge at home without sugar. All recipes can be modified to suit the tastes of the hostess.

Option 3: Solyanka from sauerkraut in the oven

Solyanka cooked with boiled rice is a very satisfying dish. The spicy notes of chili peppers add personality to the dish. But, if spiciness is not to your taste, serve this dish with sour cream - it will soften the taste and the dish will become slightly creamy.


  • 480 g cabbage (sauerkraut);
  • 50 g round rice;
  • 100 g leeks;
  • a couple of spoons of tomato paste;
  • tip of chili pepper;
  • one sweet bell pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste;
  • 70 g hard cheese.

How to cook

Boil the rice until half cooked. Instead of round, you can use steamed, wild or Basmati according to your taste. Do not rinse the cooked rice, just drain the liquid.

Sort the cabbage without brine with your hands, if necessary, cover with water for 20 minutes, and then drain the water. Rinse the sweet pepper and chili and remove seeds and stems. Separate the leeks into individual leaves and rinse under running water; they may contain sand. Then chop all the vegetables into thin strips.

Turn on the oven at 180˚C and grease a baking sheet or mold with oil. Place the cabbage in the first layer, then distribute the rice. Next is a layer of pepper and onion. Mix tomato paste and salt in a glass of hot water, pour over the food in a baking tray. Place in the oven for 30 minutes.

After this, take out the baking sheet and grate the cheese onto the food in an even layer. Place back into the oven for a quarter of an hour.

You can bake this dish in the oven in a regular non-stick baking tray with high sides or in a ceramic form. But do not use springform pans; the broth will leak out through the bottom and start burning.

Option 4: Sauerkraut solyanka with chicken in a pot

Champignons are added to the recipe for this hodgepodge. But any other mushrooms will do instead. For example, take dried or frozen wild mushrooms. You can add dried ones in two ways. The first is to soak in water for several hours, and then cut and boil. The second is to grind the mushrooms in a blender into crumbs and add to the hodgepodge as a spice.


  • 200 g champignons;
  • 300 g sauerkraut;
  • 1 tsp. dried spicy herbs;
  • 2-3 pickled cucumbers (or pickled);
  • 200 g chicken pulp;
  • 4-5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 220 g wheat bread;
  • 100 g soft curd cheese.

Step by step recipe

To start cooking, process the selected products. Clean and wash the champignons. Then cut into thin slices. Remove the cabbage from the brine and cover with cold water for half an hour. Then drain the water and chop the cabbage additionally into smaller pieces. Cut the skin off the cucumber and cut the pulp into strips. Rinse the chicken and cut into cubes or strips.

Pour 2 tbsp into the pan. l. vegetable oil and fry the chicken pieces until golden brown over high heat. Place these pieces in a ceramic pot.

Place mushrooms on the chicken, then a mixture of cabbage, cucumbers and dried herbs. There is no need to salt the dish. Pour half a glass of broth or water and place the pot in the oven, closing the lid. The recommended temperature is 180-200˚C, and the time is 50-60 minutes. The same simmering effect can be achieved by preparing the dish in a heavy duck pot on the stove (its lid should also be closed when stewing).

Prepare croutons for serving. To do this, take better dry stale bread. Cut the wheat bread into small cubes and place in the pan where the chicken was fried a little earlier. Pour in more vegetable oil and fry until golden brown. Turn the pieces over periodically. Grind the cheese and sprinkle it on the croutons at the end of frying. Stir and remove from heat. Cover with a lid.

When the dish is ready, place it in the center of the table directly in the pot on a napkin. Uncover and place croutons and cheese on top.

To make this dish portioned for each guest, use small pots of 250-400 g in volume. Then the hodgepodge can be served directly into them. To prevent your guest from getting burned, place the pot on a flat plate and serve cool sauce next to it. White sour cream or onion sauces based on cream are suitable as a sauce.

Option 5: Solyanka of sauerkraut with pearl barley

Cooking in this recipe takes a lot of time, since the pearl barley takes a long time to cook. But you can use one trick. Knowing that you need to prepare dishes with this grain the next morning, soak it overnight in cold water. The swollen grains will only need to be boiled for 30 minutes until soft.


  • 300 g cabbage (sauerkraut);
  • 50 g dry pearl barley;
  • a bunch of green onion feathers;
  • one carrot;
  • 3-4 smoked hunting sausages;
  • 30 ml vegetable oil;
  • spices or seasonings to taste.

How to cook

Wash and boil the pearl barley until soft. Rinse and transfer to a sieve to drain all the water.

Wash and peel the carrots and onions, chop thinly. Transfer the cabbage to a sieve and rinse with a stream of cold water, let the water drain.

Peel the smoked sausages from the film and cut into pieces. Transfer to a saucepan. Add carrots, cabbage and pearl barley. Pour a glass of broth or water. Place on moderate heat to simmer.

Stir the ingredients in the pan occasionally. Season with your favorite spices or seasonings. At the end of simmering, add green onions and stir. A minute later the dish is ready.

All these dishes can be prepared not only with sauerkraut, but also with fresh cabbage - white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli. Bon appetit.

At the word solyanka, many gourmets, and not only others, have pleasant taste memories of an ancient dish of Russian cuisine, which has gained well-deserved fame in our days. There is a lot of controversy about the name of the dish. And many are inclined to believe that this is most likely a distorted word “selyanka”, that is, “rural stew”. Due to the fact that many of the components that are used in solyanka are truly salty, gradually “selyanka” turned into “solyanka”. And in fact, the classic solyanka base consists of salty, sour and spicy ingredients that are cooked in a strong broth. The broth can be either meat, fish, or mushroom. Depending on this, the main components are used: boiled meat, meat products, sausages, smoked meats, corned beef. Any fish and any edible mushrooms are also used. But the main thing is not to forget about the basics. Here you can use pickles, sauerkraut, kvass, lemon, and capers. Many people consider it necessary to add olives and sour cream. In general, there are a lot of fantasies. And yet, solyanka with pickled cucumbers is considered a classic. But today we will move away from this tradition and prepare a soup - a meat hodgepodge with sauerkraut. In my opinion, it is no worse, because it retains the characteristic sour-salty taste. The dish is certainly extremely tasty, aromatic and satisfying. If you serve this hodgepodge as the first dish for lunch, then you won’t need a second course, go straight to dessert.

Taste Info Hot soups


  • meat broth – 1.3 l;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sauerkraut – 300 g;
  • ham – 150 g;
  • raw smoked sausage – 150 g;
  • salami sausage – 150 g
  • tomato paste – 1 tbsp;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste;
  • pitted olives – 10-12 pcs.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.

How to prepare Solyanka soup from sauerkraut

First, start with the sauerkraut. Squeeze it out of the brine and put it in a frying pan, pour in a little water. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the cabbage over medium heat for 15-20 minutes until soft. If you like crispy sauerkraut, you can skip this step or reduce the simmering time.

Peel, wash and finely chop the onions. After 10 minutes of stewing the cabbage, add chopped onion to the pan and continue to simmer.

After the specified time of stewing the sauerkraut, add tomato paste to the pan and stir.

Pre-cook the meat broth. It can be made from any meat: chicken, turkey, pork, beef. I had chicken. Let me remind you how to cook the broth. Wash the meat and place it in a saucepan, add fresh filtered water, bring to a boil, skim off the foam. Reduce heat to low and simmer until meat is cooked. Afterwards, strain the broth.

Place sauerkraut, onions and tomato paste in a saucepan with broth.

Cut all types of sausages into 1x1 centimeter cubes. And also meat from the broth. I have chicken. Take the sausage set according to your taste. This can be not only raw smoked and semi-smoked sausage and ham. Boiled sausage, milk and smoked sausages, boiled pork, and bacon are good options. The choice is huge.

Place the chopped sausage and meat in a saucepan.

Salt and pepper the solyanka, add bay leaf. A selection of dried herbs also works well. Adjust the thickness of the soup to your taste.

Bring the solyanka to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes over low heat. Finally, add the pitted olives.

Chop the dill or parsley and place in the prepared hodgepodge.

Fragrant, nourishing and very tasty meat hodgepodge with sauerkraut is ready. When serving, add a lemon wedge to each plate. Sour cream lovers can add it too.

Solyanka made from sauerkraut is one of the simplest and at the same time delicious dishes. You should not save time for preparing such a dish, then the result will please you. The more different smoked meats are present in the hodgepodge, the tastier it will be. It would be an excellent option if you cook it not with water, but with rich brisket.

Solyanka from sauerkraut in a slow cooker

To prepare we will need:

  • a kilogram of fresh cabbage;
  • 8 - 9 sausages;
  • two carrots;
  • six potatoes;
  • two onions;
  • oil, seasoning, bay leaf, herbs and salt.

First, rinse the cabbage twice; if it is very acidic, then use hot water. Then finely chop the onion, fry it in a slow cooker until golden brown in the “Baking” mode, add the carrots cut into small cubes and simmer for about another five minutes.

Peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes, add them to the vegetables. Then add sauerkraut there. Mix everything well and set to simmer in the “Stew” mode for about 1.5 hours.

Half an hour before the dish is ready, add sausages, pre-fried and cut into circles. If you prefer any other meat products, you can use them (sausages, brisket, bacon, sausage, etc.). Serve the finished dish with herbs.

Solyanka made from sauerkraut. Recipe No. 2


  • pork ham, smoked meats - 200 g each;
  • three pickled cucumbers;
  • two tomatoes;
  • 300 g sauerkraut;
  • one onion;
  • capers;
  • tomato paste, salt, oil, pepper.

Solyanka from sauerkraut: recipe

Cut the cucumbers into small pieces. We cut all the smoked meats into thin strips, and the tomatoes into small cubes. Chop the onion.

Boil the pork until half cooked, remove the meat. When the meat has cooled, cut it into small pieces. Fry the pork pieces with onions until golden brown, then put them back into the broth.

As soon as the water boils, add sauerkraut, cucumbers and smoked meats. Cook the hodgepodge until the cabbage becomes soft. At the end, add capers, tomatoes, pepper, tomato paste and salt.

Sauerkraut solyanka is ready! Bon appetit!

and mushrooms


  • 1.5 kg of sauerkraut;
  • four onions;
  • six mushrooms (champignons);
  • fried pork (can be replaced with ham) - about half a kilo;
  • sausage, game - 100 gr.;
  • flour, butter, salt, bay leaf, pepper.


First, boil the mushrooms until tender. Then rinse the cabbage three times in cold water and squeeze. Finely chop the onion and fry it with three tablespoons of sunflower oil, then add cabbage to it, fry it, gradually adding mushroom broth.

When the cabbage becomes soft, you need to add fried ham, sausage and game to it. Season everything with salt and pepper, add Simmer for thirty minutes, then fry one spoonful of flour and add it to the cabbage, mix well and simmer for about ten minutes. Place the hodgepodge in a saucepan and cook in the oven for another half hour until it browns a little. A hodgepodge of sauerkraut is served with sour cream.

Bon appetit!

A hearty cabbage solyanka can be either an independent dish or an interesting option for a vegetable side dish. This treat is prepared with various additives - mushrooms, meat, potatoes. And its basis can be either fresh or sauerkraut.

Ingredients: 630 g fresh cabbage, half the carrots, large onion, 60 g tomato paste, 4 bay leaves, ground black pepper, salt.

  1. The washed vegetables are finely chopped. It is best to cut onions into miniature cubes. This component is fried in any fat until soft.
  2. Next add chopped carrots, salt and pepper to the onion. Together, the ingredients simmer for another 7-8 minutes.
  3. Cabbage also goes into the frying pan. It is advisable to first knead it with your hands.
  4. The mass simmers over low heat for another 7-8 minutes.

All that remains is to put the tomato paste in the frying pan and bring the hodgepodge of fresh cabbage to full readiness.

With added sausages

Ingredients: about a kilo of fresh cabbage, a small carrot, an onion, 7 standard sausages, 2 tbsp. spoons of ketchup without additives, salt.

  1. The cabbage is washed, cleared of the outer coarse leaves and chopped quite finely. It is laid out in a frying pan and poured with olive or other vegetable oil. The vegetable is sent to be fried.
  2. Onions and carrots, chopped in any convenient way, are sautéed in a separate frying pan. They are cooked until soft. Next, ketchup is sent into the container.
  3. The fried cabbage is transferred to the finished cabbage. At this stage the dish is salted.
  4. Shredded sausages are cooked in the remaining frying pan. They need to be fried for 2-3 minutes while stirring.

All that remains is to mix the contents of two frying pans and the hodgepodge with sausages and cabbage is completely ready.

Cabbage solyanka with mushrooms for the winter

Ingredients: 1.5 kilos of wild mushrooms and fresh cabbage, 2 carrots, 65 g salt, 3 ripe tomatoes, 2 onions, 55 g granulated sugar, 120 ml tomato paste, any seasonings, 25 ml table vinegar.

  1. The mushrooms are cleaned, washed a couple of times and cooked for 12 minutes after boiling. Then they lean back in a colander.
  2. The cabbage is chopped into small pieces, after which it is lightly fried in refined oil in a large saucepan. Next, a little water is added to the container and the vegetable is stewed over low heat.
  3. Grated carrots and onion half rings are sautéed in a separate frying pan. This mass is also sent to the cabbage.
  4. The tomatoes are peeled. The easiest way to do this is after they have been scalded with boiling water. They, together with the mushrooms, without excess liquid, are placed in a pan with the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Add the remaining ingredients stated in the recipe, except vinegar. The mass is stewed for about half an hour. It is important not to forget to stir it periodically. The last portion of vinegar is poured into the container.

After mixing, hodgepodge of cabbage and mushrooms for the winter is laid out in sterilized containers. The treat is kept cool.

How to cook with meat?

Ingredients: half a kilo of pork, 2 onions, large carrots, a small head of cabbage, 2 tomatoes, 5-6 garlic cloves, 130 g of tomato paste, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of granulated sugar, salt, 3 bay leaves.

  1. Small pieces of meat are fried in any fat until the liquid from the pan evaporates.
  2. Shredded carrots and onions are sautéed separately.
  3. The cabbage is cut into miniature squares and transferred to the meat. Salt is also poured here.
  4. Tomatoes and garlic are finely chopped. They fry together for 10-12 minutes. The mixture is poured with a small amount of water with sugar and tomato paste. Bay leaves are also laid. After the mass boils, the bay leaf is removed.
  5. Vegetable sauce is poured over meat and cabbage. With a minimal sauce, the treat is stewed under the lid for 15-17 minutes.

Solyanka with meat will be a complete hearty lunch option for the whole family.

Multicooker recipe

Ingredients: a whole forkful of cabbage, a couple of carrots, a large onion, table salt, ¾ tbsp. filtered water, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of thick tomato paste without additives, a mixture of peppers. The following describes how to cook hodgepodge in a slow cooker, tasty and simple.

  1. The cabbage is finely chopped. The remaining vegetables are randomly chopped with a knife.
  2. First, the onion is sauteed in any fat in the bowl of a “smart pan”, then it is fried along with the carrots.
  3. After 5-6 minutes, the cabbage is added to the bowl.
  4. The products are salted, peppered, and filled with water with the paste dissolved in it.
  5. In the program intended for stewing, the dish simmers for about half an hour.

If the specified time was not enough, you can cook the food in the same mode for another 12-14 minutes.

Country-style sauerkraut

Ingredients: 620 g of sauerkraut, a pickled cucumber and an onion, a full glass of meat broth, salt, a couple of large spoons of tomato paste, 80 g of lard, 15 g of flour, aromatic herbs.

  1. The cabbage is directly squeezed out of the brine by hand. If it turns out to be too sour, the vegetable must also be rinsed with running water.
  2. Onion cubes are fried in lard. Salt, spices, and tomato paste are added to the same frying pan. And after a couple of minutes - prepared cabbage.
  3. The treat is simmered on low heat. When the vegetables have softened well, you can place the pickled cucumber slices without the peel in the frying pan.
  4. Fry the flour in a separate frying pan until golden (no oil is used). Then it is filled with broth. The liquid is mixed until the lumps disappear.
  5. The mixture from step four is poured over the cabbage and cooked for another 15-17 minutes. At the very end, you can add fried bacon or sausages to the treat to taste.
  1. Onions and carrots are randomly chopped. These ingredients need to be fried for about 8-9 minutes in any fat. Next, tomato paste is added to them. It is advisable to take the product without unnecessary additives.
  2. The potatoes are peeled and cut into cubes. There is no need to chop it, otherwise this vegetable may eventually turn into an unattractive mass when mixing the ingredients.
  3. After 10-12 minutes, you can add shredded cabbage to the frying pan. The dish is not covered with a lid. At this stage, the products are salted and sprinkled with spices.
  4. Next, pour a small amount of water into the frying pan.

Solyanka with cabbage and potatoes is simmered until all ingredients are fully cooked.

Lenten solyanka

Ingredients: 2 medium carrots, half a small head of cabbage, 2 onions, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of ketchup, any mixture of spices.

  1. The cabbage is chopped medium. The onion is finely chopped. The carrots are grated on a grater with medium holes.
  2. The onions are sautéed in olive oil right in the stewing pan for a couple of minutes. Then it cooks for 6-7 minutes along with the carrots.
  3. The cabbage is salted, kneaded by hand, and only after that it goes into the pan with other products. The simmering continues for another 10-12 minutes.
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