Liquid or thick blood what indicator. Signs of changes in blood viscosity. Blood clotting symptoms

Blood viscosity test: Plasma proteins prothrombin and fibrinogen are not critical.

Doctor, phytotherapist, nutritionist Boris Skachko

Blood viscosity is a very important indicator of blood, which determines the maximum life of the heart and blood vessels. The higher the viscosity of the blood, the faster the heart wears out. And by increasing blood pressure, the heart checks the vessels for strength, the resistance of vessels to a heart attack, stroke.

What gives you a blood test for viscosity? The answer to a very simple question. Will you wake up tomorrow or not. Those. go to work or only your obituary will be at the checkpoint of your company. The viscosity of blood varies over a very wide range. At the same time, a lot of factors affect the state of the blood. A critical increase in blood viscosity puts the entire cardiovascular system and its owner on the brink of survival. An increase in blood viscosity must withstand the power of the heart muscle (without acute heart failure, a decrease or increase in blood pressure). And the strength of blood vessels without acute vascular insufficiency in the form of myocardial infarction, ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. Those. an increase in blood viscosity increases cardiac risk or the risk of sudden death.

It is traditionally believed that the viscosity of the blood determine only the plasma proteins prothrombin and fibrinogen. Those. to assess blood viscosity, they are guided by the level of prothrombin, which should be at the lower limit of the normal range of 70-100%, and the amount of fibrinogen within - 2-4 g / l.

However, an equally important indicator is the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction (ROE) or, as they used to call the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Those. the ability of blood cells to settle, forming plasma above the blood column. The reaction is estimated in 1 hour. The lower the ESR (ROE), the higher the viscosity of the blood. And many rejoice, receiving ROE (ESR) in the value of 1-3 mm per hour! And at the same time, blood viscosity is very high and the heart is forced to pump viscous blood with a significant overload!

When a traditional blood viscosity test is performed, then usually only the level of prothrombin and the amount of fibrinogen in the blood are analyzed - i.e. rely only on a part of the blood components that determine the rheological properties or blood plasma fluidity ,not blood in general! Occasionally, ROE (ESR) is also taken into account. Using a dark-field microscope, one can analyze a living drop of blood, identify other blood components that determine the ability of blood to easily move through the vessels. And also what kind of load the heart muscle and blood vessels experience when providing proper blood circulation.

Prothrombin and fibrinogen are the most numerous proteins in blood plasma. And blood plasma represents approximately 50% of the blood volume. And evaluating only these two components, reveal only a part of the factors that determine blood viscosity.

The amount of albumin proteins also affects blood viscosity. Although albumins do not take part in the work of the blood coagulation system, they play an important role - they bind various toxins and contribute to their transfer to the main excretory organs - the liver and kidneys. Those. promote self-cleansing of the body, cleansing the blood of a variety of toxins. The amount of albumin in the blood affects not only blood viscosity, but also the tendency to allergic diseases, the activity of nonspecific immunity.

Influence on blood viscosity of other components of blood plasma.

In the blood plasma there are other substances that contribute to the adhesion (agglutination) of red blood cells and determine the viscosity of the blood. These are cholesterol, glucose, and protein digestion products. Cholesterol level. the content of which in the blood serum depends on the state of the liver. As well as the ability of the pancreas to control blood sugar levels by moving glucose into cells for metabolism. As well as the ability of the liver to process the products of protein digestion and turn them into protein molecules peculiar only to you.

The remaining 50% in the blood is occupied by the actual blood cells - erythrocytes (approximately 99% of the volume of all blood cells), as well as platelets and leukocytes. The cellular composition of blood also affects the rheological properties of blood. In assessing blood viscosity, both the number of erythrocytes is important (it increases in professional athletes, with regular fitness, in the gym, with pathologies of the respiratory system, heart and circulatory system), and the degree of agglutination of erythrocytes and platelet aggregation. Those. the ability of the most numerous blood cells to stick together.

Influence of ecology on blood viscosity.

In recent years, the ecological environment of a person has changed significantly, and the amount of natural food products has also decreased. Which largely affected the balance of the antioxidant system of the body and the amount of free radicals that are formed in the body of a modern person. Blood, occupying a strategically important position in the body, connects the system of barrier organs through which, together with the inhaled air, food and drinks, various xenobiotics from the environment enter. And the working area (actually the cell), where during any work the formation of waste products ("slags") and the production of free radicals occur.

Why does blood viscosity change?

Being at the intersection of two powerful streams of toxins (ecology on the one hand and intensity of work on the other), the state of the blood reflects the contribution of each component to the rheological properties of the blood. Rather, the individual characteristics of the human body, the ability to withstand the surrounding ecology.

If the antioxidant potential (the ability to produce and accumulate antioxidants) in your body is high, the blood will be more fluid and such a person is prone to longevity. And the most numerous blood cells in this case, when analyzing a live drop of blood, are located separately.

If the antioxidant potential of the body is low, the most numerous blood cells, erythrocytes, agglutinate with each other, forming bizarre structures resembling coin columns or tiles. Increases blood viscosity and many risks.

How to evaluate the viscosity of blood in general?

If you conduct a blood test for viscosity usingdark field microscope, then you can identify the contribution of each component: the genetic characteristics of your body, the environmental burden placed on it and the individual tolerance of the intensity of work. As well as the amount of waste products, or "slags" of metabolism, or homotoxins, accumulated in the body throughout life. And having identified the contribution of each component to blood viscosity, it is easy to make an individual correction.

Blood viscosity: treatment of VVD, NCD, depression, hypertension

Why do you need a blood viscosity test?

The most common cause of death is from cardiovascular disease. In about 50% of people (and in Ukraine - 67%), the main cause of death was cardiovascular diseases. And in the work of the cardiovascular system, three factors are of great importance: the power of the heart muscle, strength, elasticity and patency of blood vessels and blood viscosity. If the first three factors are relatively stable, they slowly change throughout a person's life. That blood viscosity can quickly change within a fairly wide range. Both upwards and downwards. And with high blood viscosity, put the entire cardiovascular system on the brink of the possible (hypertension, coronary heart disease). And with sudden changes in blood viscosity, test the regulation system (VSD, vegetative-vascular dystonia).

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD, vegetodystonia) is a multifaceted disease that reflects the ability of your body to provide blood circulation despite the high blood viscosity. With VVD, the body turns on the regulatory system in emergency mode, because. at the same time, vessels with increased tone are also present in the tissues, through which blood enters the tissue. And excessively dilated vessels, in which the vascular tone has fallen and blood circulation is slowed down. Why is it called "dis" - violation, "tonia" - vascular tone. And one of the main reasons is an increase in blood viscosity.

At the same time, if there is enough power of the heart muscle with viscous blood, an IRR attack of the hypertonic type appears. Those. banal increase in blood pressure. Vegetodistonia of the hypertensive type is often called the first stage of hypertension (AH) if there is a more constant increase in pressure in the vessels.

If, in the presence of viscous blood, the vascular tone is weakened, hypotension or vegetodystonia appears according to the hypotonic type. Those. blood pressure 90/60-100/70 mm Hg. In this case, the metabolism slows down, because. together with the pressure level, the pulse pressure also decreases (the difference between the upper and lower values ​​is less than 40 mm Hg. This is a rather dangerous condition, since cells (especially the brain) are provided at the lowest possible values. And an additional factor that increases blood viscosity either reducing vascular tone (exercise, hot shower, bath, Finnish sauna, Russian bath, emotional stress, etc.) can lead to either a headache or loss of consciousness.

The fact that it is important for the inhabitants of Ukraine to know what your personal blood condition is is evidenced by statistics. The rate of increase in the frequency of detection of diseases of the cardiovascular system by 55.3% over the past 10 years! And the specific mortality rate for 10 years increased from 56% to 67%. Those. if 10 years ago every second Ukrainian died from diseases of the cardiovascular system, now it is already 2 out of 3!

Who needs to know blood viscosity?

Everyone. This applies not only to people of advanced age, in whom the heart has already lost its former power, and the vessels - strength. The frequency of heart attacks between the ages of 20 and 50 increases 100 times! But even in children, high blood viscosity can cause acute heart failure (fortunately, rarely). But children die from acute heart failure both in Ukraine and in Russia!!!

Much more often, high blood viscosity in children and adolescents is manifested by disorders of the autonomic nervous system, manifested by exacerbation of vegetative-vascular dystonia (vegetodistonia, VVD). And a child or teenager complains of recurrent dizziness, frequent flashing of flies before his eyes, headache, etc. Up to loss of consciousness, which is a protective act. If vascular tone with high blood viscosity keeps blood in the vessels, acute heart failure may develop, which is often an irreversible condition. Now you can easily determine the state of the blood of your children and spread straws in advance!

What else can revealdark field microscope?

fibrinogen spicules. The blood plasma protein fibrinogen not only determines the viscosity of the blood, but also shows the amount of toxins, carcinogens that are in the blood plasma. Those. your body's ability to resist cancer. And this is the second most common cause of death! The individual state of the blood, detected usingdark field microscope, allows not only to see changes in a living drop of blood, but also to determine the means and methods for correcting the state of the blood.

Ecology of life. Health: White blood cell counts in the general blood test allow you to assess the state of immunity and even determine the cause of the disease ...

The indicators of the general blood test include (the abbreviation of the indicator is indicated in brackets):

Hemoglobin (HGB)- a protein located inside red blood cells, which is responsible for saturating the body with oxygen. In the lungs, it combines with oxygen and delivers it to the organs. There, oxygen is replaced by carbon dioxide, which is delivered to the lungs. This is how gas exchange occurs. According to the norms of a general blood test, the hemoglobin index differs for men and women - for the former it should be higher.

Red blood cells (RBC)- cells containing hemoglobin. A complete blood count has such a column as “the average content of hemoglobin in one erythrocyte” (MCH), which reflects the amount of this protein in one erythrocyte.

Hematocrit (HCT)- an indicator of blood density.

Reticulocytes (RE)- young erythrocytes. A drop in hemoglobin and red blood cells below normal can be observed with anemia, after a serious illness.

Platelets (PLT) provide blood clotting. A general analysis allows you to detect a decrease in the number of platelets and prevent bleeding, which is possible when the PLT falls below 50x109 / l.

Leukocytes (WBC)- Responsible for immunity. White blood cell counts in the general blood test allow you to assess the state of immunity and even determine the cause of the disease. Exceeding the level of leukocytes is often observed in acute bacterial infections, purulent inflammations. When the white blood cell count falls below normal, a viral infection, a toxic condition, and certain bacterial infections are likely.
Thus, if the number of leukocytes fighting viruses increases - the disease is caused by a viral infection, a lot of leukocytes fighting bacteria - a disease of a bacterial nature. Treatment in the first and second cases is significantly different.

Most active against bacteria neutrophils (NE), therefore, with inflammation of a bacterial nature, their percentage in the blood increases. While the number of other types of leukocytes (again expressed in%) decreases. In total, the percentage of all types of leukocytes is 100%.

The percentage of leukocytes of various types is called the leukocyte formula.

A detailed complete blood count provides information about the different types of neutrophils. Adult neutrophils, which perform the main job of fighting infection, are called segmented.

In the course of growing up, the neutrophil passes through several forms: myelocyte, metamyelocyte, stab neutrophil, and only then segmented.

The presence of segmented and a small number of stab neutrophils is absolutely normal.

Myelocytes and metamyelocytes appear in severe diseases, the activation of all the forces of the body to fight the disease.

Basophils (BA)- contained in the blood in small quantities. An increase in the content of basophils occurs in rare diseases.

Lymphocytes (LYMP) form general and local immunity. With viral infections, the content of lymphocytes increases.

Monocytes (MON) dispose of bacteria, dying cells, and other foreign elements. An increase in the number of monocytes is noted with prolonged infections, as well as infectious mononucleosis.

Plasma cells are absent in a healthy adult. Appear with chickenpox, bark, infectious mononucleosis, rubella, and some other viral infections.

An important indicator of the general blood test - ESR. In inflammatory processes, ESR increases.

Complete blood count should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. published

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Deviations from the norm appear in two forms:

Viscosity Symptoms

Signs of the disease may be invisible if there is a slight deviation from the norm. In the case when, due to an excessively thick consistency, it slows down blood circulation, the process of nutrition and respiration of cells is disrupted. Symptoms of this condition:

  • headache and fainting (due to lack of oxygen in the brain);
  • loss of strength, drowsiness, weakness, apathy;
  • limbs become numb;
  • impaired vision (occurs as a result of the fact that an insufficient amount of blood enters the retina of the eye);
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • increased hemophilia.

If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

There is no clear prescribed treatment for this disease yet. The doctor usually prescribes drugs for blood thinning - Aspirin cardio, Magnecard, Cardiomagnyl. It is important to understand that dense blood is not an independent disease, but the result of a pathology that exists in the body. Therefore, initially it is necessary to detect and eliminate the cause of the increase in viscosity. For example, treat hepatitis, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders.

The following also contribute to a decrease in the density of the blood fluid:

  • medicines containing cinchona bark;
  • change of working conditions;
  • increased oxygen in the blood;
  • high body temperature;
  • taking hot baths;
  • phosphoric acid;
  • special diet and drinking regime.

Diet with increased viscosity of the blood fluid

You need to drink a lot, at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. It is also recommended to use green tea or herbal decoctions. The diet must include:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables (especially pomegranate and red grapes);
  • seafood;
  • dark chocolate, cocoa;
  • dairy;
  • oils (linseed, olive).

The most effective will be a comprehensive treatment - giving up bad habits, an active lifestyle, proper and balanced nutrition, taking medication as prescribed by a doctor and regular examinations.

Why does the blood thicken, what does it mean and how to recognize and treat the disease at home with medication and folk remedies.

With an increased level of hemoglobin in the test results, a person often comes to the conclusion that he has thick blood. This is not entirely true, different states are meant by viscosity. The norms depend on the age of the patient and his characteristics, so the density may change as they grow older, as well as under various pathological conditions of the body. When talking about thick blood, the following is meant:

  • the number of red blood cells is increased;
  • increased hemoglobin level;
  • the ratio between red blood and plasma is broken.

Thick blood during pregnancy is a common occurrence that almost every woman encounters. If the indicators are too far from the norm, it is necessary to carefully monitor the changes, as this can lead to miscarriage of the fetus (miscarriage).

The treatment of such a condition usually does not cause difficulties, the therapist can easily give recommendations on changing diet and lifestyle, and if necessary, prescribe drugs to thin it. During pregnancy, a gynecologist or therapist will tell you what to do if the blood is thick, given the position of the woman and her history. Most often, she is advised to inject a special drug for thinning during the entire period of pregnancy. When viscosity appears, a person often feels the symptoms of such a pathology, but does not attach importance to them. Attentive attitude to your body will allow you to normalize the indicators in time.

Causes and symptoms

There is no diagnosis of "thick blood", which means that the symptoms of such a phenomenon may indicate other malfunctions in the body. Despite this, there are some signs, the appearance of which is recommended to be tested. Symptoms of possible hypercoagulability (viscosity) are:

  • general weakness and constant desire to sleep;
  • cold hands and feet, regardless of air temperature;
  • dizziness and headache.

These signs are characteristic of a thousand diseases, and if we are talking about a woman carrying a child, the presence of such symptoms does not mean at all that thick blood will be detected during pregnancy. Expectant mothers feel this discomfort almost all the time.

In addition, there are additional signs that appear much less often:

  • change in skin condition - severe dryness, bluish tint, increased sensitivity to cold;
  • from the nervous system - depression, irritability, nervousness, anxiety and absent-mindedness;
  • slow bleeding from cuts, and the inability to bear a child (permanent miscarriages);
  • symptoms of varicose veins (their bulging, heaviness in the legs).

Not everyone has such symptoms, so if thick blood is suspected, the cause must be identified as early as possible, because the treatment depends on it. Pathology can be caused by many factors, the main ones are:

In men, the blood itself is more viscous than in women, due to the presence of male hormones - androgens. This suggests that they have a slightly higher risk of pathology. In older people, viscosity is almost always increased, this is considered a variant of the norm, as it is associated with age-related changes. In the younger generation, such an ailment is caused by some reason, often the use of poor-quality water and insufficiently good ecology.

How to thin thick blood

In no case should one ignore such a pathology as increased blood viscosity. It is necessary to take action if there are symptoms and the analysis showed that the person has thick blood. What to do in such a situation, the doctor will definitely tell you, since you should definitely find out the reason. Treatment can be prescribed with medications or folk remedies that have a thinning effect. As a rule, doctors advise to combine these methods, depending on the specific case.

The first thing to do if you have thick blood is to eat right. It is on this that the success of the fight against the disease depends to a large extent. Many products are able to normalize blood circulation and ensure the performance of all its functions. The most important thing in treatment is to drink enough fluids. With its lack, not a single medicinal and folk remedy can cope with viscosity and normalize the state of the body. In addition, you should include the following foods in your diet:

Regular use of these products will avoid aggravation of the situation and keep blood density under control.

Before looking for ways to thin the blood, you need to reconsider your lifestyle. This is very important, since the effectiveness of treatment depends on such a factor. You must adhere to the following rules:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • workout;
  • spend a lot of time walking in the fresh air;
  • relax both physically and mentally;
  • avoid stressful situations.

After fulfilling all the rules, you can proceed to specific actions aimed at normalizing blood viscosity.

Folk remedies

There are many folk recipes with which you can get rid of the density of blood. It should be remembered that their use must be agreed with the doctor, since in some cases, it is impossible to do without drugs at all. Folk methods include the following:

  1. Fresh juices. The vitamins and microelements contained in the composition have a beneficial effect on the coagulation system, thinning the blood.
  2. Apple vinegar. Regular intake of the solution, the preparation of which requires 2 tsp. vinegar added to a glass of warm water will allow you to quickly notice improvements. It is necessary to take this remedy in the morning, contraindications - diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  3. Linseed oil. Due to the large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, lipid metabolism is normalized, and blood viscosity is reduced. It is necessary to take oil daily strictly on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. in a day.

These funds will improve the condition of a person, but it will not always be possible to completely cope with the problem. With blood viscosity caused by any disease, it is necessary to take medications.


Taking medication to get rid of excessive blood density is especially important for women planning a baby. Such a pathology often leads to the fact that each pregnancy ends in a miscarriage, so you should take the doctor's recommendations very seriously. There are several types of drugs prescribed to combat the disease. All of them are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Anticoagulants. The action of these substances is aimed at reducing blood clotting, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots. Some drugs begin to act immediately after administration, and are necessary for emergency blood thinning, these include Heparin. Others are used for prevention and in cases where a smooth decrease in viscosity is necessary - Sinkumar, Warfarin and others.
  2. Antiplatelet agents. These medications are prescribed by a doctor to prevent platelets from sticking together and forming blood clots. These include Aspirin, Curantyl, Trental and others.

It is not recommended to self-prescribe medications for yourself, since the dosage and duration of treatment depends on the specific situation and diagnosis.

You can deal with thick blood, there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and remember that the lack of treatment can lead to negative consequences for the whole organism.


Higher education:


Samara State Medical University (SamSMU, KMI)

Level of education - Specialist

Additional education:


Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

According to the composition, density of blood and its other indicators, one can determine the state of human health, the presence of various diseases and life-threatening processes, the location of lesions, etc. Diagnosis of almost any disease begins with a blood test.

One of the varieties of this diagnostic method is a blood density test. How is this type of laboratory research carried out, what is it called, is preparation necessary for it? Let's answer these questions in more detail.

A set of procedures for determining the density of blood

Many patients ask themselves: what is the name of the blood density test? As such, there is no special name for this type of study. It is possible to determine the density of blood only by carrying out a set of procedures.

Plasma density can be determined using the following laboratory tests:

  • General biochemical blood test. It determines the level of platelets, erythrocytes in plasma, their sedimentation rate, etc.
  • Hematocrit. This type of study allows you to determine the ratio of formed elements in the blood to its volume.
  • Blood clotting test.
  • APTT study.
  • Coagulogram. This type of laboratory research provides complete information about the state of hemostasis.

Hemostasis is a special system in the body that is responsible for maintaining the liquid state of the blood under optimal conditions. In the event of any violations, this system stops the process of blood supply.

Only a complex can determine the state of the plasma and make a diagnosis. The list of laboratory tests listed above allows the specialist to get a complete picture of the patient's blood condition.

Deciphering the results

Deciphering the results is no less important step in the diagnostic procedure than conducting the laboratory tests themselves. Why? The correctness of the diagnosis and the effectiveness of further treatment will depend on how correctly the specialist deciphers the results of the tests.

Sometimes in medical practice there are cases when a specialist incorrectly deciphered the indicators. This led to misdiagnosis. Patients were treated for non-existent diseases. This led to the development of existing ailments and new complications.

How to correctly decipher the results of a blood test in order to correctly determine its density? For this, there are several main indicators. Let's consider each of them in more detail.


This abbreviation stands for activated partial thromboplastin time. This factor shows how long the plasma coagulation process takes.

As for the value of this indicator in women, in pregnant women the normal value of the indicators is significantly different. In women during the period of gestation, the plasma clotting time is significantly reduced. This is due to the high content in the body of a substance such as fibrinogen.

Fibrinogen is a special protein that is part of the substances formed during plasma clotting. With an increase in the duration of pregnancy, the percentage of this element in the body also increases. A high percentage of fibrinogen can indicate fetal death, tissue necrosis, and the development of inflammatory processes.

Lupus coagulant

These substances are antibodies. They are produced by the body's immune system to combat excess complex fats (such as phospholipids).

The optimal indicator for a healthy person is 0.8 - 1.1. During pregnancy, these antibodies should not be. If during the period of gestation a lupus coagulant is found in the body, this only indicates the development of serious diseases and ailments of the nervous system.


Platelets are among the main constituents of plasma. They are formed in the bone marrow. Their main functions are to restore damaged tissues and stop heavy bleeding.

In the normal state, these elements have a rounded shape. But in the presence of tissue damage, platelets grow rapidly to fill them.

Platelets "live" for a rather short time - from a week to 12 days. The norm of their content in the body is from 180 to 400 thousand per 1 microliter of plasma.

Prothrombin is a complex protein. It refers to the main indicators of the ability of blood to coagulate. With an underestimated content of this substance, there is a risk of losing a large amount of plasma.

The indicator of the content of prothrombin in the body is determined by the prothrombin index. In a healthy body, it ranges from 77 to 120 percent.

Antithrombin III

Antithrombin III refers to anticoagulants that can significantly inhibit the process of plasma coagulation. This prevents the formation of blood clots on the walls of blood vessels.

The norm of this substance, as for many others, is determined by the age of the person. For an adult, the optimal value varies between 75 and 180 percent.

Preparation for testing

Testing is often carried out at the direction of the attending physician. But sometimes people without obvious diseases want to check their health and go to private clinics to diagnose the body.

In any case, it is very important to properly prepare for the test. It is worth considering this procedure in more detail.

Why do you need to prepare for analysis?

Preparing for analyzes is a very important step on which their results depend. The patient is obliged to comply with a list of elementary rules. What is it for?

The body must be prepared for further diagnostics. Failure to comply with the rules leads to a distortion of the results of a blood test. Even the most experienced specialist will not be able to correctly decipher the results of the study.

In turn, incorrectly deciphered results lead to incorrect diagnosis. Treatment is prescribed, which may not only not bring any benefit in the fight against real ailments, but also lead to serious health consequences. In this case, the patient takes full responsibility for the outcome of diagnostic measures.

Basic rules for preparing for blood donation

There are a number of elementary rules before donating blood. The first and most basic rule is to visit a specialist on an empty stomach. Before taking the tests, it is better not to eat for more than 12 hours. You are allowed to drink clean water. It is also better to refuse other drinks.

A few days before visiting a specialist, exclude fried, spicy and highly salty foods from your diet.

You must stop smoking 2-3 hours before donating blood.

It is worth informing the doctor in advance about taking any medications. They can significantly affect the results of the study.

A few days before visiting a specialist, it is better to refuse to go to saunas, pools or baths.

Refrain from strong emotional, physical stress, overstrain. They can provoke the release of elements such as adrenaline and others into the blood.

Visiting specialists and taking tests should be carried out not only on the instructions of a doctor. Such procedures should be carried out 1-2 times a year in the absence of serious diseases. If you already have health problems, it is better to take tests at least once every 3-4 months.

Remember that your health is only in your hands. Regular diagnostics can detect serious diseases in the early stages of their development, which allows you to start effective treatment in a timely manner and quickly get rid of the existing disease.

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