East European Shepherd Dog - breed characteristics and training features. The history of the origin of the East European Shepherd Dog Veo and German Shepherd Puppies

For each breed there is a standard that sets out the characteristics that a dog must meet. These mandatory parameters include indicators of height and weight. Compliance with them, at every stage of development, tells the owner that his pet is healthy and developing well.

Height and weight of the East European Shepherd

breed standard

On a note! The formation of body proportions continues in the East European Shepherd Dog up to 12 months, and changes in weight and height at the withers stop already at 8-9 months of age.

Changes in physical indicators in the period up to a year

The greatest worries about whether the pet meets developmental standards occur at the age of up to a year, when the dog grows and develops rapidly.

Table of height and weight (by months)

On a note! After reaching the age of 12 months, physical parameters do not change so significantly.

Body weight changes in 8-10 months due to the growth of muscle mass, the strengthening and development of the dog's muscles continues.

The angularity and fragility characteristic of adolescents disappears, the silhouette becomes more massive.

After 10-12 months, recruitment continues by increasing the amount of subcutaneous fat.

The girth and shape of the chest depend not only on the structural features of the skeleton, but also from the volume of the muscles of the shoulder girdle at the dog. Its indicators vary from 34-35 cm at the age of one month to 80-89 cm per year.

During the formation period, all physical parameters are dynamic, their ratio changes quite easily.

To a large extent they are genetically determined, but

In the first photo, a dog named Taif White Feng. Owner Natalia Polishchuk, Kyiv, Ukraine

Brief description of the breed East European Shepherd Dog

  • Other possible dog names: VEO, East European Shepherd.
  • Adult dog height: 63-75 cm.
  • The weight: 32-58 kg.
  • Characteristic color: black-and-white, gray, red, darkened "mask" on the muzzle.
  • Wool length: medium length, straight and stiff.
  • Lifespan: 12 years.
  • Breed advantages: bold, strong dog, a good protector. Easily gets along with other animals.
  • Breed Difficulties: once a dog has become aggressive, it is almost impossible to correct it.
  • What is the price: the price for an East European Shepherd is about $250.

The history of the origin of the East European Shepherd Dog

This breed appeared not so long ago - only in the thirties of the 20th century, on Russian territory. Initially, the breed was bred as a versatile working dog that would be able to serve in a variety of weather and climatic conditions.

The progenitors of this breed are. As a result of long-term selection and competent mixing with other breeds, the East European Shepherd Dog arose. The breed standard was formed by the seventies. To date, these dogs have already gained well-deserved popularity due to their many advantages.

East European Shepherds are doing great as service dogs. They were specially bred for police and military service. Many years of selection work have led to the appearance of a brave, loyal dog, which is still used to this day for guard and guard duty.

In addition, representatives of this breed can be wonderful companions and even rescuers. They are full of inner confidence and dignity, thanks to which they become not only excellent bodyguards, but also full members of the family.

The main feature of this dog is owner orientation. At any moment she is ready to give her life for him. She does not trust those around her, but, thanks to her strong nerves and balanced psyche, she treats them calmly and does not show aggression if this is not necessary. When a dangerous situation arises, the dog instantly takes an active defensive position.

The breed lends itself well to training, demonstrates obedience and willingness to obey the owner. She rarely shows independence. The dog is friendly to other pets, especially if they grew up together.

East European Shepherds have good character- they are devoted friends of man, they love children and are ready to play with them at any time. These dogs will never offend a child, even someone else's. The only condition for the formation of all these positive qualities is the correct upbringing from puppyhood.

Video review of the East European Shepherd breed

This video tells about the history of the origin of the East European Shepherd Dogs, about their temper, advantages and disadvantages. The plot reveals the basics of raising a dog of this breed, proper care and maintenance. Any dog ​​breeder will benefit from the information presented in this video review.

According to breeders and veterinarians, you can take a puppy of this breed not earlier than 1.5 months of age. By this time, puppies are no longer so dependent on their mother and can easily become attached to a new owner.

According to the rules, up to 45 days the dogs are tested - an examination for the presence of various defects and disqualifying signs. It is allowed to purchase an older puppy, but if he is already 5 months old, it will be quite difficult to accustom him to new habits.

When choosing an East European Shepherd puppy before you buy, you should pay attention not only to the availability of all necessary documents, but also to breed standards:

  • Head. It should be in proportion to the body, massive, wedge-shaped, with slightly rounded cheekbones. The skull is flat, with a small longitudinal groove. The forehead is somewhat rounded when viewed from above and from the front.
  • Muzzle. It has a wedge-shaped shape, gradually tapering towards the nose. The length of the muzzle should be equal to or slightly less than ½ the length of the head.
  • Lips. Tightly close to each other, dry, dark shade.
  • Teeth. Large size and scissor bite. The incisors are located on the same level.
  • Eyes. Dark in color, oval in shape, dry, tightly touching eyelids.
  • Ears. Erect, of medium length, set high. The shape of the ears is pointed, the tips are pushed up and forward.
  • Back. Broad, strong, slightly convex. The withers are well defined, the croup is rounded, wide, with a slight inclination towards the beginning of the tail.
  • Breast. Oval, medium width.
  • Front paws parallel, straight. The hind legs are set slightly back. The shape of the paws is oval.
  • dog movements well balanced, free. When a shepherd dog trots, the croup and withers are in line.

Nicknames for the East European Shepherd

It is customary to name puppies of the same litter of this breed with the same letter. The nickname is chosen so that it emphasizes the features of the dog. This is a very serious dog and her nickname should be appropriate. Well suited nicknames such as: Arwen, Agate, Palmyra, Tokay, Buran, Versailles, Blizzard.

For males you should choose a nickname that will not be very long, but sonorous, for example: Kim, Asgard, Ruslan, Zeus, Boy, Pirate, Prime.

females East European Shepherds are much smarter and smarter than males. They are suitable for such nicknames as: Grace, Agatha, Jasper, Walda, Cora, Montana, Aurelia, Marcy, Tara.

Nicknames can be of a geographical or fantasy nature: Tasmania, Narnia, Astana, Tauriel. It is very important that the nickname was liked by all family members, and the dog itself.

East European Shepherds not picky about living conditions. They are able to live in open-air cages, and in a private house, and in an apartment. The only condition is that the dog must have its own place. It is recommended to lay down a bedding that will be soft and easy to clean. If you plan to keep a dog on the street, you must definitely build a booth with insulation for it.

food and water should be given in different bowls, and it is advisable to install the bowls on special tripods - this will save the dog from disturbing the exterior.

Shepherd hygiene needs to be given a lot of time: brush your teeth, give special rubber bones to gnaw, if necessary. It is recommended to wash the dog no more than once every six months. In the warm months, it is advisable to go with the dog to rivers or lakes, where she can swim and frolic to her heart's content.

What to feed an East European Shepherd

To keep your dog strong and healthy her diet should be balanced corresponding to the activity and . The basis of nutrition should be animal feed: chicken, duck, beef meat and cartilage, low-fat sea fish, eggs, milk. Food should be given only fresh and always raw.

In the diet of puppies must attend fermented milk products and calcined cottage cheese, as well as cereals, vegetables, herbs and vitamin supplements.

Feeding frequency depends on the age of the dog: up to 2 months - 6 times a day; 2-4 months - 5 times; 4-6 months - 4 times; 6-9 months - 3 times; 10 months and older - 2 times.

It is recommended to feed the dog strictly at the same time. The food should be served warm and thick in consistency. Immediately after eating, you can not take the dog for walks, she needs to rest for about 2 hours. Access to water the pet must be permanent.

Dogs of this breed require, and to deal with it recommended to a professional. East European Shepherd Dogs are a very serious breed and it is necessary to properly educate it from a very early age.

In doing so, certain regulations:

  • the puppy should not be allowed to do what was not allowed before;
  • scolding a dog is not recommended, you need to talk to it strictly, but without unnecessary emotions;
  • if the dog becomes stubborn, you need to repeat your demands to her again and again - over time, she will understand what the owner wants and that he must be obeyed;
  • we must not forget about the encouragement of the dog after the correct execution of the commands.

If the dog trained to protect the owner, before going for a walk, you must definitely put on a muzzle for her and walk with her on a leash. Any careless movement of the surrounding people can be perceived as a threat and provoke an aggressive reaction.

Pros and Cons of the East European Shepherd Dog Breed

Advantages. Dogs of this breed are loyal defenders and best friends. They lend themselves well to training, know how to get along with other animals and adore children. For decades, the qualities cultivated in them make excellent bodyguards and devoted "servants" from East European Shepherd Dogs.

To disadvantages These dogs can only be attributed to the fact that with improper upbringing, they will often show their character, obey poorly, and sometimes show aggression. In addition, the standards of this breed are extremely strict and improper care can spoil the appearance of the dog.

According to historical facts, East European Shepherd Dogs were bred in the 30s. 20th century, but the breed was officially recognized in 1964.

The breed was bred by breeding from, cynologists worked hard to create a more hardy and massive look.

In 1924, the authorities of the Soviet Union set before them the task of forming all the positive qualities in the dog: the breed had to become universal, withstanding physical, psychological and climatic stress.

The first breeding species on the basis of the Moscow nursery "Red Star" did not receive a logical conclusion, due to financial instability in the country, but the work did not stop, thanks to donations from high-ranking officials.

The history of domestic dog breeding in the post-war period was disappointing, a large number of shepherd dogs were exterminated. But the situation changed in 1945. when purebred German shepherds were brought from German kennels.

Nurseries resumed, the work was carried out carefully and structured, new families were created, the breed has not been crossed with other species dogs, which is confirmed by the presence of documents; breeding took place behind closed doors without the help of foreign specialists.

Its recognition as a new species breed of the East European Shepherd Dog received in 1964. from General G.L. Medvedev: she was recognized as the most patriotic breed for her merits and heroism during the hostilities.

Breeding work to improve this species continued, second VEO standard was recognized in 1977, it is characteristic that the breed was considered a subspecies of the German Shepherd and did not exist as a separate species.

With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, a turning point came for the VEO: the German Shepherd received the international FCI standard, which put the East European Shepherd in an illegal position.

Undertaken attempts to eradicate this breed, however, in the same period, a new community "Association of breeding nurseries of the VEO breed" was formed, which served as the basis for the creation of the "Unified Pedigree Book of Mating" of the East European Shepherd Dog since 1999.

Only in 2002 VEO recognized as a separate species, thanks to the cynological organization RFK, which returned honor and respect to her.

Differences between the East European Shepherd and the German

Externally VEO much taller and bulkier German (height male varies from 65 cm to 77 cm, bitches- from 62 to 71 cm).

Eastern European Shepherd female slightly smaller than the male, whereas in the German Shepherd, females are taller than males.

Paws "pasto" even in puppies, orientals are expressed by their massiveness.

The body of the "back" of the German goes down, as if the dog is crouching; that is, the highest point is at the withers, while in the East European Shepherd Dog the body is from the withers to the base of the croup looks classic, the back looks more even. The sternum is wider, oval in shape.

The movements are balanced, sweeping "trot" with a fairly strong support push.

The Germans look more colorful in color, having a pronounced tan, VEO opposite- differ in a lighter color, the coat is straight, thick and hard.

The temperament of the breeds is also different: the German Shepherd is more playful and noisy, which cannot be said about the Eastern European. Those, in turn, are distinguished by “serious” and balanced behavior.

VEO - universal dog, but most suitable for serving in various military structures.

Gallery VEO


The most pronounced feature of the breed is its attachment to the owner. The dog unquestioningly executes commands and obeys.

He is distrustful of strangers, but does not show obvious aggression.

Without special need, he does not show strength, since he has a stable psyche from birth and iron nerves, but at the same time reacts with lightning speed to the situation.

If the owner or his family is in danger, the reaction of the dog will follow immediately, due to the moral attachment to his mentor, he capable of sacrificing life for the sake of the owner and his family members.

The owner considers his own, over him does not dominate, in the circle of his allows himself to relax and play.

He loves children, is a good "nanny", reacts calmly to the whims of children, always has fun with them.

Very vigilantly monitors its territory, does not tolerate the presence of strangers. Suitable for the role guide.

Training can be done independently, but for a more effective result it is better to entrust it to the cynologist.

The East European Shepherd Dog lends itself well to training, easily makes contact, which plays an important role in military affairs.

It should be noted her endurance and performance. VEO can be described in one word - bodyguard.

East European Shepherds served in the Chechen war. For heroism and courage, the dog Elga was assigned to the award and a monument was erected in her honor in the city of Primorsk-Akhtarsk. Thanks to her courage, dozens or even hundreds of human lives were saved: sacrificing herself, Elga pointed out to the military at buried mines and hidden ammunition.

Feeding and care

The East European Shepherd Dog is quite unpretentious, but like any other species, it requires attention.

  • To hygiene procedures it should be taught from infancy, so that later the dog can calmly respond to them.
  • Need special care fur and ears: comb the dog once a day with a special brush - this improves blood circulation and gets rid of various kinds of contaminants.
  • wash the dog veterinarians recommend shampooing no more than once a week; zoological stores offer a wide range of this product.
  • Ears are cleaned from excess sulfur 1 time in two weeks with a dry cotton swab.
  • If the eyes the dog is not disturbed, then you should not touch them, so as not to harm.
  • Per teeth they should be monitored and periodically brushed, otherwise tartar formation is possible.
  • The dog can live both on the street and in the house, but still it is more suitable for the private sector, where possible. However, VEO can also be kept in a spacious apartment.

  • Regardless of where it will be contained, it should be done worm prevention And also do not forget about vaccinations. From fleas apply drops or a collar.


As you know, a properly balanced diet helps to keep the body in good shape.

Therefore, cynologists and specialists have developed special diet for the East European Shepherd.

This list of products is suitable for both a puppy and an adult.

Puppy daily menu:

  • meat (beef) - 150 gr.;
  • cottage cheese - 150 gr.;
  • one egg;
  • beef bones;
  • vitamins - doses are prescribed by a veterinarian;
  • various cereals - 80 gr.;
  • minerals - doses are prescribed by a veterinarian;
  • milk - 110g;
  • soups - 80 gr.;
  • boiled fish (can be instead of meat).

puppy food should not be very thick and hot, and you should not overfeed it - this can lead to obesity.

Water follows keep changing so that it doesn't get stuck. As the baby grows, the diet is gradually increased.

Adults can eat special food: both dry and liquid foods should be present in the daily diet.


Training starts with a puppy from the first months his life.

This is a kind of establishing contact between the owner and the dog, to be more precise, an emotional connection is established.

Should limit the communication of the little one with strangers to a minimum, otherwise the dog will subsequently begin to obey everyone.

Since some puppies, due to their age, do not concentrate well on the same activity, you should not exercise with it for more than 5 minutes. Enough to do three sets of 5 min. in a day.

In fact, all dog commands are carried out reflexively, here we can recall Pavlov's experiment. The essence of training is based on the same method: after the completed command, the pet is always rewarded with a piece of his favorite treat.

It must be borne in mind that the dog must clearly follow the orders of the owner, without being distracted by extraneous objects and noises.

At the age of three months, they begin to walk the street with the dog, asking commands and getting a positive result from it.

You can also try teach the puppy the most important team "Near!".

  • To do this, get a collar with spikes according to the size of the pet's neck, put it on a walk with the spikes inward.
  • During the walk, the dog is kept on a short leash, saying “nearby”.
  • As soon as the dog begins to move away from the owner, the spikes will begin to put pressure on the neck, causing discomfort, and the animal will return to its original position.
  • The technique is used up to a year, until the dog begins to independently carry out this command.

Starting at 4-5 months teach the team "Barrier!".

  • The dog's mentor puts a small log on the ground, puts on a leash and starts running with the dog in the direction of the obstacle, directing the animal towards it.
  • Approaching the target, the trainer runs around the log so that she cannot do the same, thereby forcing her to jump over.
  • It should not be forgotten that before the start of the jump it is necessary to shout out "barrier".
  • As soon as the pet copes with the task, he is treated to a treat.
  • Training should take place daily until the dog begins to clearly follow the command, barriers can be increased and diversified over time.

Many commands and knowledge of the East European Shepherd Dogs are still at the genetic level the main thing is to develop them.

There is nothing difficult in training- basic commands are easy to execute; the main thing is to stock up on patience and perseverance, because not everything worked out for us the first time.

How to choose a VEO puppy

Puppy should be looked after and bought in a specialized nursery: there you can trace his entire pedigree - cynologists keep a strict record of all litters.

The price in the nursery fluctuates from 16 000 rub. and above, depending on the pedigree and prospects of the puppy.

Hand price - from 3000 rub., but this suggests that instead of a European, you can buy a pig in a poke. Be carefull! Check documents.


East European Shepherd Puppy Games:


Origin: USSR

Usage: law enforcement dog, home guard dog, pet and family friend

Color: completely black or with a dark mask on a light gray to fawn background.

Dimensions: height: males - 65-75 cm, females 60-73 cm; weight: males - 37-60 kg, females - 30-55 kg

Lifespan: about 12-14 years old

The East European Shepherd is a strong, hardy, active and athletic dog that will make a great family friend, protector and guard dog.

She is distinguished by intelligence and quick wit, ease in, devotion.

This breed is extremely unpretentious in care, all she needs is attention and occupation with the owner, and she will thank you with a cheerful disposition, activity and hard work.

History of the breed

The East European Shepherd is a young dog. Its breeding began on the territory of the USSR.


The East European Shepherd Dog is a strong, hardy, but at the same time very attached to the owners dog, which happily follows various commands and loves walking.

  • Intelligence. Previously, the East European Shepherd breed, like and, was used exclusively as a service dog that served in the police, guarded borders and important government facilities. Now it is often kept as a pet. Do not forget that you need to constantly deal with the East European Shepherd Dog, set different tasks for it and develop intelligence. She loves active pastime and will be grateful to you.
  • Friendliness. This breed will become a devoted friend for the whole family, she loves children, and loves her owners. Of course, it all depends on education, but the East European Shepherd dog grasps everything on the fly, is easily trained and understands the requests and commands of the owner from the first time.
  • Likewise, such a dog gets used to its owner quickly and it is very difficult to endure even a short-term separation. This is exactly the pet that will be happy to wait for you with robots, often follow you, happily wag its tail.
  • Working capacity. East European Shepherds are hardy, hardworking, they have been tested for years of faithful service to man. The training of the East European Shepherd Dog is easy if you teach the puppy to follow the owner's commands from childhood. Such a pet will need to be walked often, devote a lot of time to it and constantly invest in its mental and physical development. In return, you will get a smart, hardy and loyal dog that can complete a range of tasks and just be a good friend.


Initially, the East European Shepherd breed was bred to work in law enforcement and security.

Now she is brought in both to participate in exhibitions and as a devoted friend of the family.

Despite its size, this dog can even live in an apartment, on a par with others, the main thing is that she has her own place and a large bedding.

For those dogs that will live in the courtyard of the house, it is worth building a booth or aviary.

Often, those who are just planning to get a dog wonder how the German Shepherd differs from the Eastern European.

In addition to the fact that the latter are more hardy and resistant to harsh climatic conditions, they are also larger, taller, have good health and a balanced nervous system.

How to choose a puppy

Very often, when choosing a puppy and wanting to buy an East European Shepherd, many future owners mistakenly buy German Shepherds or half-breeds.

Therefore, if you want exactly VEO, you should contact a special nursery of East European Shepherd Dogs, where you can find out the pedigree.

As a rule, East European Shepherd puppies can cost from 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

It is important to familiarize yourself with all the documents, find out about the health of the puppy and his parents, whether the latter participated in exhibitions.

If you find out about the sale of an East European Shepherd Dog for 550 rubles, you should think that, most likely, you will be offered a pet that does not have a known pedigree or has some shortcomings.

Features of care


The breed of the East European Shepherd Dog is unpretentious in care, does not require.

All she needs is a sufficient amount of walks, regular visits to the vet and hygiene.

It is worth washing the dog 1-2 times a year if necessary. In the summer it is worth taking your pet to a pond where he can swim, this will be useful for ligaments.

It is worth combing a pet several times a week, and during molting - every day, with the help of.

It is also important to check your teeth regularly, give your dog special food that he can chew on, and clean his ears every 2 weeks.


The East European Shepherd will need to be walked frequently from an early age.


The East European Shepherd is a hardy breed, so it rarely has health problems.

Characteristic diseases

Although representatives of this breed are not susceptible to eye diseases like, they have some ailments:

  • inversion of the stomach;
  • joint diseases, arthritis;
  • The East European Shepherd is a hardy breed, so it rarely has health problems.



    As a rule, for mating, the female is brought to the male.

    She needs some time to get used to the new environment, but the male, who is in his territory, as a rule, is immediately interested in a new acquaintance.

    It is important that the mating be between representatives of the breed without similar shortcomings.

    East European Shepherd dog: hardy protector and loyal friend

    The East European Shepherd is a hardy and hardworking breed that will become a reliable guard of your home and a devoted family friend. She is easy to train and loves her owners.

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