Continue the proverb with seven nannies. Proverbs: direct and figurative meaning. "Seven nannies have a child without an eye": the meaning of the saying. Raising a child in a patriarchal family

This, of course, was not the most difficult teenager, here we were deceived. Even in that golden time of the thaw, there were enough real difficult teenagers, in comparison with whom Afanasy is just an angel. The point, of course, is not that the team will be able to educate anyone, although this propaganda banner, like a couple more, is carried by the film. To be something to brush aside censorship.

But there is some humor here. Soft, simple, kind. Probably the funniest scene is the hospitality of a Jewish family and, of course, Gerdt shines in it. “Sh-shamsky says. Shamsky. Yes. Shi-Iroka is my country Shamsky. You are disturbing me! No, not you, this is one of my relatives (about a cat). "The phrase of Sonya the Golden Hand's exhortation about a bright life is also wonderful. By the way, there flashes a touching diagram of the Moscow metro of those years as small as the current one of St. Petersburg There is not so much Moscow in the film (of the director's finds, the “morning exercises” of the city are especially valuable), but there is something to admire.

And there is someone. Almost every character is told as much as necessary. It is very difficult when there are more than three main characters, and Bykov coped with this almost with the highest score.

Athanasius is the gem of this film. A bit of grace, a little irony, a full spoon artistry, for wit rudeness and cunning, for balance childishness. A wonderful young man came out at Morozov. Handsome it is strange that none of the girls fell in love with him. Well, of course, that would be non-pedagogical. He lies, of course, recklessly - but at the same time everything is sewn with white thread, a completely innocent liar, because he does not consider it necessary or does not know how to calculate the consequences of a lie beyond two moves. How sweetly he comforted Lena, crying from another rudeness of Victor - an excellent friend, no, no jokes. The ability to comfort a lady is a rare skill in a man.

Pavel and Victor are two no less curious characters. It seems that "Uncle Pasha" is more pleasant - such a simple one, all of himself is correct, handsome. But it was precisely in the end that he turned away from the “traitor” Athanasius. Shallow because, simple, alien to empathy, he doesn’t think in slogans to such an extent as the unpleasant Maya, but almost the same way. And Viktor, from the very beginning, of course, is still a maximalist. Criminals, they say, are not people, throw them into a landfill and then penetrate Athanasius. Because he does not live calmly and directly, but is looking for something, he is dissatisfied with something, his character is complex, bilious.

Of course, he is wrong when he asks Athanasius: why love you? Yes, for nothing, to answer him, just like that, but only this is not given at will. Parents love for nothing and Athanasius didn’t have this, and of course he longs for this, but he understands it almost hopelessly.

Lena is the strongest of the girls. Victor, the fool, considered her quiet and unrequited, and she is one of those humanists who will fight to the last for a person, even with the system, even with the person himself. “But I feel sorry for him,” she says almost with a threat, and thus Afanasia still saves. She also has "eyes and even a Greek profile." Although for me it’s more like an oriental beauty in her. I never thought, however, that men at night, discussing girls, stop at comparing eyes here, of course, the regime of “Soviet innocence” is turned on again.

It is strange that among the classics of Soviet comedy this film is somehow lost. It's no worse than Gaidai's tapes. But for some reason they remember him less. Don't know. I really like.

Most likely, this is not meant by a physical disability, although this can happen if everything is left to chance, but we are talking about SUPERVISION. Serious attitude to their duties and responsibilities. And someone has to be held accountable for this.

Live examples

  • Here you need to do an important thing, and a team of performers has been appointed to carry it out, but they are not a team at all, everyone nods at each other - they don’t want to take responsibility for themselves, but the thing is standing still or, worse, has already collapsed.
  • Or, to complete the task, everyone thinks that he knows how best and pulls the blanket over himself, there is no main leader, everyone beats himself in the chest with his heel and claims that, as he suggests, this is the best way, and again the job is not done.
  • Negligent attitude to their duties - they relied on each other, as a result - the result is zero.
  • The enterprise has a lot of bosses, but the thing is in decline - you won’t find the ends, everyone seems to be the main ones, but there are no leaders, in fact no one is responsible for anything.

Origin of expression

Presumably, this expression is associated with such a phenomenon in Russia as "seven boyars", when, due to the absence of a reigning person, power was concentrated in the hands of seven boyars. Such a rule did not bring anything good for the country.
Moreover, such management in Russia was observed twice:

Due to the infancy of the future Ivan IV, and only led to disputes, strife and disagreements in the board. They managed to hold out for a year, and then intrigues began between the pine forests, which they managed to stop when Ivan's mother, Glinskaya Elena, took the throne (the "Seven-Numbered" Commission)

The government that arose after the overthrow of Shuisky and leading to national treason - an agreement with the Polish gentry and the surrender of Moscow to the Polish army. (Seven Boyars of 1610)

On November 25, 1941, the German submarine U 331 successfully attacked the British squadron, sinking the battleship HMS Barham. This well-known event in the history of the Second World War left in the shadow of an incident that occurred six months later. Then another submarine made a successful attack in similar conditions, causing no less harm to the British fleet, although it was not a battleship that was sunk. Just one torpedo salvo put the British submarines in the Mediterranean in an extremely difficult position, and this is how it happened.

very important ship

July 6, 1929 was a special day for the British Navy. On this day, the Royal Navy took over the Medway submarine mothership (HMS Medway). It was the first large ship of this class, specially built for the needs of British submarines stationed in various naval bases of the empire. Designed to serve 18 Type O and P submarines, the Medway could carry up to 144 torpedoes and 1,880 tons of diesel fuel. The propulsion system of the ship was also diesel. In addition to accommodating its own crew of 400 sailors, the ship was equipped with living and working places for another 1335 people, which corresponded to its role as a floating base and floating workshop for several submarine fleets at distant stations.

English submarine base ship "Medway" in pre-war light gray coloring (from the collection of Manas Iksanov)

After lengthy preparations, in May 1930, the mother ship put to sea from Portsmouth, accompanied by four O-type boats, and went with them to the Far East. There, the Medway was supposed to replace the Titania (HMS Titania), which had been used as a submarine mother ship since 1915. Arriving at its destination, the Medway stayed in China for ten years, based in Hong Kong and Weihaiwei (Port Edward).

The war found the mother ship under repair in Singapore. After its completion, the Admiralty decided to transfer the Medway to the Mediterranean to support the boats of the 1st Submarine Flotilla. On May 3, 1940, the mother ship arrived in Alexandria, where it stayed for the next two years. Then everything changed.

The end of June 1942 was for the Allies one of the worst periods of the war in the Mediterranean theater. Malta held out to the last of its strength, but on June 20 Tobruk fell, and Axis submarines and aircraft knocked out Allied ships and ships at sea. As a result, parts of the tank army "Africa" ​​Erwin Rommel ended up at El Alamein, just 60 miles from Alexandria - the main base of the British fleet in the eastern Mediterranean. It was decided to evacuate her with the deployment of ships and vessels in Port Said, Haifa and Beirut.

The mother ship of the 4th Royal Navy Submarine Flotilla "Medway" in Hong Kong (

On June 29, 1942, a small convoy left Alexandria: the Medway and the Greek floating base of the Corinthia submarines entered Beirut under the protection of eight destroyers and the Dido air defense cruiser. (HMS Dido). Such security measures were due not only to the importance of mother ships, but also their cargo. On board the Medway were 90 torpedoes - a reserve for the 1st submarine flotilla.

The usual "seven" U 372

The submarine U 372, built at one of the shipyards in Kiel, belonged to the type VIIC. On April 19, 1941, she was accepted into the Kriegsmarine. The commander was the 32-year-old Lieutenant Commander Heinz-Joachim Neumann (Heinz-Joachim Neumann), who before joining the submarine served on the battleship Scharnhorst (Scharnhorst).

After two months of preparation, U 372 was considered ready for the first combat campaign, which began on July 9, 1941 from Trondheim. On August 5, Neumann, along with other boats, attacked convoy SL-81 west of Ireland. Having fired four torpedoes in succession, U 372 scored two hits. This allowed Neumann to claim the sinking of two ships with a total tonnage of 12,500 gross tons. In fact, the English steamships Belgravian and Swiftpool at 8341 brt went to the bottom. In total, the boat spent 36 days in the Atlantic, after which it arrived in Brest with two pennants on the periscope.

The second campaign of U 372 began on September 10, 1941 and lasted 34 days. On September 18, U 372 was included in the Brandenburg group, which was ordered to create a curtain southeast of Greenland. On the same day, one of the group's boats discovered convoy SC-44, but due to poor radio communications, a coordinated attack could not be organized. However, four boats managed to attack and SC-44 lost four merchant ships and a corvette. Neumann did not take part in the attack, but on September 19 he finished off the British steamer Baron Pentland at 3410 brt, which had been torpedoed by U 652 nine days earlier and was drifting, abandoned by the crew. This success of U 372 turned out to be the only one in the campaign, and on October 13, 1941 the boat returned to France.

The third campaign was for U 372 farewell to the Atlantic. On November 13, 1941, the boat left Brest and headed for Newfoundland to join the Steuben group. However, 10 days later, all the group's boats were ordered to go to the Gibraltar area to attack local convoys. On December 6, 1941, the headquarters of the submarine forces informed Neumann that his boat now had a new base - the Italian port of La Spezia. Three days later, Neumann managed to break through the “eye of the needle” of the Strait of Gibraltar and enter the Mediterranean Sea. Now his boat has become part of the newly formed group of German submarines in the Mediterranean, sent by Hitler to help Mussolini beaten by the British. December 16 Neumann completed the campaign, arriving in La Spezia.

Submarine U 372 of the most common type VIIC - a typical "workhorse" of the Kriegsmarine

The first two campaigns in the new theater of operations were frankly unsuccessful for U 372. On January 25, 1942, in the first of them, off the coast of Egypt, the boat was attacked by an enemy aircraft and was damaged by dropped bombs - they had to return to Italy. The second exit to the sea, on March 15, turned out to be a complete failure. Already a few hours after leaving the base, due to a malfunction of the rudder and engine telegraph, the boat ran aground off the island of Tino and returned to La Spezia. The repair was delayed - U 372 was docked for almost two months.

U 372 went on its next campaign on the evening of June 15, 1942. Neumann was again ordered to operate with several more boats in the eastern Mediterranean: Axis intelligence recorded the movement of enemy transports between Alexandria and Syria, Palestine and Port Said. Arriving on 23 June, U 372 took up a position northwest of Alexandria and observed the situation for a week. On June 29, Neumann reported to headquarters that there was no progress, as enemy shipping traffic was small. In addition, he reported that early in the morning he nevertheless noticed two convoys from Alexandria, one of which was moving east. These were the Medway and the Corinthia with their escort.

On June 30, 1942, the following entry appeared in the war diary of the commander of the German submarine forces in the Mediterranean:

“A short signal and a radio message were intercepted, but they could not be received properly due to strong atmospheric interference. The message was from U 372 (Neumann), a short signal, probably also from her. A request has been sent to repeat them. At 22:45 a message was received from U 372. The boat reported that it successfully attacked the convoy in the square CP7236, seen yesterday at 04:48, and also that active movement of enemy ships and ships was noticed in the east direction.

Eight nannies have a child without an eye

Early on the morning of June 30, Neumann discovered several transports and decided to pursue them. The boat overtook the convoy, but at 05:20 was forced to urgently dive. An enemy destroyer appeared directly on the course, which thwarted U 372's opportunity to go on the attack. The first pancake turned out to be lumpy.

"Medway" in the Mediterranean Sea as the base of the boats of the 1st Submarine Flotilla. The ship bears a broken, deforming wartime coloring (from the collection of Manas Iksanov)

At eight o'clock in the morning the boat rose to periscope depth, and six minutes later, the acoustics recorded multiple noises from the propellers of another convoy. Raising the periscope, Neumann saw a large twin-tube vessel, four destroyers and other escort ships. After that, the commander announced a torpedo attack:

“08:12. We're changing course to 0° to break through the guard. The enemy is moving east at an average speed. The use of the commander's periscope is difficult, since the sea is like a mirror surface.

08:25. Completed the security breach. Now only one destroyer is a hindrance to an attack.

08:27. A volley of four torpedoes! The depth of the torpedo is 4 meters, the distance is 1500 meters. They fired without using a torpedo fire control device, which is too noisy. Three hits! Behind them you can hear the noise of breaking bulkheads and the sounds of a sinking ship. The ship is probably the Ataveya or Niagara class, but possibly also the Matsonia.

08:30. At a depth of 120 meters.

08:50–09:50. Sporadic depth charge explosions in the distance, around 20. Withdrew, loading torpedo tubes.

So, according to the entry in the combat log U 372, the attack of the convoy going east looked like. Escort destroyers covered the Medway and Corinthia from the flanks, forming a security curtain of four ships on the left and right sides of the floating bases. Since Neumann attacked from the south, he could see through the periscope the curtain of the right flank, which consisted of the destroyers Krum (HMS Croome), Aldenhem (HMS Aldenham), Hiro (HMS Hero) and Sikh (HMS Sikh ).

Photograph of the mother ship "Medway" taken after the torpedoing. A ship that received several torpedoes on the starboard side lays them on the water. The picture was probably taken from the destroyer Hiro (

At the risk of being discovered, Neumann at periscope depth passed through the curtain of the right flank and went straight to the Medway, whose tonnage was estimated at 13,000 gross tons. Obviously, he did not have time to notice the Corinthia and the cruiser Dido, since he did not have the time and opportunity for detailed observation.

Curious is the torpedo attack itself. Realizing that the breakthrough of the escort curtain was successful, Neumann fired a volley two minutes later, without even using the torpedo fire control device. Such shooting "by eye" was caused by the fear of being detected by the noise, as well as by the pistol distance to the target after the successful maneuver of the U 372. The count was in seconds, which confirms the time of the first torpedo to reach the target.

Despite the fact that Neumann indicated a firing distance of 1500 meters, the first torpedo hit the Medway 25.5 seconds after launch. This time roughly corresponds to a much shorter distance of 400 meters. Later, in the boat's combat log, it was recorded that the boat was well shaken, the lights went out, and the wheelhouse hatch leaked. All this suggests that the commander of U 372 indicated the wrong distance, taking the numbers from the "ceiling". In addition, after such close breaks, control of the boat could only be lost and regained only at a depth of 120 meters, where U 372 ended up three minutes later.

Sinking mother ship from afar. Next to her is one of the escort destroyers involved in rescuing people. Where nearby in the depths U 372 hides from retribution (

But fortune simply shamelessly favored Neumann and his boat that morning, allowing not only to sink an important target in a risky attack, but also to survive after several torpedo explosions at a suicidal distance. In addition, the escort destroyers were unable to locate the boat, allowing her to get away with impunity after torpedoing the Medway. Having waited out the danger at depth, U 372 surfaced at 12:58 to report success to headquarters.

Test of discipline and test of courage

For the British, the attack of U 372 was unexpected. The first to notice the danger was the commander of the 1st Submarine Flotilla, Captain Phillip Ruck-Keene. While on the bridge, he saw a funnel 300-400 yards from the ship, which could be formed by launching torpedoes or cutting a submarine that momentarily appeared on the surface.

Ruk-Kin was powerless to do anything: before the mother ship could make an evasive maneuver, two or three torpedoes hit her starboard side. The ship lost its course and power. Having taken a lot of water through the holes, he received a strong list and began to lay down on the starboard side of the water. Rook-Kin ordered the people to leave the Medway, and at 08:42, 15 minutes after the explosions, the mother ship sank.

The last minutes of the mother ship "Medway". Only the bow of the ship remained above the water, which will also soon disappear under water. Many survivors float on the water waiting for help (

Since the launch of the boats was impossible, the sailors had to jump into the water. The rescue operation began already five minutes after the attack of the boat, when the destroyer "Hiro" received an order to take the surviving people on board. At this time, the rest of the destroyers began dropping depth charges, and many people in the water felt the effects of the explosions.

However, everything ended well. Despite the fact that the sailors from the Medway were unable to use boats and rafts, the casualties were small: according to various sources, 18 or 30 people died. A large amount of debris and part of the cargo that remained afloat after the death of the ship, as well as the timely selection of people from the water by the destroyers Hiro and Zulu, made it possible to save 1105 people. Of course, the calm and warm sea also played a big role in the successful outcome of the rescue work.

In his report, captain Ruk-Kin subsequently wrote that the officers and lower ranks at the time of the ship's death behaved exemplarily, in the best traditions of the fleet. It is curious to note that the Medway crew was not exclusively male and included women from the Women's Royal Naval Service, who were not inferior in strength of mind and courage to the stronger sex.

Audrey Sylvia Coningham (centre), 1st Flotilla staff officer who did a courageous act that saved the life of a wounded sailor (

A selfless act was made by Audrey Sylvia Coningham, officer of the headquarters of the 1st flotilla. Once in the water, she noticed a lifebuoy and two sailors clinging to it. One of them was drowning - Petty Officer Leslie Crossman, who injured his leg on the shells on the bottom of the ship while jumping into the water. An excellent swimmer, Audrey gave him her circle, which allowed the wounded man to stay on the water until the boat approached, and she herself swam to the destroyer. She was subsequently awarded the Albert Medal for saving her life.


The loss of the Medway mother ship was a painful blow to the actions of the British boats in the Mediterranean. In addition to the loss of a valuable ship, the necessary equipment and ammunition of the 1st submarine flotilla were lost. Of the 90 torpedoes, only 47 survived, which did not sink and were subsequently picked up from the surface. As a result, the successful attack by U 372 led to the fact that the submarines of the 1st flotilla, which lost their torpedoes and shells on the Medway, were able to sink only 800 tons of enemy merchant tonnage in July 1942.

In addition, the incident affected the submarines based in Malta, because after the death of the Medway, the British had to return the small floating base Talbot (HMS Talbot), which had been sent to the island earlier, back to Beirut. It was later renamed Medway II.

Captain Philip Rook-Keen (sitting at the table) - commander of the 1st Submarine Flotilla of the Royal Navy (

Thus, one volley of U 372 caused very significant damage to the entire British submarine fleet in the Mediterranean. It can be assumed that under those conditions, the death of the ship was comparable to the loss of at least a heavy cruiser, and even a battleship. Paying tribute to the “killer” of the mother ship and remembering her important role in the life of the 1st flotilla, captain Ruk-Kin said: “Since [Medway] was destined to be sunk, it is fair that this was done by a submarine that managed to make an excellent attack, breaking through a powerful ring of escort ships with asdics, remaining unnoticed”.

The death of the mother ship caused proceedings in the naval circles of Great Britain on the effectiveness of the tactics of ASW ships in the Mediterranean. But the Admiralty dismissed accusations of the inability of escort ships to provide the necessary protection for important ships like the mother ship or the battleship Barham. Thus, the deputy commander of the PLO forces in the Admiralty, Captain Philip Clarke, stated that such a point of view “stinks like rotten fish: the [PLO] commander remains of the opinion that, in general, British escort ships are more successful in countering submarines than Italian ones. Maybe it's because we don't trumpet it every time the asdik goes off.".

Clarke and other officers only focused on the noticeable temperature differences in the water layers, characteristic of the Mediterranean Sea in summer, which significantly reduced the effectiveness of the sonar, especially in the Nile Delta region. Unfortunately for the British, this point of view led to another tragedy when, a month later, under almost similar conditions, the German submarine U 73 sent the aircraft carrier HMS Eagle to the bottom.

The British destroyer Hero, which played an important role in rescuing 1,105 people from the Medway mother ship (

As for the authors of the victory over the Medway mother ship, just a month later, on August 4, 1942, U 372 sank southwest of Haifa the destroyers Zulu, Sikh and Krum, who had missed her attack on June 30, and also joined them "Tetcott" (HMS Tetcott). From the air, the Wellington from the 221st Squadron of the Royal Air Force assisted the ships. All 48 crew members of the boat, including the commander, were raised by the British from the water and spent the rest of the war in captivity.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the attack of Lieutenant Commander Neumann, in terms of the complexity of execution and the significance of the sunken target, is not much inferior to the resounding successes of his colleagues who sent the battleship Barham or the aircraft carriers Eagle and Ark Royal (HMS Ark Royal) to the bottom . It deserves to be included in the list of the most striking episodes of the submarine war in the Mediterranean.

Sources and literature:

  1. NARA T1022 (captured documents of the German Navy)
  2. Blair S. Hitler's U-boat War. The Hunters, 1939–1942 - Random House, 1996
  3. Busch R., Roll H.-J. German U-boat Commanders of World War II - Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1999
  4. Bush R., Roll H.-J. Der U-boot-Krieg 1939–1945. Deutsche Uboot-Erfolge von September 1939 bis Mai 1945. Band 3 - Verlag E.S. Mittler & Sohn, Hamburg-Berlin-Bonn, 2001
  5. Bertke D.A., Smith G., Kindell D. World War II Sea War. Volume 3: The Royal Navy is Bloodied in the Mediterranean – Bertke Publications, 2012
  6. Morgan D., Taylor B. U-Boat Attack Logs. A Complete Record of Warship Sinkings from Original Sources 1939–1945 – Seaforth Publishing, 2011
  7. Paterson L. U-Boats in the Mediterranean: 1941–1944 - Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2007
  8. Ritschel H. Kurzfassung Kriegstagesbuecher Deutscher U-Boote 1939–1945. Band 7. Norderstedt
  9. Wynn K. U-Boat Operations of the Second World War. Vol.1-2 - Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1998

seven nannies have a child without him

Alternative descriptions

Which organ can only pretend

Feline ... found only in the Urals and Sri Lanka

He is alone with the Cyclops

Organ of vision

What body can please?

squinted organ

One of the names of this organ in the Russian language came from Western European languages, where this word meant something shining in the light, which reflected the property of not only the organ itself, but also its prostheses, which began to be imported from Europe under Peter I

. "glass ... inserted into the peephole will scare thieves away from your apartment" (joke)

What can be put on the product you like?

. “round, humpbacked, near hairy, trouble will come - water will flow” (riddle)

If not in an eyebrow, then in it

The mineral cymofan is known as cat's...

The organ on which the thorn jumps

That Odysseus gouged out the Cyclops Polyphemus?

. “Take care of your eyebrow, ... it will be intact” (proverb)

Own - diamond, someone else's - glass

What a child lacks with seven nannies


. "diamond" part of the face

His raven will not peck out a crow

. “Whoever remembers the old, to that ... get out” (last)

. "At least ... vykoli"

Diamond human organ

Injured place Kutuzov


Envoy body

Place for a log

half mirror of the soul

Organ with retina

. "oh you, fishy ...!"

Organ with lens

Trained organ

Which organ has a lens and a retina?

Accurate for a sniper

. "take care of the eyebrow, ... it will be intact"

. "blinker"

Rhyme to diamond

Organ of love of men (generally.)

modern eye

The missing organ in the child of seven nannies

Front Light Receiver

Eye at the present stage

Whoever remembers the old will get it out

Paris or Raven...

. marksman's diamond

Injury of the ward of seven nannies

What did Hercules steal from the moira in the cartoon?

Hiding under the eyelid

Organ with pupil

Shortage of seven nannies

. "sensor" of one of the five senses

Organ of vision

Cyclops has one

Supervision, supervision

. "Diamond" marksman

. "Diamond" part of the face

. "Take care of your eyebrow, ... it will be intact"

. "Sensor" of one of the five senses

. "Wrinkler"

. "I have...-diamond"

. "At least... poke out"

. "oh you fishy...!"

. "take care of the eyebrow, ... it will be intact" (proverb)

. "round, humpbacked, near hairy, trouble will come - water will flow" (riddle)

. "whoever remembers the old, to that ... get out" (last)

. "glass ... inserted into the peephole will scare thieves away from your apartment" (joke)

A raven will not peck out a crow

Which organ can be "calculated"

What organ can please

M. instrument of sensory vision, eye; eyeball; balls sib. thali vyat. burkala; bathhouses south. looked, peepers, zenki; pl. eyes, eyes; olon. eyes; collected eyes; eyes, eyes enlarged. eye, eye, eye. little eye, little eye, etc. will diminish. Sight, vision, as a feeling; vision as action, looking, looking; look, gaze; watch, watch, over (at) look. The eye of man and higher animals, a ball, a bubble from a thick chaff, skin; this is dark horn, protein, which in front is occupied, as it were, by an inserted watch glass, transparent or glass horn; behind her is the iris membrane, with a ring hugging the pupil, the pupil (emptiness); between the glassy horny and iridescent water liquid, behind the iridescent the whole eye is filled with a glassy liquid, thick and sticky, and against the iris sits a lens, like a magnifying glass; the thick ophthalmic nerve, having entered from the brain behind the eye, covers the walls of the ball with a continuous half-way along the inside. enclosing a glassy one on which visible objects are drawn. The eye is unclean, bad, black. Poke your eyes out, it's dark. An evil eye looked (do not look) at us, about damage, evil eye. One eye on Kesovo, the other on (in) Razmesovo (Razlisovo?). One eye on the oven, the other in Galich. One eye on us, the other on Arzamas, old, about Mordva. One eye, and that one on Arzamas, Kasim. With the eyes of a braid, but with a straight soul. By eye, by eye. Pass by eye (or at a glance, by level). Eyes yes measure, then direct faith. Measure eye. Whoever remembers the old, that eye out. Choose a wife not with your eyes, but with your ears, that is, according to glory. Look with your eyes, do not give your hands will. his eyes in the back of his head. Wipe your eyes. No eyes in the forehead, no teeth in the mouth. Eyes are like bowls, but they do not see a crumb. The eye sees, but the hand does not touch. What you cannot see with your eyes, you will pay with your money. Sleep with one eye and watch with the other (blink). one eye, but a vigilant one, you don't need forty. I don't put witnesses in front of my eyes. Your own eye is better than your own brother. Your eye is more expensive than praise. Do not trust your brother, trust your crooked eye. Your money, yours and your eyes, watch what you buy. I have never seen with my eyes (such a diva), let alone with my eyes, a joke. Feed the geese with your eyes, sing a song with your voice, spin the strands with your hands, shake the child with your feet, speak. in the song, a woman who came out of the Tatar full. Egory da Vlas (patrons of the herds) to all the richness of the eyes. Right in the face of fear. You can't look at death in the sun with all your eyes. You can’t look at the truth, but at death, that in the sun, with all your eyes. Where the eyes are thrown, it is a pity to leave. Where it hurts, there is a hand; where it's nice, there are eyes. Eyebrow to eyebrow and eye to eye are similar. There are no eyes on the back of the head. The eyes do not live above the forehead. Two eyes, and those behind the nose, do not see. there is no eye for money: they don’t see what they give for. Your eye is a nice little friend, and someone else's thief (enemy). The owner's eye is the most precious thing. What eye will look. To whom they nod with a finger, but to us and with the whole eye (in both eyes) they blink. clapping his eyes and throwing up his hands, but there is no sense. Everything has been eaten, everything has been bitten: the big boyars roll their eyes, they want the same thing, that is, to sleep. Spit thin eyes, but tear others. Dashing (shameless) eyes and children are dumb. Cat in the eye darting. Old and stupid: there is no strength, but it creeps into the eyes. Boil Braga, smoke your eyes. good girl no ears, no eyes. Take a peek, do it with a holiday (give a ruble). caresses the eyes, and barks behind the eyes. sweet eyes, shameful for the eyes. Behind the eyes they talk about the Tsar. do not flatter your eyes, but do not scold for your eyes (but for your eyes, as you know). eyes, and afraid of God, and afraid of people, but behind the eyes of no one is afraid. She cries with her eyes and laughs with her heart. The eyes speak, the eyes listen. I dare not show my face. Eyes poking with a stake, envious. The eyes are envious, and the hands are raking. You can't screw up your eyes by missing out. The eyes of a man are enemies. gluttony. The eyes are ashamed, but the soul is glad. him priestly eyes. The eyes of the pit, and the hands of the rake. Pig eyes are not afraid of dirt. Eyes will fill up, as a tear will break through. Crying eyes, so wiped and sleeves. The eyes are frightening. and hands do. Look with your eyes, don't touch with your hands. fear eyes are great. fear of the eyes that the bowls, but do not see a crumb. Who will take without us, will be without eyes, the inscription on the book. The right eye itches to rejoice, the left to cry. Look with your eyes. Take your eyes in your hands (in your teeth). Sat out, right? eyes? It is not the eyes that see, but the person, not the ear that hears, the soul. Here you need an eye, supervision. Your eye is the most valuable thing. Your own (master's) eye is a diamond, someone else's glass. Svoyglaz vigilant, do not even forty. Your eye is a looker. I saw it with my own eyes, myself. Take care of your eyes. He is dearer to me than my eyes. The royal eye sees far. Don't trust someone else's eye. He does not believe his eyes, seeing what is unexpected, or from incredulity. I missed it, I missed it. Before my eyes, in my eyes, before me, I saw. Stole from under my eyes. did not save. He left the eyes, disappeared or disappeared from sight. Between the eyes the village burned down, missed. I'll tell him this to his face. He lies to the eye. The child is always in front of my eyes or under my eyes. Don't let it out of your sight, keep it in front of your eyes. How would you get it out of your sight? Went out of sight! Don't show me in front of my eyes! I have never seen him, I don't know. What's got your eyes on me? I won't blink my eyes. You won't be able to blink your eyes. Look at the place with your eye, measure with your eye. Close to my eye. Okay in my eyes. Pass by eye, at a glance, by level. Eye to eye will not come, taste to taste. What are you staring at, what are you puffing your eyes at? I would eat with my eyes, angry. The eyes that set the horns are menacing. Let your eyes go, look with shameless eyes. There are no empty eyes in the world. there are no eyes in the back of my head, you can see her from behind. his eyes move like that, he sees everything. What are you turning your eyes? embarrassed. He lowered his eyes, embarrassed. He blinks his eyes, his eyes are dumbfounded, embarrassed, taken aback. By the eyes to know this and that. Open your eyes, yawn. My eyes fled, I was confused, I don’t know where to look. He looked through all his eyes, he was tired of looking. He doesn't even show his eyes, you can't see him, he doesn't walk. Lose, lose eyes, go blind. The eyes became dull, the eyes became bad. All night long, the eyes did not close, did not reduce or close. Close your eyes, in shame, or die. his eyes became salty, rolled under his forehead, he froze, dying. Open someone's eyes, point out the truth. Wipe someone's eyes, make it clear, point out; rub the eyes of money, squander them. To throw dust in the eyes, to fool the eyes, to fool someone; wind for show. Insert someone with golden, silver eyes, bribe, give as a gift. You are an eyesore to me, you annoy me with yourself. Spit in his eyes, he's lying. He doesn’t understand the basics in the eyes. Pour eyes, get drunk drunk. he had lights under his eyes, his eyes were bruised, he was beaten when he was drunk. It's dark, even if you poke (poke out) your eye. Truth hurt your eyes. Poke something in the eyes, poke something in the eyes, reproach with what. Not in the eyebrow, but right in the eye. Keep your eyes open, be humble. Look someone in the eye, obediently serve; to obey, run into someone's eyes, show off or curry favor. Build someone eyes, flatter; drag. his oily eyes, eyes languishing, cloyingly tender. eye to eye, one on one. Glasses do not suit his eyes, they deceive him. Behind the eyes, behind the eyes, behind the eyes, in absentia. For the eyes a lot, enough for the eyes, enough. A good eye, a kind eye, happy, from which there is no damage, a prize, the evil eye, the opposite. thin, bad, evil eye, harmful. Black eye, brown eye, pass us by. This is with the eye, with a prize, with damage. A faithful eye, experienced and unmistakable in the eye. Sea-eye, experienced and sharp-sighted in maritime affairs. God bless your eyes. Cossacks, eyes of the army. Eye, Cossack. leads, outposts, advanced horse guards against the enemy. Eye, peephole in a growing tree, point, leaf bud, leaf bud; potato eye, wart point that sprouts. a ring and about a similar thing: a single stone, a pearl. Layered agate, agate in colorful circles; onyx. Cell, network cell. Eye, opening, well, for example. nitchenok loop, on a weaving mill, for threading the warp. Eyes, Kaluga. two relatives or cousins ​​of the bride who are constantly with her; at a wedding, sitting next to her, hold a dish in her hands, in one there is a slice of bread and two spoons, and in the other a comb, a mirror, a handkerchief and a warrior; after the crown, young hair is braided into two braids and a warrior is put on (Naumov). Ophthalmic, belonging to or relating to the eye, Eye glass, in a telescope, facing the eye; opposite sex subject. Ocellar, forming an ocellus or related to it. Stare, stare, yawn, look from a distance, look without purpose and sense. Glazing cf. action is. To stare at someone, to jinx, to stub, to look (e) to, to spoil with an eye, to dishonor. Eyey chicken. who is easy to jinx, to mutilate; who has ugly eyes; ocularity this property. eyeball psk. peep out of curiosity, peep. Glazun m. fried eggs w. a moron, an idle onlooker who stares staggeringly; who immodestly looks at you: who has eyes on the roll out. Fried eggs, final scrambled eggs, whole, wholesome, quick thinker; ryaz. sheep (Shane). Glazun network, Volzhsk. the rarest; it is followed by a cutting, and even smaller particle, particle. Eyeball, eyeball arch. eye socket m. olon. water, vadya a window or a well in a swamp The eye socket is also a visor on a hoop, from the light. Eyeball, eyeball perm. vyat. fried eggs, whole, final scrambled eggs. Eye socket Euphrasia plant. General eye disease. The eye socket or fossa in which the eyeball lies. Eyeball, eyeball psk. Kaluga pea porridge with cereals. Fried eggs. A quick-eyed woman. Big-eyed, goggle-eyed about a man, with bulging eyes; vigilant, who sees well, far away, sees everything, notices. things: conspicuous: bright, colorful, strange or large pattern. The field is big-eyed, and the forest is eared, you can see it in the field, you can hear it in the forest. Eyeball, eyeball. Glazovye cf. novg. stroke, cloudberry. Glazobivets or eye-killer m. arch. eyeball Vologda. impudent, brawler, insolent: shameless silly, self-willed. Eyeball, -pka, eyeballer m. -lka f. - bundle about. an idle onlooker who stand with bulging eyes. Eyeballs, large pieces in jail, chunks in okroshka, at which eaters stare. An eye gauge is a way and skill to determine the score, weight, measure, quantity, space, by eye, at random, by experience and skill. Ocular, determined by the eye, measured by the eye. Eye comforting, pleasing to the eye, mind

Own diamond, someone else's glass

Which organ has the lens and retina

Cyclops has one

What is the child of seven nannies deprived of

What Hercules stole from moira in the cartoon

That Odysseus gouged out the Cyclops Polyphemus

What can be put on the product you like

He is squinted

What organ can be "calmed"?

. "... does not see - the heart does not hurt"

Head receiver visual. information..

A sharp-sighted instrument approx. measurements

. "... does not see - the heart does not hurt"

Head receiver visual. information

“Seryozha, I beg you, look after Nikita, I need to take care of the pie,” Natasha, on the go, collected the things scattered by the family and shoved them into the cabinets. Then she stroked her little son. He was busy putting puzzles together.

- BUT? - Sergey looked up from the tablet, - Good, good.

Natasha took a deep breath and went to the kitchen. There the dough was waiting for her. It demanded her care and attention.

Daniel, you know what? - She turned to her third-grader son, who was watching cartoons, - Let's go and look after Nikita and dad, okay? Just be careful, especially for Nikita. Do you want a pie?

Danila weighed the conditions of the task and, grabbing the tablet, left the kitchen.

A minute later Nikita's whimpering was heard from the room. Natasha looked in the door and saw that her husband and eldest son each enthusiastically buried themselves in their tablet, and the youngest tried to reach the piece of the puzzle that he needed. She gathered colorful pieces of cardboard and moved them closer to her son.

“Yes,” Natasha sighed, “seven nannies have a child without an eye.”

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Strange expression, isn't it?

Immediately, a picture of a small child with an injured eye is drawn in his thoughts, and seven nannies are busy around him. This is if taken literally. But then why do we need logic and imagination?

Let's take a broader look.

After all, it seems that the more people pay attention to the child, the safer he is. And following folk wisdom, it turns out the opposite. And the described situation, by the way, confirms this proverb.

Many means no one in particular. Everyone hopes for each other, and the child remains on his own. Well, or not a child, maybe some business. Namely, a matter of concern.

Where did this phrase come from?

It turns out that it crystallized in the historical events of the troubled times in Russia.

The reign of Vasily Shuisky ended with his overthrow in 1610. The boyars who seized power decided to rule themselves, and Shuisky did not have a legitimate heir.

But since there was no special agreement between them, Russia in these times experienced terrible times. Indeed, vague and incomprehensible.

Seven noble boyars, led by Mstislavsky, treacherously surrendered the country to the Poles. This was done under the threat of clashes with the troops of False Dmitry approaching Moscow. The boyars rushed to bow to the Poles for help, since they themselves could neither decide nor do anything. And it was these seven most noble boyars who gave the Russian throne to the Polish prince.

It was then that the concept of the Seven Boyars appeared.

And only the militias of Mimin and Pozharsky were able to expel the Poles. Although the desire of the Poles to lay a paw on Russian territories even then did not pass.

So it turns out that if there is not one, but a faithful and firm hand, the matter remains unattended. Those. it was this historical situation that created this saying: seven nannies have a child without an eye. For seven noble boyars, Russia was simply thrown to the mercy, sold and betrayed.

Natasha smiled at the corners of her lips. The whole family finally gathered at the table. The highlight of the program was peach pie. Let not fresh, but from a can, but from this the triumph of the moment did not become less.

- Natasha, we love you, right, guys? - The father of the family winked at his sons and hugged his wife, - Here, this is for you ...

With a deft movement, he turned Natasha, and she saw Danila, who was holding a bouquet of roses in his hand. Bushy, small ones… these were the ones she loved the most.

“Mom, this is from Nikita and me,” Danila pulled out a second bouquet of bright yellow mimosas from behind the sofa.

Natasha had tears of joy in her eyes. It was already a sinful thing that she thought that her men had completely forgotten about the women's holiday.

"Thank you," she whispered. "Let's drink tea and eat cake." Enjoy your meal.

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