When do dogs start the first. Estrus in dogs: symptoms, stages, problem solving. For small and large breeds

Estrus (pustovka) appears when the follicles in the ovaries of the female mature. She says that the animal is ready for mating and conception. Experienced dog breeders keep appropriate entries in their diary. This will help not only to get high-quality offspring, but also to monitor the health of the bitch.

A beginner needs to know this about how long the emptying lasts

Pustovka is divided into four stages:

  • Proestrus is the first 7-10 days. The female genital loop swells, a bloody secret is secreted. She is not yet ready for mating - the egg has not descended into the uterus. Although the excitement in her behavior is already noticeable, however, she does not let the opposite sex to herself yet.
  • Estrus - ovulation occurs, the secret becomes transparent or disappears. Now the bitch is ready for mating, which she makes clear to the males with her behavior. In these 5-12 days, conception usually occurs.
  • Metestrus - the next 8-10 days of the cycle, during this period, the discharge gradually disappears.
  • Anestrus is a time of calm. The ovaries stop the active phase and go into "sleep mode". In this state, they are from 1 month to 2 years.

How many days estrus lasts and how much time passes between them depends on the habitat. In street dwellers, it appears once a year (this is called monocyclicity). This frequency is associated with adaptation to the environment. The most favorable period for conception is late winter, because newborn puppies will have enough time to get stronger before the arrival of cold weather.

Pets are characterized by polycyclicity (up to three times a year), because they do not depend on natural conditions and can afford to breed more often.

The first estrus in some animals occurs as early as six months, but this period is later - one and a half years. It is the shortest, has blurred manifestations and can go unnoticed by the owner of the animal. You need to try to prevent this in order to study the cycle for future matings.

First time in small breeds

So how long does estrus last in small breeds? The first estrus in small breeds (Bolognese, Welsh Terrier, Moody, Pekingese, Pinscher, etc.) usually occurs earlier than in others - at 6–8 months.

But this does not mean that maturation is over. Therefore, after the first such manifestations, the pet is not knitted - they do it for the second or third time: the bitch will reach the desired weight, she will establish a clear cycle. This rule applies to all breeds.

Pustovka last from 2 to 3 weeks with an interval of up to 12 months, which depends on the breed, heredity. Small dogs go through about 10 cycles during their lifetime.

Differences in estrus in medium dogs

These pets go through about 20 cycles in a lifetime. The first estrus in medium breeds (Bobtail, Bassenji, American Staffordshire Terrier, Dalmatian, Bull Terrier, etc.) occurs at 7–8 months and is repeated at intervals of 6–8 months.

Its average duration is 16 days. The first mating is carried out not earlier than the bitch reaches 15 months of age.

First for large pets

The first estrus in large breeds (Great Dane, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, etc.) falls on the 8-16th month of life.

With age, in large breeds, its duration increases: if at 2 years it takes an average of 20 days, then by 5 years this period increases to 22 days, which is not observed in small and medium breeds.

Duration, number of days for bitches

Below are data on the duration of the vacancy in some popular breeds.

  • Yorkshire Terrier - 14-21 days (in young individuals - longer);
  • German Shepherd - 18-20 days;
  • labrador - 20-22 days;
  • chihuahua - up to 21 days;
  • dachshund - 20–23 days;
  • Pekingese - up to 21 days.


False heat and other surprises for a beginner

Young females have a false emptying. It is so called because there are all external manifestations, except for the main one - ovulation. This condition is not dangerous. In some cases, it is interrupted for several days and then resumed, but now with ovulation.

There are hidden (dry, white) estrus. The difference is that follicles are formed in the usual way and eggs are released. However, there are no external signs - a swollen genital loop, blood secretion. Dry estrus is not a deviation, the bitch can still become pregnant and bring a healthy litter.

Prolonged discharge is a cause for concern. If they persist for more than 30 days, contact your veterinarian. This is all the more necessary to do when yellowish or greenish blotches appear in the secret, decreased appetite, and elevated body temperature.

Often, novice dog breeders, due to lack of knowledge, cannot distinguish estrus from diseases. It is important to remember that the dog is ready to mate 1-2 times a year, and the rest of the time any discharge is an anomaly.

The main signs of estrus

How does a leak appear? You can determine the estrus in a dog by its behavior, but it changes significantly. The female increases activity, she becomes overly playful and may ignore commands. This is all the result of a hormonal surge. Among the main signs of estrus, the following are noted:

  • the dog begins to sit down to urinate more often (she marks the territory so that potential gentlemen are aware that she is ready to accept courtship);
  • bloody discharge oozing from the loop;
  • she often licks under her tail;
  • the female begins to flirt with the males, in turn they show an active interest;
  • often estrus is preceded by a molt.

At first, dogs do not let members of the opposite sex in, they may even show aggression at too intrusive courtship, their body is not yet ready for mating.

After one and a half to two weeks, the structure of the discharge changes in the dog, they become like yellowish mucus. During this period, the female feels a strong sexual desire, especially if she notices males nearby, her tail is moved to the side, and her body takes the stance necessary for sexual intercourse. The loop increases significantly in size.

In such an excited state, the bitch can be from 5 to 7 days. If the owner wants to breed a dog, then he must mark these days. A suitable time for mating animals falls on the 9-17th day, less often on the 21st. Everything is individual and depends on the breed of the pet.

Step by step passage

The entire animal cycle is divided into four stages:

  1. Proestrus (or it is called the forerunner). Duration 1-1.5 weeks. At this time, the process of blood circulation in the genital area increases significantly, the loop swells, the first, initially meager, bleeding discharges appear. During this period, the dog is not yet ready for mating, ovulation does not occur yet. But external signs are already evident - she becomes playful, she may not obey the owner, run away. On the walk, he spends more time sniffing around and constantly crouching to leave marks. Males are already experiencing increased interest, however, when trying to copulate, the bitch growls and snaps.
  2. Estrus (active sexual hunting). During this period of time, more precisely the first two days, the process of ovulation occurs. But the bitch can keep the gentlemen away for a few more days. A little later, at the sight of a potential groom, the female raises the back of the body, tightens the noose and removes the tail to the side to facilitate the penetration process. She freezes and patiently waits for action from the dog. The discharge from the loop can be different, but normally the right period for mating comes when they turn a light pink hue or completely disappear. The vulva swells considerably.
  3. Metaestrus (final stage of estrus). The duration of this period is several days. The discharge stops, the loop returns to its previous dimensions, the bitch again does not allow gentlemen to approach her. If fertilization does not occur, then the female becomes calm again. However, the dog still undergoes hormonal changes - the level of progesterone, which is not without reason called the pregnancy hormone, rises. And this happens regardless of whether the female became pregnant or not. A similar condition becomes the cause of such a phenomenon as false pregnancy, which basically passes without outside help and negative consequences.
  4. Anestrus (phase of sexual tranquility). The duration of this stage is approximately 100-150 days and allows the body of the animal to recover before the next estrus.

The frequency of estrus in dogs varies due to some concomitant factors. For example, in domestic dogs, it happens twice a year - in autumn and at the end of winter. In some cases, turnover is limited to once a year.

Dogs kept outdoors, including those from the north, shed once a year in early spring to give birth to puppies during the warmer months.

How to avoid mating

This question is most often asked by owners of dogs who do not plan to breed. But he is not alien to people who keep breeding dogs, because an unplanned mating can be an unpleasant surprise.

The main condition is to carefully monitor the dog on the walk, do not let go of the leash and not allow strangers to approach significantly.

You can purchase a special tool in veterinary pharmacies or pet stores that destroys the smell that attracts males. They process the back of the pet's torso before each walk.

Care features

On the eve of the first estrus, the female may experience discharge from the loop, the so-called juvenile vaginitis, containing a small amount of pus. Don't worry, this is normal. Everything will be back to normal as soon as the heat passes. If this does not happen, then it is worth undergoing an examination to identify various pathologies.

To make the estrus period more hygienic (especially for estrus dogs kept in an apartment), you can purchase special elastic panties for single use. They will allow the dog not to leave blood stains around the house. But still, you should not wear them all the time, veterinarians advise letting the female remove the discharge herself by licking it.

At the first heat, the dog may not understand how to behave, so it is worth teaching him to clean up after himself. And for this, it is necessary to remove carpets and carpets from the floor.

During estrus, the dog requires special care:

  • it is worth avoiding long walks in the cold season so that the pet does not catch a cold;
  • no need to take it to places where other dogs congregate;
  • walks are carried out strictly on a leash.

If suddenly it was not possible to prevent unwanted mating, then it is strictly forbidden to give the dog means that promote abortion. This can cause significant health problems for the pet, which often lead to infertility in the dog.

Before taking a puppy-girl, the owner should think more than once whether he will cope with such a difficult task. Usually bitches are taken by experienced people who know the physiology and behavior of animals well. If this is an amateur, he needs to find out in advance how many days estrus lasts in dogs, at what age it starts and how it goes. All these are important points that will have to be taken into account so that the pet is healthy and the owner is calm.

When does the first heat start?

In dogs, the first estrus can begin at seven months or appear as early as two years. Such a large gap in different animals does not mean pathology at all, it all depends on the breed to which the girl belongs. This happens along with the change of teeth, but the exact timing is too individual for each animal, so it makes no sense to talk about it.

We can only give approximate figures regarding dogs of different sizes:

  • in animals of large breeds - from 10 months to one and a half years;
  • in medium dogs - at 8-15 months;
  • in small, dwarf pets - at 6-10 months.

Of course, these are average data, and there are always exceptions that may apply specifically to your dog.

When discussing the question of when dogs start estrus, it should be understood that the breed in this case does not really matter - the difference in puberty depends only on the size of the animal.

First heat, in most cases, is characterized by a small amount of spotting, as well as a short duration. It is important to know that this process is sometimes false - after a few symptoms, it is interrupted without the release of the egg, and after 5-6 days it can resume, and the bitch will be ready for full fertilization.

When planning to use a dog for breeding, the owner needs to know at what age the first oestrus begins - this will help calculate when to mate for healthy offspring. During the first menstruation, the owners of small dogs should be especially attentive, because unwanted contact with a large adult dog can result in serious trouble for the tailed bride.

How many times does a dog go into heat in a year? Sexual hunting in these animals is usually observed twice a year. True, representatives of some breeds, such as the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, Husky and Laika, are monocyclic - they have a single oestrus and this is quite normal.

Characteristic signs of estrus

Many inexperienced dog handlers are interested in how to determine the estrus in a dog. It is enough to observe the animal - changes in habits and behavior will immediately tell you that its hormonal background is undergoing changes:

  • at first the beast begins to shed heavily;
  • the loop in the female becomes larger in size, and often its shape does not have a clear outline;
  • spotting appears, which over time can turn yellow and turn into mucus - usually, this signals the dog's readiness for conception;
  • the dog often urinates, but most often this indicates leaving marks for males;
  • just yesterday, an obedient and calm girl suddenly begins to behave actively, her playfulness borders on aggression;
  • if earlier the execution of commands was an immutable law for the animal, then during the period of estrus the dog behaves uninhibitedly, even arrogantly, ceases to obey;
  • some animals, on the contrary, become overly affectionate, but this depends on the personality traits of the character of the beast;
  • during estrus, the taste preferences of the animal may also change, and the appetite may decrease or increase.

At the beginning of the process, females constantly lick themselves and do not allow males to come to them, but after 10-15 days, they already turn their tail at the sight of a partner and take a specific stance. This is the most favorable time for mating, which should be noted by owners pursuing the goal of breeding puppies. This phase can last up to a week. True, in some breeds this stage of estrus occurs from 9 to 16 days, and even 20-21 days.

If the dog has health problems, estrus can occur with noticeable changes:

  • estrus becomes too frequent;
  • the dog is behaving inappropriately;
  • there is lethargy, weakness of the animal, apathetic state;
  • the bitch begins to feel constant thirst and refuses to feed;
  • discharge is abundant, dark in color with an admixture of pus;
  • estrus proceeds in a latent form, without secretions;
  • body temperature fluctuates back and forth throughout the day.

Such symptoms may indicate a hormonal imbalance in the dog's body and require a visit to the veterinarian.

In other cases, vaginal discharge may be yellow-brown, have a repulsive smell of rotten meat, and if it also lasts more than 28 days, this is a dangerous condition for the animal, threatening diseases such as reproductive organ tumors, vulvovaginitis or endometritis, possibly even infectious lesions of the uterus. When heavy bleeding does not close after the first menstruation, it is most likely a problem with blood clotting.

To understand how dogs go into estrus, you should consider all the stages of estrus.

How many days does a dog go into heat?

The duration of oestrus can be affected by the age of the dog, its weight, and the frequency of estrus. Experienced dog breeders believe that the size of the animal and the breed in this sense is not decisive. The main thing is the health of the bitch, genetic predisposition to short or long bleeding, physiological data.

How long does estrus go on in small breeds, as well as animals of medium and large sizes? On average, for both, the process takes 20-23 days. Stable duration differs in estrus in young animals, while in older animals the resting stage increases. Sometimes the starter does not start due to the exhausted state of the pet, illness, malnutrition. In a negative way, the use of steroid drugs designed to prevent the onset of estrus can also affect health.

Finding out the duration of estrus in dogs, one should take into account the influence of stressful situations that cause the abundance and duration of discharge.

You can understand how many days blood flows by considering the main stages of the sexual cycle:

  1. The forerunner (proestrus) lasts from 7 to 10 days. This period is characterized by swelling of the genital organs, secretion of mucus with a small amount of blood. At this point, the female has not yet ovulated, which involves the presence of a real menstruation when the follicle of the egg ruptures. Therefore, the dog avoids boyfriends, growls at them. The nature of the animal also changes - it ceases to be obedient, makes sudden movements, can run away from the owner, and also marks the street area.
  2. Gon (estrus) is the main stage of sexual hunting, which occurs 10-14 days after the first discharge. The dog is ready for fertilization, and now she may be interested in the male. Her vulva swells, becomes loose and fully prepared for mating, the blood of the discharge is thick and viscous, dark, even brown in color.

    Fans who are faced with the need for mating ask how to understand that a bitch will definitely become pregnant and choose the right moment for this. It is at this stage that the optimal time for conception.

  3. The final phase is metaestrus, when estrus ends, the swelling of the vagina and labia subsides. This state lasts up to 11 days. The sexual intercourse of the female with the males stops, and the body of the animal returns to its previous indicators, with the exception of cases of successful fertilization. At this, the active stage of the sexual cycle is over, and the period of anestrus, that is, rest, can reach up to 100-170 days, that is, the development of a new reproductive cycle is possible after six months.

Raising once again the question of how often estrus occurs, owners of pet dogs need to be aware that the frequency of the cycle, reaching three or four times a year, is pathological, associated with various diseases, which may be caused by disturbed hormonal levels.

How to prevent extrus

The prevention of the onset of menstruation has many reasons, and not necessarily mercantile ones. But this is associated with serious consequences for the dog's body if the actions taken are illiterate. At the moment, there are only two ways to do this with the help of special hormones, unfortunately, other means in the form of phytotherapeutic and homeopathic preparations, as a rule, do not give the desired result.

  1. Medicines containing sex hormones begin to be given to the animal during the rest period - this is a small amount, once applied once a week or a month. As a result, the childbearing function is suppressed and menstruation does not occur;
  2. Another option is to use funds in the first days of estrus, in which case it should be terminated or postponed.

Unfortunately, most of the existing drugs are synthetic drugs, and their use is justified by high efficiency, unlike natural-based drugs. These steroids include the notorious Stop Intim, Contrasex, Pilkan, Stop Sex and others.

Such pharmacological agents have certain advantages for owners - they are effective, easy to use, but this can also limit the list of pluses. There can be no question of any safety and the absence of side effects indicated in the instructions. And veterinarians are well aware of the possible consequences:

  • these are infectious diseases of the genitourinary organs;
  • disruption of the heart, kidneys, thyroid gland and liver;
  • pyometra and endometritis of the uterus with subsequent inability to conceive;
  • fibrous growth of the mammary gland, mastitis;
  • oncology of the ovaries, uterus and other internal organs.

Even short-term use can lead to difficult childbirth, infertility, disruption of the sexual cycle, infertility and the birth of weak and dead puppies.


In the end, if the owner is not interested in offspring, it is much more humane to remove the animal's reproductive organs using modern safe methods. Firstly, it will help restore the normal ratio of hormones, and secondly, the animal will live a longer and happier life, since its body will not wear out as a result of pregnancy and labor.

Can a dog be spayed while in heat? It turns out that, theoretically, this is possible, but during the natural cycle it is not recommended. Such a radical intervention is necessary when the pathology of the process is observed, and estrus is present in the dog, in fact, constantly. This is the real disease that needs to be treated. And if the veterinarian thinks it's right to spay, it will of course be performed during an abnormally ongoing period, and will be able to solve this problem.

In order to maintain the health of a pet in perfect condition and regulate its reproductive function, you need to know not only at what age the first estrus is, but also many features of this process, sometimes beyond the norm. You should not immediately draw a conclusion about the deviation, because all dogs are individual in their physiological parameters and genetic program. But, best of all, a veterinarian understands this, who will help in different situations, first of all, advising to keep a kind of schedule that reflects each onset of estrus.

Taking into account how many days a dog's estrus lasts, the owner of the animal has the opportunity to plan the onset or prevention of pregnancy, while taking care of the health and psycho-emotional state of his pet. Such information is also important for the owners of males, who also need to focus on the characteristics of females.

Estrus in a dog (estrus) is a natural process, which is one of the important periods of her life. The presence of estrus indicates the beginning of the female's sexual activity, her readiness for mating and bearing offspring. The first estrus occurs at the age of 6 to 18 months. when puberty occurs. Usually, in small dogs, estrus occurs at the age of six months, and in large dogs, a little later, from a year to a year and a half.

However, the body of each individual is individual, so the period may vary. Duration of estrus: about three weeks or in some cases up to a month. Frequency is considered normal: once or twice a year. The main thing that pet owners should remember is that mating can occur after the second estrus, only in this case the dog will bring healthy and strong offspring.

Small note: yes what day estrus need knit a dog? This is individual, but usually they are knitted on the 14th day or a little earlier.

estrus stages

1. Proestrus (or forerunner). The duration of the period is from 7 to 10 days. At this time, the dog's blood flow to the external genital organs increases, due to which the vulva swells, the first dark spotting appears from the vagina. During the forerunner cycle, ovulation does not occur, so the dog is not yet ready for mating.

However, her behavior changes noticeably - the dog becomes overly excitable (playful, naughty), constantly marks the territory with urine, sniffs, scratches and scatters the ground during a walk. She shows aggression towards other individuals, flirts with males, but when she tries to mate, she growls, jumps away, not letting her in.

2. Estrus (rutting or sexual hunting). The period lasts an average of 4 to 12 days. During the first two days, ovulation occurs, but the female can allow “cavaliers” to come to her for mating for a certain number of days. Allocations in dogs of different breeds during estrus may differ.

But in the normal state, the onset of the rut begins after the cessation of bleeding or when they become light pink, and the external genitalia swell fairly. At this time, the dog lets the males approach him, having previously taken a pose characteristic for mating - a raised pelvis and a loop, a tail set aside.

3. Metestrus. With its onset, after 5-10 days, the discharge ends, the swelling of the vulva decreases, the female stops letting the males in. In a dog, progesterone (pregnancy hormone) jumps sharply, regardless of the result of fertilization, that is, whether it happened or not.

In many individuals, this leads to a state of false pregnancy, which safely passes by itself, as soon as the amount of hormones normalizes. Full metestrus lasts from 2 to 3.5 months. After a maximum of 10 days, the visible part of this period and estrus ends, all subsequent days the dog's body is recovering.

4. Anestrus. This is a period of estrous rest, which can last 3.5–5 months. During it, the female replenishes the supply of vitamins, trace elements and nutrients, preparing for the future sexual cycle.

What to do as a dog owner in heat

If the owner does not intend to mate his pet during this period, then you must be very careful and follow simple rules.

  1. walk dog exclusively on a leash and under close supervision.
  2. Avoid at this time visiting places where dogs congregate.
  3. Protect the dog from contact with males. Try to prevent the male from mounting on her, otherwise it will be impossible to separate the dogs during the copulation that has happened without damaging their genitals.
  4. During estrus avoid visiting exhibitions and other events. If this cannot be done, then it is advisable to use special sprays that fight off the smell, and also keep the female at a distance from the cables.
  5. With abundant estrus, you can use special absorbent underpants for dogs to keep the house clean.
  6. If an unwanted mating suddenly occurs, you should not give the female drugs to terminate the pregnancy - this can be fraught with complications that can cause infertility.

Dogs in heat continue into old age, on average, dogs have up to 20 cycles in their entire life, and about ten in small breeds of dogs. Every dog ​​owner should remember that after the completion of estrus, his pet is always very weakened and in great need of enhanced nutrition and vitamins.

The duration of estrus (bleeding) in dogs is an average of 10 days. Estrus in dogs is similar to the menstrual cycle, except that it only occurs twice a year. The first estrus can occur as early as six months, so you need to carefully monitor its first signs.

Time and duration

A dog's first heat can start anytime between 6 and 24 months of age. In small breeds, it comes faster than in large ones. Usually estrus, or rut, occurs twice a year and lasts from 18 to 24 days. The first signs of estrus in a dog are changes in its behavior:

  • Affectionate and affectionate behavior
  • The tail is carried high and the dog may start marking territory.
  • The dog raises the back of the body when stroking the back
  • Discoloration and discharge on the vulva

The bitch may begin to "cling" to you, become anxious and show sudden outbursts of irritation towards other pets. She will also begin to lick her vulva frequently. The usual estrus seasons are from January to March and from August to October.

Bloody discharge - directly in heat

The estrus cycle consists of four stages. The first stage is called proestrus and lasts about 10 days. At this time, the dog will experience bleeding from the vulva. During this period, the dog is preparing for the next stage, fertilization. During estrus, the dog does not allow males to approach him.

As a pet owner, you have several ways to deal with secretions and keep your home clean. Your dog will lick itself, but you will still find blood stains in or around the house. If you live in a house with wood or marble floors, removing stains with a regular mop should not be difficult. You should also provide your dog with suitable bedding or towels, especially if he can sit on furniture. Or you can also purchase dog diapers (pictured).

mating stage

The next, second stage is called estrus, and lasts from 5 to 10 days. During this period, after estrus, the dog admits males to him and is ready to mate with any of them, and every male in the vicinity will try to get to him. If you do not want her to mate, you must keep her safe in the house. If you let her go out or leave her alone on the street, then she can mate at any time.

The next, third stage is diestrus, which lasts from 6 to 10 weeks. During this period, it becomes clear whether the dog is pregnant or not. During this time, the walls of the uterus thicken, and some dogs may experience a false pregnancy. One of the signs of this is enlarged mammary glands, in which milk may even appear.

The fourth and last stage is called anestrus and lasts an average of 15 weeks (100-150 days). During this time, the dog will have no interest in mating, and will not show any signs of hormonal changes until the next proestrus.

Frequency of estrus

The sexual cycle and estrus in a dog will be repeated throughout her life. In dogs, there is no such thing as menopause, and as they age, the duration of their sexual cycle simply increases. Neutering a bitch will prevent her from developing a natural estrus cycle and estrus.

It is believed that there is no reason for health to let a dog survive her first estrus or first pregnancy. Numerous health benefits are also confirmed if the bitch was neutered prior to her first estrus, such as preventing breast cancer and uterine infections. In addition, the reduced desire to mate stops her from taking risky behaviors outside or running away.

Frequently asked Questions

What is proestrus?

Proestrus is the first stage of the sexual cycle in dogs. During this stage, estrogen levels first rise and then fall sharply, and mature eggs are released from the ovaries. Ideally, the dog should be neutered before she enters her first heat.

When does a dog go into heat for the first time?

The first estrus in dogs occurs between 5 and 24 months of age. The first estrus in small breeds of dogs, as a rule, occurs earlier than in large ones.

How often does estrus occur in dogs and how long does it last?

The frequency of estrus varies between breeds and individual dogs, but it usually occurs twice a year and lasts about 10 days. If estrus occurs more often or much less frequently than twice a year, then the dog should be taken to the veterinarian, as it may have a hormonal failure.

How do you know if a dog is in heat?

During estrus, the bitch becomes more nervous and alert than usual. She may start to urinate more often. Most likely, you will notice changes in her behavior that are caused by a change in her hormonal balance. During estrus, the dog's vulva swells and spotting appears.

How to prevent leakage?

At what age can a dog be spayed?

Bitches can usually be spayed at two to four months of age. However, it is best to consult your veterinarian for specific recommendations.

Estrus, also known as estrus, is the reproductive stage through which unsterilized females go. At this stage, their eggs mature, making them fertile and able to give birth to puppies. During this period, the dog may experience various behavioral and physical changes due to hormonal changes in the body. These changes will allow you to figure out if the dog is in heat or not.


The concept of estrus in dogs

    Understanding the basics of your dog's reproductive cycle. When you are wondering if your bitch is in heat, the first thing to understand is her normal hormonal cycle. When a bitch reaches maturity and is physically ready to breed, her estrogen levels increase and her ovaries begin to release eggs. If mating occurs during this period, eggs can be fertilized and embryos can be conceived.

    • Bitches, or females, typically enter estrus at puberty, around the age of 6 to 24 months, depending on the breed. Small breeds usually go into heat earlier than large breeds.
  1. You need to know when to check for signs of heat. Depending on the breed, a female estrus occurs twice a year with an average interval of six months between each.

    • This will help you determine if there is a chance that she is in heat. For example, if she had a heat a month ago, then it is unlikely that this will happen again so soon and something may be wrong.
    • Although most dogs go into heat twice a year, that is, every six months, as with all hormonal events, some dogs have it more regularly than others. Some of them go into heat regularly, like clockwork every six hours, while others are extremely variable. An interval of 4 to 8 months is considered normal.
    • Heat usually lasts three to four weeks.
  2. Understand the signs of a leak. The heat itself goes according to the scheme, with swelling of the vulva and spotting during the first week. However, nature can be deceiving, because around 7-14 days, the discharge may stop or become weaker. This can mislead the careless owner into thinking that the period is over and the bitch is no longer at risk of getting pregnant. However, nothing could be that far from the truth. This average week is actually the period when ovulation occurs and the peak of the risk of getting pregnant.

    • Also, this is the week when she is most interested in finding a friend, and you should not let your guard down, and if you do not want her to have puppies, then you should tighten your security measures.
    • Approximately for 14 - 21 days of estrus, spotting returns, but gradually weakens and completely disappears. However, for a couple of weeks the vulva often remains larger than usual (although now she cannot conceive, estrus is over).

Note the physical and behavioral changes in your dog during estrus.

  1. Note the swelling of the vulva. The dog's vulva is located directly below the anus. Before a bitch goes into heat, her vulva will begin to swell a little. At the height of estrus, the vulva will increase to three times its normal size and take on a reddish hue.

    Pay attention to vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding is a sign that your dog is about to go into heat. When a dog is in heat, the amount of discharge will decrease slightly and the blood will take on a brownish tint.

    • If the bitch thoroughly cleans and licks the discharge, it will be difficult to understand if there is a discharge. A helpful tip is to cover her bed with a white sheet or pillowcase. This way you will see bloodstains on the white while she sleeps.
    • If you are planning to breed puppies, write down the day the bleeding started. Mating will occur most successfully on the 10th or 11th day from the onset of bleeding and on each of the three days following it.
  2. Pay attention if your dog constantly licks itself. Another sign that a dog is going into heat soon, or has just started, is if she constantly licks her vagina. While some bitches don't do this, most dogs will exhibit this behavior right at the start of estrus.

    Pay attention if the dog begins to behave strangely. Bitches that are in early heat usually don't perform as usual. In particular, bitches who are about to go into heat are nervous, restless and easily irritated.

    • Some bitches bark a lot and become more aggressive towards people and dogs around.
  3. Pay attention to the aggravation of marital behavior. If your dog starts jumping on males or other bitches, then it is more likely that he is in heat. Jumping on dogs is a common sign that a bitch is in heat. She can even jump on your feet.

    • However, dogs may jump on their feet or on each other for other behavioral reasons, such as masturbation, dominance, or, oddly enough, submissive behavior, so this does not necessarily mean that the bitch is in heat.
  4. Watch for changes in the position of the dog's tail. When a dog enters estrus, she twists her tail to the side to facilitate mating. This action is called "flagging" and is very common with bitches in heat.

    • You can induce this behavior by vigorously scratching her soft spot. If her hind legs are stiff and her tail leans to one side, she is flagging.
    • Never insert anything into a dog's vulva or vagina to see if it's ready. You can inadvertently hurt the tender, inflamed tissues and put your dog under a lot of stress.

Note the behavior of the males

  1. Be aware that some bitches are "silent hunters", that is, they do not show any visible signs of estrus. They secrete reproductive hormones but do not show the usual outward signs, such as vulvar swelling.

    • The only way to determine if these dogs are in heat is to observe the interaction between the males and the bitch in question. Males will even detect a low level of female sex hormones, which will cause their increased interest and attention.
    • Keep in mind that some bitches "skip" heat. If they are not feeling well or in poor health, have lost weight lately, the body can conserve energy and heat will not start at the expected time. This is a natural way to let the body know that it needs all its reserves for the most important thing, and is not in a state of full bloom of strength, when it could take care of the offspring.
  2. Pay attention to the level of aggressiveness in males. If you have a pair of males and also a bitch who you think might be in heat, notice how aggressive the males are towards each other. When there is more than one male next to the bitch, they begin to behave aggressively towards each other, trying to prove which of them dominates and should mate with the bitch.

  3. Note increased vocal communication and restlessness. If you have one male and a bitch in heat, notice how the male reacts to his separation from the female. If he seems more restless than usual and whines frequently, then it is most likely that he is expressing his displeasure at not being allowed near the bitch. This is a sure sign that the bitch is in heat.

    • Although this is not guaranteed, and you need to interpret this in the context of the physical changes in the bitch and the normal behavior of the male isolated from his mate. Some dogs experience anxiety when they are isolated from close friends and it can be difficult to distinguish this from sexual dissatisfaction.
  4. Watch the interaction between male and female. If you allow your dogs to run freely together all the time, then watch what happens when the male approaches the bitch. If the bitch allows him to lick and sniff her vagina for a long time, then it is most likely that she is in heat. In particular, if she lets herself jump, this is a sign that she is in heat.

    • However, if she lets another dog mount her, that can also be a sign of submissive behavior, so again, you need to interpret the big picture and ask yourself if it's time for estrus, for example, and how she usually behaves around dogs. . Don't forget, butt sniffing is something dogs love to do often, at best just to figure out who is who!
    • If your dog and bitch don't normally communicate, keep your dog on a leash when you bring him close to the bitch. One or both dogs may become aggressive if they are not familiar with each other.

Checking the estrus at the veterinarian

  1. To determine if your dog is in heat, your veterinarian will do a blood test. An analysis is used that determines the level of progesterone in the blood, which rises during estrus. This is done simply by taking a blood sample from the bitch and sending it to the laboratory. A low level indicates that there is no period, an average level indicates that the dog is in heat, and a high level indicates pregnancy.

    • An alternative is analysis used in research institutions. It measures the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the blood, which rises before ovulation. However, such a test is not available for commercial use.
  2. Have your veterinarian do a vaginal cytology test. It's fast and easy. The veterinarian runs a clean cotton swab over the moist mucosa of the vulva and then over the microscope slide. Once the smear is dry, it is stained and examined under a microscope.

    • A typical picture in a bitch in heat will be large cells plus red blood cells, which is characteristic of the period of heat. This, along with the physical signs, is enough to determine if a bitch is in heat.
  3. Ask yourself if the visible symptoms are signs of heat or if they suggest a health problem. This means it's important to use common sense when asking about a bitch's heat. If in doubt, take her to the vet for a checkup.

    • Is it time for the bitch to go into heat? If yes, then heat is more likely than a health problem.
    • Was there a heat recently? If yes, then it is less likely that it has come again, and there may be health problems.
    • Is she in a good mood, eating and drinking normally, and is she generally active? If yes, heat is more likely.
    • Does she feel unwell, has a reduced appetite, is she more thirsty than usual, or does she feel sick? If so, there is probably a health problem and urgent veterinary attention is required.
  4. If there should not be heat, but similar symptoms are present, have the veterinarian examine the dog. There is a disease, pyometra, which affects older bitches, the symptoms of which, to the untrained eye, may coincide with those of estrus. Common symptoms include a swollen vulva, with or without vaginal discharge. Pyometra refers to a uterine infection. In severe cases, the uterus fills with pus and the toxins released by the bacteria are absorbed into the blood and poison the dog.

    • If a bitch who has been in heat (4 to 8 weeks ago) has discharge, seek veterinary attention as this is the peak period of risk for developing pyometra.
    • In the early stages, the dog may experience more thirst and lack of appetite. As the disease progresses, the toxins cause damage to the kidneys and, if left untreated, can be fatal.
    • Each time in heat slightly weakens the lining of the uterus and makes it more vulnerable to the appearance of pyometra. This condition is more likely to affect older bitches (the more heats she has, the more likely it is to happen), and no breed is at risk.
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