Klebsiella oxytoca: causes, symptoms, treatment. Klebsiella oxytoca treatment Can klebsiella oxytoca cause Reiter's disease

Coexisting with bacteria in symbiosis, a person receives many benefits: easier absorption of nutrients, protection from pathogenic flora. However, there is a separate group of microorganisms, which is considered to be conditionally pathogenic. This type of bacteria can begin to multiply actively, causing various disorders. These bacteria include Klebsiella oxytoca.

The appearance of Klebsiella oxytoki in the body causes negative reactions

Description of the bacterium

For the first time about what Klebsiella is, the German scientist bacteriologist Edwin Klebs told at the end of the 19th century. He found these bacteria in the bodies of 90% of the people he examined. However, many of them led a normal life and did not suffer from any health problems. Others, on the contrary, felt unpleasant symptoms and suffered from numerous pathologies.

Already in those years, Klebs managed to establish what exactly caused the violations. It turned out that the infection was due to increased activity of Klebsiella.

The microorganism klebsiella oxytoca belongs to the category of gram-negative bacilli. Outwardly, it looks like a stick covered with a dense membrane (capsule) of protein cells. The dimensions of the microbe are extremely small - no more than 1 micron in diameter, about 6 microns in length.

Despite its small size, Klebsiella is dangerous to humans.

In the human body, the Klebsiella bacterium forms colonies of two types:

  1. diplobacilli - formed when bacteria join in pairs;
  2. streptobacilli - are formed when bacteria join into chains containing more than two microorganisms.

This type of bacteria does not form spores, the main method of reproduction is simple cell division with the formation of two identical bacteria.

Most often, Klebsiella oxytoca is found in the intestines, on the mucous membrane in the nose and throat, as well as in the genitals.

Depending on the location, Klebsiella may have a different structure.

Klebsiella can exist both in an airless environment and in environments where oxygen is present. That is why the species is classified as facultative anaerobes. Thus, Klebsiella in the intestine has a simpler structure due to a single shell, while on the nasal septum or on the skin, the shell becomes double, more dense and less permeable.

Why Klebsiella oxytoca is opportunistic

Normally, K. oxytoca do not reproduce actively enough. Even though they do not show aggression towards the host organism, their capsular membrane secretes an antigen - a compound that does not allow the immune system to destroy the bacterium. In most cases, the microorganism has a weak virulence, that is, it does not pose a danger in terms of the development of pathologies.

However, this does not mean that the carrier of the bacterium is not at risk of contracting a Klebsiella infection. It is believed that the normal concentration in the body of Klebsiella is 10 to the 6th degree. If these figures turn out to be higher, we are no longer talking about the norm, but about the pathology.

The development of Klebsiella can occur against the background of diabetes

The main reason for the surge in Klebsiella oxytoca activity is a decrease in the number of beneficial symbiont bacteria in the human body.

Most often, diseases caused by klebsiella spp occur against the background of a decrease in immunity in the following diseases:

  • viral infections;
  • immunodeficiency.

In their presence, the bacterium begins to form extensive colonies that look like an accumulation of cloudy mucus in the form of a hemispherical dome.

A cold creates favorable conditions for increased Klebsiella activity.

What diseases are caused by Klebsiella oxytoca?

Microbes can cause pathologies of various organs. It has been proven that Klebsiella causes the following ailments:

  • pneumonia;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • infections of the genitourinary system;
  • meningitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the nasal and oral mucosa;
  • colitis, peritonitis, intestinal infections.

Arthritis is one of the diseases that is caused by Klebsiella oxytoca.

Klebsiella is especially dangerous during pregnancy in women. During passage through the birth canal, the bacterium can enter the body of the child.

Most often, Klebsiellosis is diagnosed in newborns. It is not uncommon for symptoms of infection to occur in the elderly, as well as in those with chronic illnesses.

How different forms of Klebsiellosis manifest themselves

Clinical signs of Klebsiellosis appear some time after infection. If a person has strong immunity, the incubation period lasts several days. Against the background of weakened immunity, the period from infection to the appearance of signs of infection takes several hours. In general, the symptoms depend on which organ is affected.

The development of Klebsiella can cause a wide variety of symptoms.

Signs of damage to the respiratory system

The bacterium K. oxytoca rarely affects the lower respiratory tract. Much more often, doctors encounter infections of the mouth and throat. They are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • With the defeat of the upper segment of the respiratory tract - purulent discharge, nasal congestion. On the surface of the mucous membranes, granulomatous neoplasms are observed. Breath becomes fetid. An unpleasant odor also comes from the exudate.
  • When the nasopharynx and trachea are affected, atrophied areas covered with crusts form on their surface. Just as in the previous case, fetid purulent discharge is observed.

Patients have an increase in temperature to subfebrile indicators. Less commonly, its performance reaches 38.5 degrees or more.

A stuffy nose is a sign of Klebsiella infection in the upper respiratory tract.

When penetrating into the deeper parts of the respiratory system, along with hyperthermia and a feverish state, patients experience a number of signs that indicate the development of bronchitis and / or pneumonia:

  • paroxysmal cough, at first unproductive, and then with expectoration of fetid sputum, which in some cases contains blood inclusions;
  • shortness of breath, sometimes reaching suffocation;
  • excessive sweating, accompanied by severe weakness.

When listening to the lungs, the attending physician notes the weakening of breathing, the presence of wheezing (at the stage accompanied by the separation of bronchial secretions). When examined using x-rays, lesions are visible in the pictures.

The development of Klebsiella in the lower respiratory tract can cause suffocation

In the absence of therapy, bronchitis and pneumonia are complicated by sepsis. Such conditions are especially dangerous for children.

Signs of damage to the digestive system

Bacterial lesions of the gastrointestinal tract are most often observed in newborns. This is due to the fact that this category of patients has not actually formed a beneficial microflora. Also, Klebsiellosis of the digestive system occurs in those who have undergone long-term treatment with antibiotics.

Signs of this form of bacterial infection are:

  • dyspepsia, accompanied by bloating, belching, epigastric pain (more often observed in adults);
  • diarrhea with mucous inclusions, sometimes streaked with blood, very offensive (observed in both children and adults);
  • vomiting of undigested food (more common in babies, including newborns).

Klebsiella enters the gastrointestinal tract causing bloating and pain in the abdomen

In parallel with gastrointestinal disorders, patients have fever, fever, and weakness.

If Klebsiella treatment is not started immediately after the onset of the described symptoms, severe dehydration may develop within a day.

Signs of damage to the urogenital system

The symptomatic picture of the urogenital form of Klebsiellosis is diverse and depends on which organ was affected:

  • with an inflammatory process on the mucous membranes of the urinary tract - burning during urination and ejaculation;
  • with inflammation of the bladder - discomfort in the suprapubic part of the abdomen, acute pain during urination;
  • with inflammation of the kidneys - dull or acute pain in the lower back, sweating, general weakness.

The appearance of pain in the groin and burning indicates infection with Klebsiella urinary system

In men with urogenital klebsiellosis, bacterial prostatitis can develop, which, according to the clinic, is no different from other types of inflammation of this organ. The man begins to experience difficulty with urination, notes a decrease in sexual performance.

In patients with the urogenital form, klebsiellosis causes not only the listed symptoms, but also fever, swelling of the genital organs and bad smell from them.

Diagnosis of Klebsiella

If it is suspected that Klebsiella oxytoca has become the cause of the inflammatory processes, it is necessary to conduct laboratory diagnostics.

The presence of Klebsiella can be said after a stool test.

Only through microbiological examination of materials can a bacterium be detected in almost any biological material:

  • with damage to the respiratory system, the bacterium can be found in the discharge from the nose and nasopharynx, in sputum;
  • with damage to the digestive tract, Klebsiella is found in feces, in duodenal contents, and also in bile;
  • with damage to the urogenital tract, the laboratory assistant can detect Klebsiella in the urine or in a smear from the urethra and vagina.

To detect bacteria in laboratories, several methods are used that allow you to determine the species of microorganisms and their number.

To diagnose Klebsiellosis, an analysis of a smear from the urethra is performed.

These include:

  1. Microbiological studies using the Gamma method. During the diagnosis, staining of the obtained biological material is carried out. This allows you to identify gram-negative bacteria, determine their species and abundance.
  2. Bakposev on a nutrient basis (environment). The method is used for isolated reproduction of pathogenic microflora and its further study, including sensitivity to drugs.
  3. A serological test, during which blood is studied. It can detect antibodies and antigens of Klebsiella.
  4. Coprogram or microscopic examination of feces. It is used more often in infants. In addition to detecting bacteria, it allows you to establish the degree of change in the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

For a more detailed diagnosis, bakposev is performed.

It is necessary to start therapy for diseases provoked by excessive activity of Klebsiella oxytoca only after determining the sensitivity of the bacterium to antibiotics.

Methods of treatment of Klebsiella

Since it is not possible to treat Klebsiellesis caused by the bacterium K. oxytoca with all antibiotics due to the resistance of the pathogen, the remedy is chosen from two groups of drugs:

  1. Aminoglycosides - Amikacin, Sizomycin, Gentamicin and others.
  2. Beta-lactam drugs - cephalosporins, penicillins, monobactam drugs.
  3. Bacteriophages.

Drug therapy for Klebsiellosis includes taking Amikacin

Along with antibiotic therapy, treatment in adults and children involves increasing immunity with the help of special preparations. In the intestinal form of infection, probiotics and enzymes are indicated. Also, experts advise treating Klebsiella in the urogenital and respiratory systems with local remedies with an anti-inflammatory effect. As additional measures, one can consider the treatment of Klebsiella with folk remedies.

It is advisable to use folk methods only after visiting a doctor and prescribing antibiotics and other medicines.

Klebsiella oxytoca is a bacterium that, if left untreated, leads to death in 35% of cases. At least 60% of patients with advanced forms of infection suffer lifelong consequences. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to treat the diseases caused by this stick under the supervision of a physician.

Meningitis will be discussed in the video:

Klebsiella Oxytoca (Klebsiella oxytoca) is an opportunistic microorganism from the genus Enterobacteria, resistant to environmental influences, can exist in both oxygen and anaerobic environments.

The microorganism is a Gram-negative (non-Gram-staining) stick of small size, enclosed in a protective capsule, which helps it to survive in various conditions. Contained in the mucous membranes of the stomach and throat, in the gastrointestinal tract, on the surface of the skin of humans and some animals.

Under typical conditions, the bacterium is an element of the human digestive flora, but when activated and multiplied, it becomes a health hazard.

Most susceptible to pathogenic bacteria are infants, whose body is still weak and not formed; it can be detected by conducting tests of feces and urine in a child.

This is what Klebsiella oxytoca looks like under a microscope.

What is dangerous bacterium for humans

The bacterium is weakly virulent, that is, it is not dangerous and does not lead to pathological conditions. But carrier status sometimes leads to illness, and if treatment is not started, death is possible.

It all depends on the concentration of Klebsiella in the body. An indicator of 106 is considered the norm. Figures exceeding this concentration already speak of pathology.

In 35% of cases, if you do not take measures to destroy it, it leads to death. In 60% of advanced cases, patients suffer throughout their lives from the consequences of infection (bronchitis, pneumonia, sepsis), which are especially dangerous in childhood or during pregnancy.

Symptoms of infection in adults

The duration of the incubation period is from a couple of hours to one week.

With adequate timely therapy, it is possible to cope with the pathological process, but in another case, the infection can fully spread and become a circumstance for the development of sepsis.

A picture of the lungs of an infected person with pneumonia

The microbe can cause damage to the nose and upper respiratory tract. With rhinoscleroma, patients develop granulomas on the mucous membranes of the nose and upper respiratory tract.

Patients are worried about severe nasal congestion, the discharge has a specific odor and a mucopurulent structure.

Get tested for Klebsiella oxytoca

The defeat of the nasopharynx and trachea leads to atrophy of the mucous membranes and bones of the nasal cavity, as a result of which a purulent secretion appears, crusts are formed that can completely block the nasal passages. The patient is disturbed by a runny nose with pus, feeling and coughing. The temperature is rising.

With the defeat of the digestive tract, the development of acute gastritis, enteritis or enterocolitis is possible. Patients have fever.

In addition, such microbes can lead to pyelonephritis, cystitis and prostatitis. A microbe in an infant is quite often the cause of sepsis.

A child with sepsis

How is it transmitted

The disease is transmitted in three ways:

  • Fecal-oral. Spread in medical institutions occurs through contact with equipment, the hands of medical staff, with a sick person;
  • Contact household;
  • food;

Infection occurs through poorly washed or processed foods. For example, fruits, milk, meat.

Klebsiella oxytoca in a baby

There are quite a few diseases in infants that cause conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

Among them, Klebsiella occupies a leading position. Depending on the state of the immune system, the pathogen can cause a mild or severe infectious disease.


Symptoms of the pathogenic development of the disease in the intestines of infants are usually pronounced and require immediate treatment.

The most basic of them:

  • Critical body temperature;
  • Frequent regurgitation, vomiting;
  • Diarrhea (stool becomes watery and yellow-green)
  • In the feces, undigested food is visible;
  • Bouts of abdominal pain make the newborn restless;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • The baby is losing weight dramatically;
  • The skin turns pale;
  • Lips become blue;
  • There are bruises under the eyes.

Skin lesions may also occur: the gray shade of the skin on the head indicates the multiplication of bacteria in this place, which poses a high risk of tissue necrosis or abscess.

If you find feces

If a microorganism was found, this indicates a pathological process in the intestine.

In this case, the symptoms will be pronounced, the intestinal syndrome develops rapidly, metabolic and hemodynamic disorders occur.

The baby may refuse to feed, frequent regurgitation appears, the stool becomes liquid, watery and frequent - up to 20 times a day.

The newborn becomes lethargic, inhibited, quickly loses weight. With necrotic processes in the intestines of the baby, bloody inclusions are observed in the feces, and there is a high risk of developing secondary complications.

If found in urine

If the bacterium was found in the urine, this may indicate an acute lesion of the urinary tract. In such cases, the bacterium, acquiring a pathogenic form, provokes the development of pyelonephritis or urethritis. The symptoms will be as follows:

  • High body temperature;
  • Vomit;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Anxiety, irritability.

How to treat Klebsiella oxytoca

If symptoms of this microorganism have been detected in urine, feces, a throat swab, or using other diagnostic tools, treatment should be urgently carried out.

Treatment is carried out with the help of probiotics and bacteriophages, so as not to weaken the body - these drugs can selectively fight harmful bacteria without touching healthy cells.

Another good point is that if bacteria gradually get used to antibiotics, then resistance to bacteriophages is not developed.

If the disease is severe enough, then in order to treat it, it is recommended to prescribe an additional course of antibiotics.

But, at the same time, probiotics are drunk in parallel, which allow you to restore the damaged microflora of the body, treat its condition.

Treatment is difficult if there is sensitivity to antibiotics: amikacin, gentamicin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, cefazolin, cefoperazone, cefotaxime, ceftadizim, ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin.

Treatment and diagnosis in a child

The doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis on the basis of the child's complaints or the picture described by the parents. To confirm his assumption, the specialist proposes to conduct a culture of vomit, urine, blood and cerebrospinal fluid, as well as pass special tests.

After isolation of the pathogen, its type is determined.

The norm of the pathogen in the feces for an infant is 105. An indicator of 10 to the 6th degree, detected in 1 g of a sample of defecation products, is already considered a deviation and requires therapeutic measures.

In the rarest cases, Klebsiella is found in the urine, but it is there by chance. If its value does not match the indicators that doctors define as normal, and the child has a high temperature, this may indicate the progression of pyelonephritis.

Klebsiella is found in a laboratory study of the feces of an absolutely healthy or suffering from intestinal disorders of a child. Klebsiellosis is treated with bacteriophages.

Treatment with a significant deterioration in the condition of the baby is carried out in a hospital.

Antibiotic therapy in newborns is rarely carried out, since the developing organism reacts to drugs with adverse reactions. For infants, cephalosporins, penicillins, and other antibiotics are toxic substances.

Preparations of selective biological effects, or Klebsiella bacteriophages, are prescribed in liquid purified forms:

  • Bacteriophage;
  • Bacteriophage Klebsiella polyvalent.

Prices for these bacteriophages start from 770 rubles.

They destroy only Klebsiella without affecting other microorganisms that make up the intestinal flora.

With an isolated lesion of the tract, treatment is carried out - with intestinal antiseptics, stimulants for the development of beneficial flora, enzymes for better absorption of food.

To prevent dehydration, the body is saturated with solutions of salts and glucose. If the child is sick and vomits regularly, the water balance is restored with intravenous drugs.

Possible Complications

As already mentioned, if the immune system is normal, you should not be afraid, since the bacterium causes only an infectious disease with a mild course, which is well treatable.

A severe course or an advanced stage is fraught with the development of complications. In the future, pneumonia (pneumonia), conjunctivitis, various forms of intestinal infections, sinusitis, damage to the respiratory system, severe types of the common cold, meningitis, sepsis, and pathologies of the genitourinary system may occur.

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Many infants suffer from abdominal pain, upset stools and increased gas formation. When parents notice these symptoms, and the baby also becomes restless, it is necessary to consult a doctor, because the cause may be Klebsiella oxytoca, a pathogen from the Enterobacteriaceae family.

Once in the human body, regardless of a child or an adult, it penetrates into the large intestine, which, in fact, causes gastrointestinal disorders. But sometimes the microbe provokes the development of such a dangerous disease as pneumonia.

For most adults, this bacterium is not dangerous. It can exist in the body for a long time without showing itself.

But under the influence of adverse factors, it suddenly activates and contributes to the development of Klebsiellosis.

Klebsiella oxytoca: what is it in a baby

Klebsiella, as is already clear, belong to the conditionally pathogenic microflora, that is, they manifest themselves only under certain conditions, for example, with a decrease in immunity. Outwardly, the bacterium is a rod, has a rather large size, is immobile and does not form spores.

The stick is covered with a capsule that protects it for some time when exposed to adverse conditions, such as water, soil, food. The bacterium tolerates medium temperatures well, heating, but dies when boiled.

Several forms of infection and their effect on the body

In medicine, Klebsiella is classified as enterobacteria (microorganisms that live in the intestines and other organs). There are 7 types of bacteria, but two are of great danger to children: Klebsiella pneumoniae (Friedland's bacillus) and Klebsiella oxytoca.

Friedland's wand is one of the most common pathogens in infants. With the normal development of the child, it lives in the intestines and does not pose a danger.

However, the penetration of the microbe into the blood, articular, brain tissues, urinary ducts and activation in the large intestine is a serious threat to the health of the baby. In such a situation, Klebsiellosis or Klebsiella sepsis occurs.

In the vast majority, the microbe provokes intestinal disorders, less often pneumonia.

Causes of the disease and routes of entry

Klebsiella oxytoca is often found in the feces of a perfectly healthy baby. In this case, it does not pose a threat. Bacteria can enter the body from outside. In medicine, these ways are called exogenous infection. Most often, the infection penetrates through dirty hands, water, milk, poorly washed nipples (during breastfeeding), airborne droplets (coughing, sneezing), with poorly washed fresh fruits.

The reason why this infection is activated is most often hidden in the weakening of the body's immune defenses. Children suffer more often, because their immune system is not sufficiently developed, and they also lack normal microflora in the intestines, organs of the respiratory system, and on the skin.

Provoking factors can be: allergies; bowel problems; viral and infectious diseases; lack of vitamins and other nutrients in the diet.

Activation of opportunistic microflora can occur after taking antibiotics, as they suppress the normal intestinal microflora, reducing beneficial bifidus and lactobacilli. Frequent use of antibiotics contributes to the development of Klebsiellosis and significantly complicates the treatment of the latter, as the bacteria become resistant to the drugs taken.

Symptoms of activation of Klebsiella oxytoki

The disease provoked by a bacterium is characterized mainly by damage to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). The course of the disease resembles acute intestinal infections with damage to the mucous membranes, since it is they who suffer from the toxins secreted by the microbe. Sometimes it is difficult to diagnose, since the disease is very similar to ordinary dysbacteriosis.

Pathology is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Pain;
  • Bloating
  • Flatulence;
  • Colic;
  • Fever;
  • regurgitation of milk;
  • Increase in body temperature;
  • Loose stools, sometimes with an admixture of mucus, blood, an unpleasant sour-milk odor;
  • With prolonged diarrhea, dehydration can occur.

The clinical picture of the disease largely depends on the immunity of children and adults. With its good response, the disease is characterized by a sluggish course and mild symptoms.

When for some reason the immune system is weakened, the disease develops rapidly, accompanied by pronounced signs. In this case, there is a threat of dehydration and intoxication. In such situations, an ambulance is called, hospitalization is necessary. In this case, it is necessary to treat the disease only under the constant supervision of doctors.

Complications of the disease

As already mentioned, if the immune system is normal, you should not be afraid, since the bacterium will only cause an infectious disease with a mild course, which is well treatable. A severe course or an advanced stage is fraught with the development of complications.

In the future, pneumonia (pneumonia), conjunctivitis, various forms of intestinal infections, sinusitis, damage to the respiratory system, severe types of the common cold, meningitis, sepsis, and pathologies of the genitourinary system may occur.

Diagnosis of the disease

Treatment in adults and children with the progression of Klebsiella oxytoki requires placement in a hospital. It is necessary to hospitalize the patient with severe dehydration, sepsis, infectious-toxic shock. Such measures are also necessary in the case of a severe course of the disease.

An isolated lesion in the intestine does not require the use of systemic antibiotics.

In this situation, intestinal antiseptics are used; means for stimulating and restoring intestinal microflora; preparations for the normalization of water balance (solutions of salts, glucose); enzymes for normal digestion.

Severe course requires the use of antibiotics. The sensitivity of microbes to those is preliminarily determined. They also prescribe means for raising immunity.

How to treat a child and an adult Klebsiella oxytoca

It is worth noting that medicine has developed a special therapy plan used to suppress bacteria. According to him, antibiotics such as nifuroxazide, aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, penicillins are used. Treatment of children with Klebsiella oxytoki is rarely accompanied by other types of these drugs, as they have greater toxicity and a high risk of side effects.

Klebsiella oxytoca is an opportunistic bacterium that, after penetrating the human body, provokes the development of several ailments. If an infection occurs, the severity of the course of the disease will directly depend on the state of the immune system. That is why, pathologies provoked by Klebsiella oxytok in children or adults can occur both in the form of a mild infection and in the form of severe sepsis.

Classification and characteristics

This pathogenic microorganism is able to enter the human body either by airborne droplets or with food.

Scientists today have classified several types of Klebsiella that can provoke various ailments in adults and children:

stick name

A disease that develops against the background of infection


Causes inflammation in the lungs. The disease affects both children and adults


Patients develop rhinoscleroma

Ozana or fetid rhinitis occurs


In people whose body has been affected by this type of Klebsiella, the development of gastroenteritis is observed. In rare cases, this category of patients is diagnosed with sepsis.


Pathogenic microflora affects different parts of the intestine. Also, pathological manifestations are observed in the articular tissues, organs of vision and in the urinary system. Klebsiella oxytoca is detected in infants in the feces, so the diagnosis is made on the basis of laboratory results.

Klebsiella is an opportunistic bacterium that is part of the normal intestinal microflora. In the absence of "favorable" factors, this bacterium does not manifest itself in any way. But as soon as certain conditions are created for it, it begins to actively multiply and harm the patient's body.

This conditionally pathogenic microorganism has a high viability, therefore, it does not lose the ability to reproduce even in the complete absence of oxygen. Getting into an environment in which oxygen is present, Klebsiella very quickly forms a capsule, thanks to which it is protected from negative external factors.

It is worth noting that this bacterium is able to rapidly increase the number of colonies in dairy products, even those stored in the refrigerator.

Klebsiella is able to survive in various foods, in dust. In order to destroy it, it is necessary for a long time period to expose it to high temperature conditions, for example, to boil for a long time. Also, the conditionally pathogenic microorganism can be dealt with with the help of special means intended for disinfection. But, at the same time, it must be remembered that the bacterium is resistant to various antibacterial drugs, which greatly complicates the selection of a disinfectant.


These opportunistic bacteria enter the human body in the following ways:

  • in case of non-observance of personal hygiene standards;
  • when eating food with unwashed hands;
  • when using food products that have been seeded with Klebsiella (meat, milk);
  • when in close proximity to a sneezing or coughing person who is a carrier of an illness, such as pneumonia;
  • when eating unwashed fruits, berries, vegetables, etc.

Scientists who have been studying this opportunistic microorganism for many years include the following categories of people at risk of contracting Klebsiella infection:

  • newborn babies;
  • babies who are breastfed;
  • elderly people;
  • citizens who have been diagnosed with blood pathologies or diabetes;
  • people who have had tissue or organ transplants;
  • persons with acquired immunodeficiency states;
  • citizens suffering from alcohol addiction;
  • patients who have been taking antibiotics for a long time;
  • employees of the agricultural industry, catering establishments, organizations specializing in the processing or manufacture of dairy or meat products.


Patients in whose body Klebsiella is actively multiplying may show a characteristic clinical picture, which makes it possible to suspect a problem and turn to highly specialized specialists to eliminate it. People should be on the lookout for these symptoms:

  • the temperature rises;
  • when breathing, wheezing occurs;
  • there is a strong cough (initially it is dry, but then it transforms into a wet one);
  • rhinitis begins, with profuse discharge of snot;
  • nosebleeds, etc., may occur.

It should be noted that immediately after penetration into the human body of this bacterium, the incubation period begins, the duration of which directly depends on the current state of immunity. That is why, in this category of patients, characteristic symptoms can appear both after a few days and after a few weeks.

In patients, depending on the type of pathogenic microorganism and on the place of its localization, the following symptoms may appear:

stick name

Clinical picture


Initially, patients experience chills and feverish conditions. They complain of general malaise and weakness. Over time, sweating increases, perspiration begins in the throat, and redness of the mucous membranes is observed. As the disease progresses, a dry cough appears, with deep breaths pain occurs. The sputum begins to depart, which has a purulent, viscous structure and a stench emanates from it. Patients wheeze when breathing


If an opportunistic bacterium colonizes the nasopharynx, then patients develop rhinoscleroma. When this pathology occurs, damage to the mucous membranes located in the upper respiratory tract is observed. In patients, granulomas begin to form, inside which the pathogen is localized. People can suspect rhinoscleroma by characteristic symptoms. Initially, they have a stuffy nose, nosebleeds begin, of varying intensity. The masses released from the nasal sinuses have a purulent-mucous structure. Over time, patients lose the ability to swallow normally, their nasal cavity begins to deform, their appetite rapidly decreases, their sense of smell is lost, and hoarseness appears in their voice.

With the development of ozena, the mucous membranes in the nose begin to dry out, and a burning sensation is also felt. Quite quickly, crusts form in the affected area. Due to the lack of normal nasal breathing, the sense of smell is reduced or completely disappears. A strong cough begins, in which purulent sputum is released, a stench is spread from the sinuses. The temperature rises, which is extremely difficult to bring down with medication. Nosebleeds start. In severe cases of the disease, patients develop a saddle shape of the nose.


In the event that a conditionally pathogenic microorganism affects the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, people experience belching and heartburn, and pain is felt in the peritoneal region. Patients complain of nausea and the urge to vomit. They have a persistent aversion to food, the temperature begins to rise, weakness occurs. As the infection progresses, defecation processes are disrupted (mucous or blood impurities may be detected in liquid stools). If the bacterium enters the genitourinary system, then people may experience prostatitis, pyelonephritis, or cystitis.


This type of bacterium affects infants and newborns. The following symptoms begin to appear in babies: the temperature rises above 38 degrees, wet rales are heard during breathing, lethargy and weakness are observed. These children develop a strong cough, during which mucous or bloody sputum is discharged. Over time, purulent masses begin to be excreted, from which a strong stench emanates. Also, babies may begin to have diarrhea and vomiting, against which dehydration occurs. They often refuse food, regurgitate, lose weight. If Klebsiella oxytoca is detected in the feces of a child in a timely manner, then the disease can be cured in 12-14 days.

Treatment Methods

Before prescribing a course of drug therapy to a patient, a specialist must conduct a series of laboratory tests, the results of which will help differentiate the disease, for example, Klebsiella Oksitoka is detected in feces.

If a patient has been diagnosed with Klebsiella Oxytoka, treatment is prescribed after determining the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora to certain medications.

In most cases, specialists include beta-lactam antibiotics, aminoglycosides, for example, tablets in the treatment regimens:

  • "Amicina";
  • "Netilmicin";
  • "Sizomycin";
  • "Tobramycin";
  • "Gentamicin", etc.

If the disease has affected a baby or a newborn, then in this case bacteriophages are used to fight Klebsiella Oxytoka. Such medicines contain artificially derived viruses that absorb opportunistic bacteria.

Klebsiella- This is an opportunistic microorganism that provokes the appearance of infectious diseases of various types, as well as severe septic symptoms. How severe the consequences of being in the body of Klebsiella will be depends on the immunity of a particular person.

Klebsiella in an adult: symptoms and signs

Once infected, the incubation period will be very short. The duration can vary from a few hours to two days.

Symptoms of Klebsiella in the intestines

If the focus of infection is localized in the intestines, diseases such as enteritis and enterocolitis begin to appear in adult patients. can be found here.

Symptoms of Klebsiella in an adult are quite severe:

  • the body temperature increases greatly;
  • the strongest disturbance of a chair begins;
  • there are pains similar to contractions in the abdominal cavity.

Signs of the presence of Klebsiella gradually appear brighter. The smell of repeated stool worsens, and there are traces of mucus and blood in the stool.

If there is Klebsiella in the intestines of the patient, it produces endotoxin, the formation of which occurs as a result of the destruction of the microbe. Just this mechanism is the reason for the appearance of the reaction of an infectious-toxic form in humans.

In addition to endotoxin, Klebsiella can produce two more types of toxins:

  1. The first, enterotoxin, provokes damage to the intestinal mucosa, the first sign of which is a strong liquefaction of the stool.
  2. The second, membranotoxin, has a high hemolytic activity, that is, it immediately harms the intestinal cells.

Symptoms of Klebsiella in the organs of the genitourinary system

This infection can cause severe damage to the genitourinary system and kidneys.

In this situation, the following signs of finding Klebsiella in the urine in adults will be obvious:

  • a strong increase in temperature;
  • fatigue;
  • nausea;
  • severe pain in the lumbar region and back.

As a rule, this bacterium causes inflammation of the kidneys. When sowing in the urine, a large number of Klebsiella is found, which enters the urine from the organs affected by the infection.

Klebsiella present in the urine is a sign that it is necessary to immediately begin appropriate treatment.

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How and where can you find it?

Accurate diagnosis is possible only after visiting a qualified doctor who will prescribe an appropriate examination. The bacterium can be found anywhere, its detection is influenced by what kind of Klebsiella present in the body, the specialist assumes.

Klebsiella pneumonia

You can detect Klebsiella pneumonia:

  1. in the feces of an adult patient;
  2. in sputum;
  3. in other secretions found when coughing.

As an additional measure, the specialist may refer the patient for blood, stool and urine tests. It happens that Klebsiella pneumonia can settle in the intestines of an adult, which is why fecal analysis is required.

Klebsiella oxytoca in an adult patient

The finding of Klebsiella is investigated and revealed:

  1. in the feces of an adult;
  2. in a sample of what is in the intestines;
  3. in the blood - the presence of antibodies and leukocytes in it;
  4. in urine.

In general, it is possible to find a bacterium in adult and juvenile patients not only in the blood, feces and urine, but also on the skin, mucous membranes, and so on.

Carrying out diagnostic measures, the doctor determines to what extent the volume of bacteria exceeds the norm, and also takes a sample for the reaction of Klebsiella to antibacterial drugs.

Causes of infection

The source of infection is a person whose body already has Klebsiella.

Causes of Klebsiella in the urine in adults, as well as the presence of bacteria in the feces:

  • non-observance of elementary hygiene rules;
  • eating unwashed or insufficiently clean fruits and vegetables;
  • unwashed hands.

Bacteria transmission factors are most often food:

  • fruits;
  • milk products;
  • vegetables;
  • meat;
  • and so on.

If the patient is ill with pneumonia, people around can become infected by airborne droplets.

Experts believe that susceptibility to bacteria is of a general nature, but some of them define a specific category of risk, where they fall:

  • patients undergoing a recovery period after surgery regarding organ or tissue transplantation;
  • patients who have been diagnosed with tumor diseases, blood pathologies or diabetes mellitus;
  • people who abuse alcohol;
  • elderly people with immunodeficiency;
  • newborns and infants.

Treatment should begin immediately! Protect yourself and your loved ones!

Klebsiella: treatment in adults

Depending on how severe the signs of the disease are, the attending specialist prescribes different methods of treating the infection.

With a weak gastrointestinal tract

In this case, the symptoms are usually not so obvious, because the concentration of bacteria in the urine is quite small.


  • can be carried out at home.
  • a complex of drugs is prescribed, which includes probiotics and bacteriophages.

In severe disease

In this situation, the patient should be hospitalized as soon as possible.

Expert actions:

  1. In the first few days, before normal body temperature is restored, strict bed rest should be observed.
  2. Give the patient plenty of fluids to reduce intoxication.
  3. In order for the treatment to be truly competent, and also in order to prevent the emergence of strains of infection resistant to antibacterial agents, the specialist must refer the patient for testing in the laboratory. It is possible to establish the presence of infection in urine using three types of laboratory tests.

Antibacterial treatment

Means of this class have already proven to be highly effective in the treatment of infections caused by the activity of this bacterium. However, if we take into account the resistance of this microorganism to antibacterial drugs, treatment may not always be successful.

Urinary tract infections should be treated only in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist. He will prescribe an individual complex.

Most often, this infection can be cured using the following groups of antibacterial drugs:

  • tetracyclines;
  • early generation cephalosporins;
  • aminoglycosides of the third generation;
  • semisynthetic penicillin.

The sensitivity of some strains to antibacterial agents is established through the use of laboratory techniques. In the complex, the doctor may prescribe antimicrobial agents.

Use of probiotics

Means of this category are prescribed in order to restore the normal microflora, which was damaged due to the activity of the bacteria and the use of antibacterial drugs to destroy it.

This includes such drugs:

  • Ecoflor;
  • Enterol;
  • Bifidum;
  • Trilact.

Diet for Klebsiella in adults

When treating an infection, it is also important to follow a diet that will help normalize the intestinal microflora, and therefore eliminate bacteria from the body.

In order for the activity of the stomach and intestines to be restored, the following conditions must be observed:

  • do not eat salty, fried, smoked and fatty, and also do not eat all kinds of marinades;
  • it is forbidden to drink water while eating, and immediately after that;
  • it is necessary to use rosehip broth, tea or jelly very often. However, this should be done strictly thirty minutes before the meal and two hours after it;
  • stop eating sweet, rich and bakery products. You can only eat bran bread or stale bread;
  • the menu should include a large amount of protein foods - sour-milk, eggs, boiled and stewed fish, meat;
  • useful frequent use of stewed vegetables and sprouted wheat germ;
  • meals should be taken in small portions five to six times a day.

A specialist can adjust the proposed diet, based on an individual case of the disease.


It is possible to cure an infectious disease using some methods of alternative medicine.

Folk remedies can really help quite effectively in the fight against bacteria:

  • eating cranberries, as well as apples, raw or otherwise cooked;
  • infusions from aspen bark, from yarrow, birch and pine buds.

In order to completely eliminate pathogenic microorganisms from the patient's intestines, alternative medicine recommends:

  • apply chamomile infusions;
  • decoctions of plantain leaves.

We must not forget that the normal microflora will not be able to actively develop if the intestines are clogged with pathogenic microorganisms. For this reason, before taking probiotics, you should take a course of herbal infusions that have a phytoncidal effect.

That is why the main methods for getting rid of it:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • observance of elementary hygiene;
  • proper elimination of infections and chronic diseases.

Unfortunately, the human body is not able to develop immunity to this disease, so the occurrence of relapses in the future is not excluded.

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