Smoking cessation diary template. Quit smoking diary. was created to facilitate nicotine withdrawal, so that girls read, compare, draw conclusions and understand that it is equally difficult for everyone to quit smoking, and that they are not alone in their problem and struggle for

Today, a huge number of ways have been invented to get rid of the addiction of smoking, and the diary of quitting smoking by day is one of the most effective. Its essence lies in a detailed description of the day by a person who decided to quit smoking. He expresses his feelings and emotions on paper, and also systematizes all the changes that occur in his body every day. In addition, your diary can be compared with information from various medical sources about what happens to other smokers who decide to quit cigarettes.

The surest way to get rid of an addiction is the right motivation. The diary carries exactly this meaning: to hold fast and not succumb to the temptation to light a cigarette. This is explained by the fact that many people do not even imagine how much their body will change after quitting smoking, what will happen to their health. A smoker in a diary describes his physical and emotional experiences day after day about giving up cigarettes, talks about changes in his life and reports how the organs and systems of the body react to refusal.

The main purpose of the diary is to visually show the way a smoker goes from a cigarette to a healthy lifestyle. This not only increases the chances of achieving the main goal, but is also a great motivation for other people who may read the ex-smoker's diary.

How to keep a diary?

A kind of calendar usually tells not only about the thoughts of a person quitting smoking, but also contains various medical recommendations, folk recipes and other tips. A smoker who decides to quit a bad habit can find out what should happen to his body after a radical refusal of cigarettes for a year.

As a rule, in the first few days there is a surge of positive emotions. This is due to the enthusiasm of a person to overcome his addiction and give up cigarettes forever. Then comes a period of withdrawal, and emotions are not so rosy. The first month after a complete failure is the most difficult, here the most serious changes take place, both physically and psychologically. But you don’t need to leave the idea, the body just needs time to cleanse itself and recover from long-term poisoning with nicotine and other harmful substances.

First day

Significant changes occur in the body, the blood flow accelerates, saturating the cells with oxygen, it is cleared of carbon monoxide and tar, which have been accumulating in the body of a smoker for so long. It takes literally a few hours after giving up a cigarette.

A person experiences joy from his desire to get rid of a bad habit, pride in his willpower and confidence in the positive outcome of the experiment. The desire to smoke is minimized, thoughts are easily transferred to everyday worries or work.

Physically, a person may feel slightly dizzy. This comes from the unusual saturation of cells with oxygen. In addition, there may be a decrease in appetite and some nervousness.

Traditional medicine advises these days to eat blackberry jam or brew tea from blackberry leaves with honey. This will help reduce the nervousness associated with quitting smoking. In addition, during this period is the time to go in for sports. Jogging or swimming will be great helpers in the fight against addiction.

Second day

The production of mucus in the lungs is significantly reduced, the process of regeneration of intestinal cells begins. The first signs of nicotine withdrawal are observed. The emotional upsurge of the initial stage continues, but there are already signs of severe irritability and nervousness. So far, suggestion and self-control help to cope with cravings for a cigarette.

On the second day, a decrease in appetite is clearly manifested, as well as cravings for foods with a pronounced taste. The smoker notes skin itching, sleep disturbances, severe cough, shortness of breath. There is no need to take medication for these symptoms. A person just needs to sleep more and eat enough of the right foods to fully restore their psycho-emotional and physical health.

Traditional medicine advises taking an infusion of cabbage juice with honey against annoying coughs and apple cider vinegar with honey to fall asleep as soon as possible and suppress irritability. You can start taking folk remedies now. Physical exercise will also not be superfluous, they will help get rid of tension, reduce nervousness and, in general, improve the condition of a former smoker.

third day

On the third day, the period of recovery of the bronchi affected by nicotine begins, the blood vessels come into tone, saturating the heart and brain with oxygen. The normal functioning of the pancreas and stomach is adjusted. At the cellular level, the physical attraction to cigarettes is reduced.

The “withdrawal syndrome” is clearly manifested. Nervousness increases, sleep becomes superficial, and the process of falling asleep is very difficult. At the same time, appetite sharply increases, pulls on sweets. Heartburn and belching become constant companions of a former smoker, the skin may become dry, small pimples will appear. Dizziness and tinnitus are common signs at this stage of quitting a bad habit.

To improve your condition, you can take decoctions of herbs (St. John's wort, chamomile, mint), continue to take apple cider vinegar with honey, or just honey diluted in boiled water. This will reduce the feeling of nausea, remove heartburn and belching, and calm the patient.

Physical activity should not be stopped. You need to listen carefully to your own body and continue playing sports.

fourth day

The regeneration of all organs continues, the brain is actively supplied with oxygen and is already coming to normal levels. Aggressiveness of a person is somewhat reduced, bewildered behavior is noted. Sleep problems continue to appear.

Blood pressure may increase, tinnitus and dizziness are less pronounced. Appetite is reduced or addiction to a certain set of products is observed. The cough intensifies and there is an ongoing sensation of a viscous lump in the throat. There are swelling of the facial tissues, ears and fingers.

During this period, the main thing is to reduce tension and improve the patient's sleep. Many doctors advise using motherwort infusion, as well as aromatic oils of lavender or mint. They will help you relax and make falling asleep easier.

Traditional medicine advises taking decoctions of mint leaves, lemon balm, mistletoe. This will help you deal with irritability. And lingonberry juice with the addition of honey will help from an obsessive cough. It is better to introduce squats into the complex of habitual exercises, they will help to overcome constipation. You just need to do them right.

Fifth day

The body continues to regenerate, and already many indicators are close to normal. Bowel function is still broken. Microtraumas of the tongue and oral cavity begin to heal. Emotionally, the day is very difficult, the risk of “breaking loose” reaches its maximum level. The euphoria of the first days goes away, some signs of a depressive state appear.

A person begins to feel the real taste of food. There is an unpleasant sensation of a lump in the throat. When coughing, dark mucus is secreted. Doctors recommend taking enterosorbents during this period. They will help remove toxins and improve intestinal motility. To heal wounds on the tongue, you need to use pharmaceutical preparations.

Traditional medicine advises to use decoctions based on chamomile, flax, linden and eucalyptus with the addition of alcohol tincture of propolis or dilute it with vegetable oil. This will help to cope with stomatitis on the mucous membranes of the mouth.

During this period, active movement is necessary: ​​jogging, a home workout, or just a brisk walk in the park for several hours will help to cope with unpleasant symptoms and improve your own condition.

sixth day

The lungs and bronchi continue to clear, the work of the stomach is normalized. Disturbances in the work of the intestines and duodenum are also noticeable. The manifestations of the “withdrawal syndrome” return, attempts to find a cigarette are observed. Dealing with nicotine cravings can be difficult. A person becomes more aggressive, irritable, in women this can result in tearfulness. Sleep is superficial, falling asleep is difficult.

There is still a lump in the throat, pains appear in the right side of the sternum, coughing up dark mucus with blood splashes. Sweating, hand tremors may also increase; appetite is significantly reduced and even nausea appears from some foods.

During this period, the support of relatives of the former smoker is urgently needed. If faith in one's own strength and the positive outcome of the experiment dry up, relatives and friends should support the patient's desire to get rid of the bad habit.

seventh day

Physical addiction to nicotine is practically suppressed. The body has completely rebuilt to work without nicotine and is now actively recovering. The regeneration of blood vessels, lungs, and also the nervous system will take the longest time.

The person feels empty. It is better to remove all items related to smoking. Motivation and confidence in the positive outcome of the experiment again become relevant. When quitting smoking, dryness and flaking of the skin is observed, the mucus discharge still continues, the cough intensifies.

Unpleasant symptoms from the bronchopulmonary system should go away within the next 7 days. In a month, the former smoker will feel much better, and we can already talk about the first successes. But still, you need to be careful not to let the cigarette fall into your hands. The frontier is still too fragile.

Full recovery may take much longer. It depends on the experience of the smoker and his mood for a positive outcome. In any case, numerous reviews of people who quit smoking with the help of a diary indicate that this method is the most effective.

Some of them combine several methods. For example, they quit smoking with the help of a diary and Tabex tablets. This is quite acceptable and will bring the desired result.

pivot table

Time since last cigarette physical changes Psychological changes Feelings of a former smoker
1st day The carbon monoxide goes out. Cells are saturated with oxygen. Self-confidence and pride. The craving for a cigarette is easily suppressed by distracted thoughts. Sleep deprivation, anxiety. A little irritability. Decreased appetite.
2nd day Less mucus is produced in the lungs. Intestinal cells are actively regenerated. Confidence is still present, but nervousness and irritability are pressing. Craving for a cigarette is suppressed by self-hypnosis. Sleep deterioration. Severe cough, up to vomiting.
3rd day The bronchi begin to clear. Blood flow increases, supplying the heart and brain with oxygen. The vascular tone increases. There is a psychological dependence on nicotine. Nervousness and irritability are pressing. The euphoria of the first days is gone. Appetite increases, mainly for sweets and starchy foods. Weight gain, dizziness and heartburn.
4th day The brain begins to receive more blood, almost the norm. Sleep is still superficial. Aggression and irritability can be suppressed. The mood improves slightly. There is a feeling of a lump in the throat, the cough intensifies. Appetite increases relative to foods with a pronounced taste.
5th day Vascular tone is normal. Microtraumas of the tongue are cured. Poor health, actively manifested craving for smoking. Wet cough, labored breathing, almost irresistible urge to smoke. However, it is on this day that the former smoker will feel the real taste of the products.
6th day The work of the intestines and pancreas is normalized. Zero mood. The urge to start smoking again is great. Increased sweating, tremor, bitterness in the mouth.
7th day The craving for a cigarette at the physical level is stopped, organs and systems are actively restored. The desire to quit the addiction is stable. Chair disorders. The skin is dry and flaky.
2 weeks The bronchial mucosa is completely healed, nutrients enter the vessels uninterruptedly. The risk of returning to the habit is extremely high. The skin acquires a light shade, but yellowness is still present.
1 month Most of the cells have already been restored. The body is ready to live without nicotine doping. Enthusiasm is already missing, the main thing is not to break loose. The sense of well-being gradually returns to normal.
1 year The risk of developing lung cancer is reduced by 85%, and the risk of heart attack is reduced by half. It is unlikely to relapse and return to smoking. Feeling healthy and active.

In this article I will talk about an interesting and very easy way to stop drinking, which will help you maintain sobriety not for a while, but forever. This way to stop drinking once helped me finally quit alcohol. I still don't drink and live quite comfortably.

In this article, I will share with you this method so that you can stop drinking too.

In the first part of the article, I will describe the mechanism itself, why this method is effective. After that, I will tell you exactly what the way to stop drinking is. And then I will explain point by point what needs to be done step by step.

If you just apply this method, I think you will be able to stop drinking.

Way to stop drinking - abstinence is not enough!

The first thing you need to do is start abstaining from alcohol.

But mere abstinence is not enough.

In order to finally stop drinking and not start drinking again, you need to be able to pass the so-called withdrawal symptoms.

If you are still unfamiliar with withdrawal symptoms, read my article "". Everything is written there in detail.

So, when you start to abstain from drinking alcohol, you can break loose.

And so in our case stop drinking" means « Learn to stay calm and stay sober ».

It's easy to stop drinking, harder not to start drinking again.

What's stopping us from quitting drinking?

To understand the effectiveness of the method, let's first look at what makes you drink again and again?

Causes of an alcohol breakdown

The main reasons why you break down are:

  1. Lack of understanding of the falsity of feelings (withdrawal symptoms)

You mistake the effects of alcohol for your own feelings, and thereby begin to increase the stress that leads to a breakdown. When the idea drink seems so colorful.

  1. Linking withdrawal symptoms to external causes

Then you search external cause feelings. The mental focus is shifted to the external problem, and not to true reason alcohol cravings.

  1. Reasoning about external causes (problems)

You start to talk about the attracted problem. The stress keeps getting worse.

We see that main reason stall is misunderstanding of the falsity of feelings. It is they who lead us to aggravate the situation and further breakdown.

And it is important for us to apply such way to stop drinking which will help us do the following things:

  1. allow you to clearly distinguish false feelings from your real ones,
  2. be aware of withdrawal symptoms in time,
  3. stop any false reasoning in the breakdown phase

If we are not aware that we are experiencing inadequate feelings in the breakdown phase, then we automatically begin to " Roll down» to drinking alcohol.

The method that I will now describe, in my opinion, is most effective a practical way to stop drinking that will allow you to finally live soberly.

What is the way to stop drinking

The way to stop drinking is to record feelings with an addiction diary.

Yes, it's that simple!

How to keep an addiction diary?

You need to keep your own addiction diary.

It can be a thick notebook or notepad.

  • It may be more convenient for you to keep a diary in electronic form (Word format).

This is not the diary where you write "How I spent the day." This is a specific diary for recording your own feelings and thoughts that you experience while getting rid of addiction.

I kept an electronic addiction diary, which was more convenient for me personally.

We also recently announced the Sobriety Navigator smartphone app. You can use it for this purpose. Download the application on Playmarket.

Why should you use a diary?

The fact is that if you do not write down the inadequate feelings that you experience during the weaning period, the next step will be "". Then the thinking will become completely negative and it will be difficult to get out of the relapse process.

Fixing feelings on paper (or electronically) allows you to:

  • Put everything in its place. Get rid of the "mess" in the head,
  • Realize the “falsity of feelings”, prevent negative feelings from developing,
  • Talk to yourself and write down the feelings you are experiencing
  • Understand the true picture of what is happening. Get rid of "unrealistic" fears,
  • Stop the stall process

Once again I say that if you do not fix the symptoms on paper, then most likely you will fall for the "bait of a breakdown."

If you do not write down your feelings, then verbally you will very hard reach a rational state.

Perhaps this way to stop drinking sounds very simple " Keep a diary and write down your feelings". Yes, it's so simple, but it's a very effective way to stop drinking alcohol.

How often should you write an addiction diary?

I made entries in my diary at times when:

  • experienced "inadequate feelings" in dependence. When I felt like "something's going wrong"
  • when I went into a negative state,

When I noticed that I felt irritable, anxious, I opened my diary and wrote down my feelings. I understood that a breakdown phase was coming. And something urgently needs to be done about this, otherwise I risk eventually breaking loose and drinking.

For the first few months, I wrote my addiction diary daily. It was a mandatory ritual every day. Which is what I advise you. Every day, as soon as you feel that your condition is getting out of your control, write in a diary.

I always carried a notebook with me, where, in case of emergency, I could write down my inadequate feelings and calm down, reminding myself that these are just symptoms of withdrawal.

The positive effect of the method.

The way to stop drinking, which is to " write down everything that lies on the soul in a diary», « speak out on paper It is used not only in getting rid of alcohol addiction. This is one of the most effective ways which psychologists advise to relieve stress or reduce anxiety on one's own. You do not need to have a great knowledge of psychology, you may not know anything about it. But this simple method can reduce your anxiety and stress almost instantly.

And stress, as you know, is our worst enemy on the way to sobriety.

A visual way to stop drinking

I will try to draw a visual analogy to make it easier to understand this method.

This way to quit drinking can be compared to a barrel.

  • Stress and worries accumulate in you like water in a barrel.
  • When they reach a certain level, then pressure begins in the barrel, and it becomes very hard.

You are used to relieving stress by drinking alcohol. Then the water in the barrel temporarily becomes less, but the pressure with which the barrel is filled increases.

Now you need to drink more and more often to keep one level. And it only gets worse.

And the way to stop drinking with the help of an addiction diary reduces stress in a different way and acts more rationally. When you " pour out» Accumulated stress and worries on paper, which literally tore you from the inside, you evaporate inadequate thoughts from your head. As a result, it becomes easier for you.

Awareness of the true picture of what is happening in life

What is the best way to reason on paper?

  • you build logical chains,
  • everything is put in its place,
  • get rid of the illusions that scare you
  • you see that in fact nothing terrible is happening, the world is not collapsing.

What exactly should be displayed in your addiction diary.

Way to stop drinking.

Enough theory! Here we come to practical information. Now I will tell you which highlights, you need to pay attention in your addiction diary using this method to stop drinking.

Of course, you can write anything in it. But in order to stop drinking, it is better to focus on the following points:

  1. List how you feel.

First of all, write down your own feelings that you are experiencing at the moment.

For example:

  • I feel uneasy
  • I feel stress
  • Everything seems bad to me
  • I feel anxious
  • And so on

Note the intensity of withdrawal symptoms

Also note the intensity of these feelings on a 100% scale. Where 0% - everything is fine, 100% — I feel very terrible.

You can keep a special table.

It was interesting for me to observe how, after I stop drinking, my own psyche will begin to deceive me?

I decided to write down the level of negativity of my feelings each time they came.

Treat it like a game. Are you wondering what will happen to you next when you stop drinking?

Keep a record of your own feelings.

  1. Answer the question for yourself: what are these feelings?

Answer the question for yourself: what are these feelings? Most likely in 96% of cases- these will be withdrawal symptoms (inadequate feelings caused by past alcohol use). What are the withdrawal symptoms I wrote in the article "". In it, I analyzed in detail all kinds of withdrawal symptoms.

You need to clearly state that " These are withdrawal symptoms. These are inadequate feelings - a consequence of past alcohol use.».

Such an understanding will give you a dose of calmness, and you will no longer be frantically afraid of the state in which you are.

Make a clear distinction between inadequate and real feelings.

  1. Be aware of time constraints

The next step, according to this method to stop drinking, you need to write down the following:

  • the phase you are in now is limited in time.
  • You will not always be "as bad as now."
  • Maybe you" really stormy”, but you must understand that this storm is temporary and you will soon recover an adequate state.

This needs to be written clearly and precisely.

Why is this needed?
Your brain itself does not understand what is happening, and with the help of a diary entry, you explain to it that this is a temporary process. The brain thinks that negative feelings are real and have some external cause, and it starts to panic about it.

Remind yourself in an addiction diary that such periods will be less and less over time.

There will come a time when you will no longer experience withdrawal symptoms.

  1. Remind yourself that:
  • It is normal to experience withdrawal symptoms.
  • This is a necessary step in recovery from alcohol.
  • Everyone goes through it without exception.
  • You stopped drinking and now your psyche immediately began to inevitably recover.
  1. Name the cause of inadequate feelings.

Sometimes we curse our lives for injustice. You may begin to condemn life by exclaiming: Why do I feel so bad? For what?»

Write " The reason for mental breakdowns is only my own drinking for several years constantly". You yourself poured alcohol into yourself, because of which you brought yourself to this state. Realizing this, you will stop blaming life and feeling like a victim.

  1. Break the connection with external causes

Write in your addiction diary that “at this moment you are not going to talk about external circumstances and causes. What do you understand that, leading " mental skirmish» in a destructive state, you will only aggravate your own situation. And this can lead to a breakdown.”

  1. Make a plan of action.

Answer the following question in writing: what are you going to do to stay sober?»

You can write that:

  • going to “do anything but drink.
  • Your intention to stay sober.
  • You are going to slow down the pace of life.
  • Reduce stress as much as possible.
  • Do the usual things.
  • Take a walk on the street.
  • Sit on the Internet.
  • Run a run.
  • To talk on the phone.
  • Read a book or article

Write down all the appropriate things you plan to do.

You should have your own list of things to practice when you are in the relapse phase.

This method of keeping an addiction diary is very effective in helping you stop drinking.

Write what you want, but save basic fundamental principles.

A brief model of how to stop drinking "The Diary of Addiction"

Here is a brief model for writing an addiction diary:

The way to stop drinking with the help of a diary includes the following points:

  1. Recognize withdrawal symptoms.
  2. Distinguish them from real feelings
  3. Understand the limited time period
  4. Recognize the true cause of feelings
  5. Do not talk about external causes
  6. Make a plan for what you are going to do

This way to stop drinking is to monitor your own feelings on a daily basis. This is necessary in order to recognize withdrawal symptoms in time, recognize when you can break loose and stop the breakdown process in time.


All of the above points will significantly reduce the risk of relapse, and, therefore, will help you stay sober.

How to stop drinking with an addiction diary I personally used. He helped me like no other way helped me.

This is a simple yet highly effective way to stop drinking.

In addition, this method does not require interaction with psychotherapeutic groups and other people. The way to stop drinking with the help of an addiction diary you can practice on your own at home.

If you have any questions about this method to stop drinking, ask them in the comments to the article, I will definitely answer you.

That's all. Read more articles on the acquisition of knowledge also reduces the risk of relapse and helps to stop drinking. Proven)

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Arseny Kaisarov

The purpose of this diary will be a story not about "how to quit smoking", but about what feelings and thoughts I visited in the process of expelling nicotine addiction from myself.

At the end of each day (maximum 2-4 days), I posted in this diary a description of all those obstacles and contingencies,
who sided with nicotine addiction and tried to prevent me from achieving my desired goal.

The first day

In principle, I did not notice any changes ... Since the very awakening, I have been waiting for that terrible moment when inhuman breakdowns begin.
As a result, he never came. Only in the evening, at about 10 o'clock, I caught myself thinking that I wanted to smoke. I resolutely said no - and destroyed the desire with a hearty dinner.

Second day.

The body from the very morning feels some kind of catch. Almost every 10-20 minutes I catch myself thinking that I want to smoke. I endure.
I do not want to smoke so much - rather, a aching desire, periodically reminding me of myself.
Appetite noticeably increased - apparently the body remembered yesterday's trick with dinner.
Today, all day long, I look at passers-by who smoke. It seems that everyone except me smokes - both the driver of the minibus, and the old man in the park, mothers with prams, youngsters near the school - everything makes me feel deprived.
Passing by a stall with cigarettes, I sadly avert my eyes. The saleswoman in the stall seemed to understand what was happening and with a compassionate expression took a puff deeper than usual.

Day three.

I feel like a martyr. In my opinion, I am worthy to be canonized as a saint.
All thoughts come down to one thing - smoke, smoke, smoke.
The second "I" is persistently trying to dissuade me of the correctness of my decision. An 80-year-old old man who lives in the blockade who lives next door constantly pops up in my memory, as if saying "I've been smoking for 60 years - and nothing." Moreover, the old man smokes far from blue "muratti "and the growing samosad, from the mere smell of which - mosquitoes fall dead ...
I hardly drive away these intoxicating thoughts, imagining myself healthy, blooming, running some kind of many-kilometer cross at the age of 60, as well as always cheerful, smelling and active guy in my 20-year-old present.

Day four.

With undisguised delight, I noticed that I easily climbed the stairs to the 6th floor. The smoking classmate was clearly lagging behind. Knowing about my quitting smoking, he got up with a cigarette in his mouth, and tried his best to show that he and the smoker were no worse than me. On the 6th floor I I realized that he was a little cunning when he looked at the reddened, panting and languidly leaning on the wall Something that vaguely resembled my classmate.

Day five.

Damn, there are so many smells in the world!!! I notice with interest that the perception of smells has improved many times over. How cool my girlfriend's hair smells!
But this medal also has a downside. It's called exhaust gases. I've been suffocating for the second morning, making my way through hordes of cars to the place of study. Why didn't I notice this before ??? I don't understand ...

Day six to ten.

I want to smoke periodically, but not as often as before. Before I even think about a cigarette, the body breaks off out of habit - and looks for something to eat.
The sight of people smoking no longer makes me envious. Envy has been replaced by sympathy with a slight touch of superiority.
The smell of tobacco smoke no longer seems pleasant. With its obvious presence in the atmosphere, it becomes hard to breathe and I try to retreat.
The nicotine craving is slowly but surely leaving. At the end of the 11th day of release from addiction, I gladly noticed that I had never thought about cigarettes and smoking in general.

Day 11 to... .

I think I have no more thoughts that I would like to write down in this diary. Therefore, I say goodbye, I hope someone was interested in reading this.

Smoker's Calendar or Quit Diary is a great tool for those who want to break a bad habit.
It presents a diary of the emotional and physical state of a person who decides to stop smoking.
The method of combating tobacco smoking is designed for organized and prudent people who do not like surprises.

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What is the calendar of a smoker who quit smoking by day

By studying the calendar of a smoker who quit, you can understand how the body behaves after quitting nicotine, what thoughts and feelings a person who quits smoking has.

The diary contains advice and medical advice for each stage. A smoker who cannot decide to stop smoking can find out what will happen to him at the time of quitting, after, up to a year, and study the reasons why this happens.

Separate calendars contain traditional medicine tips and recommendations for sports activities necessary for a speedy recovery.

Test for smokers

What does a smoker's diary look like by day

Every day, the smoker describes his feelings and the changes that occur to him.

The first days are characterized by a sharp surge of positive emotions and a rise in strength caused by determination, motivation and enthusiasm.

A deterioration in physical condition follows due to the breakdown that occurs in the process of nicotine withdrawal. After the addiction disappears, the breakdown continues, the body continues to cleanse, and it needs time to recover.

The emotional state worsens by the middle of the first week. After the disappearance of the physical dependence, the psychological one comes into full force. The first psychological rise is manifested by the end of the second week, when a person feels that he has been able to hold out for a considerable time without a bad habit.

A significant improvement in the psychological and physical condition occurs after about six months, when the body, for the most part, has already recovered. At this time, performance improves, but no longer manifests itself.

Each case is different, so different people will have different symptoms and mood on different days.

Take the smoking test

Eleventh and twelfth days

The blood supply and the work of the gastrointestinal tract normalized, the inflammation of the bronchopulmonary system subsides, but quitting smoking begins to affect the hormonal background.

External manifestations:

  • The head is spinning;
  • Hands tremble;
  • Migraine;
  • Increased internal stress;
  • Increased feeling of hunger;
  • The skin turns pink (especially on the face);
  • Coughing fits begin to subside;
  • The chair is back to normal.

The ex-smoker feels most vulnerable and needs support.

External manifestations:

  • depression;
  • Attacks of aggression;
  • Fits of hysteria;
  • emptiness;
  • Increased desire to smoke.

Thirteenth and fourteenth days

The bronchi have healed, the blood is gradually renewed, the vessels are restored, and the skin epithelium is being restored.

  • Attacks of weakness;
  • The pressure jumps;
  • General weakness;
  • Overwork;
  • The color of the skin on the hands is restored;
  • The coughing fits subside.

The end of the second week is a turning point:

  • There is a desire to “reward” yourself for a long time without a cigarette;
  • Smoking is perceived as a reward;
  • Improvement of mood;
  • Pride in what has been achieved.

What physical and emotional changes occur in the first month

In the first month, the foundation is laid for the subsequent restoration of cells and tissues. The body is cleansed of toxins, tar and nicotine, epithelial cells are renewed, metabolic processes are normalized.

New tissues are formed that function in the absence of toxins and nicotine:

  • The lungs process 80% more oxygen;
  • Appetite normalizes.

By the end of the first month, the motivation for deciding to quit smoking is running out.

Possible scenarios for the development of events:

  • A person is sincerely proud of himself, revels in the fact of getting rid of addiction, experiences a surge of strength;
  • Every second, a former smoker struggles with himself and the constantly emerging craving to return to a bad habit.

Both options do not affect the possibility of a relapse in the distant future, if you choose the right strategy and provide support to the ex-smoker.

How much progress is seen in quitting smoking after six months

Restoration of the bronchopulmonary system in smokers with little experience is actually completed. In some cases, coughing fits persist for up to a year after smoking cessation.

The blood circulation includes blood cells that have not been affected by toxins and have fully recovered. The blood is enriched with oxygen and does not contain carbon monoxide. Medical and laboratory parameters are normal.

The liver is actively restored. The process will be completed in six months, and the functionality will be fully normalized.

The vital capacity of the lungs has increased, breathing has become easier, there are no painful
Sensations when inhaling. The bronchopulmonary system continues to recover.

Appetite has decreased significantly, body weight does not “jump”. The ex-smoker no longer craves the habit. No longer yearns for the loss of something important. The ritual was no longer needed.

Six months later, a person plunges into a new hobby, completely replacing a bad habit. Many people experience cravings for extreme sports and sports, in which adrenaline and dopamine are produced in the body. Such leisure helps to normalize body weight caused by smoking cessation.

An increase in lung capacity causes an increase in performance and motivation levels.

If a person does not think about smoking, he feels more confident, self-esteem increases.

Can a diary help you quit smoking?

The Smoker's Calendar helps you get better acquainted with information about what is happening in the body of quitting smoking. The difficulties that people face in these situations can both help to decide to quit a bad habit and scare away a doubting smoker.

Experts agree on one thing: a smoker's diary will help if you are going to quit smoking and are going to study existing examples, keep it.

The diary will help:

  • Speak out if there is no one to talk to in the environment;
  • Find what to do with yourself in moments when you want to smoke, and you don’t know what to do with yourself;
  • Objectively evaluate your progress;
  • Look at the situation from the outside;
  • Facilitate consultation with a physician when describing history and symptoms;
  • In case of failure, understand where you made a mistake, what stage is the most difficult for you, and what you should be afraid of next time.

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