Pain in a woman's chest. If the left breast hurts, then this indicates. Diseases of the muscles and joints

Discomfort in the mammary glands, accompanied by pain, can be observed constantly, periodically, or only during palpation of the chest. In some cases, such ailments may indicate the development of breast diseases. In this case, symptoms such as a change in the shape of the glands, the appearance of characteristic seals that are easily palpable with the hands, tumor-like formations of a benign and malignant type can also occur.

Pain in the mammary glands can occur simultaneously in both or only one gland. This symptom can be found in women of different age categories, but most often it is observed in young girls of reproductive age.

Isolated pain sensations often become a cause for concern, since sometimes they can be one of the signs of a developing oncological disease. Although there are possible risks, they are most often associated with some natural hormonal changes that occur in the female body.

Causes of pain in one or both breasts

Experts identify several common causes that can affect the development of such ailments:

  • lactation period;
  • trauma to breast tissue;
  • surgical treatment of the breast;
  • rehabilitation after mammoplasty;
  • hormonal changes during puberty of a girl, pregnancy, as well as during menopause;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • oncological disease (mammary cancer);
  • breast abscess;
  • mastitis;
  • by-effect after taking certain medications (chlorpromazine, spironolactone, digoxin, methyldop, estrogen-containing drugs, oxymentolone and others).

Pain as a manifestation of the menstrual cycle

During the menstrual cycle in a woman's body, the hormonal background periodically changes, which leads to some natural processes and to the appearance of signs of cyclic mastalgia. This is due to natural changes in the hormonal system. Statistics show that pain in the mammary gland is observed in almost every third woman of young and mature age.

The first signs of pain may occur 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation. At the same time, already on the first day of menstruation, their intensity becomes less pronounced, they become weak or cease to disturb completely.

The table shows the features of cyclic mastlagia:


Pain in this case can manifest itself both in one left (or right) mammary gland, and in both at the same time. Sometimes the pain spreads to neighboring areas: for example, it is localized in the armpits or radiates to the arm or forearm.


They differ in different levels of intensity: dull or aching pain, severe pain, which causes inconvenience during sleep and during active physical exertion.

Sometimes the nature of these symptoms changes with age. So, for example, in some women of reproductive age, the intensity of pain is more pronounced than during menopause.

The appearance of tubercles in the mammary gland, which are usually found during the diagnosis and cause tenderness of the mammary glands on palpation.

Acyclic mastalgia: manifestation features

After the age of 40, many women experience acyclic mastalgia, a phenomenon in which breast pain has nothing to do with the menstrual cycle and, as a rule, is not associated with natural hormonal changes.

The cause of acyclic mastalgia is the development of a cyst or benign tumor in the breast, which is commonly called "fibroadenoma". The table shows the features of acyclic mastlagia:


In most cases, pain occurs in only one breast. At the same time, it affects the middle part of the breast, being localized around the nipple-areolar complex.


It appears intermittently or constantly. Sharp, penetrating, burning pain, often accompanied by a burning sensation.

Change in the severity of clinical manifestations

Pain in the mammary gland practically does not stop and requires an urgent appeal to a specialist.

Other related signs

Benign tumor-like formations, fibroadenomas, fibromas may appear.

Diseases that cause pain in the mammary glands

Pain syndrome can be triggered by a number of serious diseases, each of which is characterized by its own manifestations:

Mastitis and other infectious diseases that affect breast tissue develop due to the penetration of an infectious pathogen through microscopic cracks in the nipple. The risk group includes women during lactation. Mastitis can develop with frequent stagnation of milk in the breast.

This leads to the appearance of redness and swelling of the glands, the occurrence of aching pain. At the same time, a woman may also notice symptoms of infection such as fever, headache, chills, and deterioration in well-being.

Mammary cancer can develop in women who have not yet had to give birth, as well as those who gave birth to a child late. The risk group also includes women suffering from mastopathy or those patients who have a hereditary predisposition (if one of the relatives has already been diagnosed with breast cancer).

In breast cancer, a tumor-like formation is formed, which does not have clear contours; the skin in the tumor area becomes flabby and wrinkled, changes color. Also, with cancer, pain in the chest may appear.

Diagnostics and prevention

Specialists urge their patients to regularly conduct self-examinations at home: self-detection of suspicious symptoms will identify possible pathological changes in the mammary glands and, if necessary, consult a doctor in a timely manner in the future.

It is advisable to start self-examination from the age of 20, since already at this age girls can observe some changes in breast tissues, pain and swelling. It is recommended to carry out diagnostics at least once a month. In this case, it is best to do this at the end of menstruation and preferably at the same time so that comparisons can be made with the previous examination.

How to do a breast self-exam?

Steps for self-diagnosis at home:

  • you need to stand in front of a mirror in order to see yourself better;
  • study the appearance of the mammary glands in different positions: in a position with raised arms, lowered arms along the body, in a pose with hands on the hips, with the body of the back tilted forward;
  • raise the left hand up, feel the right mammary gland with the other hand, then do the same with the other hand and chest;
  • take a lying position, put a small pillow or a folded blanket under the right shoulder, put the other hand behind the head, and then use the straight fingers of the left hand to feel the right mammary gland; also repeat with the other hand and gland;
  • press on the nipple to see if there is any discharge;
  • periodically examine the condition of the armpits.

You should consult a mammologist if during self-examination you find pain in the mammary gland during palpation, noticeable changes in the shape or size of one of the glands, feel seals, see defects in the nipples that were not there before, discharge from the nipple, swelling, cyanosis and other tissue changes.

Methods for the prevention of diseases and pathological changes

If a woman has a tendency to manifestations of mastalgia of a cyclic or acyclic nature, she should be constantly monitored by a doctor and undergo preventive examinations several times a year. This will prevent increased chest pain, the development of diseases and complications that may be associated with them.

Prevention methods for all women:

  • Regular breast self-exams.
  • Keeping a diary , where the symptoms and other features of the resulting pain will be recorded.
  • Mammography. After the age of 35, you need to do periodic mammography, an x-ray examination of the breast condition, which allows you to diagnose breast cancer. It is also desirable to undergo ultrasound examinations.

Treatment of breast pain

Most often, chest pain disappears on its own with time. If the pains are pronounced, appear too often and interfere with normal activities, disturb during sports and sleep, this may indicate the development of inflammation. Soreness in the mammary gland when pressed in such cases is usually accompanied by fever and other ailments.

If you are concerned about cyclic mastalgia:

  • choose soft underwear pitted, in which the chest will be comfortable;
  • change the food system by focusing on low-fat foods, while excluding or limiting foods with methylxanthines in the diet;
  • don't sleep on your stomach , make sure that during sleep the chest is not squeezed by a hand, pillow or anything;
  • consult a doctor with prolonged pain in the mammary gland that does not go away for a long time;
  • if necessary, take oral contraceptives (if prescribed by a specialist) to normalize hormonal levels;

Treatment of acyclic mastalgia involves therapy aimed at suppressing the symptoms of the disease itself, which caused pain. At first, a specialist may recommend hormonal or homeopathic preparations.

If the cause is related to oncological diseases, it is likely that there will be a need for surgical treatment, which will involve the removal of the tumor. Mastitis will require antibiotic therapy.

In no case do not self-medicate: if you find suspicious symptoms and feel worse, immediately contact a qualified specialist and undergo professional diagnostics.

Familiar to many women. Such pain is the most famous complaint of women during the menstrual cycle. Pain can be seen both in one mammary gland and in two. Sometimes the pain goes away for a few months and then comes back again. Why does the chest ache, what are the reasons for this phenomenon?

Types of pain in the chest

In many cases, pain occurs for some time before menstruation. However, there are reasons for which pain in the mammary glands is completely unrelated to critical days.

Chest pain can be classified into 2 types:

  • Cyclic pain sensations that are completely interconnected with critical days. Usually, aching chest pain can occur in the second half of the cycle, and a few days before menstruation, these sensations can only intensify.
  • Non-cyclical is not associated with critical days, but has completely different reasons.

According to statistics, two out of three women suffer from pain, which are associated with the ongoing processes in the body of a woman during menstruation. And only in one it is the result of the influence of other diseases, injuries, etc.

Cyclic pain

This manifestation of pain is most often observed in women aged thirty to fifty years. Cyclic pain sensations are not fixed in women who are in the period of menopause, when menstruation stops.

Manifestations of pain in the form of minor discomfort some time before critical days are considered normal. Only in some cases, the process is accompanied by a sharp pain that lasts about 7-14 days. The most difficult moment is the period a few days before the onset of menstruation. At this time, a woman may feel her chest aches before menstruation, and sometimes it swells. With the onset of menstruation, the woman's condition returns to normal.

The main cause of pain is hormonal changes, to which the mammary glands are very sensitive. Cyclic pain is not associated with any disease, so they do not require special care. In the event of acute pain, symptoms can be reduced with the help of painkillers (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol) or ointments with an analgesic effect.

Taking contraceptives containing non-natural hormones can aggravate a woman's condition and increase such pain. Some types of drugs to lower blood pressure have a similar effect.

In the case when conventional drugs do not help in reducing pain, the doctor may prescribe special drugs that counteract the release of hormones (Danazol, Tamoxifen). Such treatment can reduce the level of the hormone estrogen, so it should be permanent. Drugs can cause many side effects, and a doctor may prescribe them for acute pain as a last resort.

Non-cyclic types of pain

Pain of this nature can occur constantly or periodically. Pain of this type is not associated with hormonal changes, and most often occurs in women over the age of forty. When a woman’s chest aches, the factors causing this condition may be the following:

  • mastopathy;
  • inflammatory processes, infections;
  • breast cancer;
  • possible structural disorders of the chest;
  • stretching of the chest muscles.

Before the appointment of treatment, a woman undergoes an examination that helps to identify the exact cause of the pain.

Painful and sore breasts during pregnancy

The main cause of pain in the mammary glands during pregnancy is an increase in the volume of glandular cells that will perform the functions of secreting milk.

From the first days of pregnancy, a woman's breasts become sensitive, and in some cases painful. The appearance of pain in the chest and an increase in its size is one of the signs of pregnancy.

All changes that occur in the mammary glands require activation of the blood circulation process. The chest fills with blood, and the tendency to accumulate fluid in the body during pregnancy causes swelling and pain, respectively.

During pregnancy, a common occurrence is chest pain. The mammary gland usually aches for everyone, but these sensations disappear by the end of the first trimester (10-12 weeks). A significant increase and a tingling sensation in the chest of a woman is felt at the 20th week of pregnancy. This is due to the preparation of the mammary glands for the birth of a child and the upcoming lactation. The ongoing processes do not cause severe pain. In the event of such sensations in one breast, a woman should definitely seek help from her gynecologist to exclude processes not related to pregnancy.

What symptoms should a woman see a doctor for?

A woman should make an appointment with a doctor if the following symptoms are present:

  • the feeling that the chest aches persists even after the onset of menstruation;
  • pain in the form of burning and squeezing;
  • pain is localized in one part of the chest;
  • pain does not stop, but intensifies over time;
  • in the chest, in addition to pain, knots or its deformation, redness of the mammary glands, the occurrence of fever are felt;
  • pain in a woman is observed constantly for two weeks;
  • pain interferes with her daily activities, causes insomnia and irritation.

At the doctor

You should consult a doctor in case of persistent pain in the mammary glands. If the doctor does not find any seals, then further examination may not be necessary. For women older than 40, a specialist usually recommends a mammogram. If seals are found during the examination, then in this case a biopsy is performed (study of tissue particles under a microscope).

Treatment will depend entirely on the causes that caused this pain, and the result of the examination. When the chest hurts and aches, such sensations can cause various diseases, one of which is mastopathy.

What it is?

Mastopathy is a disease in which fibrocystic growths form in the breast. According to statistics, about 75-80% of women under the age of 40 have diseases of the mammary glands, united by the common name "mastopathy".

The disease is widespread. In women with mastopathy, the risk of breast cancer increases by 3-5 times.


Hormonal disorders in a woman can occur for the following reasons:

  • disorders in the liver;
  • cessation of feeding the baby with sufficient lactation;
  • irregular sexual relations;
  • ovarian diseases;
  • thyroid disease;
  • stressful situations;
  • pathological condition of the pituitary gland.

All these reasons affect the hormonal background of a woman, which leads to the occurrence of mastopathy. There is no genetic predisposition to it.

An imbalance of hormones is manifested by changes in the level of estrogen and progesterone.

Such an imbalance occurs in all women who have given birth little or not at all. Mastopathy does not appear suddenly, within a few years in the chest, in violation of physiological processes, foci of epithelial tissues arise and grow. They compress the ducts, interfere with the normal outflow of secretion into them and deform the lobules of the mammary glands.

With mastopathy in women, there is a feeling that the chest aches, as well as a feeling of fullness and squeezing in the mammary gland. In addition, nausea, lack of appetite, and abdominal pain may be present. The disease requires constant monitoring by a doctor and systematic treatment.

Why chest aches and how to help yourself?

When the problem occurs constantly before the start of the cycle, then nothing can be done here. You can prepare and purchase underwear, the size of which is designed for an increased breast size. This must be done without fail, because squeezing negatively affects the mammary glands.

If there are suspicions of pregnancy, a woman must definitely contact a gynecologist to refute or confirm her assumptions.

Women should constantly examine their breasts to detect the appearance of lumps or nodules. In case of detection of possible pathologies, it is better to make an appointment with a doctor in order to exclude oncology.

Medicines for such a symptom are not prescribed, so a woman needs to learn to live with it.

All medications should be prescribed by a specialist after examining a woman's breasts and taking into account her condition.

Pain in the chest when pressed is a normal phenomenon that every woman experiences during her life. Such a symptom often accompanies the period before the onset of menstruation - that is, it has a hormonal basis. However, if it is not too soon before the start of the menstrual cycle, and the pain when pressed is significantly disturbing, then there may be other reasons for this. It is worth listening more carefully to your body - perhaps it signals a problem. Pain can occur not only in the region of the mammary glands, but also in the chest as such, which is caused by completely different reasons.

Possible causes of breast pain

Possible reasons why the chest hurts when pressed (one or both) can be:

  1. 1. Contusion of the mammary gland and its squeezing. This happens due to an incorrectly selected bra or when falling.
  2. 2. Hormonal changes before menstruation, during pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause. The reason is the excessive production of progesterone (if we talk about the onset of menstruation and the period of bearing a child) or prolactin (during lactation). You may notice that at this time the mammary gland increases (sometimes quite significantly), which is the cause of the pain, which disappears as soon as the state of hormones returns to a normal state for a woman. With menopause, metabolic processes slow down, and the pain is accompanied by chills, short-term numbness of the fingertips and increased sweating.
  3. 3. Mastopathy. Other symptoms are the discharge of fluid from the nipples, lumps, aching pain. It usually affects both breasts, but such a disease is insidious in that pain may not occur with it. Pain mainly covers the area on the side. If treatment is not started, then the formation develops into a malignant tumor.
  4. 4. Fibroadenoma, in which fluid is secreted from the nipples, and the gland is compacted. Symptoms are a bit similar to mastopathy. Although the disease is difficult to treat, it very rarely develops into oncology.
  5. 5. If a woman is breastfeeding, then the cause is stagnation of milk in the ducts (lactostasis). With this disease, the nipples hurt, and feeding or expressing milk gives the woman discomfort. You can feel small seals in the chest, and the skin over the nipples itself has a red tint due to hyperemia.
  6. 6. Mastitis, or inflammation of the mammary glands. The cause is a staphylococcal infection, E. coli, prolonged lactostasis. All these reasons are most often the result of non-compliance with the rules of hygiene during breastfeeding. Pain is aggravated even with light pressure.
  7. 7. Swelling of the mammary gland. Usually, along with this, the limbs and face swell. May be accompanied by redness and a feeling of fullness in the chest.
  8. 8. Late breast cancer. In the early stages, pain is rare.

Thrombophlebitis of the mammary gland also causes pain. The main symptom is the appearance of nodules in the vessels and veins. Accompanied by swelling, redness, local fever and seals. If at the age of 17 the chest hurts when pressed, then it grows. If it hurts like a bruise, then it may be a benign tumor.

Causes of pain in the chest

If the chest hurts, then the reasons may be different, and they are usually not associated with the mammary gland. These are ailments such as:

  1. 1. Pinched nerve, or intercostal neuralgia. Pain can occur not only in the back or lower back, but also cover the chest area. Pain is aggravated by movement, and it hurts not only when pressing on the chest, but also when inhaling and exhaling. It usually occurs in adolescents due to non-compliance with the norms of correct posture or due to excessive nervous strain.
  2. 2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Additional symptoms are a sharp stabbing pain that radiates behind the sternum, weakening when leaning forward and intensifying in a horizontal position, shortness of breath, chills (pericarditis), or a sharp stabbing pain that disappears when holding the breath and becomes more intense when inhaling (pneumothorax). Angina is characterized by aching pain. Sudden sharp tearing pain indicates an aortic aneurysm, additional symptoms - numbness of the extremities, cottony tongue, darkening in the eyes, sometimes reaching loss of consciousness. With mitral valve prolapse, the pain is acute, additional symptoms include weakness and difficulty breathing. The same symptoms are characteristic of myocarditis.
  3. 3. Osteochondrosis. With this disease, the left side of the chest usually hurts, pain can be given to the arm.
  4. 4. Diseases of the digestive system. As in the case of osteochondrosis, pain appears on the left. With an ulcer, the pain is acute, with pancreatitis and cholecystitis, pain often radiates under the ribs.

With regard to diseases of the respiratory system, pulmonary embolism is characterized by cutting pains on the left, a feeling of lack of oxygen, and chest pains are aggravated by inspiration. With pneumonia, breathing quickens, coughing is characteristic.

Often there is a situation that a woman has pain in the lower chest. To find out the reason, first of all, you should pay attention to underwear. A tight, low-quality bra compresses, worsens blood circulation and causes discomfort. This problem often worries young nursing mothers. The rush of milk makes the breasts larger in size, and the underwear becomes tight and uncomfortable.

In addition, pain in the lower part of the mammary gland may signal the development of mastopathy or another disease. Therefore, if you experience discomfort, pain, tingling, especially if they are present in only one breast, consult a mammologist. Self-medication will only aggravate the problem and start the disease. There are many more factors to which the breast reacts with pain or tenderness.

In the prevailing number of cases of pain in the lower mammary gland, the following causes are caused.

Pregnancy. After conception, under the action of hormones, the processes of preparing the mammary gland for future feeding take place. The number of glandular lobes and milk ducts increases and puts pressure on nearby tissues and nerve endings. This causes discomfort and pain, which is localized in the nipple area, on the sides or at the bottom of the mammary gland.

In the second trimester, the fetus begins to grow actively, the abdomen increases, the first stretch marks appear. At this time, a woman may feel discomfort in the ribs and chest. But you should not worry, it is better to be patient a little while the baby grows up and the stomach drops down, which will alleviate the condition. This happens around the 39th week of pregnancy. If the pain is constant, intense and does not subside for a long time, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

On the eve of menstruation. Breast soreness before menstruation is experienced by many women of reproductive age. It happens that it is impossible to touch her or put on underwear. Discomfort begins on days 14-16 of the cycle and may not stop until the onset of spotting. Such pain is called cyclical and occurs against the background of hormonal changes. After ovulation, there is a jump in the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for preparing the body for a possible conception.

The mammary gland swells, it hurts, the nipples become sensitive. This is a natural process that does not require treatment. High-quality natural underwear, taking vitamins, regular exercise to strengthen the pectoral muscles will help alleviate the condition. Often, doctors, given complaints of soreness and sensitivity of the breast, diagnose mastodynia. This condition does not pose a danger to the health of a woman and does not affect future pregnancy or lactation, and with the implementation of the recommendations of a mammologist, it is easily eliminated. With mastodynia, the lower chest can pull, tingle or squeeze.

Feeding. Breast pain in a nursing mother should alert. Basically, it is the result of improper attachment of the baby or a tight bra, but sometimes it indicates the formation of milk stagnation (lactostasis).

Due to poor breast care, trauma, hypothermia, and many other reasons, the milk ducts become blocked, and a painful induration occurs. If it is not eliminated in time by frequent application of the baby or massage, then a more dangerous disease may develop - mastitis, which is accompanied by fever, redness of the mammary gland and severe pain. Mastitis can develop in any part of the breast, including the lower one.

To avoid illness, you need to follow the recommendations for feeding:

  • correctly apply the child (make sure that he captures the entire areola, and not just the nipple);
  • alternate breasts during feeding (avoid stagnation of milk in one of them);
  • do not injure or squeeze it with tight underwear;
  • do not make long intervals between feedings;
  • during the completion of breastfeeding, the baby should be weaned gradually;
  • do not overcool the mammary gland.

In case of mastitis, you should immediately consult a doctor to prescribe treatment. In advanced stages, an infectious process may join and an operation will be required.

Mastopathy. The disease is characterized by the appearance of benign neoplasms in the mammary gland of a different nature. There is diffuse and nodular mastopathy. It often occurs due to hormonal imbalance. With a nodular chest, pea-shaped seals are well felt, which can be located both in the upper and lower parts. They are characterized by severe pain that radiates to the shoulder or armpit. Sometimes there is a discharge from the nipples of a cloudy or clear liquid. In the early stages, mastopathy is easily eliminated by conservative treatment; in advanced forms, a malignant tumor may develop against its background.

Uncomfortable underwear. Proper care, in particular, well-chosen underwear, can save the breast from many troubles. In cold and warm seasons, it is better to give preference to natural fabrics. They allow the skin to breathe, which reduces sweating and the likelihood of developing diaper rash. It is important to choose a bra according to size. If during pregnancy or lactation the mammary gland is growing rapidly, you need several of them, and it is better to buy special ones for nursing mothers. Linen should not be too tight and should not be loose. The main function is to maintain the mammary gland. A good bra will not only protect against possible diseases, but also take care of the beauty of the breast, keeping it elastic and preventing sagging.

Pain under the breast

Unpleasant sensations under the breasts are just a symptom that indicates many diseases.

If the pain is intense and increases with inspiration, this may signal the development of an inflammatory process in the lungs or intercostal neuralgia.

Sometimes the cause of soreness is an injury or bruise, even minor ones. During sports activities, physical labor, active games, situations often arise when a blow is struck in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland or chest compression occurs.

Pain under the breast also indicates a violation of the activity of internal organs. Therefore, if she worries for a long time, you need to contact a therapist or gastroenterologist. Cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis, ulcers, diseases of the esophagus and even stomach cancer are accompanied by pain that can radiate under the mammary gland.

Often women ignore the discomfort in the lower chest and make a serious mistake. It is better to visit a doctor and make sure that the discomfort is caused by physiological changes during pregnancy or before menstruation.

After all, there are times when a slight tingling or sensitivity hides serious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs or the development of neoplasms. This is especially true for women who plan to become mothers in the future or are already carrying a child under their hearts. Attentive attitude to your health will allow you to protect yourself and your baby from unpleasant ailments.

Many women are familiar with extremely unpleasant sensations, pains before menstruation in the chest. During this period, the chest swells significantly, it is impossible to sleep on the stomach, the bra seems uncomfortable and tight. And for many women, all sorts of bad thoughts instantly creep into their heads: “The chest hurts - what if this is ...?”.

However, often the cause of such chest pain is a common disease called mastopathy. Just don’t self-diagnose yourself and, of course, you don’t need to take any drugs. Only a mammologist-oncologist can establish the true cause of chest pain and indicate the appropriate treatment after the examination.

Why does my chest hurt

The most common cause that causes chest pain is a banal hormonal change in the body during menstruation. There is absolutely nothing wrong with regular changes in hormonal levels in women. But, they can, nevertheless, lead to the development of mastopathy, that is, to benign changes that are associated with breast tissue. In our time, mastopathy has become a very common disease. According to statistics, about sixty to eighty percent of women suffer from it, and most of them are between the ages of twenty-five and forty-five. The main signs of this disease are seals in the chest and, accordingly, pain.

The second most common cause of chest pain is mechanical damage to the mammary gland. Pain may appear due to a strong blow, due to strong squeezing of the chest or compression. This can be easily avoided by wearing a supportive quality bra. It is recommended to pay special attention to this issue, because the chest is a fragile mechanism, and by purchasing comfortable “clothes” for it, you will get rid of many unpleasant cases.

Another significant cause of chest pain can be pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, chest pains are possible due to insufficiently frequent sexual life.

Possible causes (in women)

In general, pain or excessive sensitivity of the breast can be triggered by so many reasons:

  • changes in hormonal levels during menstruation;
  • retention in the body of excess fluid, which happens during menstruation;
  • mechanical damage to the chest;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • various infection;
  • dangerous disease breast cancer.

Diseases during which chest pain may occur:

  • 1 Dysplasia (benign) of the mammary gland and mastopathy.
  • 2 Various inflammatory diseases of the mammary gland, for example, lactational mastitis.
  • 3 Hypertrophy disease.
  • 4 Some formations in the chest.
  • 5 Other diseases.

Most women, having discovered some kind of seal in the mammary glands, instantly decide that they definitely have a cancer disease, and go to the doctor. Of course, a medical examination is, of course, the right and competent decision, but you should not immediately panic. It is absolutely not necessary that induration and pain indicate the presence of a malignant tumor.

What to do?

Seals in the chest are painless, and their size can be either the size of a pea or occupy the entire gland. To get an earlier diagnosis of tumor processes, women should learn how to correctly examine their mammary glands. A self-examination should be carried out at least once a month. This is best done in front of a mirror. Pay attention to the size and any changes in the shape of the breast. The condition of the skin, changes in color, the presence of a rash, the shape of the nipples are examined. Next, you need to feel the chest: you should start with the left gland, it is convenient to do this in a prone position. Feeling is carried out with the fingertips clockwise, and not only the chest itself, but also the armpit, as well as the clavicular region. In the event that an increase in lymph nodes, discharge from the nipples, indurations, it is better to immediately go to the doctor. Early detection of the disease, at the first stage, makes it possible for the doctor to carry out more successful surgical treatment, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The probability of curing the dangerous disease cancer, at this stage, is much higher than in the third and fourth stages. Regular examinations will help get rid of the disease much faster.

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